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  Anne Ortelee's Weekly Weather - March 22, 2010

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Author Topic:   Anne Ortelee's Weekly Weather - March 22, 2010
venus in gemini

Posts: 431
From: Florida
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 22, 2010 07:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for venus in gemini     Edit/Delete Message
Weekly Weather March 22, 2010

Not much Air in the heavens this week, so the collective (all the people) is not going to “Thinking” very well. There still is quite a bit of Water flying around, so “Emotions” will be oozing, leaking and flowing. And, with the Aries Ingress and beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, there is a now bunch of Fire in the heavens, creating “Passion” and “Vision” which means “Burning, Fights and Flare ups around Passion and Vision”. Fortunately there is a decent amount of Earth which will help bring matters down to earth and help Ground things. However, it won’t be easy!

Your job as a conscious human being living amidst the chaos in the sky and on earth is to provide a thoughtful, still space for the emotions and passions to have a quiet moment while sitting on a grounding solid rock. Folks need to take time to think and figure out how to proceed. If you find your self saying “Think about this before you go off and do it!” to someone, you know you are dealing with someone caught up in the fiery passion of free flowing emotions. Tie them to the rock if need be until they calm down enough to ground themselves and think clearly about their strategy.

Because passions and emotions are running so high, people can AND WILL be operating out of their wounded and fear based places rather than their conscious, rational places. All part of the story but not an easy chapter this week. When the universe lights a fire under your butt and gets you boiling or steaming mad (see the water and fire metaphors?), you’ll take action. Look at steam engines on locomotives and how well they moved tons of cargo! The same principle applies here. The hot water is designed to get you to move and to energize you.

The trick is to know WHERE to take all that effort and energy that the head of steam has been building. Essentially there are TWO main options or configurations in the heavens right now describing what we are experiencing down here on earth. One is an open path and the second is a blocked path.

Of course, you WANT the blocked path to open. You WANT what is down the blocked path (or what you THINK is down the blocked path ~ but remember the thinking energy is in low supply right now!) We’ll talk about that blocked path in a moment.

Take the open path before you. Essentially, the open path will be a circular path that will bring you right back to where you are now when the blocked path opens up in June, July or August. In the meantime, you have a head of steam and are amazingly passionate about what you can‘t have! Direct that passionate can’t have energy towards creating what you CAN have, control, fix, make or do! It is a LOT of energy. So make sure to Use It Up. Get it out of your body. The passionate creative energy is flowing through you. It will help you do some of your most inspired and absolute best work. The open path will be in your Leo ruled house(s). Your Leo houses are where you are supposed to shine ANY WAY. So go shine there. Give that area of your life your best energy from the head of steam passion inside you. Use the Mars in Leo energy going forward between now and June 7th to get cracking and crackling on what you can burn through and create.

The BLOCKED path is another matter. There IS a path before you that is blocked and not at all clear how it will turn out. You might not be 100% sure what you want to do about it. You don’t know quite where you are going yet. You don’t know what is going to happen. You have absolutely no control over it. So that means it isn’t an option for you right now, as much as you might long for it or want it to be in your life.

You have to WAIT on that blocked path. You have to wait until June, July or maybe even late August. Perhaps another person is involved who needs to clean up their act, cease their addictions, make a decision or figure out what THEY are doing. Or perhaps the blockage comes from the need to make a decision of how, what, when or who to proceed forward. The decision hasn’t been made yet. Or maybe there are other things that have to take place before the blocked path can open up and proceed.

Regardless, it is a BLOCKED path. You are blocked from proceeding down the blocked yet desired path. So what to do? You are essentially waiting for the cosmic crossroads to form in the heavens and start to split up before you can go forward. The crossroads is a t-square and sometimes a grand cross between tough planets that change our lives when they form configurations like the one forming in the sky.

Like a cosmic traffic jam, you have to wait, go slow or be delayed in this area of life.

You also have to feed, pay attention or tend ALL branches of the cosmic crossroads so you KNOW when movement starts to take place and you can go forward.

