Topic: a Heart-Centered God
Kat Knowflake Posts: 965 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted October 16, 2004 04:10 PM
Hi all, I've been experiencing alot of "heady" intellectual views on God my whole life. Though my spiritual views of God have evolved through the years, there still seems to be this objective - written/verbal explanations of God, reality, life, etc. Not to sound sexist, but it seems to be a male dominate view of God rather than a more gentle heart-centered view. Though my views are now more New Though - there is now the discussions revolving around mass consciousness and quantum physics...Me being the "heady" person that I am, I get sucked into the discussions, debates, and other rational views that are presented to me so that I could better discover what I find to be my personal truth. This is good on one hand, but yet it's cold and really has nothing to do with having a personal relationship with God ( and I do not mean this in Christian terms, but my own personal way.)This intellectualizing has nothing to do with the purpose that I have been gifted with this life. It's almost as if this rationalizing of God is a deterrant from actually co-creating with God. It's also unbalanced. It's rare that I ever hear a sermon, lecture, etc. that someone uses personal experience.( Read Gift of the Red Bird by Paula D'Arcy and you'll see what I mean.) I hear conversations with "You" and "we". It's preachy and doesn't say - here is my personal truth, this is my story. I'm guilty of this, I admit it. What I'd like to here from you is your personal truths in how you have lived a more heart-centered life. Perhaps you have a poem, I'd be interested in, maybe you dance or drum. What do you do to get out of your head and into the core of living on the earth? What moves you to a higher state of being --a deeper connection to God, your life? I hope that you understand what I am referring to by " heart-centered." and will attract the type of responses that fulfill this need I am searching for. Can this topic blossom without rationalizing God? Let's seeIP: Logged |
coldiron Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 16, 2004 04:44 PM
What a lovely idea. Thanks, Kat, you're a sweetheart.Well, speaking for myself, I try to do anything that seems reaonable in the way of acts of love and support at any opportunity. There are many things that, it seems to me, open my heart to God. From being woken by the Sun on my face like a Lover's breath to zikr to working with others (in any sense). In fact, most days it's danged hard to move for opportunities to co-create or Serve or to simply marvel at the blessing of being alive in Creation. Well, now, that will be enough of that for the moment :-) IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 17, 2004 01:17 AM
Hi Kat, I totally understand where you are coming from. But why would anyone scream at the top of the building, about their personal truths. Thats an intrusion of privacy. You know what I mean. I wish there were anonymous groups , web chats or face to face where anyone can discuss anything without disclosing identities, affiliations. But everytime we humans come together bonding always develops. As for my personal relationship with God, it started since I was seven and it never stopped. I would have gone astray but not for long. He called me back. I was born in a poor family. It was a blessing. I was privileged to have a very masculine dad who was in to wrestling and Reagan type concerning woman. I could feel the love of the Father God in him. My mothers tender care revealed to me the nature of the Mother-God. And of course I am full of love and trying to identify myself with Jesus. Its a continuing Journey. There was a time when even the Sun came I would be in my bed. But now, the moment the Sun rises, I could feel a strong presense surrounding me. Nature telling me to wake up. After a deep sleep with no dreams it feels so great. Its only in the twilight zone that is the stage between wake and deep sleep that images flock my mind. I do not understand the difference between Hallucination and dream in that time. PEACE.
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Heart&Soul Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 17, 2004 12:15 PM
Hi Kat  I've been through so many beginnings and endings only to begin again it seems. Dying and being reborn again and again (spiritually). Experiencing life, in all of its joy and pain has been the most tranformative influence to me. Rejection, abandonment......although painful to experience have opened me to the truth that the warmth that I seek from others cannot be relied on and so I must go within to my own source of warmth. (am I connecting to God? I dont' know. It seems that way.) Giving when and where I can, regardless of the fear of rejection. Not letting painful experience and disappointment harden my heart, for all the temptation to close off from others to protect myself from further hurt. Cherishing the beautiful gifts that have been bestowed to me. Not taking any beauty that surrounds me for granted. Living life with no a challenge for sure. But it seems to open oneself to suprise more.....and when beauty happens that's even more splendid to behold. 
