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Author Topic:   The O'Bomber Debacle

Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 13, 2014 09:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Marc Thiessen: Obama’s legacy of failure
By Marc A. Thiessen
July 7

In his 2008 convention speech, Barack Obama declared that as president he would clean up the mess created by “the failed presidency of George W. Bush.” Now many Americans say he has done a worse job in office than the man he replaced. A new Quinnipiac poll finds that a plurality rated Barack Obama the worst president in the past 70 years — worse even than Richard Nixon, who resigned in scandal. That is quite an achievement.

And, to add insult to injury, a new Gallup poll finds that confidence in the presidency has dropped from 51 percent when Obama took office to just 29 percent today (4 points lower than Bush at the same point in his presidency).

There are two ways a president can drive his poll numbers down: The first is to make hard decisions that are unpopular but the right thing to do. The second is to be really, really bad at your job. Presidents in the first category tend to be vindicated by history. Presidents in the second tend to find that history’s judgment confirms that of voters in their own time.

Harry Truman left office one of the most unpopular presidents in American history, with his polls dropping to 22 percent in his last year as president. But thanks to the decisions he made — the Berlin Airlift, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine and the deployment of U.S. troops to Korea — he is now considered one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century. By contrast, Jimmy Carter presided over a string of disasters at home and abroad — from the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to gas lines and stagflation — and is still considered one of our worst presidents.

So the question is: Will Obama end more up like Truman or Carter?

Right now, he’s looking like another Carter in the making. Obama has presided over a recent string of disasters that make even Carter look competent. From his failure to enforce his own red line in Syria to the release of five senior Taliban leaders from Guantanamo Bay to the Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea to the implosion of Iraq, the world is on fire — and Obama’s foreign policy legacy is in tatters. If Obama sticks to his plan to replicate his Iraq withdrawal in Afghanistan, things could get even worse abroad: Obama could leave office with Islamic radicals controlling safe havens in two countries from which they can plan new attacks.

On the home front, just look at the past six weeks: We’ve had the Department of Veterans Affairs scandal . . . the flood of tens of thousands of unaccompanied children across the border . . . the epidemic of hard-drive crashes at the Internal Revenue Service after Congress began investigating the targeting of the president’s political opponents . . . a 2.9 percent economic contraction in the first quarter of 2014 . . . and a series of stinging rebukes from the Supreme Court on recess appointments and Obamacare’s contraception mandate. There’s not much for history to vindicate in that cascade of debacles.

Obama might take solace from the example of presidents who, while unpopular in their time, were vindicated because of their legislative achievements. Lyndon Johnson was so unpopular thanks to Vietnam that he decided not to run for reelection. But his passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 secured him a place in history.

Obama’s hope is that, years from now, Obamacare will do the same for his legacy. But unlike the Civil Rights Act, Obamacare was passed on a party-line vote, without the support of a majority of Americans and on the basis of a lie (the president’s false promise that Americans could keep their doctors and their health plans). Moreover, Obamacare’s pledges that premiums would be lower and that the scheme wouldn’t add to the deficit are likely not to be met. As Hoover’s Charles Blauhous points out, the annual costs of Obamacare will hit $200 billion by 2020, yet some of the mechanisms to pay for it — from the CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance Services and Supports) to penalties on individuals and employers for failing to carry or offer health insurance — have been repealed or delayed.

Obamacare remains deeply unpopular. In May, the law registered 55 percent opposition. Obama hopes that the law will be such a success that Americans will one day look back and decide that they were wrong about it after all. The more likely scenario is that Obamacare will go down in history not as the project that salvaged Obama’s legacy but the one that discredited big-government liberalism for a generation.

According to a December Gallup poll, the number of people who say that “big government” is the greatest threat to the country has risen from 55 percent when Obama took office to 72 percent today — the highest that number has ever been in 50 years of polling. For the next quarter century, whenever a liberal politician proposes some new, big-government program, all conservatives will have to say to discredit it is: “It’s just another Obamacare.”

That’s a legacy to be sure — just not the one for which Obama was hoping.

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posted July 21, 2014 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He's a foreign policy nightmare.

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posted July 22, 2014 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fishbull11     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Enter the Republican Congress, worst group of law makers the World has ever seen hands down. Lets ***** , wine and cry about undocumented children coming over the border, then lets turn around and ***** , wine and cry when a solution to the problem is brought up. Biggest group of self serving do nothings this country has ever seen...despicable at best.
Kind of like when Mr. close down bridges, stall economic activity, strong arm local politicians gets up and does what...vouches for his boy Mitt at the Elephant conference while making 90% of his speech For Mitt about himself because we all know Mitt was a lame duck who didn't stand a chance just like 16 right wing joke candidates.
Man I don't know why I keep giving you the attention you are so desperately seek especially since you are so staunchly right wing and must be sitting in your Tony Montana compound and 7 figure net worth down there in the sunshine state right? Get out your $100 mil, oh that's right money cantor buy elections anymore, it throws one hell of a tea party though.

