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Author Topic:   They Wonder Why Progressives Are Held in Utter Contempt

Posts: 9293
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 19, 2016 10:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
They Wonder Why Progressives Are Held in Utter Contempt.

They've earned it and no one in America is more deserving.

November 19, 2016
The High-water Mark of Progressivism
Fay Voshell

President Obama seems to think he can jawbone his “legacy” into permanency, despite the recent election. He says the Iran nuclear deal will endure. The Paris agreement will last. Regulations cannot and will not be rolled back. ObamaCare will retain its chief provisions.

But the political earthquake resulting in the election of Donald Trump is but an indicator of the tsunami of change that is about to happen. The truth of the matter is that the Obama administration saw the high-water mark of progressivism. Its overwhelming power has been broken.

Attempts to persuade the renegade American public and its new leaders back into the progressive fold will not cease, but they will be largely futile because Americans have made it clear they do not want progressivism to dictate domestic and foreign policy.

Why was there a revolution at the voting booth?

The revolution happened because Americans have seen the wrecking ball that is progressivism in action for the last eight years (and counting). The pendulum swung because citizens have watched as the leadership of the Democratic Party was gradually taken over by a bunch of fanatical extremists whose agenda was both morally and pragmatically repellent -- completely divorced from the realities of human existence.

What happened was that the once noble moral impulses undergirding the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s were gradually distorted by the radical feminist and gay rights movements, both of which hijacked civil rights terminology and both of which leveraged the momentum of the initial civil rights movement for their own increasingly fatuous, fanatical and narrow purposes; purposes which wound up badly hurting other Americans -- in fact, the American majority.

Jettisoning the highly religious foundations established by Martin Luther King, Jr., who spoke in terms of human rights as rights for all, the new so-called civil rights movements embraced by the Democratic Party did not seek equality before the law for all human beings, but rather special privileges and power for themselves regardless of the cost to others. In their attempts to promote the causes of the latest self-proclaimed victims, progressives ran roughshod over the core institutions of America and over those structures upholding her constitutional republic. The Church and her institutions were also targeted for destruction in the name of progress.

In some circles, it became seen as inherently hateful to be a Christian because the Christian conscience as defined by orthodox doctrine simply could not accommodate the demands of the Left and remain Christian. For example, America’s Christians saw a Harvard professor encourage progressives to treat Christians, particularly evangelical Christians, as Nazis were treated after the end of World War II. No quarter or clemency was to be offered Christians now that progressives were in the seats of power. Many progressives agreed with the professors’ assessment. For them, it was only just to persecute people like the Little Sisters of the Poor because of their stance on birth control.

As progressive extremism wrote Christians out of their script, they kept writing an increasingly radical script for the American masses to follow. Those who refused to act out the parts assigned them were treated with contempt and often exiled to the periphery of society, there to join the aforementioned leprous Christians already outside the camp.

Those who opposed the new truths -- “truths” which could be changed daily according to the latest decree of political correctness -- were treated with ridicule and often persecuted. Whether it was the CEO of Chick-fil-A or the small-town butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, those who stood against the progressive tide were marked for destruction.

Despite the deeply held convictions of tens of millions of America’s people of faith, the proselytizers of the progressive movement insisted on abortion on demand up to the point of birth. They insisted the primordial universal understanding of marriage as being between man and woman had to be redefined. Even gender, the foundational distinction of the human race, was to be “fluid,” open to redefinition at any time.

Included in the radical agenda was the completion of the retrofitting of academia to the progressive agenda. Even language was to be retooled in order to express gender preference; indeed, to eliminate the distinctions of words denoting male and female. Further, the doctrine of global warming was to become the accepted scientific viewpoint, and woe to those scientists who disagreed.

Such extreme positions are but a few examples of the radical transformations sought under the Obama administration and embraced by the Democratic Party, which from all appearances seems determined to double down on radical orthodoxy, oblivious or resistant to reform.

In other words, Americans were to be forced into believing and accepting a complete reversal of the Western understanding of reality and the substitution of unreality -- a worldview matching neither science nor acceding to the moral transcendence supplied by faith.

Instead, Americans were to be forced to agree with and live within the progressive bubble world that was hell bent on enforcing a confabulist viewpoint that would extend to the entire globe. History and even memory were up for grabs as the Brave New World was effectuated through force, as persuasion was not enough to do the job.

But the unreality, extremism and fanaticism of leftist progressivism has been a sure sign of its demise. It became more and more abhorrent to the American people. Voters saw that their country could not continue to embrace the destructive concepts perpetrated and enforced by the Obama administration if America was to endure, much less flourish. If the nation was to survive, the progressive movement had to be rolled back.

As Eric Hoffer pointed out in The True Believer, the confabulist, not worried a bit about facts -- even those recorded on camera or by eye witnesses, can move on a dime and invent another truth to fit changing circumstances. Confabulists hand on their penchant for fabulism to their children, encouraging, for instance, transgenderism in kids as little as six. Of course, confabulism is a descent into insanity -- and mass insanity is what we are seeing today. “Fanatical orthodoxy is in all movements a late development. It comes when the movement is in full possession of power and can impose its faith by force as well as by persuasion.”

Americans had found themselves forced to believe and practice an ideology that endured only by coercion. As Hoffer notes, for a time, force works. “Thus coercion when implacable and persistent has an unequaled persuasiveness, and this not only with simple souls but also with those who pride themselves on the strength and integrity of their intellect.”

Progressives were Sovietizing America, to the point that arbitrary decrees from leading progressives, including the person inhabiting the White House, were forcing people of conscience to recant their convictions and confess their errors lest they be destroyed. We saw the United States military, for instance, subjected to progressivism’s politically-correct mandates that undermined the mission and effectiveness of the armed forces, while protesting generals were arbitrarily forced into resignation.

As time went on, the more unworkable and oppressive the mandate, the greater the force needed to ensure capitulation of the resistant. As Hoffer noted concerning Soviet Russia:

“The more unworkable communism proves in Russia, and the more its leaders are compelled to compromise and adulterate the original creed, the more brazen and arrogant will be their attack on a non-believing world.”

Here in America, what the above translated into was that those who have opposed the imposition of the latest progressive doctrine were persecuted as heretics.

Is it any wonder, then, that the pragmatic and commonsense Americans, along with those whose consciences and religious freedoms were constantly violated, revolted at last? Is it any wonder that when an elite few invent a world without any relationship to reality, the rest of unconverted society refuses to accommodate itself to their confabulist insanities? Is it any wonder that honest Americans saw, as did the late theologian John Webster, that “The lie can be kept intact only if anything which threatens to expose it is destroyed?” Is it any wonder that the mere mortals among us have seen that the progressive gods are mad, and that their insistence that we retrofit our existence and all of society to accommodate their insane demands was a potentially fatal assault on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

In sum, by using the power remaining to them; namely the voting booth, Americans repudiated the lies and subterfuges of the extremist progressive movement. While fundamentalist progressivism will live on for a time and fight back through academia, the media and Hollywood, the flood tide crested during the reign of Obama, and now has begun to recede. Progressives will increasingly live on in backwater subcultures, much like the ones to which for generations they routinely consigned those who opposed them. People like Al Gore will be seen in the same light Aimee Semple McPherson is now seen in retrospect -- as an irrelevant curiosity and the purveyor of pure poppycock.

It remains for the newly elected leadership to close their ears to those who want to preserve the outlandish “legacy” of the past eight years. It is time to forge ahead with the mandate of the voting public. Now is not the time for timid compromise and “reaching across the aisle.”

It’s time for conservatives to continue to continue to roll back the progressive tide -- across the board.

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Posts: 74607
From: From a galaxy, far, far away...
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posted November 21, 2016 01:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Obama played the race card. Hillary played the woman card. So, America played the Trump card.

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Registered: May 2012

posted November 21, 2016 02:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bonsai     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Basically sums up exactly what I think about the state of the western world today. A broken theme-park.

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Posts: 9293
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 22, 2016 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's see. What is that oft repeated line which flows off the lips of leftists when they want something done? Oh yeah..."Do it for the kids".

Time to stop the political indoctrination and propagandizing that's been posing for "education" in America's schools. "Do it for the kids".

Time to teach kids that race hustling, welfare pimping, social justice hustling, economic justice hustling and protesting America as a "community organizer" are not real jobs. "Do it for the kids".

Time to teach kids that being born and/or being born in America doesn't "entitle" them to any material creature comforts they didn't earn with their own work. "Do it for the kids".

Time to teach kids that a living above subsistence levels requires hard work in some useful occupation. "Do it for the kids".

November 22, 2016
Watching the Snowflakes Melt
E.M. Cadwaladr

Any honest conservative will have to admit that the post-election spectacle of weeping Clinton staffers, progressive pundits at a momentary loss for lies, and SJWs tweeting as frantically as canaries in a room full of hungry cats was the icing on Trump’s victory cake. I don’t blame anyone for going back to YouTube for seconds. We’ve been getting the thick end of the political correctness cudgel for a very long time now. How’s this for social justice, my liberal friends? How’s this for a little diversity of political opinion?

Nevertheless, although Hillary’s political career has probably melted like the Wicked Witch of the West, the propaganda engine of the media is still here -- even if its ratings are down. The infantile boot camp of academia remains unshaken. The student snowflakes, though bedraggled, have begun to notice that the sun still rises, racists hordes haven’t actually managed to kill them all, and Donald Trump hasn’t shoveled their oppressed, indignant, little corpses into the death camp ovens of their imagination -- at least not yet. They can still hold hands and snuggle puppies for awhile. They can still chant “no justice, no peace!” around their traditional bonfires of Chinese-manufactured U.S. flags. Trump’s victory didn’t silence our opponents. It didn’t even give us a lull in fighting. Generation snowflake was out rioting before the Starbucks opened on Wednesday the 9th. They are now on the defensive, however. It is a good time for us to have a look at the miserable, misguided foot soldier our enemies intend to use against us.

Watching videos of SJWs, black, white and oh so very red, has struck me with something I hadn’t noticed before. Many of these poor kids are genuinely scared. We’ve been using the word “indoctrinated” for years, but seeing the results of the indoctrination on their faces is horrifying nevertheless. I came of age in the Reagan era. Liberal kids back then disliked Ronald Reagan, maybe even hated him -- but they didn’t think either his election or his reelection meant that they were going to die. Many of the current crop of snowflakes really do believe the end is nigh. They are dangerous in the way that cornered animals are dangerous -- well, at least they may be when they can manage to stop crying.

Facts, thank God, are facts. There is no serious question of who has the better grasp of reality here. The evidence that right and truth are on our side is overwhelming. The progressives themselves confirmed the authenticity of the Wikileaks emails on at least three occasions. We can point at DNC involvement in the rioting -- we have video. Progressives, on the other hand, have little but rhetoric and accusations. The sudden parade of women who claimed to have been molested by Donald Trump. The Muslim student who claimed to have been threatened on the street. The anonymous swastika spray-painted on a wall somewhere. Trump said occasional bad things. Hillary really did bad things. The saying and doing are different, at least in a sane world. However, if you are twenty years old, systematically educated to find reasons to be offended, and tucked into the comfortable safe space of your echo chamber -- then accusations are indistinguishable from truth. The suggestion that we should put the interests of the people who are already in America ahead of the interests of millions who, for whatever reason, want to come to America is indistinguishable, to snowflakes, from calling for the gunning down of children in the streets. These kids don’t assume the odd swastika they run across on the way to the vape shop is the work of a mildly anti-social but basically apolitical thirteen-year-old (the sort of people who have always scrawled graffiti on American walls and sidewalks) but imagine it the product of invisible neo-Nazi boogeymen. Yes, they are genuinely scared -- they have swallowed the big lie whole. While one may feel a certain human pity for their naivete, nobody who needs a puppy and a coloring book to staunch the flow of tears has any right to expect to be taken seriously by an adult. An inability to cope with a reality one doesn’t like is not a virtue – it is an indication of a precarious state of mental health.

All these kids have is the ridiculous, unhealthy, teletubby world that has been constructed for them by the media and the American educational system. They have been systematically brainwashed for political reasons -- a crime on such a scale there are hardly any words for it. Theirs is a world that runs erratically between extremes of hatred, tolerance of things that are genuinely dangerous, self-loathing, and self-pity. They don’t understand the real economy. They don’t have a clue that people flowing to the U.S. from the third world have their own motives and their own beliefs -- and aren’t just more interchangeable, multicultural, neurotic teletubbies like themselves. These kids are adrift. They have no history, no lasting values, no moral underpinnings. They don’t even have enough intellectual capacity to understand that their hero, Bernie Sanders, on being cheated out of a shot at his party’s nomination, willingly made himself a traitor by stumping for Hillary Clinton. “Bernie! Bernie!” some of them still chanted desperately -- like babies who’ve been separated from their mothers.

We should not dismiss these people as irrelevant. It is not that they are dangerous opponents in their individual cunning. Rather, they are dangerous in the disruptive way that schizophrenic street people are dangerous. They live in a different world, and their world is not compatible with ours. Nor are they likely to recover their rationality anytime soon. The leftist narrative has always been extremely flexible, and when you successfully breed a couple of generations of adherents who don’t believe in the traditional external standards of morality and logic, you can keep them fired up with new and even contradictory illusions indefinitely if you just have the right street cred. Hillary Clinton didn’t quite have that street cred, so they rightly snubbed her but still managed to be shocked by the election of Donald Trump. I suppose they just assumed, as usual, that someone else would work the political magic for them. Their disdain for Hillary probably had as much to do with her grandmotherly appearance and her lack of charm as it did with her chronic and well-documented dishonesty. To get the SJW vote, she shouldn’t have promoted herself as America’s first woman president -- she should have come out as a trans-man in a pants suit and spiked pink hair. Bernie Sanders, who also looked like somebody’s grandmother, managed to be cool by simply calling himself a socialist -- a nineteenth-century failed ideology that seems to be the latest, coolest thing, second only to 7th century Islamic imperialism. The next Democrat candidate for president will probably be Jay Z, perhaps with a Leninesque cap, Trotsky-Lennonist round glasses, and a newly sprouted Bin Laden shaggy beard. I mean, OMG -- why the f–k not?

The best that the conservative movement can do now is to try to fix everything -- and I mean everything. That’s a fight of epic proportions, worthy of a great people with a truly great heritage and great ideals. It will not be easy. Even if we are successful, we are going to have to suffer with a subculture of crypto-leftists for a very long time. Weeping and criticizing and obstructing their way into the future, hating us, hating themselves, hating the failure of reality to meet the simple standards of Teletubbyland -- where everyone gets along because there isn’t any difference of opinion. Teaching children isn’t easy. Teaching grownup children is a task worthy of God.

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Posts: 9293
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 22, 2016 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Meet The Intolerant Vulgarians Of The Dirtbag Left

In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory, some on the political Left are lashing out, loudly proclaiming just how intolerant and illiberal they really are.
John Daniel Davidson
November 22, 2016

Nearly 20 years ago, Radiohead released “Karma Police,” the second single on their groundbreaking album “OK Computer.” The song is an anthem for an illiberal age. It opens with a demand, “Karma police / Arrest this man,” and the refrain sounds a warning, “This is what you’ll get / When you mess with us.”

Given his left-wing politics, Thom Yorke no doubt feared conformity of thought and suppression of speech and dissent would come from the political Right, and from the homogenizing effects of capitalism and consumer culture.

He was right that we were entering an era of intolerance, but wrong to think it would come from conservatives. Our illiberal moment, and the popular culture that creates and sustains it, is almost wholly a creation of the Left.

Every passing day since the presidential election bears this out. The spasms of outrage and protest that have rocked the country since Donald Trump’s election have revealed what should have been plain to see for a long time: progressives are through debating; they are interested only in enforcing their views.

They believe they have won the culture wars, that there is no room left for dissent on matters like gay marriage, abortion, and transgender entitlements. They believe, too, that questions of public policy, from health care to entitlements and welfare, have been settled once and for all. Any remaining dissenters should feel the full weight of the administrative state, with all its powerful mechanisms.

Don’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding? We’ll put you out of business. Donate to the wrong political cause? You’ll lose your job. Don’t want to pay for government-mandated birth control for your employees? We’ll haul you before the Supreme Court, even if you’re a group of septuagenarian Catholic nuns. This is what you’ll get when you mess with us.

You Don’t Reason With Nazis, Do You?

What a shock, then, when half the country rejected the reigning consensus. Many of those who voted for Trump didn’t agree with any of his policies and disliked him personally. But they were tired of being told what they could say and think by progressive elites, who after eight years of the Obama administration have become comfortable treating with disdain anyone who disagrees with them.

So the Left has been lashing out, in the streets and on college campuses, but also on stage. On Friday, the cast of Broadway show “Hamilton” lectured Vice President-elect Mike Pence, reading a statement from the stage proclaiming they are, “alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.”

Set aside that people who really feel threatened by a powerful government do not behave this way in the presence of that government’s leaders. Set aside, too, the irony of celebrity actors lecturing the VP-elect after an election in which the losing side leaned heavily on the endorsements of celebrity actors.

The cast of “Hamilton” weren’t just broadcasting their faux alarm and anxiety; they were signaling that they reject the new administration and will not be seen colluding with it—or even entertaining its leaders without protest. Imagine how a Trump voter in the audience must have felt Friday night.

But, the Left will reply, who cares about the Trump voter? There’s no such thing as a good Trump voter. If Trump is a racist and a bigot, then those who supported him are complicit in his racism and bigotry, and they will be partly responsible for all the bad things that happen in Trump’s America. “To insist Trump’s backers are good people is to treat their inner lives with more weight than the actual lives on the line under a Trump administration,” writes Slate’s Jamelle Bouie. “At best, it’s myopic and solipsistic. At worst, it’s morally grotesque.”

Got that? It’s morally grotesque to insist Trump voters are good people. If that’s true, and Trump’s supporters really are, in Hillary Clinton’s phrase, just a big “basket of deplorables,” then who cares what they think? Why bother trying to persuade these wicked people? Better to shout them down, mock them, muzzle them by force, if possible. You don’t reason with Nazis, do you?

The Rise of the ‘Dirtbag Left’

The fullest expression of this posture doesn’t come from Bouie but from a cohort of young progressives styled the “Dirtbag Left” in a recent profile in The New Yorker. Felix Biederman, Matt Christman, and Will Menaker are the trio behind “Chapo Trap House,” a comedy and politics podcast dedicated to “vulgar leftist commentary,” which prior to the election had stood out mostly for its withering critique of the Democratic Party and its erstwhile nominee.

It also stood out for its **** -talking, “Bernie bros” tone. Christman told one interviewer that members of the dirtbag left aren’t afraid “to offend the sensibilities of ‘leftist’ language police whose only goal is sabotaging social solidarity in order to maintain their brands as arbiters of good taste and acceptable speech.” The hosts, all thirty-something white guys, don’t worry about offending anyone, even other progressives. They’re as foul-mouthed as they please, even when they’re being interviewed by The New Yorker:

Menaker, who is thirty-three, told me that fans are drawn to the podcast because the hosts have ‘no special obligation to be nice to anyone, or get a pat on the head, or’—and here he briefly affected the voice of an aristocrat—‘have a fine debate with mon conservative frère.’ He rolled his eyes and mimed masturbation. ‘My reaction to that is a jack-off motion so hard it opens a portal into another dimension.’

But the vulgarity isn’t just for entertainment. It’s also a way of being honest—telling it like it really is. Many on the Left called Trump a (short-fingered) vulgarian for doing the exact same thing. He wasn’t afraid of offending. But it’s the dirtbag left’s honesty that’s so instructive: these guys want you to know what they really think.

