Topic: god/faith and hatred
doommlord Moderator Posts: 2544 From: israel Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 18, 2013 03:20 PM
Can one be truly faithful if ones heart is full of hate? Does faith support hatred or even allow its followers to express it against others? For those who believe in a creator theory for what reason you believe the creator made hatred for? What is your personal religions interpretation and dealings with hatred?For the record this is a thread that is meant to speak on spirituality only and not as a thread to speak against any religion or faith in general. Thank you IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted April 18, 2013 03:22 PM
well we are all capable of imperfect faith, as in sometimes we are stronger than others.but true hatred bespeaks fear, which is not an ingredient of faith, no. so if you can really hate it is unlikely you have much faith. IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 7355 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2013 04:37 PM
Faith, with a capital F can not contain hatred. It is impossable. Read the Christ`s mission statements and all is unveiled.------------------ We need to listen to our own song, and share it with others, but not force it on them. Our songs are different. They should be in harmony with each other. ~ Mattie Stepanek IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 7355 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2013 04:39 PM
Belief, on the other hand, is capable of many forms of human emotion. You see it every day in some form or another. Usually by those expressing theirs is the one true religion and doctrines.------------------ We need to listen to our own song, and share it with others, but not force it on them. Our songs are different. They should be in harmony with each other. ~ Mattie Stepanek IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 2631 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 18, 2013 09:34 PM
I'll add one...if people believe God will destroy their city or nation if homosexuality is tolerated (just as Sodom was destroyed), and thus tolerating gays leads to natural disasters which affect innocent and guilty alike, then what is the proper response to unrepentant gays? And how many of them honestly call hatred "hate" and how many play games with the truth? Westboro is completely honest about it, but many Christians who think of themselves as loving are just as hateful and share similar beliefs in their own way, and Westboro was ignored for years offending few outside the gay community (even when they crashed the funeral of Matthew Shepherd) until they started thanking their god for 9/11, etc. Kinda like how I've encountered plenty of white people who say how bad or dangerous most black people are while claiming to "not be racist, just honest." And just to be clear I'm looking to the explore the IDEA, not claiming it's true. But if I was honest on how idiotic ("stupid-stitious") I considered the idea, however, a great many people (including relatives of mine who warned me to get & stay out of Frisco and Los Angeles as it was only "a matter of time before God destroyed them for all the gays") would say I was insulting their "faith." IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 2631 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 18, 2013 09:38 PM
Btw, fun story, IMO, I knew some religious fundies who were trying to destroy a gay family (including in making the kids homeless, such loving people, oh, and btw, one actually gave the girl a pamphlet to read and give to her parents that explained why Christians had a DUTY to HATE gays, and was explicit about "hating"). So I was passing some of them one day immediately after the 2010 World Series and I smiled, put my hand in the air and danced a jig like a Pentecostal (don't know if that was their denomination or not), and skipped by shouting, "God loves gays! God loves hippies! God loves San Francisco! THE GIANTS WON OVER TEXAS! WOOO!" Well so many DO give thanks to God (rather than hard work, inspiring coaching, and good strategy as would be proper) for idea that I've always found confusing, though I read somewhere about how close a love for sports and God are in the brain which helps explain why sports and religion have often been mixed in history and they're both treated pretty similar with "saints" and various symbols & idols for favored sports teams and wearing clothes advertising support, and even violence against others for "wearing the wrong colors (ie, of the opposing team)" happening. So I presumed I made sense to those fundies (at the very least that I was mocking them, which is fine by me). ETA: For those outside the US who may not know, Texas is, for the most part, a Bible Belt state and known for its conservative Christian values whereas San Francisco is like the ultimate symbol of liberalism & gay perversion to many Christian conservatives, so Frisco winning over a Texas team would mean (at least to plenty of people) that God favored gays, hippies, and liberals over good Christians. IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted April 19, 2013 12:52 AM
unless it was austin, lol, an island in the texas see...IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 2631 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 19, 2013 02:26 AM
^^That's why I said "for the most part." Austin is a mystery to me, a liberal city (would that be the influence of University of Texas?) that happens to be the capital of a deeply conservative state. Back when Texas gathered enough signatures to consider secession from the US people in Austin got signatures to secede from Texas and remain in the US should Texas secede. I thought that would be fascinating as the new state capital would then have to be decided if both petitions succeeded (unless Texas really wanted to take on the US for Austin), and probably come down to Dallas (in the East and has everything a capital would need including fame) and San Antonio (in the West, and what better symbol of Texas independence than the Alamo?). Whichever they chose it would deeply offend the other side of Texas (both East and West are different culturally & environmentally, with the West seeing themselves as part of the West and East as part of the South with the Confederate flags, about the only thing they have in common is being deeply conservative and Bible Belt). Of course the large cities (San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas, and maybe Corpus Christi) are much more cosmopolitan with more modern attitudes (Houston even has a lesbian mayor!), so I don't consider them Bible Belt, either. They're what I describe as "Texan, but not Texan enough to hurt." (Well, most of the time, Dallas did drop jaws around the world when they, complete with undercover cops, tried to come down on "dildo runners" a few years ago and the story somehow went viral globally, though quickly forgotten.) IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2079 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted April 19, 2013 02:59 AM
Sure, so hateful it would make Satan blanche, thing, we are human and imperfect.Difference being though, we can ask for grace and receive it, few ask though. Perfect in their own minds, anything can be justified, we choose to do things that way. IP: Logged |
geea Knowflake Posts: 444 From: Feralas Registered: Jun 2011
posted April 21, 2013 06:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by doommlord: Can one be truly faithful if ones heart is full of hate? Does faith support hatred or even allow its followers to express it against others? For those who believe in a creator theory for what reason you believe the creator made hatred for? What is your personal religions interpretation and dealings with hatred?For the record this is a thread that is meant to speak on spirituality only and not as a thread to speak against any religion or faith in general. Thank you
in my opinion is very hard to blend these two concepts togheter i believe in a creator and my religion does not allow its followers to express hatred against others: i am a chrst.orthodox and its said to ”hate the sin not the person” so no..if you hate you are not truly faithful IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 2819 From: The Etheric Realms...Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat...& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 30, 2013 11:00 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 7355 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2013 05:29 PM
geea quote: ”hate the sin not the person” so no..if you hate you are not truly faithful
Indeed! ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged | |