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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
'cause everyone knows leftists are intellectually, morally and spiritually superior to the "common folks", leftists believe they have the right to tell everyone what to do, how to do it and when to do it. That also extends to what to think.

Michelle Obama made it clear she believes it too when she said.."Barack is not going to "let you"... and Barack is going to "require you"....The Community Organizer who has no practical experience in anything of value to America is going to use compulsion against citizens of the United States...a "Constitutional Republic".

Conservatives and Liberals can talk and generally get along, come to an understanding and produce generally beneficial results.

Conservatives and Leftists cannot. Leftist views and concepts are tied up in emotional hot button issues which are delusional and bear no semblance to reality. But, the greatest flaw of leftists is that they just won't leave others alone and attempt to impose their worldviews at the point of legislation.

July 07, 2010
Sour Grapes
By Richard Pecore

I was at the local grocery today picking up a few things...some bread, milk, and the like. I also decided to pass on refined sugar for a change and get some green (or "white") grapes. I like grapes. They taste good. The green skins are a little sour, but I don't care for seeds so I avoided the red grapes. No big deal, right?

Wrong. I get to the checkout counter and have almost finished my transaction when a liberal lady (they're easy to spot in Austin, judging from the wild eyes, crazy clothes, and tattoos) strolls up to me and says with knowing authority, "The Red ones are sweeter!" Her attitude and tone clearly conveyed to me that (1) I must be an idiot for buying green grapes, and (2) I clearly made a mistake, but fortunately, she was there to correct me.

Now, she may have honestly meant well, but there were two facts about the situation that frankly ticked me off. The first was that I already knew red grapes are sweeter; the second was my annoyance at her supreme arrogance in assuming what I bought with my own money, for my own purposes, was any of her business. Her advice was unwanted and unwelcome.

I ignored her. When she spun on her heel and left, upset that I did not heed her advice, I shook my head to the assistant manager who was cashiering and said, "There's something very wrong with this town." He graciously tried to make amends by suggesting, "I like the green ones, myself."

What I wanted to do but didn't, out of simple courtesy to the manager and the other patrons in the store -- was to make a scene. I wanted to call her over and talk with her...briefly and directly.

What I wanted to say to her was, "My mother is 79 years old and a cancer survivor. She likes red grapes but can't tolerate them anymore. She can't digest the skins after the doctors had to remove two feet of her intestines in a second emergency surgery that ultimately saved her life. My sister has multiple sclerosis, and her hands shake uncontrollably. She can't hold red grapes long enough to remove the seeds and has great difficulty when swallowing. She often coughs violently because of the MS, so she could choke to death on the seeds. I bought these groceries for them. As for me, I just don't like seeds."

What is it about liberals that compels them to be such obnoxious, self-righteous know-it-alls? Does it ever occur to them that there might be a reason for the things someone does?

Just as this lady did not give a second thought to the idea that I might have a reason behind my purchase, liberals feel compelled to tell us they know better without ever asking a question. They do so without giving a second thought to why conservatives might disagree or believe as we do. They do so without investigating whether our belief system might even be a better fit for them.

Having digested their entire belief system based upon liberal schooling and having maintained their slanted viewpoint with liberal media, the idea that their own ideas could be misguided has never occurred to them. Their liberal mindset precludes that possibility because their entire ego is tied up in it. If their ideas are wrong, then they are wrong, and their words have no value. Questioning their own value system, therefore, usually elicits anger or violence from them.

Instinctively, they know their reasoning is flawed and cannot stand up to the light of day. This is one of the reasons Rush Limbaugh enrages them so. The press and the Left continued vilifying Ronald Reagan, even though he enjoyed immensely popular and was elected twice by landslides. Yet they refused to acknowledge the country's wholesale rejection of Carter and of Mondale. So the Left still fear to question their own beliefs and cling to the thoughtless, emotional arguments they were taught as young skulls full of mush.

Liberals would much rather lecture than learn. They feel they already know everything, and therefore, they no longer need to learn. However, they also feel compelled to push their "wisdom" upon others -- whether they want it or not. We see it all the time from Stewart, Garafolo, and Maher. Conservatives, on the other hand, know we never stop learning.

