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  Journey To The Heart of God ~ Mystical Keys to Immortal Mastery

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Author Topic:   Journey To The Heart of God ~ Mystical Keys to Immortal Mastery

Posts: 10752
From: Paradise
Registered: Jun 2004

posted July 31, 2006 01:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
An extraordinary guide to transfiguration. By Almine

(I ran across this book in a magazine.)

The long awaited sequel to A Life of Miracles.

"Never before in the history of any mystery school have such illuminating revelations challenged everything we thought we knew about the destiny of man."

Almine is a Toltec three-pronged Nagual who is globally recognized as one of the leading mystics of our time. Many describe her personal abilities as superhuman since it results in what the world would call miraculous. Yet she will quickly say that everyone is capable of creating so -called miracles since it is the natural state of all things when properly aligned with the divine will of Spirit.

Her interest lies in teaching others how to move beyond self-imposed limitations so they can access their innate personal power. This goes beyond motivational techniques and positive thinking. It is a state of “being” that aligns the emotional, mental and physical aspects so that the mind can be in a peaceful place of resting. Within the silence, all things are possible.

Almine states that the greatest secret ever kept is the identity of man. “We are powerful, creator Gods who have come from every corner of the galaxy to be on earth at this crucial time when mankind and the earth are ascending into a new energetic frequency…Your role in this is extraordinary, for you already have the answers to the seeming woes of this planet.” She offers clarity on the current human condition and reveals how each of us, through our state of beingness, can affect changes that will impact all of mankind.

In November of 2000 Almine entered into the state of awareness of a fully God -conscious being. Throughout history, the majority of spiritual masters and gurus who have entered God consciousness have withdrawn from society. This is understandable because words seem inadequate to describe experiences such as coming face-to-face with the Infinite and the physical act of speaking becomes laborious. Almine’s gift is her ability to convey these experiences by rendering the unspeakable understandable. She feels it is time for people to understand that they can choose to claim God consciousness as their constant reality and still function within society.

Almine is an advanced teacher who wishes to remind others that it is their birthright to live a life of mystery and miracles. “It is not my intent to tell you what I can do. My intent is to show you what you can become. My greatest wish is for you to stand on my shoulders and fly.”

“We are the One expressing as the many, and we have designed this dream so that we may examine, through our experience, the unknown part of God’s being.”

Her website:

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Posts: 10752
From: Paradise
Registered: Jun 2004

posted July 31, 2006 01:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
an article from her site:

Why Immortality is a Goal When Our Being is Eternal

In the 3rd and final stage of human evolution, the master changes from mortal to immortal. During the second phase of this stage, the flesh becomes incorruptible and fully spiritualized. There are few who understand the significance of this event and fewer yet who write or speak about it.

If we can understand how the reflection of the Infinite, that which is unreal (Creation), can become real when the higher bodies of the Infinite flood its material body with light and love, we can understand our own experience. The spiritualizing or making real of our body is to us, just as it is to the Infinite, the next step in the evolution of awareness.

It is also the way we can contribute most in our service to the One Life. Although we are in our highest identity not a small particle, but a unique perspective of the whole, we shall pretend we are a cell in the body of the Infinite. When a body becomes eternal or spiritualized matter, it occurs as follows:

***The light quotient - the total volume of internalized light - reaches a critical mass stage. It becomes more than a mortal body in its present stage of evolution can contain.
***Cells start to transfigure one by one into immortal matter and again this reaches a critical mass. Only so many cells can transfigure before the whole body transfigures.
***When anything transfigures to a higher level, there is a release of energy. The energy comes from that which was tied up in keeping the illusion present in the previous stage. New energy to facilitate further transfiguration of the remaining cells becomes available. The increased energy yields the power needed for transfiguration.
***When the being (whether it is one of us or the Infinite) becomes so light filled and, at a cellular level, so transfigured that complete transfiguration is inevitable, the pineal gland discharges a lightning flash of energy. The flash of energy through the body transfigures it entirely from mortal to immortal.
Therefore, if we equate our physical body to a cell within the body of the Infinite, the personal transfiguration into an immortal being sets off a chain reaction throughout material life. This enables all other cells to reach the same state much more easily. In other words, we help evolve the awareness of all Creation and because any being’s evolution begins with its denser parts, we also contribute to the evolution of the One.
***Our own evolution also receives a huge shot in the arm as well from the energy now available that had previously been tied up in maintaining the illusion of death.
***A true warrior of light does not give up his or her power to anything including the tyranny of death. He or she strives in every way possible to gain sovereignty and become a free being, able to come and go between realms, taking the body along. Such a one has become the master of his or her own destiny, knowing that after a life of discipline, death can no longer snuff out the flame of life.

