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Author Topic:   glenn beck, saviour ?

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posted September 02, 2010 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
the only church i ever worshipped at, regularly or not, was an episcopal church. i was even confirmed there.

however i am not episcopalian and haven't been since i was 15 years old. does that make ME a marxist? does the fact that i think it quite possible that jesus was not white make me a marxist also?

does the fact that black people remember the way whites treated not only blacks, but yellow and red people (the first japanese american to WIN citizenship was in the 20s and we all know about those little "savages" who were here before us whom we pushed into small corners of the land) make them marxists?

does the fact that i had a gay math teacher make me gay? hey he was a BRILLIANT teacher with a great sense of humour!! i learned a lot from him about life too. i guess after all these years i will have to come out, huh?


these people you post, jwhop, have the most uncanny way of connecting dots that don't add up.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 02, 2010 11:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Immaterial, irrelevant and totally off point katatonic.

You missed the point entirely.

O'Bomber sat in Wright's church hearing Black Liberation Theology for 20 years.

No denomination which calls themselves "Christian" could possibly be...if the basic tenet of that religion calls for killing Jesus Christ...who was not black but was rather a descendant of David through his mother Mary who was from the tribe of Judah.

Do the Episcopalians also call for killing Jesus Christ katatonic?

The leadership of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches are most certainly Marxists.

Are the Episcopalians members of either of those groups?

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 03, 2010 10:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
September 1, 2010

Ann Coulter

The nonsense about President Obama being a Muslim has got to stop. I rise to defend him from this absurd accusation by pointing out that he is obviously an atheist.

Leave aside Obama's fanatical opposition to allowing Illinois hospitals to save the lives of babies with God-given souls inadvertently born alive during abortions. Also leave aside the fact that neither of his parents were Christians. And leave aside his current crop of "spiritual advisers," which is a collection of Mother Earth worshippers, polytheists and other nonbelievers.

Now rest from all that "leaving aside."

The only evidence for Obama's Christianity is that he faithfully attended the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years.

Yes, the guy bellowing "God damn America!" is the one vouching for Obama's Christianity. That's like saying you got sober with the help of your A.A. sponsor Lindsay Lohan.

It is a fact that any non-retarded person (thank you, Rahm Emanuel!) sitting in the Rev. Wright's church for 20 minutes, much less 20 years, does not believe in God. Even stepping inside Wright's church for a moment to get out of the rain is borderline racist.

Going to Trinity United Church of Christ is even stronger evidence of nonbelief than Bill Clinton returning from Sunday services to receive oral sex from Monica Lewinsky. This isn't mere sin -- everybody sins (though some with more frequency and less remorse than others).

Attending Wright's church is the conscious, calculated decision to immerse yourself in hate-filled demagoguery and call it "Christianity."

But according to North Korean TV's Chris Matthews, it is a provable, scientific fact that Obama is a Christian because he says so. "Everybody watching right now," Matthews said to his several viewers last week, "gets credit for being of the religion you say you are. ... We accept that in America. It's called freedom of religion and respect for religion."

That would make professions of religious belief, unlike all other self-professions, unchallengeable. Liberals say conservatives don't believe in civil rights. I say liberals are godless traitors. Why is one statement debatable and the other not?

Doesn't anyone question the Christianity of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker? How about the Satanists claiming to be Christians who stand outside soldiers' funerals with signs that say "God Hates Fags"?

And, for the record, the allegedly inviolate assertion of one's own religious belief wasn't so inviolate when it came to Ronald Reagan.

Tip O'Neill used to question President Reagan's Christianity all the time, taunting the president for not attending church regularly. Matthews might remember that: He was working for O'Neill at the time.

In fact, parading to church in front of the TV cameras carrying a 10-pound Bible -- like a certain serial adulterer, impeached president I could name -- is strongly discouraged by the creator of the universe. ("Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 6.1)

Some conservatives have cited Obama's near complete refusal to go to church to suggest he's not the "devout Christian" who "prays every day" as the White House claims.

But that's not your proof, Christians. To the contrary, it's Obama's church attendance -- back in Chicago -- that proves he's an atheist.

This was inadvertently admitted by Obama's leading butt-boy, Richard Wolffe, on North Korean TV Monday night. Wolffe acknowledged that Wright's liberation theology was not Christianity, but then forcefully distinguished Obama from the Rev. Wright –- i.e., Obama's sole character witness for his alleged Christianity.

Of Glenn Beck's denunciation of liberation theology as a false religion, Wolffe said: "Is he debating Jeremiah Wright or Barack Obama? They're two different people. If he wants to debate liberation theology with Wright, he's got something to talk about. But liberation theology hasn't been anything espoused by this president."

But it was espoused in the only church Obama ever attended regularly -- for 20 years, no less -- was married in and had his daughters baptized in. The title of Obama's autobiography came from the title of one of Wright's sermons and snippets from Wright's sermons have appeared in Obama's work.

So the sole evidence of Obama's supposed Christianity is his longtime pastor, who everyone admits is a racist nut.

No sentient human is required to take Obama's profession of Christianity any more seriously than if it were coming from a 1980s blow-dried, money-grubbing televangelist with a mistress on the side.

All liberals are atheists. Only the ones who have to stand for election even bother pretending to believe in God.

Not being acquainted with any actual Christians, they aren't particularly good bluffers. That's why Democrats babble incoherently whenever the subject of religion comes up. Liberals acting devout always looks like the love scenes between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis in "Top Gun": awkward and unconvincing.

Former divinity student Al Gore famously botched a biblical verse, switching God's instruction that we put heaven before earthly things ("For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," Matthew 6:21) by saying we should make the Earth our treasure. (In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure.)

Howard Dean told a reporter his favorite book of the New Testament was Job.

It took the Democrats' born-again Christian Jimmy Carter three decades to announce, in 2005, that he didn't think Jesus would approve of abortion ("unless the mother's life or health was in danger or perhaps the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest," etc. etc.).

There's only one true Christian liberal in the country and that's Mike Huckabee.

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posted September 04, 2010 01:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
LMAO do people pay her to write this tripe? i have to hand it to you jwhop, you sure know how to pick'em.

LEAVING ASIDE this asinine statement of pure unadulterated bigotry All liberals are atheists ...

i have seldom seen anyone who so obviously enjoys sticking the knife into anyone she doesn't like. how very christian of her. and she finds reverend wright distasteful?

reverend wright's audience is peanuts compared to this televised walking container of venom.

i feel sorry for people who revel in this kind of thing. and consider themselves christian and therefore above such treatment themselves.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 04, 2010 09:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Nice try katatonic but launching a personal attack on Coulter...instead of speaking to the substance of her points...which is that the so called spiritual mentor of O'Bomber...Reverrrrrend Wright is not/was not the spiritual head of a church of a "Christian" denomination won't cut the mustard. And, the fact O'Bomber claims to be a "Christian" based on a so called "conversion" in Wright's Marxist church is laughable. Communists don't believe in God...only the State can be communists.

We're only doing this little exercise because you decided to attempt to cast Beck in the role of a false savior.

Beck makes no such claims and doesn't even so much as hint that he is anything other than a flawed human...and I've not heard anyone else suggest Beck is a savior...of anything.

On the other hand, O'Bomber has played the role of the black Messiah and wallowed in the lavish praise coming off idiots like Evan Thomas..who said O'Bomber is like God and the utterly disgusting Louis Farrakhan who declared O'Bomber is absolutely the Messiah.

I remember all those phony faintings at O'Bomber campaign speeches...people simply overcome with the spiritual presence of O'Bomber. What a load of crap arranged by the O'Bomber campaign. Talk about a dog and pony show.

