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  (article) mars in pisces

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Author Topic:   (article) mars in pisces

Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted September 03, 2012 08:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
here you go

(Donna van Toen)
Your have high but erratic emotional energies, adequate mental energies, adequateto-low physical energies, and low practical energies. Your energy is unifying, erratic
and intuitive. It is often channeled into serving others, unifying ideas or principles,
and looking for solutions to difficult problems. Your strengths include your being
charitable, receptive, and imaginative. You lack consistency, drive and goals.
There are plusses to this Mars; but overall, it is a difficult placing. On a positive note,
this position will help offset selfishenss found elsewhere in the chart. It also makes
you kind, forgiving, and a good listener. Usuually it suggests shyness; people with
this position are almost never aggressive, and are frequently of the sort who
apologize when someone else steps on their foot. But the potential problems are
many. Sometimes there's a tendency to be too influenced by others. Other times,
there's a tendency to wander through life with no goals. In still other instances,
there's a fear of the unknown in the material world that leads to involvement in
religion or some form of psychic phenomenon to the exlusion of all else. The emotions
are almost always unpredictable, with ecstatic highs and a tendency to brood when
depressed. This latter tendency needs watching; if carried to extremes, it can make
you quite neurotic or even trigger a persecution complex. Should this be a Mars Tsquare, a Grand Cross, or otherwise under severe stress, extra care is needed with
alcohol, tranquiliers, and psychic phenomena of the spiritualist nature, as these can
cause you to lose touch with reality.
Sexually? Well, Mars in Pisces can usually take sex or leave it alone. If it's a total
union - spiritually, intellectually and emotionally - they'll take it. If someone else
needs it, they'll offer it - particularly if the 'needer' is a wounded bird - non-orgasmic,
impotent, not awfully confident of his / her own sexuality, for example. Mostly,
though, Mars in Pisces is just as happy merely being held as he or she is beingravished. Mars in Pisces men are phenomenally patient; they therefore often attract
women with various sorts of sexual hang-ups. Often they turn out to be just what the
doctor ordered for these women - though occasionally they'll need a doctor for
themselves by the time the affair's over. Women with Mars in Pisces tend to be
somewhat leery of closeness, as if they fear losing themselves and their own
identities in the relationship. They often prefer friends to lovers for this reason, and
invariably go through a phase of being terrified to discover that there are sexual
feelings in the relationship. The terror is worse for a woman with this placement if
she can trace these feelings within herself. However, once this phase is transcended
(which it can be), this woman is loyal and loving, though she may always prefer the
after-cuddles to the actual sex.
You want time for contemplation. You don't want a terribly aggressive or sexually
demanding mate or lover. Your sexuality and type of romantic self-expression is
subtle. You're not aggressive yourself, and don't like people who come on strong.
Your overtures to possible romantic partners are sometimes so low-keyed that they
get misinterpreted - or even missed altogether. They may, in fact, be more instinctive
than conscious much of the time, making it hard for you to figure out what's
happening yourself. For this reason, you need a very perceptive and rather sensitive
type of lover, someone who's willing to spend time and energy drawing you out of
yourself. Someone with Venus in a Water sign, Venus in the 12th house, or Venus
conjunct Neptune, would be ideal.
There are quite a few career directions you can go in successfully, assuming you're
willing to get proper training. Normally, you do best working under others in a public
service capacity, though. No matter what you do, you're apt to experience some
dissatisfaction, as with Mars in Pisces there's a distinct tendency to prefer dreaming
to doing. Some good career areas for you are: automotive engineering, diving or
diving instruction, the textile industry, nursing, medicine, prison work, psychiatric
work, movie work, the shoe trade, work connected with the manufacture or sale of
alcohol, and chemical engineering.
Psychology motivates you, as does virtually anything creative or occult or anything
that can be done now and fogotten about for a long time. By the latter, I mean oneshot, intensive project - things that may involve hard work but give long-term
(preferably permanent) results once done. Motivation flags in areas where the work
is repetitive and has to be done regularly to stay caught up. You meet luck in the
form of people who either help you do things you can't do yourself due to lack of skill
or help you pay for things you truly need. Lucky breaks can also come in the career
area, but these are not always taken advantage of due to a fear that career success
will detract from harmony on the home front. Productive hobbies are a good source
of opportunity; particularly those connected with beautifying your home, exploring
your subconscious in order to remove failure programs, or doing anything that helps
you become more self-sufficient. Theater and film work, social service work, and
hospital work are also good areas to explore.
(Jan Spiller and Karen McCoy)
You may alienate others by assuming that you are the only one who sees the true
spiritual vision. Consequently, by operating from a belief in the Piscean spiritual
superiority, you can camouflage your motives and desires, and negate the input of
others. In withholding yourself from direct involvement, you can lose the vitality of
your direction and become confused. This may result in a scattering of your personal
You can assert yourself by communicating openly about problems that exist in the
personal life. As you share spiritual solutions to practical problems and allow others
to share their insights also, everyone will benefit from an expanded spiritual
awareness. You can gain energy from practical service and a revitalizing sense of
faith in your vision when you allow open and direct interaction with others.
(Babs Kirby and Janey Stubbs)
Mars in Pisces is the most romantic and tricky placement of the Water signs. This is
someone who is extremely sensitive to romantic gestures in love, and able to tune in
to his / her loved ones on the subtlest levels. These people can make the most
attentive lovers, who seduce and overwhelm their loved ones with flattery and
attention. And yet, just as the object of their affections begins to succumb, they may
be on their way, ever elusive, to the next lover. Their effusive gestures of affection
can be in some ways impersonal. With a Mars in Pisces suitor, you are never sure
whether you are the real thing or just a sounding board on which he / she is
practising - the idealized love object of the moment. These psople may want to keep
their vision intact more than they want a partner. And they may enjoy the seduction
process more than a real relationship. They may be in love with the concept of being
in love.
If you are 'the real thing' for a Mars in Pisces person, then your relationship will be
infused with romance and mystery. These people will need a degree of intrigue to
keep them involved, and will themselves regularly inject special ingredients into the
relationship to keep the romance alive. These are poetic souls for whom fantasy,
fiction and fairy-tale may be more real than facts.
There is a deep yearning for an at-oneness with their partner; a total merging, which
they are likely to seek to satisfy through sexual contact. For them, sex may be a
spiritual and sacred experience. It may be an at-oneness with something far greater
than their partner and themselves that they seek, whether they are conscious of it or
not. For someone with Mars in Pisces, there will be a conscious awareness of this
spiritual dimension. The practice of tantric yoga symbolically respresents their
orientation. Someone with such an orientation could, if not in a relationship, spend
long periods celibate. These people may choose to transcend their sexual desires and
to merge with something higher, something divine, bypassing sexuality entirely.
Paradoxically, those with Mars in Pisces can also be the most promiscuous, with no
sense of sexual boundaries, and wanting everyone that they feel attracted to. It really
does depend on their level of consciousness. This is the most passive of the Water
signs, and perhaps the one with the greatest diversity of expression.
(Skye Alexander)
You have a great deal of trouble asserting yourself, and tend to be rather shy,
withdrawn, even timid. Passive and peace-loving, you have no desire to behave
aggressively or engage in any sort of contest or combat with others. You believe in
'turning the other cheek' and are more likely to respond to an assault with
forgiveness or retreat than with violence.
This attitude stems from your keen sensitivity to the feelings of others - not only
humans, but animals and plants as well. You can almost feel another's pain yourself,
and thus cannot bear to inflict injury on anyone or anything. Instead, you are likely tostrive to improve the lot of all defenceless or underprivileged creatures; and the only
fight you might engage in willingly is the fight to end cruelty and tyranny in the
You are private and inclined to withdraw from outer-world activity, unless you have a
number of other planets in sociable signs. What activities you do engage in are
probbely of a personal, inner-directed nature. For artists and persons involved in
spiritual pursuits, such isolation and introspection is essential. Highly imaginative,
you probably channel much of your energy and enthusiasm into some sort of artistic
endeavor. Your sensitivity to color, tone and rhythm might incline you to painting,
photography, dance, music or poetry in particular.
Unless Fire signs are prominent elsewhere in your birth chart, this placement of
Mars signifies a lack of natural vitality, energy and resistance to illness. You probably
need plenty of sleep, and are more susceptible to contagious diseases than most
people. Allergies, too, might trouble you because you are so hypersensitive to
everything in your environment. Although you may not enjoy athletics or any sort of
physical activity, you could increase your stamina and vigor through regular exercise.
Because Pisces is more concerned with cosmic realms than with the physical world,
you might not have much interest in sex. In order for you to be satisfied physically,
you need to be emotionally involved, too. You are extremely idealistic and romantic
about sexual matters; and your expectations might be of a fantasy, storybook sort
that are impossible to achieve in real life. In extreme cases, this placement could
indicate celibacy for religious reasons or self-denial so that all your energy can be
used for your art.
Men with Mars in Pisces often feel somewhat insecure about their masculinity.
Perhaps you have trouble accepting your sensitivity and emotionalism, believing that
such things are signs of weakness. You might fear that you could not defend yourself
against an attack or take care of yourself in difficult circumstances; and these fears
make you feel inadequate. You are proud of your artistic / musical ability, however,
and want to be respected for this talent. You also admire creativity in other men. If
you are involved in religious pursuits, you find strength in your beliefs and practices,
and want to be recognized for your spirituality. Men who are able to accept their
sensitivity, vulnerability and strong emotions as positive qualities see these as
desirable characteristics in a man.
Women with this planetary combination are attracted to men who are gentle, peaceloving, romantic and emotional. Blustering, rough or 'macho' types don't interest you
in the least. You find the sensitive artist or selfless, saintly humanitarian much more
Your heart is touched by someone who appears helpless and needy; and
consequently, you have a tendency to fall for men who are physically or emotionally
ill. As a result, you might find yourself continually getting involved with dependent
partners who are not capable of taking care of themselves, and end up sacrificing for
Overly idealistic, you may be disappointed frequently by the men in your life because
you refuse to see them as they really are, viewing them instead through the mist of
your illusions. You are seeking the perfect lover, a soulmate, but what you are
looking for cannot be found on the Earth plane.

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Posts: 88
From: Ft worth TX USA
Registered: Jun 2012

posted September 03, 2012 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AstroNewb69     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Much apreciated!!

Cancer Sun
Gemini Moon
Saggitarius ASC

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Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted September 03, 2012 01:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG half the article got erased


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Ami Anne

Posts: 37407
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted September 03, 2012 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Posts: 88
From: Ft worth TX USA
Registered: Jun 2012

posted September 04, 2012 02:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AstroNewb69     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thx for fixing it. A lotta stuff in here that's dead on for me lol

Cancer Sun
Gemini Moon
Saggitarius ASC

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Posts: 8745
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 04, 2012 03:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gotta love Scribd.

I only see their results in some google searches.
One day I need to just ram right through that site and see what else is lurking there.

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Posts: 43
Registered: May 2012

posted September 06, 2012 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DrewMann     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have mars in pisces and that sounds NOT like me at all.

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Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted September 06, 2012 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DrewMann:
I have mars in pisces and that sounds NOT like me at all.

maybe you have much stronger planetary influences that overpower the strength of you mars....afterall mars in pisces is considered weak...or maybe its influenced by aspects from other planets...

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Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted October 11, 2012 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 897
From: yep,ks,usa
Registered: Apr 2011

posted October 11, 2012 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for frankie2912     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mars in Pisces, 5th house, conjunct Jupiter, trine Venus, square Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus.

Sounds like me, for the most part...I am more aggressive than they describe. Probably because of the squares. And I am not shy, but withdrawn.

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Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted October 11, 2012 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by frankie2912:
Mars in Pisces, 5th house, conjunct Jupiter, trine Venus, square Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus.

Sounds like me, for the most part...I am more aggressive than they describe. Probably because of the squares. And I am not shy, but withdrawn.

would you like me to post an article on mars in the 5th house? i think it would fit you too

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Posts: 4469
From: the OR
Registered: Sep 2010

posted October 13, 2012 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mmm do you have one on Mars in Cancer? I am developing an interest in them..

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Posts: 1357
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted October 13, 2012 01:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
Mmm do you have one on Mars in Cancer? I am developing an interest in them..

Im off the comp but i will post one as soon as i reach one ^^

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Posts: 4469
From: the OR
Registered: Sep 2010

posted October 13, 2012 05:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you DL!

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