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  @Todd... need to apologize, and an update

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Author Topic:   @Todd... need to apologize, and an update

Posts: 451
From: Rome, Italy
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posted August 19, 2019 11:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Todd,

...remember the last chart I have asked your insight about? The virtual friend I'm curious to meet? Well... 🙄 after you gave your kind feedback, I realized I made a big mess, mistaking the charts with the two different people born in the same day, but in different (close) years... Basically, when I asked you about the virtual friend, I had given you the chart with the guy I'm in love instead, while the former chart you read for me some time ago was the one with the virtual contact... cause I had mistaken the files names since the first moment I had saved them both on my computer! 😱

How is this possible? Because I'm a messy Aquarius Sun/Pisces ASC!!!

Well, just wanted to apologize for being so messy... 🙏

(when I realized this, believe me, I couldnt believe I had made up such a wrong idea around those charts linked to the wrong persons for so long!!!)

The good news are that I believe you were spot on in any case, even though I had given the wrong story behind the charts
I mean that your reading was actually correct for both charts, despite the wrong given context! 😄

The bad news is that few days after you read the chart with the guy I love (believing it was about the virtual friend instead!), I've been informed he got married (I mean my love, not the virtual friend)...

So, your only "mistake" was to suggest those days were favourable to meet him, cause meanwhile he was actually getting married with someone else 😢 but since we believed we were talking about a different person, the virtual friend, I cant say it was a mistake! Not yours, cause if I had given you the correct background story, I believe you would have looked at different transits and meanings!

Eventually, given the correct chart/background story with the one I love, I'd dare to ask... you have said he would not compromise, that he would rule things and that it is a bipolar/love-hate rs (well, since he decided to ghost me for no apparent reason since two years. while staying connected to me in a crazy telepathic way, it seems you might be right) so I guess this works also related to his new married life ("a almost pathological need to rule the partner") and I guess that if I was a reasonable person (it seems I am not!) I'd just need to forget this story once and for all... Do you think his marriage can be a breaking point for me to finally forget him and overcome this, considering I cant think of nothing else but this person since three years, and given that our strong telepathic/synchronicity connection is still hunting me on an everyday basis ?

You also said that it looks like a past life connection ("orcus is conjunct the moon and Lilith, but it doesn't indicate a positive past life connection. Pluto opposed the sun could likewise give impulses of a past life,but overall there is more oppression that love indicated.") ...Is with his marriage our Karma solved or will it remain unsolved? Is this up just to me, myself-awareness, my self-worth, or is there another "level" of karma I have no control over in this connection? for instance, given by the "Vertex" involvement you have been explaining some time ago in another post? (we have Vertex/Chiron (7h h) conjunct Saturn and Vertex (7h h) square Venus in synastry; Vertex/Pluto midpoint conjunct Karma on his DSC and Karma/Psyche conjunct NN/Pluto midpoint in Draconic synastry; and vertex/Moon opposite Psyche in Composite)

I have checked our Draconic synastry... I dont know what you think of Draconic method, I've been told here you can check the "other wordly" connection better and what it is about... what's your opinion about this, you find it a reliable method?

Dont know if you feel like adding anything now that I can give the correct chart/context, about the situation with my "impossible" love, even more impossible now....

Thank you and forgive my big mistake again
🙏 🙏 🙏

Your messy, clumsy Aquarius12thhouseSun/PiscesASC friend 💙

Draconic Synastry (Eva & James as named asteroids, I added also Karma, Amor, Cupido)



Progressed Composite (at this time)

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posted August 20, 2019 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have made a few embarrassing mistakes...sure makes one feel incompetent.

i'll look at the composite. I don't use draconic charts enough to be confident of my opinions. as they are a function of the node ,I am sympathetic to draconic chart but....

also my browser won't open up the chart so..what to do?

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Posts: 451
From: Rome, Italy
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posted August 20, 2019 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
I have made a few embarrassing mistakes...sure makes one feel incompetent.

i'll look at the composite. I don't use draconic charts enough to be confident of my opinions. as they are a function of the node ,I am sympathetic to draconic chart but....

also my browser won't open up the chart so..what to do?

OMG, Todd, it's not your fault at all and you did not make mistakes, it's me who exchanged the charts and gave you a wrong context !!! So sorry about it and feel ashamed!!

Where may I post the chart for you to open it ?

If you like, I can give you our birth data and everything, no problem at all !


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posted August 20, 2019 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

i'm looking forward to this reading!!

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posted August 20, 2019 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You see how clumsy I am? I have just found out how to post the images from Imgur, LOL

Can you see the charts now Todd ?

(me inside)

Draconic synastry



Prog Composite

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posted August 21, 2019 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok but let me get this straight....this is your composite with the guy you are obsessed with and is now married?


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Posts: 451
From: Rome, Italy
Registered: Mar 2019

posted August 21, 2019 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
ok but let me get this straight....this is your composite with the guy you are obsessed with and is now married?


Yes, it is! He's also the one whom I have a weird psychic connection with and lots of synchronicities since three years...

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posted August 21, 2019 03:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi Stoika7

well first off , the basic energy uniting you is from nessus. you have nessus square the node and the composite has nessus conjunct the south node, Saturn and the descendant.

in addition the node on the ascendant is symbolic of a direct psychic connection. this is why you r connected psychically and with dreams. this will always be so maybe it will lessen if you mentally block him.

Nessus's position implies that you have a nessus/abusive hook. some where in your childhood you wer made to feel inferior and under someones else control.. this is likely the psychological reason you are having a hard time letting go. he reinforces you low self esteem and unconsciously makes you want to have him as your master.

the mercury/venus midpoint is opposed to pluto and the Uranus/mercury midpoint is square to pluto.this would explain you intense attraction to him even though the Uranus/venus opposition can only lead to a brief affair.with pluto involved ,your obsession to him is depicted as a strong pluto in emotional relationship are often obsessive, that is ,it is difficult to let go after the relationship is over.
Neptune square to Jupiter invariably shows there is an element of deception or duplicity. here I would think you were lead in some way to believe the emotional connection was strong whereas,if he made such comments,it was false from the beginning.
as the vertex/Lilith midpoint is conjunct to moon and opposed to psyche, you have been swept up emotionally in the energies of higher planes. lilith shows you deep spontaneous love and the vertex shows the unrealistic intense attraction.
your emotions are on an altered state of reality and your earthy desires are out of place. this is a common problem with the vertex , it brings energies that realistically can never be integrated into a human relationship.
as the south node is conjunct psyche right now,i would expect your emotional discomfiture to continue till the end of august


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Posts: 451
From: Rome, Italy
Registered: Mar 2019

posted August 21, 2019 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
hi Stoika7

well first off , the basic energy uniting you is from nessus. you have nessus square the node and the composite has nessus conjunct the south node, Saturn and the descendant.

in addition the node on the ascendant is symbolic of a direct psychic connection. this is why you r connected psychically and with dreams. this will always be so maybe it will lessen if you mentally block him.

Nessus's position implies that you have a nessus/abusive hook. some where in your childhood you wer made to feel inferior and under someones else control.. this is likely the psychological reason you are having a hard time letting go. he reinforces you low self esteem and unconsciously makes you want to have him as your master.

the mercury/venus midpoint is opposed to pluto and the Uranus/mercury midpoint is square to pluto.this would explain you intense attraction to him even though the Uranus/venus opposition can only lead to a brief affair.with pluto involved ,your obsession to him is depicted as a strong pluto in emotional relationship are often obsessive, that is ,it is difficult to let go after the relationship is over.
Neptune square to Jupiter invariably shows there is an element of deception or duplicity. here I would think you were lead in some way to believe the emotional connection was strong whereas,if he made such comments,it was false from the beginning.
as the vertex/Lilith midpoint is conjunct to moon and opposed to psyche, you have been swept up emotionally in the energies of higher planes. lilith shows you deep spontaneous love and the vertex shows the unrealistic intense attraction.
your emotions are on an altered state of reality and your earthy desires are out of place. this is a common problem with the vertex , it brings energies that realistically can never be integrated into a human relationship.
as the south node is conjunct psyche right now,i would expect your emotional discomfiture to continue till the end of august


Hi Todd, cant thank you enough again!

Nessus puzzles me a lot... I dont think I had someone making me feel inferior, I dont remember at all at least, as a child I was quite pampered and maybe even put on a pedestal too much, but my mom was quite "obsessed" with me, in a good way of course, and I can confirm the feeling of being put a little too much "under control" by her... I dont think this gave me an inferiority complex, but a rebel trait instead, i.e. a radical hatred for any form of authority, I dont know if this is something you can link to that Nessus square Node aspect....

I am not sure how this Nessus aspect impact my "obsession" for this man... dont have any idea of in which way I would see him as a "master", but as an ideal man, yes, in my idealization of him of course, but if you talk of subconscious reasons I am not aware of such issue at all, not yet at least....

I had the feeling of the "abuse" when he ghosted me, I experienced this as a very brutal act from him, terribly unfair and humiliating for me, I have to say, cause I couldnt understand the reason why he did so.

As for Neptune square Jupiter... none of the two ever admitted any feeling towards the other, even though I have always felt my intense attraction was mutual, so I'd guess it was more about my self-deception than his deception......

What do you mean by "energies that realistically can never be integrated into a human relationship" ? That Vertex energies suggest nothing will ever be possible as expected ?

Oh, I wish so much you were right about being able to move on by the end of August, LOL !! I'm actually quite pessimistic about this one, but thank you 🙏

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From: Rome, Italy
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posted August 22, 2019 12:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Todd... sorry, I'm still "processing" what you said.
You said our psychic connection will always be so, unless I " mentally block him".
The funny thing is that any time I have "mentally blocked him", i.e. I wasn't thinking of him for a while and could detach a little from my obsession, the synchronicities started again, out of nowhere, surprising me every time, drawing me back to my obsession again.
This is one of the main weird things I could not find an answer yet. I don't understand why he rejected me, ghosted me, but then "called me" (in an other worldy dimension) again as soon as I would finally detach. Is it my subconscious for some mysterious reason so bound to him to deceive me and make me "see things" as if he was calling me, or... what?
If he ghosted me, if the Vertex "brings energies that realistically can never be integrated into a human relationship", why do we have this psychic connection, what's the purpose of this, that NN on the ASC, I dont understand... a meaningless psychic connection just there to drive me crazy and deceive me?!
And, does he feel the connection too, or is it just me, a "one way" connection?

Then I'd like to ask, if you dont mind, can you see any aspect showing he rejected me and/or that can explain why he ghosted me?

And only one more thing (then I promise I wont annoy you ever again with this story!), how much do you take into account progressed charts?

Within four years, our progressed Composite shows Moon conjunct Sun (4th house), Venus conjunct Saturn (5th house trine Uranus), Mercury conjunct SN (4th house), Vertex conjunct DSC opposite Juno/ASC... can I expect I may at least have a chance of being in contact with this person again, given those future progressed aspects?

When we met, we had Prog Venus conjunct SN (4th house), Mars conjunct Saturn (5thhouse), Moon conjunct ASC, Vertex conjunct DSC opposite Moon/Juno midpoint, and a Kite formed by Neptune/Moon/Pluto/Mercury...

🙏 💙

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posted August 24, 2019 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stoika7:
[B]Todd... sorry, I'm still "processing" what you said.
You said our psychic connection will always be so, unless I " mentally block him".
The funny thing is that any time I have "mentally blocked him", i.e. I wasn't thinking of him for a while and could detach a little from my obsession, the synchronicities started again, out of nowhere, surprising me every time, drawing me back to my obsession again.

the vertex is conjunct the descendent and the sun is square to ceres/juno and opposed to asteroid eva.the vertex is a "blind" energy so you can't consciously block your feeling out because of this. as ceres/eva and the sun are involved with the vertex, you are personally drawn back into reminiscing about what was and might have been.

This is one of the main weird things I could not find an answer yet. I don't understand why he rejected me, ghosted me, but then "called me" (in an other worldy dimension) again as soon as I would finally detach. Is it my subconscious for some mysterious reason so bound to him to deceive me and make me "see things" as if he was calling me, or... what?

james is square to Lilith so he is deeply and subconsciously affected by the relationship. the midpoint of Uranus and venus is conjunct the vertex, so just as the "blind' energy of the vertex affects you, it also affects him. here the immense physical/sexual/psychic attraction stimulates him to repeatly reach out on the astral.
this makes the point I often repeat ,that vertex energy is very difficult to integrate into a "normal".here the strong attractive vibrations of ceres and juno are opposed by the electric but unstable emotional attraction of Uranus and venus.
the vertex is symbolic of energies of a higher plane and though they directly affect life on earth because the vertex is a solar manifestation, the vertex energies are most often too rarified to add cohesion to earthy desires.

If he ghosted me, if the Vertex "brings energies that realistically can never be integrated into a human relationship", why do we have this psychic connection, what's the purpose of this, that NN on the ASC, I dont understand... a meaningless psychic connection just there to drive me crazy and deceive me?!
And, does he feel the connection too, or is it just me, a "one way" connection?
Then I'd like to ask, if you dont mind, can you see any aspect showing he rejected me and/or that can explain why he ghosted me?

his ghosting you seems to me related to the tsquare of Jupiter square the mercury/Neptune oppositions.
I have found invariably that a juptier/Neptune square in a composite is duplicitous at best and overtly deceptive.
ghosting you goes along with this as certain things he has said to you are false and therefore he chooses to just "fade out" rather that have to confront his misrepresentations or lies.

And only one more thing (then I promise I wont annoy you ever again with this story!), how much do you take into account progressed charts?

to tell the truth, because I place so much value on the node, which is non corpreal ,I rarely use the "philosophical" techniques of the progressed chart. this is not to say that the progressed doesn't have value but I have found the transits,especially nodal, to the natal charts give a better indication of when and why experiences or feelings etc, will occur. I have found that nodal transits to the progressed chart do seem to activate the progressed chart with intensity that other transits do not.

Within four years, our progressed Composite shows Moon conjunct Sun (4th house), Venus conjunct Saturn (5th house trine Uranus), Mercury conjunct SN (4th house), Vertex conjunct DSC opposite Juno/ASC... can I expect I may at least have a chance of being in contact with this person again, given those future progressed aspects?

When we met, we had Prog Venus conjunct SN (4th house), Mars conjunct Saturn (5thhouse), Moon conjunct ASC, Vertex conjunct DSC opposite Moon/Juno midpoint, and a Kite formed by Neptune/Moon/Pluto/Mercury...

as I said above, I suggest you see if the transiting node makes any aspects to the progressed aspects you mention. if so those progressed aspects would have a higher probability of manifesting.

I just try to stay with transits that are most regularly true and the node is by far the element which gives the highest probability that an experience will occur described or portended by apattern of aspects

🙏 💙


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Posts: 451
From: Rome, Italy
Registered: Mar 2019

posted August 25, 2019 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as I said above, I suggest you see if the transiting node makes any aspects to the progressed aspects you mention. if so those progressed aspects would have a higher probability of manifesting.

I just try to with transits that are most regularly true and the node is by far the element which gives the highest probability that an experience will occur described or portended by apattern of aspects

Thanks a lot for this Todd !!

Most significant transiting node I found on the progressed chart will occur in October 2026 (!!), with tr NN conjunct prog Juno/ASC opposite Vertex whilst tr Uranus/Moon is conjunct to prog Sun/Mercury/SN/Moon/Venus/Saturn, tr Saturn conjunct Prog Eros and tr Pluto/Juno conjunct Psyche... even though, at the same date, transiting node in Composite dont look so significant at all...
In a closer future, tr NN conjunct prog. SN/Venus, whilst tr Chiron conjunct prog Moon/Eros and tr Uranus square to ASC/Juno, in Nov 2020...
are these significant transits?
When we met for the first time, we had tr NN conjunct prog Jupiter square to prog SN/Venus/Mercury, tr Saturn conjunct Prog NN, tr Uranus conjunct prog. Chiron... in the Composite, the transits where pretty similar, with tr NN conjunct Jupiter, tr Uranus conjunct Chiron/Venus and tr Moon conjunct Saturn/DSC/SN...

the vertex is conjunct the descendent and the sun is square to ceres/juno and opposed to asteroid eva.the vertex is a "blind" energy so you can't consciously block your feeling out because of this. as ceres/eva and the sun are involved with the vertex, you are personally drawn back into reminiscing about what was and might have been.

Yes dear Todd, this is exactly how I have been experiencing this. No matter what I consciously choose, to think of him or just have him out of my mind, the synchronicities show up unexpectedly, out of my control... like him posting pictures on instagram showing exactly the same situation I'm in that exact moment or referring precisely to something I have just seen, either in a symbolic way or with exact names, sentences, places, situations... or hearing that a dream I had or a story I have just written reflects something that is happening to him right in that moment, with exact names, situations, places... crazy stuff and synchronicites all the time. But I have been "feeling" even his thought sometimes, like if I could read it, or he has been writing on facebook or instagram exact sentences reflecting my mind or my writings simoultaneously, like if he was literally copying me all the time...
The same experience of finding his house was very weird and unexpected, accidentally walking along an alley of the largest town in Europe, and all of a sudden seeing him through the window of an house I had never seen before. I recognized the door and the gate only cause he had posted a picture of his house on instagram just the day before, like he was sending me the message, "find me"!!

his ghosting you seems to me related to the tsquare of Jupiter square the mercury/Neptune oppositions.
I have found invariably that a juptier/Neptune square in a composite is duplicitous at best and overtly deceptive.
ghosting you goes along with this as certain things he has said to you are false and therefore he chooses to just "fade out" rather that have to confront his misrepresentations or lies.

I honestly have no clue about he being deceptive. We met just few times, we're linked by an artistic environment, I know who he is and hsi artistic activity, I felt our attraction was mutual but I could be wrong, I saw the synchronicities, we have common friends admiring him a lot and always saying good things about him, I know about his humanitarian stance and activism... so to say, I have no clue of what the lie could be about, maybe its just a potential aspect that I didnt have the chance to experience cause I haven't been intimate with him enough... I had the feeling though the he wanted to avoid confrontation, that the whole situation might have not been "comfortable" for him, that he had just dated his future wife those days and that he didnt probably know how to deal with me or maybe with the attraction I was feeling between us.......

So, I am wondering about this whole "deceptive" aspect, which now I feel more as a self-deceptive aspect cause my expectations were completely disappointed by the fact he ghosted me, the idea that I had about him was deeply mistaken cause I didnt expect him to be someone who would just "fade away" and leave me with this eternal silence.

The only answer I could give myself is that our synchronicity/psychic connection was powerful and since it scared me, it might have scared him as well... but I guess I'll never really find out.

Thanks again for all your help! 🧡

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