That makes it easy to see their intolerance; they wear it like a badge of honor. Asked if part of the blame for Clinton’s defeat should go to voters who chose Trump despite his supposed racism and sexism, the “Chapo” guys scoffed. “Even if you do blame the electorate, where do you go from there?” Biederman asked. “Do we shame these people into liking us?”

Clearly not. You just ignore them, or make fun of them. The dirtbag left isn’t interested in persuading Midwestern Democrats who voted for Trump that the redistributive policies of Bernie Sanders would benefit them more than whatever Trump is going to do. That’s not the conversation they want to have. Before the election, much of their humor sprung from mocking the insufficient progressivism of the Democratic Party. They were counting on a Clinton victory so they could spend their time and energy pulling the Democrats further left, not morphing into a podcast version of “The Daily Show.”

The Left Is Impatient for Its Revolution

Now, they’re not interested in soul-searching about how to forge a post-identity liberalism that focuses more on how to help out white people in the Rust Belt and reach out to religious voters. For the “Chapo” set, so much is already settled. Capitalism is dying, conservatism is bankrupt, and quaint constitutional ideas about free speech and “religious liberty” deserve a vanishingly small place in America’s future. Why bother trying to persuade those who don’t agree with you? Anyone who doesn’t agree is an ignorant rube on the wrong side of history—including, even especially, Democrats.

This was the prevalent mindset among Sanders protestors at the Democratic National Convention back in July. They were outraged that Clinton would be the nominee, not because they thought she would lose to Trump but because they wanted to be done with her less-than-full-socialism brand of liberal politics. One got the sense they felt they had defeated the GOP once and for all, that Republicans were nothing but a laughingstock now and could be safely cast aside. They were impatient to complete the revolution on the Left, and furious they would have to wait for Clinton to have her turn in the White House.

But such a mindset betrays a deep provincialism endemic to the modern Left, especially the dirtbag left, which must be one of the most provincial demographics in the country. If you think, like the “Chapo” vulgarians do, that the “consequences of capitalism” for a lot of middle-class white dudes is that they feel bored and aimless because they don’t fit into the economy as producers or consumers, then you’ve probably had almost no contact with poor people or anyone outside your immediate peer group. Likewise, if you think the only reason Trump won is because Clinton was a bad candidate who ran a lazy campaign, then you’re not trying very hard to understand America.

But then, that’s the conceit at the heart of the Left: if you’re on the right side of history, what is there to understand?

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Posts: 9293
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 04, 2016 08:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
They were The Ones they've been waiting for.
What a hot steaming mess!

December 4, 2016
I’m Fighting the Left’s Culture War One Bagel at a Time
Clarice Feldman

At first I dismissed the Democrats' subsidized street riots and vandalism, moronic election recount demands, and perfervid attacks on Trump and his supporters in the press as a demonstration of their juvenile, narcissistic refusal to accept defeat. Then I read the brilliant essay by Angelo Codevilla

It’s a bit long and I know your Sundays are busy but if you can’t read it all at once, I’ll summarize what I think are the most significant points in the hope that if the topic is of interest you’ll read it all. He traces the notion of political correctness from the 1930 Communist movement through Antonio Gramsci’s “cultural hegemony” configuration to the modern Democratic Party and finds in them a familiar strain:

[A]ll progressives, Communists included, claim to be about creating new human realities, they are perpetually at war against nature’s laws and limits. But since reality does not yield, progressives end up pretending that they themselves embody those new realities. Hence, any progressive movement’s nominal goal eventually ends up being subordinated to the urgent, all-important question of the movement’s own power. Because that power is insecure as long as others are able to question the truth of what the progressives say about themselves and the world, progressive movements end up struggling not so much to create the promised new realities as to force people to speak and act as if these were real: as if what is correct politically -- i.e., what thoughts serve the party’s interest -- were correct factually.

Communist states furnish only the most prominent examples of such attempted groupthink. Progressive parties everywhere have sought to monopolize educational and cultural institutions in order to force those under their thumbs to sing their tunes or to shut up. But having brought about the opposite of the prosperity, health, wisdom, or happiness that their ideology advertised, they have been unable to force folks to ignore the gap between political correctness and reality.

He argues that this effort is bound to fail and progressives everywhere have had the same reaction “to this failure by becoming their own reason for being.” Their movements are never about what they say they are. They are about gaining power for themselves and destroying any who stand in their way. Those who refuse to comply with their ever-changing and ever more ridiculously unreal versions of nature and humanity must be the objects of never-ending warfare.

Unlike the Machiavellian Gramscian model of attaining power through cultural hegemony and coopting the institutions which might oppose them, the American left has chosen to go even further and pick “fights with the common sense of people it cannot wholly control.” American schools of education taught a version of America in which this country “was born tainted by Western original sins -- racism, sexism, greed and genocide against natives and the environment all wrapped in religious obscurantism and on the basis of hypocritical promises of freedom and equality.” These teachers created “a uniform class” which “now presides over nearly all federal and state, government bureaucracies, over the media, the educational establishment, and major corporations.”

Why does the American Left demand ever-new P.C. obeisances? In 2012 no one would have thought that defining marriage between one man and one woman, as enshrined in U.S. law, would brand those who do so as motivated by a culpable psychopathology called “homophobia,” subject to fines and near-outlaw status. Not until 2015-16 did it occur to anyone that requiring persons with male personal plumbing to use public bathrooms reserved for men was a sign of the same pathology. Why had not these become part of the P.C. demands previously? Why is there no canon of P.C. that, once filled, would require no further additions?

Because the point of P.C. is not and has never been merely about any of the items that it imposes, but about the imposition itself. Much less is it about creating a definable common culture or achieving some definable good. On the retail level, it is about the American’s ruling class’s felt need to squeeze the last drops of voter participation out of the Democratic Party’s habitual constituencies. On the wholesale level, it is a war on civilization waged to indulge identity politics.

Hurting dissenters has become, he argues, “an addictive pleasure” because they really have no priorities beyond aggrandizing their own power.

The end result of this insult to voters was the election of Trump and the rejection, almost entirely, of the Democratic Party.

As if to underscore that the flailing left hasn’t got the message and insists it has the right to silence those who hold different opinions we have three examples this week: Kellogg’s attack on Breitbart, BuzzFeed’s attack on the Gaineses and the boycott of Goldberg’s Bagels in Baltimore. They are all on a different scale of course, but all reflect the common leftist conceit that they are the fonts of all that is good and true and the rest of us must comply with whatever is this day’s fashions -- from “global warming” to men in girls’ bathrooms, to ignoring Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts.


To most of us, Kellogg's Cereal is breakfast fare (cereal, Pop-Tarts). What is less well-known is that its non-profit arm, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, funds and supports a dogs’ breakfast of unsavory leftwing operations -- from Soros’ Open Society to the odious foundation money-laundering outfit, the Tides Center.

