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  Guess the Ascendant :) (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Guess the Ascendant :)

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posted November 26, 2018 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brenda_S     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My initial thought was Scorpio. Not sure what it was though. Perhaps a certain intensity. That would make sense for a Scorpio moon too however.

There's a certain freeness exuding from you (third pic especially). Sag would most fit this energy. It just feels right.

And it's right, not all Sag risings are into traveling. My sis has Cancer Sun, Sag rising and an eighth house stellium. I wouldn't say she's into traveling and all those Sag characteristic stuff.

So your ruling planet Jupiter in Libra you'd especially identify with. As you said.

That would also potentially put your descendant ruler in the eighth. Which would explain why you attract Scorpios.

Your Mars being in Virgo and potentially your MC I wonder if people identify you as such? If you're known for Virgo-related stuff that is... Like the concept of being into servicing humankind or health...

The more details you drop, the more it can be ascertained. But Sag feels pretty befitting.

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Posts: 14655
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 26, 2018 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Which one fits more?

An Aries AC sees the world through an egocentric lens of vibrant colours, easily surmountable challenges, and high-minded optimism. You admire your Aries qualities, identifying yourself as spontaneous, competitive, aggressive, enthusiastic, energetic, independent, athletic, and a take-no-**** , no-nonsense type of person. Although you also possess a violent temper, short-attention span, and an offensive/combative personality, you feel no shame in these aspects of yourself, and feel they are superior to their alternatives. In fact, everything you see in yourself is better - you are stronger, smarter, cooler, more capable, and more talented than most, and it's hard to call you cocky when you're right. Much of your lifelong success comes from your single-minded determination to win and the (almost unbearable) amount of confidence you have in yourself, so it's hard to tell you to dial it back just because your challenging persona makes other people insecure.

Your Libra DC stands opposite your Aries AC, which shows that to you, honestly - no matter how uncomfortable it makes people - is always better than deceptive manipulation or ***** -footing around the issue. You call people out on their **** . You point your finger at the problem and say the first thing that comes to mind, no matter how rude or insensitive that may be to them. Rarely do you think to be more sensitive around certain issues, and rarer still do you apologize. To you, it is better to say what you mean and stand by what you say, rather than say whatever you have to to make people like you or feel better about themselves. If they get mad, or lash out, or try to argue with you about it, you take them on until either they've exhausted themselves, or you get impatient and give up on them.

Which is why it may seem so peculiar for you to date exactly the kind of Libra personalities you seem to despise, who will argue with you to educate you on how other people think and feel. Perhaps you hadn't been attracted to that part of them right off the bat. You were more into their beauty, their sex appeal, their charm. You were attracted to their artistic talents or their brilliant, engaging conversations. Regardless of what drew you in, it seemed so strange for such a forthright and straightforward, macho, masculine person like you to draw in peaceful, diplomatic, albeit manipulative and dependant-to-the-point-of-being-clingy types like them. But to tell the truth, your Aries AC is what you wear so that you do not seem as needy and dependent as you eventually turn out to be. The fact is, despite your outward independence, you want to have a second person in your life to help you make decisions and keep you from getting lonely. In friendship, you probably have at least one best friend that you are tightly bonded to. And romantically, you seek out a spouse who has the potential for a lifelong, loving marriage.

Your Aries AC is still very much who you are and what you see yourself as. Your presence ignites controversy, and you will forever be fighting against the forces that rail against you. The task at hand is, by forming new relationships with strong Libra personality types, to connect with the Libra aspects of yourself which you deny or repress. Recognize that what your partners see - a beautiful, fair minded, intellectual, who is more sensitive to what other people think and passionate about equality and social issues - is an accurate assessment. No matter how strange it sounds in the beginning, listen to how they describe you, and believe that what they say is true.


