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  What Does This Davison Chart Say to You?

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Author Topic:   What Does This Davison Chart Say to You?

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posted December 21, 2019 03:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Athenaia, I'm making this thread so it's easier for you and others to see and comment. If you spot anything in the other thread, or have answers to my questions, you can just post everything here.

So, what does this Davison say to you guys?

Here is the link to the other thread that me and Athenaia started for those that wish to see our Synastry and Composite Charts as well. Thanks guys and gals!

How does the Sun conjunct NN in our Davison compare to Sun conjunct SN in our Composite?

Does the Sun's importance in the Davison diminish drastically in the Davison vs. Composite since it is now in it's fall of Aquarius?

Does anything change for Pluto squaring the Nodal axis and Sun in both charts?

It can't be seen, but Pluto Parallels our NN/ Contra-Parallels our SN and Sun in the Composite, but doesn't in the Davison, is that anything to be worried about in either cas for us either now or in the future?

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posted December 22, 2019 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 26, 2019 04:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 30, 2019 05:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you have a Windows 10 computer :-

Download and instal the free Astrocalc program at

Create the natal charts for the two potential partners.

Click on synastry in the "Routines" drop down menu.

Select "Direct Comparison" in the synastry drop down menu.

Bring up the Synastry Comparison Chart/wheel.

Click on "interpretation".

That will give you a brief interpretation of how each of the two people is likely to perceive the other.

Then ... create the Davison/"Relationship" Chart (from the synastry menu) ... and use its birth data to create another natal chart.

Finally ... bring up the natal charts for the two people plus the Davison ... and read the interpretation text of each of them.

That will give you plenty of information/comment to work with. And you can then repeat the process for any other actual or potential relationship that you'd like to explore.

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posted January 01, 2020 04:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Graham won't that just give me interpretations as if we're together? I was looking for comments from you and other like-minded people who know what the Davison truly represents: The Ultimate Endgame for two souls, our "Reason for Being". I fully agree with your posts in other threads that the Davison Chart represents what the pair is striving for on our path to Ascension and Fullfilment, to move on to grander pastures so our soul can evolve into something even more grand. Would this software tell me any of that? What stands out you?

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posted January 01, 2020 04:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by CardinalT-Square:
Graham won't that just give me interpretations as if we're together? I was looking for comments from you and other like-minded people who know what the Davison truly represents: The Ultimate Endgame for two souls, our "Reason for Being". I fully agree with your posts in other threads that the Davison Chart represents what the pair is striving for on our path to Ascension and Fullfilment, to move on to grander pastures so our soul can evolve into something even more grand. Would this software tell me any of that? What stands out you?

The Davison is a natal chart … mapping where the two souls in the relationship are coming from and (intend to be) going to in the current incarnation.

As an experiment though, I ran the 6.5 natal interpretation for this relationship - and obtained the following report (curtesy of Astrocalc/Joakim) :-

Natal chart for Cardinal T-square Davison
Sun in Aquarius
Your basic urge is to see everything in a detached manner. This gives you the potential to transcend boundaries, rules, traditions and conventions - to see beyond all these things and eventually arrive at the truth or inner essence of the matter.

You are likely to have high ideals about humanity and society in general, and what life could be like. However, for ideals to be of any value they need to be tempered with realism as well as compassion.

The Dark Side; the urge to reform everybody so that they conform to your ideals. There may also be too much detachment and adherence to principles, especially when dealing with people on a one to one basis. Taking up the cause of some starving children in Africa is fine, but what about your spouse and children who also crave affection?

Sun in the third house
You need to explore your immediate environment, to seek contacts and unfold in all directions. Everything you make contact with you like to designate and sort - to put labels on things. The understanding gained can be put to good use as you will communicate your findings to others - perhaps through the media or on stage.

Moon in Leo
Your spontaneous response to any situation is to try to dramatise it: putting it into faery tale format makes it less threatening. Your warm-hearted nature tends to make you very sociable and you do like enjoying yourself. At home you like to be the boss, the organiser and much of your home will be you - your creation.

Moon in the eighth house
There is an emotional need to feel committed to some ideological or spiritual cause. This is so that you can feel complete or at one with yourself. Others' deep feelings, possessions and belongings interest you (as lawyers, bankers, etc.). Through the study of "otherness" you can test out your own belief systems.

Mercury in Capricorn
Your mind extracts what is meaningful from your immediate surroundings. These extracts are then used as building blocks to give your life structure. Nothing attracts you more than the possibility of applying yourself for extended periods to important meaningful issues.

