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Author Topic:   reading auras

Posts: 23
From: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Registered: Feb 2004

posted February 19, 2004 07:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dreamer#9     Edit/Delete Message
I am practising reading auras. I go into my bathroom and stand in front of the mirror with the lights on and there is a light wall behind me. I stare at my forehead in the mirror (which happens to have this tiny red birthmark where I think my third eye is) (like i planted that there as a reminder from a past life) and in my "other" vision I see lights. I know that right now, all I can see is the etheric outline, although last nite, I started seeing more. I think. It was just glimpses of more. Time.....will show me more. I've started at work, looking at my co-workers and I can see their etheric outline as well. Any tips or comments to enhance this?
Love and light,

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Posts: 3831
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posted February 19, 2004 09:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TINK     Edit/Delete Message
Hello dreamer#9

I've practised on and off over the years too. In the begining I was fortunate enough to run into Lobsang Rampa's You Forever. I found this book to be very helpful. I've discovered that, at least in the begining stages, I saw bits of an aura when I least expected it. Often I think it has more to do with the other person than with myself. For instance, the first time I saw something(at least the first time as an adult) the person was feeling quite jealous. I think the very strong emotions that person felt might make have made their aura easier see. A very nasty pea green w/ slight brown tones mixed in. I was surprised by the movement of the colors. I didn't expect that.

It sounds like your making some real progress. It takes time so don't give up. How does the etheric look to you? What an interesting place for a birthmark!


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Posts: 23
From: Edmonton, AB, Canada
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posted February 20, 2004 02:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dreamer#9     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for sharing with me. It is hard to describe what I see. It's like a halo of northern lights around the body. (thats if you have ever seen northern lights) But not the colors of the northern lights. Its white, almost clear with a definite outline to it. But yet just at the verge of the outline, all the colors of the rainbow, but they are moving and changing. It is so cool and I am so very grateful I can see it. I realize that I have always been able to see it, I just didn't know what I was seeing. It would happen with very infuential individuals at first, but now that I am aware, I see when I look for it on someone. So far though, the person needs to be behind a blank wall with light in the room. I did it once in a darkened room with only candles burning on a friend, but I have not mastered being able to do it "on the spot". Lots to learn...oh the joy

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
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posted February 20, 2004 09:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Have you read the Celestine Prophecy?

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posted February 21, 2004 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TINK     Edit/Delete Message
I haven't. Always had a wary, not-sure-I-should-trust-this sort of feeling from it. Same with the Seth Speaks books. What did you make of it?

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posted February 21, 2004 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
It is a novel.. fiction, essentially, and while it is in the setting of a story, if you take it with a grain of salt, it does vibrate particularily with people who are in tune with the grand message. It was a good way to get these metaphysical things spoken out about, and I think you would enjoy the descriptions of auras. Interesting stuff. Not to be taken as gospel... for I don't think anything should be, but elements are enriching and it's a good read. Simplistic, actually.

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Posts: 6830
From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted February 21, 2004 04:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Hiya Ladies

Tink, did you like Lobsang Rampa's You Forever ? I found it so sexist I couldn`t get past the aura`s chapter . I realize it was/is an older book but an enlightened person ..... you know what I mean

I have the set of Seth Speaks books in my library but never read them (they came from my mom ) . I`m wary of channeling guru`s as well. Maybe someday I`ll them.

Pixie, I also have the Celestine Prophecy. Some really good info in there but you need to sort thru all the book and see what resonates with you.

I really enjoyed Rosemart Alteas: You Own the power for a primary book on developing your inate abilities.


If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot

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Posts: 4050
From: The Boundless
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posted February 21, 2004 04:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
My six cents...

I didn't care for the Celestine Prophecy either. Found it to be pretentious and kinda boring.

I have one of the Seth books, but could never get into it. It complicates things way too much. I too am suspicious of channeled entities...wasn't it the woman who channeled Ramtha who at one point said she was faking it?

On the other hand, channeled or not, the Michael books contain wonderful messages...I loaned them to a friend, when I get them back I'll put up some quotes for you.

A friend's husband did a lot of LSD in the 70's. He sees everyone's aura now. But he doesn't like to talk about it. And no, I'm not advocating that you drop acid...but as devil's advocate, there are masters who do condone its use. After all, there are many cultures who get in tune with higher powers or their inner selves through the use of hallucinogenics, like peyote.

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Posts: 6830
From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted February 21, 2004 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Trillian I`ve missed you!! Ya, jzKnight I think her name was . I saw her do a session & it was laughable and not in a good way.
Peyote has always intrigued me for the insight to the higher s-elf it`s believed to provide. Maybe someday.....


If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted February 21, 2004 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
I like the open mindedness here.. to each their own, right? the most simple and accurate breakdown of human nature, wise in its simplicity.
Yes, Juni, thats what I meant about the Celestine Prophecy... there are parts that make sense, but you have to weed through alot in order to get there.
Reg; the truth from Trillian ( Hi honey, how are you?) Yes!! I haven't quite finished it yet.. as I am on a boring spot, and I've yet to revisit it...
But it does have some valuable insight into aura seeing so I thought i'd bring it up in light of this topic...