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Posts: 2263
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted July 25, 2014 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote 7/25/1316539/-That-FL-CEO-Who-Said-He-d-FIRE-Everyone-if-Obama-Elected-Guess-What-Happened?detail=facebook

The Queen of Versailles" was a film documentary based on the sleazy time-share mogul, David Siegel, and his wife, Jackie. David had major financial troubles following Bush's 2008 economic crises. He had to stop work on his private home, dubbed "Versailles", which was to be the largest home in the U.S. Poor guy.

Naturally, Obama was to blame for this. As you may recall during the peak of the presidential campaign, Mr. Siegel penned a letter threatening to fire all his employees and close down his Orlando-based company, Westgate, if Obama was elected. A snippet from the full letter:

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.
So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss
Yeah, that happened.
This wasn't the first time either. In 2000, Siegel did something just as slimy. He put negative articles about Gore in every paycheck, and also forced his managers to conduct an inappropriate survey on who was voting for Bush and Gore. Those that said Bush were "required" to register to vote. Ironic, considering how Bush's economy almost put him out of business.

Fortunately for everyone, this time, his despicable letter threatening to fire everyone if Obama was elected backfired. Obama won Florida handily. The press mocked Siegel. We all expected this time-share sleazeball to retire and close his company. But then a funny thing happened...

Instead of his company being dragged down by the evil black man in the Oval Office, his company started flourishing again. The Obama recovery saw companies make record profits, and Siegel's was no exception. Today, they are doing better than ever. Under Obama, we also have had the best stock market in history, so investors like Siegel made out like bandits. (Obama=worst socialist ever).

Instead of firing, Siegel has had to hire more people. Since his employees were finally able to get reasonably-priced health insurance, he was free to invest his money in all kinds of things. He bought the Orlando Predators. He also bought a massive casino in Las Vegas. Saints be praised, he was even able to finally start work again on his gaudy, 90,000 square foot house complete with a bowling alley, a 30-car garage, and a roller-skating rink.

Turns out that he never had any intention to flee to the Caribbean.

Turns out Obama has been great for him.

Turns out he was just another rich, entitled a$$hole.

While I would not use the language in the last sentence, I am glad to know MR BOSS WHO PRESSURES EMPLOYEES TO VOTE HIS WAY is doing okay. Whew, what a cliffhanger that was! Not

Just another instance of wrongheaded thinking by those who think they are so special they can dictate to the rest of us, even when their theories are just... paranoid theories.

The "Obomber Debacle" is embarrassingly not materializing despite all the well-wishers

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Posts: 2263
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted August 04, 2014 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not sure which thread this fits best:

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 04, 2014 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hahahaha..."according to the ranking demoscat on the committee"....

according to Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee, has concluded there was no wrongdoing by the administration.

Yep, lying through his teeth...Hillary too, that the Benghazi terrorist attack was the result of an internet video...that's no wrongdoing. Sending out the UN Ambassador to lie through her teeth too wrongdoing. Only in bat-shiiite insane far left loon country is wrongdoing.

It is wrongdoing to deliberately lie to America. It just may not be a federal felony but, it's still wrongdoing.

We'll let the American people decide on election day if demoscats lying to them is wrongdoing.

At least in Watergate, which demoscats assigned as the worst crime of the century, no one died. In the Benghazi terrorist attack, 4 Americans died and the administration lied to the American people as to the cause of the attack for almost a month. Until even the drooling O'Bomber political activists posing as journalists had had enough of O'Bomber's and Hillary's lies.

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 06, 2014 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
August 6, 2014
Obama is Betraying the Republic's Trust
Richard Pecore

The current occupant of White House has been in office for 6 years. He could not have achieved this without the refusal of the media to affirmatively vet his past, and then, the media’s abandonment of all objectivity to actively support and protect Obama from all forms of criticism.

In first averting, and then betraying, their indelegable public duty to hold government accountable for its actions, the media has betrayed the free republic that tolerates its existence in the first place. With their betrayal of first the public trust, and then the Republic’s trust, the media has literally, and finally, cut its own throat. Only 40% of Americans get their information from the "Big 3" networks and newspapers. Everyone else has turned to multiple, alternate sources such as FOX News, Drudge Report, and blogs like American Thinker that can offer them more points of view.

In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was an unknown. The fact that he remains so to this day to a large segment of the country, despite the every-growing laundry list of constitutional violations, excesses of power, and usurpation of Congressional authority that continue each and every day in his corrupt administration, is inexcusable. Given the damage already done to this country’s citizens, its infrastructure, its relationships with friends and enemies alike, and the decline in its power and prestige around the world, such continued blind support in the face of domestic and international realities is intolerable, and the American people are finally taking notice.

Obamacare, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, the Border and Immigration, the lavish vacations, his MIA status whenever any crisis breaks -- take your pick of these and more. They are all solely of Obama's own making and cannot be successfully blamed on anyone else.

Even the most ardent of independents are starting to realize they’ve been lied to, and one thing Americans hate is being lied to -- especially by someone they supported. The naïve but enthusiastic youth voters who supported the idea of Obama have come crashing back to earth, many no longer able to find either a job or affordable health insurance, or start up a family of their own. Young blacks have been hit harder than any other group as far as being unable to find work of any kind. These voters know they have been betrayed.