Mercury in 2nd house
Your mind is directed towards evaluating life and your status in it. Do you belong or do you feel an outsider? Rationalising these feelings is a way of finding your place in life and how you relate to your community.

Venus in Capricorn
To you a relationship usually means reputation and security. Even love itself will be a serious business. This is not to say that you get into relationships for the sake of security, but before you express your feelings you need to feel secure in the other's love for you. You may also find that financial security helps love to flourish, it being taken as a positive sign of your partner's feelings for you.

You are likely to evaluate life in a cautious, practical manner, regarding superficial contacts as relatively meaningless.

Venus in 2nd house
You value possessions and material things which give the impression of security. These also fulfil an aesthetic need. Harmony and balance are keynotes which give you a feeling of satisfaction and contentment.

You seek secure financial investments and maybe through material security romance can be found.

Mars in Capricorn
You need to act in ways that are practical and down to earth, the feeling being that in the end there will be some useful outcome for all your effort. But useful actions are not always the most appropriate and taking time off for a holiday now and again might not be a bad idea.

Mars in 2nd house
Your energy is directed to accruing material possessions or something which can provide security. You feel the need for something tangible in order to build up a sense of belonging, a sense of values or a belief system. This then gives you the security needed for further action.

Jupiter in Cancer
The desire to expand your understanding of the world is undertaken in ways which are emotionally sensitive and expressive; having a rich soul life the inner dimensions of your existence is important. The difficulties that you might experience would be an excess of sentimentality and unwillingness to let go of the past.

Jupiter in 7th house
Your ability to expand your experience of life is best expressed through your contacts with others and in relationships of all kinds. Other people act as a means of experiencing what you feel within more directly; they give you much and you are generous to them.

Saturn in Capricorn
You are defensive about your standing in life and see life as a mountain to be conquered by the long and hard application of effort. Whether or not you reach the summit of your ambitions or end up in the valleys talking to the fairies, the real drive is for mastery of the self. Only when this is achieved will you find it possible to truly give something worthwhile and substantial to the society in which you live.

Saturn in 2nd house
Material and financial considerations are weighty matters that you do not take lightly. There is a need to gain security through the careful examination of your belief system and through material considerations.

Uranus in Capricorn
You seek to express your independence in practical ways that have significance for others.

Uranus in 2nd house
You have original and unusual views towards the social structure. This can manifest as a desire to change existing values, or as a desire to totally throw out standards that are conservative and restrictive of personal freedom.

Neptune in Capricorn
You go after your ideals in an aspiring manner.

Neptune in 2nd house
Money runs like water through your fingers yet you are never short for your basic needs. Your values are highly idealistic and you would like to see a social structure that cares for all of society.

Pluto in Scorpio
Transformation can occur in probing and intense ways that spare no one, least of all yourself. If something needs to go it is purged from the system even if this means throwing out the good with the bad.

Pluto in 12th house
There is a need to transform your compulsive attitude to defending "all outworn allegiances or sentimental attachments". The potential is for "adapting ancient truths and symbolism to modern understanding". Rather than defending something which is no longer defensible, it is far better to take what is useful and to transform it so that is means something to people today.

On a personal level you need to determine your own subconscious motivations. Why do you do what you do?

Ascendant in Scorpio
You are likely to have a personal, emotional commitment to some impersonal principles and, through identifying with these beliefs, can carry others along with you. In many situations this can be a good thing, but if a wrong turning is taken others can be led to their doom as well.

Midheaven in Virgo
You admire the way some people cleverly adapt to circumstances thereby being in a position to help others. Providing a service to others is therefore important to you, and the house which contains Mercury "shows where your real vocation comes into clearest focus": i.e. this house represents a field of activity in which you feel at home.

Sun square Pluto - strong
There may be a lack of trust in other people which prevents your own personal development. You need to change your behaviour, to confront and become conscious of your underlying desires and motives.

Your touchiness and sensitivity can lead to personal confrontations which should really be looked at as opportunities of understanding yourself better.

Through self-knowledge you can transform your own lifestyle. This will ultimately benefit both yourself and others.

Moon opposition Mercury - weak
At times your thoughts and feelings are at odds with each other; you seem to sway between objective, rational judgement and highly opinionated and biased feelings. When the latter are expressed in a rational manner this can lead to all manner of difficulties. If you can combine your insight and sensitivity with your logical ability then much can be achieved.

