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  Bloody Heck, Repeating Patterns in Romance?

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Author Topic:   Bloody Heck, Repeating Patterns in Romance?

Posts: 242
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posted October 18, 2019 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I met someone this past weekend. It's weird the similarities with the past person. Both very independent, emotionally unavailable, and fairly self focused.

Also odd. Up until the person I had met in June and who I've talked about previously here, I've never been romantically involved with anyone with Asian descent. She is half Asian.

I know that some white guys have a thing for Asian women but that never applied to me. I don't really have a physical type ethnically or generally too much either, though I do happen to find a lot of Indian and Ethiopian women very attractive for some reason. But I care much less about the body and more the vibe and informing Soul all in all.

This new person is 100% Asian. Also similar astro signatures in some ways oddly. Past person has Aries Sun, Virgo Rising, Scorpio Moon, angular Pisces Venus, Leo Mars, angular Sag Jupiter, and angular Pisces Saturn.

New person has Sag Sun, Aries Rising, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Venus, Sag Mars, Leo Jupiter, Virgo Saturn and North Node.

New person's Moon is literally within minutes of past person's Venus.

There are some noticeable differences. New person is actually a bit older than me and I was really happy about that, thinking, ok, she'll likely have her emotional stuff together, know what she wants, etc, etc. The other person was 15 years younger than me, and definitely was much less mature on a personality level. While new person does seem more mature in a lot of ways, she doesn't have her emotional stuff together and doesn't fully know what she wants. Like with the past person, there is a lot of fear around being vulnerable, and there is a hyper independence, like near a bro level.

I have Aqua Venus and Descendant. I'm all for some healthy independence, but I also like affection, closeness, sharing my heart, etc.

New person is a Fire cracker and a half. She has Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune all in Sagittarius. Chart ruler via the Aries Rising--Mars-- as mentioned in Sagittarius (though late, and somewhat cusping Cappy). Then the ruler of all those Sag Planetary placements, Jupiter is in Leo.

Holy Moly that's a lot of Fire. I like it, but it's like she can't sit still or focus with all that Fire and mutable. And to add to that mutable, the ruler of her IC, the Moon is in Pisces along with her South Node.

There doesn't seem to be any hope for any deeper type connection where we would spend any significant amount of time together.

She has a softer and more Yin side as shown by the ruler of her 7th, Venus, in Scorpio in the 7th, and the Pisces Moon and South Node, but it's like she is repressing those parts of her. She said that in the past she has lost her identity in some past relationships, but now she is going to the opposite extreme.

I'll talk about some synastric chart comparison stuff in the next.

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posted October 18, 2019 10:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Both with Egyptian connections...

I meditated today and asked about new person and if there was any other life connection. Got a name.

Oh bleepity bleep, my Egyptian first wife/mate. If true, this means that it's going to end in pain for me. Things didn't end well between us in that life. I got caught up in some manipulative shenanigans, and went from being monogamous to poly, and she was none to happy with me (understandably). We had some kids together, and prior to the above shenanigans, had a pretty close and happy relationship, but she became bitter towards me after the separation.

Another karmic balancing thing, and no wonder why her Saturn sits right on my Jupiter ruler of the 5th and 8th, or why my Saturn (ruler of Sun and co ruler of Venus and Descendant) closely opposes her Moon ruler of her IC.

Or that her Pisces Moon and S. Node are in my 8th.

OR that the ruler of her chart and faster moving ruler of her 8th, Mars, is in my 5th and conjunct the ruler of my 8th.

There is definitely some intense mutual, all level attraction, but it also feels like it potentially be a keg of explosives too.

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posted October 18, 2019 10:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was sane the 9 or so years I stayed away from romance besides my core partner. Maybe this is the Universe's way of saying, "buddy, get back to that."?

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posted October 18, 2019 10:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenaia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
By any chance is this new person born on Dec 5th, 1978....? Her planets are freakishly similar to my ex bf's

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posted October 19, 2019 03:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quite close, 7th instead though.

She just confirmed that she is indeed emotionally unavailable (and yet still seems to want to keep some connection).

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posted October 19, 2019 06:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonbeth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm... this is a very interesting topic. I have a bit of an alien posture regarding it, but hopefully it's not entirely irrelevant
First of all: what is a pattern? A straight person has a pattern of dating people from the opposite sex, a gay one people from the same sex etc..., but those are only considered bad or unhealthy by normative people, in reality the line between patterns and healthy expressions of one's identity is not so sharp. I'll revert to that later
I usually never turn to astrology for relationships (synastry, composite), only after they're over and only if I struggle getting over it (which has only happened once).
The reason for that is I think there's something unnatural about unfolding the chart of someone you barely know if you're hoping to be intimately involved. I can't help but see is as akin to those dating sites that pair up people who both want 3.4 children, including a set of twins, the latest Volvo, a green brick house, a 6 figures income with no more than 60 hours of work a week... To me it's using ancestral practise for very modern purposes and because I take issues with those modern practises because they reflect a cowardice and consumer attitude towards human contacts, I would tend not to use astrology for it.
As I was saying elsewhere, we spend so much time defining what we want that it somehow infringes on us defining who we are. For example your idea about the older person having her emotional stuff together is complete socially induced perversion. In reality there is no link whatsoever with age and evolution. Just because one has had the time to tackle some things doesn't mean they have, you, as a fact, are seriously way more advanced in your spiritual knowledge and exploration of yourself than my grandfather who passed away at 85 without asking himself a single question about his Self his whole life (similarly, the person you mentioned who is emotionally unavailable can actually very logically want a connection, the fact you know you don't have the funds for the latest i-product doesn't mean you don't want it . But if we try to apply those "rules" to others in our relationships then we are indeed tempting past patterns to repeat because we put ourselves in a position of expecting even more than we humanly do so, and those expectations participate greatly in the blur and misses that doom relationships.
My point is, in repeating a pattern, there is an author: us. We are the common denominator because the pattern only exists in our perspective. You, are repeating the pattern, therefore does it make so much sense to analyse the person in front of you? After all, that person has never met you before, but you know yourself like the back of your hand, you can tell if you're in a pattern, the other person can't (whether they are repeating a pattern with you shall be left aside for now, because, hey, we all have our chores ). It would seem more logical facing a repeating pattern to analyse yourself some more, not the other person. And also, as I've said, digging into their chart and potentially looking at their childhood or subconscious is completely counter intuitive with the concept of "getting to know" someone, why would you deprive yourself of the impossibly important step of getting to know a loved one? If the way I feel things in depth is endearing to a man I want to see the look on his face when he realises that, I want him to unexpectedly hear my spontaneous laughter when he is funny to me, those are discoveries to treasure that shouldn't be minimised by expecting such and such compatibility and issues from chart reading.
The key to not repeating patterns is to be aware. Insight can provide its dose of lucidity but so does being in a moment. I insight naturally comes in hindsight, and there's a reason for that, trying to break it to the benefit of foreseeing awareness actually deprives us of on-the-spot awareness. I think if we accepted to just be with people sometimes, accept how they upset us, please us, without analysing everything too much, then maybe we'd get a better perspective at the relationship's potential, or at least we'd avoid the trap of rewriting everybody's reactions to make them fit some bigger relationship picture that we have in mind and are striving to recreate (and I'm sure we can all plead guilty of not only doing that but also crediting that picture with astrological, psychic, religious, social, dating app... truth because such is the extent of human's nature stubbornness lol).
Letting go of that picture is important because even if the picture is what, in the end, will let you know whether you have repeated a pattern (what? a castle?! Again!!!!! lol) it's also having any picture in mind that will prevent you from seeing the relationship for what it really is. Seeing ourselves for what we really are, regardless of what we want or aspire to be, and seeing our relationships for what they really are, what we really make of them and bring to them instead of what we're hoping or trying to mould them into, I humbly think is the key to not mistreating any of the players in the process and honouring all.
Why are YOU attracted to that person? Why do YOU want a connection?... the answers to those questions should let you know if you're repeating a pattern much better than inspecting anybody else's ancestry.
So basically, the difference between a pattern and the expression of your identity is health. If it's healthy and makes you happy it's not a pattern, it's just an expression of who you are. But if you constantly find yourself in similar situations you suffer from, you feel trapped and inevitably drawn to circumstances that damage you or prevent you from evolving, then you probably have a pattern, which is also an expression of who you are, just that who you are is unaware of something or looking for a missing piece in the wrong place. Analysing and understanding those will help better than analysing the person you express the pattern through. It's a bit as if you tried to heal a drug addiction by analysing the drug. Sure, it may help in prescribing a proper substitute to alleviate withdrawal symptoms, but the real problem, addiction, is to be addressed within the self.
Maybe the universe is telling you "stop looking for answers in others, look inside"?

Astrologically, it's not so much about how new person's moon is so close to past person's venus, but what both do to your moon and venus and why are your planets responding to theirs, sure an activated 8th house is felt, but why do you, specifically, as a unique little snowflake, respond to that stimulation; and if not healthy for you, why are you trying to solve your planets' and houses' issues through others, where are the tools in YOUR chart to make you a whole person on your own so that you can share yourself with others (and also here and there bring each other missing pieces, that's not an entirely unhealthy thing altogether ) instead of looking for yourself there.

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Posts: 242
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posted October 19, 2019 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the reply Moonbeth, some good points.

To be honest, I believe a lot of it can be simplified as to both knowing and understanding that I had difficult karma with both of these Souls, and it was pre set up/soul contracted to meet them and to be hurt and disappointed by the connection to redress me doing similar to them. My deepest desire is union with Source, and for that to happen, I have to be completely clean like Source, and to be completely clean there can be no unfinished business/karmic debts with others that have not been redressed.

Karma is naught but the inner, core Source part of us that is pure Love, that knows and deeply feels when we use our spiritual will to interact in an unloving, unhelpful way with others, the deep need to experience what we put them through. It often seems to involve either the same Souls and/or Spirits that were originally involved, but not always.

