  Lexigram Magic
  Fayte M

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Author Topic:   Fayte M
posted June 27, 2005 07:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote one here hates you or wants you to really go. we are like a huge family..we really are. we have brothers and sisters and mommas and poppas, and we argue like a family. This is what makes us true to each other.

This is the most Magical place on the net. its so free. free to say what you want no matter WHAT anyone long as its free of dirty have your say and this confrontation is not the only one that has rocked the boards of LL. I have heard of others not leaving but being banned because of some of the negative things they said on here. you dont have to leave because your feelings were hurt. you should just shake it off and get back on the tree of love...some say i am too nice, but I dont really feel like being mean to anyone my arrows can hurt some butts.

I know for a fact that everyone here loves you, cause thats what LL is about....LOVE. And no moderator ever asked you to leave, even though you stated that you would leave when one asked you to. you can stay, but there are boundaries we all have to stay within.

I once talked to you about following your own road, that some of us follow Linda's rules but some dont. sometimes there are some of us that take that different road, but some rules can never be broken and that is the road of profit.

Now my friend...your husband has his site, but i have never read a post from him on here and that has made me wonder what its all about? I can see why some feel that you do advertise on here about HIS site.

the thing is, most of us respect Linda's sayings about profit and benefiting off of others.

remember i told you rules are magick and once you put them all together we will see the true light.

do you remember my post to you, this one:
No problem I was reading the rest of the post. since i had only come upon you talking and then I writing back the first time..
I am sure there are ways to do Lexis other than Linda's way. I for one and lost on the Lexi's for now.

But I like the way she said and did things because they were so balanced..the whole Star Signs book is so balanced with rule after rule...of course for Linda's way. And some, like me follow them to the tee. I think that if you are passionate and honest about what you think is truly real..then it will. honesty is the full approach and I would assume that all magic (cause its all around us...ever second of the day..floating waiting to be caught into mistful hands) will work with pure heart.

I found that out with Numerology once I gave into the swim...once I knew that I wouldnt all came around.

I think that if you follow a form of Lexi or Numerology and the person tells you to follow the rules then there is a reason for it, but if you are going out on a new road..a sweet new branch on the tree of indefinite...its all good. the SUN touches us all as long as we reach for it.

for example..I always wondered why Linda never said that 33, 44, 55, 66, etc were master numbers pertaining to the 11 and 22 rule, but only those two...I just figured that she knew more than I did, not because none of the others would work..its interesting though that many Numerologist on the net, use the others as master numbers, BUT dont apply her rule at all.

when Star Signs is read from begining to brings together all rules to form that magic..when you perform numerology, you will come up with compound numbers that reduce to single..the single then corrolates with the sun sign it relates to.whether that be intensified, harmonized or in'd be so fascinated to look at ones natal chart and see the same thing as the numbers say..its not a coincedence that that last chapter, chapter 9 is called Physical the 9 is represented as infinite in chapter five...she had a reason for doing everything she did...remember her children said she would be up all night with pot of coffee walking the floors and writing....thats planning in a methodical and logical way.

if only she was here to tell us more...and if only all her stuff wasnt scooped up and taken away.

but all in all, I think you should follow your heart. If you beleive that there shouldnt be any restrictive ways...then thats cool with me, because its what makes you happy!!

and of course we all love each other on are brothers and sisters rumbling at each other as it should be...thats what makes our love so much larger..and the things we learn from each

its so funny i just thought...could this be MANNU...are we that of which she wanted to make...a unstoppable junction of love rolling though the air as one....I think so.

Fayte.m...your spark is one of the best..stay erect and got it going on.


now you are apart of this balance if you believe it or not..some may think Chaos some are free to do your lexis the way you want to, no matter what is proven to be true.


and that power wont corrupt you at all.

ever chapter of that book holds great secrets to make you and your friends better people

As Kathleen said once "so wonder it took Linda about Ten Years to write most of her books!"

nothing is mastered in a couple of years, not numerology, astrology, lexi, nothing..the rules are there to make you flow with the rich knowlegde that flows in the river of immortality.

everyone is upset because of the selling aspect of your husbands site.

