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Author Topic:   Question for You Moms Out There...
posted October 13, 2004 09:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message
...who breastfed.

The following is a post that I put up in a Mom's site, but I thought that some of ya'll might have an interesting and/or unique perspective.

(Note: I also know that I can say here, "I'm going to point squarely at Meg's Gemini Moon/Venus/Mars in the 11th and her 9th House Sun and Merc...but, geez, you'd think that a Taurus Sun'd mitigate this situation somewhat...")


Hey ya'll -
I'm not a frequent poster on these boards, but I have a question/concern that I hope you can help me with:

Breastfeeding my kiddo has been an adventure.
She wouldn't latch-on and stay latched for the first month of her life - she'd start and then pull back, screaming, while multiple streams of milk spurted at her, so I'm guessing that my let-down was too fast and strong - so I prayed to the Avent god and expressed to feed her. Slowly but surely but finally, our attempts at suckling extended and paid off, to the point that she became a voracious eater (she's only about 16 lbs but is in the 98th percentile for height).
Recently, though, a new snag's cropped up.
She gets entirely too distracted to eat. Things're fine for the first few minutes, but after that the book that I'm reading, Daddy, the TV, the wall, the bedspread, the couch, that fly that got in - anything - is much more interesting than feeding.
This, even, would be fine, except that she is then hungry and doing face plants in my chest 10 minutes later. Sometimes it doesn't even take that long, with her thumb popping firmly into her mouth as soon as she turns away. I understand that some of ya'll can go with that schedule, that you even prefer to, but doing so will drive me slowly insane.

Any advice?

- Corri with Meg the Munchkin


And Thank You to any LLrs who might have a thing or two to say on this

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Posts: 108
From: Gulfport,Mississippi, USA
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posted October 13, 2004 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for butterflyeyes     Edit/Delete Message
I know what you are talking about. I breast fed both of my boys. My first son was the same way. Very nosey, had to be every where except where he needed to be. (EATING)! So, I tried to do the quiet place and then he would just fall to sleep. So, I would put on some music. And that worked well! Now, I can't take away his music!!!!
My 2nd. son was hard to feed. He would eat for a little while and then suck his finger.
I wish I would of stopped him then, because now he is 9 years old and still sucks his finger. It might be cute and everything but from my experience, I wish I would of pushed the passifier(sorry if I spelled that wrong)!
Now we are dealing alot with the dentist. His teeth are so messed up. And we are just in the beginning of everything and he has cost me an arm and later my leg .Ha-Ha!!
I hope everything goes well. But if I had to do it again, I WOULD! I LOVE EVERY MOMENT!
And truefully it had it's moment when I wanted to scream!!!!!! Good luck!

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posted October 13, 2004 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Proxie,

I nursed both of my girls too. How old is she now? Could she be ready for rice cereal? My kiddos loved rice cereal with breast milk. Wouldn't eat it made with water, but when it was made with breast milk, they GRUBBED.

Putting her on food might make the eating experience more interesting for her, and hold her attention longer since it's something new.

Too bad you can't just reason with her. "Meg, c'mon... eat honey." Coudn't hurt to try, but I doubt she'll listen

Another thing I did for my kids as they got older was juicing fruits and veggies and mixing it with rice cereal.

Have your tried rubbing your nipple on her cheek to get her attention?

*Pictures Meg doing a face plant into mama's chest* Aw... how cute. My kids NEVER do that anymore

I wouldn't worry about it too much, Prox. She's gonna eat. She's not going to starve herself. Toddlers go through this too, often refusing to eat and sending their poor mothers into a panic. My kids did this too. My oldest would go for so long without eating sometimes, it really scared me. Took her in to see the doc... doc said, "She'll eat when she's hungry. Try not to worry." Well, I worried anyhow BUT, today she's 8 and eats regularly. She's healthy. Thank God(dess)!

One of the greatest revelations I've had as a parent is that we have NO CONTROL over these little boogers. We really can't MAKE them do anything... including eating.

Try not to worry yourself too much. She'll eat

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astro junkie

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posted October 13, 2004 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for astro junkie     Edit/Delete Message
Prox -

* Try wrapping her in a sling or with a blanket to keep her feeling secure, and keep her arms and hands out of the way. Maybe this will help relax her. Keep her facing you.

* See if she wants to try to feed herself.

* Keep a schedule for meals instead of feeding her if she's all the sudden hungry before it's time.

* Feed her a little piece of what she sees you eating.

* Try different flavors to see if she likes something better.

* Do the "airplane" routine - you know the one? Or "choo choo train" ...

* Maybe playing the same song during mealtime will help give her a cue.

* Pretend you are feeding one of her dolls or toys, make little chewing sounds so she believes it.

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posted October 13, 2004 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
I know, she's so busy looking everywhere else, once she has what she wants.. that when you take it away,she's like "Hey!!" (Once she finally clues in )
It's like the bad boyfriend syndrome.. Don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.
The best part of that is when you have company....they decide to push away from you, effectively exposing you to everyone who cares to look. It's hard to look someone in the eye without acknowledging.. "Yes, that WAS just my T!T you saw.. funny, ain't it?

What about holding her a different way? So whatever is distracting her can be done while she nurses. Or make it a fun time, distract her yourself? Pin puppets to your shirt, for her to look at while nursing.. that way, she'll unlatch to give you a beaming smile, but quickly suck againwhen she realizes she isn't.
It's hard to be a smart baby, wanting to take it all in ....
Quiet room? Good idea but Good luck.

Okay, I'll take a Meg fix now.. Picture please?

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Posts: 6034
From: Vancouver USA
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posted October 13, 2004 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
Yes. More pics please.

Pix... good idea with the puppets

Maybe you could sprinkle glitter on your chest (above the boobies ) ... get her attention! Hubby'd prolly like it too!

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posted October 13, 2004 09:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Heya - I've read all ya'll's responses and thank you
Not enough time to write-out replies right now, but I can satisfy ya'll's baby picture jones (you addicts you):

My Leo/Pisces Moon Grandmommy and Meg

Meghan trying to take my Instant Breakfast

I'll have some more in a few days (relatives w/ digicams'll e-mail more shots).

Peace, Lollipops, and Green Bean Baby Mush

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Posts: 6034
From: Vancouver USA
Registered: May 2004

posted October 13, 2004 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
"Mommy, I want some too!"

How cute!


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posted October 17, 2004 06:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Some more came in over the wires:

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Sheaa Olein

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posted October 22, 2004 09:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sheaa Olein     Edit/Delete Message
Awwww... I want one!!

Hey prox - how's things? How's the family?

"There is nothing worth more than this day!"

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posted October 22, 2004 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message
Shes so beautiful, I'm gonna hurt the person that made her cry *growls*
Shes got a 6 month birthday any day now doesn't she?
Kiss her for us

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Posts: 6034
From: Vancouver USA
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posted October 22, 2004 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
LOVE the first one. How cute!! CHEESE!!!!!

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posted October 22, 2004 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lioneye68     Edit/Delete Message
Try draping a receiving blanket over your shoulder, covering her as well, so that she can't see anything in the room around her, just the task at hand. And try to do it only in a quiet place, if at all possible.

good luck.

She's such a cutie buns.

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posted October 22, 2004 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Philbird     Edit/Delete Message
What a happy looking sweetie!
Can't help with the breast feed thingy, my son refused. He was premature, and I guess I wasn't ready. Even after I gave birth, I was still a 32." No flo...

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