I have found that conservatives usually arrived at their destination by long and arduous questioning of their own belief system. As I told a liberal friend of mine, "I didn't become a conservative by accident. It was a choice." We know that if our belief system cannot stand up to our own questions, then it is of no value. Conservatives have this conviction because we have tested our theories. We have beaten the metal with hammer and tongs to remove the impurities and shape our armor. We know we are right because we have examined both sides. We found the Left dangerously lacking. Conservatism works. Conservatism offers real hope. Twenty years of unbroken prosperity under Ronald Reagan proved this in fact as well as theory.

Conservatives are grounded in the principles of faith ingrained in the Constitution, which were argued and tested by great and learned men who acknowledged both the need for a representative federal government (Alexander Hamilton) and the need to limit that government from gaining too much power (George Mason). The result was a brilliant compromise the world dubbed "The Great Experiment." A revolution later, followed by two hundred and thirty-four years of prosperity, we have reached a turning point in our Great Experiment. We are now threatened by real crisis from within.

The shortsighted liberal left, who fear questions, responsibility, and honesty only slightly less than they fear discussing real solutions to real problems, are hell-bent on destroying this nation financially. Their own value systems and beliefs are the true culprits, but you can't convince them of that.

Unlike in previous decades, however, the mask the Left wears so well has been removed. The Tea Parties helped make that happen. The Left and the media have been exposed for the frauds they are, and they've spent too much time in the sunlight now to ever go back into hiding. They have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing, and they have no one's interest at heart save their own. They've proven repeatedly that party loyalty is more important to them than the prosperity of their own country.

Come November, the liberals' lecturing and platitudes will fall on deaf ears, for they too, will be ignored.

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Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 11:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
funny story. i suspect the lady in the store with the big mouth was Apolitical. the fact that this man DECIDED she was a liberal because she was rude just shows HIS narrowmindedness...and the fact that he didn't give her what's for? due to SOCIAL "correctness" which is just as bad as political correctness in my opinion...

considering the conservative right is doing everything in its power to undermine and ridicule what they consider a "leftist" government it is most ironic that they should complain about being told what to do. as i mentioned in another thread, they decided obama was the worst president we've ever had BEFORE he did a thing...and that includes you jwhop.

sour grapes indeed...

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Posts: 612
From: Gaia
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posted July 07, 2010 11:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AbsintheDragonfly     Edit/Delete Message
They have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing, and they have no one's interest at heart save their own.

I think it's a little dangerous to lump all people together, like the author is doing. Just like it's dangerous to say that all corporations are evil, etc. That can lead to genocide in some places, know what I mean? Isn't that what dictators do?

Maybe the young woman was having a bad day? Maybe she was just sharing her opinion with a fellow grape lover? I don't know. I personally am not in the habit of dictating people grocery purchases. I like to chit-chat with the people next to me though. And I make sure to use the name of the cashier that's checking me out. Once I did that at a fast food place, and he kinda stopped in shock, and said to me, "You know, that's the first time all day, that anyone has used my name!" This was after 7 PM, and it really took me aback. I replied, "Well you do have a name, and I figured I might as well use it since it's right there." "Thanks," he said with a smile. I felt really good

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Correction katatonic.

It's not that Conservatives "consider" the O'Bomber regime and Socialist Progressive Congress a "leftist government". It IS a leftist government.

There's nothing funnier than seeing European Socialists lecturing O'Bomber, a fellow Socialist on the benefits of Capitalism.

European Socialists are running away from Socialism as hard as they can while O'Bomber is attempting to turn the United States into a Socialist mecca on the European model which they are abandoning.

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message

"They have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing, and they have no one's interest at heart save their own."

A true statement.

This O'Bomber regime and the Socialist Progressive congress are attempting to "Rule" America instead of "Governing" with the consent of the governed.

They've passed legislation over the objections of the majority of Americans..TARP, the so called "Stimulus bill", auto company bailouts, O'BomberCare, they're attempting to pass a destructive energy bill called Cap and Trade and an Amnesty bill to grant illegal aliens American citizenship.

It was Valerie Jarret(t), O'Bomber adviser who said immediately after O'Bomber infested the White House...."This President is ready to "RULE" from day one."

They're going to pay the price for attempting to Rule, instead of November.

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Posts: 776
From: Nov. 11 2005
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posted July 07, 2010 04:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message
This is great research for the new book I am writing. In the book I am including a chapter on Political profiling.

  • Wild eyes? look to the left.
  • Skin accessories? check the left.
  • Think red grapes are sweeter- and
    offer unsolicited opinions about said grapes?
  • definitely left!

