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  I think my friend's new bf might be a killer or ra*ist

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Author Topic:   I think my friend's new bf might be a killer or ra*ist

Posts: 13
From: The Universe
Registered: Jun 2022

posted July 03, 2022 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tokala     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For clarity, it's just a feeling. I've no solid proof he's killed or violated anyone in any way. But, if you're a woman who's ever experienced someone persuing you who seems like the type to roofie a chick, then you know where I'm coming from.

And for the record, I don't think this of all men nor is it my knee-jerk reaction.

It's just this guy in particular just seems to have something off about his aura, and when he looks at her from a distance when he thinks she isn't looking, his facial expression becomes creepy. There's being attracted and wanting sex and then there's being a straight-up shady predator. It's hard to describe unless you've met someone seriously dangerous.

Another red flag is the way he speaks about fighting, torturing, weapons etc... Granted I get that liking weapons is completely normal, and I have no problem with it, it's just the way he talks about such things seems a little twisted.

For the most part he acts completely charming, normal, charismatic, sweet even... But someone potentially twisted inside can seem very normal anyway or have a good social mask, so that doesn't prove much to me.

Another really weird thing is that when he and I were speaking once and I was mentioning potential jobs he could get, he was writing down some suggestions, and he randomly wrote the word "murder" and then laughed it off as if it was just an accident. Fair enough... Could have been, but it's a weird accident.

I did warn her to be careful and take it slow. Right now they're in separate countries for work so there's that blessing...

Anyhow since I have no proof, and I could be wrong, and hope I am wrong... I was wondering if you could take a look at his chart and see if you can find any tangible red flags? I really hope I'm wrong and he doesn't turn out to be some killer or rapist who hurts her but if he is it would be good to know.

If anyone wants to examine his chart thoroughly it's 5th Jan 1989... time not totally known (between 3 and 5) but he's likely a cancer rising

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posted July 03, 2022 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenegoddess     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Check asteroid Lucifer.

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posted July 03, 2022 12:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Assuming his chart is completely accurate for the moment (I never assume that completely), so far, I don't see the signatures of a born psychopath. But, we also have freewill, and that can either uplift or devolve a chart from the original Natal pattern.

What I do notice is that he has Scorpio Pluto in the 5th. Folks with this placement can become very obsessive in romance/love. They also tend to experience very painful, upending, potentially transformative events in romance. They can be on major guard in romance/love if they've been hurt before. They can become spiteful and vindictive in love, especially if they've been hurt and other chart factors don't counter balance.

For a male especially, it can mean that he has a VERY strong sex drive and focus. Like sex addict level like.

The most worrisome thing about his chart is the Cap Sun square barely angular Aries Mars--this can indicate some real anger and/or ego issues depending on the rest of the chart.

But he does have "counter balances" that indicate it would be unlikely that he is a born psychopath. For example, his chart ruler is in Sag conjunct Venus. Neptune is also highlighted being also angular and conjunct his Sun. Venus is mid vibratory and Neptune is faster vibratory. These both have affective empathy for others.

So IF he is indeed on the ASPD spectrum, then it is as a sociopath and not a born psychopath, most likely. The difference being is that psychopaths are fully born that way. Sociopaths come to become similar through trauma/abuse, severe possession influence from negative entities, sometimes physical head traumas, and/or just choosing to go more and more to the dark side so to speak.

Physically speaking, is he shortish, darkish to dark complected, and pretty attractive?

Edit to add, I just realized that this is only an approximate chart and could be off. Hence, some or much of the above may not apply. The next reply though still applies.

Edited to remove some information.

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posted July 03, 2022 12:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, I've tuned in more on an intuitive level.

This is what I got: He is actually quite psychically sensitive unconsciously, and he allows himself at times to be influenced by some very dark/negative entities. He was not born very negative himself, but the more he allows himself to be resonated by these, the darker he is and will be getting.

He needs major spiritual intervention. Pray for him and specifically ask for Arch Angel Michael and collective Forces of pure Light to protect, shield him from any negative outside influences. Ask other people you trust and who are open to these things, to do similar.

There is not much else you can do.

Even if I am wrong about this, it will not hurt anything, and can only help. Hence, it is worth trying no matter what.

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Posts: 13
From: The Universe
Registered: Jun 2022

posted July 04, 2022 10:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tokala     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by athenegoddess:
Check asteroid Lucifer.

Checked and it is conjunct the NN by 7 degrees >.<

Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2:
Ok, I've tuned in more on an intuitive level.

This is what I got: He is actually quite psychically sensitive unconsciously, and he allows himself at times to be influenced by some very dark/negative entities. He was not born very negative himself, but the more he allows himself to be resonated by these, the darker he is and will be getting.

He needs major spiritual intervention. Pray for him and specifically ask for Arch Angel Michael and collective Forces of pure Light to protect, shield him from any negative outside influences. Ask other people you trust and who are open to these things, to do similar.

There is not much else you can do.

Even if I am wrong about this, it will not hurt anything, and can only help. Hence, it is worth trying no matter what.

This feels true to me. In other words he could actually be partially possessed by something malevolent.

What I do know of his life is that according to him he wasn't abused but he was very sheltered and his family was strict and religious. He did lots of bible studies, went to churche regularly, went to a bible camp, and used to watch over some kids as a teenager at like a Christian Boy Scouts place. Heavy religious background.

He did eventually let loose when he became an adult but yeah, that's all I've got on his childhood and what it was like growing up.

That's all I can say right now since I g2g. Thank you for the advice!

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Posts: 587
Registered: Apr 2022

posted July 04, 2022 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for married11years     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol. If you think Scorpio Pluto in 5th ALONE is consider sexual and obsessive.
Wait till you see my husband. My husband has domicile Scorpio Mars, Scorpio Saturn, AND Scorpio Pluto. ALL in 5th. Three malefic masculine planets in the sign of Scorpio all in his 5th house, lol.

Btw, I like his domicile Aries Mars in 10th.
My husband have Scorpio Mars (domicile too), but in 5th.

And here my husband 5th. I'm sure it worser than OP 5th. And my husband is Cancer Rising too.

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posted July 04, 2022 11:15 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes. Possession rarely works like in the movies though. The only time it ever gets that bad (usually), is when people get really drunk or the like. Then a more full "taking over" CAN and often does occur (and that is where blackouts come from). I have repeat experience with observing this within others (alcoholic bio father, step father, cousin, etc, and I've seen them all influenced).

In most cases, most of the time, it is more of a subtle influencing here and there. Imagine voices, just below hearing, constantly whispering in your ear various distortions, deceptions, and all with negative energy and intention behind it.

The other exception to the rule, is when people consciously and willingly open themselves up to the dark forces like Anton Lavey or Richard Ramirez. Note, neither of these guys have "good vibes" to them, but could be charming/magnetic and especially to women.

This may sound out of left field and all, but I've learned that not all psychic interference is equal. I personally don't worry too much about those who were former humans and now in the human connected afterlife. What I do worry about, and which often needs the big guns so called spiritually to help, are those non human forces/groups. Particularly an ET group that my partner, my good friend, and I have all received direct guidance about.

The part that sounds out of left field about it, and which I struggled with myself because I was very initially skeptical of the whole concept, is that group that some have called the "reptilians". Turns out, yeah, they are a real thing, and there ARE reputable sources which talk about them. Primarily Harvard Psych Department head and author, Dr. John E. Mack (now deceased).

Most of his clients/patients primarily had experience with the so called Grays. But every so often, one of them would also mention observing or experience with a negative, aggressive feeling, much taller and stronger reptilian-humanoid type being. This was BEFORE David Icke and these media wh0res starting making a name for themselves based on "the Reptilians", conspiracy theories, etc.

And again, all 3 of us, unexpectedly started to receive clear guidance about this group.