This week, it flounced its skirts and announced it was pulling its advertising from the highly effective Breitbart site: “We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that are not aligned with our values as a company,” said Kris Charles, a spokeswoman for Kellogg’s. “We recently reviewed the list of sites where our ads can be placed and decided to discontinue advertising on We are working to remove our ads from that site.”

Breitbart regularly having challenged the orthodoxy of the mainstream media and the uniparty, every good leftist -- and I count Kellogg’s management in that category -- must do all it can to demonize it, despite the unrealistic and untrue charges against the site and Steve Bannon who was its former executive chair and now is chief strategist for president-elect Trump. (In the same manner, at a Harvard Symposium this week, the losing Clinton advisors attacked the Trump campaign for “racist dog whistles” to win the election. I suppose that’s easier than conceding they ran a dreadful campaign for a candidate who called those who opposed her “deplorables” and offered no policy reasons -- only her sex and time [poorly] served in elective office. They ought to read Codevilla for a clue.)

Chip and Joanna Gaines

Democratic candidates pay election-year homage to religious beliefs (Clinton, for example, talked about her “Methodist beliefs” forming her views). They are coopting religious organizations, inter alia, Mussolini-style by means of lavishly funding the “faith-based” NGOs which are paid per head to place unskilled, unvetted Moslem refugees on the U.S. welfare rolls in exchange for which they lobby for more such immigration. At the same it is no secret that the ruling elites make every effort to undermine Judeo-Christian beliefs and attack believers.

This week’s designated target is HGTV’s “Fixer Upper couple Chip and Joanna Gaines”. In a particularly odious witch-hunting move, BuzzFeed posted that they attended a church whose pastor believes the Bible -- that marriage is reserved for a man and a woman.

Why anyone, other than the author of this piece, cares was a mystery to even the Washington Post, but if so, it’s because the Post’s writers haven’t been paying attention to the earlier successful anti-religious PC campaigns forcing wedding cake bakers and florists to serve at gay weddings or nuns to provide contraceptive coverage for their employees.

Ace of Spades Headquarters could not resist a response:

HGTV has a remodeling show "Fixer Upper" featuring Chip & Joanna Gaines. I've seen it a few times. They appear to be nice couple and seem to do a good job. No religious overtones that I've seen.

One problem, the Gaines belong to a church where SSM is not accepted. The Gaines' have kept their mouths shut but are under pressure to state their beliefs.

So Christians who stay true to their beliefs are fair game? Right? Well, if Christians are to be held accountable for their beliefs. What about Muslims?

So if the Gaines' church and pastor can lead to their suspension and/or termination. (Stay tuned) What about a Muslim congressman?

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) hasn't come out publicly for the exclusion of SSM. But it appears that his Imam has.

“It’s not within our paradigm, really, to change the word of God,” said Imam Makram El-Amin, leader of Masjid Al-Nur in Minneapolis. “Our religion is clear about this matter. It’s not a lifestyle that we accept as being part of the natural way of things for human beings. When it comes to that, that’s my position, and that’s Islam’s position. And this incident as tragic and terrible as it is that does not change that,” he said.

Until Congressman Ellison comes forth and denounces his Imam, his mosque and anti-homosexuality Keith Ellison is not in a position to run the DNC. Hell, he shouldn't even be a congressman. We won't even get into his Anti-Semitism and his ties to the Nation of Islam.

If we can't have a Christian couple star in a 30 minute cable show about home fixer uppers, certainly we can't have an anti-homosexual bigot run the DNC.

But when it comes to the hypocrites left we know which religion is acceptable, don't we?

Goldberg’s Bagels

Goldberg’s Bagels is a small kosher bakery in Baltimore,

When a customer attacked pro-Trump supporters outside his store, claiming Trump was a rapist and racist, the shop owner tried to quell the disturbance by asking the woman to leave. She further insulted Trump and then his supporters. This prompted Mr. Drebin, the shop owner, to express his own support for Trump, after which his Facebook page was filled with insults suggesting Drebin approved of “anti-Semitism, misogyny, xenophobia and alt-right leanings.” The entire PC shtick.

His business dropped by 15%.

Keep this stuff up and someday there won’t be a Democratic Party. In the meantime, I note that Goldberg’s Bagels has a website, and you can order by mail. They’re very delicious, (So is Chik-fil-A, by the way.)

Let the left play the P.C. card all they want, I will fight to trump them every time.

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posted December 06, 2016 08:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
While leftist loons lament so called "hate speech", they totally ignore the fact hate finds it's real home in the dark hearts of leftists.

They've earned all the contempt coming their way.

CNN Gleefully Mocks Dr. Ben Carson – Exhibit Stunning Level of Ridicule Against Black Cabinet Nominee…
December 6, 2016

During a presented Don Lemon discussion panel Monday night, the severity of ridicule against Dr. Ben Carson was jaw-dropping and unprofessional in the extreme.

Removing all pretense of substantive discussion, Don Lemon, Marc Lamont Hill and Peter Beinart began openly mocking the nomination of Dr. Carson for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The scope and severity of the exhibited ridicule was so over the top, fellow CNN panelist Brian Stelter was both visibly trying to hide his glee and simultaneously uncomfortable joining in amid the laughter and mockery.

If this was any other media panel mocking and ridiculing a black nominee for an Obama administration the calls of racist outrage against the network would be overwhelming. However, as customary within their hypocrisy, the pontificating left-wing ideologues cannot even fathom anyone taking exception.

Embedded video

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posted December 18, 2016 02:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kewf1988     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where's the tolerance?

All progressives are socialists? Really? None of us, or very few, want this country to be like Fidel Castro's Cuba, where NOBODY has rights but the dictator. We just believe that homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else, women should have the rights to their own bodies (imagine Republicans regulating men's testicles!), and that people shouldn't be oppressed because some people have enough to buy whole cities and aren't improving the quality of life for EVERYONE because they're greedy and can't EVER have enough (Koch Brothers, Walton Family, etc.). It amazes me how many people mention Christian values, yet have hateful attitudes that are unlike who they worship every Sunday. He said to love your neighbor as yourself (which means treat others how you'd want to be treated. How would you feel if us "socialists" were saying the same things if Hillary or Bernie won?), and he didn't make exceptions for gays, people who have had abortions, people who are lazy, illegal immigrants, people who practice other religions, people who have other political viewpoints, people of other races and genders, etc. EVERYONE. Unconditional love, which would result in peace.

It would be nice if we could actually have that, but that would mean electing people who are more like us than corporate America, which would be third party candidates, and reassessing our value systems. Not all leftists support stuff like Obamacare (a way to line health care providers' pockets), Common Core, and gun control (which is one step away from a pure dictatorship).

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posted December 21, 2016 07:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where's the tolerance?