“I was crowned by my God, my crown is living….
I received the face and the fashion of a new person…
And the thought of truth led me on.
I walked after it and did not wander.
And all that have seen me were amazed and I was regarded by them as a strange person.
And he who knew and brought me up is the Most High in all his perfection and He glorified me by his kindness and raised my thoughts to the height of His truth.
And from thence He gave me the way of His precepts and I opened the doors that were closed.
And broke in pieces the bars of iron; but my iron melted and dissolved before me;
Nothing appeared closed to me, because I was the door of everything.” Odes of Solomon (Apocrypha)

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Posts: 10752
From: Paradise
Registered: Jun 2004

posted July 31, 2006 01:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

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Posts: 10752
From: Paradise
Registered: Jun 2004

posted July 31, 2006 02:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
This is the most powerful thing I've read in a very long time.

Why Prayers Aren’t Answered

Human beings have felt very abandoned as they have bargained and pleaded and tried to continue to have faith in whatever form of god they have prayed to throughout the ages of human existence. Where are the answers to our prayers? Why does God not respond when I sincerely try to do my part?

Some have steadfastly maintained their belief in a God who rewards good with good and withholds or punishes when they are not good. After all, they have been told by their churches that if they cannot hear the voice of God or their prayers are not answered, there is something ‘wrong’ on their end. This has left the human race, which knows deep within that life should not have to be this hard, with an unbelievably large reservoir of guilt and shame.

This guilt is passed on from generation to generation, exacerbated by the teachings of most primary religions that flesh is an unworthy and unholy vehicle for the spirit. How can one embrace life when housed in a ‘sinful’ or unworthy body? The joy, which is the desire to live, that mankind should be feeling then ceases to exist. A joyless life is simply a slow death and thus instead of embracing live, most of humanity embraces death. This manifests self-defeating circumstances and a life filled with failure. Meanwhile, grief - the desire to change - prods and prods us into better perception and understanding.

This vicious cycle of guilt, shame, abandonment and grief in which mankind has been immersed is so painful that one of two things happen: either they live in their heads, suppressing by their selective perception their feelings of anguish; or they live hedonistically. Either way, their lives are so shallow that they become more and more fruitless in yielding insights. The pain level has to increase because the very reason for existence (to evolve awareness) is ignored through such a life and the life-spirals of awareness become smaller and smaller. As the pain increases, they turn to drugs, alcohol, television, shopping, eating, working or even some form of religion or service which makes them feel ‘worthy’ again.

Some hide their pain at ‘being abandoned by God’ in rage, living destructively as though taunting God. “If you’re not there for me, there’s no point in being good.” Others, having a small fragment of what they perceive as truth, cling to it for dear life in this scenario of uncertainty. They try to convert everyone along the way to their ‘only’ truth with a great deal of dogmatic fervor.

What are the perceptions that life is prodding us to get about what prayer really is and how we can be masters of our own fate?

Perceptions Regarding Prayer:

