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  Restoring America, in 5 Parts

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Posts: 8716
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2016 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How Donald Trump Can Become One of Our Greatest Presidents
Lew Uhler, Peter Ferrara
August 9, 2016

Part One: Appoint high quality judges.

Donald Trump can go down as one of the greatest Presidents in American history, if he can accomplish just a few simple things that America urgently needs. Trump has already pledged to do precisely these things, while Hillary has pledged to do just the opposite.

One immediately apparent priority is the urgency of appointing high quality Supreme Court justices and other federal judges. With the Supreme Court vacancy resulting from the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the fundamental balance of the High Court is now urgently at stake. Remaining on the Court are four (sometimes inconsistent) conservatives appointed by Republicans, and four almost uniformly consistent liberals appointed by Democrats.

Besides replacing Scalia, the next President will surely have more Supreme Court appointments. Ultra-Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, appointed by President Clinton, is now 83 and not in good health. Justice Anthony Kennedy, appointed by President Reagan, is now 80. Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer will be 78 in a week or so. That would make nearly half the Supreme Court (4 out of 9) to be appointed by the next President. Those appointments will determine the direction of the Supreme Court for decades.

At stake are fundamental Constitutional rights, and the rule of law. One is the Second Amendment and your right to own guns for self-defense of yourself and your family, confirmed in 2008 in the landmark decision of District of Columbia v. Heller. That case was the result of decades of fierce debate across the country about what the Second Amendment means. One Supreme Court appointment by a President Hillary Clinton and that landmark precedent would be overturned by a liberal majority which considers the Second Amendment dispensable.

Freedom of Religion, which used to be well recognized and protected by the federal courts, is now under attack by the liberal/left. Also now under assault is once hallowed Freedom of Speech, safeguarded most recently by a 5-4 ruling in the 2010 landmark decision of Citizens United v. FEC. That case confirmed and protected the right of grassroots conservatives to join together in corporate form to raise money to participate in public debate. But overturning that case has become a cause célèbre on the Left, endorsed by Hillary Clinton, because so-called liberals think corporate interests should not be free to participate in public debate.

The Supreme Court’s majority opinion in the case was much better reasoned, arguing that the Constitution’s Free Speech guarantee protects the freedom to speak, because more speech can only add to the discussion with new facts and perspectives, which the public is free to accept or reject. Interfering to try to equalize speech would only end up counterproductively and arbitrarily restricting the freedom of speech the Constitution protects, with no objective guide as to any good accomplished.

Trump recognizes that his duty as President is to appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the other federal courts, who understand that their responsibility is to apply the law as written, not to rewrite the law in accordance with their own view of justice and good policy. That is essential to uphold the rule of law, protect our Constitutional rights as written, and enforce our democracy and government by the people.

Justice Scalia was a historic leader of precisely that vision of judicial duty. If he is replaced by a political judge who sees judicial duty as enforcing the political views of the party that appointed him or her, that will shift the fundamental balance of the court from a slight majority of Republican appointees who think like Scalia to Democrat appointees who think their job is to enforce Democratic Party and “Progressive” orthodoxy and philosophy, not the written and enacted law.

After eight years of federal judicial appointments by “Progressives,” who religiously believe in government power which they can only see as power to do good (and so have no tolerance for differing views), the fundamental concept of a free and independent judiciary to serve as a check and balance on doe-eyed office holders is urgently at stake. Otherwise, who will remain to enforce the law against Hillary/Obama Democrats?

Trump has clearly indicated he understands what needs to be done on this issue, proposing a list of possible Supreme Court replacements for Scalia, and other federal judicial appointments, that was very favorably viewed by Reagan conservatives. Progressive true believer Hillary, by contrast, has pledged to do just the opposite.

Part two in this series on this year’s presidential election will discuss tax reform and health policy reform to repeal and replace Obamacare. Part three will discuss energy deregulation freeing American producers to make America number one in global production of energy, including the fossil fuels of oil, natural gas and coal. That will complete a plan to restore booming American economic growth.

Part four will discuss restoring America’s world leading national defenses. That includes building Trump’s wall on the southern border, and enforcing immigration law in the interest of the American people and their physical safety, not the political interests of the Democratic Party. That will further contribute to restoring booming economic growth by protecting and restoring the jobs and wage and income growth of the American people.