If delusion was a federal felony offense, you and the rest of the Hillary The Corrupt cheerleaders would be doing life without parole in a federal prison.

The are no less tolerant people on planet earth than Marxist, Socialist, Progressives.

I know you and others here must have missed the memo but you're definitely not the angels of love and light and not the intellectually, morally and spiritually superior beings you keep telling each other you are.

December 21, 2016
The Vast Cognitive Gulf between the Left and the Right
Patricia McCarthy

Is there a neurological or psychological reason that explains the left's complete meltdown at losing an election, compared to the Right's historic general acceptance of loss? Since Donald Trump's upset win on November 8th, a vast number of angry voters on the Left have become unhinged, delusional, depressed. And they act out, like spoiled children when they do not get the toy they want. Many of our elite media left remain, like Ken Burns, in a "fetal position."

When Barack Obama won his second term, conservatives were distraught about the certainty that the damage already done by Obama would continue for another four years. Obamacare would continue to destroy what was once the best health care in the world. The EPA would continue to destroy jobs and businesses with pride and glee, without a moment's thought for those devastated by their thousands of new regulations.

Iraq was already a disaster because, by removing all US troops, Obama left it as an open invitation for Al Qaeda and ISIS to take over. Libya was gone, our ambassador dead. Syria was being systematically destroyed by its own barbaric leader. Samantha Power, who once passionately opposed genocide sat by quietly for years as Assad continued to murder his own people by any means, no matter how inhumane. Obama, despite his "red line" threat, did nothing. So subservient to Iran, he did nothing to stop the murder of all Christians in the Middle East. Conservatives knew it was going to be bad and it was. But they never acted like the sore loser Left we have been seeing and reading these past six weeks. The Right did not try to overturn the election by threatening and stalking the electors.

From the top of the legacy media chain, the New York Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, CNN, MSNBC, there is nothing but anger and accusations. Someone must be blamed for their loss and it must not be their candidate. No way. There has to be a nefarious, outisde-of-the-campaign cause. It was Comey, it was Russia, it was Wikileaks. They never address the fact that Comey would never have been part of the problem if Clinton had not operated an illegal private server for her State Dept. business. They don't want to discuss the content of those Podesta emails, leaked by someone who gained easy access to them, probably too easy for Russia -- most likely an inside job. If the CIA knows, it is not telling. It "concludes" but reveals no evidence. But Hillary was at 48% before the Wikileaks and she lost at 48%. She was an awful candidate who, like most of the Left, has nothing but contempt for a majority of the American people, especially those who would even consider voting for Trump. So graceless is Hillary Clinton, she cannot bring herself to admit she lost due to her own failures. She took far too many voters for granted; she never gave them a thought and has not for decades.

There is an abyss between how the Left and the Right accepts loss. What explains this? The Left will produce countless "studies" that "show" they have bigger brains, are a more advanced species and that conservatives are truly mentally impaired. That is what they do. Nothing makes them feel better than demeaning their ideological opponents on pseudo-intellectual grounds.

Everyone knows it is the self-appointed morally superior Left that is behind the tyrannies of multiculturalism, political correctness, a genderless society, man-made global warming, the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage, the crusade against all religions but Isalm, the most violent and intolerant faith on the planet. Not all Muslms are violent and intolerant of course, but 99% of all terrorist acts are committed by radicalized Muslims. And the Left's knee-jerk response is to protect the jihadis and blame the Right for their crimes.

The Left loved Castro, and Stalin and Mao -- they still do. What explains that? It seems sheer moonbattery to anyone on the Right. They were psychopathic killers, each of them. Castro killed tens of thousands of his own people, imprisoned and tortured countless others. And still he is a hero of the Left. Now that he is dead, his brother is doubling down on the repression that is the blighted island's history since 1959. Obama's "opening" has improved exactly nothing for the Cuban people.

There is a huge disconnect between how the Left and the Right see the world, America, and people, especially those who do not embrace the same rigid anti-values they do. The results of this election have broken up families and friendships and it is the people on the Left who break up with those who voted for Trump. ‘Tis a mystery.

We live in the greatest, most successful, least racist, most sane, welcoming and productive country on the planet. The Left should get with the program and stop being the sorest losers ever. They should stop melting down and shaming the 62 million people who voted for Trump. He just might be a great President.

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posted December 21, 2016 10:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Still whining and excuse making's unseemly but, it's business as usual for Socialist Progressives.

December 21, 2016, 12:04 am
Hillary, contrary to her new tale of victimhood, had all the advantages.
George Neumayr

In possession of government power, liberals pompously invoke established customs. But once out of power, they immediately start breaking them. No sooner had they lost the White House than they returned to the primitive and infantile stance of 1960s-style radicals.

Liberalism is willfulness writ large. Its relationship to law and custom is determined not by fixed principle but by whatever liberals want at any given moment. Insofar as law and custom are useful to retaining power, liberals demand that others follow them. But the moment law and custom become an impediment to regaining power, they give themselves permission to violate them. The “ends” suddenly justify the means, and anyone who questions their bad behavior fails to see the “higher” good at stake.

Hillary spent much of the campaign harrumphing about Trump’s “horrifying” disdain for decorum and election-year proprieties. But in defeat, she and her aides have now exceeded whatever post-election pouting they claimed Trump would indulge. Their hypocrisy so far has been hapless, losing votes in recounts that they demanded and electors from an electoral college that they intimidated.

So much for the “temperament” of Hillary and her supporters. They alone, according to the media, had the “maturity” and “stability” to save a serene republic from Trump’s tantrums. Now they behave like demented flower children. Soon we will see them throwing pies, as they did during the Bush years, at government officials and holding endless “marches on Washington.”

Never far below the vestments of liberal establishment respectability lies the shabby attire of radicalism. Out come the obscene placards the moment liberals lose. ***They're soooo tolerant*** In defeat, their rhetoric grows unruly and revolutionary, with old contempt for the “bourgeois” resurfacing in jeremiads against “talk radio” and “white privilege.” They grow more paranoid, blaming enemies, both foreign and domestic, for their loss of power.

In their mutterings about conservative FBI agents, Russian hackers, and a “basket of deplorables,” Bill and Hillary sound like the 1960s radicals and George McGovern campaign volunteers they once were. Back then, they blamed McGovern’s loss on Nixon’s appeals to “hard hats” and a populace too unenlightened to appreciate McGovern’s platform of acid, abortion, and amnesty. Not much has changed. According to Bill, Trump won because of his appeal to “angry white men.”

The revisionist spin they are putting on the race is laughable, given the lengths to which the ruling class went to pull Hillary across the finish line. She had all the advantages in the race — more money, more media, a Democratic establishment propping her up, a Republican establishment tearing Trump down. She had an attorney general and FBI director who saved her from indictment. She had endorsements from almost every newspaper coast to coast, multiple cable channels and networks functioning like adjuncts of her campaign, and Hollywood and academia churning out propaganda for her daily. And she still couldn’t win.

In her post-election analysis, she alternates between insulting the people and infantilizing them. She casts them as pawns of Russian manipulation. Never mind that at the debates and in the campaign she had warned the people that “Putin wanted” Trump to win and had hacked into the DNC to accomplish that goal. Indeed, that was one of her favorite talking points. So it is not as if the people weren’t aware of that charge. They heard it and discounted it as a reason for voting against Trump.

Often, losing politicians bemoan an uninformed electorate. Hillary trashes an informed one. She is mad that they knew too much about her. She was undone not by lies but by the truth.

It was the media in her pocket, not the hackers, who sought to deceive the people and push Hillary to victory. The people had no reason to question the veracity of the hacked emails. But they had plenty of reason to question the truthfulness of the fawning press coverage that she received.

Survey after survey shows that 90 percent or more of reporters vote Democratic. Hillary is apparently upset that that support is not at 100 percent and that media outlets deigned to report the hacked emails. She feels that they should have all banded together and suppressed the story.

She had come a long away from her days as a Watergate committee staffer who extolled the Pentagon Papers. In power, she had become like Nixon, adopting a sinister view of leakers and investigators and a sense of entitlement that led her to set up an illegal email server. But now out of power, she will dust off her senior thesis paper from Wellesley on Saul Alinsky and return to her radical roots.

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posted December 22, 2016 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More evidence of Socialist Progressive "tolerance". Utter lunacy!

Something to be really proud of Socialist Progressives!

Screaming Brooklyn lawyer chases down Ivanka Trump and yells at her as she sits with her kids on flight - and his Hillary supporter husband BOASTS about the verbal attack before they're kicked off
•A passenger on a JetBlue flight accosted Ivanka Trump on Thursday morning
•'Your father is ruining the country,' said Dan Goldstein, a lawyer from Brooklyn, who had a child in his arms
•He then began demanding to know why Ivanka was on the flight and not travelling on a private plane while she sat with her kids
•Ivanka ignored him and tried to preoccupy her children with crayons while the man berated her
•A fellow passenger said later that Ivanka told security and flight staff she did not want to make the incident a thing and have anyone removed from the flight
•The man's husband, Matthew Lasner, later tweeted: 'My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off'
•However one hour before that he wrote on Twitter: 'Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them'
•Lasner and Goldstein were accommodated on the next available flight according to JetBlue, and Lasner deleted his Twitter account soon after
•Ivanka and her family are heading away for the holiday, meaning they will be spending 12 straight hours on the plane

By Chris Spargo For
22 December 2016

Ivanka Trump made it very clear on Thursday that she has no problem staying cool and calm under pressure.

The 35-year-old mother-of-three was travelling with her children on a JetBlue flight when a man began to accost her.

'Your father is ruining the country,' said Dan Goldstein, a lawyer from Brooklyn, who had a child in his arms according to TMZ.

Goldstein then began screaming out: 'Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.'

Ivanka paid as little attention as possible and tried to preoccupy her children with some crayons to diffuse the situation until the crew escorted him off the plane.

Goldstein's husband, Matthew Lasner, said that was not what happened however on Twitter, writing: 'My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane.'

However. just an hour prior to that Lasner wrote on Twitter: 'Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil'

Lassner also took a photo of Ivanka sitting on the plane writing that they were kicked off for 'expressing displeasure about flying w/ Trumps.'

And while Goldstein was happy to go after Ivanka ,and Lasner was eager to defend his actions, neither of the men confronted Ivanka's husband Jared Kushner, who was right next to her on the flight standing in the aisle the entire time.

Different story: The man's husband, Matthew Lasner, later tweeted: 'My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off'

Contradiction: However one hour before that Lasner wrote on Twitter: 'Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them'

The plane was still boarding when the incident occurred, so the crew was able to get the two men and their child off the flight and avoid any further incident.

Goldstein began saying to the crew as they escorted him off the plane: 'You're kicking me off for expressing my opinion?!!'

It was after they were off the plane that Lasner then posted his tweets defending his husband and the photo of Ivanka sitting in her seat.

Those tweets were then deleted in less than an hour. An hour after that Lasner deleted his entire account.

JetBlue released a statement on Thursday morning saying: 'The decision to remove a customer from a flight is not taken lightly. If the crew determines that a customer is causing a conflict on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane, especially if the crew feels the situation runs the risk of escalation during flight.'

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posted December 22, 2016 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What do you call a bunch of Democrats in a basement?

A whine cellar.

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posted December 22, 2016 09:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A whine cellar.

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posted December 23, 2016 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No respect for the other side tsk tsk tsk you guys are begging for a monoparty system, be careful what you wish for, especially around NYE

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted December 28, 2016 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Still whingeing about "Leftists" even after winning. Pathetic. If you don't like it why not ignore? I thought you would defend with your lives peoples right to say whatever, even if you didn't like it?

And still pretending the "people" voted for Trump. Still pretending it,wasn't Bush who signed on to bring the troops home in 2011.

And now that "it's over" pretending that you and your buds accepted your loss and respected Obama as president. Most of us still have functioning memories, alas. Nice try.

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posted January 07, 2017 07:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
America hating Accidental Americans

Utterly contemptible.

January 7, 2017
Liberals Awake from 8-Year Moral Coma
Jeffrey T. Brown

For eight years, the voices of what passes for morality on the left were utterly silent as the values of generations of Americans were flushed down the drain. Those Americans whose desires, experiences and values differed from the leftist elite were treated as worthless garbage, no longer necessary to the imminent liberal utopia, except as a source of revenue. Christianity was treated like a virus to be extinguished, or revised and controlled to accommodate leftist ideology. Speech that offended the shameless was branded as hateful, and those daring to openly object to the onslaught of vice and immorality were falsely smeared with every vile epithet the liberals could conjure. Rights were relegated to what Democrats were willing to grant their enemies, but we were never going to be entitled to privileges they reserved to themselves.

Our nation has been assaulted for eight long years by those who contributed nothing of substance to its successes, but were eager to pillage its resources to fund and advance their political agenda. Every means possible to offend and marginalize their political opposition was employed, so that decent people were called racists, “phobes,” haters, deniers, liars, morons, bullies, and many unprintable things, all for wishing to have a say in what was being done to them by the left, and for possibly stopping the moral, philosophical and physical violence that have always been tools of leftist overthrow.

Few, if any, leftists/liberals/socialists/Democrats seemed troubled by what was done by them, or on their behalf by those they put into political office, or by those who appointed themselves cultural spokesmen. It was perfectly American, as they saw it, to smear, defame, slander, coerce, intimidate, fine and even jail those who refused allegiance to a movement premised upon anarchy and social collapse. They were winning, after all, so they got to be the team and the referee, and they made up the rules. In their minds, nothing existed of the United States before eight years ago, and this country consisted only of what they turned it into. With their president at the helm, they tried to remake America into a giant version of themselves, soulless and amoral. They tried to make it un-American.

Suddenly, however, with their political triumph derailed, they have emerged from their self-induced moral coma to pretend they have conscience. Now, after eight years of neglect, fraud, manipulation, scandal, deception, cheating and tyranny, they have found their voices. Now we are treated to an endless chorus of newly virtuous voices, uniting in purity to stop the coming disaster of representative government under the sway of someone other than an America-hating, Israel-hating, Constitution-hating, Iran-loving, terrorist-enabling ruler with a pen and a phone, willing to do anything as long as it was destructive to this country and all it has stood for over generations.

We are awash in leftist, progressive, liberal mystics, telling us through tears and in panicked tones exactly what Donald Trump’s presidency will look like and how it will end, before he has held the job for even one second. In hysterics, they speak of the un-American things Trump will do in the future, and how “afraid” the leftists are of someone whose personal history shows no hint of the things they predict. Bruce Springsteen expresses his concerns about competence, and the newly dark dynamic that Trump allegedly brings to politics. Robert Reich produces instructional videos for mindless liberals about how Trump controls the media message, which is a harbinger of tyranny. Where have these people been for eight years?

As we hear each of these predictions, some of us are struck by a recurring sense of deja vu. It’s as if we’ve already seen all the chaos and mayhem that they predict will occur, not just once but innumerable times. Indeed, it almost feels like we can trace the beginning of our deja vu back eight years, before a man with no identifiable accomplishments to his name other than being half-black and hip eluded all scrutiny before his election as president; before race relations were destroyed for political profit; before people lost their livelihoods for not bending to government coercion; before people lost their health insurance on the basis of lies; before anti-white racism became fashionable; before the press was merely an extension of the Democratic Party; before our military and security were sacrificed to social justice; before our college students became simpering toddlers without an original thought; before our country sold out to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood; before science was rendered meaningless in order to advance political goals; before we ignored laundry lists of felonies by Democrats; before it was cool to assassinate police; before our southern border was erased; before those same liberals tacitly invited every terrorist who could walk or say “refugee” to enter our country, plant roots, and plan the inevitable attacks; and before our president and his followers became the laughingstock of the civilized world.

Suddenly, after eight years in which their secret mantra seems to have been “Make America Hate Again,” they protest that the notion of stopping their immoral destruction of our country is itself immoral and hateful. Many of us have noticed that the damage they forecast, the shredding of our national fabric, has been well underway for eight years, and that their unhinged reaction to being stopped from finishing the job is far more morally disgusting than anything Donald Trump could do to make us the United States again.

Morality, like truth, isn’t supposed to be a prop, trotted out when necessary to trick the gullible. Leftists are purveyors of subjective morality, which is a fungible entity, almost always being interchangeable with political expedience. For them, an act becomes “moral” as soon as it advances whatever goal they seek to accomplish. When treated to subjective morality from a member of the political party that has entirely eschewed objective morality, we should reject everything that person says the moment it leaves their lips. Like the limits and prescriptions of the Constitution, they only ever invoke objective morality when they are not in power, and seek to influence those whose emotions have outpaced their intellect.

There is much work to be done, but we needn’t pause to consider lectures on morality from amoral people. Those who are still Americans will rebuild what was wrecked by those who have become something else. While we do so, we would be wise to remember that those who are transitioning from Americans to “something else” are determined to finish the job. If given another chance, they will happily force us to live in their corrupt, coercive Orwellian zoo. They won’t rest until they control everything, and we are compelled to do whatever they want, for whatever reason they say. That is, they won’t rest until we are no longer free people living in the United States, but rather are just a means of funding the overthrow of a country designed to prevent the corruption and tyranny they showed us for eight long, morality-free years. html

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posted January 19, 2017 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From the Fake News Network, there's this hot steaming pile of crap.

Keep it up Progressives. Don't change a thing. Americans are getting a real good look at your infantile, juvenile leftist lunacy and there's another election in 2018.

CNN: Assassinating Trump Could Keep Obama Administration in Power
Warner Todd Huston
18 Jan 2017

As the nation prepares for the peaceful transfer of power on Inauguration Day, CNN is dreaming up scenarios whereby the Obama administration can keep power if President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence were blown up as they prepared to take to oath of office.

On the Wednesday, January 18 broadcast of CNN’s The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer aired a segment with a chyron featuring the headline “Developing Now.” During that “developing” segment, Blitzer and correspondent Brian Todd discussed what would happen if the unthinkable occurred on January 20.

Blitzer introduced the segment, saying, “What if an incoming president and his immediate successors were wiped out on day one?” and from there, CNN contributor Brian Todd took over to outline the line of succession if an attack blew up the inaugural dais, killing both Trump and Pence.

The upshot was that in the case of both heads of state being killed, the Secretary of State would take over. Currently that man is Secretary of State John Kerry, But in case some objected because his office would also end as of noon on Inauguration Day, then it would be the Speaker of the House — Republican Paul Ryan — or even Obama’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs Tom Shannon.

The report also noted that the designated survivor appointed by the Obama administration could also become president in the case of a disaster. So, in CNN’s analysis, most of the people who would take over in the worst-case scenario would keep the Obama administration in power, at least indirectly.

So while most of the country is looking to enjoy the day’s events and waiting expectantly to hear what our new president will have to say for his first address as our leader, CNN is wondering what will happen if he is assassinated.

Perhaps CNN is still stuck in anger, the second stage of grief.

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posted January 19, 2017 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Progressives are held in contempt because the people who dislike them are contemptuous.

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posted January 19, 2017 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tulipe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Faith:
Progressives are held in contempt because the people who dislike them are contemptuous.

Faith you're amazing

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posted January 19, 2017 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 19, 2017 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wonder if they'll ever realize their house is made of glass. And i wonder if what the anti- trumpets are dating is any better or worse... ver-came-true/

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted January 19, 2017 11:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The contemptible Progressive, Hillary The Corrupt spent $1.2 BILLION and LOST. The contemptible Progressive press couldn't drag her corrupt carcass across the finish line. Mainly because the contemptible Progressive press has less credibility with Americans than used car salespersons.

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted January 20, 2017 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jwhop:
There is much work to be done, but we needn’t pause to consider lectures on morality from amoral people.

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Posts: 21251
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted January 20, 2017 02:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 21251
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted January 20, 2017 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah I second this

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