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  The Glory of Socialism

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Author Topic:   The Glory of Socialism

Posts: 9733
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 06, 2017 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's hear it for the murderous Marxist Communist Socialist Progressives and their apologists, enablers and "Useful Idiots" who spout Socialist drivel.

May 6, 2017
North Korea needs a Deng Xiaoping
James Lewis

I don’t usually feel compassion for aging mass murderers like Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, but I’ve learned to keep a special loathing in my heart for the Evil Gallery of Western enablers of genocide, the people who give support and media protection for ISIS and Wahhabism, for Boko Haram killers and rapists who raid villages in Nigeria to steal African children for the slave markets to meet the demand from Muslim child abusers, and for those Westerners who enable murderous mullahs, Salafists who plant bombs in Coptic Churches in Egypt, and Al Nusra gangs in Syria who specialize in killing children, women, and harmless men as blood sacrifices to Allah.

There are no worse people on earth than Western enablers of mass horrors in failed nations like the ungovernable parts of Syria, the Sudan, Iraq, and now Libya.***Oh, and let's not forget Cuba and Venezuela!***

I used to like Jean-Paul Sartre, the celebrated French existentialist, until I found out about his real career. Sartre was a leading member of the French Communist Party during the Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot years, the party that actually trained Pol Pot to go back to Cambodia and start a terror campaign, killing an estimated three million Khmer people in the process.

All for an imaginary Marxist Utopia that never, ever happens. After he was finally overthrown, Pol Pot told the world that he felt no guilt. Neither did his Western enablers, like Sartre. They are pathological sociopaths and worse.

In history’s scales of justice, the opposite role is played by people like Deng Xiaoping, who turned China from decades of ferocious self-torture to prosperity and peace.

After the fanatical generation of Mao Zedong (whose benevolent picture graced many college dorm rooms in America) Deng returned from a prison camp to slowly start a turn to sanity in China. Mao’s death was followed by the usual infighting, and Deng managed to slowly rise again to the Central Committee of the Communist Party. A quiet change started to happen, presumably with American help from Kissinger and Nixon.

Deng’s favorite saying started to surface: “The color of the cat doesn’t matter as long as it catches mice.” It was a folksy way of telling the people that the great civil wars of Maoist sloganeering were over. It was time to be practical and get a cat to catch mice. (An everyday need for peasant farmers who store rice).

Today North Korea desperately needs a Deng Xiaoping, and only China can furnish such a one, because for all its autocracy and cruption, China has returned to sanity, and therefore prosperity, at least in the coastal cities. American enablers of the Kim horror dynasty, like Madeleine Albright and the Clintons, should fade back into their hidey holes.

It was Westerners like Sartre who covered up for serial mass killers Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. Other mass killers in the 20th century were helped by their admirers in the UK, France, and the United States. They had powerful Western allies, major newspapers like the New York Times and the UK Guardian, and famous individuals like Bertrand Russell, Walter Duranty, Henry Ford, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., on and on. Western Communist and Nazi symps were celebrated in the newspapers.

But they were not innocent idealists. They knew what was going on in the Soviet Union, in Nazi Germany, and in China, Cambodia, Iran, and Indonesia.

Some Westerners have always enabled, protected, and rationalized the actions of mass murdering criminals. People like Gyorgy Schwartz, aka Soros (GEORGE, are reusing Stalin’s Popular Front tactics here in the United States, serene in the knowledge that the bloody revolution, though temporarily stymied here, is still going on in the killing fields of the world.

Somebody is supporting the Syrian horrors -- certainly the mullahs of Iran, and the unnamed Sunni billionaires of the Gulf, basically small, oil-rich, reactionary cults that worship a bloodstained god, out of piety and fanaticism, and because they’ve always done it.

Huma Abedin’s family runs a Muslim “charity,” registered in the UK. But in fact, Muslim charities always reserve 7% for the support of Jihad. Their brand of murderous fanaticism is the Muslim Brotherhood, and with the collusion of Obama and the New York Times, the Ikhwan in Egypt overthrew Hosni Mubarak for running an unstable nation in the only way that seems to work. Mubarak was not a mass killer. Like his predecessor Anwar Sadat he was a military man who cared about Egypt and wanted to have an honorable peace with Israel.

The Ikhwan assassinated Sadat, who received a Nobel Prize for negotiating a breakthrough peace with Israel after the 1967 war. Israel’s PM Begin wanted peace, Sadat wanted peace. Begin offered the entire Sinai Peninsula in trade for a genuine peace treaty with Egypt, with American guarantees, and it worked. Egypt became the pillar of stability in the Middle East, together with Israel, Jordan, and quietly, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

Enter Jimmy Carter, who allowed the radical Ayatollah Khomeini to take over a genuinely progressive Muslim country before it could achieve modernity. The Shah of Iran ruled a restless nation the only way he could, with a feared intelligence agency and military, but with a very clear goal of modernizing. Women were educated for the first time. Iran opened up to more enlightened influences, and applied its long and distinguished tradition of culture and scholarship for many good purposes.

But Jimmy Carter and his sinister sidekick Zbigniew Brzezinski helped to overthrow the Shah when he became sick, for no reason anybody has been able to explain, especially Jimmy and Zbig themselves. They are still defending their dangerous and destabilizing actions when they should be in the dock in the International Court of Justice. Jimmy’s betrayal of secular Iran was a disaster, naturally, as any child of six could have seen.

Jimmy’s motivation (supposedly) was guilt for America’s actions 25 years before, in overthrowing Communist leader Mossadegh in 1953. Stalin had just died next door in the Soviet empire, which had exploded nuclear bombs only four years earlier, and the Cold War was at its height. The CIA did the right thing by overthrowing Mossadegh in a time of extreme danger. But Jimmy didn’t see it that way in 1978, and just like Obama, he said he was motivated by guilt for our past sins.

In fact, now that we understand the hard-core Demsheviki better, Jimmy and Zbig undermined stability in the Middle East for decades to come, for money and a dangerous ideology that never delivers what it promises.

Along with the Clintons and Obamas, Jimmy represents an America-hating strain in the U.S. foreign policy community that serves our enemies. There are Deep Staters who are still stuck in their childhood dreams of Marxist Revolution and the transformaion of human nature, and they will never change. Their pink glasses are firmly glued on their noses. They believe in bloody progress, as long as the blood is shed far away from then, as in Venezuela today. They are malignant narcissists who never encounter the world of real people, and have nothing but contempt for others. MIT’s Jonathan Gruber lied shamelessly about fantasy ObamaCare, and then boasted about it.

Hillary Clinton is a spoiled and self-indulgent brat who got hooked to the wrong man, and Bill betrayed their marriage as often as possible. But Bill was Hillary’s ticket to the top.

When she became SecState with backing from other feminists left over from the Sixties, she apparently conceived a dislike for Muammar Khadaffi, the slightly mad but otherwise effective ruler of the tribal federation in Libya. Khadaffi had just negotiated a surrender of his nuclear stocks to George W. Bush and posed no danger to peace in the world.

Still, Hillary was the Feminist Destiny candidate for President of the United States, fated to be the first president with female genitalia. The whole idea of electing the most powerful person in the world according to the color of their skin or the content of their lower parts is utterly mad, of course. But hell, it was going to be historic, and the Left needed another victim class to champion, after the oppressed workers got in their Ford trucks on the weekend and went fishing. The new victim classes are women and blacks, but they are starting to get the gag, too, so every couple of years the Left needs to add more victims: illegals, rapists, convicted felons, dead people in Chicago -- they are not choosy.

The trouble was that Hillary had no talent for the job. Ambition, yes. Talent, no.

All she knew was Arkansas corruption, and she turned her SecState appointment into a personal cash machine to set up her run for president. Obama surely knew all that, but he let her go on, because Obama himself could not run again, and there was a good chance that she’d screw up somehow. Hillary was told that she needed street cred in the tough man’s world of international rough stuff. Which is apparently why she organized a phony attack on Libya by NATO (a threadbare cover for the United States). Obama’s CIA colluded in overthrowing Kadaffi, with the completely predictable result of chaos and civil war breaking out in a basically tribal society, with Al Qaida and ISIS elements sneaking in to exploit the trouble.

The U.S. invasion of Libya had no rhyme or reason. It made no sense, and was apparently just a resume enhancer for Hillary. In other words, Hillary besmirched American foreign policy with a personal, utterly immoral and destructive agenda, a move that killed a lot of people, destabilized a nutty but fairly peaceful country, and resulted in the death by anal impalement of Muammar Khadaffi himself.

This is a crime against humanity, by international treaty, and Hillary should be put on trial for it.

In her moment of triumph Hillary proclaimed “We came, we saw, he died.”

Which is cruel, stupid and criminal by normal, civilized standards, and no, even Julius Caesar wasn’t that kind of idiot. It just shows her tin ear again.

Hillary is a political moron, who was visibly suffering from a degenerative neurological condition, and was propped up by her handlers like a real-life Weekend at Bernie’s.

And yet, the feminist wing of the Demshevik Party can't think of any other leftist to vault them into power. Even affirmative action fraudocrat Liz Warren looks smarter than Hillary. Liz does a well-rehearsed Vladimir Lenin act (just look at her propaganda pics), but it’s starting to wear thin.

Back to Deng Xiaoping, who came up through the Communist Party ranks in China during the very worst times, and turned out to be the pragmatist that China needed after many years of sadistic tyranny. I know where they train the Maos of this world, in our “best” universities. But I don’t know where the Deng Xiaopings come from. Maybe from the prison camps.

If there is a hero from China’s horror years under Mao, it is a small but very clever man named Deng Ziao Ping. A useful CIA would be looking for him in North Korea, Iran, and any other rogue semi-nuke power. The Mao monsters may rule half the world, but the Dengs make it tolerable.

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Posts: 79880
From: From a galaxy, far, far away...
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 16, 2017 09:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Loved the commentary on Hillary.

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Posts: 156
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 24, 2017 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree that Hillary's hubris/arrogance was and still is a problem. I would like her to go away.

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Posts: 4067
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted May 24, 2017 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hillary again. Where is she now? Why the OCD attempts to distract from the present day? You want history, Libya and Gadafi? Here you go

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