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Author Topic:   Bernadette1216

Posts: 150
From: South Africa
Registered: Jan 2002

posted October 30, 2002 07:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for beverley     Edit/Delete Message
had a TINY bit of time for a quick visit. Bernadette do you read Aura's from photographs? if I e-mail you 2 photo's can you read them and tell me if these 2 people have a connection?
I'd prefer it if it was private so will send it to your private e-mail from my private e-mail if you give me the details.

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posted October 30, 2002 08:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
hello Beverly! Good morning to you! Well...I guess that is what I do, I mean, I just see people, even in photographs, and I know what they are like. I sense/feel/see their personalities. I don't quite know if I can tell if someone is connected to something though. And I have been known to be incorrect, and I always like to let that be known...I'm not perfect! (wishful thinking!!) And although I had thought, after seeing some things the other day that I needed to stop doing it..but thanks to a good friend, who pointed somethings out to me, that this is a SPIRITUAL gift, something I disagreed with the other day, I think I better continue and perfect it...

that being said, sorry I'm a rambler sometimes..send them to me...I'd be happy to look at them for you..Don't know if I will be allowed to see anything though, sometimes people close up their energies...

you can send them to

I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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posted October 31, 2002 01:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for beverley     Edit/Delete Message
Thanx, will send them to hotmail

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From: Barcelona, Spain
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posted October 31, 2002 05:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wave     Edit/Delete Message
Bernadette dear,
I'd send you my picture if you don't mind...what do you think?

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posted October 31, 2002 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
ok Beverly, I will be looking at them...

Wave, yes I got it but am somewhat confused...why would someone want their own picture read? Just curious...but I will look at it closely when 2 things happen, number 1 I am not working and have time and number 2, this headache goes away..I suffer from headaches, located on one side of my head almost, when I am having a headache, I do not see as well, or sometimes not at all..

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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Posts: 1404
From: The Mists of Avalon
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posted October 31, 2002 12:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hopeful     Edit/Delete Message
Amanda - do you think your headaches are related to your visions? Sometimes, I get headaches when I lexigram. It helps to ground the energy.

With regard to photos, do you think they capture the aura at that point in time? Or will the aura you see change as it changes with the person? just curious...


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posted October 31, 2002 12:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
Hopeful, I've often wondered that, for sometimes, usually, AFTER I look at a photo, I get a headache, but sometimes they happen without me looking at anything...I am going for a checkup in December, and one of my friends here has been strongly urging me to tell my family guess I will..just to make sure it's nothing other than sinus/stress or the usual headaches causers..

As far as the aura's..I think it was Amber who coined that phrase for me, aura, but I'm not sure that is exaclty what it is...I see what that person is like, I can tell you things about their personality. Is that considered an aura? I guess it is somewhat, for here recently I have looked at some photos and seen much more than "oh that person is very giving etc" ... I knew that one person was a cat lover--it was as if I could see the kitty, up around her jawline and another person who liked college football--how in the world would I pick up on something like that??...I cant explain it very well..

But..I do believe that yes, these readings can change, example, I saw a photo of a friend of mine, when he was a teenager, I saw much darkness surrounding him and anger...yet, when I saw a more recent photo of him it was very different..when I questioned him about his past, before telling him what I saw, indeed, his past was full of bad and sad things...but he has overcome them now, hence me seeing him very different now...

does that make any sense?

isn't it amazing what a photograph can capture? I saw anger around him from a photo taken around 1985...I just find it to be extremely amazing..

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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Posts: 1404
From: The Mists of Avalon
Registered: Jan 2002

posted October 31, 2002 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hopeful     Edit/Delete Message
That is quite a gift you have there! It truly is amazing, and thank you for sharing. Your explanation makes perfect sense. It seems part of what you see is the aura, but I suspect you are highly clairvoyant. Maybe something you can explore???

Once I accepted and became used to the energy created by the lexigrams, the headaches got better. It also helped to eat something sugary for some reason. But yes, definitely get it checked out.


