Topic: i'm too biased to do this myself...
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted April 23, 2003 07:29 PM
hey everyone. i know you're all busy trying to respond to requests and keep everyone happy. i would really appreciate some help with this one. i've been at it for months and months, but it's too close to my heart to see with any sort of objectivity. please help! e i l l i a b n a c n u d t r a w e t sIP: Logged |
Sher bear Knowflake Posts: 161 From: Canada Registered: Nov 2002
posted April 27, 2003 09:42 PM
I'll see what I come up with.....Sher bear IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted April 29, 2003 02:31 AM
ooohhh I can't wait to see your Magick again Sher  IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 17, 2003 10:33 AM
hey everyone, it's been a while. how life changes in a few short months. me, i feel as though i've been chasing and eating my own tail. a while ago, someone told me the person i am inquiring about was simply a bridge over troubled waters, and yet, this person is more important to me now than ever. he's a magical man, and one who owns my heart, and i've cried a river(no, make that an ocean) of tears. please, if anyone can possibly find the time, i would appreciate a greater insight as to why i am so bound to this heart aches with longing. i thank you from the bottom of my heart....G ------------------
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RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 18, 2003 04:29 AM
Are you around Sher??  IP: Logged |
Pink Angel Knowflake Posts: 201 From: India Registered: Jul 2003
posted September 23, 2003 12:57 PM
hi starchild, how are you feeling?? is he still making you cry?IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 23, 2003 02:48 PM
Dearest Pink Angel, Pink to me has always represented the heart of hearts and female love and compassion. Yes, I still cry, but it's mainly circumstances, not the fellow himself, that cause my tears. It's been a ride, that's for sure. He's afraid (he has a strong belief in literal karma, and he used to be a man who did very bad things..he's trying his best to overcome thoughts of not being worthy of good things in his life, but I know he struggles terribly, and has adopted this'if it looks too good to be true, it probably is' way of looking at life) and simply has too much on his plate to give me his full attention right full-time(the fourth and final year, hoorah! we're in the home stretch) work and fatherhood make my baby a very busy boy...not to mention there's some distance involved...did I mention that in my frustration I attempted a good-hearted, though ridiculous and not well thought through reconciliation with my ex which obviously didn't work, and in the process of settling up I got sick and they found some blood clots in my lung, so now I'm off work, broke, in a miserable state of 'limbo' living with my ex till I'm on my feet again,...oh yeah, it reads like a novel.(good thing I have a warped sense of I say my prayers and can only ask it will turn out for the good of all. And trust me, I've done all my psychological homework and know I have no misdirected sense of wanting to be his mother, protector, healer, etc. Don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than have the two of us HELP take care of each other(we're both Sag, so there's a definite need for freedom and independence....My heart and my head tell me we know each other from waaaayyyy back. I'm sure that was way more info than you wanted or Thank you for thinking of are very sweet...G IP: Logged |
Oxychick Moderator Posts: 2486 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted September 23, 2003 10:42 PM
silverstarchild.  IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 23, 2003 11:33 PM
Things will get better  I feel that to help overcome bad feelings about your past you need to accept all the things you are doing today that are for the good of others. For example, this man is raising a child and that is an unselfish and beautiful act of love. Help him acknowledge the good he is doing right now and the past will soon be but a distant memory  IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 24, 2003 12:11 AM
Thanks to you all for your messages of kindness and love. Indeed things will get better. He is a beautiful and magical man with gifts in abundance, and you're right, at times he needs a bigger smile than the one before....from the moment we met, I have believed he is a gift sent to me, and I must have been some kind of wonderful somewhere along the way...some kind of wonderful indeed.....IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 24, 2003 07:52 AM
I am not sure where Sherbear has gotten to but taking a look at the letters I can see there are a few messages within this name of the negative sort...I see: I LIE I RUN I CAN BE BAD I SIN I also see 'TWIN' either he has a twin or has two sides to his personality. Of course I also see: I DANCE I TWIRL I SWIRL IN SUN IN LUST He also has 'BALANCE' within his name I feel this is what he needs in his life. Has he ever been suicidal that you know of??? IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 24, 2003 08:53 AM
Well he certainly is a good/bad guy, and he makes no bones about that fact. He is very jovial, humorous and good hearted if he's on your side, but he does have a dark side.(He was a bad biker boy) He and I are very similar in a lot of respects, so I can understand why one may perceive two sides to his personality(I can relate) In his short forty two years he's had two major traffic accidents, both of which nearly cost him his life. (Not to mention the toll that drugs and booze have taken) The last one he broke his spine, his legs, his arms, and the doctors told him he would never walk again...his indomitable spirit said "no, thank you very much, I choose to walk". (It was at this time he chose to turn his life around) He's also lost both parents in the last ten years, so being suicidal is definitely a possibility. (Wow. This has caused me to wonder to myself how I have the audacity to complain about anything in my life) He's not one much for exposing himself, so I have to string bits and pieces of info together myself. It's in my nature to be philisophical and analytical, so I feel I've learned something about him using those tools. Fortunately for me, he sees my heart and knows I would rather die than hurt him, so he's begun to trust me and confide a few things. I hope he lives a long life, not just because I want to be at his side for the rest of it, but because he greatly deserves to find some peace and happiness. (He suffers a lot from illness and pain, and it worries me so) I hope you don't think I ramble on. I have never felt a love so passionate or compassionate before, and it blows me away. Thanks again for all your interest and loving thoughts.......GIP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 24, 2003 09:06 AM
All the bikers I know have huge open hearts and would do anything for you. When my partners father died the group he was a member of did everything for us, organised and paid for the funeral etc. They were awsome and a great source of strength to luc and I. I don't agree with their way of life but that is their decision.Sometimes you have to live through some bad patches to realise the part you play in the world, this is most likely what this man is realising. It's probably not the best time for him to begin a new relationship but if you are meant to be together then it will all be for the best. Your love for him seems very strong and I hope it all works out for you and him both  IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 24, 2003 09:24 AM
Thanks RRR.....I've been holding on for 18 months now, only being able to see him every now and again, and usually only corresponding on the net. We had a whirlwind for a few months this past winter, but had to step away as it wasn't time yet, and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do... As i said, he has a degree to complete, and it's something very important for him as it dictates the future and the man he knows he's capable of being. I can see his potential just by looking in his eyes, but he feels he has to justify himself to himself, and others who know him only as his other self. Most people don't understand why I hang on the way I do, but that's not for me to care about. I can only hope for them that one day they will experience what I have and do...I fear I'm rambling again, but it's nice to unload this to someone who will listen without judgement. In this, I feel very isolated. Thanks for allowing me to bend your ear....GIP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 24, 2003 11:30 AM
Quick question about lexigramming my own name(or any other woman's) I use present married name, or sirname at birth?IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 25, 2003 12:18 AM
No worries!! I just hope and pray everything goes perfectly for you!!  I think Lexi the name you use NOW. Thats the best bet You might also like to look at the current numerology of your name to make sure you have the best vibrations. I use my middle name alot becuase it creates a great number. However, Allison on its own is also a great vibe. Feel free to email me your names if you want me to look at your numbers  IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 25, 2003 09:01 AM
Thanks RRR. I had a bit of a strange but awesome experience last night. I hope you don't mind me sharing, as I would like some input on it. (No wonder I can't get around to writing a book...I'm forever writing novels elsewhere!) I was having a truly terrible self esteem was suffering, I was half convinced that my loved one was simply saying nice things to me because it was easier than telling me to shove off, i was bawling my eyes out; an all around good time. I did something I don't do too often...with all my heart I rhymed out a prayer three times, asking for guidance and a message of clarity. I asked for it to be delivered in the physical sense, and that I may be fully aware of said message. So I left it at that. For some reason I got the notion to go into the Lexigram archives, as someone had done a Lexi for me more than a year ago. What I found was one I had done(don't even remember doing it) I had combined mine and his names, and here it is: g llll eee n y ss tttt bb aaa ii o w r ARTISTS SAIL BY STARLITE BEGAN AS TWO, NOW ARE ONE ONE LOST LONG AGO- NE'ER AGAIN TO BE GONE AWAY STEEL YE SEL(V)ES- LIES AND GREENESS WILL GROW LEARN TO SEE BEST, NOT WORST SATIATE; LEARN; LEAN; NOT OWN YE WILL RISE ONLY TO EARNED GREATNESS YE WILL STAY IN WELLNESS AND LITE WRITE YOR TALE AS ONE AS IT GROWS ALL WILL BE WELL ELATION IS AGAIN YORS SO SAY WE ALL Now comes the interesting part...while I was looking at it, I began to write, and this is what was on my paper when it was done: TWO EAGLES SOAR I SEE STARS BARING ALL TO BE TWINS, SAYS SISTER REST WELL, ANGELS, TILL SINGLE EYE SEES YES, ALL IS WELL NOISY LITTLE GIRL! I howled at the last line! Seems my prayer had been answered, and I felt very loved, and quite amazed to be honest. I'm not sure I understand the reference to twins, or to single eye sees. Any amazing insights? Anyway, in response to your email, I would very much like for you to look at our names. Glenys Tracy MacDonald Stewart Duncan Baillie Thanks for letting me share my smiles and chuckles........G IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 25, 2003 09:40 AM
Ps......if it looks weird, it's because my partner and I were seperated at the time, so I used my maiden name....TalbotIP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 25, 2003 09:56 AM
that is a great Lexi!! Sometimes what we need to know if right before our very eyes. We simply need to search a bit is all  I shall look at the numbers now  IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 25, 2003 10:18 AM
quote: The compound numbers indicate the hidden karmic influences behind the scenes, so to speak, and foreshadow the destiny of the individual or entity.. Linda Goodman
Your compound number of name is 18. Spiritual-Material Conflict Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (Read again on an earlier page of the chapter the relationship of 18 to Jesus.) The ancients describe the Compound number 18 with the following image: "A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them." 18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle--with wars, social upheaval, and revolution. In some cases it indicates making money or achieving position through divisive tactics, through war or other conflict. It warns of treachery and deception from both "friends" and enemies; also danger from the elements, such as fire, flood, earthquakes, tempests and explosions, electrical shock or lightning. If the Compound number of the name is in 18, the vibration should be negated immediately by changing the spelling of the name to equal a more fortunate Compound number. If the birth number is an 18, extreme caution and care must be taken to meet the challenges and dangers of this Compound number. The only way to dilute or diminish its effect on the life is by spiritual means, by unfailingly and repeatedly meeting deception and hatred from others with generosity, love, and forgiveness, by "turning the other cheek," and returning good for evil, kindness for cruelty, honesty for dishonesty, honor for dishonor. In this way, the vibration 18 may be used for great success in illumination and enlightenment. Those born on the 18th day of any month have chosen themselves (on the level of Higher Self), between incarnations, this channel of birth (as did Jesus) as the greatest of all testings of the soul for worthiness. Another way to dilute the negative aspect of the 18 is to change the number of the name (whatever number it may be) to any favorable Compound number which adds or reduces to the single 6, by changing the spelling of the name. In addition to the attitude just counseled, this will also help to turn the tragedy of the 18 into triumph. Remember what we've learned about the 6 (Love) always and without exception conquering the 9 of conflict? (1 plus 8 is 9.) Adding the 6 vibration (with its related number 3) was also chosen when the life pattern of Jesus of Nazareth was planned, as I've already explained. People born on the 18th day of any month would be wise to plan everything of importance on the 3rd or 6th day of any month would be wise to plan everything of importance on the 3rd or 6th day of any month, or on a day adding to the 3 or 6, especially the 6--and to add the 6 vibration to the life in every way possible, i.e.: addresses, telephone numbers, and any other way they can think of (there are many) to emphasize and increase the power of the number 6 in the personal life and career. In this way more one be victorious, in both the spiritual and material worlds, over the restrictions of the 18.
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RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 25, 2003 10:21 AM
Stewarts compound number of name is 20.The Awakening In addition to being called "The Awakening," this Compound number is also pictured by the ancient Chaldeans as "The Judgment." It has a peculiar interpretation, and is symbolized as "a winged angel, sounding a trumpet, while from below, a man, woman, and child are seen arising from a tomb, with their hands clasped in prayer." At some time in the experience of the person or entity represented by the number 20, there is a powerful awakening, bringing a new purpose, new plans, new ambitions--the call to action for some great cause or ideal. There may be occasional delays and obstacles to one's plans, but these may be conquered through developing patience (the challenge of the number 20) and by continually cultivating faith in one's own powers to transform. 20 brings the blessing of vivid precognitive dreams, plus the ability to manifest the happy ones and cancel the negative ones. It is not a material number, therefor is doubtful regarding financial success. If large sums of money are necessary for practical support of the new cause or ideal, then one may choose a more positive materialistic number by changing the spelling of the name, assuming the 20 is the birth number. If the 20 is the name number, then, hopefully, the birth number will bestow a more fortunate financial vibration. However, those who are comfortable with their 20 vibration seldom care about matters of finance. Money is not important to them--and 20 will, as a general rule, provide enough for the basic necessities. The above was copied from universal codes  Let me know what you think and if you want to check your birth numbers. IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 25, 2003 10:40 AM
Wow! His is right on! Mine, well, let's just say it explains a few things. Would there be a significant difference if I returned to, and used my sirname at birth, or does it matter? You're not going to believe this, but I was doing a post as you dropped in. This is flowing, and as it does, I feel physically ill  first names...glsstteeawrny A STRANGE GLASS TELLS A TALE AN ANGEL ALTERS A TREATY WAGES A NASTY WAR EAST AT WEST WAR RAGES AS AN AGELESS ART WANES WAR STEALS AN ERA WAR LAYS WASTE AN EAGLE'S NEST There's more coming....I think I need help winding all of this together and understanding  ok, me...11/24/1962 he....12/16/1960IP: Logged |
silverstarchild Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Sep 2002
posted September 25, 2003 11:26 AM replacing one's own name with someone else's...i.e. marriage, can (or does) it change or corrupt the primary and intended vibrations? I'm having a bit of a time understanding the 18 number......GIP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 26, 2003 02:21 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about doing first names only. It's less personal and I think less effective. Imagine if your name was Anne and his name was Ben!!The numbers will represent the name you are using now. For instance my name is Allison but all my life I've been called Ally and used that name myself on everything! I have now changed it back to Allison (making people call me my first name and writing it down) as the number for Allison is far more beneficial than Ally. I have noticed the change too. Look at both names and I suggest, using a name that has a positive vibration and vibrates well to your birth number. I shall look at this now. IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 26, 2003 02:31 AM
Your compound number of birth:Love--Money--Creativity This number is also most fortunate, another Compound number of karmic reward, justly earned in past incarnations, particularly when it's the birth number. It promises the assistance of those with power, and it indicates a close association with people of high rank and position. It greatly increases financial success, and the ability to achieve happiness in love. It denotes gain through romance, the law, or the arts, and a magnetism which is extremely attractive to the opposite sex. The only warning related to the 24 is abused in the present life, it could revert to an 18 or some other extremely difficult birth number in the next. So one is warned not to fail to appreciate the benefits of the 23 and the 24 Compound numbers, and not allow such good fortune to cause selfishness or a careless attitude toward spiritual values. The temptation to indulge in promiscuity must be avoided; likewise a tendency to overindulgence of all kinds. That's quite good and the fact that you are here strongly says to me that you are not careless about your spirituality. IP: Logged | |