My journey first started with this, when I was working in home with a young man with intellectual disability (pretty low IQ). He was into UFO's and stuff. I told him that I also had some interest in that stuff. Over time, he started to trust me more and more, and one time he confided in me that, one time, he was home alone and looked out his kitchen window at night, and saw this very scary reptilian-humanoid like being outside, with a forked tongue, look back at him from outside of the window. He said it was the most frightening thing he ever experienced, not only because of the looks of the being but especially because of the feel of it (felt evil/very bad).

After that, I became a bit more curious and open minded about the topic though I had already poo pooed Icke and his information. I started to consciously ask my guidance, "what is true about this topic?" And shortly after is when my partner, friend, and I started to receive messages about them. Note, at the time, my partner had no conscious interest or focus on the issue, and yet she was the first of us, to receive a very clear guidance dream on it.

This group concerns/worries me. They have been meddling in human affairs for a very long time, and are part of the reason why humanity has such a hard time getting our collective shite together and learning to love and treat well, one another. We are being unconsciously resonated to their energy level, which is extremely negative and psychopathic. I have come to consider that they are one of the main "Satans" of the Bible. And note, John the Beloveds description of it as a "dragon". (more specifically, "The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.")

Well "dragon" is a very good symbol for a primitive mind/culture for the Reptilians. Here are these beings that fly around high in the sky, have a reptilian appearance, and can shoot lasers and other destructive "fires". Check, check, and check with the symbolism of a "dragon" as compared to an ET group with reptilian (or "serpent") features.

They typically focus on the movers and shakers of the world--the ultra rich and powerful, the ultra famous, etc, and conversely those who could become a powerful force for positive transformation in the world, but sometimes they focus on more everyday people depending on the factors involved.

I don't often talk about them, because most people aren't ready to hear about them. And this may sound even more out of left field, but the first time I saw the picture of Mark Zuckerberg on the cover of Time, my first, gut instinct reaction and thought was, "Human-reptilian hybrid" and yes, we've been told that they have their own hybridization programs like this, like the Grays and some other groups do as well. But very different intentions and motivations between the different groups.

Turns out there are A LOT of references to this group or to dragons, in many various ancient cultures. There are ancient Babylonian clay figurines of reptilian-humanoid beings, etc. Some cultures "venerated" (probably more so fear respected) "dragons", particularly the Asian. They were said to be powerful, but capricious, etc.

There are some new agey cult leader types that also talk about them in a very positive way. I wish I could have a long, hard talk with these asshats.

Anyways, you're welcome.

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posted July 04, 2022 11:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by married11years:
Lol. If you think Scorpio Pluto in 5th ALONE is consider sexual and obsessive.
Wait till you see my husband. My husband has domicile Scorpio Mars, Scorpio Saturn, AND Scorpio Pluto. ALL in 5th. Three malefic masculine planets in the sign of Scorpio all in his 5th house, lol.

Btw, I like his domicile Aries Mars in 10th.
My husband have Scorpio Mars (domicile too), but in 5th.

And here my husband 5th. I'm sure it worser than OP 5th. And my husband is Cancer Rising too.

You know, having Scorpio Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in the 5th can also just represent/symbolize that one's most painful/difficult experiences comes in the area of love-romance, children, creativity, and the like.

You know, like having a wife who constantly questions your intentions/motivations, and whom your love and devotion is never enough for, because she has a lack of love of and for herself.

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posted July 04, 2022 12:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Again, these can be found in various ancient sources. One of the most lucid/clear, is from the Dead Sea Scrolls and from The Testament of Amram (who may have been Moses's father), manuscript B. The following is a "filled in" translation of the original scroll:

"I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me...holding a great contest over me. I asked them, 'Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?' They answered, 'We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, 'Which of us do you choose to rule you?' I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak, many-colored yet very dark....And I looked again, and in his appearance, his visage like a viper....I replied to him, 'This Watcher, who is he?' He answered, 'This Watcher...his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness and King of Evil.' I said (to the other Watcher), 'My lord, what dominion (have you?)' He answered, 'You saw (the viper), and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I (am empowered over all Light.)...My three names are Michael, Prince of Light and King of Righteousness."

I think on a deep, subconscious level, this stuff scares the beejesus out of a lot of humans, and most would prefer not to hear about it. But if humanity is ever to move in a collectively better direction, more of us need to become conscious of these interfering influences and guard against them as best as we can.

I don't talk lightly about Arch Angel Michael. He very occasionally came directly through Edgar Cayce's body (Edgar very rarely allowed other beings to speak through him). And more over, during some very dark periods of my own life, I called upon "his" help and it did indeed help.

Years later, I had a psychic reading over a phone with a lady well recommended, and she told me that a very powerful Michael had and does help me spiritually. The odd thing, is that a week or so before the reading, not having thought about him and the subject for awhile, he popped up into my mind very strongly whilst taking a relaxing shower.

Humanity is caught in between a cosmic war. There are those forces that want to see us free, happy, spiritually liberated and whole, and those forces that want to see us fall, so that eventually, they can take the earth for themselves.

This ET group covets our planet because they ended up destroying their own in a nasty global civil war a very long time ago. The negative side won that war and ever since they have been looking for a Planet to approximate/replace their own, and so far, Earth comes closest to approximating the conditions of their original home planet. And they want it for their own.

They are not allowed to directly attack now, because the collective of positive ET's have told them in no uncertain terms, "if you attack the humans before they are ready to realistically defend themselves, there will be dire consequences, and YOU will be attacked by us in turn." This is a battle they know they cannot win, and so they will not physically, overtly attack us until they are allowed. But, they are allowed to meddle in other ways, because we have attracted them based on our own collective negativity.

It is a kind of karma, and the collective of positive ET's and spiritual forces believe in freewill and consequences as a spiritual teacher. However, they will not allow planetary massacre to take place, and we currently have no realistic chance against them and their tech and knowledge.

And besides this, the other main way that this collective of positive ET's is helping, is by sending in some of their own to incarnate in human form. Helping from the inside. But the reptilian group is doing similar as well.

I know a lot about this subject, because I am part of the former group, and this raising of awareness is part of my "job" down here whilst being human (which, btw, REALLY f'ing sucks BIG donkey balls. Y'all humans be f'ing Kray Kray to the extreme).

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Posts: 587
Registered: Apr 2022

posted July 04, 2022 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for married11years     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2:
You know, having Scorpio Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in the 5th can also just represent/symbolize that one's most painful/difficult experiences comes in the area
You know, like having a wife who constantly questions your intentions/motivations, and whom your love and devotion is never enough for, because she has a lack of love of and for herself.

Well Sir Galactic, you just describe me, I admit I give my husband a very hard time. I'm not innocent in all of this.

That 5th house of his look bad, but he not a bad person. He actually take romance very seriously, due to Saturn rule his 7th marriage house and Saturn the planet in his 5th romance house. So he take romance, marriage, and children seriously. Anywhere Saturn show up is where Saturn will make sure you take it seriously and work very hard for it.

He has no problem with hobbies though, he has an outlet for that Scorpio Mars, his hobbies he likes guns shoot at moving targets at outdoor range, bow and arrow, archery. rock climbing, run long distance, he can run for hours without tired. So he has alot of physical hobbies, he likes to be on his feet. We in Texas, so these hobbies are very normal.

People said have Mars in 5th is not good for a man. But he actually very faithful man, 13 years and NEVER once saw him even bother look at another girl. He doesn't even smoke or drink, never drugs, never addiction of any kind, doesn't even like to go clubbing or party. Yeah, it Saturn in there keep tab on the Mars and Pluto.

It look like a very bad 5th house, but it not that bad tbh. He just very intense.

So yeah, you read my husband 5th house right. Thanks for not jump into conclusion.

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posted July 14, 2022 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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