Fayte. M. did you know of he old Linda site? the one that was started by others....the one that advertised and charged you remember that one? do you know the original one is gone.

I believe its because those people, no matter what their hopes and accomplishments may have been-I hope to have Lindas name go on forever- they didnt make it, and its because they went against her words.

when a person writes a book, writes on a tree, on stone, a contract, its THEIR word..what they believe...perhaps if it was the spoken word it would be different, but when a person Writes it, from MIND TO HAND TO PAPER its there way. when you go against that, even the person it can hurt you.

Linda said,

“Money must not change hands between esoteric teacher and student”

“…Since the ancient teachings say that the one who heeds not the warning forbidding the exchange of money between teacher and student will soon “lose the gift of perception” and consequently will no longer be sought by the “students.”



“Esoteric mysteries must be approached cautiously, with reverence and compassion, with a genuine desire to use their magics to end the world’s suffering…to relieve the pain of individuals…and to bring happiness to friends and strangers alike. Yes, and also to enemies. Even especially to these.”


as much as you have given to many on here, the profiting part is what has ruined it for many, because even though you dont follow the RULES pertaining to Lexis with Linda, you should follow the other rules in the beginning of the book because they are a guideline for you later in life. EVEN if you do your own style, you and your should follow the rules above, otherwise you will fall as here.

By unconsciously advertising his site, now many here will probably not recommend it. all the post that have been posted and leading up to your departure will be read by many and they will make decisions to what they believe, being true to linda's ways or not. they may not follow the site. This could be the down fall of his site just as the first Linda Goodman Site.

I remember reading a thread where Randall was talking about something being taught here and then he said "and it will only cost 500.00 dollars!" I almost cried..i was thinking "you have gone to the dark side!" of course he said he was kidding, but it affected me right away because of my love for Linda and her ways....I thought he had lost his

well we know you havent lost anything and I truly want to believe you are not here for profit, your here to show something new. and thats okay, because some will listen and some surely will not. that does not mean you are to run with tale inbetween your legs...arent you a Scorpio GIRL!!!!

I thought you (girls for sure) dont run from

Dont think that anyone hates you or tried to hurt your feelings for this or that. People are just very sensitive about Linda's included. and the whole web site really got to people. you are a good person and we all know that!

Its just that sometimes when you are in the WINNERS circle you gotta stay within the grounds of the rules that matter, otherwise one can destroy themselves.

I had done some research in the past in Lindas life and during the thread Trillian had asked me why i was doing it, was it for a project or something.well i posted a four part thread about why i did and what lindas ways meant to me..and i think that by reposting it here, you will see the passion and love i have for linda and i think that it is what the others have too.

perhaps then you will understand why tempers flaired away....we never want to lose anyone here..we are family and when one of our siblings affects us as much as it affects them (or you) read these threads after this one...all of you that havent.

I know many dont venture into Linda's Life, but for any that really dont understand why we follow the rules and freak when someone does it different..perhaps you will see why.

come back Fayte.M...wipe away those tears and get back up to bat.

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posted June 27, 2005 07:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am going to split this up into parts, because I am having problems posting it all as one piece. I am sure its my computer savvy with icons....Marcy...

Part 1

Trillian, Just Love, Love, Love. That is all. I think that Randall should put his foot forward (if he isn’t doing that already) and go ahead with that book he talked about so long ago.

I feel that the Linda we know is so wonderful, but there is so much more to her. Reading that clip on Linda when she passed away, was it with people weekly or something? Anyway it said that she had a hard time with here temper:

>>>Goodman's intensity and generosity drew friends to her: She frequently thanked acquaintances for favors with gifts of cars or expensive jewelry, a habit that led her into bankruptcy in the late 1980s. But they were often driven away by her demands and her temper--a reaction Goodman never seemed to understand>>>.