With a Sagittarius AC, you have a positive outlook on everything. You wear a big, friendly smile and happily bounce here and there, never settling in one place for too long. You want your life to be full of spontaneity and adventure, and you have no qualms about suddenly changing your whole life to suit those needs. Travelling is a good outlet for this kind of energy. You love to run off to exotic places, see new sights, learn new languages, and adopt foreign customs as your own. But you also love to learn about culture, philosophy, society, and people, and so you spend a lot of time travelling in your head. Whichever you prefer to be doing, you do so with unyielding optimism and lust for life. All you want to do is dance, laugh, and have fun. As long as it is new and exciting for you, you love to participate!

You wear the mask of Sagittarius: expansive, generous, philosophical, spiritual, wild and freedom-loving, a dreamer of big dreams, an untamable spirit, loud and uncouth and the speaker of truths. Your Gemini shadow, on the other hand, contains all the qualities you dislike in a person, and what you don't want to see in yourself. You see people through this lens as two-faced liars. You find they limit their minds with science and cold-hard-facts, instead of expanding into the world of ideas and possibilities. You can't stand to have your imagination or creativity limited in this way. And you can't stand their chaotic, scatter-brained duality, either. Your Sagittarius AC means that you pick a target and fire an arrow, chasing after what your want with single-minded determination. But Gemini is fickle and never knows what they want, dispersing their energy in too many directions at once.

Since opposites attract, despite the initial reservations you have about this Sign, you are drawn to them because they understand you in ways you don't understand yourself. They don't box you in with possessiveness or jealousy. They understand your duel need for freedom and commitment, letting you flirt and flit from one person to the next, while still being there for you at the end of the day. They are youthful in the their energy and their wit; lively, charming, and clever. They are intelligent and gifted conversationalists, with detailed catalogues of information hiding deep within their brain. In your own relationships, it is rare that you find a single person who can provide you with enough mental stimulation by themselves. Any partner of yours will have to learn how to allow you the freedom you seek while also moving along with you in unison.

Initially, you wear a big, jolly Sagittarius mask that is boisterous and loud, exaggerating yourself to become a larger, more magnificent version of yourself. You see yourself as an entertainer, a philosopher, and a travelling sage. And when you look out into the world you see it as a Sagittarius does: as a wild, open world full of new things to learn and the enlightenment that you seek. In turn, you are drawn to the social butterflies, the scatter-brained intellectuals, and the wordsmiths, because they are the most sympathetic to the parts of yourself you are blind to. Gemini will complete you like the twin that it is. And to your partner, you will become the other half they have been missing.


A Leo AC is marked by beautiful hair, a shining smile, and a childlike charm and innocence. You dress in bold styles to capture attention, turning the spotlight onto you with striking designs and dramatic sex appeal. This is an Ascendant that all eyes fall on and everyone follows, since you take centre-stage and lead the charge in every situation. Maybe it is your sunny disposition, the warmth in your welcome, the undying friendliness that you approach the world with. Or perhaps it is your fun-loving nature, your creativity, or your entertaining character. Whatever it is, people love your Leo AC, and you love it about yourself too.

Would people still love you if you were the opposite of all that? If you lacked warmth and charisma, and instead were cold, detached, and uncaring? Probably not. That's why you keep your Leo AC where you can see it, and throw your Aquarius DC behind you, where you don't. Aquarius is a Sign that you don't really care much for, since it is the epitome of everything you dislike in people. Aquarius is unpredictable, being so many contradictory things at once, that you never know if you are going to get their good side or their bad. Are they going to be selfless, or selfish? Exuberantly happy, or withdrawn into broody silence? One minute they are committed in loving loyalty, and the next they abandon you to be with someone else, as if they couldn't care less. For someone who thrives on being special, on being the centre of attention, at the forefront of everyone's hearts and minds, you hate how quickly this Sign goes from fawning over you to ignoring you completely. But maybe, that's the sort of thing that causes you to chase after them time and time again.

