Topic: Part III - Aspects to Venus - Lesson 15
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 19, 2003 07:16 PM
Well it's August and I guess a lot of people are on holiday as it's gone very quiet on this forum. I'm going to move onto the Aspects to Venus string or we'll still be covering Venus at Christmas First of all let's remind ourselves (from the first lesson on this course) ... what exactly are Aspects? Well basically, aspects are relationships between planets. They are divisions of the 360° Zodiac wheel by a specific number. For example, a Trine aspect is a division of the wheel by Three (120°); a square is a division by four (90°), and so on. (These divisions do not have to be exact - see allowable orbs'). Aspects are often categorized as 'major' or 'minor', but this is really an over-simplification, because in a particular chart a supposedly minor aspect may be very significant. If you are using astrology for a specific purpose, such as psychological analysis, then some minor aspects can take on a much greater significance because of the role they play in the overall make-up of the personality. At this point in the course we are just going to look at the major aspects. Let's look at what function aspects perform? Well as we all know, human beings are complicated creatures, and our personalities are made up of all sorts of different energies. Just as each distinct type of psychological energy does not operate in isolation within the personality, so each distinct planetary energy does not function in isolation in the birth chart. Aspects are types of relationships between planetary energies. Think of them as being like relationships between people. Relationships can be of various kinds - tense ones, harmonious ones, ones which bring out the best in people, ones which bring out the worst, ones where the parties rub each other up the wrong way....and so on. Definition of an Aspect .... An aspect between two planets indicates the way two psychological energies are likely to operate upon each other in the personality. Allowable Orbs An 'allowable orb' is the discrepancy between an exact aspect and what will still count as that aspect. As mentioned above, a Trine is 120°, but if two planets are 126° apart, or 116°, they are still counted as Trine. A discrepancy of 8° is permitted on either side of exact, and this discrepancy is called an 'allowable orb'. Different aspects have different allowances made, different orbs. Traditionally, the Sun and Moon are considered so important that aspects to them are often allowed wider orbs than other planetary aspects. List List of Aspects The following list gives the allowable orb, and a brief definition of the kind of relationship the aspect represents. Conjunction (Orb 8° ) Two planets are in conjunction when they are located at the same degree of Zodiac. The planets are usually in the same sign, but sometimes one of them is in the last few degrees of one sign and the other in the first few degrees of the next. The energies of conjunct planets are so closely united that they almost form a new hybrid planet. You never find one operating without the other. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on the planets involved, and the aspects formed to other planets. Opposition (Orb 8°) Planets in opposition stare at each other from the opposite side of the chart wheel, 180° apart. Their energies pull in different directions and cause psychological splits and some quite bizarre and extreme shifts of behaviour. Not an easy thing to live with, although a person is usually aware of the division in their personality, and can therefore work at achieving harmony. Trine (Orb 8°) Planets are in trine when they're aproximately 120° apart. This is said to be a helpful aspect, but more accurately it is an easy aspect. The energies involved work together in harmony in a natural, un-self-conscious way, which is not necessarily a good thing. (eg: a nice easy relationship between Pluto and Mars might pave the way for violent, self-obsessed manipulating and war mongering!) But generally speaking, the consequences of Trine aspects are good and useful in the long-term. Square (Orb 8°) This is a 90° relationship. Planets in square indicate energies in serious tension. There is always a compulsive quality about a square. One of the planets tends to compel the other one to act in an extreme way, causing all manner of problems. Overcoming these problems is a good way to find out about your faults and failings. Unlike with Oppositions, you are not always aware of the conflict of psychological tendencies involved in a Square. Sextile (Orb 4°) This is a 60° aspect. Planets in sextile indicate energies that, with a bit of imagination, can be made to work very well together and further your aims and intentions. Altogether, these are considered good aspects, or aspects of 'opportunity'. IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 19, 2003 07:20 PM
Venus aspects to the Asc, Sun, Moon & Mercury have already been covered in the previous lessons. So we'll continue here with Venus aspects to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.To be continued......... IP: Logged |
Oxychick unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 10:40 PM
Hi Cat Thanks for the info on orbs! That's always been a confusing issue for me. My poor Venus is unaspected.
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 20, 2003 05:32 PM
Hi Oxychick You're welcome - glad it was of some help.I'm having a mad week so I'll post more on Venus aspects at the weekend. In the meantime here's a bit of info I have on my computer re Unaspected Venus..... Unaspected Venus When Venus is unaspected, the way we express our need for safety and security in emotional and material affairs can swing from one extreme to another, and can take many forms. Where feelings for others are concerned, we can expect the native to be very amorous at one moment and utterly cool and uninterested at another. Also, the enjoyment of a safe and cosy relationship can quickly give way to the pursuit of a string of casual affairs The creation of harmony and beauty, so typical of Venus, can assert itself very strongly when the planet is unaspected; the drawback occurs when the native wants harmony when temporary disharmony or confrontation would prevent conflicts from being left to fester under the surface. Talking things out and quarrelling over them can clear the air to make room for a genuinely harmonious situation, but an unaspected Venus shrinks from squabbles. Nevertheless, the native will plunge into difficulties time after time because he or she somehow unconsciously and unwillingly involves him - or herself in difficult situations or in relationships that make for disharmony The best thing to do is to learn how to live life harmoniously inspite of its discords, but this ability usually develops rather later in life. The person with the unaspected Venus is interested not so much in serious pursuits as in pleasure and entertainment. Careers relating to some facet of the entertainment field might be in order. Laziness and idelness can accompany a Venus with no aspects, and sudden tactlessness can destroy a carefully cultivated relationship in one fell swoop The natives does not seem to know how to display feelings of good will, friendship or love: at one moment he or she is being overdemonstrative and at another is unnaturally reserved. Particularly for a man, this can cause problems with the opposite sex Hmmm Just to add to this. Unaspected planets are found in the charts of very gifted individuals, and often these planets will indicate the direction of their lives. For example, unaspected Venus figures in the horoscopes of a number of musicians and artists. The native usually has a fairly compulsive interest in the contents of an unaspected planet and may well turn the interest into a career. ( JK Rowling has done with her unaspected Mercury)
Don't make the mistake of thinking that nothing can be done with an unaspected planet or that what it has to offer is rubbishy or inferior. The reverse is often true. Normally the planet expresses its own nature; the native has to find some way of grasping what it offers. Examples of unaspected Venus are Haydn and Mozart.
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Oxychick unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 07:48 PM
WOW Cat! So much information! Well, understanding that and mixing it with the fact that my unaspected Venus is in Capricorn, I suppose it is very easy for me to put up emotional walls and become cold. Aphrodite once helped me to understand some very interesting aspects of this placement as well. to both of you. If you ask my family and friends, they will tell you that I have an artistic streak. A lot of my family does as well. Thanks again!
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LaurieAnn unregistered
posted August 24, 2003 12:34 PM
Hi all--My Scorpio Venus (12: Conjuncts Neptune (14), conjuncts Asc. (16), sextiles Pluto (12) in the 10th, trines Jupiter (5) in the 4th (wide but got to claim it!), and squares Saturn (7) in the 3rd. It is the ruler of my descendent and 12th house (Libra cusp).Appear soft and sweet, but can be very get the gist of some of the aspects. Saturn limitations...still waiting for the ONE as will only marry for love. Jupiter-hmmmm? IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 24, 2003 04:12 PM
Hi LaurieAnn That's a busy Venus you got there. I also have Venus conjunct Asc which is a nice aspect to have LOL @ "wide but got to claim it" Sue
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 25, 2003 05:28 PM
Hi Oxychick You're very welcome. I'm glad you found the info helpful. The natal chart can be a bit like "a magical mystery tour" .....there's always something else to discover...which can be or Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 25, 2003 05:34 PM
Ok here we go........ Please let me know how you "experience" the Venus/Mars aspect in your chart (if you have it). The best way to learn is by talking to people who have this aspect, as they live it every day.Venus aspects to Mars Venus = romantic, Mars = the adventurer. Venus = love, Mars = competition. Sexual (Mars) love (Venus). Putting energy (Mars) into beauty (Venus). Fighting (Mars) for money (Venus). Aspects between Venus & Mars in the natal chart are usually an indication of people who are known for their charm, warmth & personal magnetism. With all aspects – Mars seems to give vigour to Venus, whilst Venus softens Mars. This is a highly creative (Venus) combination and as usual the hard aspects are the productive ones and most likely to be found in the charts of people who “do” (Mars) something creative (Venus). While the soft aspects usually describe the enjoyment (Venus) of playing (Mars) at some creative (Venus) talent or having the ability to appreciate it. Venus/Mars combination can be found in the charts of singers, musicians, actors etc.. Venus/Mars can indicate someone who likes to create – maybe in craft-type pursuits. This combination is concerned with doing (Mars) something creative (Venus). You could also expect artistic (Venus) competition (Mars) – so you may have to fight (Mars) in order to make money (Venus) out of your creative (Venus) pursuits (Mars). Fighting (Mars) over money (Venus) can often happen with this planetary combination. Aspects between Venus and Mars can be found in the charts of people who can’t really be happy unless they’re in a warm and loving (Venus) sexual (Mars) relationship. Obviously the house placements of both planets needs to be taken into account but usually people with Venus/Mars combination give out very strong sexual (Mars) vibes. A typical Venus/Mars person is erotic and sensual without even trying. People with this combination are usually very interested in, and can easily relate to, the opposite sex. The hard aspects can give a tendency to be competitive (Mars) with your own sex. Venus/Mars people are rarely on their own for long, and falling in love (Venus) comes very easy to those who have this aspect prominent in their chart. “Love in haste and repent at leisure” is a saying that can describe this combination – especially for people who have the hard aspects in their natal chart. This combination can give a tendency to marry young - often to a childhood sweetheart. Venus/Mars in a chart used to be seen as a “signature” of a “shotgun wedding” in the days when people where expected to marry when they had a child. The hard aspects can indicate an early history where love (Venus) involved some form of competition (Mars). There may have been some kind of early fighting (Mars) for affection (Venus). Sometimes one or both parents may have had a lover outside of their marriage. – or at least that’s how the person with Venus/Mars in their chart may see things (as this aspect is in their chart and not their parents). Sometimes, the issue of romantic (Venus) and sexual competition (Mars), arises because the person with this aspect in their chart was raised in a family of all girls or all boys of a similar age, which resulted in them being in competition (Mars) with each other for boyfriends or girlfriends. Venus/Mars hard aspects can also be inclined to give the feeling that you’re going to miss out on something, and end up living without a relationship, (which is a terrible thought/prospect for people with this aspect) - so there’s often an impulsiveness (Mars) about getting romantically (Venus) involved – a tendency to jump in feet first (Mars doesn’t like to think things through – he just acts/reacts). This aspect can also suggest the tendency to think that everyone is after the “object of your affection”. Actually that could be true as this combination can get involved in extramarital affairs or complicated romantic triangles or if you don’t then possibly your partner could. An enormous amount of energy (Mars) is usually put into romantic (Venus) and sexual (Mars) involvement’s. Gentle companionship is not enough, as people with this combination want (Mars) and need affection (Venus). If their relationship doesn’t have a vibrant quality then they may be tempted to look elsewhere in order to find that excitement or they may create (Venus) arguments (Mars) in order to keep their relationship alive. This combination can have furious arguments (Mars) and then end up in bed as love (Venus) and anger (Mars) often go together. Venus/Mars people tend to be very honest with themselves (and others) about sexual matters – basically they are very direct about their relationships. The conjunction and easy aspects between Venus and Mars usually describes people who have very good social skills, they know how and when to be assertive (Mars) and how to be co-operative (Venus). The hard aspects usually show a challenge in some areas of life – usually in relationships. People with the hard aspects may find themselves being overly assertive (Mars) when they should be co-operating (Venus) or alternatively they may be way too accommodating (Venus) or passive when they should be going for what they want (Mars). The hard aspects can give a tendency to confuse love (Venus) with lust (Mars).
