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Author Topic:   PPPPixie

Posts: 343
From: Georgia
Registered: Aug 2003

posted September 29, 2003 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jazzebel     Edit/Delete Message
Pixie, want to give me a Tarot reading? If you have some free time, of course...
TR Uranus is squaring my chart ruler Neptune and I am getting nuts about all this sort of things- tarot marot, ect. And how does that kind of readings work on-line, actually?
please, do let me know if you are willing to try me out..


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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted October 01, 2003 12:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
I'll get on it ASAP, Darlin'!!!! Just let me know what topic you'd like covered, and I'll do a celtic cross spread, it's a standard, but in-depth and a goody. Love? General? Work? Do bear in mind though, that the cards tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to. Sometimes they are one in the same, but you never know. And I have always been a sucker for honesty.
Point is, I'd love to......Let me know what topic, and I'll post it here when I'm done. Post-Haste (it's a post joke, It was lame, but that's okay, I have little shame.)Hope to hear from you soon!!!

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Posts: 343
From: Georgia
Registered: Aug 2003

posted October 01, 2003 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jazzebel     Edit/Delete Message
oh there you are! Been waiting for you to respond. I Love it recently I am nuts about all this kind of stuff
The topic - LLLLLove, of course. Spread `em on a table and tell me, baby

P.S. doesn`t matter that I am not there in person?



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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted October 01, 2003 02:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Nope, doesn't matter. Alot of people go by the notion that no one else is to touch their cards anyway. I am not like that, but, yes, I have done plenty of readings for people not present. Why, do you want to hop on a plane and come see me? Ha ha....cheaper to call a 1-900 # ha ha. So,I have to get to bed now, as I am a silly stooge who has to get up early tomorrow, and they take a while. I will do it for you first thing tomorrow. Look for the posting. I will ask the question-" What is happening in the realm of love for Bissie in the next two months" sound okay to you? K, See you tomorrow.

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted October 01, 2003 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
*The first card represents you, and how you are relating to the situation you inquired about.NINE OF SWORDS- You seem to be in a state of lonliness, maybe fearing a behaviour you exhibited in the past or unfounded hurts and nightmarish situations. Maybe you fear being alone, maybe you fear letting yourself go and jumping from the precipace and give in to the power of connecting. Fear can be a catalyst for change. Danger, when confronted, is exhillarating. Think not about the bad points you see in yourself, instead shed the darkness and step into the light that is you.

*The 2nd card represents the current circumstances, and how you feel about them, (what surrounds you.)SIX OF SWORDS- Passage- you are sailing into calmer waters, changing direction and getting a different perspective. This is a process. New roads are opening, cycles are ending, and passage will be smooth after the initial transition. Your world is greatly affected by your state of mind.

*3rd card-what blocks you, stands in the way of the relating situation.THE SUN- Being too optimistic or pessimistic blocks your progress. Life is a process, a cycle. Emotions change, as the sun shines brightness on us all, and then 'goes to sleep' at night. Focus on the positives, share with friends and family. Shine your brightness instead of darkness. Things aren't supposed to always be bright- then you wouldn't know what true happiness means.

*4th position-The foundation of the inquiring question. FIVE OF WANDS- Competition. Are you competing with someone, or just yourself, in this quest for love? It is essential to respect your opponent in any situation. Even if you are angry or frustrated, do not give in to prejudice, don't let it destroy your reason. Competition is a tool for self improvement.

*5th position-what is behind you-your past regarding the situation- TEMPERANCE- Patience. You were faced with tests of patience. Essential ingredients were at your hands, and if you prepared them well, they have developed into the recipe necessary for you top move on with effective action. If time was wasted, you must cultivate patience. Stop, look and listen before you act.

*6th -What crowns you-represents your thoughts and feelings on how you would like to see the situation progress.-4 of WANDS-You celebrate, and give thanks to a job well done. Your labours have created a strong foundation, resulting in an optimistic, proud and thankful completion and celebration. You have completed your journey.

*7-short term outcome of the situation-PRINCESS OF HEARTS- You will soon have to act as someone who is skilled at the communication of love, feelings, dreams and intuition. You may have to deal with the tenderness of a young person. You may 'give birth'to something.

*8th position-Your persona in regards to the situation-how to behave in order to fulfill your desired outcome-2 of WANDS- Present yourself as calm, deliberate, and ready to assert yourself if needed. Show yourself as independent, and that you can take the time to plan and map things out yourself. Show you have several choices at this crossroads. Your choices.

*9- How others see you, relating to the situation-NINE of PENTACLES-Abundance. Others see you as independent, self-reliant and natural. You seem to be an abundant source of ideas and inspiration, and the valuable wisdom that nature teaches us.

*10th position- Hopes and Fears regarding the situation-PRINCESS of WANDS- Impulsiveness. You hope to be spontaneous and enthusiastic, but fear that you seem impulsive, impatient or immature. You may fear losing your inhibitions, or youthfulness.

*11th position- the outcome of the enquiring situation. 10 of WANDS-You will encounter oppressive conditions. You are overworked, overstressed and these conditions prevent you from truly finding what you wish at the moment. Build up your reserves. Get enough sleep, do not let the world overwhelm you. Focus on taking the time for yourself. Think things through. Define for yourself, your thoughts on love and life and put your energies to good use. This is a time to focus on your key issues, not to share with someone else. Only by being honest and introspective will you open yourself to find what you are looking for. Don't overcommit and tire yourself out. Keep things in perspective- remember that "This too shall pass" and you will be stronger and more able to embrace love when the time comes.

You have to see how this fits in with your own life.These are potentialities, but often when I see a 'negative' reading for myself, I find that there is a dominant pattern to the issues the cards are trying to get me to acknowledge. Only you can interpret the meanings for you. I hope this helped. I will follow up in a few months for you. You can let me know how it has come to pass, and what you learned from things too.

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Posts: 343
From: Georgia
Registered: Aug 2003

posted October 01, 2003 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jazzebel     Edit/Delete Message
oh thank you, Pixie, that was very interesting to read and quite touched my current situation. Thanks again for your time, much appreciated.

P.S.If someday I happen to land in Canada, I`ll let ya know

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted October 01, 2003 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Jazzebel~ Anytime schweets, I hope it helped, and good luck.Peace!

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