Topic: anyone feel like taking a crack at an interesting lexi?
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 11, 2003 12:11 AM
i will be the first to admit that i am not good at them, and i will also be the first to admit i am a little skeptical about them. however i *am* interested... and would love to set my mind at ease for once and for all about them. so... that said... if anyone who is more experienced at this would like to take a crack at it, id love your input. there are two. the first one is EEEFGHILLLMNSY second one is AADEEEEFGHIJLLLMMNNSSY no pressure, i just thought id post here in case anyone was interested. if i *could* do lexis very well i would do lots of em just for fun, even though im skeptical of them, but i just... cant seem to do them that well. takes me forever to do this kind of stuff in iq tests and the like. my strengths lie in other areas i spose. i can see the word 'hill' and thats about it, lol! doh *makes homer face*  have fun, anyone who tries!  IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted July 13, 2003 03:06 AM
I will have a look as soon as 'time' permits!!IP: Logged |
matty Knowflake Posts: 205 From: nyack,ny,usa,n.america,earth,solar system,milky way,virgo super cluster Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 15, 2003 03:30 PM
Well for the first one, EEEFGHILLLMNSY a couple interesting ones are: MY FEELING HELLS IN MY LEGS HE FELL HEY ELF SMELLING a cute one ok, and for AADEEEEFGHIJLLLMMNNSSY I find.. JELLYFISH MANGLED SEAMEN AN ELF JAMMING HEEDLESSLY FLESHY ALIENS JAMMED GLEN God knows if these are any help, obviuosly I am new here, and of course, I use a computer program to find these. Maybe they will spark something for you? Peace, Matty IP: Logged |
Miracle Moderator Posts: 581 From: Croatia Registered: Jan 2002
posted July 15, 2003 05:10 PM
Oh dear Matty...  Did you ever know that there is a wonderFUL "computer" inside you and it's called your S ELF? Try tuning in to it... you may just be astounded at TRUE lexis it will reveal. Computer lexis somehow just don't work. There's something not quite right about them.  IP: Logged |
matty Knowflake Posts: 205 From: nyack,ny,usa,n.america,earth,solar system,milky way,virgo super cluster Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 15, 2003 06:06 PM
That is a good point Miracle, perhaps why the 40,000+ other combinations made no sense .So let me boot up that other computer I have hidden beneath my hair and see what it can do . Thanks, Matty IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 3936 From: www.Heaven.Home Registered: Mar 2002
posted July 15, 2003 06:13 PM
Matty welcome!! And share with us what you find under that hair!! juniperb  IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted July 16, 2003 01:33 AM
I agree with Miracle... look within Matty!!IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 16, 2003 06:58 AM
oh wow, responses yay! thank you everyone! i had thought that this thread was gonna die a slow death. even though i have expressed that i am dubious about lexis, well, its an unresolved skepticism. do you understand? so i wanted to make up my libra mind one way or the other, and i need a lil help here. harumph.  guess what happened to me today. *waits expectantly*  ok well... i had a windfall financially today. i went to this big thrift department store we have here in town, because i thought i deserved a little treat after the hand to mouth existance ive had in the last few months. i went to their book section, and didnt expect to find anything at all. this town is in the bible belt of bc, and well, theres not a lot of people around here who believe that new age things arent witchcraft.  anyway i looked. checked the religion section, and amidst all the books about jesus (most of which use his name to simply control others thoughts and behaviours, rather than teach the real way of the nazarene) i found a hardcover first edition of star signs in perfect shape. i was amazed. i guess i needed to read it again. i have lost my soft cover edition, dunno where it is. i spent some time today while hubby was on the pc reading the first three chapters. i still cant accept some of what linda wrote as my personal truth... she herself was most emphatic about that being 'ok'. that endeared me to her more. threads too long to process, continue in next response ^_^ IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 16, 2003 07:02 AM
i did see the first few pages of the lexi section though, and its really something i need to reconcile. im leaning towards believing it now. i still suck at them, but so what i was particularily happy with what she said about the word 'abortion'. it just really touched me in a personal way... if you can read between the lines... and her lexi of the word was very close to what i believe. i am pro choice and its not a case of being a rampant abortionist, its about choosing what is right for the BABY as well as the possible mother. its not selfish at all, the way i see it. in many ways it can be seen as the most UNselfish thing one could do... but isnt that the way of all things? theres always a flip side.i dont mean to suggest that i will believe in lexis if it works out being of benefit to me, and if not i wont believe. i just didnt mean that at all. i mean that there are certain truths i know to be infallible... and the lexis ive seen so far have supported that. does that make sense? but anyway, thats what happened. so, i was happy to come here tonight and see that this thread is alive! THANK YOU all!  ~ana ACK ps- matty, even though those were computer generated, in some random way they sort of make sense, lol! not very specific, but enough to have a little chuckle about i just have to look at them in a VERY 12th houseish way!! lol!  *hugs* IP: Logged |
matty Knowflake Posts: 205 From: nyack,ny,usa,n.america,earth,solar system,milky way,virgo super cluster Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 16, 2003 12:22 PM
12thh house way, funny. I have that way about me Natally .When most of my planets are in my natal chart. Glad they brought a computer generated chuckle. Well all, I shall continue to look within, and not within my computer . (not with in my lap top computer that is, I will just use it for connecting with you all, until I perfect that ESP thing...maybe we can call that Eastern Union when it works out... ) Have a great day. Matty IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 16, 2003 09:10 PM
lol matty! you are great  i was wondering something too. now that i think about it, i dont know if ive used the right words. the first one is my name, the second one is my name with my husbands. i figured that would be good to start as i know myself and my marriage better than anything, so if theres truth to lexis, the chances of me seeing it there are high. the problem is that i have many names, and many different spellings of my names. legally my name is 'shelly' since i was age 12 i spelled it 'shelley', but i have ALWAYS hate that name. i just do not like it, one bit. i cringe when someone says my name. i dont hate it for other people, just for me. i have wanted to change it legally since i was about 14, but havent had the money really. i also dont like my last name... theres complex issues with it. now i have a married name, so that should be used right? its the maiden name i dont like. the married name is fine, i have no problems with it. thats why i said interesting in the title, because one had my birth legal name, the other included the name i chose for myself. i also call myself a different first name, ana, shortened from anais. i just was really into anais nin for a long time, and everything about her era. the lifestyle, the writing, art nouveau, just everything about the times she lived in. im not such a rabid fan of hers anymore, ive moved on to other things. she isnt a role model, dont worry. i just was interested in her life, and the name anais is just so beautiful to me. i finally decided on adopting it at some point. id never be called anais, but i do suit ana. its become nature to me to introduce myself as ana. yet, the shelly still haunts me. family members dont even know i have another name etc. so the first name was shelly with the last name. the second two names together was ana. i dunno what to do about deciding what name/s to use :/ its bothering me. i introduce myself to new people as ana. honestly, i HATE my birth name! again, no offense to any other shellys out there, its not when other people have it, its only in it being my name that its so awful. maybe might anyone have any ideas about this even if its not a lexi issue? i have wondered for a long time why i have such a strong aversion to my birth name. i mean, i was teased as a kid, having my name messed up to tease me, but so have tons of other people, and i dont think they carry such a strong feeling about their name into adulthood. *sigh* IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 16, 2003 09:29 PM
btw... if anyone tries my name (after we get it sorted out :/) dont be afraid to share bad things. i can take it. my life has been sad and tragic (thats an understatement) but i have a lot of inner strength, and negative things dont bother me. i would rather know the truth than any evasion. i feel i have big karma in this life, and hiding from it isnt going to help me. if that makes sense  IP: Logged |
tabookey Knowflake Posts: 34 From: North Idaho Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 16, 2003 11:20 PM
ana I have not put any effort into trying to lexi your name yet... but I had a thought. If you have an... aversion... to your given name, perhaps it is because you know in your soul that you need to strive beyond whatever it may mean. And for your chosen name, perhaps that contains what you are striving for. Just thoughts... floating on the breezes. LeeIP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted July 17, 2003 01:58 AM
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anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 17, 2003 05:00 AM
hi tabookey what you say makes sense. i just... hated my name. period. i mean, when one gets shudders hearing their name, somethings wrong. i dunno. i dunno even if the name ana or anais is right for me either. this is a huge identity crisis thing, lol! ana does feel comfortable though, i do feel like i could 'own' the name with no problems. i just have to weigh decisions till the cows come home  i had chosen this name, if i ever have a daughter- sonnet ravenna. im tempted to take it myself cause its so pretty but it doesnt suit me at all either lol. ana is the best i have, i dont cringe when i hear it, and it seems to describe me well. many people have said to me that i dont seem like a 'shelly'. *cringes typing it* ugh its that awful. a friend of mine is a gentile that studies and teaches the torah and other things like kabalah, he would convert but he has to work on sabbath. anyway he told me that the 's' name (cant even type it lol) means 'bounty' or 'spoils' such as one would find from war. i didnt like that meaning at all, and it only reinforced my desire to change my name. i knew that the 's' name was hebrew in origin but never knew what it meant. i dunno what 'anais' means but its gotta be better than a possession gained through conflict, lol!! i just really dint like that meaning one bit. anyway take care! talk to you soon!
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anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 17, 2003 05:27 AM
ack i forgot to say this lol... but honestly? i feel best with the name faery but i think that would look funny on a resume seriously though, whenever i hear the word 'faery' i look as though im being summoned, lol! not a good name if you wish to be taken seriously though, lol. too bad  IP: Logged |
tabookey Knowflake Posts: 34 From: North Idaho Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 17, 2003 08:57 PM
ana I think ana suits you fine. Just out of curiosity, is it a major pain in the butt to get an official name change in Canada? I have no idea how things work like that up there. Will be here for you when you need to talk, always. LeeIP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 18, 2003 12:43 AM
hi you about name change, it costs around 200$ i think. you pay like, 100 for the actual change, and you have to print a notice in a couple of papers in the classifieds. other than that its easy. theres just far too many things that need my financial attention right now, so it will have to wait. i was reading star signs again last night... and reread the part on numerology. i still do not feel that lindas numer works for me... but i couldnt help obsessing 'what if it IS right???'. it tore me to shreds to be honest. i tried ana with my last name, anais, and a couple of others, and they all ended up a 4 or 8 which of course i am counselled to avoid, seeing i was born on the 26th. *sigh* oddly enough.. faery didnt. it came to a 27 i believe? it was one of the good numbers anyway. i dont really believe in the numerology but like i said, i go crazy wondering what if it is right. bad position for me to be in. ugh board thinks my message is too long again *sigh* will post this in two. IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 18, 2003 12:45 AM
thats part of why i wanted to test lexis. i guess i wanted some empirical proof that i could connect with emotionally that would help me. honestly? at this point... i am opening my mind more and more. they seem to make a lot of sense. ive read through a lot of the past posts on this forum... some of it has been most impressive. lots of gifted people here.i do feel like an ana though. [ed mc mahon voice] you are CORRECT sir!!! [/ed mc mahon voice] i think i have watched too much snl  anyway hope to see you soon!!!! take care!!! ~faery oh ps... i will have dsl in a week to two weeks. i found an excellent deal on it, yay! modem etc is coming in the mail, and theres no hookup, its self install, and the first month is free, not to mention that for a year its LESS than my dial up!!!!!! yippee  IP: Logged |
Pink Angel Knowflake Posts: 201 From: India Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 18, 2003 10:02 AM
hi ana how r u doing?? i found ur thing pretty interesting, i guess if ur born on 4 or 8, u cant really run away from it, it just keeps coming back.. so my advice to u.. lolzz though im just 18 is to accept things as they are and umm shellys not so bad, dont u love shells? and, anais anais is a name of this perfume, which is great by the way, maybe you should buy it  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 19, 2003 02:52 AM
hi pink angel how are you?i actually had that perfume when i was very young, lol! i was about 12 or 13... it was way before i had heard of anais nin. i loved the scent.  i dunno yet about the numerology, theres just many things about it that i dont agree with or find to be true. whether thats stubborn denial or an honest openminded apprisal, i know not. time will out i suppose. i do agree that my life has been strongly ?affected? by fate. as far as the name... i love sea shells, but that isnt the problem. it isnt so much the name itself, but the strong reaction it gives me. it doesnt bother me if anyone else has that name, its only when it is in reference to me that it makes my skin crawl. if someone wants my attention and they call my name, i scream inwardly and its like nails on a chalkboard. you know? ~faery  IP: Logged |
taurustar27 Knowflake Posts: 43 From: One Registered: Dec 2001
posted July 22, 2003 05:38 PM
Hey girl. Perhaps your soul just doesn't vibrate to the name Shelly. In regards to your aversion to the name being said to summon you... maybe it is from your experiences with the teasing. If you had another name and people teased you with it... wouldn't you have an aversion to that name too. The S name being said to call you might evoke the painful feelings you endured when teased. Try to bless the name with Love, but still go on your search for the right name until you feel comfortable. Have a Lovely week.:rainbow IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 14, 2003 04:49 AM
ack sorry taurusgirl i missed this. i am so sorry  i was bumping this thread to ask anyone if they could help me decide on what name to use. the questions i raised in this thread were left hanging, and i do need help to find the answer. i dont know much about the process of doing lexis. so, im asking for help. that eminem thread came and sort of blew everything else out of the water i think. anyway guidance, PLEASE? im begging here. i dont ask for much.  ~patheticfaery ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 14, 2003 09:25 AM
I think you have evolved to ana, if that is the name you resonate with. If I were to do a lexi for a married lady I would always used her married name. Perhaps we might unravel a few mysteries to your past with your birth name, but I feel to get the whole story we should go with the name you use now. I hope that helps and I am looking forward to working on both of these names. RRR IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 14, 2003 11:56 PM
aw ruby, you didnt forget about the faery!!! thank you!!!  i was dismayed. thank you for answering my question. i just really feel that whatever 'shelley' had to do, is done. you know? i like how you put it, 'evolved'. hopefully its not 'deevolved'. the more i read in this forum the more i am getting convinced that lexis are just... magic. thats pretty wild for an ole skeptic like me. its just amazing the gift that some of you have! i really respect it. i would like to try lexi-ing someday soon once all my other projects are simmering nicely and dont need my immediate attention. ruby, if you *do* get to my name at some point in the future, dont worry if doing the birth name gives you any negative feelings, you dont have to put yourself through that. i had a traumatic childhood, and i wouldnt want you to feel badly on my account. there were some lovely things about me as a child too, but i fear everything gets overshadowed by the negative. in any event, the 'bad' things are over, and all that remains is the occasional ghost, if that makes sense. i am curious as to what my new life and new name is all 'about'. ive lacked guidance in so many ways, yet i know that theres a lot of Saturnian rewards i am blessed with now too. so, if you or anyone finds anything, id love to hear! no worries on my end though, im patient. im just generally happy.  ~gratitudefaery ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged | |