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  Anne Ortelee - Weekly Weather September 21, 2009

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Author Topic:   Anne Ortelee - Weekly Weather September 21, 2009
venus in gemini

Posts: 113
From: Florida
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 20, 2009 08:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for venus in gemini     Edit/Delete Message
Weekly Weather September 21, 2009

Coming ATTRACTIONS ~ Hurry, Hurry to get in your seat and reserve your place! No credit card or money required! It will happen in YOUR OWN CHART! It is coming soon to your life!

The Ringed LORD of KARMA

will enter a

profound psychological interaction

(closing square) and

ongoing conversation with


This week you’ll have an opportunity for a Sneak Preview of your next year! WEE-HA! Now things are going to get VERY interesting!

Yes, it is time to put away Saturn in Virgo! No more endless columns of me droning on about letting go, evolving and releasing to get ready for Pluto in Capricorn for real and true. You either did it or didn’t do it. The time is almost up. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick. The alarm clock rings when Mercury goes direct on September 29th! So, if you did release or didn’t release or are almost finished (quick, quick, step to it), the shift is starting now!

A new energy is starting, beginning to blow through town. The wind is picking up. The smell of transformation is in the air! Kind of like when you can smell the rain or snow about to arrive. You can tell it is going to be a strong, long storm with howling winds and stuff blowing against your windows as you huddle inside, cozy and warm. The barometric pressure is dropping, rapidly. The leaves in the trees are rustling, anxious perhaps, while they await a strong wind to release them from the branch. Their work is finished for the season. Fall is here! The dead leaves have already started to fall away. The other plants know the end of summer and finish of the growing season is near.

This week we get a sneak preview of what Saturn’s journey through Libra will be like for each of us. Saturn, while in Libra, finds himself operating in the sign his exaltation. That means Saturn REALLY, REALLY LOVES being in Libra. The Ringed Lord of Karma is going to be happy, happy, happy. Well, as happy as Saturn ever gets! He is in the mood to work with you and partner with you. He likes to be in relationships and equal partnerships where both sides pull their own weight. (See all my endless droning columns about releasing and getting ready)

Saturn is entering, rapidly, into the first of his three closing squares with Pluto between now and late August 2010. Saturn’s in orb (5 degrees) of the closing square to Pluto. Saturn just walked into the old saloon on a street of mud, after a long, dry ride on the prairie. The doors swing open and the light from the street spills into the saloon. Saturn’s eyes adjust to the darkness. Pluto, the Dark Lord of Transformation, is sitting over at a corner table, back to the wall, watching the entrance, waiting for Saturn to arrive. Dressed in the blackest of black, Pluto’s been waiting for a long, long, long time for this ‘conversation’ with his father.

Pluto is the son of Saturn and Rhea and older brother to both Jupiter and Neptune. If you remember your mythology, Saturn ate his children, including Pluto, to prevent his dying father’s prophecy "Murder me now and steal my throne-but one of your Sons will dethrone you, for crime begets crime." Saturn castrated and killed his father, Uranus. Saturn devoured each of his children, Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Pluto and Neptune as they were born. In the case of the last child, Jupiter, Rhea substituted a blanket wrapped rock, which Saturn devoured. She sent Jupiter off to be raised by shepherds. Jupiter eventually, through trickery, was able to save his siblings, who named him their leader. Even though the siblings were eaten, they were immortal so they were living, fighting and hanging out in Saturn’s belly. No wonder Saturn is so cranky at times! Imagine having a belly full of five grown up kids inside of you! You’d be cranky too!

So now, here we are, a few years down the road. Jupiter is king. Saturn was banished to roam the world. Pluto wants to have a ‘conversation’ with his father. Pluto figured out where he likes to play cards.

Pluto never recovered his high spirits after being swallowed by his father, Saturn. As the King of the Underworld, Pluto’s kingdom doesn't help to lighten his mood. Let’s return to the archetypal story Saturn / Pluto story, as told by Johnny Cash, in the lyrics of his song, “A Boy Named Sue.”

Well my daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me "Sue."

Well, he must o' thought that is quite a joke
And it got a lot of laughs from a' lots of folk,
It seems I had to fight my whole life through.
Some gal would giggle and I'd get red
And some guy'd laugh and I'd bust his head,
I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named "Sue."

Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean,
My fist got hard and my wits got keen,
I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame.
But I made a vow to the moon and stars
That I'd search the honky-tonks and bars
And kill that man who gave me that awful name.

Well, it was Gatlinburg in mid-July
And I just hit town and my throat was dry,
I thought I'd stop and have myself a brew.
At an old saloon on a street of mud,
There at a table, dealing stud,
Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me "Sue."

Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
From a worn-out picture that my mother'd had,
And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye.
He was big and bent and gray and old,
And I looked at him and my blood ran cold
And I said: "My name is 'Sue!' How do you do!
Now you’re gonna die!!"

Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes
And he went down, but to my surprise,
He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear.
But I busted a chair right across his teeth
And we crashed through the wall and into the street
Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

I tell ya, I've fought tougher men
But I really can't remember when,
He kicked like a mule and he bit like a crocodile.
I heard him laugh and then I heard him cuss,
He went for his gun and I pulled mine first,
He stood there lookin' at me and I saw him smile.

And he said: "Son, this world is rough
And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help ya along.
So I give ya that name and I said goodbye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
And it's the name that helped to make you strong."

He said: "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do.
But ya ought to thank me, before I die,
For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
Cause I'm the son-of-a-***** that named you "Sue.'"

I got all choked up and I threw down my gun
And I called him my pa, and he called me his son,
And I came away with a different point of view.
And I think about him, now and then,
Every time I try and every time I win,
And if I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him
Bill or George! Anything but Sue! I still hate that name!

If you’ve had a Pluto transit, you probably wouldn’t dare call Pluto by his given name of “Sue.” Aren’t nicknames helpful? PLUTO has HIS issues too! Pluto and Saturn are going to be fighting THREE times. Three big old bar room brawls between Saturn and Pluto. The first fight is coming soon ~ it peaks on November 15, 2009. We are IN ORB now ~ so you are in the saloon where Saturn and Pluto are going to meet up. Or, if you’d prefer, in Gatlinburg where Sue and his long lost Dad find each other. Fight two is January 31, 2010 with the exciting concluding fight, August 21, 2010.

At the end of it, you, too, will wrap your arms around Saturn and call him your Pa. Saturn will call you his kid. You’ll figure out exactly WHY you have the Saturn you have. You’ll grow to love it. You’ll want to hang out with it each and every day. You’ll do your Saturn with a whole new and profound understanding of WHY you love it the way you do.

Father issues be damned. We all have Father issues, deeply embedded in our chart’s Saturn. We all have Mother issues too ~ but that is for another time and column. You are going to be working on your father issues for the next eleven months or so ~ clarifying, clearing, and becoming YOUR OWN AUTHORITY in your life. If you already ARE your own authority ~ you’ll be upping your level of mastery and going to the next level of skills. If you’ve never been an authority before, you’ll learn how to become an authority. And, if you are some where in the middle, well, you are going to be adding all SORTS of psychological integration, processing and understanding to your life.

We are each going to be partnering with Saturn and Pluto as they teach us how to be our own authentic authority and the commander of ALL ASPECTS of our chart’s Saturn and Pluto. We have to own those planets of ours folks! If we don’t take charge of our Saturn and Pluto, some one else is going to be doing one of them for us! Or both of them on a bad day ~with us the helpless, hapless person in the middle.

And in the case of Saturn and Pluto ~ like the shoot out at high noon in the old wild, wild west, the street will be empty except for you, Saturn and Pluto. Hope you are ready! It is going to be fun! You are going to figure out and release things. Remember Saturn and Pluto are father and child ~ you are going to learn how deeply Saturn’s lessons impacted you. You are going to learn how to transform them.

We’ll be talking a lot about the upcoming Saturn Pluto square as it builds in intensity and peaks three times over the next 11 months. The image of A Boy Named Sue will help us. Madonna in her VMA tribute to Michael Jackson said, “I never had a mother, but he never had a childhood. And when you never get to have something, you become obsessed by it. I spent my childhood searching for my mother figures; sometimes I was successful. But how do you recreate your childhood when you are under the magnifying glass of the world for your entire life?

Saturn is the area you felt you didn’t have when you were growing up ~ by sign and house placement. And when you never get to have something, you become obsessed with it. On another level we can search for what we didn’t have our entire lives. You did, of course, have it. Or you had the recognition that you didn’t have it and you wanted it. That is also your Saturn. Your limitation. Your handicap. It is also your greatest gift. Saturn is what you are here on earth to do. Saturn is your greatest desire. Saturn is the thing you are most afraid of having and/or losing. And, together, over the next 11 months, we are going to take your Saturn and have you get to know him, just like Pluto did, in a Boy Named Sue. You are going to understand what you are here for and how you are supposed to work with your Saturn. You are going to integrate and release the psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical issues of your Saturn in a closing square energy of consciousness.

Get ready! It is going to be FUN!

The week ahead holds a few changes: Sun enters Libra and starts “Fall” as he crosses the equator, heading south. Mercury talks to Saturn and Uranus and offers guidance about the changes yet to be made in our world. Mercury wants to wake us up and help us become conscious about the changes still needed through a review of people from our past and visits with our ghosts. Sun squares Pluto so Sun illuminates and brings the energy of Saturn forward to help us start to understand what we are going to be working with during Saturn square Pluto in the months ahead.

Monday Moon in Scorpio with lovely closing aspects makes this a good day to contact folks and get things out the door regarding money, finance, bills, taxes and debt. There is a good opportunity to resolve outstanding issues. Sun doesn’t want to listen to partners who are feeling sorry for themselves. He’s got way too much to do. Be careful about being short, critical or offering unwanted advice to some one who only wants you to comfort and listen to them. On the other hand, they actually know what they are supposed to do but are feeling kind of whiny and unloved about it. Saturn says they need to buck up and deal with it. Uranus can end things today around old patterns so it is a great day to let go of habits or stuff you don’t want. Last day of Summer ~ ending, releasing energy before the new season is born tomorrow. Release. Release.

Tuesday continues the Scorpio moon of getting a great deal accomplished with the lovely closing sextile to Saturn. Sun enters Libra at 5:19 pm to start the new season of Fall in the northern hemisphere as he slips over the equator to bring Spring to the southern hemisphere. Mercury links up with Saturn allowing you to see the patterns, details, conditions and understand what needs to be done even if you don’ much want to do it. Mercury will be joined to Saturn all Fall via the Libra Ingress Chart so it is a buck up and deal with it kind of energy. And a bit depressing too as the Mind is joined to Saturn. Or perhaps, serious minded might be a better set of words. Mercury is getting clear on the patterns and strategies that may have worked for you in the past but that you need to put behind you. Pay attention to what people say to you today about who they think you are. While it may not be true, you do need to know this is your growing reputation. Do you want that as your reputation? Impressions are important as the Sun speaks to Neptune with an aspect of brilliance. If they think you can or think you can’t, they are right. What do YOU want them to think? Not from the point of view that you are to be driven by what other people think but to get a clear UNDERSTANDing of what they think.

Wednesday Sun delivers a message from Saturn to Pluto today. There will be an definite sign from the heavens, your mailbox or your friends about what you are going to be dealing with while Saturn squares Pluto over the next 11 months. A message that helps you understand how to integrate the stories in your life from November 1982, March 1993 to January 1994 and August 2001 to May 2002. They are all related. They are all active and relevant in the year ahead. Start digging around in them psychically now. Get the 1982, 1994 and 2001 stories dusted off and out on the kitchen table to work with for the next 11 months. This time the experience probably won’t be as depressing as they were back then. You are supposed to psychologically integrate them rather than feel such intense and deeply personal changes in your life. But if Saturn and Pluto need to get your attention to get you to figure stuff out, the lessons can be harsh. Your desire to take action(s) can be a bit over done. Pay attention to how Saturn and Pluto show up this time. It might very well be quite different if you learned your Saturn lesson and have managed to integrate your Pluto as a transformative experience. Remember, the boy named Sue FOUND his father and UNDERSTOOD what that name had done for him. Look for the break through in YOUR consciousness too.

Thursday Moon in Sagittarius is a bit harsh today and no always speaking with the kindest of words. The maternal energy wants to boss you around to tell you what to do for because they have actually DONE this before you. You may not want to take their advice. If it is a NEW kind of situation for you, take their advice. If you’ve done this before, then you can do it your way. Today is a day when tradition rules. Your mother knows to send flowers, make the confirming phone call, and send the thank you note. You may not be the aware that you are violating a protocol by doing it the way you are planning. There is PROTOCOL involved here. Sagittarius Moon is the anthropologist who notices what the tribal customs are before barging in with their own version or vision of how things are to be done. Pay attention to people who know more than you do.

Friday has a long, long void moon. We are going to have a lot of long, long void moons this season and next when Saturn moves into Libra and Uranus moves into Aries. It is because we are creating a new reality for ourselves, dissolving old out worn structures and replacing them with new things. So start getting mundane projects that are meditative ready for yourself to do. Today is a great day to compile such a list. Scan your old client files. Clear your paper files. Reorganize your filing system. Restructure your closets. Redo your health program. On long, long, void moons, the Moon kicks back and recreates her self. Similar to working out and taking a day off to let your muscle fibers rebuild themselves, long, long void Moons happen when planets are in new signs asking us to use new muscles and do new things. The quiet time is offered to allow our Moon and our being to integrate the new approach into our psyche. Evening events can bring an important connection.

Saturn’s day brings an important connection so watch for who you met last night or today. Moon in Capricorn is going to become very important this year as it is when the Moon wants us to integrate the Saturn/Pluto square‘s consciousness and transform. Mercury still retrograde can bring back a former friend or colleague that you want to get to know better. Go for it! Strategy fights with partner. Agree to disagree. You do it your way. They do it their way. You meet in the middle. If they (or you) find yourself whining “but I don‘t want to do it alone….” sit and look at that energy. The universe is trying to get you clear on that via the Mercury retrograde. Back to the stories from 1982, 1994, and 2001 ~ time to pull them together to integrate with the “I don’t want to” energy. That I don’t want to is your Saturn speaking. Listen to him.

Sunday Moon in Capricorn is about reliability and structure. Mercury is joined to Uranus and in the mood to fight with Mars so be wary of harsh words or of taking someone for granted today. Venus is not feeling the love and is rather thin skinned about the whole matter. Look for the pattern. Do you see it? Same pattern. All part of the same puzzle.

Mundane: In world events, Saturn square Pluto is terrorist attacks. So the news this week that an AFGHAN man with ties to Pakistan (not Iran or Iraq but Afghanistan and Pakistan where we are CURRENTLY fighting in the Middle East/ Asia) was planning an attack with bombs in 14 brand new backpacks. We keep getting attacked by countries where our military is fighting.

Saturn joined Pluto in November 1982. At that time, we were illegally selling arms to Iran for their fight with Iraq and using the money to fund the Contra war. Remember Iran-Contra? We were involved in the war in Beirut, Lebanon. On October 23, 1983, enemies of the United States bombed the Marine Battalion Landing Team Headquarters and a French garrison in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 Americans.

Saturn opening squared Pluto three times, on March 19, 1993, October 9, 1993 and January 1, 1994. The FIRST World Trade Center bombing took place on February 26, 1993, killing 6 people while 50,000 people walked down darkened stairwells, gasping for air.

The Saturn Pluto oppositions took place on August 5, 2001, November 2, 2001 and May 25, 2002. The SECOND World Trade Center bombing took place on September 11, 2001, killing 2,750 people. Osama Bin Laden wanted our military bases out of Saudi Arabia. We pulled the bases out of Saudi Arabia and put them in Iraq instead.

Here we are with three more squares, closing squares. Closing squares are supposed to help us become conscious of how OUR actions impact others. It is time for us to integrate the lessons of the previous aspects.

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Posts: 1199
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 21, 2009 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
How do you guys think Saturn in Libra will go?

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Posts: 344
From: Formerly Missneptune
Registered: May 2009

posted September 21, 2009 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for vertiver     Edit/Delete Message
I had no idea Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn in Libra deals with structure and partnerships and probably wherever T. Saturn is in your chart will give you clues to how it will individually impact you. Saturn will conjunct my MC soon and the MC has to do with the Father, hmmmm... I definitely have my fair share of father issues.

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Posts: 657
Registered: May 2009

posted September 21, 2009 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Diana     Edit/Delete Message
It will sextile and trine a lot of my planets -- who am I kidding? All of them. I sometimes think I like the squares better. Sextiles and trines carry too much energy for me. We'll see.

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