Moon trine Ascendant - strong
Others appreciate you as a warm and friendly person always ready to help and respond. The reason for this is that you can relate to them on a deep emotional level and genuinely care for them.

There is a need for a variety of emotional responses. These may be satisfied by travel or relationships.

Mercury conjunct Venus - moderate
Your appreciation of beauty gives rise to an acute ability to discriminate between what is worthy of admiration in life and what lacks good taste. There is a sense of balance and harmony in every thing you do and, not only do you appreciate the finer things of life, but you are able to communicate their worth to others. You also have the ability to present things in the nicest way possible.

Mercury conjunct Saturn - moderate
You have a pragmatic down-to-earth attitude to life, but this can sometimes lead to a rather dog-in-the-manger attitude. If you tend to get depressed it is because you need to look deeply into the meaning of things and life itself seems so superficial. The real need is to engage your mind in what it knows best - to dive to the depths and seek the meaning and structure behind things.

You are not likely to be called a quick thinker, preferring in your own pedantic way to arrive at the structure of issues under discussion in your own time. In fact, spontaneous discussion may be rather an enigma to you because you may not like to express yourself for fear of being looked upon as silly.

Fear of showing your knowledge may disguise the fact that you know little or nothing of the subject under discussion. You may also use talk as a verbal smoke screen camouflaging your lack of knowledge until your listeners get weary of listening.

Concentration and the ability to sustain study over extended periods helps you to expand your knowledge. This may not come easily to you, but eventually you will succeed and everyone will benefit.

Venus conjunct Saturn - strong
Relationships are a serious matter to you; either you have too many or none whatsoever. Although sometimes, on the surface, you may appear to be callous and uncaring, there is great a well of sensitivity.

Yours is a nature that craves close emotional contact and a sense of belonging. You seek love wherever you can find it, or perhaps find yourself in circumstances which isolate you from social contact.

Relationships are something you have to work at, whether by joining clubs and societies that share your interests and hobbies etc., or going to places where you can meet other people. Eventually you will realise that we all are alone. Everyone needs to come to terms with their own aloneness and build a foundation, a sense of belonging.

You are not fickle in your affections and, when you find someone who shares your views, you will be truly committed to them. Financial and material security are important to you, although you may find that lack of material support tends to dog your footsteps. Beware of placing too high a value on such things.

Business and professional activities give a sense of meaning to your life and you are never happier than when you are working, even if this means some form of personal sacrifice. You have a distinct love of duty and a need to give something worthwhile to society.

Creative work in the artistic field can give a sense of fulfilment although such efforts may give rise to some deprivation. It may well be that when life is hardest you can give form and structure to your aesthetic sensitivities (feelings).

Venus conjunct Neptune - weak
You are apt to idealise relationships and would not marry for anything less than true love, or at least what you felt was true love.

It is said that this combination of energies will give rise to deception in love, but this is not necessarily so. You have a very imaginative approach to love and it is only if you constantly attempt to put these ideas into practice that problems can arise.

This same imagination is a fertile ground of artistic creativity, but there may be difficulty in expressing it in a practical and useful form.

Financial and material matters can swing from one extreme to the other. Either way there is usually enough for your "needs", though not necessarily enough for your wants.

Venus trine Midheaven - moderate
You have a pleasant way of presenting yourself which is likely to benefit you financially or in your career. It may be that this ability can be used to give a sense of belonging and purpose to life. Artistic endeavours are likely to bear fruit and can give more than just aesthetic satisfaction.

Mars opposition Jupiter - weak
Your actions are liable to lead you into confrontations with other people. It might be said that you stand on their toes because you think you have the right - because you are right! Maybe you are overstepping the bounds of propriety and infringing others rights as individuals.

You need to be objective about why you aggravate others. In the process you will learn to be considerate of other people and their feelings.

Your field of activity is likely to be diverse, encompassing education, sport, travel, religious beliefs and philosophy. In any or all of these you can seek release of the excess of energy that you possess.

Mars conjunct Uranus - strong
You have an independent streak in your nature, so that when you work you don't like to be ordered about or work to a given set of rules. Your actions tend to be inspired by the situation and often work out quite well that way. The difficulties arise when your self- will contradicts that of others; there is little come and go in you - if you can't do it your way you won't do it at all, or you may do it exactly the opposite from that suggested. After all it works that way too!

Any unusual activity interests you - the more the merrier - occult subjects, astrology, science, computers and electronics. You have great reserves of energy and, when a direction is found, very little will deflect you until the goal is achieved.