Back when I was in sales in my corporate life, I sold large, expensive computerized machines that were considered both revolutionary and rather controversial at the time. We take them for granted now ~ voice processing ~ the ability to leave a voice mail for someone at their place of work, home or on their cell phone. Back then, in 1988-89, Voice Mail machines were just starting to be deployed across corporate America. I had a huge deal pending for $130,000 with a major real estate company, an avid competitor selling the exact same thing for $65,000 (Don’t EVEN get me started on badly designed corporate distribution channels!) and a nervous Nelly buyer who wanted to buy but needed approval at very high levels for the idea, the expense as well as lots of hand holding to get there.

In a very charming and (hopefully) not too obnoxious way, I was all over him. Weekly check in calls, letters (email didn’t exist) with ideas for how he could deploy voice processing across their various buildings in New York, effective use of his telecom switches, ideas and offers for his rentals ~ the corporate clients in his buildings, fancy sales literature, notifications of his competitors signing up and whatever else I could think of to stay in front of him. All the time, I KNEW I had a competitor at half the price selling the exact same machine so I had to make him want ME and MY distribution channel rather than the machine sold by a cheaper distributor. I made my last “formal” presentation to him in January and had to essentially wait ~ and worry ~ unable to “DO” a darned thing ~ until the energy cleared at the end of May and he made a decision. I closed the deal.

We are in a similar type of energetic situation ~ I looked! It felt the same and IS the same! You want to feed all the various branches of the t-square ~ Libra, Capricorn and Aries so you can take it home ~ Cancer~ in the summer when the blocked path opens up and the planets start to separate. Nothing obnoxious. No stalking. Just a little rock thrown across the wall blocking you. A note left. A song sung. A check in call. A regular time when you sit and think about them intensely for 10 minutes so they feel it and think about you ~ make it the same time every day!

Saturn in Libra and soon to be back in Virgo will repeat the situation from last fall. Your job is about doing the work of showing Saturn that the blocked path IS of value to you and IS wanted in your life. Who are you going to show? Who is Saturn? Who is playing the role of NO? Well the decision maker is Saturn. I called every week or checked in with him. Sometimes I wasn’t feeling up for it (rejection is hard) so I called when I knew he would be at lunch or busy. It was a check in call. I left a message with his secretary. Sometimes, when I called, he had questions for ME that I could answer or people he wanted me to send things to. He got used to the regularity of my check in. I demonstrated that the blocked partnership was worth working for. Essentially the blocked path is something you WANT to partner with and move forward with. Either them or the idea of them. So CONNECT (Libra) with them. So WORK (Virgo) with them in regular, predictable, reliable, Saturnine (SATURN) way.

Next, take action and talk about it ~ Aries is ALL about taking action and saying “I AM”. While the Sun is in Aries, shout “I AM” whatever. So say “I AM in love with her!”. “I AM waiting for him to bottom out so he gets treatment for his addictions.” “I AM so in the mood to fire him!” “I AM going to get pregnant!”. “I AM going to make babies with you!” “I AM producing this movie!” Declarative first person statements about what YOU want. You can’t control the other person. You can tell them what YOU want out of the situation. You can tell other people. Tell the other people, if they tell you to move on and get over it, that you will move on after August 21st. But until August 21st, I want you in there pitching your side of the offer! Lots of I AM statements. The decision can take place any time between now and August 21. Don’t lose the deal because you are not in there taking action and making I AM statements.

Third ~ there IS a triangle because Pluto is involved. You need to get your butt in there and keep pitching YOUR side of the deal and your vision of what you want. You might face minor skirmishes, you might lose a couple of battles, but don’t lose the WAR because you gave up and didn’t show up! Yes, two against one makes you feel bad or afraid. Yes, it is playing on every neurotic anxiety in your body. But do you want to lose because you didn’t try? At least get in there and pitch your vision of the dream! Ask them to make a clear choice knowing ALL the parts. Be the shining OBVIOUS choice! Don’t trash the competitor (even if you want to). Make YOURSELF the obvious and best choice. Make it a no brainer of a choice FOR YOU because of all the OTHER stuff you are doing on the other legs of the t-square.