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Posts: 8716
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2016 10:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part II: Tax Reform

Donald Trump can become one of the greatest Presidents in American history, if he can accomplish just a few simple things that America urgently needs to get right. Trump has already pledged to do precisely these things, while Hillary has pledged to do just the opposite.

This is the second in a four-part series on those few simple things America desperately needs. Part One focused on perhaps the most important Presidential responsibility: appointing high quality Justices for nearly half the Supreme Court, and judges for the rest of the federal judiciary balancing out the radical judges Obama has appointed since 2009. This Part Two explains the next priority: tax reform providing for sharply lower tax rates, especially on overtaxed American business and investment.

America suffers under the highest marginal tax rates in the world on investment, corporate, and business income. America urgently needs pro-growth tax reform, with much lower, internationally competitive, marginal tax rates. A good model has been developed by House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Tax Reform Task Force Report, which was spearheaded by Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady.

Ryan/Brady proposes to replace the 7 tax brackets of the current income tax code, with effective rates reaching into the mid-40s, with just 3 rates of 12%, 25%, and 33%, cutting marginal tax rates for everyone. The standard deduction for married couples filing jointly would be increased from $12,600 today to $24,000, doubling income that can be earned tax free. The refundable $1,000 Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit of up to $5,572 for a single mother with two children, $6,269 for three children, would continue. This would assure zero federal income taxes for everyone in the 10% bracket today.

Currently, 95% of all businesses in America, and 50% of all business income, are taxed as sole proprietorships or “pass through” entities, such as partnerships, limited liability corporations (LLCs), and Subchapter S corps, subject to a rate as high as 44.6%. For many years, most new jobs in America have been created by these businesses. Ryan/Brady would enact a new maximum small business tax rate of 25%, sparking explosive small business job expansion.

The greatest culprit driving businesses and jobs offshore is federal and state corporate income taxes imposing a combined top marginal tax rate of nearly 40%, highest in the developed world, third highest in the entire world, with only Chad and the United Arab Emirates imposing higher rates. When the current federal corporate income tax rate was last set in 1986, the average corporate rate of other industrialized (OECD) nations was 47.2%. Today, that has been cut in half to 24.8%, reflecting modern economic research showing that 80% of corporate income taxes are effectively borne by workers through reduced wages or lost jobs.

With U.S. corporate rates so outdated, capital flight from America has soared through “corporate inversions” (merging with foreign companies). American companies subject to double taxation under federal tax law are also holding more than $2 trillion in capital overseas. Ryan/Brady would end this double taxation penalty by adopting territoriality, ending attempted U.S. taxation of corporate income earned abroad, as in all other developed nations.

Ryan/Brady would adopt a flat 20% federal corporate income tax rate, making American companies and their workers internationally competitive again. Ryan/Brady would also abolish the death tax, the AMT, and offset the income tax code’s bias against capital investment by allowing taxpayers to deduct 50 percent of their capital gains, dividends, and interest income, resulting in rates of 6% to 16.5% on investment income. It would also provide for “expensing,” or an immediate deduction, for capital investment, just like all other expenses for production of income. The plan would also provide for “border adjustability” exempting exports from taxation, while taxing imports.

The plan is scored dynamically as revenue neutral based on reasonable expectations of the economic growth it will generate, compared to the current policy baseline, which incorporates what Congress routinely does to avoid tax increases from current law. The result will likely be higher tax revenues due to booming, long overdue economic recovery, growth, and soaring jobs, wages, and incomes.

On August 9, at the Detroit Economic Club, Trump unveiled his economic growth plan. He discarded his earlier tax reform with its estimated $12 trillion in revenue losses, replacing it instead with a plan much closer to Ryan-Brady. But instead of Ryan/Brady’s 20% federal corporate rate, Trump proposed to reduce that rate to 15%. And instead of the business pass-through rate of 25%, Trump proposed a 15% rate for those businesses as well. Hillary and her so-called “progressive” Democrats will bitterly oppose such reforms, favoring confiscatory tax rates that will keep America down and dependent on government handouts. That is progress to “progressives.” Hillary has proposed still another, massive, $1.3 trillion tax increase, as Walter Mondale did in 1984. But Hillary’s so-called “progressives” will be surprised at how many Congressional Democrats will cross over and pass the badly needed Trump tax reform on a broad, bipartisan basis, just as so many Congressional Democrats did concerning Reagan’s tax reforms.