Mars conjunct Neptune - weak
Your actions take inspiration from the imagination; great ideals and dreams you may have but the achievement of them may be an entirely different matter. All actions need to be well rooted in the material world, and only when sound foundations are laid will it be safe to pursue them.

The energies here suggest refined activity which could manifest in many different ways: e.g. artistic pursuits or spiritual activities leading to the sublimation of the passions or work done for the sake of others.

Jupiter opposition Uranus - weak
You have the ability to see beyond the normal horizons. This can make you rather restless with the normal pattern of life. This inner restlessness may manifest itself in the urge to be an explorer, or perhaps a philosopher. Whichever way it works your idealism, enhanced by a good measure of detachment, gives you a good chance of achieving worthwhile objectives. These not only give material benefit but also enhance the life of everyone.

It is maybe through relationships that the greatest understanding and insight will come and, hopefully, some method of expressing it that will benefit all and sundry.

Saturn conjunct Neptune - weak
You have the ability to make practical your ideals and goals. Make sure, however, that they are workable as any self-deception is likely to undermine your material security. Long term planning and dedicated work are needed to develop these ideals. Any flashes of inspiration need close inspection to make sure they really are workable.

Saturn trine Midheaven - moderate
The needs of family and professional life work hand in hand. Although the responsibilities of both are considerable you have the ability to achieve a constructive balance that enhances your performance in both.

Uranus conjunct Neptune - weak
Not many of your kind about (yet), is there? Unusual, inspirational insights are possible which will need a good anchor to make them useful.

Uranus trine Midheaven - weak
Flashes of inspiration can help further your career aims. These new and dynamic methods incorporated into your working environment can open up possibilities for further expansion.

Neptune trine Midheaven - strong
The career and home life can merge together as one and inspirations gained from this secure base of operations enhance your professional activities.

So … the question now is "can I/you/we/astrologers/students put this into the context of a relationship, rather than a person?"

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posted January 01, 2020 10:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

the Davison Chart represents what the pair is striving for on our path to Ascension and Fullfilment, to move on to grander pastures so our soul can evolve into something even more grand. ...... What stands out you?

The purpose of any/every natal chart is "to make the Sun shine". ... So, we are looking here at two souls that have agreed (in Heaven) to come together in the current incarnation to help each other develop the positive qualities of Sun-in-Aquarius/3rd - which, in this case, is confirmed/emphasised by a conjunction to NN.

And ... like all natal charts, this Davison has astrological indicators which help or hinder that objective. ... But, we now have two people/heads (rather than one) striving to handle those indicators appropriately.

With that in mind, what stands out for me is ... the Sun (in Aquarius/3rd) conjunct NN, and forming a Thor's Hammer with Pluto (in Scorpio/12th) and Jupiter (in Cancer/7th) ,,, the 6-planet stellium in Capricorn/2nd, and the oppositions made to it by Chiron in Cancer/8th ... intercepted Sagittarius/Gemini in 1st/7th houses ... the duplication of Scorpio and Taurus on 12th+1st and 6th+7th house cusps ... plus that Ascendant, at the anaretic degree of Scorpio - but also forming a Search figure with Moon (in Leo/8th) and Jupiter.

Would this software tell me any of that?

We first need to ascertain the potential meaning of each planet in the sign and house it occupies in the Davison/Natal Chart - and my guess is some forum members (including me) will find the Astrocalc 6.5 report a useful one-stop-shop for that.

But ... (for example) ... reflect upon what the report author is saying about (the potential issues of) Pluto, Jupiter and the Sun. ... Does that not help you to see how the Thor's Hammer is likely to manifest, and the problem(s) it could create?

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posted January 01, 2020 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Graham! Can't believe how much material security we're striving for, but it doesn't sound as bad as I thought, we'll have to see how all that energy manifests in the future (future lifetimes?).

I thought a Thor's Hammer had two sesquiquadrate? I have one in my Natal Chart as well, but I still don't even know what it means? I just know it involves my Mercury at 5°37' Leo 2nd House, My Jupiter at 22°52' Pisces 10th House, and My Uranus at 19°08' Sagittarius 6th House.

What about Pluto also squaring the Nodes as well as Sun? We have that in our Composite Chart as well, the difference being...Our Sun is conjunct the South Node in Leo instead.

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posted January 02, 2020 12:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can't believe how much material security we're striving for, but it doesn't sound as bad as I thought, we'll have to see how all that energy manifests in the future (future lifetimes?).