Just like you, these people stand out. They have an alternative style that is all their own, built from the wreckage of rebellious weirdos that came before them. When they are out in a crowd, they possess just as much confidence in themselves as you do, drawing a crowd through dramatic story-telling and topical sense of humour. They make you smile more than anyone else. They balance out your selfishness and egotism with their wider perspective, showing you (as much as you might hate it) that the world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings. But most importantly, they understand the types of relationship that you want, since they also have intimacy issues and problems expressing their emotions in measured ways. Looking at you through your Aquarius DC, your partners see you as an extroverted intellectual with an open-mind and strong social skills. And in return, they see that you need an undemanding, flexible, trusting partner who is your friend first, and your lover second.

It is paradoxical, how on the outside you project a bright and colourful Leo image, but people meet the colder, more distant, harder-to-get-to-know Aquarius DC that lies in denial behind it. Despite your initial image of warmth and love, your relationships will lack deep emotional closeness. But what you lack in emotional intimacy with one person you make up for with a passion for the good of society. You do well working in groups for a common cause because you are instinctively cooperative, accepting, objective, and socially conscious. And you also do well as a leader because of your attention-grabbing Leo Ascendant. Leo maybe what you like in yourself and what you like to see yourself as, but Aquarius is experienced by the people who know you really well. And it is only when you can recognize these water-bearer traits brewing in your personality, that you can take steps to building healthier, more devoted partnerships with others.

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posted November 26, 2018 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brenda_S     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As others mentioned I'm not sure why I feel Aquarius/Saturn too. I think it's also your features.

I don't think it would take away from the fiery energy that hypatia and Dumuzi mentioned since that would put your moon at 29 Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. Plus you have quite a few squares in your chart.

Also Uranus would oppose your 4th house ruler (Mercury) which would explain what Dumuzi stated.

And your rising ruler in 11th would explain the freeness I mentioned. And Saturn conjunct your ascendant.

Fifth house ruler potentially being moon (in Scorpio) would also explain the Scorpios you attract. And especially with 7th house ruler (Sun) in fifth, your fifth house would be more significant to you.

Your moon possibly squaring your ascendant would explain the intensity expressed...

And Mars opposing your first house Saturn conjunct would certainly describe that 'abrupt' character you mentioned. Mars kinda putting a shortstop to Saturn's lingering nature would result in that. Like stopping something before it having a chance to actualize. So the Saturn/Mars opposition must be somewhere strong in your chart. Hence Aquarius rising.

But Sag still feels like it's there somewhere. I'm not sure if it's your moon being at the cusp and possibly squaring you ascendant or if it is in fact your ascendant being Sagittarius. I need some more hints. But I strongly feel Scorpio/Aquarius-Saturn/Sag. And Aquarius rising would cover for these three. I'd think.

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posted November 26, 2018 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by WhiteBirds:
Wow, thank you so much, what made you think that?

Not sure. Really go by gut feelings but after looking at your chart and reading other comments I am even more convinced it could be SAG rising with Uranus and Neptune in your first house giving you the airy qualities of Aquarius/Pisces. If I am right what’s in your first house is stronger or more apparent in your looks? and could be why I guessed SAG/Pisces. Also, I read that mutable signs give the effect of looking different in pictures - one picture you could look a certain way then look like someone else or different in another picture... “mutable” looks. I get a bit of this sense between first 2 pictures and 3rd. Do you feel like your looks can change? I do not see though Gemini or Virgo as your ASC because I do agree with the added Fire in your chart narrowing it down to SAG (mutable fire)!

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posted November 26, 2018 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
just so you know i guessed sag mostly because it gives you a 12th house moon and pluto which can indicate an absent mother for one thing and issues regarding both parents for another and would put (in whole sign) saturn into your 4th house which can indicate a rough childhood

i was going based on the adoption information

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Posts: 14655
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 26, 2018 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you are adopted and you have Sag rising, there is the potential you have IC in Pisces which means Neptune rules your IC and the potential that your moon in scorpio would fall in the 12th, both of these indicate a mystery behind your bio mother and ancestry or where you come from.

You should post your chart with Sag AC at 15 degrees and maybe with aries AC at 15 degrees so we can see how everything would look like.

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Posts: 14655
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 26, 2018 09:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dumuzi:
just so you know i guessed sag mostly because it gives you a 12th house moon and pluto which can indicate an absent mother for one thing and issues regarding both parents for another and would put (in whole sign) saturn into your 4th house which can indicate a rough childhood

i was going based on the adoption information

hahaha OMG we are in sync! We made a comment at the same time about the same thing hahahaha

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posted November 26, 2018 10:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:
hahaha OMG we are in sync! We made a comment at the same about the same thing hahahaha

and i almost commented on it just now then didnt lol i was going to say i love that kind of thing, i like when things line up naturally aside from that order is uninteresting but that's where the virgo is

edit: btw that sort of thing is always enough for me to decide whether or not im right

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Posts: 14655
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted November 26, 2018 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dumuzi:
and i almost commented on it just now then didnt lol i was going to say i love that kind of thing, i like when things line up naturally aside from that order is uninteresting but that's where the virgo is

edit: btw that sort of thing is always enough for me to decide whether or not im right

I agree, I believe stuff like aligns for a reason and is a confirmation you are right.

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posted November 26, 2018 10:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moongaze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just on pure appearances, Leo was the very first thing that came to mind and then Scorpio. It's something about your eyes. Very cat-like and seductive, but it's as if you're hiding something too. There's this deep, penetrating quality about them that made me shift into Scorpio.

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posted November 27, 2018 01:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brenda_S     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@hypatia @dumuzi wouldn't the fourth house ruler in opposition to Uranus/Neptune result in the same sorta situation? Something makes me lean towards Aquarius. (Given the additional information previously mentioned)

Also, my fourth house ruler and my moon both sit in the twelfth. I'm very close with my (biological) mother and certainly not distant. Unless there's something I don't know lol and she's just not my parent. But I look a lot like her so not really possible. So having those twelfth house stuff aren't always indicative of a distant parent.

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posted November 27, 2018 02:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ithinkimightbewrong     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
are your relationships very intense

is your creativity characteristic of a mix of virgo and libra

has career been difficult for you

has there been anything unusal with your learning style?

anything unusal related to death?

if this sounds true, then i woud say taurus asc

although you said u were adopted..and if that was something that was difficult for you you could be a scorpio dec with aquarius fourth house with saturn in it....or aries with chiron in your 4th house

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posted November 27, 2018 03:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Right off the bat I want to say Scorpio ... but you have a Scorpio moon 🧐 you just scream Scorpio to me. Like if Scorpio was represented as a person it’d be you.. but since you have a Scorpio moon I think the world id trying to throw me off, so I feel you may be a Leo rising, or possibly an Aquarius rising. Because Im an Aquarius rising myself and people have mistaken me for a Scorpio rising... but honestly Im gonna go with Leo.

I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art

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posted November 27, 2018 04:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Im not a complete expert on astrology like a lot of people on this site, but I just want to say it is soo hard to guess someones ascendent, because in my case, for the longest time I was going off my mothers memory of my time of birth. It gave me an Aries rising... I totally didn’t agree with it. I felt odd even saying I was an Aries rising. I finally found my birth certificate and it was a whole couple hours different from the time my mother gave me. I ended up actually being an Aquarius rising.
Personally I don’t really identify much with my Aquarius rising, but the rest of my chart (house placements) made soo much more sense!
Ive had people on websites guess my rising and people rarely get it right! Rarely people think Im an Aquarius rising. It’s strange... and Im sure in real life people might think Im a Pisces rising based on my personality. I did not expect to be an Aquarius rising.
I guess what Im trying to say is. Rising is super tricky. I think the rest I don’t seem like my Ascendent is because Ive got a whole stellium in the 1st house, which may conflict with my rising sign. You may possibly have this too. It’s so hard to say. There are so many possibilities. That’s why rising sign is hard to guess your rising may be a sign you don’t relate to or nobody else guessed. I think what’s most important is the whole chart as a whole. Because the rising may be in a sign you don’t expect.

I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art

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posted November 27, 2018 06:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Brenda_S:
@hypatia @dumuzi wouldn't the fourth house ruler in opposition to Uranus/Neptune result in the same sorta situation? Something makes me lean towards Aquarius. (Given the additional information previously mentioned)

Also, my fourth house ruler and my moon both sit in the twelfth. I'm very close with my (biological) mother and certainly not distant. Unless there's something I don't know lol and she's just not my parent. But I look a lot like her so not really possible. So having those twelfth house stuff aren't always indicative of a distant parent.

i know it doesn't always mean the parent is gone, but it can and in the case of sag rising it puts saturn in 4th

my fiancee is an aquarius rising, so is my older brother, friend with benefits is aquarius sun/leo rising , and i have agood friend who's aquarius sun/moon (and something else, she has a stellium) gemini rising

and i'm not getting that vibe from her

either way she could just try the other thing and look at planets through houses and see where she relates

i have 12th house **** (sun with whole sign/vedic and venus sorta counts in placidus since it's technically conjunct my asdcendant from the 12th but doesnt entirely work) and distance from my parents

it's elsewhere in my chart, but there as well

nothing is ever exactly the same for everyone so you can have a placement mean other things, but if a rising sign puts multiple planets into relateable houses that will be the one and i was looking at it from that perspective

4th house 12th house work with sag rising

i use whole signs to begin with i dont find placidus effective though it works

but i would guess it'd be pointless to even try to guess placidus placements here without a proper time and since whole sign works

that all being said anything we see physically could just have to do with an angle to the descendant which can only be determined with degree

the reality is the only way to narrow it down entirely would be to really look at the individual charts with the suggestions here in mind first then if they dont work other signs

@hypatia that's how i tend to make decisions, gut feelings based on synchronicity or something weird like that, it works out though so it's cool

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posted November 27, 2018 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SoulOfABird:
Im not a complete expert on astrology like a lot of people on this site, but I just want to say it is soo hard to guess someones ascendent, because in my case, for the longest time I was going off my mothers memory of my time of birth. It gave me an Aries rising... I totally didn’t agree with it. I felt odd even saying I was an Aries rising. I finally found my birth certificate and it was a whole couple hours different from the time my mother gave me. I ended up actually being an Aquarius rising.
Personally I don’t really identify much with my Aquarius rising, but the rest of my chart (house placements) made soo much more sense!
Ive had people on websites guess my rising and people rarely get it right! Rarely people think Im an Aquarius rising. It’s strange... and Im sure in real life people might think Im a Pisces rising based on my personality. I did not expect to be an Aquarius rising.
I guess what Im trying to say is. Rising is super tricky. I think the rest I don’t seem like my Ascendent is because Ive got a whole stellium in the 1st house, which may conflict with my rising sign. You may possibly have this too. It’s so hard to say. There are so many possibilities. That’s why rising sign is hard to guess your rising may be a sign you don’t relate to or nobody else guessed. I think what’s most important is the whole chart as a whole. Because the rising may be in a sign you don’t expect.

i'm with you in assuming her rising sign probably isn't anything that she's necessarily the epitome of, but rising sign could also be all anyone sees too

i hear "libra" all the time, so my rising/venus are what stand out the most about me from what im told

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posted November 27, 2018 07:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteBirds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 27, 2018 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for polkadotstars     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I see scorpio and aries

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posted November 28, 2018 06:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for waxlobster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd go for Leo rising, late, about 27 degrees. This puts Chiron in the 12th, Moon-Pluto square Asc. I can see this in your expression.

Do the timings work if you look at transits to 27 Leo and whatever the MC is?

