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Author Topic:   Master Number Harmonic Astrology

Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 19, 2010 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
I was reading the following about master numbers:

In earlier numerology texts and teachings the numbers 11, 22, and sometimes 33 were called master numbers. They seemed to suggest an added potential and power beyond the single digit numbers and other double digits. This work includes the entire range of double-digit master numbers 11 to 99.

represent initiatory steps along the way for the aspirant desiring transformation.

The presence of master numbers may indicate a dynamic soul who is incarnating this time from another planet or system to fulfill some specific destiny or mission.

no matter where the master number may appear, the higher vibration does not fully unfold until the aspirant’s soul has awakened and the individual takes conscious steps to
develop the higher vibrations.

In some instances certain gifts manifest through grace. In fact, the individual possessing the gift may not have initiated conscious discipline and study of spiritual law in this lifetime.

endowed with special tendencies toward leadership and inspiration that set them apart from mass consciousness.

the numbers are of intensified vibration and potency, those who possess them feel they have a heightened obligation in life, such as greater requirements of self-discipline and purification of consciousness.


Assertive--fanatical, joins cults or fanatical religious sects, overzealous, lacks practical realities, attacks dissimilar viewpoints, uses psychic or divine gift for self purpose, loves ideals over humanity.

Passive--fails to apply inspiration, over-reacts to criticism, apathetic, fears higher energies and gifts, oversensitive to public reaction, cynical toward society.

Harmonious--gifted channel or clairvoyant, seeks to express higher consciousness, unites spiritual Truth to material plane; inventive, visionary leader.


Assertive--tendency to over-evaluate self-importance; exaggerates information and personal credentials, promotes hasty causes, resents lack of recognition, misuses wisdom or power.

Passive--apathetic toward human needs, at the extreme uses heightened awareness for criminal goals or black magic, unable to adapt self to group needs, envy of others success.

Harmonious--integrates higher wisdom into organizational administration, is in control of self and environment, puts universal goal ahead of self-pride; a practical mystic.


Assertive--forceful in attempts to serve others, intolerant of differing mores and opinions, over-emotional, won’t adjust to needs of others, sees another persons problems but not his own.

Passive--overprotective, rebellious, hides from positions of responsibility, seeks praise, inactive martyr, cannot establish clear boundaries, resists making changes in self, worried.

Harmonious--sympathetic, is a good counselor (often psychic or spiritual), has concern for welfare of masses; a kind of cosmic parent or guardian, creates harmony at home and work, leader in institutions of positive welfare and human service.


Assertive--rigid in administrating ideas and beliefs, emotionally insensitive to others' shortcomings, can attach to appearance rather than real achievement, out spoken, critic of authority, forces social changes, abuses industrial power, uses money to control.

Passive--possesses good ideas; but expects others to carry them out, distaste of personal discipline, silently critical and envious of successful people, expects people to respond to his/her ideas, unconscious resistance to real responsibility and use of power.

Harmonious--keystone in building of a group consciousness, well trained mental abilities, trusts the wisdom of own inner authority, practical visionary, potential to create new modes of income and prosperity, combines artistic with practical, helps manifest empowerment.


Assertive--confuses rebellion and freedom to escape responsibility and commitment, pessimistic and defeatist, indulges habits while criticizing others, egocentric to a fault, believes one's own opinion to be universal truth, justifies own fault finding (toward others) as revelation, impatient.

Passive-indulges in long bouts of animus projection with few results, blames fate or other people for setbacks, passively resists Higher Will, repressed anger creates over aggressive actions.

Harmonious--seeks to blend individual will with Higher Will, innovative and inventive while inspiring the originality in others, pioneer of movements in new thinking and reform, encourages others from tribal dependency to individualized awareness, dynamic leader.


Assertive--forces emotional confrontation before others are ready, confused emotions create aura of discouragement and despair, critical of others emotional phobias and insecurities, falsely over sentimental, sees oneself as messiah like figure, preys upon the emotional weakness in others.

Passive--inability to recognize and admit one's own emotional blocks, good silent victims, expect others to "read" your moods of suffering and pain, blames lack of happiness on external people and events, wallows in negative anima.

Harmonious--involved in causes (institutions) helping to alleviate human (animal, planetary) suffering, excellent counselors and healers, inspired artist who works on the archetypal level, helps bring the joy of nature and angels to mankind, positive ray in gloomy environs.


Assertive--intellectual elitist, prolonged fantasy spells with no practical benefit, martyrdom, self created realities used as escapist justification, negative criticism of social change, lives in an idealized state, extremist in thought and action, overtaxing of emotions.

Passive--unsociable and detached, pessimistic about change in human nature, feels caught in a non-creative environment, explains inability to communicate his/her ideas as being "ahead of the times", wants recognition, fears the pleasure of body, denies emotions.

Harmonious--possesses the originality of thought to innovate and invent new systems for benefiting mankind, uses intuition with scientific and technological support, explores new theologies and philosophies of living, seeks to release neighbors from self limiting barriers.


Assertive--power complex, maintains a slightly haughty arrogance separating self from others, likes to challenge people in authority positions, in extremes can be very destructive, intellectual arrogance, devious getting to the "top", “know it all”, destructive attacks against religious and ideological institutions.

Passive--passive resistance to authority, distrust promptings of intuition and higher consciousness, blames life's setbacks on those in control, caught between parent's unconscious head games, ungracious in defeat, can be fraudulent and exaggerate credentials, oblivious to others' inner convictions and feelings.

Harmonious--teaches universal laws which improve management skills, delegates authority in a way that gives each person his/her own sense of power, works to find cooperation with the higher laws of mathematics, leader in metaphysical philosophies, respects integrity and clarity, develops new ideas of thermodynamics, hydraulics and engineering theories.


Assertive--gets trapped in modicum of syrupy idealisms, wants to be seen as "ideal lover" while denying obvious selfish motives, uses group dynamics to avoid self responsibility, struggles to recognize and express true feelings, impractical strategies for interpersonal relationships.

Passive--easily mired in false arena of self pain-hurt-rejection) and denial, unable to see you are the creator of any misery, smiles politely while secretly resentful of others' happiness and joy, gloomy, accomplished martyr, benefits by seeking outside professional help.

Harmonious--catches a glimpse of the Greater Plan for the planet and works to bring the higher light to humanity, learning to release and let go of all personality illusions, master teacher of self awareness education, must learn to open heart center in practical ways, works with pulse of mother earth, visionary in one's chosen path of life.

Maybe master number harmonic aspects can indicate higher vibration themes that include gifts and challenges that are big part of our evolutionary path.
Maybe they are not understood and realized until until there is growth in consciousness and awareness.

Because the transneptunian objects are evolutionary intensified objects, higher vibration harmonic transneptunian aspects could be deeply profound to the point that they can be quite gifted but quite challenged at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised to find these type of aspects strong in the charts of people that have gone through significant traumatic experiences as well as people that have serious mental health problems due to not being able to cope with the evolutionary intensified energy operating on a highly subtle level. Of course, these energies could be strong in the charts of mystics,shamans,occultists,metaphysicans.

It really depends on how one chooses to use their energies.

I'd keep the orbs very narrow to focus on strong themes

2 degree for the Sun,Moon,planets
1 degree for the big transneptunian dwarf planets/candidates (Pluto,Eris,Makemake,Haumea,Sedna,Orcus,Quaoar,Varuna,and Ixion) and asteroid dwarf planet Ceres

Asc/Desc, MC/IC, East Point/West Point, Antivertex/Vertex axises are looked at.

East Point/West Point and Antivertex/Vertex are auxilliary Asc/Desc axises. They are similar to the Asc/Desc axis.

"Generally, both the Antivertex and East Point function as auxiliary Ascendants—additional keys to themes of importance in our basic identity, our self-expression in the world, our personal needs and actions. The Vertex and West Point function as keys to our relationships—the kinds of qualities we seek in relationships, the sorts of attributes we may project and experience through other people who are unconsciously attracted to express that side of ourselves for us. Close aspects symbolize fundamental issues in our self-expression and our one-to-one interactions.

I think that Master Number Harmonic Astrology could work in synastry too.

Maybe deep soul connections are reflected by master number harmonic aspects.

My hunch is that there will be strong connections between Sun,Moon,Asc/Desc,MC/IC East Point/West Point, Antivertex/Vertex
personal planets, Mercury,Venus,and Mars would be secondary

There could be sexual attractions,romantic attractions that shown through the master number harmonic harmonic aspects involving Venus and Mars.

I think that the 33rd,66th,and 99th Harmonics could play an especially big part.

In my natal:

Moon conjunct MC - 1'26
Saturn conjunct Asc - 1'31
Saturn conjunct South Node - 1'01

Sun conjunct Venus - 1'54

Mars conjunct Vertex - '33
Asc conjunct West Point (same as Desc conjunct East Point) - '44

Eris conjunct Vertex - '04
Venus conjunct Ixion - '37

Sun conjunct Moon - 1'19
Mercury conjunct MC - 1'05
Moon conjunct Sedna - '50
Jupiter conjunct South Node - '55
Haumea conjunct West Point - '38

Mars conjunct Vertex - 1'06
Eris conjunct Antivertex - '07
Venus conjunct Ixion - '56

Sedna conjunct Antivertex - '48
Sun conjunct Orcus - '58

Venus conjunct Mars - 1'39
Eris conjunct Vertex - '09
Orcus conjunct Antivertex - '22
Quaoar conjunct Imum Coeli - '21

Moon conjunct Mars - '54
Mars conjunct Vertex - 1'39

Please share what you find


No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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posted September 19, 2010 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message
This is such an interesting thought!

I have to check it in the next days, when I have more time.

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posted September 19, 2010 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message
Does Jonathan Dunne`s ephemeris have the East point?

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posted September 19, 2010 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message
Didn`t find the East point there.

11th harmonic:
Haumea conjunct Varuna - 31

22th harmonic:
Varuna conjunct Orcus 1-00

33th harmonic:
Sun conjunct Uranus -57

44th harmonic:
Eris conjunct Neptune - 22
Haumea conjunct Southern lunar Node -47
Pluto conjunct IC 1-04

55th harmonic:
Venus conjunct Neptune -16
Ceres conjunct Pluto -02

66th harmonic:
Moon conjunct Orcus - 33

77th harmonic:
Chiron conjunct True BML 1-09
Mars conjunct Pluto 1-05
(ASC conjunct Makemake 1-16)
Sun conjunct Saturn 1-18
Venus conjunct IC -42

88th harmonic:
Eris conjunct Neptune -45
Neptune conjunct Makemake -44

99th harmonic:
Venus conjunct ASC 1-37
Makemake conjunct IC -53
True BML conjunct IC 2-07

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posted September 19, 2010 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message
I have that question as well, where would I find my East Point?

nm I found it

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Posts: 1093
From: venus
Registered: Jan 2010

posted September 19, 2010 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for raspberri     Edit/Delete Message
I was born on the 29th making my Bday the 11th master number. I feel that description resonates with me because I do use my spirituality on the material aspects of my life.. Everday something has meaning.

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From: LA & Vancity
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posted September 19, 2010 07:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message
This looks very interesting,...but how do I find my Harmonics?? I have a master# 33 in my name vibration, so I'm curious as to what I might find in my astrological chart?

How do you find being a 29/11? Do you find it difficult??

I'm just curious cuz one of my Numerology books (chaldean I think), had stated 29/11 is the most difficult master# to have. How it's pretty much equivalent to having massive karmic debt snowballed together from all past incarnations....with the individual coming in this lifetime to fix it all. Unlike the individual Karmic debt #'s; 13,14,16,19 where there's a particular karmic issue of focus, 29/11/2 gets grand-slammed. It's also the most difficult # of all to achieve material manifestation, unlike it's sister counterpart 20/2.


My name in Chaldean numerology resonates to 33/6. In Chaldean numerology, the name vibration is believed to be even more important than the birth-day vibration...but maybe not as important as the life-path #.

33/6 is the "teacher," number...I find it does play a part in my life. People often come to me for help or advice. Also on my spare time, I mentor exceptionally talented kids--whom are actual artistic geniuses, in drawing/art.

My older bro has a (22/4 - Master Builder) Lifepath. Infact his entire advanced numerological chart is just made up of 8's and 22/4's. He's definitely a master builder. He was a child prodigy, and since childhood he would say he'd grow up to be just like Bill Gates. Interestingly enough, he is pursuing that path right now.

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posted September 19, 2010 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message

I don't have a Master Number on my whole name, its a 9 but my middle name totals a 22 and my surname totals a 33.
My life path (dob) is also a 9.
Mu partner is an 11 name though.

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Posts: 1093
From: venus
Registered: Jan 2010

posted September 19, 2010 07:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for raspberri     Edit/Delete Message
I don't find it difficult, I mean karmic wise, I could have worse luck. I'm happy, healthy and my life is fine.

If I had to choose what my worst karmic implication is/was it would have to be my mother... But that's all said and done.

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
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posted September 19, 2010 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

This looks very interesting,...but how do I find my Harmonics?? I have a master# 33 in my name vibration, so I'm curious as to what I might find in my astrological chart?"


go to
go to extended chart selection
go to circular charts methods
go down to where it says OTHER CHARTS
select Harmonic chart (day - harmonic number)

you go to where it says start date for charts marked with *
and go to the day box, and you put in the number

and then you click show chart , and it should show the harmonic chart according to the number that you put in


No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
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posted September 19, 2010 08:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

I was born on the 29th day, and so was my maternal grandmother. My mom has a 29/11 lifepath.

I had an old numerology book.
The individuality number was the first name and middle name, and mine totalled 11.

Interestingly, if my mother had given me my biological father's last name instead of her maiden name as my last name, my expression number would be 11. With my mom's maiden name, my expression is 14/5 which I can relate with. Therefore I have a karmic debt number for my expression number.

The stuff that Decoz wrote about the 29 birthday number deeply resonates with me.

He wrote:

You are highly intuitive and creative.

Your mind thinks in pictures. You seem to draw information and ideas from out of the sky.
Your intuition is your gift, along with a powerful drive to know the Oneness of all things. You are so driven by spiritual pursuits that no matter what you do in life, the world of spirit and philosophy will be central to your daily behavior. You feel linked with the larger universal forces, and nothing will change that.
You have a fine mind and keen insights, but these do not come as a result of logic or rational thought. You are more likely to direct your life by inspiration, rather than by calculated reflections.
On some level, you know that you are in the hands of destiny, and that you must surrender to the higher powers that shape your life. You are usually a late bloomer. Your early and middle 30s tend to be years spent in apprenticeship and slow development. During this period, you can become frustrated with your progress, or the apparent lack of it.
You need to develop faith. You are a highly charged person with much to do, but you must develop character and sound judgment before you begin to tap your true potential. Just as a tree needs roots to grow tall, so, too, do you need to develop depth of character in order to begin to expand in the ways you desire and ultimately envision.
Your highly developed intuition makes you a wonderful counselor, healer, or health practitioner. You have a gift for inspiring people. Many people admire you without your knowing it. You are a visionary, and others sense your wisdom.
You are acutely sensitive and easily influenced by your surroundings. You love beauty and harmony. You crave social interaction and much attention. You can be very emotional, often experiencing extremes of happiness and sadness. You are usually too easily hurt.
You get depressed easily and feel the lack of confidence during times you are in a dark mood.
Despite your sensitivity, you possess leadership abilities. You are modest, diplomatic and polite. You have the ability to persuade, and can be quite forceful.
Your high sensitivity to others makes you compassionate, kind, and gentle. You have an opportunity for fame and success as long as you do not pursue either as your gods. Look for ways to help others and convey a larger message, with which you were blessed. This will bring you the material and social fruits you desire.

Your birthday on the 29th adds a tone of idealism to your nature. You are imaginative and creative, but rather uncomfortable in the business world. You are very aware and sensitive, with outstanding intuitive skills and analytical abilities. The 29 reduces to 11, one of the master numbers which often produces much nervous tension. This is the birthday of the dreamer rather than the doer. You do, however, work very well with people.

29th Day of the Month

A birthday on the twenty-ninth day of the month indicates inspiration, spirituality and leadership abilities, since this is a master vibration (2+9=11). You have a unique ability to bring together disparate forces and can mediate labor problems or unify religious differences. Your powers are great; you can use them to bring honor or destruction to yourself and others - as you choose. You're an extremist in everything, intense in love and judgments, either way up or way down emotionally. Home is essential to your happiness, but you're high strung and moody, and not easy to live with. You get absorbed in your dreams, aspirations and plans and forget to consider the needs or feelings of those around you. You need a definite work to keep you balanced and efficient.

29 seems to have lightworker traits.
Doreen Virtue was born on the 29th day too.

I am aware of how 29 is viewed in Chaldean Numerology, and I agree with it. I can strongly relate to it.


any ways .....I am interested in 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 Harmonic chart conjunctions.
I want to know if you can relate to yours.

I am also open to the possibility that they can give insights into synastry.

No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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Posts: 1093
From: venus
Registered: Jan 2010

posted September 19, 2010 08:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for raspberri     Edit/Delete Message
^I agree with it as well!

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From: LA & Vancity
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posted September 19, 2010 08:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message

OK thanks!

["you go to where it says start date for charts marked with *
and go to the day box, and you put in the number"]

---So what days am I supposed to put in now?

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
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posted September 19, 2010 09:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
"---So what days am I supposed to put in now?"



No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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Posts: 310
From: LA & Vancity
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posted September 19, 2010 09:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Agent_009     Edit/Delete Message

so just ignore the month/year?? and pluck in the day #'s??