Of course we know how fire signs are with their temper, and if anyone of those friends had really listened to what she was telling them, (because I am sure that she told them all about themselves and all about her sign per say warning of the passion she behold, not the temper, Heck I am a SAG and my temper is legendary-lol) they would have had patience with her greatness.

I think that by looking in places that we sometimes don’t think to look, there are treasures for us.

The people weekly article also said:

>>>>Although her family says Goodman always had a very spiritual side, her interest in astrology didn't blossom until she moved to New York City in 1963. There she sometimes spent 20 hours a day in a nightgown doing charts and poring over a coffee-table book on astrology as she wrote Sun Signs. "She was very determined," says Jill, an artist and one of two children (son Michael, 35, is an aspiring writer) from the Goodman marriage (Sam died in 1983)>>>>.

20 hours in a nightgown! Now thats me sometimes, not in the night gown, but thinking all the time about numerology, what I am going to put in this book, what I am not going to put in it. It’s a mad game of night and day! I start when the house is quiet, about 11 p.m., and go until 3 or 4 in the morning. I just have those kinds of nerves that need silence.

When I read that passage about her, working all night, I think it’s a symbol to those of us that are seekers to seek. A message that the truth is under all rocks and pebbles and when thrown, will make ripples (as Bruce Lee once said-the pebble and ripple) that will skip over the sinking minds of endless and deep uncertainty. When you Read Gooberz, there are things in the book that she puts there for a reason. Usually an author will change names of people, and places. Linda didn’t do that.

Now when you put a persons name in a book, you need to ask for permission, unless they are passed, if their name is put in print, they know (if the author being very popular) that book may pull people to come and talk to them one day, for some a true headache!!

But what if the author did this so that people would want to know. So that people would want to seek....

Now her daughter Jill said (in the article) that her astrology interest blossomed in 1963...what about before that? What is there before that time?

ONLY someone that cares truly about Linda in every way could write a book that would show how the blossoming began before 1963, when did that seed get put in the ground...yes Gooberz talks a lot about that life in the beginning, but not all of it. I am not talking about finding out anything that would hurt her, because I think Sally's incident is probably the worse thing in her life.

Darn it...lost my train of thought, a nice Mormon lady just brought me a huge welcome cookie. Lets see...

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posted June 27, 2005 07:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part II

When I read that obituary, I was like, "why are they printing that she believed that Elvis was alive, or that the FBI ,CIA or Government were behind Sally's disappearance, they pretty much made her look like this once incredible Genius who became a mad woman. Of course we know this isn’t true. If the person who wrote that article had read Linda's books, that obituary would have been written better, because that person would have understood her better, within their heart.(and if that person is here now and does understand, I apologize for the words)

No one can say that what she said isn’t true, No one! I think that sometimes SOME are given the keys to great knowledge and they succeed at most of them, but then some are bound to master the others (such as immortality) What was the road map that led her intensely to that kingdom?

Of course who ever wants, or has the time to take that journey to those different places and searched for the Truth of who this Magnificent Woman was, (because she was so much more than we will ever know)
They will go on a journey that may seem endless and dark, but if they do, there words must be true..

I guess thats why I found or sought what I did and still will. Because whoever that person is (and it could be me one day, if no one else steps up to the plate) its good that they have more information than they need to complete a real biography of who she was to US!

How many people have written books on presidents, poets (and their glorious words, even books on their untimely deaths-Anne sexton etc), artist, everyone. Why shouldn’t someone gain the courage to do this also.

I don’t think that Linda will ever die as long as we don’t let her.

Some might not like what I am going to say, but My arrow is soaring where it can, and sometimes that lightning bolt from my Zeus side tends to hit where it hurts badly (compliments of Katherine Burt’s book, "archetypes of the zodiacs”).

Linda stated:

“Money must not change hands between esoteric teacher and student”


“…Since the ancient teachings say that the one who heeds not the warning forbidding the exchange of money between teacher and student will soon “lose the gift of perception” and consequently will no longer be sought by the “students.”