Also, it is strength building too. Pain/suffering has a way of strengthening, balancing, and cleansing the Soul and thus speeding up Soul growth/remembrance, more than most things.

Part of it may also be a lesson to be content and grateful with what I already have. I already have an amazing partner who deeply loves me and I deeply love her. Why should or would I realistically need more?

Either way, I've decided to go back to not seeking romantic connections with others. I had made that choice for very good reasons before.

T. Jupiter through the 5th has certainly been quite a bittersweet ride, especially since it has so strongly involved the 8th at the same time (both of these connections happened as Jupiter was nearing conjunction with Neptune, ruler of the 8th, and Jupiter also co-rules the 8th and interestingly, both connections involved strong 8th House inter-connections).

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posted October 19, 2019 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenaia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting! Yeah that fire stellium is a killer as far as locking someone down goes..

Regarding the topic in your post, I wish I had some kind of substantial answer but I can commiserate. There is a really spooky mirror instance of me repeating an astrological/energetic pattern.

For the sake of brevity I'll try to keep it brief, but basically when I was 17 I entered into an ill fated relationship. I knew it was a bad idea, I had a very strong sense of how it would end, and yet the siren's song of it all was too tempting, I decided to enter the relationship anyway.

It was horrible, nearly life ruining. We had a near exact Sun/SN conjunction in our midpoint composite which I think captures the vibe of our dynamic pretty well. It was fated, it was destiny that we were to meet and then eventually loathe each other.

It was hard because at the time I thought he was the embodiment of my type and that no one would ever be more perfect for me. When that relationship ended, I decided to pivot wildly in the opposite direction - never again would I date someone that I felt was intuitively "my type" in the vein of this person if things were going to end the way that they did.

Lots of dating/relationships later, about 8 years into the future, I meet someone who is so... eerily similar to the first person. Same weird premonitions and sense that I should be together with this person, but it WILL end, and it WILL near-destroy me when it does end.

The similarities were such:

They were both born in birth orders of 3 (Person 1 is the youngest sibling, Person 2 is the oldest sibling)
They both had professions in the field of history
They both were unable to be in long lasting relationships (Person 1 had Venus in Sagittarius, Person 2 had Venus in Gemini)
I feel positive that they both have the same ASC (Pisces), thus conjunct my DSC in Pisces
They both have Mars-ruled Suns
Both have fire Moons
Both have Air Mars
They both had the same taste in books - their favorite books were written by Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemingway, and J R R Tolkien
Their energy was just so SIMILAR, their posture was similar, their gestures were similar, the cadence of their voices were similar.. just weird, extremely weird.

I was so spooked from all my experiences with Person 1 that I decided to run far, far away from Person 2. #2 was just so.. perfect for me. I thought I had long buried "my type" deep into the depths of my psyche but suddenly here was this person with so many qualities I adore, reanimated into a new, equally frightening person.

This happened back in 2016 with Person 2 and I still regret it even though I know it would have turned out exactly the same way. So go figure..

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posted October 19, 2019 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonbeth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wouldn't be the one to tempt you out of your existing relationship, if we were talking about me strictly I'd consider any vague query about others a pathetic excuse to get sex, emotions and what not at the expense of the relationship, I am a hardcore monogamist, I'm a George Michael's "I want your sex" level of monogamous lol
So yes, of course you don't need more, but since you're the one who has experienced and recently considered a different way, you are the one to answer your own question: why would you want/need more?
As for karma, I love the concept and I certainly have met people that felt familiar, but it's always disturbing to read people talk about it the way you do as if it were concrete and a tangible real thing when to me it's just a possibility. I mean no offence, I react similarly to God and other beliefs, I am open to them all but certitudes irk me. People asserting there is no magic and capitalism is the only truth make me vomit but people who present psychic abilities as obvious and explain in great details how what to me seems like a good instinct paired with a bit of happenstance is a proof of their gift leave me confused.
I imagine the Virgo in me seeks "right" and "truth" in way too pure ways to accept being so wrong, so she keeps her distances and accepts all beliefs within the spectrum of reasonable doubt
That to say when you talk about your aim it doesn't sound clear to me as I don't see what it literally means. Does that involve shagging with every soul you meet you FEEL you have a connection with just to cleanse your karma, because.. it does sound like some sex guru thing lol I feel we have too many connections with too many people for them to matter so much. A real true connection, that's a once in a lifetime bliss, if you're ever so lucky, all the other encounters, meaningful sure, potentially, but not all to be explored. Love to me is what we make it and I can't imagine purity stemming from its quest. There's something selfish in seeking it that mars it to me. True love, pure love, has to be judgement free, so even if one or both partners came in with a huge karmic load, love would accept it, love would heal it. Our society does present love as some reward, for being attractive, talented, accomplished, having money, being funny... it shouldn't be. Love is a treasure each of us has the ability to grow and share, it's not a reward. Everyone is worthy of it.
There's nothing wrong with having multiple partners and a private spiritual quest, but the at once part of it seems if-ee at best as I don't see how one human ego could handle being one among many on both the physical and spiritual plane.
I think the idea of pain cleansing someone is very religious and/or quite very "white" in thinking. My people would never go by any such idea. We don't shy away from pain and tackle it, but we sure never seek it. Real proper pain is poor, it damages and disables, the fact it's not bad in itself and shouldn't be feared doesn't make it good. If you need real pain to cleanse, boy must you have a LOT to atone for lol I love stretching pain but pulling a muscle pain is different. Same for relationships and life in general, a bit of difficulty is a welcome challenge, but pain, pain usually means something is wrong, it's the opposite of a sign showing the right path. I don't think of it as something noble or ennobling. Also, I guess I have enough happening in this life to not feel I need to resolve past ones, so it's honestly complicated for me to grasp your situation and how and why you'd want the things you want in life. It sounds absolute bonkers, on the verge of evil to me to seek cleanse from pain (and I don't think that need for balance exists in all of us, otherwise there would be no serial killer as the violence would be unbearable and there couldn't be a second occurrence within the same life) and I love in ways that can't be directed at many and certainly not at once. As far as my personal karma, I feel I do what I can. I don't feel enough in many ways but I also try as often as I have the energy to, and I wouldn't want to be loved for doing more or less or different. I am who I am, if this isn't loved, then so be it, but I won't owe love to being someone else than who I am crafting myself to be.
To me it's not simple to say you had karmic load with these souls, it's actually making it more complicated and somehow stripping yourself of your free will and responsibility in how you act in this life because the idea everything is pre-set goes against the possibility of blending (as, if so, we'd all be forever entangled with the same souls and the need to balance would prevent us from incorporating new ones) and as a mixed blood person I can't relate to a forever loop, has to be a running wheel.

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Posts: 242
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Registered: Sep 2019

posted October 20, 2019 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That sounds very intense Athenaia. I kind of get the sense that they are two different Souls that are from the same Spirit.

My partner's first major relationship, the guy was named John. For some reason, she would sometimes call him Johnna. There was no rationale or reason behind it. Their relationship ended on a rather sour note. She knows she has had very difficult and karmic connections with him in the past--particularly a French lifetime is highlighted for them. (She had a dream about it, and from the combo of the dream and some psychic info, basically the story is, he was an older man of means and wealth in that life, that got her pregnant, and left her in the cold, and things ended up being very hard for her).

Anyways, fast forward some 18/19 years, and she took a trip to Europe for 4.5 weeks without me. She ended up meeting a guy over there, and she couldn't shake the strong and repeating feeling that this guy/his Soul was from the same Spirit that her first relationship. There were certain similarities and mannerisms that just reminded her strongly of him. And his name is Borna.

She helped to open his heart a little, and things ended on a fairly good note this time.

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Posts: 242
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posted October 20, 2019 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Moonbeth:

So yes, of course you don't need more, but since you're the one who has experienced and recently considered a different way, you are the one to answer your own question: why would you want/need more?

I believe in positive open principles in a spiritual sense. I made the decision to stay away from it for about a decade because I realized that for me, and my particular karmic history and spiritual path in this life, it wasn't the best and most growth producing pattern.

Also, the few relationships I had in the beginning were very unfulfilling and there was lack of holistic connection that I crave. This all flew out the window this past June when T. Jupiter was in my 5th and conjoining my N. Neptune ruler of the 8th. I fell very deeply in love with the first person.

I feel like coming out of this earlier decision, has served it purpose, because these two relationships were only about redressing difficult karma and about lessons.

As for karma, I love the concept and I certainly have met people that felt familiar, but it's always disturbing to read people talk about it the way you do as if it were concrete and a tangible real thing when to me it's just a possibility. I mean no offence, I react similarly to God and other beliefs, I am open to them all but certitudes irk me. People asserting there is no magic and capitalism is the only truth make me vomit but people who present psychic abilities as obvious and explain in great details how what to me seems like a good instinct paired with a bit of happenstance is a proof of their gift leave me confused.

Do you think that someone with their chart ruler, the Sun, in Capricorn, widely conjunct Cap Mercury, and with the ruling planet of both, Saturn, in Virgo along with also Jupiter and Mars in Virgo would have a pattern of coming to beliefs lightly or casually?

Well, just as the astrology clearly outlines, I do not come to beliefs lightly or casually. I've had intense, repeated, verified experiences dealing with karma that over a long period of time, have convinced me to the core of the truth of same.

I'll share one of the most intense ones in a separate reply. But as far as spiritual, psychic, etc stuff goes in general, direct and in one's face experiences have this interesting tendency to open up one's mind and to even convince at times. For example, like waking up in the middle of the night hearing a noise and thinking someone has broken in, only to find a some 7 to 8 foot tall, very spindly non human ET being walking slowly down your hallway towards your bedroom while you've found yourself now paralyzed in bed.

Things like this have a tendency to kind of shift your perception of what is possible or not in the larger reality. Or to convince a questioning, doubting mind.

I imagine the Virgo in me seeks "right" and "truth" in way too pure ways to accept being so wrong, so she keeps her distances and accepts all beliefs within the spectrum of reasonable doubt

You're not the only one with Virgo and Capricorn strong, and I would say that in some ways, Capricorn which is stronger in my chart than in yours, is even more discerning and testing than Virgo. But it also has more humility, as well as openness to the spiritual/metaphysical. Speaking in the archetypal sense.

But, in case it's not clear, I do and have long practiced a true scientific approach to all sources of information, and this approach can be summed up in skeptical but open minded, or open minded skepticism. Take your pick, whatever sounds better. I find that far too many people, far too much of the time, polarize over much to one or the other, at the detriment of the other.

That to say when you talk about your aim it doesn't sound clear to me as I don't see what it literally means. Does that involve shagging with every soul you meet you FEEL you have a connection with just to cleanse your karma, because.. it does sound like some sex guru thing lol I feel we have too many connections with too many people for them to matter so much. A real true connection, that's a once in a lifetime bliss, if you're ever so lucky, all the other encounters, meaningful sure, potentially, but not all to be explored.

Well shite, you apparently know my secret identity--The Love Guru. How will I be able to shag all the lasses now that my secret is out.

Seriously, if that's what you get and got from reading my posts here, then I would say you're either reading with some shadow projection or unconscious agenda of some kind, and certainly not objectively and clearly.

As mentioned before, I've had an open option for some 11 years of my 18+ yr relationship, and for almost 10 years (probably closer to 9), I stayed away from it for various reasons. I've probably had far less sexual partners than the average person who is almost 40. I can count on my hands the number of partners I've had intercourse with, and it's not because I lack attractiveness. I can turn on the charm when and if I really want to, but I just don't feel the need to and prefer to be myself. I have always been repulsed by the attitudes of people (mostly men) that viewed people as conquests and as just another notch under their belt.

Love to me is what we make it and I can't imagine purity stemming from its quest. There's something selfish in seeking it that mars it to me. True love, pure love, has to be judgement free, so even if one or both partners came in with a huge karmic load, love would accept it, love would heal it. Our society does present love as some reward, for being attractive, talented, accomplished, having money, being funny... it shouldn't be. Love is a treasure each of us has the ability to grow and share, it's not a reward. Everyone is worthy of it.

Real and true Love is a flower of rarest variety that rarely ever blooms for any length of time in this distorted, stuck world.

True and real Love is completely universal and unconditional and pure in intent and motivation. There is only one human that I know of who attuned to and expressed it deeply and consistently, and well, look what happened to him.

There's nothing wrong with having multiple partners and a private spiritual quest, but the at once part of it seems if-ee at best as I don't see how one human ego could handle being one among many on both the physical and spiritual plane.

Personally, I couldn't and haven't ever handled more than two relationships at a time. AS an introvert, I just don't have the energy for or interest in that.

But what I find rather ironically amusing is all the non open people out there, both male AND female, who are, have, or will hurtfully, deceptively, secretly, etc cheat on their partners, and yet a number of these will look down on or snub their noses on people that are open, as if they are superior.

I have NEVER cheated on anyone (and won't ever). How many of you "normals" or "George Michaels" if you prefer, can say that?

When it comes to humanity, we live in a world of hypocrisy and constant unconscious shadow projection. So much of what we judge, criticize, and/or condemn in others, we actually have unconsciously within ourselves. The truly spiritually aka Love attuned people that exist in the world, are amazingly tolerant and accepting of others, because they have little shadow left and don't have a need to project it onto easy scapegoats/targets.

I think the idea of pain cleansing someone is very religious and/or quite very "white" in thinking. My people would never go by any such idea. We don't shy away from pain and tackle it, but we sure never seek it. Real proper pain is poor, it damages and disables, the fact it's not bad in itself and shouldn't be feared doesn't make it good. If you need real pain to cleanse, boy must you have a LOT to atone for lol I love stretching pain but pulling a muscle pain is different. Same for relationships and life in general, a bit of difficulty is a welcome challenge, but pain, pain usually means something is wrong, it's the opposite of a sign showing the right path. I don't think of it as something noble or ennobling. Also, I guess I have enough happening in this life to not feel I need to resolve past ones, so it's honestly complicated for me to grasp your situation and how and why you'd want the things you want in life. It sounds absolute bonkers, on the verge of evil to me to seek cleanse from pain (and I don't think that need for balance exists in all of us, otherwise there would be no serial killer as the violence would be unbearable and there couldn't be a second occurrence within the same life) and I love in ways that can't be directed at many and certainly not at once. As far as my personal karma, I feel I do what I can. I don't feel enough in many ways but I also try as often as I have the energy to, and I wouldn't want to be loved for doing more or less or different. I am who I am, if this isn't loved, then so be it, but I won't owe love to being someone else than who I am crafting myself to be.

It's not that the pain itself is "good", or that it's directly cleansing. It's rather that, pain and suffering are effective teachers. They have this curious effect to break down false belief systems, to break down defenses, to break down arrogance and pride.

Shortest verse in the NT is, "Yeshua wept". Both Yeshua and Buddha talked about the deeper nature of suffering as an awakener. Though Yeshua came into this world pure and straight from the core of Source, when he was connected to a human body, he experienced temptation, weakness, and the like, which is why for even him the NT says, "though he were a son, he learned obedience through the things he suffered".

But, I'm getting the sense that you likely think yourself wiser and more aware than the Buddha and Yeshua combined.

But a good question to ask is, why do we come to this plane that is filled with so much suffering when so many of us end up suffering so much?

Why not stay in the nice and cozy nonphysical levels where everyone near you is like (in harmony) with you, there is no physical pain of any kind, and generally life is so, so, so much easier than being here in this war zone?

To me it's not simple to say you had karmic load with these souls, it's actually making it more complicated and somehow stripping yourself of your free will and responsibility in how you act in this life because the idea everything is pre-set goes against the possibility of blending (as, if so, we'd all be forever entangled with the same souls and the need to balance would prevent us from incorporating new ones) and as a mixed blood person I can't relate to a forever loop, has to be a running wheel.

I never said everything is pre-set up. Plans are certainly made from and in the nonphysical level, but it ranges from Soul to Soul as to how much or how little. There are no hard and fast rules. A lot of it depends on degree of spiritual maturity.

But perhaps one of the few universal things one could say about all this, is that our major, most affecting relationships, are to some extent pre-set up before we incarnate, or interactions with same get worked on in the nonphysical as we are living our lives.

But freewill being what is is, a sort of mathematical chaos potential that is always there in the background, plans etc don't always get adhered to.

Some of the worst stuff that happens in this world, is often the result of freewill being used by often immature Souls that mess with the plans and planning of others.

But in my case, I'm fairly certain that these two interactions were either pre planned/contracted before we incarnated, or came to be initiated in the nonphysical while we were living our lives. And I am fairly certain they mostly revolve around karmic debt, mostly my karmic debt to them.

As astrology students, how can we explain transits, progressions, etc and how they relate to life events, relationships, and the whole works, and the amazing degree of synchronicity that is outlined time and time again, if there isn't a certain amount of planning that happens pre incarnation?

Because if it was all freewill, and made up on the fly, the astrology wouldn't be able to correlate to or reflect it.

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posted October 20, 2019 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Moonbeth. I mentioned in my earlier reply that I would make a separate post about an experience dealing with karma that was quite convincing in and of itself.

1st part involved a vivid dream I had when 16 where I was viewing a huge, vast library, and the scene/focus narrowed to two men. One was a middle aged man and the other was older looking and very wise feeling.

In that peculiar way of dreams, I just knew that I was very connected to the middle aged man (and what he thought and felt, I intimately became aware of/knew).

The older/wiser man handed my other self a large book that was opened up, and my other self took it, and as we looked at it, we saw that something like a 3D hyper realistic movie was playing inside it.

In the scenes of same, was a somewhat rough looking trapper/pioneer type looking guy trudging through the woods. The sense was early America, and the trapper looking man was Euro/white looking. As we watched, I knew that both of us were also deeply connected to this other man, and then we got sucked into the scenes as if we were living it from his eyes/perspective.

He ended up getting mauled pretty badly by a black bear and as he laid nearly dying in the woods, a half Native American, half White woman who looked like/reminded me of Tori Amos pretty strongly, found him and attempted to heal him and nurse him back to life. There was an impression that she was rather psychic and could commune telepathically with animals, and that she was the healer of her tribe.

All of a sudden we get pulled out of that perspective and we're back in the library with the older man, who takes back the book and asks my other self pointedly by first saying the other person's name followed by, "don't you think you had the knowledge/awareness within you at the time?"

For some reason, my other self, and I through him, feel a sense of chagrin, like we should have known better, that we had messed up somehow.

Ok, pretty intense dream for a 16 year old, but I filed it away in the back of my mind as interesting, but for the most part forgot about it in the detail sense (the Soul/Spirit connection to that man however remained more so in my conscious awareness).

Flash forward about a decade. I had joined a metaphysical oriented online forum. I ended up becoming friends pretty quickly with a woman a couple decades older than myself. (This was before any open option and this friendship was strictly platonic in orientation).

Besides our shared interests in the particular branch of metaphysics of the forum, we found out that we had a lot in common otherwise, such as we were both really into the Edgar Cayce readings, love Yeshua and his teachings in a nonreligious way a lot, had deep spiritually based ideals, etc.

More oddly was that though I was now living some 600 miles away from her, I found out that she lived very closely to where I spent a chunk of my childhood growing up (and later found out it was like literally within about 10 minutes).

A couple of months or so into our online friendship, her husband who she was very, very close to, ended up dying on an on the job accident. To say that she was devastated would be an understatement. As it was all completely out of the blue and she had no conscious preparation, and because of their degree of closeness, it really hit her very hard, and she became very depressed. All she wanted to talk about was death, and I felt her slipping further and further into deeper depression and despondency.