Zero accountability for person or persons who undermine the country for party loyalty....

I'm thinking a sub-chapter for Liz and Dick Cheney goes here.

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 05:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Good Node.

Send me a draft and I'll be happy to write a "Forward" for you.

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posted July 07, 2010 07:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
i can think of something funnier jwhop. that would be you acting as if you know why those countries are falling apart, which has no more to do with socialism than you do. it has to do with corruption and selfishness in high places. that has no party loyalty...

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posted July 07, 2010 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
but of course it is so obvious that anyone who prefers RED grapes must be a commie pinko bastid...such a poetic metaphor comes round only rarely.

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2010 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
European Socialists are in real trouble. Having promised their voters the earth, moon and stars to get themselves elected..they've run out of other people's money to fund their cradle to grave Socialist entitlement programs.

It is funny to see European Socialists lecturing O'Bomber, snubbing his Socialist ideas to keep though one can spend ones self out of bankruptcy. O'Bomber got an ear full after he made his nonsense speech from those who are not going to follow O'Bomber off the cliff.

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Posts: 42
From: Arizona with Bear the Leo
Registered: Apr 2010

posted July 08, 2010 04:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BearsArcher     Edit/Delete Message
The point I get from the story (and from what I have experienced) is that Liberals feel the need to correct everyone. If you don't fall in line with their way of thinking, then they feel the need to let you know what you are doing wrong.

Now, as a minority, I have been corrected in Oregon, Washington State and in Maryland but "well meaning Liberals" that felt the need to remind me that 1) I am a minority and 2) I should be a Democrat. Never have I been corrected by a Conservative to change my point of view.

Even when I have been quiet about what I believe, I have been "counseled" by Liberals that "assume" I am a Liberal and when I tell them otherwise, I get the full on diatribe about "How CAN you be Convservative WHEN YOU are a MINORITY?" Oh.. the disdain just drips off of their tongues. My answer "I earned my education, I earn my money and I believe I should keep what I have earnedf and not have to give it away to low lifes that don't want to work".

Yep.. they just assume that I only like green grapes but have no idea about red grapes.

Great post jwhop!

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posted July 08, 2010 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
plenty of minorities are conservative, bears. but that doesn't make the girl in the story a liberal. just a know-it-all, you know, like the people who KNOW obama isn't really american, he just hides it really well, and to this day are trying to find that elusive proof of their convictions.

let's please not act as if just because someone is on the other side they MUST have major character flaws? there are plenty of "liberals" out here who paid their way through college and work mighty hard for a living too. and oregon is one of the most redneck conservative states there ever was.
DESPITE their green policies. but i guess that doesn't compute when everything has to be black or white...or should i say red or blue?

but in reality it is the author who has assumed that because she is rude and wearing tattoos she MUST be a liberal. she just sounds like a malcontent to me, as do those who want to bring the country down rather than let the elected president do what he was voted in for.

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 08, 2010 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message

You could save yourself a lot of embarrassment if you ever bothered to check your facts...before you popped off katatonic.

"and oregon is one of the most redneck conservative states there ever was....katatonic"

Composition of the political representation of Oregon.

Governor...demoscat demoscat, one Republican
House members...4 demoscats, 1 Republican

That red grape eating woman with the long bony busy body nose is probably an escapee from a Woodstock convention and sure sounds like a typical run of the mill leftist to me.

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posted July 08, 2010 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
that is because you equate what people wear with who they are politically. since all politicians wear SUITS that is obviously a non-starter.

i realize oregon has a lot of democrats but so do all the conservative SOUTHERN states...doesn't make them liberals!! just because the republicans only have one mind between them doesn't mean it's true of ALL parties...

take the very conservative david icke...who has included all our presidents, pretty much, in his theories...he LOOKS liberal enough, wouldn't you say? i mean, his fashion sense is in THIS century...

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Posts: 1916
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 08, 2010 02:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
I guess you never heard of the "Oregon Assisted Suicide Law" have you katatonic?

Or, I'll bet you never read the stories about the State of Oregon denying people with serious illnesses medical treatment through their Socialist Health Care Plan.

Now katatonic, no conservative would ever vote for a medically assisted suicide law or permit the state legislature to enact such a law without severe retribution at the polls.

And katatonic, no conservative would ever vote for the Oregon Socialist Health Care Plan or fail to exact revenge at the polls for those legislators who did.

Oregon is extremely liberal/left.

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