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miss_apples Knowflake Posts: 632 From: white bear lake, MN, USA Registered: Oct 2004
posted October 19, 2004 12:37 PM
Here is my personal understanding of God. Out of everything Ive read about God in many different is what makes sense to me. To me God is a genderless, formless energy that can manifest itself in many forms. This explains to me why there are so many different Gods and Goddesses that have appeared throughout the world...because God will appear to a person in whatever their ideal God looks like. I sincerly feel that my God is completly love-based. When I hear people preach about an angry, jealous, and vengeful God I get pretty upset because I feel that if God is perfect...then he is not angry, jealous, and vengeful. I have been able to communicate with my spirit guides since I was a toddler. Everytime I would ask my guides about religion growing up, they would never awnser me. I have went through many faiths from Christianity, to Agnosticism, to Paganism...and I thought it odd that my guides never really cared when I changed faiths. It wasnt until recently that it dawned on me how much a like all the religions of the world are...even athieism. So I said to my head spirit guide "It doesnt matter what religion you are...all religions are working towards the same goal and all religions have their own way of paying respects to God...even if you dont believe in God at all." She just gave me a warm smile. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 19, 2004 03:14 PM
Hi Miss apples, I liked your point about God appears in a form that you desire. That being said, why would Jesus lets say who is blue eyed appear to a group of fisherman. And after the resurrection (which is unique to Christianity too hmmm...let me think about that, I thought Buddha also dissapeared in to the nature. Anyway the point is after resurrection, why did he ask his disciples to spread the gospel to every nation, all ends of the world. Why will brown men be follow a blue eyed God? Why did he ask Thomas to go to India when India did have so many God and Godesses. Is it to awaken all the idol worshippers there??? This cannot be because Peters Rome itself worships crufifixes and statutes of the Lord. It does add to the confusion doesn't it.
Well its a seperate topic by itself. Anyway I thougth I would share my concerns with you. Wish I had a spirit guide  Regards IP: Logged |
miss_apples Knowflake Posts: 632 From: white bear lake, MN, USA Registered: Oct 2004
posted October 19, 2004 04:19 PM
iamthat, you do have spiritguides...everyone does, many of them. However...that is another topic lol.IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 19, 2004 04:24 PM Wanna chat miss_apples IP: Logged |
Kat Knowflake Posts: 965 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted October 19, 2004 06:03 PM
Thanks "I am that" for recognizing that your discussion with miss_apples is a different topic. It is rationalizing/analyzing God - the discussion I'm trying to see if we can avoid in this particular topic. I appreciate your awareness of this.Coldiron- I love the simple awareness - gratitude for the sun being on your face in the morning. Thanks for the thought. Gratitude works wonders. Anyway... I went to a workshop led by Jean Houston and she mentioned how certain tribal groups would dance/move to their prayers or desired wishes. Say I have a personal issue I'd like to figure out, I can visualize my desired end result using all my senses - touch, sound, visual, smell... Then when I'm done, I then dance move in celebration knowing that all will be resolved.I haven't tried this since the workshop, but I've done similar "celebrations" that were wonderful. IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted October 19, 2004 06:29 PM
Hi Kat!You're very interesting - I like your topic initiation. I have so many internal 'feelings' I try and expose through my thoughts and actions on my idea of 'God'. It's lengthy, but the feelings expressed seem to migrate in the responses here. I'm about to make tracks for bed so won't go into it right now or you won't make head or tail of it! Now this I love too; quote: I can visualize my desired end result using all my senses - touch, sound, visual, smell... Then when I'm done, I then dance move in celebration knowing that all will be resolved.
How amazing! I never knowingly thought of this procedure before  Thanks for the info on Jean Houston I always learn new stuff on LL ------------------ "Love, not learning finds the way, Opens the eyes to the Doors of the Day, Uncovers the wonders of undreamed sights, And leads the way to the Wisdom Lights." Kyril Demys (Musaios) Prismatic Voices IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 19, 2004 09:57 PM
Kat, Thanks for the reminder. Well I have to contribute something to this post now. Please let me know if this is not appropriate too. I felt the Natural way was more heart-felt that you desired. The text mentions five rational arguments (and one scriptural) that imply the existence of God: Cosmological, Teleological, Moral, Ontological, Religious, and Scriptural. All of these, however, without God's enlightenment, will not lead to a saving and abundant knowledge of God. According to the Bible there are really only two ways of knowing God: Natural and spiritual revelation. A. Natural (or General) Revelation: "The heavens declare" certain facts about God, but not others. Reveals God as Creator, but not as Redeemer (Acts 14:17; 17:27, Psalm 19: 1 - 3). It especially reveals nothing about the Good News of Christ Jesus. B. Spiritual (or Revealed) Revelation: Reveals God as Redeemer, not just Creator. "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hasn't revealed it unto you, but my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 16:17)
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Kat Knowflake Posts: 965 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted October 23, 2004 12:12 PM
Thanks Sheaa Olein, your post was wonderful in helping me realize that this new path I'm exploring is absolutely right for me now. Love is so incredible and we so frequently push it aside. Today is a beautiful day and I think after I'm finished writing I'll head outside and enjoy.I am that-- I feel your desire to understand what I'm trying to do in this topic and congratulate you. I noticed that your a software engineer and that explains it all! I'm trying to live my life less from any book I've read, and ABC choice or linear thinking, any rationalization but from loving actions. Trust me I'm as heady as you are. Neither your A or B relates to this path because logic, intellect or anything of that nature has no purpose. I really suggest reading THE GIFT OF THE RED BIRD BY Paula D'Arcy. Reread the line by Sheaa Olein "Love, not learning finds the way,..." over and over daily. This may seem odd to you but I've finally resolved that if I don't start exploring this path and stay on the rational path that my life will be less rich, considerably shorter, and my relationship with God and people will be undeveloped. It's about balancing my life. IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted October 23, 2004 02:30 PM
Honey that sounds great! You sound so bouncy and full of life  I hope you have a beautiful time today and everything levels out for you on your new path  ------------------ "We see everything through a glass, darkly. Sometimes we can peer through the glass and catch a glimpse of what is on the other side. If we were to polish the glass clean, we'd see much more. But then we would no longer see ourselves." From 'Deep Quotes' IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 23, 2004 02:46 PM
Hi Kat, Sure I will explore that book.Have you read Mary's post. I haven't seen your feedback. May be it was intentional. Especially the "Game of Life and how to Play it". It talks about imagining you already have what you want and then you actually get it. Would certainly would love to know, what are your thoughts on it. Also, some of the writings are not mans thoughts they are actually divinely inspired. Especially if you know that a spark of God is also in everyone. So do not completely abandon learning. One last thing. It is possible for some one to be filled with Gods love , and far advanced in the christ consciousness , who have not A and B as noted in last post above by me, and are neither in rapport with the Holy spirit(the great teacher and guider). I am not saying you are that person. But you are in my point of view seeking one of the three conciousness. Hope you achieve what you sought in your Journey. PEACE
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sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 24, 2004 08:25 PM
Hello Kat, I'm afraid I can't really contribute to this post as I am still in the Rational phase. But now, IO have to disagree regarding "logic, intellect or anything of that nature has no purpose." My purpose for now is to build a solid foundation of understanding that Love is all, in order that I may move into the Experiencing of Love is All. To me, rationalisation is basically realisation. The Intellect is the tool of our mind to find out soul and to use our body for higher purposes. Everything in ALL of Nature has a purpose. I'm sorry if I've clouded this thread with "logic" but I have to say this. I am rationality moving towards reality.As to your question: "What moves you to a higher state of being --a deeper connection to God, your life?" For now its learning and tying things together. As I said, I am building a foundation whereby hopefully I will be supported in my evolution throughout life. I do not want to regress. So God is allowing me the lessons I need to understand Who I Am, and Who I Want to Be. I'm so sorry if I ruined this thread  Heaps of Love, Dean. IP: Logged |
Kat Knowflake Posts: 965 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted October 25, 2004 06:25 PM
Don't worry Dean this thread hasn't taken off in the direction that I hoped it would. IAT - I'll get to your comment in a bit. I agree that I was incorrect in saying that intellect has no purpose. I reread my post and realized that it did not fully express my intentions. What I meant is that coming from a heart perspective the intellect is not necessary. You do not need to rationalize to love someone.Basically, I believe in life, we need to have a balance of intellect and emotion - the result is wisdom. I also believe that in order to "birth" great acts, we need to come from both states of being.A good example of not rationalizing/intellectualizing love/everything is the movie FOREST GUMP, here Tom Hanks plays the archetype of "village idiot" Horrible things happen to him, yet he remains positive, doesn't dwell in the past, and accepts everything with Grace and an incredible wide-eyed enthusiasm. His life flourished.The problem that I've encountered is that I over-rationalize something rather than do something with full faith that my best interests will be fulfilled. Forrest did not question things or events failing. His ability to love and forgive was tremendous - who among us would have fully embraced Jenny (I think that was her name) she was a drug addict, highly troubled, took him into a Black Panther meeting, had AIDS, etc. Yet he married her. I can think of all the things my intellect would be saying if I met a guy like this -- run! He even made Dan his partner though he treated him badly. He healed from his heart not his intellectual perspective of the matter. The only thing we really need to learn is how to love.IAT - Yes I have read the game of life long ago and have I'll have to look at it again in order to refresh my memory.Offhand one problem with "manifestation" is that it can be used for purely ego purposes, but we convince ourselves tat it is for the higher good. I must say that we differ on views about the bible. My take is that it was written by man and inheritantly runs the risk of being changed by humans that have their own agenda of what they feel is "right". I'm not saying that it is invalid - it holds many truths along with some other stuff which is not truth. It's like concrete it has stones of truth which are adhered together, so you have to fish out what the stones of truth are. I do not believe the bible is solid rock.God is revealed in many ways - one of which is nature and I tend to trust that more than what's written and adapted over the centuries. People say one thing, but then do otherwise. Since I firmly believe the bible has been tainted - I look for truth in creation.I also find truth from trying on a concept and seeing whether it is scientifically, psychologically, sound. Whether it comes from a place of love, or go and if it is universally or personnally consistant. Whether I'm one of the "three" states of concsiousness doesn't matter to me. At this point in my life if I were to die; I'd have a boring funeral and hardly anyone would show up. I more concerned with turning that around. To everyone else that is reading this: I've recently started writing 10 things that I grateful for each day until Thanksgiving. Join me. 1. spring blooms that show up in Autumn. 2. Deer at the side of the road. 3. Fuzzy sweaters. 4. That lady who complimented my on my hat when I was feeling down 5. Captain my sister's dog who's wild about me. 6. Chocolate. 7. Clean lakes 8. golden sunlight in the morning now that the mornings are dark. 9. the extra hour we get due to daylight savings. 10. my father because I now know he cares though he has trouble showing it. IP: Logged |
Kat Knowflake Posts: 965 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted October 25, 2004 06:45 PM
Sheaa Thanks for the quote. If we are all vessels or glasses holding "God source" The clearer our glass the more God shines through. Some of us are colored glasses and add a nice color to what's inside of us, others solid, some shiny and they reflect the color of another glass but not their own, others are solid black and absorb all the light. Yet inside we still all have the "God source" inside all of us and are therfore interconnected.IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Knowflake Posts: 1337 From: Northeast Ohio Registered: Sep 2002
posted October 25, 2004 07:17 PM
I just wanted to say that I always enjoy your posts Kat.  I'm not feeling able to express myself lately (unless I'm angry ~ I've got to change that), but I'll add ten things I'm grateful for. 1) Hot showers/baths 2) The warm quilt on my bed, plus pillows and flannel sheets 3) My family and pets 4) Stew 5) The blazing autumn colours 6) Tea 7) Pumpkins/Halloween 8) Electricity, providing light and warmth (you could put candles and a fire in the fireplace there, but they sometimes worry me) 9) Old friends and new 10) Books I also love to watch the birds flying south for the winter ~ that excitement and the flurry of activity makes me smile; a little sad too. Angela IP: Logged |
sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 25, 2004 08:35 PM
Thanks for the elaboration (not that you needed to). I love the glass analogy. We need to clean our selves in order to allow the light to pour out. There's really so many useful ways of using that analogy.I'm gonna try the list: 10 things I'm Greatful (wrong spelling, but why?) for are: 1. Fridays 2. Saturdays 3. The Beach 4. The future 5. Hope 6. God 7. Life 8. Music 9. Magic 10. God You know, that's pretty hard. I really just enjoy the Beach and thinking of the day that we get to have a house and children. I'm sort of waiting pateiently for that. Heaps of Love, Dean. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 25, 2004 09:09 PM
Dear Kat, quote:
Must say that we differ on views about the Bible.
No we dont differ really. I like you believe in the truth after finding the right stones. My above quotes were literal interlaced with my opinion. Your example of Forrest Gump was clear and I now know the responses you needed. Its so funny, I am so used to this expression that someone had to wake me up to remind what it was. My father who I told you about, had the best heart in the world Just exagerrating. He was a handsome hunk in college and when he was 30 he married my mom who is a dark beauty. I could never understand how could such a fair skinned guy marry a woman who is so dark. I knew how big my Dad's heart is. He was 65 when he died but I swear he didn't look at any woman with Lust. Also once he saw a 4 day old puppy at his office. My dad brought this puppy home. He was like a seventh member in the family. He would cuddle and sleep close to my sister. He was like a second brother for them  You will not believe it, this puppy was so beautiful when he grew. Most of my neighbors envied us and went on their own and brought pets from shops. It just caught like wildfire. Also whenever I dated, intelligence was a big turn on. But at the end of day what mattered was not agreement in mind, but harmony in heart. So I settled with a heart-centered spouse. And the 10 things I am grateful about: 1. My brand new car 2. Beautiful falls, clear skies 3. Sunday at Church 4. Just waking upto a new day -- message of hope 5. My italian leather jacket 6. Beautiful dreams. 7. Sis's in town 8. The newly developed Philantrophy wings on my sides 9. Love for all life 10. Jesus - my role model MORE LATER. PEACE.
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sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 25, 2004 10:20 PM
Isn't it cool how much you learn from someone in this exercise? IAT, is we can include material things, then I have to say I am VERY happy about a new MP3 CD player I bought yesterday for my 97 Camry (which I also love). One speaker went faulty, so I had new ones installed as well. Now, it's absolutely beautiful! The progression from tape players for the last four years to good speakers and an MP3 player is awesome! Also, I used to drive an 83 Corona so the Camry was an awesome jump.One last thing. I'm Grateful for Pearl Jam. Keep on Rockin' Eddie! Dean. IP: Logged |
sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 25, 2004 10:22 PM
That was the first thing I did - I copied all my Pearl Jam sonngs onto one CD - I had to reject a fwe live ones, but every albumns on there. It truly is a blessed thing  Dean. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 25, 2004 10:50 PM
Dear Sesame, I could sense that you have a magical hand  2 years ago I stole MP3 songs from Web and burnt on a CD. Its a mixed popular collection. And I cherish it too. But that was the last time I ever did that, cause I didn't wanted artists to lose money  These days, I am listening to XM. It came preinstalled in the car. Costs 10 bucks a month. But its worth it. You can go anywhere in USA and still have 200 channels including, cnn, direct from satellite. PEACE.
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sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 26, 2004 12:10 AM
Wow, over here we have like 5 channels. Magical hand? Are you, perhaps, referring to my many typos and general spelling mistakes? As a programmer you must agree English is the hardest language In fact, did you know the ancient language used by some central American tribes could be used to decipher ALL other languages? I don't know if this is fact, and can't remember what the language is, but I *think* I read it in "Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock.  Dean. IP: Logged |
sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 26, 2004 12:14 AM
BTW, what do you drive?I think Kat's gonna slap us when she realises what we did with her thread... But, as they say, when the Kat's away, mice will play  Dean. IP: Logged | |