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LaurieAnn unregistered
posted August 26, 2003 09:40 AM
Hey...Cat! Meow! I like my Venus con. Asc. too. By the way, my Venus is busy...but that Saturn is picky. What is up with the Jupiter? P. Jupiter is heading close to exact trine with the Ms. V...Santa's benevolence?What else does your Ms. V aspect? IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted August 26, 2003 09:02 PM
That was amazing! I have Venus Square Mars in fixed signs. IP: Logged |
brunnhilde unregistered
posted August 27, 2003 06:35 PM
I have Venus sextile Mars and my hubby has Venus square Mars....sure keeps things interesting!! Also explains a LOT of things.IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 28, 2003 04:21 PM
Venus aspects to Jupiter.Expansive (Jupiter) pleasure (Venus). The good life. Whatever the aspect, people with Venus/Jupiter contact in their charts are usually very friendly and charming – here we have expansion (Jupiter) or even exaggeration (Jupiter) of Venus. If you have this aspect in your chart then you usually will have a very full social life and are very into having a good time. People with the hard aspects in their chart may have a problem in learning (Jupiter) when to stop, as far as having fun (Jupiter), romance (Venus), extravagant (Jupiter) spending (Venus) and having a good time in general. The Venus/Jupiter combination indicates that you want to be popular, to be loved (Venus) by everyone and don’t want to offend anyone. Another side of the Venus/Jupiter connection is valuing (Venus) the religious principle (Jupiter), sometimes a love of God, or a love (Venus) of philosophy (Jupiter) and valuing (Venus) anything that might provide the meaning of life (Jupiter). With a tight contact between these two planets there’s likely to be some religious experiences and conversations. Venus – Jupiter is usually big-hearted, sentimental with feelings that tend to go overboard. Charitable, loving, generous to those in need and people with this aspect in their chart really do get pleasure out of giving. Because Venus/Jupiter is so generous (in every way) this aspect can be a great one to have if you work in any of the caring professions. As a child, people with this aspect in their chart, may have been spoilt. You probably got a lot of pocket money. The hard aspects can indicate an attitude of “if I love you, I will spoil you and if you love me, you’ll give me lots of gifts”. Warm-hearted - love of pleasure and probably a love of luxury. Sometimes you can “marry” money…..not necessarily marrying for money – but that can be quite common with the Venus/Jupiter combination. However having married money, it can be then frittered away (Jupiter over-expanded), even with the hard aspects money does seem to arrive from nowhere and people with this aspect in their chart are not destined to live in poverty even though they may have a tendency to squander their resources. You can associate this combination with wealth – wealth of feelings, wealth of love etc etc Venus/Jupiter combination could be described as greedy – for both pleasure and love. It may seem to you that you can’t get enough affection. In fact you may also feel that “the grass is always greener elsewhere” – especially where relationships are concerned – that’s Jupiter always wanting something bigger and better. Venus/Jupiter can be looking for God in close personal relationships and when they’re in love they can have a tendency to inflate (Jupiter) the worth (Venus) of their partner out of all proportion so much so that their partner can’t live up to their expectations. Venus/Jupiter also can have a tendency to overvalue (Jupiter) appearances (Venus) – which on a personal level could lead to vanity and in their choice of partners it can make them more attracted to successful people. People with the hard aspects in their chart may find out that “all that glitters isn’t gold”. Venus/Jupiter often forms relationships (Venus) with people from different cultures (Jupiter), foreigners (Jupiter) or people from vastly different backgrounds/belief systems (Jupiter). The aspiration to live a life of ease (Venus) can be a big (Jupiter) motivating factor behind your life choices.