How will Jupiter in Sagittarius affect us and you personally? Find out here:
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posted November 28, 2018 08:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gracha     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sag rising

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posted November 28, 2018 10:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteBirds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dumuzi:
a cancer sun with a sag ascendant or a strong jupiter isnt necessarily into traveling

sag can be a teacher or religiously/philosophically inclined, theyre adventurous in their thinking not just what they do

cancer sun can be a homebody and strong scorpio energy can tend towards deep thinking and a need for control of their environment

if you had more fire in your chart then the adventurous traveller side of sag
or jupiter would be more freely expressed but it's all filtered ultimately

i agree with hypatia about the fire though there is something to the way you look that seems that way and you lack it elsewhere so it has to be your ascendant

maybe try setting it to each fire sign with whole sign so you dont have to worry about ascendant degree as much (cant read the angles anyway and placidus wouldnt work for this cuz it's set by ascendant degree) and look at the houses and planets in them

if you were really neurotic i suppose you could do that throughout the entire day but that seems like a lot of work

My biological mother has her sun and her moon in Sagittarius.
Can there be any relationship between this and my ascendant?
I'm very attracted to Sagittarius. But not if it is because it is my ASC, or because Sagittarius is in my North node.

Thank you!!

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posted November 28, 2018 10:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteBirds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:
He is right, your sun in cancer would probably alter the sag rising needs and expression a lot perhaps.

So maybe sag is still on the table but I do feel your rising is fire indeed.

Then most likely my ASC is Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.
Very difficult for me to choose

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posted November 28, 2018 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteBirds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Brenda_S:
My initial thought was Scorpio. Not sure what it was though. Perhaps a certain intensity. That would make sense for a Scorpio moon too however.

There's a certain freeness exuding from you (third pic especially). Sag would most fit this energy. It just feels right.

And it's right, not all Sag risings are into traveling. My sis has Cancer Sun, Sag rising and an eighth house stellium. I wouldn't say she's into traveling and all those Sag characteristic stuff.

So your ruling planet Jupiter in Libra you'd especially identify with. As you said.

That would also potentially put your descendant ruler in the eighth. Which would explain why you attract Scorpios.

Your Mars being in Virgo and potentially your MC I wonder if people identify you as such? If you're known for Virgo-related stuff that is... Like the concept of being into servicing humankind or health...

The more details you drop, the more it can be ascertained. But Sag feels pretty befitting.

I think the first impression people usually have of me is to consider myself selfish. Because I look very focused on my affairs.
I have also been told that I feel as if everyone had to turn around me.
This is all when you don't know me well

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posted November 28, 2018 10:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteBirds     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:
Which one fits more?

An Aries AC sees the world through an egocentric lens of vibrant colours, easily surmountable challenges, and high-minded optimism. You admire your Aries qualities, identifying yourself as spontaneous, competitive, aggressive, enthusiastic, energetic, independent, athletic, and a take-no-**** , no-nonsense type of person. Although you also possess a violent temper, short-attention span, and an offensive/combative personality, you feel no shame in these aspects of yourself, and feel they are superior to their alternatives. In fact, everything you see in yourself is better - you are stronger, smarter, cooler, more capable, and more talented than most, and it's hard to call you cocky when you're right. Much of your lifelong success comes from your single-minded determination to win and the (almost unbearable) amount of confidence you have in yourself, so it's hard to tell you to dial it back just because your challenging persona makes other people insecure.

Your Libra DC stands opposite your Aries AC, which shows that to you, honestly - no matter how uncomfortable it makes people - is always better than deceptive manipulation or ***** -footing around the issue. You call people out on their **** . You point your finger at the problem and say the first thing that comes to mind, no matter how rude or insensitive that may be to them. Rarely do you think to be more sensitive around certain issues, and rarer still do you apologize. To you, it is better to say what you mean and stand by what you say, rather than say whatever you have to to make people like you or feel better about themselves. If they get mad, or lash out, or try to argue with you about it, you take them on until either they've exhausted themselves, or you get impatient and give up on them.

Which is why it may seem so peculiar for you to date exactly the kind of Libra personalities you seem to despise, who will argue with you to educate you on how other people think and feel. Perhaps you hadn't been attracted to that part of them right off the bat. You were more into their beauty, their sex appeal, their charm. You were attracted to their artistic talents or their brilliant, engaging conversations. Regardless of what drew you in, it seemed so strange for such a forthright and straightforward, macho, masculine person like you to draw in peaceful, diplomatic, albeit manipulative and dependant-to-the-point-of-being-clingy types like them. But to tell the truth, your Aries AC is what you wear so that you do not seem as needy and dependent as you eventually turn out to be. The fact is, despite your outward independence, you want to have a second person in your life to help you make decisions and keep you from getting lonely. In friendship, you probably have at least one best friend that you are tightly bonded to. And romantically, you seek out a spouse who has the potential for a lifelong, loving marriage.

Your Aries AC is still very much who you are and what you see yourself as. Your presence ignites controversy, and you will forever be fighting against the forces that rail against you. The task at hand is, by forming new relationships with strong Libra personality types, to connect with the Libra aspects of yourself which you deny or repress. Recognize that what your partners see - a beautiful, fair minded, intellectual, who is more sensitive to what other people think and passionate about equality and social issues - is an accurate assessment. No matter how strange it sounds in the beginning, listen to how they describe you, and believe that what they say is true.


With a Sagittarius AC, you have a positive outlook on everything. You wear a big, friendly smile and happily bounce here and there, never settling in one place for too long. You want your life to be full of spontaneity and adventure, and you have no qualms about suddenly changing your whole life to suit those needs. Travelling is a good outlet for this kind of energy. You love to run off to exotic places, see new sights, learn new languages, and adopt foreign customs as your own. But you also love to learn about culture, philosophy, society, and people, and so you spend a lot of time travelling in your head. Whichever you prefer to be doing, you do so with unyielding optimism and lust for life. All you want to do is dance, laugh, and have fun. As long as it is new and exciting for you, you love to participate!

You wear the mask of Sagittarius: expansive, generous, philosophical, spiritual, wild and freedom-loving, a dreamer of big dreams, an untamable spirit, loud and uncouth and the speaker of truths. Your Gemini shadow, on the other hand, contains all the qualities you dislike in a person, and what you don't want to see in yourself. You see people through this lens as two-faced liars. You find they limit their minds with science and cold-hard-facts, instead of expanding into the world of ideas and possibilities. You can't stand to have your imagination or creativity limited in this way. And you can't stand their chaotic, scatter-brained duality, either. Your Sagittarius AC means that you pick a target and fire an arrow, chasing after what your want with single-minded determination. But Gemini is fickle and never knows what they want, dispersing their energy in too many directions at once.

Since opposites attract, despite the initial reservations you have about this Sign, you are drawn to them because they understand you in ways you don't understand yourself. They don't box you in with possessiveness or jealousy. They understand your duel need for freedom and commitment, letting you flirt and flit from one person to the next, while still being there for you at the end of the day. They are youthful in the their energy and their wit; lively, charming, and clever. They are intelligent and gifted conversationalists, with detailed catalogues of information hiding deep within their brain. In your own relationships, it is rare that you find a single person who can provide you with enough mental stimulation by themselves. Any partner of yours will have to learn how to allow you the freedom you seek while also moving along with you in unison.

Initially, you wear a big, jolly Sagittarius mask that is boisterous and loud, exaggerating yourself to become a larger, more magnificent version of yourself. You see yourself as an entertainer, a philosopher, and a travelling sage. And when you look out into the world you see it as a Sagittarius does: as a wild, open world full of new things to learn and the enlightenment that you seek. In turn, you are drawn to the social butterflies, the scatter-brained intellectuals, and the wordsmiths, because they are the most sympathetic to the parts of yourself you are blind to. Gemini will complete you like the twin that it is. And to your partner, you will become the other half they have been missing.


A Leo AC is marked by beautiful hair, a shining smile, and a childlike charm and innocence. You dress in bold styles to capture attention, turning the spotlight onto you with striking designs and dramatic sex appeal. This is an Ascendant that all eyes fall on and everyone follows, since you take centre-stage and lead the charge in every situation. Maybe it is your sunny disposition, the warmth in your welcome, the undying friendliness that you approach the world with. Or perhaps it is your fun-loving nature, your creativity, or your entertaining character. Whatever it is, people love your Leo AC, and you love it about yourself too.