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Posts: 4050
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 21, 2004 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Hiya juniperb and pixel I've been around, just so busy! I'm getting ready for my trip to Ireland, leaving on Thursday, and have had a lot of errands to run in preparation. I haven't seen my Gem in a lifetime or two, , and I am soooo eager...

You know, there is value in all these resources. Even though that woman, and I think you have her name right, juniperb, was a fake with Ramtha, the message was generally one of peace, love and instant karma. Oh, and do you want to purchase my Ramtha tapes and work books and contribute to my Ramtha church? There's only one way to build a religion, eh?

But if you find something that resonates to your soul, without someone trying to steal it, then you are still ahead of the game.

You know juniperb, I have watched many friends take acid, who have had a wonderful time. I guess I just have too much Aries (control) and Cappy (reserve), because I never had the guts to try it. Oh, I'm no angel, I've smoked a few (hundred ) Goddess-given weeds, experimented with a pill or two in younger days, ate a wild 'shroom or two...but could never make the leap to acid. But like you, peyote intrigues me, and with a proper guide, I might find it to be something I'd enjoy some day.

Hope you ladies are well, you are always in my thoughts.

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Posts: 1033
From: on the trail of the Old Ones
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posted February 21, 2004 05:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FishKitten     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Dreamer#9. I knew this amazing man in Oklahoma many years ago. He was around 80 years old when I was 25. He had an uncanny ability to find crystals and gave me several (which I have to this day). He asked me once, in a very surprised voice, "Did you know that there are some people who can't see auras?" I told him that I did know that. He said, "Well, if you ever meet anyone who can't, would you tell them for me to stop looking with their eyes and start looking with their hearts?" So there you go, a message from Hubert straight to you. I don't know if it will help, but I always found everything he said to me of immense help once I thought it over for a while.

Peace and joy.

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
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posted February 21, 2004 06:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
(once again with the book references..)
Have you ever read books by Tom Robbins?
He goes on these philosophical, metaphysical existential journeys, in the form of silly and profound characters...
I am thinking of 'the Chink' in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues...
I love his writing. Makes me think and laugh at the same time.
Sexy too.

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Posts: 3831
From: New England
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posted February 21, 2004 10:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TINK     Edit/Delete Message
Hey, Juniperb. Yes, I noticed that in Rampa's book too. Not too, too bad but it's there. I pushed past it. I think the book is well worth it overall. Lock up your inner feminist and give it another try.

I have a real innate distrust of "channeled" beings. (excepting Mr Cayce of course) I believe it's possible but...."Seth Speaks" just really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was the name. The whole Ramptha thing just seemed so silly. On reflection, I think my problem with "The Celestine Prophecies" was its popularity. If it's not hard to find and largely unknown to the masses then damn it, I'm not happy. I'm a book snob. I'm ashamed to say it, but it's true. I bet Juniperb knows what I mean.
But what you all say is so very true - you've got to weed through things. I really do think we are lead to books. I've read some books that were 99% bullsh!t but there was that 1% in there I needed to hear. And so it was worth it.

Oh trillian I've missed you too! My aura is pea green with envy over your expedition to the Emerald Isle. I hope you have a magical time.

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Posts: 4050
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 22, 2004 08:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Tink It's nice to be missed--but I've been around, just too busy to post much. I love my friends here at LL. And thanks for the lovely wishes regarding my trip...I'm eager, but I guess I won't believe it's truly real till I'm on my way to BWI.

Your words are wise, I too think we are lead to books. Sometimes we need to read them, just to absorb and reject them, just for the experience. I've had "The Tao of Pooh" sitting on my shelf for about 8 years, a gift from a former boyfriend, and I have yet to read it. Just something about it...I love having it, I love that it was such a thoughtful gift, but I have blocked myself from reading it.

To digress for a moment, about Tink saying we are lead to books...I went to see a woman about 8 years ago or so who leads you through past life regressions. There was a theme running through those that I remember (my cassette didn't record!), searching for him, my soulmate (for lack of a better term). And in the small piece of one of the lifetimes I remember, happening in the 1940's or early 50's, I was 'lead' into a book store, searching for a particular book. It's like I knew he was an author and I would someday find his works...

Anyway! pixel, I ADORE Tom Robbins and would love to kick down a beer or two with him. His irreverent style but intriguing insights...He has my favorite sex organ: a reallllly big brain, that he flexes this way and that, he's bendy .

From the antics of Leigh Cheri in Still Life with Woodpecker, to Jitterbug Perfume...I just love his work. I think my favorite has become one of his most recent, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climes, even though it dragged a bit in spots. It's his metaphysical take on life that makes it so worthwhile. I haven't read his latest yet, but talking about him makes me want to go buy it Right Now!

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted February 22, 2004 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
oh gosh, Trillian.. me too!!! I like how bendy he is also. I haven't read his newest though I was so excited to see he had written a new one and it got press coverage. "Skinny legs and all" was a fun one for me...
I agree on the books and being led. I will read something as fluffy and insignificant as a romance novel, and one sentance in the whole book will have deeper meaning for me, and it is all worth it...
Re; the Tao of Pooh... oh, I read it years ago, it is such a simple read. And yet so sublime. I don't even own it anymore, I don't know where it has travelled , as I am a lender extraordinaire, and I usually don'y get them back.. you'd think I'd have learned by now, but I have, it's just, sometimes I almost think.. maybe they needed it and I have passed my time with it...
I have all these reluctant reads on my shelf too.. I like having them there, and I think if I read them, their magical influence will go away.. or maybe I am just not ready yet. I have alot of Tibetan Bhuddist books that haven't seen the light of day on their inner pages... also some sound therapy, Reiki, etc....
There presence brings me comfort, but I mean, I can't learn through osmosis.
Maybe If you read the Tao of Pooh.. (plane reading?) I will pick up one oof my selections too... Deal?
Have a wonderful trip.. make sure to record your dreams while there, and remember to really look around and find out why you feel drawn there. I am so excited for you!

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Posts: 4050
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 22, 2004 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Pixelpixie, I'll dust the book off and at least take it with me! So there you have your deal...

I think some of it has to do with that old saying 'when the student is ready the teacher appears.' So when it feels like the time is right to do something...

So now you must pull one of those books off your shelf!

Thanks for the well wishes for my trip. I think I just might fall in love with Ireland...and never want to return. Perhaps one day I will be able to afford a home there.....

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Posts: 3831
From: New England
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 22, 2004 07:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TINK     Edit/Delete Message
Oh the Tao of Pooh! I read that years ago. Lovely little book. Not complicated or anything but it leaves you with such a light, happy, God's in his Heaven and alls right in the World. *sigh*

What an interesting story about the life regression, trillian. Always wanted to give it a try but the time never seemed right. Someday.

Never heard of this Tom Robbins. I'll check him out. So many books, so little time.

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Posts: 23
From: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Registered: Feb 2004

posted February 24, 2004 02:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dreamer#9     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks so much FishKitten.....
those words ring in my ears now when I think of trying to read someone's aura. It is so true!!!!

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Posts: 4050
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 24, 2004 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
pixellllllllllllll....c'mon girlfriend, what book is it gonna be???

Tink, ya know, I'm not always convinced time is linear, and if it's not, it kinda negates the whole reincarnation thing. But doing the session was cool, wish my recorder had worked, but that happens to me every time, it seems! Went to visit a couple of psychics in my life, recorded the sessions, got home, and the tape was blank once, disappeared another time.

The past life regression itself was an interesting sensation. I was conscious, and yet, also aware of this alternate world I was visiting. I saw three lifetimes, but I can only remember two. I looked nothing like the me that I am, but recognized those women as aspects of myself. I would definitely recommend the experience to anyone.

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posted March 10, 2004 10:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nackie     Edit/Delete Message
Here's me kicking up old threads:

why would non-linear time negate reincarnation? No one said you have to incarnate one-after-the-other i.e. wouldn't it be possible to live this life here and now and then go back into a life in 200 b.c. or 2000 years (our time) into the future?

I really loved the seth books, so much made sense, stuff that I "knew" as a little kid going to a catholic school and always in trouble with the priests because of my questions (why DON'T we believe in reincarnation if Jesus died and was resurrected, if we make one big mistake and die before we can ask God for forgiveness, then he shuts us out of his house, and that's what I should call a FATHER?? and so on and so forth). For me, it wasn't the question of wether Jane Roberts was a medium (I think I never even really though of that lol), even if it was just her own creativity, does that make it any less (or more, if Seth existed) real a message or give it more credibility? For me it's the message that's important and not who tells me. Anyways, back to linear time, in the Seth books, it's explained something along those lines that time isn't linear, and that our 3-dimensional world is also not the only truth, there is 2 dimensional, 4 dimensional etc. These are also dimensions that we can incarnate into and learn our soul lessons. And these dimensions have a very different time line than ours.

One way I used to think of the differing aspects of time as a kid was this:

people live about 80 years. We base our time-experiences on this. When you're 10 you have your first communion (when you're catholic), at about 15 your first love, kids in your twenties or thirties, grandkids in your fifties (really really loose guidelines lol) and die about when you're 80. But what about fishflies? They only live one day. But that is just a "day" in our terms. They could very well have their own time feeling, and in that time span of our 24 hours, go through a whole lifetime that seems as long and as filled out as a human lifetime.

Okay I'm rambling now, gotta go entangle my brain,

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Posts: 1033
From: on the trail of the Old Ones
Registered: Aug 2003

posted March 10, 2004 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FishKitten     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Dreamer#9. I'm glad Hubert's words helped you out. He was an amazing person.

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