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  progressed Yods and synastric activation (Leeloo)

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Author Topic:   progressed Yods and synastric activation (Leeloo)

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posted July 21, 2014 04:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, I adressed it to Leeloo, because we had been talking about it in another thread, but of course everyone is invited to join.

I am not even sure what the point of this thread is, except I woke up with the thought this morning: I am having a progressed Yod currently.

LOL First thought after coming out of sleep.

But actually I have!

pr Venus on 25.45 Aquarius sextile
n Sun on 25.56 Sagittarius

and both quinkunx
pr Moon on 25.22 Cancer

I then also realized that the symmetry axis is overlaying or at least applying to my Moon/Venus-mp on 26.37 Cap, My Jupiter/Neptune on 25.34 Cap and Jupiter/NN on 25.41 Cap

In a second or third mind-step it registered with me that obviously that means that it fall onto Mr Sag`s natal Venus-Juno-opposition

his Juno on 27.39 Cancer
his Venus on 25.55 Cap

Now the conjunction of my pr Moon to his n Juno might be technically too wide as of now (but applying within a few weeks), but his Venus clearly resides on the release point of this Yod.

BTW his Juno/Venus-mp is on 26.47 Libra, so still an activation there.

I find this even more interesting as in the natal synastry we have a 9th/ 18th harmonic pattern between his Venus and Juno and my Moon and Venus, which in the 9th harmonic chart looks like this:

his Juno conjuncts my Moon and Venus
his Venus opposes my Moon and Venus
though his Juno is more closely aligned with my Moon, and his Venus with my Venus.

We have another harmonic pattern with his Venus-Juno-opposition, this time an 8th harmonic one with my Jupiter, Neptune and nodal axis. But I leave that aside.

But so my pr Moon is moving into a position that is perfect for activating the 9th harmonic pattern, and thus the novile between my Moon and Venus apparently and at the same time making a Yod figure (though this one involves Moon-Sun-Venus rather than Moon-Moon-Venus like the 9th harmonic figure does).

Just thought I`d share this geometry with you.
I am not sure what this means or what it means in terms of events or activations of something, but it surely looks interesting to me.

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's exactly so, Ceri, or at least that's what I believe: temporary Yods such as those involving progressions should be "translated" into the "permanent" structures (natal, composite) in order to be read properly. When there is a Yod formation in progressions, there is supposed to be an event triggering something in the natal.

For example, a progressed chart for a certain period would somehow replicate the Yod in the natal, showing this is the tine frame for the natal Yod to take place. A combination with natal and progressed planets makes the progressed planets (which have the value of transits) trigger natal config. Somehow, all possible Yods are hidden energies in the natal.

The main thing about Yods is: when there's a Yod, there must be an external event/person involved in the triggering.

I will think about the interpretation for your Yod.

Here are some considerations about Yods I wrote on Cappy,s thread, "Yods everywhere", I don't know if you've seen it, I'll repost it here:

A few personal considerations on the Yod:

