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Author Topic:   how times change

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posted March 03, 2012 12:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the other night, rifling through my bookcase for something to read, i came across tom sawyer and huckleberry finn, neither of which i have read since school. i started with FINN partly because there has been a lot of "banning" flak around it lately...again.

this book is amongst the most banned and reinstated pieces of literature since books became widespread. but why?

the original fury with which it was received was partly because it depicted a white boy and a slave on equal terms, travelling together, and went so far as to give the slave a human character one could identify with...

also apparently the words "scratch" and "sweat" were considered so low-class as to approach profanity! it was considered poor taste and likely damaging to youthful morals to instate a HERO of such low class...

these days the word "nigger" is one of the reasons put up for banning it, also the racist portrayal of country southerners of all classes. so people on both sides of the spectrum are objecting to it once again.

this is a great example of how the same ideas can offend different groups of people in different times and though it may seem for different REASONS, at foundation those reasons are pretty much the same.

there have always been "protectors of the general morals" who thought they knew better than the rest of us what was "good for us", what was "sensible" and what was "offensive". AND people who were afraid public opinion might be turned against them for their race and/or belief other words, censors.

though this work is fiction, it is drawn from life, as twain explained. of course it shows his own viewpoint, but not so strongly that it can't be interpreted in almost as many ways as it has readers.

what does this have to do with current events? it is a metaphor for the way people react to different politicians, ideologies, and events. and for the censorship that seems to thrive everywhere.

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Posts: 4941
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 04, 2012 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, I'm not one for censorship.

I want leftists to speak long and America can get a really good look and listen to their crackpot ideas. The Occupy WS crowd was a case in point. I want them out in the streets before the election, howling, screeching and shrieking, getting in citizens faces, trashing parks and carrying signs which basically say..."Down with America".

It's true there is a cadre in America of the permanently and perpetually aggrieved. If they can't find something current about which to biatch, moan and shriek they just make something up.

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posted March 04, 2012 07:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i agree, it is great to see ALL sorts digging trenches for themselves with their bigotry and craziness. the OWS has their share, but they are far from unique in that. the teabaggers, and most of all politicians and status-quo guardians do a very good job too.

but, jwhop, belittling people is another form of censorship. trying to delegitimize someone because they hold a different point of view just makes them dig their heels in.

as twain said, the sure way to make someone want something is to make him think it is hard to get. NOT by telling him he is a fool.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 05, 2012 05:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Has it ever occurred to you that I'm not trying to convert anyone to my viewpoints?

I've posted a mission statement here several times and I'm not going to do it again.

By the case you don't know, the word "teabagger" is an insider word used in the gay community to describe a particular kind of sexual act which the greatest majority of Americans would find disgusting.

The word has no real application to the Tea Party and no relevance. It's just one of the many leftist sexual slurs used by leftists to try to shut people up who disagree with them.

What I find comical is that big mouthed leftists who slander and libel anyone they disagree with are the very first to screech, howl, whine and shriek when they get even a small dose of their own medicine.

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posted March 05, 2012 09:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
fine, create more opposition if that is what you want. did i say you shouldn't? i think i'm as entitled to my opinions as you are to yours..and vice versa. to me extremism is self-defeating.

however as i understand it "teabagger" is a reference to the plight of tea party enthusiasts who are used, wrung out and tossed, being of temporary use to those who whip them up but no real value. i have never heard that definition of yours, but then i don't go looking for sleaze as a pastime.

it is far more obscure if used in that way than "sl*t", for instance, or "c*nt" as mark levin called the president the other day. i would bet most people have never heard such a definition.

as for pointing the finger at others, and saying "he did it first' well, i don't agree with that either. however that is part of your "stated mission" isn't it? because the "leftists" did it you decided to step to their level...

the one thing rush said in his so-called apology that i agree with (though it was disingenuous in the extreme) was that when you sink to the lowest level of your opponent THEY have won. we all do it sometimes but to make it your MO seems silly to me.

your prerogative of course but i think everywhere in every time there has been a certain percentage of the population for whom kvetching and wringing their hands is habitual.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 05, 2012 11:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're understanding of the pejorative "teabagger" if fatally flawed katatonic.

You'd know that if you spent 30 seconds on an internet search. But then, if you did that, you'd find out the truth of the matter...if you don't already know.

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posted March 06, 2012 03:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

So says the GU Guru who occasionally gets his facts straight.

JW- with all due, erm......
Your internet search skills have been shown for what they are many, many, times. For years by many LLanders. .

The Conservatives came up with the term first & then the Liberals told them what it meant.

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posted March 06, 2012 04:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sorry sweetie, but i don't have to look online for a "definition of teabagger"... i have heard it explained by some of the people who use it to make fun of the tea party followers. i listen to a lot of different voices on the air. not just those who agree with me ...PLUS my definition is much more pertinent to the actual phenomenon.

i must say that despite knowing quite a few gay people, i have never heard of anything like you are implying. it may be used but pardon me for saying that you sound like you think all gay people are predatory sick people. while i'm sure there are some that are, most are just humans like you and me, with different sexual orientation. (i am assuming that you are not gay .. correct me if i am wrong!)

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 06, 2012 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Node, the word "teabaggers" was first used by a called reporter named Anderson Cooper...whom many believe is a closet homosexual.

AND, by the way, Cooper later apologized for using the term.

Now, if you think the idiot Keith Olbermann broke the news to the world that republicans were calling Tea Party members "teabaggers" first...then you either need to get your crystal ball tuned up or...have some work done on the frontal lobe of your brain. What is that word for that surgery...I know it starts with an L. Olbermann is such a sick sumbiatch that he couldn't even continue working for the worst network on television...MSNBC and no one with a single braincell left would believe a word Olbermann says.

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posted March 06, 2012 11:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mercuranian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
umm... straight couples can indulge in teabagging as well
just sayin'...

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posted March 07, 2012 10:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 07, 2012 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
indeed it seems ridiculous that a "closet" gay would use a term that is known to him to be used by gays...wouldn't that be risking "outting"? which no "closet case" wants to happen to them, now do they? that in itself would make me think the guy is not gay and had no idea, like myself, that it is used in the gay community...

or that he meant something completely different in any case.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 08, 2012 12:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm finished doing your homework for you katatonic.

If you want to find out what "teabagger" means in the homosexual community, look it up yourself.

If you want of find out whether Anderson Cooper used the word...and later apologized for it, look it up yourself.

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posted March 08, 2012 12:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i already know that teabagger has more than one meaning,jwhop. i didn't ask you to do anything for me and i don't give a rats arse about anderson cooper's sexual orientation.

as someone else pointed out teabagging as you are harping on it is not an exclusively gay activity. in fact the FIRST google definition of it (as you INSIST it is meant)is in heterosexual terms, although there are other completely Asexual meanings that come before that.

so i have to ask you, since you focus on that ONE meaning and the homosexuality of anderson cooper...why are you so STUCK on it being a "disgusting" homosexual practice, when men and women do it too? why do you INSIST on the salacious definition just because someone who is likely gay but doesn't advertise it used it?

people said cary grant was gay too. his wives and daughter beg to differ. but just whose business is it and what difference did it make to his acting?

i always think there must be some underlying phobia when people harp on someone's sex or orientation when criticizing them. of course there are sleaze bags of every persuasion, so what's your problem?

i remember in highschool a favourite term, mostly used by boys, to insult someone, was "douchebag"; as if that article was somehow what? who exactly did they make look like idiots, the user or the target? whatever you think of those contraptions, they are hardly "dirty" in the sense that your insinuations are...

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Posts: 4941
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 08, 2012 12:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The term "teabagger" was used as an insult to Tea Party members. That was the intention of Anderson Cooper when he used it. It's also the reaction to his use of the term which caused Cooper to apologize.

I'm glad all the insulting morons are on the leftist side of politics. Idiots like Bill Maher who called Palin a "c*nt". It's easily understandable to me why leftist must resort to personal insults. They cannot mount any logical, reasonable, rational arguments to defend their little Marxist icon...Barack Hussein O'Bomber. He's a zero, everyone knows he's a zero and he's in way, way, way over his head in a job he can't handle. There is no job in the federal government titled Community Organizer in Chief.

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posted March 08, 2012 12:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
dream on. limbaugh and levin are hardly leftists! oreilly and beck? there are foulmouthed fools on every side of you jwhop!

but thankfully YOU are never moronic or insulting!

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posted March 08, 2012 12:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Olbermann said, “It is as useful to remind them anew of how the term originated and with whom. A TV news report aired last March 14 in which a correspondent described the original protest act, ‘take a teabag, put it in an envelope, and mail it to the White House.’ He added, ‘ has a headline Teabag the Fools in D.C. on tax day.’ Thus the verb to teabag was invented by the teabaggers themselves, and the correspondent who put it on TV was a Griff Jenkins of Fox News. Send your complaints to him.”


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posted March 08, 2012 01:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for T     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I learned about the term 'teabagging' when i was 17 or 18 (i'm in my 30's now) hearing guys my age, back then, talk and joke about it. All kids my age knew what it meant and it wasnt something reserved for the gay community. The times they change....and it seems they get dirtier as they go on. Sad but true.

Just pointing that out. Nothing to do with politics. Who knows which kid picked this up first and passed it on to the rest of us..

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posted March 08, 2012 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks T. i am feeling really naive right now, but i appreciate the corroboration! hope you're well!!

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Posts: 4941
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 08, 2012 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No one in the Tea Party referred to themselves as "teabaggers". That's just more leftist horseshiiit.

It's a very long reach indeed for the idiot motormouth Olbermann to attempt to attach the word to Tea Party though they referred to themselves and called themselves "teabaggers".

Mailing a tea bag to a member of Congress to remind them that East India tea was thrown into Boston Harbor to send a message to King George III that colonists were not going to pay a special tax he was attempting to levy on tea against the interests of in no way connected to the homosexual act of so called "teabagging".

You really need to get your facts straight before popping off.

And, if you'd like to go incident by incident to see who is using language unfit to be broadcast on the air or written in newspapers or online blogs, I'll be happy to accomodate you.

If you decide to do so, I'll happily bury you with a barrage of mindless moron leftists who think they can say anything at all about conservatives.

Now, what would you call a 31 year old political activist who wants Americans to fund her protection against the hazards of nympho-like recreational sex?

What's next for this political activist? Will she next demand the taxpayers of American pay her chosen sexual partners for servicing her?

Let's see, we give Planned Parenthood almost half a billion dollars every year to dispense birth control pills for women.

Go there and stop insisting the Catholic run University of Georgetown provide her with an insurance policy which violates their 1st Amendment rights. She should do either that or learn how to keep knees together.

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posted March 08, 2012 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well there will be no planned parenthood funding if you and yours have anything to do with it, will there?

i thought you would at least be able to hear T's reply if not mine. wrong again, my bad!

next you will be talking, like all the other rush-defenders, about how ed schultz called laura ingraham a **** ..well save it. in the first place, ed schultz KNOWS laura ingraham, and his apology was sincere and ACCEPTED. rush is trying to nullify what this young woman said by dirtying her name. she is entitled to sue his arse though i doubt she will since he is backed by a legion of lawyers she can't afford to combat (though if i were a law student i would take them on in her place. i have defended myself against bigger fish than limbaugh and won).

i don't care what rush says. he will get his. i had an email from someone or other asking me to sign a petition to get him cancelled, to which i replied i will let his sponsors do that but he is entitled to his twisted opinion! he only persuades more people that he is a bigheaded loudmouthed eejot every time he does something like pipe? smoke that...

teabagging is not a "homosexual activity" anymore than kissing is. YOU suffer from homophobia my friend, plain as daylight. homosexuals (generally called "gay" these days) are no more or less depraved than heterosexuals in most cases, and if they are it is because of people like you who consider their very existence "disgusting." on the other hand the church, bastion of homosexual pedophiles, is a blame-free zone, right?

you consider yourself more "decent" than the average bear, do you? the arbiter of what is american and what is not despite the evidence that millions of americans disagree with you on most counts.

well there's no accounting for others' tastes, nor opinions. so i suggest you stop LABELLING everything you don't like as evil and disgusting and unamerican, though i know you won't.

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