I spent many hours on the phone listening to her and trying to nudge her towards a bigger picture, spiritual perspective. We had grief in common, some 5 years earlier, my beloved mother who I was very close with and who I shared the same B-day with, died after a 4 yr off and on battle with cancer.

Some of our mutual friends from that forum ended up distancing themselves from her because they couldn't take the heaviness. Being highly empathic, the heaviness wasn't easy for me either, but I felt this very strong and persistent sense of needing/having to be there for her no matter what.

Some time later, my partner and I were planning a visit back to our home state to visit family and friends, and I contacted her and said, hey, I'll be in your area, would you like to hang out at all. She said yes, and we set up some plans.

The first night we hung out, it was just her and I, and as we were sitting there talking, all of a sudden she reminded me of/sort of looked Tori Amos, and as soon as that came up, that dream from a decade prior came flooding back into my awareness, and along with the dream was extra information that I hadn't remembered from the dream.

I felt strongly/knew that my friend was connected to the half Native American, half White woman healer that had found my other self and nursed him back to life. I knew that her other self had been successful at this, and that after, they had had a romantic relationship, but my other self had ended up hurting her very deeply emotionally.

I didn't know what to do with this information if anything at all. I knew she was vulnerable and didn't want to add to any upset. I decided to just feel it out, and ask her questions like, "how do you feel about Native American culture", "early American period", "healing", etc. After she answered that she had interests in all these areas, I felt nudged to just spill the beans and tell her the dream and what was going on as we were talking.

After I finished telling her, it was one of the few or only times in my life where I experienced someone's mouth dropped in surprise/shock. She took some moments to collect herself and she started telling me that many years previously, thee was an older lady that was her friend and a spiritual mentor to her. This lady was very connected to Edgar Cayce and his organization the A.R.E.

One year during my friend's birthday, her friend said to her that she wanted to get her a unique present. She had an old friend that was retired from doing past life readings (this lady was also very connected to the A.R.E.), but thought that she might do a favor for her and give my friend a reading.

It all worked out and during my friend's past life reading, the sensitive focused on primarily two lifetimes, one in Greece, and one in early America where she was a half White and half Native American woman who was the healer of her tribe. She became involved with a white man and he ended up hurting her deeply. At the end of the reading the sensitive, looked at her intently and said, "You and this man will meet later on in this life, for you have unfinished business with each other."

We were both blown away by this synchronicity, and it explained to me why I came into her life shortly before her husband died, and why I felt such a strong sense of duty and obligation to be there for her no matter what. Just as she had nursed my other self back to life in that life, so did I try to nurse her back to life in this life, though in a different way. My Spirit owed her a major debt of karma in a sense.

But I suppose it was all just a coincidence eh?

The rabbit hole actually gets deeper. The man in the dream that I knew I was strongly connected to/part of, was someone connected to Edgar Cayce and that whole scene back in the early to mid 1900's. When I had had the dream back then, I wasn't aware of all the karmic and past life back stories involved.

And though after the second part of the experience, I had some awareness of some of this information, there was still a lot I wasn't consciously aware of.

I did some digging after the experience with my friend. I found out that these two lifetimes as talked about in my dream and in the psychic reading for my friend, were outlined quite clearly and similarly for two people that had known Edgar Cayce and had gotten "Life Readings". One of whom was the man I had observed in my dream. The only thing which wasn't outlined in the Cayce readings for these folks' past lives was the man getting mauled by a bear. But all the other major points fit. Euro trapper ahole dude gets involved with half white, half native healer of her tribe, hurts her deeply, she had psychic gifts and could telepathically commune with animals, etc.

The odds of all this happening the way it happened by chance are simply in the astronomical odds.

Nope, sometimes the left brain just has to take a back seat and go along for the ride with the right brain at the helm, and this was one of those cases.

This experience proved to me beyond the shadow of a doubt that karma exists and is far more real than gravity, because gravity only applies to this little dimensional slice, and karma applies to all dimensions.

Sometimes others are actually speaking from deep knowingness and not intellect and theory, and have had very different experiences than yourself.

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Posts: 242
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posted October 20, 2019 06:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"As astrology students, how can we explain transits, progressions, etc and how they relate to life events, relationships, and the whole works, and the amazing degree of synchronicity that is outlined time and time again, if there isn't a certain amount of planning that happens pre incarnation?

Because if it was all freewill, and made up on the fly, the astrology wouldn't be able to correlate to or reflect it."

Unless of course one actually believes that large balls of rock and gas, imaginary lines in space, etc actually CAUSE character, human events, and the like?

If so, I would say such a person needs a hella bigger dose of Virgo and Capricorn than they have.

Or perhaps "God" truly does control everything as a giant puppet master as some religious folks seem to believe?

No, the holistically logical answer is that there is much behind the scenes planning that goes on and we choose our charts/time of birth to correlate with that pre-incarnation planning.

But to stress, no, of course not everything that happens is pre planned.

