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  Svali- EXTREMELY important information

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posted December 23, 2008 12:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
See full interview here:

Public's Denial Mechanism

"The evidence is there, but in my opinion, the average person does NOT want to know, and even when confronted with it, will look the other way.

The Franklin case is a point. How much evidence has come out? Or the MK-Ultra documents that have been declassified, shown as real, and people ignore it.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox. But I believe that the media that downplays ritual abuse is feeding into a deep need in the average person to NOT know the reality. In fact, how can a person face the fact of great evil in mankind, unless they have either a strong faith in God, or are faced with insurmountable evidence? We as human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst, IMHO.

I really don't believe people will do anything about the Illuminati even if they know. Sorry for the cynicism, but it is based on a lifetime of experience.

The Illuminists don't care who prints this stuff, or if they are "exposed" because they are counting on the majority not believing it, having done a pretty good job with a media blitz campaign (seen any articles in Newsweek or Time lately that addresses this other than as a laughable conspiracy theory? Guess who owns Time-Warner?).

I have heard them laughing about this very thing in leadership meetings five years ago, and I doubt their attitude has changed much since then. If people DID believe this, if action could be taken, then I would be very surprised and quite happy."

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"
~Albert Einstein

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posted December 23, 2008 03:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do the Illuminati have "free will"?

I was just thinking tonight.....about the child abuse Svali and others have described in their testimonies. Most of us could never comprehend what it would have been like to be in their shoes, or go through those kind of how they traumatize you and train/ force you to kill from an extremely young age (the age of 2 according to Svali).

No wonder these people's minds are so totally and utterly messed up.....perhaps this kind of trauma just shatters the human mind in many ways.

Not only are they put through this, but they later undergo occult rituals to have entities possess them. Now if an entity possesses someone then the soul of that person is being controlled by that entity sometimes.

Yes, these people are completely sick......but perhaps.....and please do not get me wrong because I have not made my mind up about it yet.....but perhaps they are not much more than mind-controlled robots.......puppets.

Perhaps hate is futile.

I don't know.

Just sharing some thoughts I had this evening.

I suppose this brings us onto another human beings have free will? Perhaps. In as much as we can still hear the voice of our own conscience through our hearts. Sometimes there is to much distraction in our lives and our physical minds to be able to hear our own hearts.

And if a person can hear the voice of their own conscience/ heart, then the way I see it, it is impossible not to do good. Perhaps by making some of the wrong decisions in life we stop hearing that voice so well....becoming slaves to the illusion of this world, that we are separate and that "survival of the fittest" is the natural way that things should be. I don't believe it is natural. I think it's simply a product of the particular dimension in which we live.

Perhaps we are hear to simply experience "good" and "evil".
The only way to fully experience it would be to forget who we truly are.

Infinite love is the only truth.....everything else is illusion....For God's sake.....for our sake's.....let us allow ourselves to open our hearts and love more. Love is all we need.

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posted December 31, 2008 12:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
By: Henry Makow Ph.D.
http://educate-yourself. org

"Thrust in your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
" Revelations 14:15/

Harvest insanityThe world may soon resemble Jonestown if a sick Illuminati plan to "harvest" souls in 2012 comes to pass. For a week in October, a person claiming to be a "generational member of a Ruling Bloodline family" answered questions on abovetopsecret forum.

http://www. abovetopsecret. com/forum/thread402958/pg1

Using the moniker "Hidden Hand," he gave a convincing explanation of the demented Cabalistic beliefs motivating the Illuminati. He described how they find this world Consciousness ("Third Density") to be "very constricting and uncomfortable" and want to be united again with Lucifer ("the One," the "Creator.") This will require them to stage an apocalyptic human sacrifice ("harvest of souls") in 2012.