The Astrocalc 6.5 software can produce tri-wheels - which is quite revealing if you put your natal on the inside, her's on the outside and the Davison in the middle. ... My guess is all that abundance of Capricorn in the Davison is about being "grounded" rather than material security.

I thought a Thor's Hammer had two sesquiquadrate?

Yes. NN pulls the Sun into its sesquiquadrate with Jupiter.

I have one in my Natal Chart as well, but I still don't even know what it means? I just know it involves my Mercury at 5°37' Leo 2nd House, My Jupiter at 22°52' Pisces 10th House, and My Uranus at 19°08' Sagittarius 6th House.

Use the tri-wheel to see that connection between your natal Uranus, the Davison Sun and her natal Mercury.

And ... do you see the Pluto-Asc-Saturn Thor's Hammer; strong Sun-Moon sesquiquadrate and the Mars/Jupiter-Uranus/Neptune in her natal chart. Those require her to deal with one "ever-present" Thor's Hammer, and 2 that are created temporarily by progressions and transits

What about Pluto also squaring the Nodes as well as Sun?

The "missed step" described by Jeff Green in Pluto - The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul.

We have that in our Composite Chart as well, the difference being...Our Sun is conjunct the South Node in Leo instead.

"Leo mirror on the wall ... please reveal our Sun to all".

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posted January 02, 2020 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry to butt in but Graham do you hold more importance on the Davison than Composite?
Also is there a similar program as the one above for Macs?

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posted January 02, 2020 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by EmGem:
Sorry to butt in but Graham do you hold more importance on the Davison than Composite?
Also is there a similar program as the one above for Macs?

I see the composite as showing how the two people are seen (as a team) by others, and the Davison as reavealing why the two people are in the relationship. So both are equally important ... And the synastry comparison shows how the two people will interact with each other.

There is also the Marks chart - which compares the individual natal charts of person A and person B to their Davison chart. It reveals how each of them view their relationship.

I know of no free astrology programs that run directly on the Mac - but this one (and other Windows offerings) claims to run on them via an emulator. Personally though, I would buy a cheap PC Stick and run the Astrocalc on my HD TV.

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posted January 02, 2020 05:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Graham
I assume if aspects in the composite and Davison are repeated then they are likely to point to a strong theme in the rs?

Also, with the marks chart do you take all planets and their aspects into consideration or only particular ones? I think I may have read somewhere there are only certain planets and aspects are to be considered ?! 🤔

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posted January 03, 2020 05:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by EmGem:
Thanks Graham
I assume if aspects in the composite and Davison are repeated then they are likely to point to a strong theme in the rs?

Also, with the marks chart do you take all planets and their aspects into consideration or only particular ones? I think I may have read somewhere there are only certain planets and aspects are to be considered ?! 🤔

Aspects that are common to both the composite and Davison are issues that the couple might not themselves be aware of, but everyone else is.

And with the marks charts, I'd consider anything/everything which might add another pixel to our picture/understanding of the relationship. ... So, it's more a question of the astrologer/student deciding if/when the time and effort involved in looking for the additional pixel is not worthwhile.

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posted January 03, 2020 05:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for asking about that EmGem! That was going to be my next question. What's it mean when the Composite and Davison Charts are nearly identical? Are the pair stuck in a repetitive rut, repeating the same sequence of events in every lifetime until the end of time? Just like Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl, Prince Kufu, and Vandal Savage. Hawkgirl and Prince Kufu find each other in every lifetime, acquire their wings, and then Vandal Savage finds them and kills them, increasing his strength and immortality, they then repeat the cycle in the next lifetime and so on and so forth.

Or... is this a "One and Done" scenario? Where the pair find each other, accomplish what they set forth in both charts, and move on to something/someone else.

The woman, who I share this Davision Chart with, she has that set-up with her Husband. Their Composite and Davison are nearly identical, even their Ascendant is in the same sign, they're only a few degrees difference between the two charts, the only real difference is their Mercury and Mars. Mercury is in Cancer conjunct their Sun and Venus in the Composite, but is much further away, but still in Cancer, in the Davison Chart. Mars, however, changes from late Leo in their Composite to early Taurus in their Davison. So... What's the scenario here?

You can watch "The Flash" Season 2 Episode 8, and the "Arrow" Season 3 Episode 8 to get a full grasp of Hawkgirl and Kufu's repetitive lifetimes.

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