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  Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather December 7, 2009

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Author Topic:   Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather December 7, 2009
venus in gemini

Posts: 201
From: Florida
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 07, 2009 07:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for venus in gemini     Edit/Delete Message
Weekly Weather December 7, 2009

Last week, the combination of the Uranus station going direct, the Full Moon in Gemini and the Finger of God involving the South Node delivered shocks, produced unexpected news as well as created unusual results or changes in people’s lives. It was kind of like Santa Claus came to town a bit early. Yes, Virginia, there IS a thing called astrology which helps us on our soul‘s path. And it has an impact on people’s lives! With appropriate credit to Virginia O’Hanlon and Francis P. Church and the editorial page of the New York Sun, September 21, 1897

Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Virginia, there is a soul’s path. It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no soul’s path! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no child-like faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no soul’s path! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no child-like faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in your soul’s path?! You might as well not believe in fairies! Nobody sees your soul’s path, but that is no sign that there is no soul’s path! The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No soul’s path! Thank God! It lives, and it lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, soul’s paths will continue to make glad the heart of childhood and humankind.

So now that the planets have rocked your world, it is time to move forward. Your new life beckons and awaits you. Your old life is finished. You can listen to the skeptic and cynicism. Your soul’s path will wait. Or you can have a bit of faith that the whole mess existed for a reason. And now that the exposure or changes have happened, you are right where you are supposed to be. You have to have faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance and astrology to help you find your soul‘s path. Trust the process.

Last week’s exposure or shock or information was designed to help your old life close up and to launch the new life ~ to help it get off the ground.

For many of us, finding out there is no fat fellow in a red suit who delivers presents to us if we’ve been good is a major childhood loss. We get a bit cynical after that. All the future betrayals, lies and deceptions simply add to the pile of reasons why we shouldn’t trust or believe or have faith. And, yes, the world can be a hard place to have faith or hope in when there is so much difficulty surrounding us. Our dreams can seem a bit tattered and torn, threadbare and shoddy looking. We are so tired. Yet at the same time, inside, there is a flame light that keeps us going, hoping and dreaming. It is your soul’s path. It is calling to you now.

All the major planets in the sky are heading forward at a decent clip. Yesterday, on Sunday December 6, Mercury entered his shadow for his upcoming retrograde journey between December 26, 2009 and January 15, 2010. He’s going to be retrograde for both of the upcoming eclipses. Mars will station to go retrograde on December 20th for six months in Leo. Between now and December 20th, time will zip forward. Make the most of it. Push yourself. Push the process.

Jupiter forms a conjunction with Chiron this week and a semi-sextile with Uranus suggesting the wound your soul has will be active and speaking to you. Your wound actually is the skill your soul has been trained to heal in yourself and once you’ve figured it out, to heal in others. The wound described by Chiron in your chart is designed to train you to perform your work effectively in your world. Think back to May 23 and July 22 to see the earlier awakenings of the energy of this week. Over the next two weeks, Jupiter will ask you to work with your wound so you are ready to proceed with your dream when he joins with Neptune on December 21, 2009.

Jupiter and Neptune form a new energy of healing and expansion when they unite in a few weeks. A thirteen year cycle begins in the house that holds 24 Aquarius. Our year of working out the next vision for our life and that house comes to an end. We start to move forward. Our job is to psychologically integrate our spiritual purpose or sense of divine or our soul’s calling with our contribution to expand or help the collective, community or our own hopes and dreams come true.

Take time this week to focus on the bigger image of where you want to head.

Mercury in Capricorn joins with Pluto and squares Saturn. There is a sense of endings and finality with that energy. A “Nope”, “No”, “Not going to” or perhaps a sense of finality to communications. Capricorn Mercury doesn‘t waste words or say what it doesn’t mean. It is entirely crystal clear in communications even as it uses few words to communicate. State clearly what you want this week, even if it feels a bit difficult to say. Mercury semi-squares the new set of dreams and kicks the old set of dreams to the curb as he aspects the Gang of Three that are busy finalizing your new vision.

Often this kind of energy means the person or situation that you had linked up in your mind to help you or provide you with the new dream falls through or decides to bail out. No worries. The DREAM is still fine. The actual change is to the IMPLEMENTATION part of the dream. That is the part that is changing, not the dream. Hold fast to your dream. Offer the universe a way to deliver a new dream to you. Space to create. Room for abundance to enter. Or perhaps a bit of spaciousness for the energy to unfold in. Again, trust the process.

It is HARD to trust the process but it is also necessary to do so. Mercury figures out how to tweak the dream towards the end of the week when he aspect Uranus and Saturn.

Venus has very lovely aspects all week suggesting help is right there IF you ask for it. You have to ask with Venus in Sagittarius. She’s not like Venus in Scorpio ~ offering, suggesting what you want. Venus in Sagittarius is free, fun, interested, interesting and quite able to help you. Make sure to ask for what you want this week. Venus is in a VERY generous mood.

Monday Moon is void in Leo in the morning and enters Virgo mid-afternoon. Moon combines and creates the day’s aspects to make the energy seem a bit harsher than it needs to be. Endings and criticism. Separations and sadness. Hmmm. Not a great concept. It is time to end things. Expect final papers, diplomas or certifications. Double check directions, instructions and spelling. Moon has good aspects for pushing for closure and wrapping things up. Mercury joins with Pluto to end a chapter and start a new phase. He’s productive in Capricorn if an energy of few words. Jupiter joins with Chiron to reopen the wound and hurt you again. Sun has a gift of brilliance with Saturn even as he is not sure quite what to do with all the separating energy today. Uranus offers strategic ideas that are good to follow through on. Mercury says so long, farewell to a major chapter in your life. Endings are hard at time. Remember, the ending is so you can get on with your soul’s path. And even if it means there is no Santa Claus, it does offer you an opportunity to expand in other ways.

Tuesday Moon in Virgo has few aspects making it not a stressful day. However, we are all a bit more sensitive to criticism today. Tuesday offers the opportunity to reorder or revise your home, papers or writings to communicate more clearly and precisely what you want to say as Mercury has productive aspects. Annoying dreams or communications can stir up emotions past the “normal” level. Avoid acting out of ego anger. The world is a bit cranky today so if you feel insulted or criticized taking similar action back only escalates the matter. Walk away. Bid your time. Bite your tongue (gently). Does it serve your soul’s path to be distracted by this nonsense? Nope. So pass on it. Smile at it. Ignore it. That will drive them crazy. They WANT to fight!

Wednesday has a very long void moon. We are entering a period of long void moons as many planets are at early degrees. The long void moons serve a purpose of allowing us to active day dream our vision of the future. Spend some time today listening to your soul’s desire. Venus knows the wound from Monday is part of the fuel of your dream. Your childhood and early life existed in the form they did to create the person you are today. So drop them off, preserving the memories but releasing the wounds. Preserve the wisdom, discard the difficult baggage. Stand in your heart. Let Venus let your heart chakra expand. Look at your soul’s wound with gentle eyes. Understand you NEEDED it to get to where you are today. All part of the process. Chat with your soul. Listen to its brilliance. Separate from the harsh part. Hold onto the gentle love.

Thursday Moon in Libra is pushed into accomplishing a great deal and has lovely closing aspects suggesting you can push a bit and get what you want or need. Venus in Sagittarius is quite generous and supportive. Moon’s closing aspect is a trine to that soul dream of your so reform the dream with Venus while Mercury argues with the form it has taken to date. Venus looks at Neptune and sees the soul’s desire and path. Listen to your heart. Mercury argues with the Gang of Three. Whether the words are no or the hope is dismal, just trust the process of where you are right now. Continue to work on that dream of yours. It might be tied to the wrong person, place or thing. Is that what Mercury is saying to you? Or is it the dream doesn’t match what you need or want now? Was it some one else’s dream you were living instead of your own? Was it YOUR dream? Is it STILL your dream? Sometimes we carry the dream we had when we were 13 or 14 forward into our life. NOW, that we are 30 or 40 or 70, the 14 year old dream needs to be updated into a brand new dream, based on the old dream. Sun talks to Mars in Leo adding a spark or sparkle to the dream. Break the fixed dream into tiny pieces and light one candle at a time. Think tea lights~ a bunch of tea lights can certainly brighten up a room.

Friday Libra Moon continues to refine the new dream. Pallas enters Scorpio so the dreams while sleeping can be intense and deeply personal as well as moving. Venus has an aspect of brilliance to Neptune so trust the idea and move towards it especially if you find it enticing or exciting. Mercury is still grumbling a bit about how no one listens to him. Make sure to listen to all who speak to you today. Question their assumptions. Support their reality. Paraphrase their words back to them so they feel deeply heard. Void Moon in the afternoon makes for a good time to play hooky or take off for rest and recreation of your soul.

Saturn’s day Moon in Scorpio is intense as it sextiles Pluto and Mercury ~ passions abound. Jupiter is in a bit of a snit with Uranus who is screwing up his great idea. Be flexible today even if you don’t want to be. Mars in Leo rules the Scorpio Moon ~ try to act out of the love part of your heart rather than the ego part. It might be hard to do. If you can’t do it, give both you and the other person a break and take yourself out for a long run or walk. Keep your emotions to yourself. Take a hot shower or steam. Exercise. Release them in decorating or cleaning activities. Time to change.

Sunday Moon in Scorpio is super passionate and irritated at the same time. A good day for sex. Not so good for negotiating with your soul’s path. You are cranky. They are cranky. The world is cranky. A kind of giant PMS day. Dark of the Moon is good for releasing things. Moon squares Neptune ~ release your disillusionment. Release your holding the other person hostage or making them responsible for your happiness. Release whatever doesn’t provide light, support, grace and beauty to your heart. Mercury knows what it needs from Uranus to separate and change. Uranus may provide a break through of sorts to your mind today with his quintile. Look at the partnerships you’ve made with a strong eye to see where they support you or don’t help. Get others to help in the don’t help area. One person can’t be every thing to some one else ~ try though they might. Not possible. Don’t wait for the Prince or Princess to ride up and rescue you. That only happens in fairy tales. One gets skeptical and cynical waiting for the Prince or Princess. Rescue yourself. You can do it. Listen to your soul’s path. Follow it. That is the way to rescue yourself. Sun supports healing that wound of yours by helping you know where the rescue comes from ~ illumination and self knowledge. Forward you go~!

Mundane: Tiger Woods is not out of the woods yet! Mars is in Leo ~ the sign of little and big cats ~ Lions and Tigers <wink> so to speak. We can expect quite a bit more news, until next June, as Tiger’s operating in the shadow of the upcoming Mars retrograde. He has a difficult patch ahead of him. Not fun at all for such a private fellow. Saturn and Uranus are straddling his Ascendant and Descendant angles, in Virgo and Pisces respectively, deeply affecting and altering his personal relationships. Transiting Pluto is approaching his Capricorn Sun, squared by transiting Saturn in Libra and stimulated by that sesquiquadrate from Mars in fire proud Leo, Sekhat the Lion Goddess, roaring and smashing SUV windows with a golf club in her hand.


I was quite ill last week with some kind of lung/throat virus. Slept when I wasn’t working. No full moon column for that powerful Gemini Full Moon. Will put the Moon column up later this week so watch for it if you still would like to read it. It is a releasing Moon that is VERY good for releasing this week as it plays into the south node of Cancer as the apex of a Finger of God.

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