- all Yods are Boomerangs lol I'm not sure the term Boomerang is the best term for this structure, but I think a Yod is made of 4 planets/points
- as other astrologers pointed out, it's a very fated structure, pointing to a special mission in this life, perhaps the cumulus of several lifetimes. The preparation continues in this life and there is a "gestation" period. The Yod cannot be triggered before its time.
- the Yod is triggered by transits, most likely on at least two points, one of them has to be the apex. I suspect, however, that all three (if not four) are transited when the Yod is triggered.
- currently, I don't see the apex as a result - it is the Finger of God, where God points, the trigger - it is an arrow like structure and like all arrow like structures, the apex is actually the maximum tension of the bow (the nocking point) before releasing the arrow.
- the "result" is the lightening of the whole structure (crystal) with emphasis on the dance of the opposition. The opposition is at the core of the result. The Yod is a "hugging" structure - the energy comes from the apex - a laser beam through the apex - and "hugs" the whole structure, especially the release point. If a person is there, at the release point, it's the primary beneficiary, returning the energy through the mirror of the opposition and the harmonious dance of the sextile, to the "hugger", in a perpetual dance (just like oppositions are, like a tango)
- the preparation is made through the sextile, the only part of the Yod which is in the hands of the protagonist(s); the trigger (apex - the transit) is not in our hands; in a synastry, however, the apex person plays the role of "God", the trigger (the one with the bow, the one releasing the arrow).
- unlike other astrologers, I don't believe the apex has to be a "more" personal planet, the sextile has to be personal (the sextile is the personal part of the Yod, by sign and house and rulers - of course, a generational sextile such as Neptune sextile Pluto has its own personal value based on the chart), the trigger can be any planet.
- the Yod is always a turning point, a major change
- the result (all points lit by the laser beam), the crystal, has a permanent value, there is no return to the previous status, an "evolutionary step" as it has been described by Marchisone
- the Yod needs planetary energy to be triggered. A Yod involving nodes or angles is dormant, well all Yods are, until planets hit the Yod. One of them MUST be on the angle/node IMO. If the apex is an angle/node, the Yod is about the whole axis, of course. For example, a Yod with an ASC as apex hit by Pluto on ASC will result in a major transformation/turning point on the ASC/DSC axis, the preparation for it being the sextile. The "primary" result will be connected to relationships (DSC), the "secondary" result will be on ASC, as a mirroring effect of the opposition. The whole axis will be lit.
- the Yod is basically a midpoint structure - the midpoint of a sextile - so the sextile is major in a Yod - it's a whole meditation and poetry about the sextile as an aspect here, in the Yod. The opp and the sextile create a cross and all four planets are reunited: the two planets in the sextile are joined, so are the other two, on the opp axis. There are many things to be said and considered here when it comes to the Yod's sextile.
- although sometimes the opp to the apex appears non-existent, it IS there; either as a major mdp, an asteroid showing the mission, an outer planet transiting slowly over there.
- some Yods are "house" Yods, the release highlights an entire house rather than a planet/point. In this case, all planets/asteroids/mdp there will be somehow related to the Yod.

My natal chart revolves around a Yod.

The sextile is Moon/Mercury (7th and 8th house, rulers of 5th 7th and 8th)
The apex is Jupiter in Pisces 2nd (ruler of 11th)
The release is my Sun/Venus mdp, with an asteroid there
My Yod is not triggered yet. When triggered, it will reunite Moon and Mercury on one hand and Jupiter with my Sun/Venus mdp, on the 2nd/8th axis. So basically 5 planets are involved here, acting in sync.

Of course, these are mostly considerations about Yods in the natal chart. I'll come back with a few ideas on the synastric Yod.


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posted July 21, 2014 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes I read your thoughts on the Yod n that thread, and wanted to congratulate you on them. ery thoughtworthy thoughts.
Especially about the release point, I certainly can see that.

Well in my case it is just a temporary Yod. I do not have a Yod in my natal, I just provide some sextiles and quinkunxes for others to Yodify me.

Interestingly Mr Sag has a Yod of his Moon sextile his Psyche and Priapus (if we use asteroids that is) and both quinkunx his Juno, with Venus as release point obviously.

The funny thing is that actually both his Psyche and Priapus are a tad wide in orb for making this a crispy Yod.

His Moon on 28 Sag and his Juno on 27 Cancer
are certainly very close, but his Psyche on 25 Aqua and his Priapus on 00 Pisces, are a tad wide for asteroid.
Actually I was thinking that there should be a planet on the midpoint of his Psyche and Priapus, that would draw them so much closer into that Yod.
He doesn`t have any there.

But the funny coincidence is that my Black Moon falls there. lol
Very close to his Priapus (which is juicy enough on its own).

Anyway so his Priapus/Psyche is on 28.00 Aquarius
my Lilith falls on 27.57 Aquarius

That is rather close. lol

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you!

OK, first thing I notice, this is a very interesting and rather important Yod, I'd say because it sits on your NN axis, and it comes from SN to NN. So it could potentially point to a meeting happening in relation to SN that gives you a push to your NN, because that's where the release is.

The second thing I notice: this is a rather "short" Yod, it must have a short time frame, being with progressed Moon and progressed Venus. What is the time frame? When did it start (let's say Moon applying to quincunx 3 deg) of course, when Venus is already there, I mean in sync with Venus.

What is interesting about a short time frame is that you can actually know the tine frame for the event.

Another thing to check: the transits on these three points for that exact time frame (and if something is on your NN position). And of course, him as your "transit", as you already did - a major overlapping with his Venus opp.


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From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted July 21, 2014 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On second thought, I think applying 2 deg is much better. 3 is too wide.


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posted July 21, 2014 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I am confused, no the Yod isn`t associated with my nodal axis at all.
But wait a moment, do you maybe refer to Vertex on 21 Cancer?
Well you know me, I`d say it is kind of there, but not really. lol
Well okay in this case i am inclined to say it is there, because asteroid DESTINN is on 23 Cancer as well.

I will check for the things you mentioned

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But you said this:

I then also realized that the symmetry axis is overlaying or at least applying to my Moon/Venus-mp on 26.37 Cap, My Jupiter/Neptune on 25.34 Cap and Jupiter/NN on 25.41 Cap

which means the release of this Yod is on your NN. No??

If pMoon is the apex of this Yod, then the release is the opp point in Cap.

It is however your pNN, not natal NN. your natal NN must be close to mine, in Sag 14.

OK, sorry, now I got it: you were talking mdp, I thought you had these conjunctions in progressed.

Anyway, the idea is to identify the CLOSEST point in your natal chart, to the release area. The orb doesn't count too much, I'll explain later. In this case, I take it it is your natal Anti-Vertex, right??

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posted July 21, 2014 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was using the pr Moon-prVenus quinkunx as basis for the checkup.

pr Moon was exactly 2° applying to pr Venus on 13th june this year

pr Moon: 23.36 Cancer
pr VEnus: 25.37 Aquarius
n Sun: 25.56 Sagittarius

you KNOW that this was the exact day, he was saying publicly I was driving him crazy, right?

Wow! What a timing!
(of course it started kind of a few days before).


5./ 6th august:
pr Moon 25.48 Cancer
pr Venus 25.48 Aquarius


9th august
pr Moon 25.56 Cancer
n Sun 25.56 Sagittarius

The PEAK of the pr Venus-n Sun-sextile:
13th september

pr Venus: 25.56 Aqua
n Sun: 25.56 Sag

pr Moon will be at: 27.23 Cancer (on his Juno on 27.39 Cancer)

The FADE_OUT- phase

26th september:

pr Moon: 27.56 Cancer
n Sun: 25.56 Sag
pr Venus: 25.58 Aquarius

27th september:

pr Moon: 27.58 Cancer
pr Venus: 25.58 Aquarius

So as you can see the progressed Moon will fade out of 2 degree orb, just a few days after the Venus-Sun-sextile has peaked.
In fact, I read in Bernadette Brady`s book that the peak of progressions (and transits) are 12 minutes of orb, so the peak of that Sun-Venus-sextile will be peaking for some time longer

The peak of Sun-Venus starts on .... oh, today, no yesterday. lol - and ends on 15th november; interestingly on 15th november my pr Moon will change signs and be on 00.00 Leo!

Some degrees into Leo, pr Moon will trigger two other Yods, too.

On about 6/ 7 degree will be sextile my DESC on 7 Gemini and both quinkunx my Venus on 6 Capricorn.

On about 10 degrees will be sextile my Pluto on 9 Libra and quinkunx my Jupiter on 11 Pisces.

Actually when the first next Yod with Venus and dESC is forming, pr Moon will also be opposing pr Sun on 6 Aquarius - so a fullmoon. Whoa.

Let`s see when this is going to take place.

12th april 2015: pr Moon 6.08 Leo, precisely quinkunx natal Venus

5th may 2015: pr Moon 7.06 Leo, precisely trine n ASC and sextile n DESC.

4th may 2015 (3 p.m.. lol solar fire is amazing. ): pr Moon 7.03 Leo precisely opposing pr Sun, a fullmoon in progressions. And as you can see the fullmoon peaks just at the same time as the Yod begins forming.

Of course this means that pr Sun will be trine my n DESC, too (20th may: 0.00 orb).

This is even more shocking, as i had already been pondering about that March/ April/May 2015, because of a solar arc picture

sa Venus conjunct natal Moon 16th march

Tr Uranus square natal SAturn: 15th april
(this one I had already gotten a fleeting sense of on 13th june (! of all days!), when it came to a one degree orb to squaring my natal Saturn

Tr Node conjunct natal Pluto: 18th may

anyway looking too far ahead, I know still have to check this year. lol

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posted July 21, 2014 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

Anyway, the idea is to identify the CLOSEST point in your natal chart, to the release area. The orb doesn't count too much, I'll explain later. In this case, I take it it is your natal Anti-Vertex, right??

Orb does always count, but since the energy has to be released somewhere, I suppose this might work, even though the release might be a bit less dynamic/ powerful/ instant/ violent/ energetic than if the orb was closer, it will still be there, cause energy HAS to go somewhere, it cannot simply disappear.

