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Author Topic:   Get Your Rants Out Here!

Posts: 931
From: Southeast Florida
Registered: Nov 2003

posted December 16, 2004 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Everlong     Edit/Delete Message
I think we should have a place where we can just all whine and complain and really get our aggression out, really just get it out, I love when people go off on angry tangents that they really mean. Everyone here is so nice, you people must have some built up things that you just want to yell about. Here, I'll go first. Something that I just wrote because I was very restless, and whiny and sulky:

I'm so full of things. Bursting at the seams of my mind. I want to do so much, you have no idea, and I think so much, and it's just... I see the top of the mountain, and it's this place where I want to be, and where sometimes I can see so clearly, but at others, usually when I'm around people that make me feel like a toddler, it's completely out of view and I feel like I'm at the foot of Mount Everest. I feel like a genius, but then when I'm around real ones I see that I'm really not and that I'm more of a clumsy fool. My words are weak when I don't feel secure, and I look like a helpless little girl who doesn't know anything about the world. And I want to. I don't want to be 'anyone', I want to be. I've understood that the only way I'm going to make any sort of mark on the world is by being new, and by being me, a human being, not some sweet drape. I've always noticed that the most interesting people in life are the ones that have had the most personal problems. Isn't that something? They have so many conflictions, and it builds up so much character in them. I hate people who are just nice, but not in the sincere way (most of you are ). I love people that talk straight. They don't give you any bullsh*ting. But I also hate people that are so freaking dramatic and think that life is a constant switchblade fight. Grow up, dumb*ss, the only person that's making your life difficult is yourself.

People just have to be what they were meant to be and stop straying off from the path so much to false idols that they think are going to give them happiness when the only path is the easiest one, that to yourself. We're robots. My generation freaking makes me want to visit a vomitorium, I hate it. We're mass consumers in every meaning of the phrase- all we want is wantwantwant, no time to stop and think and remember about those around and we all just die and it's horrible. No one's learning, and I want them to, because they don't WANT to. See? There's the want again. Why don't I just not care, and go onto my own enlightenment and live off in some peak in the Himalayas? Because I can't do that, what's the purpose if I don't help a change? Imagine there's no countries, and no religions too- why do we have to Imagine? Because we're such lazy f*cks that aren't able to think anything greater than "oh, a sweet song." Thinking has totally lost its meaning, and schools do nothing but waste their time beating things into people that are never going to learn and killing those that already know and that are miles ahead. They degrade the few real teachers out there that do live up to what they were meant to be. No one does anything new anymore, because we're done with thinking about no ideas unless they'll earn us a lot of cash or trim our wastelines.

And I'm so freaking arrogant, it's disgusting.

Okay, your turn now =).

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Posts: 2681
From: ohio
Registered: Aug 2004

posted December 16, 2004 10:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for future_uncertain     Edit/Delete Message
Everlong, you sound frustrated!

I think I know what you're saying, though. It's almost a feeling like having all or most of the pieces to a puzzle, but no box with a picture to figure out how it all goes together. And it does seem sometimes like the ones who "know" things are the ones who are the most ridiculed. That's one reason why I like Lindaland so much... it's a place where I can find other people who "know" as well, and lots of people who know so much more than I do.

I find it difficult to find people who deal with life in any depth. Like they live for today, they live for their paycheck, they live for the wedding, the 2.5 kids, retirement, then death. And that's life! And these people usually find me a little bit "crazy." My friends love me, but they all think I'm a little weird for my spiritual/astrological/philosophical beliefs and the way I live my life. They find me eccentric. But really I don't feel eccentric. I've always wondered to myself, "Where are my people?" I think I've hit the jackpot here!

So, I suppose in keeping with the original topic, if I have a rant, this is what it would be: for those who don't know but think they know so much better to leave me the h*ll alone to live my own life. I don't interfere with theirs or make judgements. But I'm an easy target for people who like to judge because I live just a little bit outside the "norm."