Even members of his own party are now starting to question his actions and his motives. Only the most radical and stalwart socialist-leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid choose to ignore all the signs and facts around them. When your own party of locksteppers starts to question your utter lack of leadership and constant fundraising in the face of crisis, your outlook is very bleak indeed. Yet the media remains largely silent, taking the position that if they cannot say anything nice about Obama, they simply won’t report anything negative. International events are starting to outpace them. The dam has burst and the media stands on a soapbox proclaiming “All is well” while the floodwaters race through the town, destroying everything.

The economy still stinks. Prices continue to rise. The great unspoken tragedy during this unhappy rollercoaster has been the ever-rising cost of basics -- food at the grocery store, gasoline for the family car, and the loss in savings as these are drained away in a desperate effort to keep pace with the first two items. American families have seen their real earnings in income reduced. Black voters have seen their incomes reduced more significantly under Obama than at any other time during their history. Real unemployment is still unmanageable and the number of people who have simply dropped out of the workforce may have as much as doubled during the last 6 years. Has any of this made the news? Has it led any evening reports? Has anyone but FOX even mentioned these things? When’s the last time you read a story about the cost of a loaf of bread or a pound of hamburger since Obama was elected?

There is another issue. The tendency of this president to endanger our country by undermining or reducing the military’s capability to successfully engage and make war on the enemy by the use of overwhelming force cannot be ignored. The unwise announcement to our enemies of our withdrawal schedules from countries where we are conducting active combat operations, the inexplicable reductions in force of our military, and the refusal to enforce our borders constitute a slow-boil crisis. Obama has proven he does not have America’s best interests at heart. He continuously antagonizes our former friends, and seems to always come down on the side of our enemies. What of Obama’s oath of office?

Talking heads still characterize this man as if he can be reasoned with. Obama has proven he is an ideologue. If you support his worldview he counts you as a friend; if you oppose him on any issue, you are an enemy and must be attacked. Unfortunately, the last 6 years has proven that the only worldview he will entertain is one where the United States has been deliberately reduced in power and status to just another country. Such naiveté is exceedingly dangerous. Israel is already receiving the brunt of his foolish foreign policy. As history teaches and we have already seen, nature abhors a vacuum. The world must have a country to lead it. If America does not, an emboldened Russia will.

Many are speculating about impeachment and whether Obama would resign. The Republicans will never impeach, for the political cost is too high and all they have to do is not screw up more than usual to win the Senate in November. That could be a tough task for the GOP, who can’t seem to tie their shoes, much less offer a viable presidential candidate. Their recent candidate history read likes a Who’s Who of losers -- people like Romney, who was so unpalatable to conservative voters that 7 million of them stayed home on Election Day in 2012. As far as resigning, Obama’s history shows a strange pattern of quitting on things and not following through to the end. If the Republicans do win big in November, it’s possible Obama might exit stage left. The country would be only slightly better off. The bleeding would stop but the damage would continue with skinny-dipping Joe Biden waiting in the wings to leave his mark of embarrassment on the nation and the world.

So what of the GOP? Name me one viable candidate that could command a national following. Rick Perry has managed to look more presidential than Obama of late (not a hard task) in protecting our border where Obama has blocked or avoided border enforcement, and this has made him a viable contender for the presidency again. Its some payback for Obama’s earlier snub of Perry on the tarmac in Austin, but that is inconsequential compared to the beating that Americans and the American economy has taken at the hands of the most measurably failed presidency in modern history. Any way you look at it, Obama has been an utter and dismal failure.

The only person grateful for this should be Jimmy Carter, who can now relinquish the title of worst president in modern history. I thought I would never live to see anyone worse than Carter in the White House during my lifetime.

I was wrong.

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 23, 2014 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
August 23, 2014
Just Moseying Around in BHO Land
By Eileen F. Toplansky

Last week when I went to peruse the shelves at Barnes & Noble and used my educator card for a purchase, I was asked to show a photo ID. The next day, when I went for a planned medical procedure, I was required to display a photo ID. And finally, when I cashed a check at the local A&P, the cashier requested to see some identification. Even at a local Goodwill store, I had to show a photo ID in order to buy an item.
In addition, I needed to show my driver's license to get a new library card. It would be easier just to wear the ID around my neck; I am sure that will soon be coming as well.

Then, recently waiting to board an airplane, I was told by the TSA agent to extend my hands. He wiped my palms to see if I had any explosive material on my extremities.

Didn't have to take the shoes off this time, though. Perhaps we are going TSA lite on the lower extremities.

Then I sat down to read the Wall Street Journal, only to learn that "backers of the health care law say they are rushing to make sure tens of thousands of people provide more documents to prove they are in the U.S. legally and therefore entitled to the coverage they obtained through" I am not a gambler, but this would be a windfall for anyone who bets against the government getting this one right.

In fact, this Washington Times piece highlights the many times one needs to show a photo ID. But in the inverted world in which we currently reside, "asking for I.D. before voting is 'racist,' but you need a government I.D. to buy drain cleaner."

Late at night, I ponder why thousands of illegals are coming through the southern border and disappearing into the country, and I, a citizen of this country, need to prove that I am who I am on a daily basis.

Let us review the double standards now de rigueur in Obama/Holder America.

Holder, the only attorney general ever held in contempt, mandates that "all schools must enroll illegal immigrants as students, citing 'troubling reports' that some districts are discriminating against the children of undocumented parents."

Obama and his minions have dumped foreign illegal immigrant children into many school districts. Apparently this administration is relying on a 1982 Supreme Court decision that "says children of illegal immigrants have a right to a public education." The ACLU maintains that "school districts must adhere to this guidance, and meet their constitutional obligations to ensure that no child is locked outside the schoolhouse door."

Funny how that Constitution is conveniently ignored when it doesn't suit Obama. As of July 18, 2014, we are currently up to 42 changes to ObamaCare, with "at least 24 that President Obama has made unilaterally." Talk about ignoring the constitutional separation of powers.

Obama's "orchestrated" influx of these illegals will now "force American taxpayers to pay the huge cost of providing schooling to every illegal immigrant under 18 [as well as 18-plus] who [has been] dropped inside the U.S."

Will the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) or local teachers' union chapters be up in arms as teachers are asked to take on increasing workloads to accommodate this influx? Is this how Obama will thank the AFT for their blind support? On the other hand, and more likely, will Obama create a new cadre of teachers who have had their college debt forgiven, courtesy of the prez, as long as they give back to the community? And what happens when local communities simply refuse to pass school budgets because of the increased costs?

Is this how public schooling will be completely controlled via Common Core? What a ready market of automatons, both behind the teacher's desk and in front of it.

Furthermore, how will educational testing centers deal with the new rules for students taking SATs and ACT exams? In the spring of 2012, new guidelines were issued that required students to "upload their photo when they register for the exam." They will also have to "identify their high school, their birth date, and their gender. And the photo IDs will be attached to the test results."

By golly, how to get around this ID issue yet again – just eliminate SATs.

And the mother tongue, aka English, will take a hard hit. Years of sub-quality bilingual education and incoherent English language teaching skills will now be topped off with a student body with "limited English language proficiency." Mix in the continuing lowering of standards in education, and this is a perfect template of a people comfortable with despotism.

Furthermore, in order to accommodate the illegals, Obama will increase the alphabet soup of government agencies and drain more taxpayer money from the middle class.

And dare I ask, as Judi McLeod has, "[h]ow long before the terrorists flowing in to the United States unhampered across its southern border get to crow over beheadings conducted right on American soil?"

It is one long train of deceptions, crooked dealings, and manipulation in order to achieve Obama's political transformative goal of hurting America.

Will the people's ire build sufficiently in November 2014 to push back as this government continues its overreach with every move of this administration?

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Posts: 2263
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted August 23, 2014 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
overreach and wimpishness. hmmm is that what you call the cover-all-bases and you might hit a few targets approach? the journalistic equivalent of using a machine gun to kill deer?

.."the people's ire"... indeed. Is your house purple too?

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 23, 2014 10:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are mistaken. It's not "over-reach" it's absolute lawlessness on the part of your Marxist Messiah, O'Bomber.

The only people who aren't all "ired up" are O'Bomber's drooling sycophants and "accidental Americans".

The rest of us are counting the days until this little Marxist Socialist Progressive twit ceases to infest the White House.

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 23, 2014 10:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
August 23, 2014
Race-hustler, anti-Semite Al Sharpton is Obama's Go-To Guy
Ed Lasky

Anyone else find this disgraceful and immoral?

Al Sharpton has a sordid history. First of all, though he uses the rubric “Reverend” to give him some degree of respectability, he never attended a seminary. He just made up the title and bestowed it upon himself.

His fraud does not end there.

There was the Tawana Brawley rape hoax that he orchestrated that led to race riots and severe personal damage to a policeman Sharpton tried to frame for the fraudulent rape (see Al Sharpton’s Long Bill of Goods From Tawana Brawley to Primetime). There was the anti-Semitic and anti-white massacre he led against Freddie’s Fashion Mart when a landlord tried to evict a black-owned record store. One of his followers entered the store, pulled out a gun, ordered all black customers to leave and then set the store on fire, killing seven people plus himself. The racist tirades against whites (and gays, for that matter) were legion. See this You Tube compilation by Brietbart

He has a long and disgraceful history of stoking racism against whites.

But wait-there is more.

When a Jewish driver accidentally stuck a black pedestrian in the Crown Heights neighborhood of New York City, Sharpton again inserted himself in the situation and fanned the flames of hatred. He was the ring-leader, railing against Jews who he called “diamond merchants” with “the blood of innocent babies on their hands” and declaring “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

An Australian Jewish man was murdered, as was an Italian man, mistaken for being Jewish.

As the New York Post reminded readers a few days ago, Sharpton has been trying to rewrite his history of hatred and Democratic political leaders are going along with the charade. The whitewashing has been going on for years, leading to criticism from some -- and has led to his being given his own show on MSNBC

Now President Obama, who invites Sharpton to official White House state dinners (wonder what foreign leaders make of Sharpton) has made him the go-to-guy to deal with the riots going on in Ferguson (cooled down-for now)....(no thanks to the reverrrrrend Sharpton}

Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports in “Revved up: How Al Sharpton became Obama’s go-to man on race”:

"[T]the White House, as the crisis following Brown's death seemed to flare out of control, worked extensively behind the scenes to maximize The Rev's doing what he does, using him as both a source of information and a go-between. After huddling with Brown's family and local community leaders, Sharpton connected directly with White House adviser and First Friend Valerie Jarrett, vacationing in her condo in the exclusive Oak Bluffs section of Martha's Vineyard, not far from where President Obama and his family were staying. Obama was 'horrified' by the images he was seeing on TV, Jarrett told Sharpton, and proceeded to pepper him with questions as she collected information for the president: How bad was the violence? Was it being fueled by outside groups-and could Sharpton do anything to talk them down? What did the Brown family want the White House to do?

"It was a heady consultation for Sharpton, who spent years on the outside dreaming of a place in the pantheon of the civil rights leaders he revered as a teenage street preacher in Brooklyn, and it's an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, whose restrained personal style couldn't be any more different from Sharpton's. If anything, the Ferguson crisis has underscored Sharpton's role as the national black leader Obama leans on most, a remarkable personal and political transformation for a man once regarded with suspicion and disdain by many in his own party. It's a status made all the more surprising given that Obama ... ran on a platform of moving beyond the country's painful racial divisions while Sharpton is the man who once defined those divisions for many Americans.

"What brought them together, according to numerous sources I've spoken with about this over the years, is a shared commitment to racial justice, and a hardheaded pragmatism that has fueled their success. 'He realized I wasn't as irrational or as crazy as people thought,' Sharpton told me in an interview this week, and indeed Sharpton not only visits the White House frequently, he often texts or emails with senior Obama officials such as Jarrett and Attorney General Eric Holder, the first African American to hold that job and who, like Sharpton, views the Ferguson crisis as a pivotal one in Obama's presidency.”

President Obama has completed the political rehabilitation of an anti-white, anti-Semitic race hustler whose incendiary rhetoric led to actual arson and murders.

Another disgraceful -- there have been so many -- action by Barack Obama.

Update from Lee DeCovnik: From, one of those very interesting "connect the dots” news items about Al Sharpton and the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR.

Reverend Al Sharpton, host of PoliticsNation on MSNBC and former presidential candidate, will be the keynote speaker at the annual fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.Muslim Brotherhood entity with an extremist history.

CAIR’s 20th Annual Banquet will be held on September 27 in Arlington, Virginia and also features Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN).

According to the U.S. Justice Department, CAIR is an entity of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. More specifically, CAIR is part of the Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, a secret body that was established to push the agenda of Hamas and the overall Islamist cause.

Anyone else find this disgraceful and immoral?

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Posts: 7584
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 14, 2014 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The debacle at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave!

Going down. Glug, glug, glug!

Obama’s ship is sinking
Michael Goodwin
September 14, 2014

The rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan to deal with the Islamic State. He did some of what he had to do, but only some, and so most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.

He is sinking fast and could soon pass the point of no return. In fact, it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

Earlier on, he could have trotted out his teleprompters and turned public opinion his way, or at least stopped the damage. But the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.

They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

Most ominously, they feel less safe now than they did when he took office. Americans know the war on terror isn’t over, no matter what their president claims.

Those findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

That was a necessary tactical retreat, but it doesn’t change the ­basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse, according to a New York Times survey. The remainder said there wasn’t much change either way.

That’s shocking — but not surprising. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t...*(and never will be ready)* It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.

The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

That means, I fear, we are on the cusp of tragedy. It is reasonable to assume the worst-case scenarios about national security are growing increasingly likely to occur.

Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president. They must assume the next commander in chief will take a more muscular approach to America’s interests and be more determined to forge alliances than the estranged man who occupies the Oval Office now.

So Vladimir Putin, Iran, China, Islamic State, al Qaeda and any other number of despots and terrorists know they have two years to make their moves and advance their interests, and that resistance will be token, if there is any at all.

Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking. Redrawn maps and expanded spheres of influence could last for generations.

Of course, there is a possibility that America could rally around the president in a crisis, and there would be many voices demanding just that. But a national consensus requires a president who is able to tap into a reservoir of good will and have his leadership trusted.

That’s not the president we have.

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posted September 15, 2014 10:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We have the imagery of rats deserting a sinking ship. View them as demorats jumping ship when O'Bomber's policies and "inaction" threaten their careers and reputations.

Notice, they're not jumping ship because of the damage the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber has done to America; they were onboard with all of that. They're jumping ship to save their own skins.

September 15, 2014
Does Obama face a 'mutiny' in his administration?
Thomas Lifson

Ed Rogers of the Washington Post, which is read by everyone in the Obama administration, raises an important question, and one that we will be hearing a lot more about as the collapse of the Obama presidency accelerates:

Is a mutiny happening around President Obama? It appears possible that the president may not have made two of his most recent decisions with complete free will. The announcement that he would delay his immigration initiative until after the election and his formal announcement that the United States would take military action against the Islamic State could have been coerced.

Maybe Democratic leaders in Congress and a few members of the Obama team have had it. Could it be that, after President Obama briefed Democrats in Congress on the immigration plan, they balked? Maybe the president was told that, if he waved in millions of new illegal immigrants before November, there would be an open revolt against him within the party.

