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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 21, 2014 10:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Communism Works! So says Democratic Florida Rep. Joe Garcia. All you have to do to make Communism work is put everyone on the government payroll! Right! Check!

Dem Congressman: ‘We’ve Proved That Communism Works’

Democratic Florida Rep. Joe Garcia — fresh off being caught eating his own earwax on camera — was caught red-handed (or is it yellow-fingered?) in another gaffe this week, claiming that low crime rates in border cities with lots of federal immigration workers is proof that “Communism works.”

Garcia made the comment during a Google hangout he convened last week to talk about comprehensive immigration reform with supporters. The Democrat attempted to point out how, for all their talk about limited government, many Republicans are fine spending loads of government money on border security.

“Let me give you an example, the kind of money we’ve poured in,” he said. “So the most dangerous — sorry, the safest city in America is El Paso, Texas. It happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the Americas, which is Juarez. Right?”

“And two of the safest cities in America, two of them are on the border with Mexico,” Garcia continued. “And of course, the reason is we’ve proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there’s no crime.”....

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted May 22, 2014 12:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Get it>

he is saying the Republicans TALK SMALL GOVERNMENT BUT THEY are the commies.

He is using the collective term "WE" for the Government not his party. Unheard of!!

But I suppose if you still inhabit the kindergarden playground the fact that he picked his ear wax makes him fair game, right?

And is this the guy Allen West tried to smear for his previous record in government before he was ever elected? Maybe Allen wears the right shoes and doesn't pick his ears, so he's one of the Cool Crowd.

Malevolent factoid alert!

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted May 22, 2014 12:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You win, jwhop, knock yourself out. This is too lowbrow to entertain,

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 22, 2014 08:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You continue to show your ignorance here. Republicans haven't been in control of congress since 2006 and haven't been in control of the Executive branch since 2008.

All that money this Socialist moron says poured into the border areas had nothing to do with Republicans and everything to do with demoscats...who were in charge of 100% of the Federal government until 2011 and still are in charge of 2/3s of the Federal Government today.

But, here you are once again Catalina/katatonic defending Socialism and another Socialist moron who shot his stupid mouth off and got caught.

Yeah, just put everyone on the government payroll and you'll have safe cities! So you buy criminals off by giving them money from taxpayer's pockets?

Isn't that what your Marxist Messiah has been trying to do? Put everyone on the gravy train? Record numbers of Americans on food stamps. Record numbers of Americans on disability. Tried to make unemployment checks permanent. Record numbers of Americans unemployed.

Welcome to the Marxist Messiah's Economy!

Oh, and welcome to the "Moron Patrol".

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 22, 2014 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Moron Patrol marches on!

Anyone care to guess at the political persuasion of these screeching, howling shrieking morons who can't stand to hear any diverging opinions?

Bonfire of the Humanities
Christine Lagarde is the latest ritualistic burning of a college-commencement heretic.
Daniel Henninger
May 14, 2014

It's been a long time coming, but America's colleges and universities have finally descended into lunacy.

Last month, Brandeis University banned Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali as its commencement speaker, purporting that "Ms. Hirsi Ali's record of anti-Islam statements" violates Brandeis's "core values."

This week higher education's ritualistic burning of college-commencement heretics spread to Smith College and Haverford College.

On Monday, Smith announced the withdrawal of Christine Lagarde, the French head of the International Monetary Fund. And what might the problem be with Madame Lagarde, considered one of the world's most accomplished women? An online petition signed by some 480 offended Smithies said the IMF is associated with "imperialistic and patriarchal systems that oppress and abuse women worldwide." With unmistakable French irony, Ms. Lagarde withdrew "to preserve the celebratory spirit" of Smith's commencement.

On Tuesday, Haverford College's graduating intellectuals forced commencement speaker Robert J. Birgeneau to withdraw. Get this: Mr. Birgeneau is the former chancellor of UC Berkeley, the big bang of political correctness. It gets better.

Berkeley's Mr. Birgeneau is famous as an ardent defender of minority students, the LGBT community and undocumented illegal immigrants. What could possibly be wrong with this guy speaking at Haverford??? Haverfordians were upset that in 2011 the Berkeley police used "force" against Occupy protesters in Sproul Plaza. They said Mr. Birgeneau could speak at Haverford if he agreed to nine conditions, including his support for reparations for the victims of Berkeley's violence.

