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Author Topic:   Band of Light

Posts: 30
Registered: Jul 2005

posted January 29, 2008 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for shegoat     Edit/Delete Message

Positive Music and Vibes for the Now Age.


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Posts: 2282
Registered: May 2007

posted January 29, 2008 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SattvicMoon     Edit/Delete Message
The link seems not to open.

Who cares? Do you? Would you?

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Solane Star

Posts: 5378
From: Ontario, Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted January 29, 2008 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Solane Star     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks SheGoat for the great website and the Band of Light!!!


Seems to be opening now!!!!

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Solane Star

Posts: 5378
From: Ontario, Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted January 29, 2008 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Solane Star     Edit/Delete Message

We Are Here

+Elijah- and the Band of Light's upcoming musical release, "Ray One: We Are Here" is a wake up call to look at one of the most important and foundational questions that we are facing as a collective.

In this powerful moment of transformation, a time that many of our indigenous elders have for-seen and often referred to as "the Great Shift", we clearly see that humanity is facing a pivotal choice that may determine our evolution on this planet:

Will we continue on the same old path of his-story that makes excuses for hurting the Earth, and celebrates the misuse of power, or will we finally awaken as stewards of our Mother planet, and become present with the uprising, unifying force of Love that has created us all?

It is because of this choice that lays before us, as well as the prayers that have been sent out for countless generations, that we have arrived. We have been birthed out of a collective call for divine guidance. And now WE ARE HERE, as elder beings in the form of youth, as your children, as your own inner knowing, and we have come to ask you a question: Are you ready for guidance? Are you ready to be divine?

All true guidance comes from within. And to hear what is within, we must agree to become present. Our mind, our heart, our emotions, must be congruent and aligned as we make the choices that guide our lives, and the future of this planet. Without this, we become lost in the noise of disagreement and there can be no lasting change.

For instance, If the different organs and cells of our body do not agree that they are all a part of the same organism, then the glorious perfection that the human body is would not function. If the different employees of a company do not agree that they are all working together on the same goal, it will not work. Do you see where we are going? If all of the musicians in a band do not have a field of agreement that they are in the same band, playing a song together, then there would be no definable music. It is the same in our relationships. It is the same in our collective relationship with Mother Earth. Without a field of agreement, it will not work.

And so it is with this simple wisdom that we, the Band of Light, ask you to consider: "What is it, at this time, that we can ALL AGREE UPON?" Across all national borders, religious identity, cultural boundaries, and personal preferences what can WE, as ONE PEOPLE come into a field of agreement about and celebrate together? This "agreement field" may be the only thing that will carry us beyond the grip of historical thought, into the glory of Heaven on Earth that we have long been promised.

This is the first step in our collective awakening. This is Ray One: WE ARE HERE. All together. At the same time. Right now.

Stop reading this for a moment and take a slow, deep breath, and let your awareness expand until it contains all that is happening around you in this moment. Can you feel how deeply connected we are? We are all one. Living, breathing, and sustaining our lives from one planet, one source of water, and one sun that shines upon us.

Every teacher and prophet that all of the world's religions have been based upon knew this simple truth. Your children know this. You know this: WE ARE ALL ONE.

Right now if we put a huge microphone in space and listened to the whole planet what would we hear? Noise, according to our friendly space brothers. But what if we sang one song all together at the same time? What if we all agreed on something? What would happen? Can you see how a field of agreement is what the planet itself has been waiting for? When we unify as one planet, choosing to AGREE upon something... We will begin to hear the harmony of creation's blueprint drift into our awareness as the soft winds of peace.

Let us begin with a simple jewel of wisdom.

In the name of the One, let us agree that WE ARE HERE.

This is the access point to Ray One, the first frequency within us all, and it signifies the call to align our individual and collective willpower for the good of all. This has been referred to as divine will, or right use of will. So the question remains, will we show up for each other and our planet in the moment when our presence is needed the most?

Who ever we are, and what ever we are doing, we can certainly agree that we are here! In fact, this simple proclamation may be the first step in the reclaiming of our bodies, and our planet. Why? Because "We Are Here" is a statement of presence. When we experience what is is to be "here", we become radiant with the Joy of being! We begin to flower, and flow with streams of poetry and sound that paint our experience with the fresh, vibrant colors of presence. The true beauty of nature reveals itself to us, and we become harmonious with it. We are reborn with each breath as part of a collective masterpiece.

"Blessed be - I Agree that WE ARE HERE and WE ARE FREE!"

~The Band of Light is seeking co-creators for a WE ARE HERE campaign.
This is a global movement in service to the awakening of humanity.
Feel free to forward this email, or contact the Band Of Light if you
feel called to co-write the script of this living story in any way,
shape or form.

This is our story, so let's write it the way we want it.

Band Together.

Much Love,

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