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
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posted September 19, 2010 09:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message



No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 19, 2010 11:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
Here are other interpretations for the master numbers

Number 11:
Messenger, Inspired, Intuitive, Channeling, Inventive, Mystic, Spiritual, Teacher, Idealistic, Romantic, Artistic, Energetic, Enthusiasm, Angels of creative communication, Christ-like Love, Visionary, Joy-bringer

Number 22:
Idealist, Expansive, Visionary, Master Builder, Material Master, Government, Bridge Builder, Alchemy, Universal Transformation, Philanthropic, Angels of Inspired Creativity, Genius, Inspired, Trouble-Shooter, Champion for a Cause, Tycoon

Number 33:
Christ-like, healer, compassionate, protected, blessing, teacher of teachers, martyr, inspiration, honest, monk, Angels of healing and guidance

Number 44:
Impeccability, desire with insight, wisdom with reason, intensity, conviction, adeptship, heroism, self-control, discipline, controlled energy focussed.

Number 55:
Way shower, leader to the light, whole-brain thinking, quantum spirituality, universal mediator, mental telepathy, clairvoyance, ultimate freedom, ultimate oneness, integral consciousness.

Number 66:
Cosmic consciousness, meditation, initiation, passion into compassion, Divine fulfillment, peacemaker, holistic human, emotional nakedness, Kundalini, transmutation, obedience to a higher order, kingdom of God.

Number 77:
Wise counsel, body as temple, mystical powers in action, purity in mind, body and spirit, Master Mystic, loving detachment, holy emptiness, turning away from the masses and towards Spirit, Presence, conscious union with God, mystical marriage, electricity of Awakening, universal intelligence.

Number 88:
Spiritual atomic energy in balance, thought power with discrimination and responsibility, truth with honest simplicity, initiation, Master Disciple, impeccable discipline, mastery of self control, transmutation of emotional and physical temptation.

Number 99:
Holistic healing, wholeness, body as temple of Spirit, ultimate regeneration, resurrection, immortality, illumination, Divine communion, cosmic love, pure awareness, ego annihilation, Agape Love, Enlightenment.


No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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posted September 19, 2010 11:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message
go to
go to extended chart selection
go to circular charts methods
go down to where it says OTHER CHARTS
select Harmonic chart (day - harmonic number)

When you first goto extended Selection its already on Circular Charts. I dont see other Charts..

I always resonate with the number 8.. I have it tattooed on my wrist and I wear two 8 necklaces..
I was born 8/8
on the 8th phase of the New Moon

I do think the description of the 88 fit me.

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Posts: 4645
From: Sacramento,California
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posted September 20, 2010 12:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message


I already gave Agent009 that information and she acknowledged

I am interested in people that can relate to their 11th,22nd,33rd,44th,55th,66th,77th,88th,and 99th harmonic conjunctions

as well as their use in synastry


No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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posted September 20, 2010 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message
Ok I finally found it..

Using only conjuncts 2 orb. 1 for outer planets.
MC conjunt Uranus in Pisces

Mc conjunct Uranus
Quaoar conjunct Varuna

MC conjunct Uranus
Orcus conjunct Mercury
Venus conjunct Makemake
Sun conjunct Pluto

Mc conjunct Uranus
MakeMake conjunct Eris

Mc conjunct Uranus
Neptune conjunct Sedna
Mercury conjunct Pluto

Mc conjunct Uranus
Venus conjunt MakeMake
Orcus conjunct Mercury

Mc conjunct Uranus
Uranus conjunct Mercury
Moon conjunct Eris
Ixion conjunct Vertex

Moon conjunct Asc
Eris conjunct Makemake

Orcus conjunct Mercury
Venus conjunct Makemake

I forgot to look at Anti Vertex.. Im not sure what the east/west points is yet.. So I didnt look at those either

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posted September 20, 2010 12:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

I use 2 degree orb for outerplanets.

I use 1 degree orb for the dwarf planets and dwarf planet candidates.


No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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posted September 20, 2010 01:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message
So you`re using 2 degrees for Uranus and Neptune, too?

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posted September 20, 2010 01:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

I didn't have any involving Uranus and Neptune.

No..I am not a Virgo.

Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts

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posted September 20, 2010 04:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message
I was only using 1 degree for these, too, but was surprised that Eris conjunct Neptune showed up twice.

Also, since I have a very exact trine of Juno to Saturn (0°01 orb), it appears that Juno is conjunct Saturn in 33th, 66th and 99th ( abit out of 1 degree orb for the last one though). I haven`t checked the others.
But the 3-6-9 sequence of course has connections to trines.

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posted September 20, 2010 05:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
Are you calculating harmonic to tropical or harmonic to harmonic pls?

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