In a letter, Mr. Birgeneau replied, "As a longtime civil rights activist and firm supporter of nonviolence, I do not respond to untruthful, violent verbal attacks."

Smith president Kathleen McCartney felt obliged to assert that she is "committed to leading a college where differing views can be heard and debated with respect." And Haverford's president, Daniel Weiss, wrote to the students that their demands "read more like a jury issuing a verdict than as an invitation to a discussion or a request for shared learning."

Mr. Birgeneau, Ms. McCartney, Mr. Weiss and indeed many others in American academe must wonder what is happening to their world this chilled spring.

Here's the short explanation: You're all conservatives now.

Years ago, when the academic left began to ostracize professors identified as "conservative," university administrators stood aside or were complicit. The academic left adopted a notion espoused back then by a "New Left" German philosopher—who taught at Brandeis, not coincidentally—that many conservative ideas were immoral and deserved to be suppressed. And so they were.

This shunning and isolation of "conservative" teachers by their left-wing colleagues (with many liberals silent in acquiescence) weakened the foundational ideas of American universities—freedom of inquiry and the speech rights in the First Amendment.

No matter. University presidents, deans, department heads and boards of trustees watched or approved the erosion of their original intellectual framework. The ability of aggrieved professors and their students to concoct behavior, ideas and words that violated political correctness got so loopy that the phrase itself became satirical—though not so funny to profs denied tenure on suspicion of incorrectness. Offensive books were banned and history texts rewritten to conform.

No one could possibly count the compromises of intellectual honesty made on American campuses to reach this point. It is fantastic that the liberal former head of Berkeley should have to sign a Maoist self-criticism to be able to speak at Haverford. Meet America's Red Guards.

These students at Brandeis, Smith, Haverford and hundreds of other U.S. colleges didn't discover illiberal intolerance on their own. It is fed to them three times a week by professors of mental conformity. After Brandeis banned Ms. Hirsi Ali, the Harvard Crimson's editors wrote a rationalizing editorial, "A Rightful Revocation." The legendary liberal Louis Brandeis (Harvard Law, First Amendment icon) must be spinning in his grave.

Years ago, today's middle-aged liberals embraced in good faith ideas such as that the Western canon in literature or history should be expanded to include Africa, Asia, Native Americans and such. Fair enough. The activist academic left then grabbed the liberals' good faith and wrecked it, allowing the nuttiest professors to dumb down courses and even whole disciplines into tendentious gibberish.

The slow disintegration of the humanities into what is virtually agitprop on many campuses is no secret. Professors of economics and the hard sciences roll their eyes in embarrassment at what has happened to once respectable liberal-arts departments at their institutions. Like some Gresham's Law for Ph.D.s, the bad professors drove out many good, untenured professors, and that includes smart young liberals. Most conservatives were wiped out long ago.

One might conclude: Who cares? Parents are beginning to see that this is a $65,000-a-year scam that won't get their kids a job in an economy that wants quantification skills. Parents and students increasingly will flee the politicized nut-houses for apolitical MOOCs—massive open online courses.

Still, it's a tragedy. The loonies are becoming the public face of some once-revered repositories of the humanities. Sic transit whatever.

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Posts: 42029
From: Saturn next to Charmainec
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 01, 2014 04:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Garcia is a disgrace.

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 23, 2014 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More evidence of Morons at the top of US policy.

Now, the Head Moron is attempting to keep reporters away from the border so they can't see...and report to America about the invasion of illegal alien children. This invasion is directed, controlled and enabled by the Moron in Chief in the US White House.

The Marxist Messiah, O'Bomber has thrown the US border wide open and encouraged all to cross over...illegally, I add. This is the goal of another Marxist loon, George Soros and his "Open Borders" initiative.

The idea is to overload all of our institutions, claim Capitalism failed and whine, screech, howl and shriek for Socialism.

Americans aren't buying it for a second. At least, not Americans with 2 brain cells to rub together.