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Posts: 539
Registered: Nov 2004

posted December 17, 2004 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I got excited reading your responses, I'm better now!!!! Now I know I really do belong here!!! Do you know how long I've been thinking that and how much I just want to scream at the top of my lungs sometimes that "this is not All there is to life, don't you people care about anything outside your superficial little bubbles!!!!!" I am not mad at them personally because I understand everyone has diff experiences but I'm mad at the fact that everyone seems so wrapped up in stupid mundane routines that they don't bother looking up at the sky or notice the change of color in the leaves..They take it all for granted, if anything if it were up to some people we would be surrounded by skyscrapers and black smoke filled skies..and we would be walking around like robots with all the scientific data but no more of those bothersome emotions to get in the way. I know thats extreme, but sometimes I feel people are becoming so cold and cut off. Your worshipped for being rich, Famous (for remembering lines and pretending to be someone your not to escape your miserable life haha), Rich, Beautiful, ultra "Macho" or ultra "Feminine" and Powerful, Young! Bow down to these Gods and you will be loved to! "Oh yeah Love?? Whats that anyway?", "I don't know I remember feeling it long ago and I think I want to feel it again", "Yes let's keep making money, become the most beautiful, then maybe we'll find this Love you speak of" "Then What?" haha I don't know where that came from. See I let myself go for one second on what truly feel and I'm already retracting my statements and feeling a like a nut. I want real freedom for the world, freedom from judgement and overbearing practicality...I want to spread my wings and fly away!! I'll meet you girls on a faraway cloud in the sky of Knowing, while we wait for others to look up and notice us. Ahh that felt good..thanks Everlong, I needed that Thats the closest I've been to poetic in a while, I just remembered something I never want to lose. MySelf.

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Posts: 2474
From: upstate NY, USA
Registered: Oct 2004

posted December 17, 2004 12:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for virgotaurustaurus     Edit/Delete Message
Sweeet thread! I've been thinking this a LOT lately, i'm always constantly trying to better myself and grow and change, even if I DO get stuck in ruts (as I am right now). I've been around people who just keep doing the same negative, bad things over and over and over and nothing ever changes around them, ever, and they are miserable and hate their lives and take it out on everyone else and I am SO SICK OF THESE PEOPLE. I just want to scream at them! No one even gets me when I talk about introspection and soul-searching and that when I'm sitting here still as a lake I'm still doing work on myself in my head, I'm not being lazy. My parents don't get it, my ex-boyfriend didn't get it either although he did work on changing his life a lot, and a lot of my friends are just weirded out. Only a very few get it but those are the ones very busy with their lives and I miss them. I just feel left out in the cold to walk my own path and right now I'm so lost, but I'm also glad I do have that control. I just don't know what to do with it! Everyone says it'll just come to me someday. I sure hope so but I do need to do the work too. I'm just sick of the obstacles of others who view me as a threat to their boring, miserable mundane-ness. If they want to do the same thing and act the same way (that hasn't worked) for the past 10 years of their lives, FINE BY ME!!! But don't tear me down on my path to improvement since it scares YOU. GAAAHHHH. I'm SO SICK of the same old thing every single day, same conversations, same looks on peoples faces. It is giving me a freakin headache.

*head explodes*

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Posts: 539
Registered: Nov 2004

posted December 17, 2004 01:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
Deep breath....and I'm back. I know this is the rant forum, but can I be optimistic for a sec? haha..At least we know we are not alone and I truly am seeing more people wake up..I'm starting to see signs of the Aquarian Age..Deepok Chopra, Yoga, Meditation, Message, etc are becoming mainstream. Though they may be trendy or another thing to squeeze into their busy schedules ironically, they are still surfacing.

Also I helped my BF go from Atheist to semi spriritual and treat puppies better (don't ask), and just had a deep discussion with Roommate leaving her very inspired and inquisitive..she may be joining us (which was a synchronistic happening for me Not that I want followers, I told them not to believe me unless it felt right and I didn't pressure them. I like to think of myself as an inspiration to others and part of progressive thinkers of this New Age. Let's join together and spread Love and Light to the world, who can resist that? Sorry its my Leo passion for giving advice rearing its head in the wrong forum...back to ranting 1 2 3 and go..LOL


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Posts: 539
Registered: Nov 2004

posted December 17, 2004 01:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
here I'll add something else that bothers me to keep it going, I think this is good for us in a weird way. My mom doesn't understand my spiritual side either, we're so close in other ways but sometimes she puts so much pressure on me getting good grades and tells me not to think too much about "that stuff" until I'm out of school..Thats like asking me to hold my breath for the next to years, it would kill me. k whos next?

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posted December 17, 2004 02:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for delerious     Edit/Delete Message
Oh I love this!!! a chance to b*tch and moan!!! (is whining accepted too?)

I'm really sick of people who never take responsibility for their own actions, the perpetual victims!! When you hate to see them coming cause you know it's gonna be another "poor me" story. Have had to make a few hard choices as far as friends go due to this, finally had to decide they were just pulling me down, then had to deal with their hurt and sense of rejection, "See? Life's doing it to me again!"

I'm also very upset that my nearest dearest psychic friend is for some reason in the thralls of an abusive man. She's left him numerous times in the last year, (so I hope she's at least making progress) but always ends up back there. (Alcohol's also in that mix) Why can't she see? I'm losing my best friend to awful negative forces... So afraid for her soul...

Must be some heavy karma there, I've always seen her as one of the most spiritually evolved people I know. I guess I'm the most angry with those malignant entities who dare to hurt the ones I love, to exploit their trust and vulnerability for their selfish ego boost?

I'm the most at the greedy politicians and businessmen who don't give give a cr*p about our planet's and children's future in their mad lust for power and monetary gain!!!

Need to breathe..... Time to !!!

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Posts: 2474
From: upstate NY, USA
Registered: Oct 2004

posted December 17, 2004 02:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for virgotaurustaurus     Edit/Delete Message
I need to rant again...and I feel like an ass airing my personal crap on here, but I feel like a huge mess inside...

right now I am so angry, hurt, scared at how much power I see some people exude over others on purpose to get whatever sick satisfaction out of it they want. I am constantly watching things turn for the worst in my house. I live with my parents still. They are both abusive in various ways. I've done A LOT of research on this. And the more that goes on here, the more I research the more I just cannot handle how these people KNOW what they are doing!!! ANd it is intensely scary and incredibly hurtful and can leave scars so deep. i'm talking more about verbal/emotional/mental abuse than physical. I can't even imagine why someone would walk around the house full of people they are supposed to love and be bullying, arrogant, egotistical, overbearing, and be incredibly sarcastic and mean just to begin another arguement because the person gets satisfaction out of it in some way. It's incredibly sickening.

I'm also completely angry that I now have to change my goals from having a solid foundation to work on changes in my life towards what I really really want bad, like potentially going back to school to focusing all of my energy on trying to find an apartment ASAP to get away from them(and trying to find a full time job ASAP). I know some people could say I should have already done this as I'm 22 years old, but I just got back from college so I'm starting over pretty much.

Abusive behavior is just simply the most disgusting, disturbing, frightening thing I've ever had to experience in this entire world.

Sorry my rant doesn't really relate to the stuff usually discussed on these boards but it's the only place I knew of where people are nice, I'm here all the time, and I just had to rant in the rant thread.

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Posts: 539
Registered: Nov 2004

posted December 17, 2004 03:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
Thats what the rant thread is for right Everlong?

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Posts: 800
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posted December 17, 2004 03:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for delerious     Edit/Delete Message
If we didn't rage against injustice and man's inhumanity to man wouldn't we be partially soul-dead? I'm more disturbed by people who never complain!! Least we're not

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Posts: 539
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posted December 17, 2004 03:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
True true and change follows idealists who don't conform to, but think for themselves.

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Posts: 931
From: Southeast Florida
Registered: Nov 2003

posted December 17, 2004 05:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Everlong     Edit/Delete Message
Yep, that's exactly what it's for, I got the idea after reading this in my psychology text book:

Catharsis: emotional release. In psychology, the catharsis hypothesis maintains that "releasing" aggressive energy relieves aggressive urges.

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Posts: 2681
From: ohio
Registered: Aug 2004

posted December 18, 2004 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for future_uncertain     Edit/Delete Message
VTT, I'm hearing you loud and clear over here especially on your first post! I also hear your second one, but that's in my past and I don't plan on going there EVER again!

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