The background according to "Hidden Hand" is this: Yahweh had been running a "benign dictatorship" in the Garden of Eden. He made a pact with the Luciferians (Illuminati) to introduce evil into the world, so man will have Free Will to choose between right and wrong, and thus evolve spiritually. Yahweh didn't expect man would choose evil. As result, the Illuminati rule the world but now find it a tedious place. They intend to create the intense evil (selfishness, "negative polarity") required for them to rendezvous with their spaceship, as it were. Remember, this is an insane satanic cult which just happens to dominate the planet.

At the "Harvest" evolved souls will enter the "Fourth Density" with the Illuminati and enjoy a "Golden Age," while everyone else's soul will be transported to a "replica earth" where they will continue to "work on themselves." The scenario is reminiscent of the "Left Behind" series where Christians suddenly disappear into heaven, and non-believers are left behind to face the Tribulation. I don't think this is a coincidence.


In an excerpt from over 60 pages, "Hidden Hand" says:

"Yes, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as Nibiru. Read up on the Mayan Prophesies and Calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual Galactic and Universal Cycles work.

"There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches. You will see wind speeds surpassing 300 miles per hour at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation; and a solar emission in late 2009 early 2010 that will cause major melting of the ice caps, and subsequent drastic rise in sea levels, leaving many (international) metropolitan areas underwater....San Francisco and Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly even sooner. Again, it depends upon certain 'forces' at play, and which time lines are activated. Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.

Decide for yourself whether this information is valid. It fits into the puzzle picture I have assembled about a long-term Cabalist plan to deliberately fulfill prophesy and initiate an apocalypse.

For example,"Historian Demands Action on Powerful Doomsday Cults," http://www. savethemales. ca/historian_demands_action_on_do. html

"What Every Jew and Non-Jew Should Know," http://www. savethemales. ca/002089. html

"Independent Historian Unveils Cabala Conspiracy," http://www. savethemales. ca/002159. html

and "Illuminati Rebel Issues Dire Warning.
" http://www. savethemales. ca/001870. html

"Hidden Hand" explains:

"The End of this [26,000 year] Cycle, heralds literally, a New World Age, and a New Creation. A new Heaven, and a new Earth, and is the time of the Great Harvest. Smaller Cycles yield a Harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great Cycles yield a Great Harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd Density. See it as a kind of 'Cosmic jet wash' and deep clean, while the planet takes a rest and regenerates herself.. When this Life-Cycle Ends, "All things will pass away, and All things shall be made new".

"So, December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of a sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date. The 26,000 year cycle is composed of 5 lesser cycles, each of which are 5,125 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own World Age or Creation Cycle. Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun.

"If we do not have a Negative Harvest, we are bound with you for another cycle....We need a Negative Harvest, so that we can create our 4th Density Earth, and clear our Karmic Record..."


"Hidden Hand" says the Illuminati create "War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more," for our own good.

"In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important. We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them. You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game.

"Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.

Just so there is no doubt whom the Illuminati worship: "Our Creator, is the one you refer to as 'Lucifer', "The Light Bearer" and "Bright and Morning Star". Our Creator is not "The Devil" as he has been spuriously portrayed in your bible. Lucifer is what you would call a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex", which has evolved to the level of the Sixth Density, which in effect, means that he (or more accurately "'we") has evolved to a level sufficient that he (we) has attained a status equal or arguably 'greater' than that of Yahweh (we have evolved higher than him). In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being'.

"Hidden Hand" says the media plays a major role in creating the negative meme and making us unwitting collaborators.

"Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose.


The Illuminati dogma is pure Cabalism (Occultism) which sees chaos and destruction as a prerequisite to change. The Creator as "sparks" trapped in our bodies which requires that the world be smashed in order to release Him.
"Hidden Hand" tells forum members:

"You are indeed what you call "Divine Souls"; you are sparks or seeds of The One Infinite Creator. You are Life Itself (Light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this) and yes, currently, you are trapped (or more accurately "Quarantined") within the 'matter' of this planet you call Earth.

"You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the 'offspring' or individuations of his Group Soul (or Social Memory Complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The 'Karmic' effect of his imprisoning us in his Astral Planes, also has an impact upon you. I cannot be more specific on this, without impinging on the Law of Confusion. You must work it out for yourselves.

For an evil do-er, "Hidden Hand" spent most of his time coaching forum members on avoiding the Illuminati traps and listening to their "inner voice" so they will be released from the wheel of reincarnation during the "Great Harvest.

"You will never be 'free', for as long as you are incarnating on this planet. The very nature of your being here, is indication of that. There is a reason why you are here, and 'here' is very likely not really where you think 'here' is. How do you become free? By working out where you are, and coming to an understanding, of why you are here. You are fast running out of time to do so, before the coming Harvest. Those that don't make it, will have to repeat the cycle.

By the end of the week, most of the forum members are eating out of the guru's hidden hand. The exceptions are, ironically, a "lower level mason" who accuses him of rehashing New Age Theology. The guru acknowledges that the "Ra Material" ("the Law of One") are 85-90% accurate. He says the "Ra Material" is "very similar to the knowledge my Family has, and have passed down for many many generations.
http://www. lawofone. info/

A Christian reader correctly sees "an elaborate ruse to 'make the devil look good.' I don't think there are many conservative Christians that would be able see the difference between the biblical Lucifer and the Lucifer you purport to be a part of.

But she asks for his advice in overcoming this obstacle.


"Hidden Hand" claims to belong to one of 13 Bloodlines that have ruled the world from the dawn of time. They are "Houses" performing functions like organs in a body, which is the "Family" united in the common cause. They all have an area of specialty: Military, Government, Spiritual, Scholarship, Leadership, and Sciences. They hold key positions in all of these main areas.
With the addition of a complicit Media machine and
ownership of Financial establishments, all bases are covered.

Writing in Oct, he said a certain faction wanted to call off the US election. "If nothing happens to Obama, he will win. Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of our Creator" [i.e. Lucifer.

He says he is only a "regional" leader (as opposed to national or international) but his information is that, barring "unforeseen disruptions" there will be "a new currency by the end of 2008 / early 2009, along with a new Union of nations. January has been spoken of in some circles, as the latest, though there are plans underway which could even bring this to fruition much earlier than initially hoped for. It depends upon the results of other upcoming events as to how this will play out.

Asked if "911" was the creation of a "star gate," he replied, "No, it was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so-called 'War on Terror'.

He confirms that "Svali" was "a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture.

Svali http://www. savethemales. ca/141002. html

He says the Rothschilds etc. belong to "earth-based" bloodlines.

"The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job. But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims".


"Starting at the bottom level, you have what we call "Local Cell Groups" or "Family Clusters". There will be anything from say five to thirty or so of these, depending upon the size of the town or city in question. Each Local area has it's own Council, comprised of Local Leaders representing the Six Disciplines of learning. There is also either a High Priest or High Priestess of The Order, who Serves their local community.

"Above this, you have the Regional Council, with the Leader of each Local Council representing their specific areas. Then the National Council, in the same vein, with the Leaders of the Regional Councils sitting to represent their Regions.

"Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries. Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the "Hidden Hands.

"Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet.) The Supreme World Council, only know as much as is "Handed" down to them from us.

"In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely 'different' types of communities than you would understand. All I shall say is that we are not "surface dwellers.


In his own terms, "Hidden Hand" is credible but I regard him as insane, pretending to purity and talking about "service to others" while wreaking untold misery and mayhem on humanity. He offers invaluable insight into the hypocritical Illuminati mindset, always dressing their evil in pretensions of public service. For example, Communism is Satanism posing as working class rebellion.

To inflict so much suffering and depravity under the pretext of"testing" mankind and furthering evolution is preposterous. Aren't there enough tests in life without the Illuminati's hidden hand on the scale? If instead the Illuminati had exercised a positive influence, spiritual evolution would have taken place at an amazing pace. Retarding human evolution, not advancing it, is their real agenda.

I believe the harbor is best reached by setting your course and avoiding the rocks. In contrast, the Illuminati steer the vessel onto the rocks, as many times as it takes to sink it. This sick Cabalistic dogma is behind the blank gaze of our politicians and newscasters.