But yes, my Antivertex is on 21. 34 Capricorn.

Funny enough HIS Venus is so much closer to the release point (25.55 Capricorn). Maybe he is my lightening rod?
(however that would manifest in real life. lol)

Actually since my natal Sun is on 25.56 Sagittarius, and both pr Moon and pr Venus will evenutally mould together on about 25.55 as well, this is one very precise lightening rod there!

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, by orbs not counting, that's what I meant. There is always a movement with Yods, a certain "timeframe", it's more like a "chain of events" than a single event (of course, a single event can be the trigger of the chain). And there is this movement to see in perspective, like you did with Venus and the lightening rod here lol

Anything in the release area will be eventually touched by the transit to the apex, because planets don't disappear after touching a point, they continue their movement. In this case for instance, it is clear that the apex first transited your Vertex (21 Cancer), produced a meeting (the antivertex) and a bit later the Yod was triggered - so a meeting is related to this Yod triggering. there is a story, a sequence of events. Like you did when you left for the concert, there was a storm if I remember correctly, a delay, your parents coming to get you etc. - the chain of events.

I'm not sure if I express myself clearly enough lol Anyway, in this case, it is obvious that your natal Vertex axis was triggered before the Yod itself (the heart of the matter) was triggered, as part of the process of triggering this Yod. That's the beauty of Yods, this story

Wow, impressive analysis Ceri, I'll read it in detail. I'm already impressed by 13th June. So it seems to be related to that meeting, right?? That's when pMoon aligned for Yod.


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posted July 21, 2014 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree with you on that sequence of events.

Actually I think of orbs in two different way, one the instant triggering (exact-close), but if there is a bit more leeway (I said a bit, not 12 degree! lol) there will be a sequence of events, like dominos falling, but one after the other, instead of all at the same time, the larger the orb, the longer it will take until the next domino falls. At some point however, if the empty space between gets TOO large, the coherence will break down, and there is no real structure anymore to speak about, just isolated events. Of cousre it is up to discussion when this happens.

"In this case for instance, it is clear that the apex first transited your Vertex (21 Cancer)"
You have NO idea HOW important that degree is and was!

Natally my EROS is on 21 Cancer as well, and my Sun/Moon-mp is on 21 Capricorn; so there is no way to overestimate this axis. it is my very personal spear of destiny!

However, in this course of events however, it got even more emphasised.
Let me show you how:

Focusing on just 21.00-21.59 Cardinal I was having:

pr Moon conjunct n Vertex: 25th april
(one day before seeing him in the Artus-musical)

Tr Jupiter opp. Sun/Moon-mp: 6th june
Tr Jupiter conj. Vertex: 7th june

Tr Jupiter conj. pr Moon: 17th june (23.46 Cancer - could not ignore that though)

sa Jupiter square n Sun/Moon: 13th july (start)
sa Jupiter square n Vertex: 2nd august

Tr SN conj. sa Jupiter: 8th august (21.34 Libra-Aries)
Tr NN square Vertex: 9th August (oh THIS date again)
Tr NN square Sun/Moon: 8th/9th august

What I find interesting is that Tr Jupiter is on my Vertex and opp. Sun/Moon-mp in this timeframe; when we first met Tr Jupiter was exactly conjunct my Antivertex and Sun/Moon-mp

However back then it was just floating around; now it is backed up and mirrored by my Sa Jupiter= pr Moon= n Vx= n Sun/Moon-mp
And of course also including the transiting nodal axis

8actually our composite is approaching a nodal return in a few weeks, and of course it will trigger our composite Amor, Cupido and Mars as well, whic in turn is linked to his Pluto, 8th house ruler and intercepted in his 7th house in his natal. My Sappho falling right there (well he better get back to this piano of his and writes some songs about me )

anyway I disgress.

" Like you did when you left for the concert, there was a storm if I remember correctly, a delay, your parents coming to get you etc. - the chain of events."
Yes but that was the open air on 9th june, at the beginning of the week

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

Yes but that was the open air on 9th june, at the beginning of the week

Yes, I know, it was just an example of "chain of events" or story.

Let's actually have two important Yods coming, in terms of progressions. I'm impressed that you discovered this Yod when the sextile is activated (the preparation phase, remember? )


5./ 6th august:
pr Moon 25.48 Cancer
pr Venus 25.48 Aquarius


9th august
pr Moon 25.56 Cancer
n Sun 25.56 Sagittarius

The PEAK of the pr Venus-n Sun-sextile:
13th september

pr Venus: 25.56 Aqua
n Sun: 25.56 Sag

pr Moon will be at: 27.23 Cancer (on his Juno on 27.39 Cancer)

The FADE_OUT- phase

26th september:

pr Moon: 27.56 Cancer
n Sun: 25.56 Sag
pr Venus: 25.58 Aquarius

27th september:

pr Moon: 27.58 Cancer
pr Venus: 25.58 Aquarius

I'm not sure yet, but I'm seeing the sextile activation is the actual timeframe (including pre-preparation and post-preparation - reaction to the Yod event (s))

so app. 5 august - 25 september for this Yodal "event" or chain of events/turning point phase. (but it did start appl on 13th June)

However, I'm thinking the major event is definitely supposed to happen between 5 and 9 of August. Now you have to keep me posted

A Moon Yod could mean (in general): something very emotional, related to femininity, maternity, to the house your natal Moon rules, something related to a woman or with a woman as an intermediary, anything else related to the Moon 9actually Moon covers a broad range of things)

But the most interesting thing is to look at the primary result, the release. What house is impacted? What else do you have there, in the Yod range? oh, yes, those mdp. I think Moon/Venus is a major key (since it's a Moon/Venus Yod) - is that mdp the closest one to the apex (release point)?

The same with the other Yod.


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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 21, 2014 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

Actually I think of orbs in two different way, one the instant triggering (exact-close), but if there is a bit more leeway (I said a bit, not 12 degree! lol) there will be a sequence of events, like dominos falling, but one after the other, instead of all at the same time, the larger the orb, the longer it will take until the next domino falls. At some point however, if the empty space between gets TOO large, the coherence will break down, and there is no real structure anymore to speak about, just isolated events. Of cousre it is up to discussion when this happens.

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posted July 21, 2014 04:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as for the midpoints near the release point. Let`s say this is 25.56 Capricorn (my 2nd house btw), and Moon rules 8th house, and while pr Moon is in 8th house natally (and progressed 7th), my natal Moon is in 2nd house.

The tightest midpoints to 25.56 Capricorn are:

Jupiter/Neptune: 0.22
Jupiter/Node: 0.15
Uranus/Chiron: 0.15
Mars/Juno: 0.08
Moon/Venus: 0.41

So I think technically it is the Mars/Juno-midpoint.

NOW if THAT isn`t an interesting new realization staring at me right there!

Brings to memory how Mr Sag has Venus-Juno-opposition, with his Venus being on 25.55 Capricorn (nothing beats HIS Venus in closeness. lol)

But anyway also brings to memory the septile pattern we have.

Mars biseptile Juno 1.03

Venus biseptile Chiron 0.49

his Venus septile my Mars 0.40
his Venus septile my Juno 0.22
his Chiron septile my Juno 1.12
his Chiron triseptile my Mars 1.34

this of course alerts us to possible midpoint pictures, right?

my Mars/Juno 26.04 Capricorn conj. his Venus 25.55 Capricorn
(his Venus/Juno 26.47 Libra btw)

Interestingly his Chiron is involved in a few Yods in our synastry as well, but those are are a little generational (though one includes my ASC, and his Draco Chiron is conjunct my tropical ASC, so it might not be that insignificant after all).

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Posts: 4464
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 22, 2014 06:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That is cool! So his Venus and your Mars/Juno are primarily hit, they are the focus. It's like a solved puzzle and Mars/Juno is actually "your ideal male partner"

BTW, your Sun is the "permanent" part of the Yod, being the only natal planet as part of it. So your Sun's in love (Sun/Venus sextile) and gets hit by the Moon, leading to a 2nd/8th house development involving your ideal male partner.

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posted July 22, 2014 07:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, I forgot to mention that naturally my Mercury will be hit, too, as my Sun is on 25.56 Sag and my Mercury on 25.02 Sag. Actually my Mercury is hit before; just might be not unimportant, as Mercury is my 7th house ruler.
You think Ishould have mentioned it?

The tightest release point to the Yod on 25.02 woudl actually be ceres/NN with an orb of 0.10. But pr Venus has of course passed the peak of 25.03 Aquarius already, though now that I think of it I have a stationary Mercury in progressions, preparing to turn retrograde, which is at 24.16 Aquarius now (it will turn retrograde in feb 2018, on which date it will be on 25.26 Aquarius, so it really is slow motion with this one).

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