Similarly, a few members of this administration who have independence, stature and an adult disposition may have told the president he must act on the Islamic State or else they were out. I’m thinking of at least Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Is it possible they could not stomach doing nothing any longer and told the president that they would quit in protest if he did not take action?

Once the November election is done, I expect to see a number of prominent resignations, motivated primarily by self-protection, a desire to avoid going down with the sinking ship, SS Obama. But some may be a product of adult-in-the-room conscience, as the damage to our national security becomes more and more self-evident.

I would have preferred that the revolt against Obama’s incompetence come in reaction to domestic policy disasters, because our lives rarely are at stake in that sphere. But the fact is that with control of the dominant media still in the hands of Democrat allies, it has been possible to keep dissatisfaction with such disasters as Obamacare at a sub-acute level, while covering up the gangster government actions of the IRS and Justice Department, so that few if any Democrats saw their futures imperiled by continuing to stay silent in the face of outrageous abuses and sheer incompetence (for example, the Obamacare website debacles).

But the ability of Obama media claque to keep the internet-televised beheadings of Americans secret is quite limited, and no amount of propaganda spin can make the prospect of executive fiat granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens palatable, particularly in a time of chronic high unemployment and underemployment.

So the Obama presidency is bleeding support from its own party. An electoral disaster in November for the Democrats would heighten the flow into a torrent. To be sure, there will those who, despising and fearing Republicans, will double down on Obama, but there will be others whose survival instincts will cause them to turn on the president, more and more openly.***Think...Hillary*** ion.html

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posted October 01, 2014 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
6 Reasons Barack Obama Is A Failed President
John Hawkins
Sep 23, 2014

It's easy to just chalk up Barack Obama's terrible performance as President to "liberalism" or "incompetence," but it goes so much further than that. Obama is a ballerina running a steel mill, a fight fan working as a bouncer, a go cart aficionado racing in NASCAR. Barack Obama was elected because Americans were frustrated with the Republican Party, because he did a good job of reading uplifting speeches, and because Americans thought that if they elected the first black President, it would be a seminal moment for race relations in America. Unfortunately, GOP awfulness didn't translate into Democratic goodness, those speeches got dull in a hurry, race relations have gotten worse, and none of that has anything to do with Obama actually being capable of handling the most important job on the planet. Maybe next time, voters will ask the most basic question about the candidates running for President: are they competent to do the job or will we end up with another Obama?

1) He was unprepared for the job: As Sarah Palin said back in 2008, "My fellow citizens, the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery."

Yet, that’s exactly what the presidency was for Barack Obama. He had never run a business. He had never been a governor. His performance as a state senator in Illinois and during his very brief time as a senator was undistinguished.

There was nothing about Barack Obama’s background that should have led anyone to think that he would be up to the job of being President and as it turns out, he isn’t.

2) His aims are ideological and political, not practical: Barack Obama’s only concerns are…

A) Is this good for me? B) Is this good for the Democrat Party? C) Is this good for liberalism?

Whether it’s good for the country or not doesn’t even enter into the equation perhaps because Obama starts with the assumption that anything that’s good for him, the Democrat Party, and for liberalism must be good for the country by default. Sadly, the long line of broken promises, mishaps, and disasters that have defined his presidency say otherwise.

3) He doesn't know how to work with Congress: Obama’s standard modus operandi is to propose something he knows Republicans will oppose, then trash them non-stop, refuse to meet with them, and cap it all off by complaining that they won’t work with him on anything. That’s not exactly a big secret, but a lot of people don’t know that Obama doesn’t work that well with congressional Democrats either. If you want to get an idea of what Democrats really think of Obama, this story about stimulus negotiations from Bob Woodward’s Price of Politics tells you all you need to know (PS: Just for the record, Pelosi denied this story in an unconvincing way, but I think Woodward, who is also a liberal, got it right)

"Warming to his subject, he (Obama) continued with an uplifting speech. Pelosi reached over and pressed the mute button. They could hear Obama, but now he couldn't hear them. The president continued speaking, his disembodied voice filling the room, and the two leaders got back to the hard numbers."

4) He's narcissistic: Is Barack Obama just a heavy duty narcissist or does he actually have narcissistic personality disorder? It’s impossible to say for sure, but either way, his self-centered behavior cuts all the way down to the core of who he is as a human being. Whether he was sleeping through Americans dying in Benghazi or golfing right after he talked about James Foley’s beheading, Obama is always primarily interested in himself. Leaders in this country are supposed to be servants of the people, not their masters. Having a man like Obama, who views the great power he has as a way to serve himself is dangerous for our country.

5) He’s a poor planner who doesn’t think things through: Whether you’re talking about helping radical jihadists take over in Egypt or Libya, enabling Iran’s push towards a nuclear bomb, his “red line” in Syria, or his destined-to-fail-before-it-ever-begins plan to fight ISIS, you always come away with the impression that Obama formulates his foreign policy between holes on the golf course. Judging by his approach to Obamacare and immigration, his domestic policy isn’t much better. This is not a man who spends a lot of time thinking about the consequences of his actions before he makes a decision, which is a pretty scary trait for the President of the United States. It’s almost enough to make you suspect that the “choom gang” is still meeting in the Oval Office every night.

6) He's habitually dishonest: Most of Bill Clinton’s fans would admit that he was a shameless liar, but even his enemies gave him a sort of backhanded compliment about how good he was at it with his “Slick Willie” nickname. Obama lies even more than Clinton and unlike “Slick Willie,” he insults your intelligence while he does it by not even trying to make his lies plausible. Not only is he lying, but you know he’s lying, he knows you know he’s lying and HE DOESN’T CARE. When you’re dealing with a bald faced liar like Barack Obama, you always know that nothing he says means anything more than, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

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posted October 05, 2014 10:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Even leftists bemoan the O'Bomber Debacle!

Hey, O'Bomber has destroyed the "New Deal" and the "Great Society". Some see O'Bomber as a "right wing" radical.

October 5, 2014
New Year 5775: Obama undoes the New Deal and Great Society
By Clarice Feldman

For me, the New Year began on a sour note. Time spent on the internet has convinced me that more Christians -- especially fundamentalist and traditional Christians -- were more staunchly pro-Israel than the J Street-infected rabbis at some of the richest, most influential synagogues on the East and West coasts, and their congregations. So blinkered had these anti-Israel Jews become that they ignored the danger that their true guiding lights -- Barack Obama and his party -- had created for their country, their coreligionists abroad, and themselves.

I opened the front door to water some plants on the front stairs when my neighbor Chaim Tsedrait stopped pacing back and forth, approached me, and started crying. Chaim is what would be a Democrat ward heeler in any city other than the one-party and no Congressional representation Washington D.C. His walls are covered with pictures of himself as a kid shaking hands with both Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt -- the inspiration for his lifelong fealty to the party.

“Why are you so agitated today?” I asked.

“It’s obvious Obama fooled us,” he answered.

“How’s that?” I asked, trying to hide my surprise.

"He’s really a right-winger who is destroying everything we built.” He cried out in anguish.

I invited him in for a drink and as I was pouring us both some vodka on the rocks, he continued his sad plaint without any interruption from me.

“We had persuaded most Americans that the federal government was their friend and savior. It could be counted on to provide efficiently needed services that we wanted. With Roosevelt and then his successors and the civil rights movement, we instilled a disdain of federalism in people -- taught them to believe big government, not local control, was better, and local control led inexorably to lynching and incompetence that was so bad it endangered everyone’s rights and livelihood. Even on k-12 education we got most people believing that if we left curricula to local school boards our kids would be ignoramuses who believed unscientific nonsense.

“Obama’s upset the applecart. He pushes unworkable Rube Goldberg contraptions midwifed through Congress by those crazies Reid and Pelosi. When it doesn’t work, he jerry rigs it in ways that make it only worse and more patently partisan.

“His people tell outrageous lies that only morons could believe -- like simultaneous accidental destruction of IRS records under subpoena, and that the murders of our ambassador and his defenders were because of a video no one saw or cared about, a lie shamefully repeated over the caskets of the murdered men. This, after on his own -- with no Congressional approval -- he upset the order in Libya which was hardly a threat, and destabilized it. Then he supported the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt until they were finally thrown out. He is critical of and dismissive of our allies -- like Israel -- while cozying up fairly publicly to Iran,

“Admitting he doesn’t bother much about intelligence briefings so that ISIS takes over much of Iraq and Syria before he realizes it ,and claiming over and again that all the important news he gets is from the newspapers.

“He wasted billions on green energy projects to nip global warming which there hasn’t been any of in 18 years. My physics professor son laughs at me because of what he calls my party’s obeisance to the ‘Sky Dragon’.

“His State Department spokesmen sound like Valley Girls as they spout incredible defenses, posing with idiotic sorority girl type hash tags as the world starts to disintegrate on his watch.

“His Attorney General stirs up racial division and abets vote fraud. He clearly was involved in handing off weapons to Mexican gangs and then stonewalled and ignored Congress when it investigated this incompetence.

“The economy stinks and all his wealth redistribution policies are only making the middle class poorer.

“But as bad as that is, the incompetence and inattention is what’s killing us Democrats. I mean, putting in charge of the Secret Service someone with no law enforcement experience who thinks the White House team should make the presidential residence more like Disneyland!

“Allowing open borders so people, many with substantial needs and rare diseases, stream in and are relocated all around the country, bankrupting local governments and spreading illness and death! Then he fails to cut off travel from Ebola-stricken countries and asks us to have faith in the CDC whose head is best known for advocating taxes on soft drinks and wiping trans fats off the menus of New York City.”

He was shouting so loudly I was afraid for his welfare. I pushed his vodka closer to him so he might take a sip.

“Why do you think he’s a ‘right-winger’?” I asked as soon as the redness had faded from his face.

“C’mon. I wasn’t born yesterday. All this stuff has to be on purpose. He wants to drive the party into the ground and destroy everything we started with the New Deal. This week he proved it in spades,” Chaim added, his voice rising again. “We’re in a tough fight to hang on to the Senate and incumbents are distancing themselves from him. So what does he do? He makes a speech saying the mid-term elections are a referendum on his policies. Senator Roberts has already done a thirty-second ad linking his opponent to Obama’s hated policies.