US Media Restricted at Border, Federal Agent Cites Safety Concerns
Brandon Darby
21 Jun 2014

GRANJENO CITY, Texas—A remote section of the U.S.-Mexico border near the Anzalduas International Bridge is one of the few places where media can witness and record the mass crossings of minors coming from Central America. The U.S. Border Patrol is now restricting journalists' access to the area citing safety concerns.

“You can’t be here," a Border Patrol agent said. After learning that he was speaking with Breitbart Texas, the agent repeated his assertion and stated, “It isn’t safe for you here.” The agent refused to give his name and then grabbed his phone, acting as though he had a phone call. He then raised his arm over his name badge. When a camera was put on him, he quickly sped off. (The unidentified Border Patrol agent is pictured above)

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), the union representing approximately 17,000 U.S. Border Patrol agents, also had a representative in the area accompanied by a journalist from another outlet. The union representative spoke with the Border Patrol agent who demanded that this reporter leave the area. Within minutes, the union representative received a call from a Border Patrol supervisor about his presence in the area. The NBPC Local 3307 union representative, Albert Spratte, told Breitbart Texas, “This area has always been the public road to Rincon Village, it is the only access to the houses there. All of the sudden, we are being told it is restricted and not open to the public or media. A lot of media have been there recently and this hasn’t been told to us before. It is something new.”

Spratte continued, “The agent who removed you spoke with me immediately after the incident. The phone call from Border Patrol management brought to my attention that they only wanted agents in that area now, which is strange because we’ve never been told that before from up top.”

The area of the Rio Grande River south of McAllen, Texas to Anzalduas Park has effectively become ground zero for the Texas border crisis. While some of the activity is occurring near the park and can be witnessed and documented by media, much of the crossing of minors occurs in areas with signs warning U.S. citizens not to enter. Some of the areas are under the care of U.S. Fish and Wildlife, while other areas are private property. Much of the area is controlled by the International Water Boundary Commission (IWBC), and the area around the Anzalduas International Bridge has traditionally been open for media and for anyone going to Rincon Village.

Spratte said that the area is the only access to Rincon Village and that this is why the area is one of the few without posted restrictions to the public. “It is one of the few places that doesn’t have signs restricting access, and therefore one of the few places in this hotspot where media has the ability to see what is really occurring and relate that to the American public,” Spratte said. “For the past several months in that area, media has constantly come down and we have never had a problem with them being kicked out.”

He continued, "That agent said it wasn’t safe for you to be there, and it isn’t the safest place in the world, but it has historically not been restricted to journalists and it is one of the few places where media can actually see what we are dealing with in this crisis. It seems the agent was either intimidated by the threats from management to be fired or criminally charged for telling media what is actually going on, more than he actually thought your life was at risk to be there.”

Breitbart Texas recently reported on the efforts of Border Patrol management to restrict information leaking to the public by threatening possible criminal charges against agents who spoke to media.

Spratte told Breitbart Texas that the Border Patrol agents are being placed under immense pressure in the crisis and that they have to follow their orders from above. He said, “A supervisor in the Border Patrol can't just put out a policy, it has to come from above them in the chain, maybe even as high up as Washington.”

“I think the folks in Washington are embarrassed that we have so little control over what is crossing into our nation right now and they don’t want the American public to have pictures or video of this failure, and this ultimately hurts the public and limits the knowledge they have. The public has a right to know what is really going on here,” said Spratte.

Another Border Patrol agent working in the area spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity. The agent said the public information officers are the only ones allowed to speak with media. “They get their talking points from Washington, D.C., from high level political appointees, and they have to strictly adhere to what they are told to say. This is why it is vital that journalists have access to these areas without the oversight of the federal government,” said the agent.

Breitbart Texas spoke on the matter with the NBPC Local 3307 vice president, Chris Cabrera. He said, “It seems the service at the station or sector level is trying to hide something. Management is sending out emails to agents and intimidating them and trying to restrict the information journalists can obtain. This is a testament to how unsecured the border actually is.”

“Leadership in Washington has consistently told the public that the border is secure or secured enough. This crisis exposes the lack of the truth in those statements and journalists have played a vital role in informing the public,” Cabrera continued. “Had those photos not been leaked and published, we’d still be at square one and there would be no attention down here. Journalists being prohibited from accessing areas to take photos and video of the river border is detrimental. This leaves the public to make decisions based solely upon the official line from Washington.” He added, “Not only do Americans as a whole deserve better, but Border Patrol agents themselves are dependent upon the public understanding what they are dealing with.”

Shawn Moran, the NBPC vice president from the national office, spoke to Breitbart Texas on the matter as well. He largely agreed with Cabrera and said, “The more that CBP [Customs and Border Protection] tries to restrict the media and public attention from this issue, the more it appears they have something to hide.”

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 23, 2014 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's another highly placed Moron...and an American traitor to boot.

With the Middle East melting down..Syria and Iraq, and Iranian troops in Iraq; with Russia poised to invade further into Ukraine in attempts to re-establish the Soviet Union as a world power; with terrorists kidnapping young girls in Nigeria; with the US economy flat on it's back; with tens of thousands of illegal alien children crossing the US border...this treasonous moron is working on Ambassadorships for Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgenders.

Yeah, nothing else going on internationally that the Secretary of State should be working on.

Kerry: 'I'm Working Hard to ... Have Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Ambassadors'
Jun 23, 2014

With much of the Obama administration's foreign policy in tatters, John Kerry is clear on at least one goal he hopes to achieve by the end of his time as secretary of state: having lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors representing the United States. In remarks to a GLIFAA (formerly Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies) Pride event in the Ben Franklin Room at the State Department, the secretary ran through a litany of accomplishments by the Obama administration that benefit the "LGBT/gay community." During his speech, Kerry said that, if confirmed, Ted Osius (nominated by President Obama for the post in Vietnam) would be the sixth openly gay U.S. ambassador currently in service:

So I am very proud of the progress that we are now making even in appointing LGBT ambassadors. I worked with the committee here at the State Department – with the D Committee, and I worked with the White House. And as a result, Ted Osius, sitting here, whom I’ve known a long time, and his family I know, will be the first openly LGBT officer nominated to serve as an ambassador in Asia. And on confirmation, he’s going to join five openly gay ambassadors who are now serving their country. I’m working hard to ensure that by the end of my tenure, we will have lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors in our ranks as well.

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted June 23, 2014 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote -000-children-flooding-our-border-is-not-an-immigration-story-20140616

So are reporters being encouraged or prevented from reporting? Even those who KNOW its a wicked Obama plot can't agree on that one. Meanwhile the story is way more complex than jingoists have time to think about.

Of course everything is Obama's dirty doing, even Eric Cantor's defeat by a tea party anti-semite...obviously.

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 23, 2014 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Horseshiiiit. These illegal alien children are being shepherded across Mexico to cross the US Border and O'Bomber condoned it, enabled it and approves it. If he didn't, it would be shut down today.

Not an immigration problem! What kind of Loony Tunes reasoning is that?

Oh wait, these illegal alien children...many toddlers among them...were just out for a stroll and accidentally wandered over our southern border. Hell, they're not illegal alien invaders, they're just lost!

OK, have it your way. They're not illegal aliens invading our borders. They're something else. Which means we can send every single one of them back where they came from.

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted June 23, 2014 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fortunately for the world, jwhop, yours is not the only point of view or attitude. Didn't bother to check the actual articles did you? Cause you already know EVERYTHING especially what Obama thinks.

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 25, 2014 08:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know what O'Bomber thinks because...I see what the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber DOES.

You, on the other hand, listen to what the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber SAYS and being a true believer, you accept it at face value. It never occurs to you that your Marxist Messiah is one of the biggest liars in the United States.

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 25, 2014 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
June 25, 2014
Obama polls plummet on 'two I's' -- Iraq and Immigration
Silvio Canto, Jr.

The latest NYTimes/CBS News poll brings more bad news to President Obama on the foreign policy front, or basically Iraq;

"The poll found that 58 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is handling foreign policy, a jump of 10 points in the last month to the highest level since Mr. Obama took office in 2009.

The spike in disapproval is especially striking among Democrats, nearly a third of whom said they did not approve of his handling of foreign policy."

The second "I" is immigration. This issue has blown up in President Obama's face, specially since kids showed up at the border.

According to Fox News:

"Approval of President Barack Obama's handling of immigration has dropped to 31 percent, while 65 percent of people surveyed by Gallup disapprove of his immigration policies."

Both of these issues reflect President Obama's lack of vision and unwillingness to tackle problems.

On Iraq, he was all hung up on keeping a campaign promise about ending the war. He wanted to give that reelection speech about removing the troops from Iraq.

It worked in 2012 but it is not working in 2014. Even Peter Beinart, a liberal, is now saying that President Obama deserves blame for the situation in Iraq. He really does!

On immigration, President Obama has never been willing to say that immigration laws must be respected. His vague remarks clearly invited parents in Central America to send their kids for a better life in the US.

On both fronts, immigration and Iraq, President Obama faces terrible challenges and seems totally overwhelmed by events.

Again, he created both messes and now has to deal with them.

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted June 25, 2014 10:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know nothing in other words. Do I listen to what Obama says? You know that how?

I don't come here to talk about Obama but about your dishonest way of twisting the facts to make a "message" that echoes conservative talk radio...which, by the way, people are shutting off more and more because they are heartily sick of the monotony and hate energy.

You wouldn't understand how I think or what I believe = that has been made clear over time...maybe if you ever listened instead of rolling out the current parrot-points you would make some headway but your people have overdone it now...sorry Charlie, you are old news.

You have heard very little of what I've said over the time we have talked...your loss. Since all you seem to notice are buzzwords and if anyone uses any of them you assume you "have them!!!" your bubble prevents you from hearing what is actually being said.

Happy bathday jwhop. Don't say I never tried to tell you.

You can continue to pretend you are doing a service, or defending against nasty leftists who, like 9/11, have long passed out of your life...

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 26, 2014 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are forever in support of any Marxist, Socialist, Progressive and any of their initiatives...including the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber.

That's your history on this forum.

So, we're to believe you don't listen to what your little Marxist icon says? We're to believe you're not a true believer; even when you jump to his defense repeatedly?

Gee, if we're to believe that, it would make you intellectually dishonest in the extreme.

Oh btw, I seldom and I mean almost NEVER listen to talk radio. I don't have any need to do so. Seems as though they finally get around to saying what I've been saying for years before them.

Always playing the hate card aren't you. You just can't stand to have your little Marxist Messiah shown up for the incompetent, bungling boob he really is. He's destroying the US economy. He's destroying US foreign policy. He's destroying the US health care system. He's violating the US Constitution..over and over. He's financially and politically corrupt. He's destroying US energy production and, if anyone notices and comments on his status as the worst president in US history...they're a hater!

No sale! O'Bomber is getting exactly what he deserves...which is ridicule and contempt heaped on his sorry posterior.

Further, I told all you leftist O'Bomber droolers how his presidency was going to play out and, I told you when he was only "candidate O'Bomber". Everything I said about the Marxist Messiah has come to pass.

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Posts: 1851
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted June 26, 2014 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As I've said jwhop you ignore what I say and replace it with your programmed beliefs about everyone who sees thru the brainwash program

I used to think it was necessary to play the reasonable objector but lately I see the public and especially the relevant (under 65) crowd are not listening anymore and see right thru it.

So you go on and knock yourself out. Sell by date is long gone

Travel is fatal to prejudice bigotry and narrowmindedness and many of our people need it on those accounts. Broad, wholesome and charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the world all one's life Mark Twain

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Posts: 7314
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 28, 2014 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If ever there was a "brainwashed class" in America, it has to be the usual suspect, O'Bomber Kool-Aid drinkers who cheer the Marxist Messiah's every word. They turned their brains off years ago; don't need no stinkin brains to spout Marxist Socialist Progressive drivel. In fact, having a brain is an impediment to Socialist indoctrination.

Oh WAIT! Here's another member of the Moron brigade spouting more anti-America, anti-constitution socialist drivel.

This Socialist fool, Dick Durbin, thinks O'Bomber can "borrow power" from Congress to make war on America and our laws with amnesty for illegal aliens who are in this country illegally.

Borrow Power from Congress? WHAT? HUH? DUH!

Durbin: Obama will "borrow" constitutional power from Congress so he can pass amnesty
June 27 2014
Doug Brady tional-power-pass-amnesty.html

Exactly where in the United States Constitution does this idiot Senator find constitutional authority for presidents to grab powers reserved to Congress by the constitution?

Easy answer; there are no such provisions in the United States Constitution.

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