Would people still love you if you were the opposite of all that? If you lacked warmth and charisma, and instead were cold, detached, and uncaring? Probably not. That's why you keep your Leo AC where you can see it, and throw your Aquarius DC behind you, where you don't. Aquarius is a Sign that you don't really care much for, since it is the epitome of everything you dislike in people. Aquarius is unpredictable, being so many contradictory things at once, that you never know if you are going to get their good side or their bad. Are they going to be selfless, or selfish? Exuberantly happy, or withdrawn into broody silence? One minute they are committed in loving loyalty, and the next they abandon you to be with someone else, as if they couldn't care less. For someone who thrives on being special, on being the centre of attention, at the forefront of everyone's hearts and minds, you hate how quickly this Sign goes from fawning over you to ignoring you completely. But maybe, that's the sort of thing that causes you to chase after them time and time again.

Just like you, these people stand out. They have an alternative style that is all their own, built from the wreckage of rebellious weirdos that came before them. When they are out in a crowd, they possess just as much confidence in themselves as you do, drawing a crowd through dramatic story-telling and topical sense of humour. They make you smile more than anyone else. They balance out your selfishness and egotism with their wider perspective, showing you (as much as you might hate it) that the world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings. But most importantly, they understand the types of relationship that you want, since they also have intimacy issues and problems expressing their emotions in measured ways. Looking at you through your Aquarius DC, your partners see you as an extroverted intellectual with an open-mind and strong social skills. And in return, they see that you need an undemanding, flexible, trusting partner who is your friend first, and your lover second.

It is paradoxical, how on the outside you project a bright and colourful Leo image, but people meet the colder, more distant, harder-to-get-to-know Aquarius DC that lies in denial behind it. Despite your initial image of warmth and love, your relationships will lack deep emotional closeness. But what you lack in emotional intimacy with one person you make up for with a passion for the good of society. You do well working in groups for a common cause because you are instinctively cooperative, accepting, objective, and socially conscious. And you also do well as a leader because of your attention-grabbing Leo Ascendant. Leo maybe what you like in yourself and what you like to see yourself as, but Aquarius is experienced by the people who know you really well. And it is only when you can recognize these water-bearer traits brewing in your personality, that you can take steps to building healthier, more devoted partnerships with others.

Wow, this has been great.

I've felt identified with the 3 descriptions, especially with Aries and Leo.

One of my worst flaws is that when someone knows me for the first time and I don't like that person, I always try to compete with that person.
I do not know if this is a feature of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

Between Geminis, Aquarius and Libra, the people who attract the most is Libra.
My first love was Libra, etc.

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Registered: Oct 2018

posted November 28, 2018 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by WhiteBirds:
My biological mother has her sun and her moon in Sagittarius.
Can there be any relationship between this and my ascendant?
I'm very attracted to Sagittarius. But not if it is because it is my ASC, or because Sagittarius is in my North node.

Thank you!!

yeah actually, patterns of signs in families are very common

my mother is a libra sun, my older brother is a libra sun/mercury/venus and i'm a libra venus/ascendant

my mother and i both have a 1st house venus (hers is in scorpio and not conjunct her ascendant like mine though)

my father has a leo sun and mercury im a leo mercury, younger brother is a leo moon (my older brother is a leo mars, but has a different father)

my mother has an aries moon and so do i, father has virgo mars i have virgo sun

older brother has a sag moon younger brother has a sag sun and venus

i have capricorn mars my younger brother has capricorn mercury

my younger brother has a gemini mars (retrograde) and while gemini isnt in our immediate family our grandmother had at least a gemini sun and same with one of our uncles etc

in vedic you can break it down even further to the nakshatras lining up

so yeah your mothers planets could easily reflect yours and your ascendant

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