T-squares, or cosmic crossroads, get a bad name because they DO make us make a choice. Some times we lose when we get to a crossroads. We get fired. We aren’t chosen. We lose the war as well as the battle. There are obvious times in our lives when we make decisions that move us into new chapters of our lives. You will be living with the decisions made under this t-square, the decisions made in June, July and August, until 2024. The decisions made this summer form the seed of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn. That is a LONG TIME! The time when we are MAKING the decisions is between NOW until June, July and August. So crawl all over the blocked choices ~ in a nice way. So pitch your best pitch. So keep making the case about why they should choose you and your option as the obvious companion for the road ahead.

And take the REST of the energy and go work in the LEO section of your chart. After you send your note, throw the rock over the wall, or sing a song in their voicemail or meditate on the blocked section of your life, take the REST of your energy to go out and get the other stuff you know you want to create in your life. Get the known known things moving. That stuff that is NOT blocked! It is waiting for you to come pay attention to it!

Forward into water and fire!

Monday Moon in Gemini is full of chatty information and conversation today with a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Neptune (supporting the health care bill). Moon is reasonably happy today. Mars trines Saturn in a closing sextile. Think back to July 10, 2008 to see the starting of the cycle closing, completing and wrapping up now. Mars joins with Saturn to start a new cycle on July 31 of this year. Think about what happened in your life on October 12, 2009, and February 15, 2010 when Mars sextiled Saturn for parts 1 and 2 of the story wrapping up now. Work the energy one more time, tweaking it to your liking or towards what you want. A new cycle around the structures in your life and how to you take action around them begins in a few months. This is the wrap up! Sun joins with the North Node by declination so watch for who you meet with today as they can be very important to your future. Great day for meeting with your authority figures and asking for what you want. While Mercury joins to Neptune, you won’t get a clear answer back. However, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Put it out there. The authority can’t commit yet but will be willing to explore the options with you. Jupiter is interested in forming partnerships that make money and profit for himself and others.

Tuesday has a moon in Cancer which sets off the t-square formed in the sky as it squares Saturn, Sun and then opposes Pluto. Watch what goes on in your emotional life today as it will be a reflection of what will be going on in June, July and August. Think precursor, foreshadowing, not a mandatory experience. The t-square in the summer will shoot its energy out into the Cancer section of the chart. The moon flowing through that house today gives you a premonition ~ which you can always work with positively ~ of what you’ll need to handle in the summer. Mercury has a stressful aspect to Neptune ~ watch out that your mouth is not too sharp today. Words fall out like razor blades and cut slivers into other people’s hearts. Be cautious. We have two ears and one mouth so we are SUPPOSED to listen twice as much as we talk. Listen today to see what you hear.

Wednesday even though yesterday might have been difficult emotionally, the closing aspects for today and Tuesday are excellent so push forward and get things launched. Today the wife energy fights with the mother principle. Your mother-in-law or a similar creative/ maternal/ wife/ partnership relationship can get on your absolute LAST nerve. No public fights. Every one is coming from their place of fear ~ fear of loss versus fear of death or endings. Look for the place where you can connect and find common ground. It is there. You both have a love connection to what you are afraid of losing. Focus on the love connection. Today has a large number of stressful aspects around emotionally fraught communications. Again, remember the fire and ice ~ try to ground the energy. Think before you speak. Sun is joined with Mercury so EVERYONE thinks THEIR idea is the CORRECT one and that the other guy or gal is wrong, wrong, wrong. You know that is not how it actually works. Calm heads prevail. Mercury joins with the North Node so pay attention to the news that you receive that is smart, interesting or tied to your career or the direction you want to move. Mercury is moving fast and zipping through the skies ~ hurry to hear what he has to say. Gossip, while a bit shocking, is quite true. Make sure to listen to it.