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posted October 21, 2019 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonbeth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This obviously is my last interaction with you as I, unlike you, have respect for the both of us and do not desire dedicating any more of my time to an angry entitled person such as you have made yourself on these pages.
1) I apologise as it seems very clear you got quite offended and felt attacked by most of my very daft and innocent questioning, it sincerely wasn't my intention, I am not that kind of internet stranger.
2) That you decided to act on it though, insulting me in direct or indirect ways, hinting at me being arrogant when you were so yourself in doing so, instead of asking for a clarification of giving me the benefit of the doubt, is your choice and it says everything about you and absolutely nothing about me. You're the thundercunt here for treating me like one. Sorry ^^
3) I was in stitches that you call yourself a "hyper-empath" when you don't have enough manners to simply respect something that is actually politely and nicely asked of you in writing, but this? The putting me in the "cheating, lying", "normal", obtuse and what not section, creating a competition of "who's got more cappy in their chart" to assert that you'd be somewhat of a better thinker? All this just because I don't swear by your principles and you reaffirming your certainties doesn't constitute a convincing proof to me? That takes the cake. (pro tip: using bold types doesn't make you more convincing either, it just makes you come off as insisting. Insisting is how children give tantrums, not how adults convince others or have healthy discussions). Thank you for the laughter, truly. I'll laugh some more at you underlining how compatible our charts were when we are so obviously clicking ROFL
4) I am saddened I obviously completely flunked that George Michael joke though... He deserved better.

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Posts: 242
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posted October 21, 2019 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Moonbeth:
This obviously is my last interaction with you as I, unlike you, have respect for the both of us and do not desire dedicating any more of my time to an angry entitled person such as you have made yourself on these pages.
1) I apologise as it seems very clear you got quite offended and felt attacked by most of my very daft and innocent questioning, it sincerely wasn't my intention, I am not that kind of internet stranger.
2) That you decided to act on it though, insulting me in direct or indirect ways, hinting at me being arrogant when you were so yourself in doing so, instead of asking for a clarification of giving me the benefit of the doubt, is your choice and it says everything about you and absolutely nothing about me. You're the thundercunt here for treating me like one. Sorry ^^
3) I was in stitches that you call yourself a "hyper-empath" when you don't have enough manners to simply respect something that is actually politely and nicely asked of you in writing, but this? The putting me in the "cheating, lying", "normal", obtuse and what not section, creating a competition of "who's got more cappy in their chart" to assert that you'd be somewhat of a better thinker? All this just because I don't swear by your principles and you reaffirming your certainties doesn't constitute a convincing proof to me? That takes the cake. (pro tip: using bold types doesn't make you more convincing either, it just makes you come off as insisting. Insisting is how children give tantrums, not how adults convince others or have healthy discussions). Thank you for the laughter, truly. I'll laugh some more at you underlining how compatible our charts were when we are so obviously clicking ROFL
4) I am saddened I obviously completely flunked that George Michael joke though... He deserved better.

Do what you feel you must. Your earlier reply to me had a certain amount of unconscious judgement and shadow projection mixed in with some helpfulness and some curiosity. I appreciate/d the latter but didn't care for the former.

When you basically tell a person, and/or imply, that their deepest core beliefs are illogical, extreme, religious, "white", etc do you think that maybe you might be the one acting a wee bit arrogant and presumptive?

The huge majority of my reply to you was 1. impersonal (even my reference to "normals" and "George Michael's" was a generalized question and point, and not specifically and only to you).

2. based on a combo of deep personal experience involving verification, and holistic logic.

But you're now pulling the Fox News tactic of "debate". When someone can't return the points and debate logically, impersonally, and from a centered place, they have to demonize and get overly personal with the other side, which is what you are doing here.

Now I'm this horrible, hypocritical, completely spiritually fake person because I disagreed with your points and called out some of your presumptive aggressiveness? Can you not see how that is a wee bit manipulative and extreme?

Astrologically, it's extremely, stressed Moon-Pluto type dynamic and pattern.

I've had to learn (mostly the hard way) how to temper empathy with boundaries and tough love. I was holding a mirror up to you because it was extremely clear to me on a feeling and intuitive level that you were replying from position of self superiority and I know better than you mixed in with some genuine helpfulness etc.

With my Sun right on your Moon, I would have a tendency to strongly affect and activate your emotions. I can also help bring conscious light and logic (Sun) to unconscious tendencies (Moon).

Cutting someone off just because they disagree with you, and call out some unconscious shenanigans is rather extreme and a power move. But again, do as you feel you must.

Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't married in another life... We do have a pretty strong chart comparison. Clearly it didn't end well.

I happen to still like you Moonbeth. I don't see you as anything extreme or unusually negative. You strike me as overall a pretty good person, though a bit know it all (something we may have a little in common..with the only difference that I'm consciously aware of and accepting of that side of self and don't have a shadow need to project it onto others and demonize them for it). I don't feel the need to cut you off for eternity. But I'm not a fan of unconscious Plutonian type power games either.

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Posts: 242
From: Somewhere
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posted October 21, 2019 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"But, I'm getting the sense that you likely think yourself wiser and more aware than the Buddha and Yeshua combined."

I do apologize for the above comment. It was overly personal and a bit of a dig, and was both unhelpful and unnecessary.

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