It's time to admit that humanity is under constant stealth attack by a sadistic and dangerous Satanic cult. Obviously, it is well organized and funded and has subverted every institution.

It's time we set aside occultism and used common sense.
It's time we adopted simple morality, as in "Do Unto Others as You Would have Them do
Unto You.

Unless we wrest control of this planet from the Illuminati, we are doomed, like Rev. Jones' followers at Jonestown. And we will deserve our fate. Hidden Hand is right. "You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice.

Let's be "Service Oriented" and reject the Illuminati -- their phony terror, fascist government and Satanic religion.Let's throw their kool-aid in their face.

Henry Makow

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posted January 03, 2009 04:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LTT, i see what u mean, i agree with you i think. those people's act are really bad but it must reinforce our desire to be of a loving nature. however, i think this is the role of the creator to love everyone. i'll do what i can. but i KNOW that there's a god out there. so i don't feel the need to do what he does best.

commander constant haze, i've got one question. they talk about harvest. but i'm confused. are the old souls who will escape reincarnation going to go on the same place than the evil one who are "orchestrating" it? i don't get that part.

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posted January 03, 2009 04:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
guys, in fact i want to reassure you. i really believe in your good intentions but i think you are playing their game unknowingly. i mean it in a peaceful and brotherly way.

this is why:

"hidden hand" says:

"In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important. We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them.You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game."

to a certain extent i can understand the idea of unity. when i meditate/go in trance, i understand very well that, and more of us feel that way (probably the age of aquarius) but if i'm ok to uunderstand that we are all one, i also truly believe that the world is not revolving around my unique consciousness, and therefore, each and everyone of us is the center of the universe. therefore i hadn't been born, the world would still have been. which means that "hidden hand" is trying (but failling) to convince us that i'm all so important. why doing that? maybe to manipulate one more person by fear (fear of failure? especially when saturn is in virgo and was there 28 years ago- the age group of people in their twenties-thirties, not too young to be blind followers and not to old to be resigned?)
also, in this idea that we are all one, which again i totally get, having experienced it in an ecstatic state, there's one omission, where is my guardian angel? or his or her? what about them? where they just illusions? would you think that? may be, well i personnally don't for sure, i know i'm watched, so if they exist when i'm in real (day to day) reality their reality must still remain when i experience ecstatic union with the universe. and so if this is the case, then there's always a higher power controlling the game. and unlike "hiddenhand" is saying, the game doesn't lie in my understanding that we are all one, except if this understanding means that, as LTT said previously, we use this understanding to love our ennemies as our brothers.

will think more about the rest. and will get back to it.

chin up guys. let not get fooled.

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posted January 03, 2009 05:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and let's have faith in god/allah/the good side/whatever. u get me.

& bros n' sis

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posted January 03, 2009 07:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
im not affraid of any of this nor am i feeding into... exposing the truth is the point here , awareness is key.... and we can die upon the truth....

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posted January 06, 2009 06:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Frodo:"I wish the ring had never come to me.

I wish none of this had happened".

Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times.

But that is not for them to decide.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil.

Bilbo was meant to find the Ring.

In which case, you were also meant to have it.

And that is an encouraging thought".

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posted January 16, 2009 09:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I find it interesting that they feel like they are doing us a favor by creating all of this chaos in our world!
Insane man!

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posted February 28, 2017 12:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 18, 2018 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was reading further but *sigh*
The link lead me to my isp search pg. Am I blocked or is that site history now? :/

Edit: the site worked, that page was a deadend though.

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posted September 29, 2018 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 22, 2019 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 24, 2019 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 05, 2019 04:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 05, 2019 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PhoenixRising     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The universe knows one can play mischief. every thought stays forever in the universe. The bad cabals will have to clear their karmic debts.

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posted April 13, 2019 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 12, 2019 11:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 13, 2019 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 08, 2019 06:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 03, 2019 05:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 23, 2020 03:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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