As noted above, we have been praying to God the Father, God the I AM or God the Creator. This is the equivalent of the physical body asking the mental or emotional body to make it better when the unresolved portions of the mental and emotional bodies are the very reason for the physical discomfort. In other words, we expect the patient to be the doctor.
Solution: Communicating with our own highest self that holds the blueprint for our various lifetimes is far more conducive to realigning with our purpose. However, if we wish to impose our will on the path we are walking in a way that does not serve that purpose, assistance will be withheld. If our prayers are for the planet, which is part of the physical body of God, then directing our petition to the three higher bodies of the Infinite, the spiritual emotional, the spiritual mental and the spirit body (the true Mother of the I AM) is the most direct channel. If the concept of the Mother of God is too vast for us, the higher self can guide us but will not in any way change the original blueprint.
Prayers may take longer to answer than we realize because the very nature of the word ‘density’ denotes a more complex relationship between time and space. This means the process by which the purpose of the Infinite unfolds is slowed, and there is a much longer gap between cause and effect. The personality who left my body on December 16, 2000 did so to diminish the pressure (suffering) on the denser levels of existence. But like a balloon that has received a pinhole in its wall, lessening the internal pressure, it still has to deflate gradually So too, the release of suffering in answer to prayer takes time. As we have already seen, suffering precedes and prompts perception. Somehow the unfolding of humankind’s awareness will be less painful as a result of our prayers even though that process may take place over thousands or even millions of years.
Solution: If we change our focus from form to indwelling life, we become free from expectations as to outcome or timing. If we do that, suffering is not the real tragedy but failing to use the priceless opportunity of learning information never accessed before and which we have contracted to learn. Having come to the only place in the cosmos where new knowledge can be gained and then failing to learn it, places the burden on others who now have a double load to cope with.
The one who embraces challenge as the only way to gain this new knowledge has nothing to pray for. To remove one’s challenges is to remove one’s growth. The only option left is surrender to life with the utmost awareness. This dramatically decreases the level of pain required to prod change. Life becomes a fluid cooperative dance between the lightseeker and his higher self.
We feel we cannot receive and hear guidance from higher realms. In some instances we may even feel as though our suffering is unfair since it comes to prod us into change when that would not be necessary if God would just tell us what to do. After all, is it not our obedience or the relinquishing of our will that God wants?
Solution: God, in whatever form perceived, is light. Light is the known. We are exploring the unknown. If it is only obedience God wants, all growth would stop since it would always stay within the pool of the known. Let us look at it from a different angle. The Infinite has the tools to deal only with the known. That is why the Infinite needs us: we deal with the unknown by feeling the indwelling life within it. Through feeling, we access the truth behind appearances. So the Infinite does not just need obedience, but our diligence as explorers of consciousness in learning the things the Infinite does not yet know. Relinquishing our will to the larger purpose of our being is inclusiveness. We do not ask for ease but for impeccability of conduct. We ask only for the clarity to see the highest choice each step of the way.
But how do we get this clarity if we cannot hear?
“… it does not speak to you with words to be heard by your ears, it is a voice to be felt, a vibration as sweet and unmistakeable as the music of the Spheres.”
The two main reasons for our inability to hear is the roaring thunder of the internal dialog in our heads and the dulling of our ability to receive these delicate and refined vibrations because of the negative emotions caused by our incorrect perceptions. Through diligent recapitulation, filling our hearts with love, praise and gratitude and practice, we no longer need to “…strain or make an effort, just sit in silence and let coherent Light play across the weary braincells of your surface mind... trust, obey and love it and your receptivity will increase.”
But even as the highest wisdom guides you, know that because you are blazing a trail into the unknown there are simply places where you have to walk, sometimes with faltering steps, through uncharted territory where no guidance other than your sense of what is life-enhancing exists. You can do it with impeccability as a shield and truth as your armor. You have come here just for this purpose, with the keen sword of awareness to cut a broad swath from the darkness and turn it into light.
There is a general misconception of what prayer is. Prayer is that which through intent manipulates or affects the nature of reality. Thoughts fall into the reservoir of the heart and, combined with emotion, act upon the substance of things hoped for; those infinitesimally small cosmic rays that become atoms to form matter. Therefore, thoughts plus feelings create our life’s circumstances. What then is our most predominant prayer, the few hastily uttered words at night or the thoughts that occupy our minds all day?
The ability of human beings to create their own reality is not an accident - we are the microcosm of the macrocosm and have the same creative ability as the Infinite that used thought plus emotion to create us. But the violence and other negativities of the entertainment word in which our children grow up, load the mind with negative thoughts and create a negative environment.
As we allow fear (often externally imposed) to get a foothold in our emotions, the negative thoughts and emotions create a negative world. We have done this innocently, not realizing we are as powerful as we are. The true power of man has been deliberately obscured by those who play the light-detractors because of how much hinges on us. Few beings in the cosmos have been aware of just how vast a role we play and will be playing. Even the light-promoters had only an inkling of the power inherent in man.
Solution: Because of the ability to warp the web of interconnectedness that includes all life and create karma, warriors of light stalk their minds endlessly. They strive to fill their minds with only the most beautiful thoughts possible for this is their prayer. They create their reality consciously, reverently and with joy.
What a tragedy that few have understood the great gift of self-determination that has been bestowed on humankind, wallowing instead in the mire of self-pity and resentment that life is not better than it is and that some omnipotent, far off God does not heed their prayers to eliminate the negative results of their own making. We may be the child in terms of being the created offspring of the Infinite, but we have been endowed with all we need to grow up and create the beautiful world we pray for.

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Posts: 9570
From: piopolis, quebec canada
Registered: Jul 2005

posted July 31, 2006 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
Good Stuff! 26taurus

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Posts: 3700
From: Australia
Registered: Jan 2004

posted August 01, 2006 12:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SunChild     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks, I will get to this tonight.

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