Now I remember when the other site was up, when I first saw it I didn’t like it, nor feel anything good about it, mostly because of the above quote. I, like so many, were happy to find this site! Mostly for me, because I felt it went by what Linda said. Now when I first found and I registered at both. This was a long time ago…and when it happened, I felt so confused so I didn’t come back to anyone of them, I thought, “wait” and see what happens. Unfortunately I forgot my name and password, so I joined again last year, but when I did come back to find the other one gone, I was happy that I waited to see who would prosper…and in my heart (as Many of you also), I knew it wouldn’t be the first one. (funny I found my other member name on here after I joined again)

Some charge for their services as astrology teachers, or numerology teachers, I say, do what you do, it is your road, possibly you have a plan (such as giving half of your proceeds away…) that balances out the Karma of such endeavors.

For me, I just keep it the way I was told to, I truly believe her words of wisdom.

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posted June 27, 2005 07:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

“Esoteric mysteries must be approached cautiously, with reverence and compassion, with a genuine desire to use their magics to end the world’s suffering…to relieve the pain of individuals…and to bring happiness to friends and strangers alike. Yes, and also to enemies. Even especially to these.”

I believe that if those guidelines had been taken with the other site, it would still be here. From the past post I have read here, it was a nightmare, all of the things that went on, and that is unfortunate, because so much more could have come from two sites working together.

What happened was not a ‘Series of strange coincidences, they weren’t coincidental at all” when you take advantage of someone else’s work, because it will bring in profit…not ever lasting fame, you will get burned! And it may not have been anyone’s intention to make profit, but the RULE stands, because she wrote it down!
If the other web site had lasted in her name, selling reports, having daily forecast, etc, then our Linda would be as all the other Astrologers! And we all know that she was not at all like everyone else!
She Rammed down walls with no fear. That’s what I think we hold here. Maybe not ramming down the walls, but opening doors that will open minds to see more.

Its such a grand world we live in, we have so many options, so many roads to travel, you go that way, I go this way, eventually we will meet up and tell what Tales of adventure we encountered!

I have a project that I have been working on, that is totally because of what Linda taught in her books. It’s a book on numerology, but not just a book about it. There are many books that talk about the two forms of numerology. I even bought a book where the author had both systems in the book, but he stated, “Chose only one!” He didn’t say which was best, he gave you two roads and he said take it. The difference with my books and others is, it shows you that it really works with out any speculation. The reader won’t be saying, “Well you can say that about anything, My aunt can put a bunch of pop tops on a table and do your numbers!” The book has taken about ten years, (funny, someone was saying to me, that Linda’s books were so good, so wonder she took about ten years to bring one out-68,78,87 etc) I did a lot of research on it and the synergy of how numerology works in…lets say a combination of things, not just one thing.

When I though of it, I was watching the Tele at a friends home, it was about 8pm central time, I remember it was the Puerto Rican Independence in Chicago, and every one was going crazy in the streets, but I knew I had stumbled upon something MAGIKAL, something so Linda Goodman.

During my research, I have found newspaper ads that would pertain (for example, to the number 4 and 8, both having a relationship)to a certain number or two. For example, while doing research on a certain personality and their whereabouts, I came across a article written about a misfortune that came upon that person. The date of the article rounded down to a 4 or 8, I can’t recall which. When the article started it stated, “so and so” was at “so and so” place at “date and time”. This time, when you added the date and time that the incident happened, it came to a 4 or 8. The person’s name came to a 8, his licensee plate letters and numbers came to a 4, the location he was at a 4, the other two people in the article, their names came to a 4 and 8. This was great for me, I stumbled across it looking for research, and BAAM! There it was in front of my face. But the weirdest thing is, a month later the incident was being resolved and the newspaper wrote another article on the incident. The date of the new article, a month later, still came to the numbers 4 or 8. The names in the article again, and one specific phrase at the end of the article sealed that moment in time, showing that numerology works right in front of your eyes when your reading something of curiosity, or listening to something of the same nature. When you must make a decision sometimes, but mostly all the time (the unconscious or twin sELF) you will be making this decision through magical things happening.

It’s like this: WHAT IS THE MATRIX? If you watch the Matrix, it starts off with all these numbers (maybe letters) trickling down the screen. Later you see the Character “Tank”, looking at the Screen as Neo is practicing his new arts downloaded into the matrix, later you see the Nemesis talking to the Evil Agents,

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posted June 27, 2005 07:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

as Neo walk up behind him, it startles him because he thinks someone has caught him betraying them all. When he notices its only Neo, he ask him, if he can READ the matrix, Neo states “NO” ,The bad guy tells him that after awhile it just COMES to you, you see red head, blonde, brunette its all the same. Something like that. Anyhow, the Matrix is Numerology, maybe Lexis too. It is a reading of numbers that has instituted in your mind (subconscious/higher sELF) a picture of what is happening on that screen. We saw numbers trickling down, they saw pictures.

When we see words, or letters on paper being let out like wet mist from a mouth, you can read what is going on with that person; Are they lying or telling the truth, do they like you or are they jealous of you?
I think, I know, that’s where Numerology, the study of numbers will take you if you hold on to it. The same with Lexigrams and all the other secrets of the universe: Physical Immortality. One person wasn’t born to master all nine chapters in Star Signs, but Many were born, like the grains of wheat seeds that HE dropped to grow and prosper, many were born to master one or two of those wonderful secrets she taught us.

WHO ARE THOSE ONES THAT WILL TAKE THOSE REINS? Who will prove to the world that what she said was true, who will vindicate her name, so that she is taken serious in all walks of the world? I saw a forum for astronomers, someone asked if anyone there believed that astrology and astronomy had anything to do with each other. I have never read such harsh things that some of those astronomy people said about astrology. But anyone that studies the arts KNOWS that they are sisters too!

There was also a Website that had links that were considered Cranks, Crackpots, Kooks and Loons. I am happy to announce that we are considered Crankier, which is ranked 4th in a list of other categories! It’s defined as: CRANKIEST- Above and beyond the normal call of the crank.

Well we know what we are, and what we are searching for, maybe not all, but the majority want to learn, and some (as dafremen stated) are possibly here for no good reason at all.

All in all Trillian, I talk too much!

But I think I put that info out there, because maybe just maybe out in the fields of LindaLand, someone with pure heart and pure intentions is waiting to bust out and show the world some more magic! I really think its going to happen soon. I can feel something!

Someone said of Kathleen McGowan in an argument between Greg and a woman named Lady of the Lake once:
“Secondly, "Lady of the Lake" sounds suspiciously like this woman called Kathleen who used to write on the other site and who was a real nutcase.”

That supposedly Crazy Nutcase has written a book that she started with conversations with Linda on the phone, and she thanks Linda in the foreword, THESE are the people that were touched and shocked by the mystical Magic of this wonderful Aries! When it comes down to it, you see who are just and who are not.

Who’s going to “Go where no one has gone before” and put her higher up where she belongs, because she is not doubt the best astrologer there was and she is so much more!

I guess that’s my reason, trying to open anybody out there, that has fears holding them down (like me at times!), anyone who thinks, “Am I doing the right thing, will people laugh at me…what do I do?” I write it to help those as much as they help me in responding and taking action.

I never, ever, expected to come upon such nice gifts, they came to me floating freely….

“Often, the initial manifestation of your quest is a series of strange Coincidences,” which are not coincidental at all…”

She said it so simple, and I believe it and more as I believe in all of you and your quest.

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posted June 27, 2005 07:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Thory

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Tranquil Poet
posted June 27, 2005 07:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a game called thors hammer when I was 15 that I loved!

Stay fayte!!!!!

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posted July 05, 2005 09:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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memory lane...

All my love, with all my Heart

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