Topic: Hooking up
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 31, 2006 01:20 AM
Fellow astro-travelers,Once you have found out your planetary energy (What?! You HAVEN'T found out your planetary energy?! Well, you need to go to private&number=12&topic=000461 immediately and find out about that energy! ), all that remains to do is to see how this planetary energy is connected in your chart. To do this we are going to look at six aspects and the "connecting phrase" that goes with them: conjunct - energy needs to be combined with sextile - energy goes easily with square - energy needs to be combined with trine - energy goes very easily with quincunx - energy needs to be adjusted by opposition - energy is over-excited by Picture of Planets, Signs, Aspects Taking a look at your chart, find the aspects between any two planets. For example, from my chart: Moon sextile Neptune Now "plug in" the "astro-sentences" you have created for each of these planets. From my chart: Moon "astro-sentence" sextile Neptune "astro-sentence" Add in the "connecting phrase". From my chart: Moon "astro-sentence" sextile (energy goes easily with) Neptune "astro-sentence" (continued on next screen) IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 31, 2006 01:20 AM
Now expand the 2 "astro-sentences", using the results from your planet work. From my chart: Moon energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies MOON (home)focused on 1RST HOUSE (being)sextile (energy goes easily with) Neptune energy = SCORPIO (transformation) modifies NEPTUNE (spirituality) focused on 3RD HOUSE (thinking) Phew! (with a nod to Cat for giving me this phrase! ) That's a LOT! And that's only ONE aspect "astro-sentence. long as we have it, let's try to make sense of it! My home routine goes easily with my transformative, spiritual thinking. Wait a minute! Maybe that DOES make some sense to me!  As you can see, there are a LOT of aspect "astro-sentences" in everyone's chart. To keep things simple, let's just do two. So your assignment, if you wish to accept it: 1 - Look at your chart and find an aspect between two planets 2 - Write out planet1 "astro-sentence" aspects planet2 "astro-sentence", filling in what planet1, planet2, and the aspect is (using only conjunction, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, and opposition) 3 - Add in the "connecting phrase" (listed next to the aspects) 4 - Expand out the "astro-sentences" for both planets 5 - Write out a description of how these two energies interact 6 - Repeat steps 1 - 5 And that's it! Let me know if you have any questions...otherwise, let's get aspectual!  Aspectually yours, Tim ------------------ For information on basic astrological chart interpretation see: IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 21, 2006 07:49 PM
Okay, I'll give this a try by starting with my first conjunction: Venus conjunct Neptune.Scorpio (transformation) modifies Venus (relationships) focused on 1st House (being) conjunct (energy needs to be combined with) Scorpio (transformation) modifies Neptune (spirituality) focused on 12th House (spirituality). I desire relationships that are both transforming and spiritual. How's that?? ps I'd better work on these conjunction sentences because 9 of my 10 planets fall within a 72 degree do you make sense of the stelliums???
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wilsontc unregistered
posted September 21, 2006 11:23 PM
mystical,Very nice work! For stelliums (three or more conjunct energies in a chart), I consider them as a "clump" of energy. So I look at aspects to the stellium as a WHOLE, rather than looking at aspects to individual planets of the stellium. Clumping, Tim IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 09:19 AM
Okay, Tim I am going to attempt to lump this stellium together.Mars 17 Virgo (tenth house) Pluto 23 Virgo (tenth) Jupiter 25 Virgo (tenth) Uranus 1 Libra (tenth) Moon 9 Libra (eleventh) Mercury 17 Libra (eleventh) Sun 27 Libra (eleventh) I am writing this sentence to include the type of career I WISH I had, lol. My daily work and career need to be active, transforming and/or focused on the occult, expansive with opportunities for travel, preferably with friends while expressing myself and communicating about astrology. Now THAT would be my dream life! since that stellium is sextile my Neptune/Venus conjunction then I suppose that energy would go easily with my spiritual relationships.  Is that even close??? IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 09:44 AM
Also, I am having a bit of trouble with the Sun/Saturn opposition.Sun energy = relationships modifying self expression focused on friends is over-excited by Saturn energy = being modified by duty focused on self expression. So....the way I express myself with friends is over-excited by or somehow at odds with the way I express myself with duty? Hmmmm.....
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shirty unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 10:56 AM
Hey, Maybe you feel that your expression with friends is brought on by a sense of duty to them? Not sure, just guessing..Something to do with Saturn bringing you to express yourself the way you do with friends.. *shrugs* IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 11:14 AM
mystical,Very nice work! And that sounds like a great career! In thinking about career, here are a list of expanded keywords based on the core meaning of sign/planet/house: Since you have strong Virgo and Libra energy, you might like a career that combines: "filing clerk, estimator, domestic help, writer, draughtsman, nutritionist, secretary, analyzer, statistician, gardner, accountant, inspector, craftsman, nurse, receptionist, shopkeeper" type of jobs (Virgo) with "florist, artist, air steward, beauty consultant, hair dresser, arbitrator, counselor, media representative, presenter, beautician, hair dresser, milliner, diplomat" type of jobs in some way. The challenge, as you know, is getting Virgo and Libra to "play nice" with each other, with Virgo wanting to only focus on details and Libra wanting to only focus on relationships! Perhaps if you think in terms of a "routine relationship" type of career this would help you out in any career development/change you are making. It CAN be difficult to put all this "stuff" together in the astro-sentence, so, when in doubt leave it out! Leave out the sign and house information and only concentrate on the core planet information: Sun (self-expression) opposite (over-excited by) Saturn (duty). This indicates that you may be very concerned about the "correct" way to express yourself. Since oppositions frequently indicate relationships between ourselves and could you you feel that OTHERS around you are very concerned about the way YOU express yourself. Keep up the good work!  "Astro-sentencely" careering, Tim IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 11:14 AM
Shirty,This makes sense to me!  Open to possibilities, Tim IP: Logged |
shirty unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 11:17 AM
Sun Opposition MoonSAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) OVER-EXCITED BY GEMINI (thinking) modifies MOON (home) focused on 11TH HOUSE (friends) Most of my creative tendencies, and self-expression is spurred and excited by my thinking about friends, and people who are close to me. They inspire me to write, for example. But they also drive me crazy.. I sometimes need to take time for myself so I am not being 'over-excited' by my Moon. That's the best way I can explain it really.. Tim could you elaborate the 'over-excited' term? Thanks! IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 11:42 AM
Thanks Tim!One thing about myself, I have a lot of energy and I hate to be bored (okay, two things......) I find the list of Virgo jobs boring, except for the nutritionist/healer types. I am very interested in healthy eating/vegetarian cooking/energy healing, etc. Of the Libra list, I have been a beauty consultant, dabble in painting, would make a good beautician (I already do my own and friend's hair),etc. but I'm not really passionate about any of the above. My major was Elementary Education (too restless to be couped up with small children all day)......I have done your typical office work (YAWN), been a personal assistant, worked with sales, event planning/set-up (in the cosmetic industry, of course....LOL) and worked in staffing -- putting other people to work. I found the staffing the most rewarding but hated the loss of freedom due to being on-call 24/7. I would love to co-own a metaphysical shop/vegetarian cafe with friends. Seriously, that is my dream. What do you think? IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 02:13 PM
mystical,This sounds like a great combination of health (Virgo) and relationships (Libra) energy. I think you could do it...but, like any business, there are all sorts of risks involved. Good luck!  Encouraging, Tim IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 02:16 PM
shirty,"Over-excited" is a way to describe the stimulation on BOTH sides of an opposition. Another way to think of it is an eternal tug of war. Neither sides "wins" although they both pull as hard as they can, all the time. The challenge is to use this "always on" energy to stimulate ourself to get things done. Another thing about oppositions is that they frequently involve us vs. something or someone. So people with a lot of oppositions in their chart may feel like the world is after them or just doesn't "get" them in some way. The challenge for the person with oppositions is to realize they are on BOTH sides of the opposition: then they can use BOTH energies to stimulate themselves to get something done...and maybe involve others to help them out with the things that need doing!  Stimulating, Tim IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 26, 2006 04:42 PM
Thanks, Tim! Actually 9 of my planets are on the left side but you are right, I would have to have someone who has a good business sense and experience to go into it with. There's no doubt about it.  IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted March 04, 2008 12:10 PM
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