posted July 15, 2004 01:13 AM
Just a quick hello whilst checking my emails. I've missed chatting to you all.
I'm not at all surprised by your name change Sheaa - which your quite right, does rhyme with Gia. I'm not surprised about the water thing either having the same connections with water myself. Have you read my water posts yet? They might be quite elucidatory and you may find you ALREADY know mostly everything I've written and perhaps even more.
I miss you too Philly, Pixelpixie and Libra Sparkle. I miss you all!!!

I'm not resting too much. I'm running around like some mad thing most of the time. My leg injury is now totally cured. I was doing my Curves workout with an elastic support much to owner's horror. Good old Raditech and massage did the trick. I managed to get through a two hour workout every single day without even a tinge. I walked so much today I don't think I'll be able to summon up the energy to move off this chair!
I'll check in again in about two weeks or sooner if I can.
Love as always,