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Pink Angel unregistered
posted August 29, 2003 10:00 AM
I seem to have venus aspects with all the planets Venus conjucts Mars Venus opposes Pluto Venus opposes Saturn Venus squares Sun Venus squares Jupiter Venus squares Mercury Venus trines Neptune And my Venus is in Aries I am a big big love fanatic, im a freak! But i love it, im Aquarius, with Aquarius acsendent,jupiter and mercury.... Oh that Venus and Mars thing, really explains ALOT... Cat, i was wondering, is there a differnce in, umm, let me give an example. If Venus conjucts Mars and Venus squares Mars, is there a difference, and if yes, what?? Also.. was wondering, Linda has a book Venus Trines at Midnight, does that have a very deep significant meaning to it?------------------ Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. -George Bernard Shaw IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 29, 2003 01:20 PM
Hi Everyone!Wow, thanks for posting Venus aspect interpretations, Sue! They are great. I have Venus at 25 Pisces trining Jupiter at 29 Cancer A good thing about the positive Venus-Jupiter aspects are that it endows the person with the energy to unlikely to put themselves in situations that conflict with their principles, or make them uncomfortable. They will extend and hug, yet know when enough is enough on their own terms. Amy IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted September 02, 2003 12:34 PM
Thank you so much Cat,I've always had trouble with deciding wether I should *claim* (hi, LaurieAnn ) 10 deg Venus-Jupiter conjunction or not. The trouble (or actually the thing I like about both of them) is that they are in Saggitarius. So, naturally, lot of things usually associated with this conjuction are evident. Now I think, I propably should... Speaking of other Venus aspects. Venus sextile Uranus (ruler of 5th) Venus conj. Neptune (ruler of 7th) Venus qntl. Pluto (ruler of 3rd) To say it short - nice marriage with someone from the neighbourhood and 2.3 children has never really seemed like a viable option. Men I've dated/had relationship with have all been either foreigners (Jupiter), brilliant thinkers (composer(s), mathematicians), or poets (Neptune) or some combinatrion of these. Too many poets, I must say! The only man who managed to marry me (for a while) is a Pisces who used to be a commercial pilot (very Uranian occupation), who spends his free time by writing poetry. Relationships/people tend to be valued (Venus) because of some otherwordly, magical qualities (Jupiter, Neptune). Everything starts suddenly and ends as suddenly. Usually with a bang AND some smoke. Which is over is over and finished. If you wish, we can stay friends. (Uranus). I'm not sure I can pinpoint Pluto quintile as clearly since I have Pluto aspecting about everything. Maybe it has to do with realtive easiness in giving up values/opinions I've outgrown? Or the fact that I can found strength and support in symbols/pictures most people prefer to avoid? Comments? Aen
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1scorp unregistered
posted September 02, 2003 05:02 PM
My retro Venus has these aspectsVenus conjunct Mars Venus conjunct Uranus Venus conjunct Mercury Also, all those planets are in Scorpio. 2nd house venus. IP: Logged |
12thhousearies unregistered
posted September 02, 2003 08:18 PM
Venus opposing Neptune = soap opera romances do exist in real life along with every crazy thing they do for love. Also have Venus trine Pluto = Intense feelings as soon as I met soap opera man. And I am still married after 14 years. Venus still hangs on to love, she rules my chart- Taurus asc. venus in 1st. Cindi ------------------ Wisdom begins in wonder - Socrates IP: Logged |
anks unregistered
posted September 03, 2003 11:34 AM
hi, my venus in saggi squares badly with my mars & moon in virgo , never had a stable love life which my virgo moon & mars want, though because of my saggi venus i haven't ever gone into depression of any sort,yet these things leave their scars....
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N_wEvil unregistered
posted September 03, 2003 07:20 PM
My RetroVenus(tm)Opposes my moon (yay) opposes my north node (yay) Squares my pluto (yay) Squares my saturn (YAY) Squares my mars (yay) So all in all.... talk about unlucky in love? Oh yeah.. most of the sq. action is 3rd, 5th and 9th houses (under koch) will do descriptions when my brain isnt dribbling out of my ears.. IP: Logged |
sweetscorp unregistered
posted October 29, 2003 03:07 PM
I have 4 venus conjunctions in scorpio: venus-sun, venus-mercury, venus-jupiter, and venus-uranus. The description for venus-jupiter aspect was right on for me, particular the part about being very generous (I love to give ), and the part about having relationships w/ people of different cultures and backgrounds; I do enjoy getting to know people who are of different backgrounds and learning about their cultures and beliefs. IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted October 29, 2003 05:09 PM
I have Venus conjunct Pluto........IP: Logged |
Redwood unregistered
posted October 31, 2003 02:57 PM
Could you post the aspects of venus to Neptune and Uranus?Thanks a bunch, Redwood IP: Logged |
Jupiter Newflake Posts: 0 From: Ireland Registered: May 2011
posted November 07, 2003 02:16 AM
I have a Venus sextile Mars. And i have to say you are exactly right about it being a creative indication. My chosen profession is all about the arts.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 17336 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 08, 2003 01:33 PM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged | |