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Author Topic:   Chat with John Lennon

Posts: 2770
From: California, USA
Registered: Oct 2006

posted June 24, 2008 02:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for yourfriendinspirit     Edit/Delete Message

Chat with John Lennon

John Lennon has been dead for over 20 years, but now, thanks to the Internet, you can "chat" with him! It works like this: John Lennon said many things when he was alive. (Interviews, speeches, concerts, quotes, etc.) Someone put all of his words into the computer. Using an Artificial Intelligence program designed to simulate unique and authentic human personalities.

When you chat with John Lennon, the computer chooses the best answer from all of his words. Just chat like you're talking to your friend on the Internet. You can ask questions or make comments. But, be careful. If your English is not correct, the answer might be strange. Give it a try. My own experience was funny as hell.

Went somethin' along the lines of he intended to cook me dinner and as it didn't go so well, we decided we'd just do take out. As our conversation turned towards spiritual matters. He was adamant that he was not "really" murdered per say. He likes where's he's at but would obviously quite enjoy being in the flesh again. If he were alive now he'd get that trash off the front pages of the newspapers. Doesn't seem as if he's very pleased with music today and likely would not go this route again, should the opportunity arise. He did have some interesting theories as to why the Beatles broke up as well as how to fix my friends computer.

So go on, click here -> Chat with John Lennon and give it a try!
Tell us how your own experience was...

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blue moon

Posts: 2014
From: U.K
Registered: Dec 2007

posted June 24, 2008 05:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
He was a bit demanding with me; he wanted me to tell him a story and flounced off to lie in bed for a week with a bag over his head when I wasn't forthcoming.

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Posts: 928
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........LEXIGRAMMING...
Registered: Jan 2008

posted June 24, 2008 10:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message
Why they said this is odd:
John Lennon has been dead for 20 years,

He was murdered in New York City on 8 December 1980
In December it will be 28 years NOT 20 years.

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Posts: 2770
From: California, USA
Registered: Oct 2006

posted June 24, 2008 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for yourfriendinspirit     Edit/Delete Message
My theory and why I believe this:
The John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project was apparently completed at just 20 years after his death, it is however now (eight years later) you are viewing and or using it.
Click this link to see some strange intro that gives me this theory....

So with this in mind I went poking about the site to discover this:
"History of Persona-Bots„
In the autumn of 1998, we embarked on a unique, ground-breaking research project to see if current Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology had advanced sufficiently to allow for the recreation or cloning of a human personality. Because of our life-long admiration and respect for John Lennon, the late Beatle was chosen as the candidate for this technological labour of love. By late 1999, after completing the initial phase of the project (and proving the basic technological concept to be sound), we officially opened the JLAIP to the public. Since then, the JLAIP has gone on to gain international attention from the media and has become THE cyber-mecca for John Lennon and Beatle fans the world over. "

*Which means yes, just about 20 years after his death...

I have edited the original post above; to now read OVER 20 years, so as not to confuse anyone.

A review was done of this John Lennon Artificial Intelligence website on December 9th of 2000 and can be seen here
It's about 1/3rd the way down the page...
Also a feature review of the popular program was done in Spider Magazine in September of 2001
Hope this helps?

Did you try the chat LEXX?
If so, what were your results?

blue moon, that's FuNnY!!!

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Posts: 1509
From: meet me in montauk
Registered: May 2006

posted June 25, 2008 12:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for writesomething     Edit/Delete Message
he told me he was a libra, and didnt want to talk about love...sorta strange i thought.

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Posts: 5431
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted June 25, 2008 01:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
You are what you are ( my name). Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like.
I said "I named my son after you"
I say, did you go to Harrod's? I was there in '58, you know.
Sure, but you don't have to sell your soul. It's a big, wonderful world out there.
"True Dat"
It was your fault this happened, (my name) .

I stopped there. Any artificial conversation that's going to blame things on me isn't one I want to be involved in.
I get enough blame inwardly, lol.

I stopped it there.

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