Thursday, Moon in Leo has difficult closing aspects for things begun today and Friday so they will end with a separation that is painful. That said, it is a busy day as Moon rolls through the fire energy making aspect to all the fire and air planets. Venus is supportive of Vesta and helping her figure out what she wants to do around home and hearth. Mercury is stressing out or interrupting Jupiter’s happy mood. He’s a bit sheepish and perhaps a bit apologetic about the fight or argument that took place around March 7-8 when he joined with Jupiter as Mars stationed. OR Mercury’s RE-annoyed about what happened then. Remember lots of fire and water. Mercury is in FIRE now, so he’s up for opening up the discussion again with some peppery comments. You don’t have to go there. Venus is all about seeing the patterns appearing YET AGAIN as she notices what Pallas pointed out to her is correct. Scorpio energy doesn’t miss much. While the motivations may not be what the Scorpio thinks (they can be a bit paranoid) the underlying and substantive BEHAVIOR is what they can always be relied on to accurately nail. Listen to your wise Scorpio planets today. Watch for the pattern to appear, yet again. Sun squares Pluto so power dynamics are erupting around the room. Open up the triangle to prevent two against one! There is a Hammer of Thor in the sky with Sun and Pluto square to each other and sesquiquadrate to Vesta. You will feel on some level that you can’t go home again! And you can’t. Also watch for people banging their fist on the desk and threatening to take their ball and go home. Cranky!

Friday Moon in Leo is proud and stern. Expect crazy ideas today but they are actually GOOD ideas. Mercury connects with the Node of destiny so note who you meet or the ideas that arrive. Important connections are in the heavens. Quirky women or feminine energies appeal with Venus’ union to Uranus so go with the unique energy appearing before you. Mercury joins with Neptune to get a creative handle on things and stir up the ideas and creative juices. Chaos can reign but it is a good kind of chaos. Remember Uranus is one step away from Chaos in his creation mythology. And he didn’t have a father either so appreciate that Uranus and virtually all Aquarians see the world in a slightly different manner. No dad as the supreme authority means you naturally challenge anyone attempting to have authority over you.

Saturn’s day finds Moon in Virgo and in a supportive aspect to Pluto offering the opportunity for revisions or new ideas. Sun in Aries is particularly stressed out today. Part of it is that the week went so fast without accomplishing all you needed to do. The other reason is Sun forms a Hammer of Thor with Vesta and Pallas. Once Sun sees the pattern for what it is AND understands, using the knowledge gleaned and gossip heard on Thursday, the light know what to DO with the information. Shine that little light of yours all over the situation. You get it now. Good for you! Juno shows you HOW to partner with them now that you understand what is actually going on. Forward you go!

Sunday finds Mercury full of all sorts of information as he aspects Love, creativity, chaos, Home, hearth and strategy. A new week begins. Mercury in fast moving, fast thinking Aries is putting the pieces together and getting the big picture. Again the closing aspects for things begun on Saturday and Sunday involve a separation or departure but you will depart with full knowledge of what you need to do. Mercury is like quicksilver and in the sign of piercing metal or swords, the energy is sharp, straight and true. You might not LIKE what you hear but do believe it as it is probably quite true. And now that you’ve heard it, doesn’t it make LOTS of things make more sense? So what is YOUR path? And where do YOU want to go? Go to work on that! That you CAN do something about.

Mundane: Fiery volcano eruption in the land of ice (frozen water!) , Iceland had an eruption of one of the active volcanoes under her land. She’s placed on a patch of land between two Teutonic plates which are separating ~ Europe and the Americas ~ the split opens a bit wider. Google the video to see the imagery of the fire and water energy in the sky reflected here on earth. The volcano erupted 75 miles east of Reykjavik

First settled by Vikings in the 9th century, Iceland is known as the land of fire and ice because of its volcanoes and glaciers. During the Middle Ages, Icelanders called the Hekla volcano, the country's most active, the "Gateway to Hell," believing that souls were dragged below.

Interestingly, Iceland is the country which experienced a major financial collapse when Pluto entered Capricorn. Many British investors, attracted by the high interest rates offered by Icelandic banks, lost money in the collapse. On the 6th March 2010, Icelanders voted against a plan to repay UK and Netherlands the £3.5 billion lost by British customers when online bank Icesave crashed. Note the Mars station going direct.

Now as the Sun comes to create a t-square with Pluto and Saturn, there is a volcano eruption. I think we may have a NUMBER of significant volcanic eruptions and earth quake when Jupiter and Uranus fill out the t-square during June, July and August. This was a “cute” eruption. However, the fear is a second volcano, will erupt. more damaging eruption at the nearby Karla volcano, which lies under the thick Myrdalsjokull icecap and threatens massive flooding and explosive blasts if it erupts.

My friend, Ivar, an excellent economist and astrologer in Iceland wrote:

Hello to all of you and thanks. I am fine here in Iceland.

This Eyjafjallajokull is a cute little tourist eruption at present and I felt the burning smell to my home, but this is going as I had anticipated, so it is likely soon as a trigger to the adjacent Katla (Myrdalsjokull) volcano glacier. That one goes off every 100 years in a Mt. Helens- style blast with huge floods, spewing ash up into the stratosphere with a ring around the earth and cooling down the north (not to our liking). Also killing the fish and stopping air traffic, if it goes off.

I have been studying this lately but unfortunately did not show my results, only told friends! Anyway, the last eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in December 1821 is interesting (attached):

· Neptune-Uranus conjunction in 2-3°Capricorn (Pluto is now close and back in August!)

· Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 20°Aries (figures!). Pluto progressed is there too.

This new Eyjafjallajokull eruption on Saturday night March 20th 2010 happened as soon as the Sun entered 0° Aries.

It can die by itself and then trigger the big Katla eruption. I think that on June 6th 2010, that explosive power could reach its maximum. It is likely to continue well after that, e.g. as Pluto retrogrades over the previous Capricorn position.

On the same page an Icelandic yearbook of 1821 as with the eruption, we have the other major event: Revolt and uproar in Greece! You see that there are no coincidences. Greece and Iceland are feeling the economic pain of the crash to its fullest.

I will probably show you more soon, must sleep!

All the best,

Ivar Palsson

The USA Health Care bill passed at 10:44 PM March 21, 2010 in Washington, DC. I haven’t had a chance to read the current bill yet plus it needs/ will receive modifications before it is actually signed into law. However, the abortion component was clear in the chart of passage ~ Scorpio rising, the chart has Uranus (separation from) and Sun (life) in the fifth house of children.

From the internet: The Center for Reproductive Rights has chimed in expressing its disappointment with the deal reached between President Obama and anti-abortion Democrats. Nancy Northup, president of the organization, issued this statement:

The president’s decision to issue an executive order designed to assuage Representative Stupak and his cohorts is a betrayal of millions of women across this country and of his campaign promises. The order lends credibility to an already impossibly flawed policy that punishes and discriminates against poor women by denying them the full range of reproductive health services and their constitutional right. Current policy known as the Hyde Amendment was denounced by President Obama himself as a presidential candidate.

“Current law withholds funding for abortion under Medicaid and other federal programs even though the service is one of the most common procedures for American women. For millions of women, these federal programs are their sole means of getting health services, including reproductive healthcare. Abortion is the only medically necessary health service excluded from this coverage. Failure to provide insurance coverage for a medical procedure that only women need is discrimination.

“It is unacceptable that a pro-choice President has put his imprimatur on a highly restrictive and unjust anti-choice measure. Early on in this debate a good faith compromise supported by pro-choice groups was tossed out to appease Representative Stupak and his cohorts. It is tragic that, under a pro-choice administration and a Democratic majority in Congress, harmful anti-choice policy will be the price American women will pay for health care reform.”

To my mind, if a man could carry children in HIS uterus, we would have free and open access to abortion as the law of the land. If you are the person carrying the child inside of your body for nine to ten months, you are the person who gets to make the decision.

I think it is instructive that many health insurance plans did not cover birth control devices/ methods for women while I was in my reproductive years. They were viewed as an option that women should pay for themselves out of pocket. Once Viagra was invented, and IMMEDIATELY covered by health plans, birth control was finally added to the health coverage too. Such hypocrisy makes me crazy.

Tiger Woods announced his return to playing golf right after Mars stationed Direct last week~ which I predicted back last fall when he left us to go off and handle his marital problems. Last year when he played at TPC Sawgrass, my sister was in his party and she was NOT hit on by the lion of the golf course. However, with Sun and Mercury on the world axis and Mars in Leo trining them, we got MUCH more information about his sexting messages to porn stars than we really needed to know. And the various other mistresses, those of John Edwards and Jesse James, were sharing their opinions and text messages. Their wives, Elizabeth Edwards and Sandra Bullock, reacted accordingly. Gotta love that world axis trined by Mars in Leo ~ we do find out stuff!

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