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Posts: 8716
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2016 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part 3

Donald Trump can become one of the greatest Presidents in American history, if he can lead adoption of just a few desperately needed changes in federal policies and law that America urgently needs to get right. Trump has already pledged to adopt these changes, while Hillary has pledged to oppose them.

This is the third in a four part series on those desperately needed changes: Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Trump has long promised to lead the Republican Congress to enact that. Speaker Paul Ryan has developed an excellent health reform plan to do so, which the Republican House Majority has already endorsed, and the Republican Senate is favorably disposed to support. Hillary, of course, would veto it.

Every promise President Obama made to win enactment of Obamacare has proven false:

President Obama promised that under his health plan, the cost of family health insurance would decline by $2,500 per year on average. But under Obamacare, those costs have gone up, not down. Up by $2,900 per year on average. These premium increases were the predictable results of the costly overregulation and tax increases imposed by Obamacare.

President Obama famously promised, ad nauseam, that if you like your health insurance under Obamacare you could keep your health insurance. But that turned out to be if Obama likes your health insurance, you could keep your health insurance, as millions of Americans lost health insurance they were perfectly happy with because it failed to meet all the costly Obamacare regulatory requirements.

Millions more such health insurance cancellations are still to come, as more Obamacare requirements become effective. Or as Obamacare’s mandated costs force more health insurers to leave the Obamacare Exchanges to cut unmanageable losses. Witness Aetna’s recent withdrawal across the nation.

President Obama famously promised repeatedly that if you like your doctor, you could keep your doctor. But millions of Americans lost their doctor as they lost their health insurance, and discovered that the narrow networks that insurers have adopted under Obamacare to try to keep costs down exclude their favorite doctors and specialists.

Under Obamacare, the quality of health care is threatened by waves of consolidation by doctors, clinics, hospitals, and others, and the accompanying decline of independent medical practices, which reduces health care freedom of choice and competition for working people and their families. That is again the predictable result of the costly overregulation of Obamacare.

America’s seniors will increasingly suffer declining quality of health care under Medicare as the $800 billion in cuts to Medicare adopted by Obamacare begin to have their effect. Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which has yet to go into effect, will have the power to cut Medicare still more.

Obamacare did not even deliver the universal health insurance coverage that was supposed to be the whole point. CBO has estimated that 30 million Americans would still be uninsured 10 years after Obamacare has been fully implemented!

Speaker Ryan organized six House Republican Majority Task Forces to prepare reports this year on six major issues, including repealing and replacing Obamacare. In June, the Health Reform Task Force issued a thorough report proposing a Republican plan to replace Obamacare, which the public will overwhelmingly favor.

Under the Republican Majority Plan, workers and their families will be free to choose and keep the health insurance plan they each like, rather than the health plan Obama likes and imposes on them under the Obamacare mandates. Both the employer and individual Obamacare mandates would be abolished by the House Republican reform proposal.

Under the Republican reforms, everyone without employer provided health insurance would receive a refundable Universal Health Insurance Tax Credit of $2,500 per year, which workers and their families could use to help pay for the health insurance they each like and choose in a competitive marketplace. The tax credit effectively extends the tax preference for employer provided health insurance to everyone on equal terms.

The poor would be liberated by long overdue reform of Medicaid, which would be returned to control by 50 competing and experimenting states, similar to the 1996 Reagan federalist “block grant” model for welfare reform. States would be free to choose to provide Medicaid benefits through health insurance “premium assistance” vouchers the poor could use, in addition to the Universal Health Insurance Tax Credit, to help pay for the health insurance they each choose, including money saving, cost reducing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). States would also be free to adopt work requirements for Medicaid for the able bodied.

Health insurers would be liberated to sell across state lines, creating a nationwide competitive market. Those uninsured with pre-existing conditions would be assured of coverage by extending the continuous coverage protections, proven workable in the employer health insurance market, to the individual market. State run Uninsurable Risk Pools would provide “backstop” coverage for everyone, even for pre-existing conditions.

Finally, under the House Republican Majority Plan, Obamacare would be repealed in its entirety, including its trillions in taxes, costly federal regulations, and unnecessary government spending. That would include a 16 percent reduction in the capital gains tax and the tax on corporate dividends, and nearly a 25 percent reduction in the top Medicare payroll tax rate.