"It’s an inexpensive 30-second ad that is very devastating to us and you can bet that similar ones will run in every state electing a senator this year, with the Obama policies named in each one of them being those most hated by the state’s voters.

“So you think Congressional democrats should join Republicans in impeaching him and removing him from office?” I asked.

“Are you kidding? That would be racist! “

“I suppose so,” I disingenuously commiserated with him. I had just read that virtually everything is.

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posted October 06, 2014 09:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Empty suit in the White House!

Obama hasn’t come up with one original idea yet
John Podhoretz
October 4, 2014

Just before Labor Day, controversy erupted over President Obama’s garb at a presidential press conference — should he or should he not have worn a light tan summer suit when talking about ISIS? That was beside the point.

The issue isn’t the weight or color of his suit. The issue is that the suit is empty.

With almost six years of the Obama administration under our collective belts, the time has come to acknowledge a painful truth: This is an astoundingly idea-free presidency.

At that press conference, Obama stunned the world by saying, out loud and openly, that “we don’t have a strategy yet” on how to deal with ISIS. No president before him had ever said such a thing out loud, and for good reason: Having a strategy is the president’s job.

In the parlance of the universities where Obama spent so much of his time before 2004, when it came to a terror army running rampant through Iraq and beheading Americans, Obama was admitting he hadn’t done the reading, needed an extension on the paper, had to take an “incomplete.”

At the same press conference in August, Obama said "we don't have a strategy yet," on dealing with ISIS.

Well, there was no one there to grant him his incomplete — which is why, two weeks later, he found it necessary to give a nationally televised address to inform the American people and the world that, hey, guess what, he’d come up with a strategy at last. It involved sending arms to the very same Syrian rebels, which just happened to be a policy he had derided only a month earlier as “a fantasy.”

This maddening directionlessness was also on display in the American response to Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza in July — which would involve statements of support for Israel, followed by statements of anger about Israel’s conduct, which would be followed by more statements of support for Israel, and then word that the administration had delayed a standard-issue arms replenishment for Israel as punishment for its bad behavior.

Obama’s administration fumbled to inform the American people on the exact details of whom Thomas Duncan (first US person to be diagnosed with Ebola) had come in contact with, where and when.

This kind of policy and public-relations whiplash also characterizes the White House’s behavior when it comes to the failures of the Secret Service, with Obama press secretary one day saying the USSS’s director had the president’s full confidence and the next day announcing her resignation as though it had been what the president wished for all along.

And, of course, there’s the handling of the Ebola patient in Dallas, with the administration so desirous of not causing a panic that it spent several days misinforming Americans about whom the patient had come in contact with, how many people there had been, how many plane flights he’d been on, and so forth.

This inconstancy is the result of the administration’s elevation of cool and calm above all other qualities — leadership qualities like urgency, firmness, focus and determination.

The hard truth is that the Harvard Law Review editor and University of Chicago professor with two bestselling books to his name can’t formulate a policy to save his life, can’t oversee the implementation of the policies his administration has put in place and can’t adapt or rejigger them in a convincing way to take account of changing conditions.

This has become startlingly evident even to his friends in recent days, but it actually dates back to the beginning of his tenure.

Consider his two signature legislative accomplishments (one 5 ½ years old, the other 4 ½ years old): The post-meltdown stimulus and ObamaCare.

These, arguably the two most expensive domestic programs ever put on the books, weren’t carefully formulated and rigorously conceived.

They were jerry-rigged assemblages of ideas, policies pulled down off the shelves of congressional subcommittees.

Because the stimulus was so poorly designed, the stimulus was used in large measure by states to pay down their own debts rather than on “shovel-ready” projects intended to employ the unemployed. And ObamaCare’s manifold sloppinesses and disasters both in the drafting and in the execution have gone off like time bombs every few months ever since the law was passed.

Or consider one of the issues nearest and dearest to his heart and to his party’s base — immigration reform. In the most dramatic case of the law of unintended consequences in our time, the president’s decision to grant permanent-resident status to the children of illegal aliens led to the border crisis of 2013-14, with tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors flooding across the border under incredibly dangerous conditions.

Beyond our shores, we were told back in 2011 that this administration was redirecting American policy to take the full measure of the challenges of the 21st century.

The new approach was called “the pivot to Asia,” and would require a thorough revision of our military and foreign policies to deal with the rise of China and the destabilizing behavior of North Korea.

Well, guess what? By March of this year, assistant secretary of defense Katrina McFarland let slip that “right now, the pivot is being looked at again because, candidly, it can’t happen.” Why? It was just too expensive.

So much for the biggest foreign-policy idea of the Obama era. Poof.

We can all name the ideas of presidencies, from the New Deal to Reaganomics to the Bush Doctrine. Obama’s self-described strategy for world affairs is “don’t do stupid s – – -.”

His economic strategy is “print money.” These aren’t ideas. They aren’t even ideology. They’re voting “present.”

What matters most to this administration is surface. It’s why Obama made such a spectacular subject for a “HOPE” poster and why his choice of suit provoked so much discussion. As a two-dimensional object, he’s endlessly fascinating. Add the third dimension and he’s lost.

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