"We are the ones We've been waiting for"!...O'Bomber

"Today is the day the oceans stop rising and the Earth begins to heal"!...O'Bomber

When Coulter talks about liberals...she's talking about leftists...Socialists, including Marxists, Leninists, Maoists, Stalinists and the other disgusting menagerie of collectivists with their heads up the ass of Karl Marx.

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posted September 04, 2010 11:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
you just don't get it do you? you want to defend coulter from personal attack...all i was doing was pointing out that she has done nothing but personally attack the president...for a bunch of things she has no leg to stand on...and in the most bigotted possible way...whatever jwhop,

i really don't care what she means by liberals since she has no idea a) what the word means or b) that there is no group anywhere in the world that are "all" anything. but then that is probably why you like her, because you think along the same tired old blinkered lines.

church or no church, obama is more christian than either of you. and he is trying to lead this so-called christian country along christian guidelines and being crucified for it. thank god that evil eventually implodes on itself.

you couldn't care less really how you do it as long as you vilify the man and everything he does. if that's your idea of a life i feel sorry for you. lots of americans don't live on apple pie, don't wear "mom" tattoos and don't go to church. they are still more american than you two.

i feel sorry for people who revel in this kind of thing. and consider themselves christian and therefore above such treatment themselves

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 04, 2010 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
O'Bomber is everything Coulter has said he well as everything I said he is.

However, I give O'Bomber credit for galvanizing mainstream America against his radical leftist agenda. Now that America has seen the real leftist Socialist Progressive agenda they want nothing whatsoever to do with it. Over playing their hand has most likely set the Socialist Progressive movement back at least one generation and perhaps America.

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posted September 04, 2010 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
well dearie since everyone who lives in florida has alzheimer's, don't care what you think!

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posted September 07, 2010 09:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message
President Obama has a radical leftist agenda? Anyone who might have thought that a couple years ago was disabused of the notion by Feb of '09. That is a truly hilarious statement. Floridians that speak for 'America' frequently do so from long ago eras. I don't know what era is popular for channeling these days, be it McCarthy, Goldwater, or Reagan but surely defibrillator paddles are required to jump start a frontal lobe. You know the part of the brain associated with reasoning.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 07, 2010 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Wanna talk about reasoning ability?
Pleassse, that's a bridge too far for leftists; it's mission impossible. Leftists can't get there...from anywhere.

On the other hand, mainstream America...which self identifies as 60% Conservative got there almost immediately after O'Bomber began his Marxist, Socialist, Progressive assault on America.

There's still a few O'Bomber Kool-Aid drinkers around but their numbers are dwindling as O'Bomber's gross incompetence, thug Chicago politics, Communists in his administration and supreme narcissistic personality disorders come to the fore.

O'Bomber and his drooling O'Bomber Kool-Aid drinkers don't get it. If they actually had "reasoning" ability it would all be crystal clear to them.

Mainstream me...have warned leftists over and over to back off from their plans to radically transform America into a Socialist gulag state. They couldn't hear us.

They WILL hear us in November.

Embedded video
September 06, 2010
The power of images turned against the Democrats
Thomas Lifson

A new ad for the November elections is playing hardball with the Dems, utilizing the power of images very skillfully.

I have no idea who made the ad. These days, thanks to the democratizing nature of the internet and cheap computing power, it could be a lone individual who put it together. The Democrats have relied for two generations on their near-monopoly of the media elites to stigmatize Republicans and conservatives. That monopoly is no more, and they are geting larger and larger doses of their own medicine.

At 3 minutes 11 seconds, it is too long for a TV ad buy. But viral distribution can make this happen in a big way.

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posted September 07, 2010 12:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
i doubt very much if "mainstream" describes 60% of americans these days. the right are so intent on marginalizing everyone who is not walking around pledging to the flag or singing "my country tis of thee" that the majority, diverse as it is, just doesn't even get into their computers.

the fact, jwhop, is that the america of "my country..." was a LAND (the word is used over and over again) of wide open spaces and opportunities which those who battled the elements, 3 week ocean voyages, food shortages and all manner of hardship to get here held in awe. the frontier seemed endless. but guess what? the wide open spaces don't attract most people these days. they congregate in cities and instead of growing their own plentiful food they go to safeway for it... jefferson warned against this development but here we are anyway!

you like to say the liberals want to take us back to the 19th century but you still hold on to the mindset of the 18th.

you abhor the use of children in politics a la clips of kids singing obama songs, but you seem to forget the unison singing in assembly we all were subjected to. america the beautiful, my country tis of thee, and of course "i pledge allegiance"..slightly ridiculous for 1st graders but hey, THAT wasn't indoctrination was it?

once again. plenty of presidents have looked this challenged at this point in their terms. especially those who, approximately EVERY 80 YEARS have presided over depressions of similar or worse depth than the one we're going through now.

but for those who think this one is all about failing businesses, think again. automation is going through a new cycle and that is part of the problem. jobs being computerized BECAUSE THE COS. ARE SUCCEEDING has cost almost as many jobs as any other factors. and another big factor is all the harping on how bad it is, especially by pundits trying to discredit the admin, prevents many people from even bothering to look. those i know who have lost jobs in the last year or so have all found new ones within a month or two of looking. all round the country.

MLK would turn over in his grave to see how the current version of the KKK is using his reputation. playing on racism and calling the president "IMAM" obama...which rush lumbar has been doing in an attempt to rachet up the "he's a muslim" crowd and shrugging it off as "humour"... using a niece who barely knew him and happens to be anti-choice and pro military (see the cartoon for why that does not tie her to MLK at all, blood or no)...

pt barnum would be impressed, i must say. but even barnum was HONEST about his estimation of the "average" man. a sucker born every minute indeed.

how's yer lollipop?

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posted September 07, 2010 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
of course THESE christians are completely different from the reverend wright, right?

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posted September 08, 2010 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
as i suspected, none of our christians seem to object to this little display of tolerance on the part of their fellow believers.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 09, 2010 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
So katatonic...let's use your own rhetoric...against YOU!

I remember you putting forth the argument that the builder of the 9/11 Mosque and the radical jihadist Imam had the Constitutional right to build that Mosque...THERE.

Are you saying this so called "christian" doesn't have the right to burn those Korans?

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 09, 2010 09:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
September 8, 2010

Ann Coulter

In response to Gen David Petraeus' denunciation of Florida pastor Terry Jones' right to engage in a symbolic protest of the 9/11 attacks by burning copies of the Quran this Sept. 11, President Obama said: "Let me be clear: As a citizen, and as president, I believe that members of the Dove World Outreach Center have the same right to freedom of speech and religion as anyone else in this country."

Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida lauded Obama's remarks, saying America is "a place where you're supposed to be able to practice your religion without the government telling you you can't."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called Obama's words a "clarion defense of the freedom of religion" -- and also claimed that he had recently run into a filthy jihadist who actually supported the Quran-burning!

Keith Olbermann read the poem "First they came ..." on air in defense of the Quran-burners, nearly bringing himself to tears at his own profundity.

No wait, my mistake. This is what liberals said about the ground zero mosque only five minutes ago when they were posing as First Amendment absolutists. Suddenly, they've developed amnesia when it comes to the free-speech right to burn a Quran.

Weirdly, conservatives who opposed building the mosque at ground zero are also against the Quran burning. (Except in my case. It turns out I'm for it, but mostly because burning Qurans will contribute to global warming.)

Liberals couldn't care less about the First Amendment. To the contrary, censoring speech and religion is the left's specialty! (Any religion other than Islam.)

They promote speech codes, hate crimes, free speech zones (known as "America" off college campuses), and go around the country yanking every reference to God from the public square via endless lawsuits by the ACLU.

Whenever you see a liberal choking up over our precious constitutional rights, you can be sure we're talking about the rights of Muslims at ground zero, "God Hates Fags" funeral protesters, strippers, The New York Times publishing classified documents, pornographers, child molesters, murderers, traitors, saboteurs, terrorists, flag-burners (but not Quran-burners!) or women living on National Endowment of the Arts grants by stuffing yams into their orifices on stage.

Speaking of lying dwarfs, last week on "The Daily Show" Bloomberg claimed he was having a hamburger with his "girlfriend" when a man came up to him and said of the ground zero mosque: "I just got back from two tours fighting overseas for America. This is what we were all fighting for. You go and keep at it."

We're fighting for the right of Muslims to build mosques at ground zero? I thought we were trying to keep Muslims AWAY from our skyscrapers. (What an embarrassing misunderstanding.) PLEASE PULL THE TROOPS OUT IMMEDIATELY.

But back to the main issue: Was Bloomberg having a $150 Burger Double Truffle at DB Bistro Moderne or a more sensible $30 burger at the 21 Club when he bumped into his imaginary veteran? With the pint-sized mayor shrieking at the sight of a saltshaker, I assume he wasn't having a Hardee's No. 4 Combo Meal.

Adding an element of realism to his little vignette, Bloomberg said: "I got a hamburger and a pickle and a potato chip or something."

A potato chip? Translation: "I don't know what I was eating, because I'm making this whole story up -- I wouldn't be caught dead eating 'a potato chip' or any other picaresque garnish favored by the peasants." At least Bloomberg didn't claim the man who walked up to him took credit for setting the Times Square bomb because he was a tea partier upset about ObamaCare -- as Sherlock Bloomberg had so presciently speculated at the time.

Gen. Petraeus objected to the Quran-burning protest on the grounds that it could be used by radical jihadists to recruit Muslims to attack Americans.

This is what liberals say whenever we do anything displeasing to the enemy -- invade Iraq, hold captured terrorists in Guantanamo, interrogate captured jihadists or publish Muhammad cartoons. Is there a website somewhere listing everything that encourages terrorist recruiting?

If the general's main objective is to hamper jihadist recruiting, may I respectfully suggest unconditional surrender? Because on his theory, you know what would really kill the terrorists' recruiting ability? If we adopted Sharia law!

But wait -- weren't we assured by Fire Island's head of national security, Andrew Sullivan, that if America elected a "brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy," the terrorists would look like a bunch of lunkheads and be unable to recruit?

It didn't work out that way. There have been more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by these allegedly calmed Muslims in Obama's first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush after he invaded Iraq.

Also, as I recall, there was no Guantanamo, no Afghanistan war and no Iraq war on Sept. 10, 2001. And yet, somehow, Osama bin Ladin had no trouble recruiting back then. Can we retire the "it will help them recruit" argument yet?

The reason not to burn Qurans is that it's unkind -- not to jihadists, but to Muslims who mean us no harm. The same goes for building a mosque at ground zero -- in both cases, it's not a question of anyone's "rights," it's just a nasty thing to do.

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posted September 09, 2010 12:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
some people obviously don't see the difference between the right to practice religion freely and the right to desecrate what others consider holy. the COMMUNITY CENTER proposed in manhattan is NOT AT GROUND ZERO as publicized, nor is it a MOSQUE as publicized, in fact if no one had made a stink about it most new yorkers wouldn't even notice it was there.

how is burning any books christian? did i say anything about making it illegal? i said it was not very christian to be so bigotted against someone else's religion. but it is fairly traditional in many christian circles all the same. forgiveness reserved only for one's own kind is not really forgiveness is it? and the people who are up in arms about the muslims having a foot anywhere near ground zero don't seem to care that muslim meat is being sold to them for lunch AT ground zero.

the reason for NOT burning books is the same as the reason for NOT getting belligerent about the muslim center. it's called tolerance for other people's religions. refusing to allow muslims to congregate and burning their holy book are one and the same motivation...lumping all muslims together because a few have wounded us in their extremism....but i don't expect you to understand that. and you are entitled to rest in your pool of resentment as long as you like.

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