Repeal would also eliminate the employer mandate, effectively a tax on jobs, and the individual mandate, effectively a tax increase on the middle class and working people, contrary to Obama’s promises never to increase their taxes. All of this would be enormously pro-growth, which makes it a centerpiece of Trump’s economic growth plan. By liberating booming economic growth, consumer choice, and cost saving incentives and competition, the House Republican Majority Plan would assure health insurance coverage to millions more Americans than Obamacare.

This is a ready-made plan, already supported by the Republican House majority, that Trump can and should embrace for the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. This is an issue on which the differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could not be more clear. With Hillary, you know America will be stuck with increasingly dysfunctional Obamacare for at least four more years.

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Posts: 8716
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2016 10:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More on what will make Donald a great president amid real political climate change.

Part 4

Donald Trump can become one of the greatest Presidents in American history, if he can lead adoption of just a few desperately needed changes in federal policies and law. Trump has already pledged to adopt these changes, while Hillary has pledged to oppose them. This is the fourth in a multi-part series on those desperately needed changes, this one focusing on deregulation to liberate America’s energy producers to lead the world in production of oil, natural gas, and coal.

Recent technological breakthroughs in oil and gas drilling, combined with modernization of the decades old technology of “fracking,” have unlocked vast oil and natural gas deposits previously inaccessible in vast American mountain ranges. Consequently, America now has the proven reserves right here at home to be the world’s number 1 producer of oil, number 1 producer of natural gas, and number 1 producer of coal. Stephen Moore and Kathleen Hartnett White write in their new book, Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy, “We have more oil and natural gas than Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, China, and all other OPEC nations combined.”

The authors estimate the value of America’s proven reserves at current prices – beneath federal lands and waters alone – as $50 trillion, which they rightly call, “the greatest storehouse of treasure in history.” That is close to three times what our entire national economy produces in a year! And more than twice our national debt.

Imagine America’s own economy leading the world in production of all three of these crucial energy sources. America would enjoy tidal waves of new, high paying jobs and growth. Plentiful, low cost, reliable energy is the avenue for rebuilding manufacturing, which is inherently energy intensive. Millions high paying, blue collar, American manufacturing would be the prize.

Democrats used to be the party of blue collar working people. But no more. Elitist Democrats are increasingly rallying around the left wing slogan “Leave it in the ground.” The Obama administration, from the president on down, including his former Secretary of State, have embraced precisely this extremist policy with religious fervor.

When Obama spoke to environmentalist radicals in 2008 regarding his plans to address “climate change,” he candidly revealed, “Under my plan, electricity costs will necessarily skyrocket.” Obama’s White House Science Advisor John Holdren elaborated, “We need to de-develop the United States to bring our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation.”

The so-called “Clean Power Plan” proposed by Obama’s EPA is well-designed to do precisely that. A new study from the National Black Chamber of Commerce estimates that energy regulation will cause job losses reaching 7 million for blacks and 12 million for Hispanics, with the poverty rate increasing by more than 23% for blacks and 26% for Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics would be threatened with a new energy poverty.

EPA’s Plan will ultimately more than double the cost of natural gas and electricity, adding over $1 trillion to family and business energy bills, as Obama promised. That will drain funds that end up destroying millions of jobs in companies and businesses that can no longer compete under the higher costs. Such rules will reduce U.S. economic growth every year, causing $2.3 trillion in losses over the next two decades alone.

De-develop the United States? Does that sound like it is in the interests of working people, the middle class, or the poor, blacks, and Hispanics? Yet, long-time radical, extremist, Professor John Holdren has been drawing a paycheck from the taxpayers as Obama’s White House Science Advisor for years.

No wonder Obama’s economy continues to sputter at subnormal economic growth, only one-third the rate of President Reagan’s record setting economic recovery. Obama’s subpar recovery has already cost the American people $2 to $3 trillion, and American families and working people $17,000 to $25,000 in lost annual income, falling farther and farther behind every year!

Clearly, Obama and Hillary have a very different vision than Trump for the future of America’s working people and families. Trump says, “President Obama’s stated intent is to eliminate oil and natural gas production in America.” Hillary says if she is elected, she will end any oil and gas production on federal lands and waters.

In his “America First” Energy Plan speech, Trump framed the issue as: “It’s a choice between sharing in this great energy wealth, or sharing in the poverty promised by Hillary Clinton…. Just listen to Hillary Clinton’s own words. She has declared war on the American worker…. ‘We are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of work.’ She wants to shut down the coal mines.” And that will all mean lots of other blue collar manufacturing workers out of work as well.

Trump adds, “President Obama has aggressively blocked the production of oil and natural gas. He has taken a huge percentage of the Alaskan National Petroleum Reserve off the table. Oil and gas production on federal lands is down 10%. 87% of available land on the Outer Continental Shelf has been put off limits…. These actions denied millions of Americans access to the energy wealth sitting under our feet. This is your treasure, and you – the American People – are entitled to share in the riches.”

During Obama’s Presidency, 332 coal mines have been closed in West Virginia alone, eliminating 35% of coal industry employment in a state that now has the highest unemployment rate in the country. According to the Energy Information Administration, over the next 5 to 7 years, a third of America’s coal-fired generation capacity will be eliminated. But China and India are building hundreds of new coal plants, more than replacing what America is tearing down under Obama.

Trump continued, “As bad as President Obama is, Hillary Clinton will be worse. She will escalate the war against American energy…. She declared that, ‘we’ve got to move away from coal and all other fossil fuels,’ locking away trillions in American wealth. In March, Hillary Clinton said, ‘by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place.’”

Contrary to that, Trump proclaimed that under his energy plan all regulatory obstacles to any form of energy production, including “renewables,” would be removed. But so would all subsidies. He would ask Trans Canada to renew their application for the Keystone Pipeline, and cancel the Paris Climate Agreement. His environmental priorities would be real environmental problems, like clean and safe drinking water. “Political activists with extremist agendas would no longer write the rules.” Instead, he would work with conservationists whose agenda truly is protecting nature, clean air and clean water, not de-developing America.

Thousands of pages of objective, double peer-reviewed science in the Heartland Institute’s Climate Change Reconsidered II, drawing on the work of the best climate scientists in the world, demonstrate that voters have no reason to impoverish America out of fear of “Climate Change”.

That publication documents that the cyclical ups and downs of global temperatures and climate are predominantly due to natural causes, with no realistic risk of man-made catastrophic results. This is the comprehensive, first rate science to counter the scare tactics of the “progressives” on this issue.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2), emitted by burning fossil fuels, is not pollution, but a natural trace gas (0.04 percent of the atmosphere) essential to the survival of all life on the planet. Without sufficient CO2, plants would die as would all animal life, including humans. So CO2 cannot conceivably in any sense be called “pollution.”

Increased atmospheric concentrations of CO2 intensifies photosynthesis, which makes plants grow faster. That is why the only documented effect of increased CO2 since the industrial revolution, which has made mankind so much richer, is increased agricultural output, a veritable greening of the planet.

Global temperatures do not follow the pattern of increased atmospheric concentrations of CO2, but, rather, the cyclical ups and downs of natural causes, as they have for millions of years. U.S. satellites measuring global temperatures 24/7 show no increase in global temperatures for nearly 20 years. During that time, mankind produced one-third of all CO2 emissions since the start of the industrial revolution in 1750.

Soon that period of no global warming will be longer than the period of actual global warming, which lasted only 20 years, from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. Preceding that was 30 years of global cooling, which the current cycle now seems to be repeating.

EPA’s own analysis concludes that its fully implemented Clean Power Plan would reduce average global temperatures by only 0.05 degrees F by the year 2100. That cannot possibly pass any reasonable cost-benefit analysis.

Real world leading scientists at the forefront of catastrophic global climate change skepticism include Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist, formerly Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, former IPCC author and contributor, with over 220 scientific, peer reviewed, published papers and books; William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton; Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, U.S. Science Team leader for NASA’s Aqua satellite measuring global temperatures 24/7, former Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center; Fred Singer, emeritus Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Virginia, founder and first director of the U.S. National Weather Satellite Service; Patrick Michaels, formerly Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, past President of the American Association of State Climatologists; Willie Soon, Solar Physicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; and Judith Curry, Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, among many others.

We must put behind us bogus “climate change” claims that would mislead us to strangle development of our energy resources. Rather, we must unleash our energy industries to produce massive job creation and rapid national economic growth, returning America to the road of National Independence and World Leadership.

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Posts: 8716
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2016 10:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part 5:
Securing economic boom and rescuing America from banana republic rule.

Donald Trump can become one of the greatest Presidents in American history by accomplishing just a few urgent and obvious changes in law and policy that America so desperately needs. Trump h already promised to make precisely these changes, while Hillary has already promised to oppose them and do just the opposite.

This is the final segment of a five-part series on exactly what those urgently needed accomplishments and reforms are. Part One explained that the next President will likely appoint virtually half the Supreme Court, with the Scalia seat vacant, Justice Ginsburg age 83, Justice Kennedy age 80, and Justice Breyer age 78.

Consequently, an urgent priority for the next President is to appoint high quality Justices who will apply the law as enacted, rather than make up the law as they would prefer it to be. Trump has already released a list of the legal minds representative of those he would choose as his Supreme Court nominees, who received high praise from Reagan conservatives, and would reliably enforce all constitutional rights.

Hillary Clinton, by sharp contrast, has already made clear that she would appoint liberal ideologues that would rule to further the liberal agenda, such as nullifying the Second Amendment. The next President will consequently determine the direction of the Supreme Court for a generation.

Part Two discussed the urgent need for pro-growth tax reform with sharply lower rates that would establish the foundation for long overdue booming recovery, and the restoration of world leading American economic growth and broadly shared prosperity. Trump has recently proposed a new tax reform plan based on the proposal developed by Speaker Paul Ryan’s Tax Reform Task Force, led by Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady.

That plan would replace the current income tax code with just 3 rates, ranging from 12% to 33%, which would provide a tax cut for everyone, including the investment that is the foundation of new jobs and rising wages. Trump’s twist would cut the corporate tax rate from the current outdated, crippling, highest in the world to one of the lowest, at 15%. That same 15% would apply to smaller businesses, that create most of the new jobs.

That would add up to the major tax cut America needs to restore growth, but manageable counting the dynamic pro-growth effects, just as Reagan managed so effectively in the 1980s. But Hillary Clinton, by sharp contrast, has proposed instead yet another $1.3 trillion tax increase, that would only perpetuate America’s long-term stagnation, and ultimate decline.

Part Three discussed the urgent need to repeal and replace Obamacare, which Trump has also already promised to do. Already available for that is the comprehensive Obamacare replacement plan developed by Speaker Ryan’s Health Reform Task Force, which now represents the House Republican Majority Obamacare replacement plan.

That plan is based on consumer choice of the health insurance preferred by each worker and his or her family, chosen by each in a competitive national market, rather than by the government through the individual and employer mandates (which would be repealed entirely). The incentives from market competition and innovative health insurance plans like Health Savings Accounts would deliver the reduced family health insurance costs originally promised for Obamacare, instead of the disabling cost increases Obamacare overregulation has perversely delivered.

Those unmanageable Obamacare cost increases are driving health insurers from Obamacare altogether, and contributing to overall economic stagnation. Trump’s stated preferences for repealing Obamacare are consistent with the Ryan House Republican Majority Plan. But Hillary Clinton, by sharp contrast, would staunchly oppose any plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Part Four discussed the urgent need to deregulate America’s energy producers, which now have the resources available to be the world’s number 1 producer of oil, of natural gas, and of coal, thanks to recent revolutionary technological breakthroughs. That would be an enormous breakthrough for economic recovery, jobs and rising wages.

Trump’s America First Energy Plan is based precisely on such necessary deregulation to maximize energy production and prosperity. The resulting bounteous flow of reliable, low cost energy would promote an American manufacturing renaissance, which would be a wellspring of new high-paying jobs.

But Hillary Clinton, by sharp contrast, wants to take just the opposite course. She has promised to terminate all oil and natural gas production on federal lands and waterways, and drive the coal industry out of business, working towards the goal of eliminating fossil fuel production and use in America entirely. That would be another huge step towards longer-term American stagnation, and ultimate decline towards the Third World for the former world leading superpower America has been.

These steps, pro-growth tax reform with sharply lower rates, repealing and replacing Obamacare, and energy deregulation to enable world leading U.S. energy production, add up to an economic growth plan for long overdue booming economic recovery, and restored, world-leading, American economic growth. That would cement Trump’s place as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.

Trump’s immigration reform plan to stop the flood of low-skilled, poorly educated immigrants would further contribute to booming recovery, growth, jobs and rising wages for the American people. That would also serve to maintain American culture, which is under excessive stress, to the detriment of the American people.

But Hillary Clinton, by sharp contrast, favors again just the opposite course, flooding America with Democrat machine voters, paid for their votes with taxpayer financed welfare. That would over time fundamentally transform America into just another Third World, South American, banana republic. This the sharp divergence for America that the heavily distracted (by design) American people are deciding in this election.

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Posts: 70087
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 22, 2016 11:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hear, hear!

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