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posted October 31, 2002 01:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
clairvoyant? as ..someone that spirits can talk to/through..that kind of thing?

because i have experienced ghosts/spirits...and let me tell ya, some were just ..there..but some...were not nice at all..some where downright evil...

my nephew Adam, he was dabbling in some black magic once, and for me, this upset me greatly..because I just feared for him, that he was opening the doorway for bad things to come to him...he and I talked last weekend, and he is experiencing some spirits in his home now, and asked me to come visit him soon to tell him what I thought about it...

anyway, I visited him one day, and we were talking, and I asked him to come with me to my church, to see him old friends there, for at one time he came with me regularly...Hopeful, I saw a demon in him at that moment..Adam was looking at me, and shaking his head like "yeah, ok whatever" and all of a sudden, another set of eyes were inside his eyes!! I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP

For a second I was frightened...then, remember me telling you about that little voice in my ear? It spoke to me, and it told me to stare back at tell it just who I was and who I stood for, which for me, is Christ Jesus. I did so, in my mind I was saying this over and over again, telling it that I was not frightened of it...

Needless to say, Adam turned his head, he turned away from me...he looked back and it was gone...shortly after, I was in church and had an overwhelming feeling come over awful feeling..after the service I went to the youth minister's office, who knows Adam and we prayed about it...I began very emotional but prayed for almost an hour straight.

I have never seen that in him again...

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Posts: 1404
From: The Mists of Avalon
Registered: Jan 2002

posted October 31, 2002 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hopeful     Edit/Delete Message
I am definitely not an expert in clairvoyance, but a simple definition is that you can sense things beyond the five senses. So, yes, it may involve communication with spirits - which it seems you have done! - but it also involves a very keen intuitive awareness. I don't think it is something you need to be afraid of, but rather something you need to understand and embrace. I'm sure you can find some links on-line and books at the local library as well. Have you ever read Edgar Cayce?

I just knew you were special.


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posted October 31, 2002 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aphrodite     Edit/Delete Message
yes, i agree. bernadette is special

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posted October 31, 2002 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusWarriorPrincess     Edit/Delete Message

Have your cervical vertebrae adjusted by a Chiropractor AFTER you've had a skilled Massage Therapist work on your entire body for circulation.
Swedish, is the way to go for it is a circulatory therapy. Have them incorporate "some" deep tissue only on certain tight spots.
Your neck, back and shoulders are locked up.
Little or no circulation is going through to your cervical, occipital and cranium. This lack of blood flow is creating your headaches.
Meanwhile, use heat on your neck to circulate. If you get no relief, use cold. Cold is good for breaking up inflammation of swelling. Then go back to heat. Tilt your head backward slightly. Feel where that little opening (hole) is? That is called an Occipital Protuberance. Take your thumb and massage it using tiny, subtle, deep, circular movements. This will supply enough blood to those areas... The root of all headaches!
Get the Therapy I recommended and then stay on top of your headaches with this little exercise. Don't call your Doctor yet until you've tried this. A Doctor will medicate where simple Holistic procedures can eliminate your problem or condition entirely, without the use of drugs. Drugs only contribute to more poisons and toxins within the body. Your trying to eliminate those altogether.
Let me know how it works out.

Love and Light....

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posted October 31, 2002 10:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
awwwwww...thanks Hopeful and Aphrodite...I just love you both have just been so sweet to me...the reason I just come back...

and Venus, thank you I will look into that! Funny thing, you mention my neck and such as locked up..these headaches radiate on the right side of my face/head..they go from the top of the head, through the face--sinus cavity, teeth, jaw, ear, down the neck under the ear into my right shoulder. If I turn my head from side to side, it feels as if it needs to pop. If pressure is placed upon these areas, it feels so much better...but it is quite hard to find someone willing to literally squeeze your head until you think your skull will crack open LOL...

Eventually, 4-6 Motrin, 4-6 at a time of course, 2 Motrin is like eating candy, but 4-6 will do the trick generally, and then, all of a sudden, the neck will get very tight..and if I move it a certain way, it will actually pop. At that time, if I open my mouth, my jaw will pop as that point, I will then feel something like water running down my neck from my ear..but on the inside. This happens several times a day,,no matter the season.

I wear contacts, and for years was told I have cataracts in both eyes due to a fall I had when I was about 2. But recently a new eye doctor said he felt they were scars or scar tissue in my eyes, caused from that fall. He believes I suffered a concussion, but was never treated for it. I have been wondering if that has anything to do with it...and moreso worried somewhat that I could have some sort of brain trauma or even a tumor. Which adds to the headache of course...I think way too much.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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posted October 31, 2002 10:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for deanna     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Bernadette,
You should read some of Doreen Virtue's books. She is what I call the Angel lady. She's just very into angels, something that I thought was very hokey until something (syncronicity) led me to read Divine Guidance. It's wonderful and restored my faith and brought me full circle back to God, I have always been a seeker and found the church experience to be a bad one and still seeking got into all sorts of things seeking divinity everywhere except God. Anyway I am rambling, trying to tell you how good the book is by my own experience.
Her work is very practical, not so way out there that it steps on anyones toes as far as preferred religion, it is for everyone. I have always coveted visual gifts and thought something was wrong with me. I close my eyes and see black. Anyway, she says that everyone gets intuitive or divine information from god and angels in different ways depending on their receptive style. I'm not a visual type just a "knower". Yea!!!! thanks to this book I discovered that Im not a blind freak. Anyway she is very visual like you, she probably sees auras, but since she has all her channels open she hears things gets feelings, sees people, symbols next to their heads, sees other peoples angels (or demons) etc. Im going to quit rambling now, having a hard time communicating exactly what I want to say, afflicted or badly placed Mercury I guess!

Oh yeah with regard to headaches, I read once on an Ouija board forum that doing a ouija session(which I do not do) can drain your energy so you should have something sweet to get your sugar levels back up, low sugar causes headaches. Maybe this applies to any other spiritual practices where you are picking up info from peoples energy fields, or dealing with spirits.
So it makes sense that you feel better after having a sweet snack afterwards.


We don't see things as they are.......we see things as we are.

-Anais Nin

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Posts: 303
From: Beach
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posted October 31, 2002 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusWarriorPrincess     Edit/Delete Message

Indeed, your problem seems to be a much greater problem than first thought and not just reoccuring simple headaches. I believe there are MANY issues going on.
Some psychological and some physical.
Basically, most physical ailments stem from psychological issues. I don't know you well enough to ask personal questions on this thread in efforts to try and pinpoint your dilemma's, so I won't. I have studied the body in depth, but I am NOT a Doctor.
I do however, agree with your Doctor that an untreated concussion could be the culprit.
I also believe that some direct, immediate emotional trauma's are what's exacerbating your condition. Emotionally speaking.
Have you ever suffered whiplash? How about TMJ? The ear and jaw connection could be as simple as a wisdom tooth that needs extracting or a TMJ problem.
Somehow, it effects your entire head, which to me sounds like you still need to have the adjustment and circulation therapy. True, your eyes can create headaches as well from pressures built up.
Like Deanna said, blood sugar drops also causes headaches as well. Back to my statement of feeling that more issues are at play. Regarding blood sugar, Everyone should make a notation that blood sugar fluctuations can be balanced very quickly with protein. The best choice would be chicken or turkey. If your feeling overwhelmed, then blood sugar is your problem. Next time your kids wake up in the night crying or having bad dreams, it just means that they are experiencing sugar drops. Give them a slice of turkey, and they will sleep throughout the night. Turkey is the preference here because of it's ingredient, triptophan, which helps relax the body and promotes sleep sensations. Also note that when your blood sugar levels drop, you are susceptible to an overload of sensations which can create an over-exaggeration of sensitivities, either emotionally or physically or BOTH. Important to eat on a regular basis. Proteins!

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Posts: 303
From: Beach
Registered: Jul 2002

posted October 31, 2002 11:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusWarriorPrincess     Edit/Delete Message

I think your communicating quite well!

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posted November 01, 2002 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Berns, high doses of B Complex will dissolve cataracts.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 504
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posted November 01, 2002 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
WOW!! Thanks everyone for all your advice!! I will look into them ALL!!!

And..I LOVE being called's been my pet name for years now..the spinoff of course from Bernadette

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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Posts: 99
From: Barcelona, Spain
Registered: Apr 2002

posted November 04, 2002 05:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wave     Edit/Delete Message
Well Bernadette, I don't know why I do that, but I guess for the same reason that I've asked for my natal chart in a thousand places
I know perfectly these headaches in one part of the head, is terrible, I use to have them a lot, and sometimes you're not able to do anything, just lay down and keep the lights off.
I hope it gets better.... Hugs

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