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  please help - decoding this karmic relationship

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Author Topic:   please help - decoding this karmic relationship

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posted September 27, 2019 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would adore some insight into a very impactful relationship in my life. I’d go as far as to say maybe the most impactful so far.
He came into my life 10 years ago like a storm and shook everything up. I can't figure out if this bond is karmic or a soulmate/twin flame connection.

I would love it if someone could help me de-code this bond we have. I will happily give a virtual hug as a thank you

Mine are the planets listed first in this list:
Neptune Sextile Sun orb: 0 °
Pluto Sextile Neptune orb: 0 °
North Node Sextile Pluto orb: 0 °
Mars Trine Pluto orb: 1 °
Uranus Square Moon orb: 1 °
Ascendant Square Neptune orb: 1 °
Moon Sextile Moon orb: 1 °
Venus Sextile Jupiter orb: 1 °
Chiron Trine Pluto orb: 1 °
Venus Opposition North Node orb: 1 °
Uranus Opposition MC orb: 1 °
MC Opposition MC orb: 1 °
MC Square Moon orb: 1 °
Moon Trine Mars orb: 2 °
Moon Trine Saturn orb: 2 °
Moon Trine Ascendant orb: 2 °
Jupiter Trine Mercury orb: 2 °
Pluto Trine Sun orb: 2 °
Sun Opposition Pluto orb: 2 °
Venus Square Ascendant orb: 2 °
Ascendant Square Uranus orb: 2 °
Saturn Sextile Mercury orb: 2 °
Ascendant Sextile Venus orb: 2 °
MC Square Ascendant orb: 2 °
Saturn Trine Ascendant orb: 3 °
Sun Square Venus orb: 3 °
Moon Square Jupiter orb: 3 °
Venus Square Mercury orb: 3 °
Pluto Square Venus orb: 3 °

I’ve attached the visual synastry chart if that helps.
I am the blue and he is the red in these charts - synastry chart - composite chart

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posted September 28, 2019 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 29, 2019 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Would anyone be able to help?

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posted September 29, 2019 08:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The charts are hard to understand and read, you need to upload a synastry chart and a composite chat, preferably done at
and when posting a synastry list, it would be helpful to mention whose planets is aspecting whose

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posted September 29, 2019 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for helping Orange, I'm still learning I will update - synastry chart - composite chart

I am blue and he is red. With the Synastry chart he is on the outside of the chart

Does this make sense? I'm still learning how to correctly read is such an art

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posted September 29, 2019 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi roseblue

the connection might be soul mate of twin flame, those are rather variable philosophical images.
but it is clear to see why you have these feelings.
the composite has the node and Uranus/Neptune conjunct the ascendant and mercury square this stellium.
in addition the sun is conjunct to venus and these are square to Neptune

first of Uranus by itself is a indication of a astral connection. this means that you see and communicate in your dreams. this can bring amazing awareness and with Neptune with node/Uranus/Asc then you can have visionary experiences with him. dream states can continue in to waking consciousness.
then mercury square to the node also give psychic connection. here telepathy and reading each others thoughts are strong. With mercury square to Uranus the astral plane can bring higher knowledge to you.
the problem here is that this is extremely intense and can be confusing if one does not know what is happening.
it has been a while since I have seen a composite with these aspects so ..concentrated .
so how would be called the lower mind is connected between you to your higher minds,this can easily make one wonder if you are soul mates etc. as the ethereal world seems to unite you in everyway you can think off.

now another complicating factor is the conjunction of venus and the sun. actually mercury is part of this stellium so all these planets are square all the planets on the ascendant.

but I have described them separately because when one adds human love,sun/venus, to paranormal awareness , then the individuals physical desire have much to do with interpreting what is happening or why things are happening.

the major obstacle here is that the sun/venus/mercury stellium is square to Uranus. this is very unstable. the energies that pass between the individuals are extremely encompassing and intense, but the normal human desire is for a continuing relationship.

Uranus relationships are marked by an intensity that can not be sustained. a normal relationship can not always be amazingly intense. when the intensity wanes, then the mundane routines of human existence can not keep the individuals together.
you can't but magic in a bottle.

as a consequence Uranus is notorious for intense relationships that do not last. the image of a comet, quickly brightening the celestial sphere and suddenly disappearing again ,is a good image for Uranus relationships.

again the difference here is that that there is so much astral/psychic awareness/ knowledge being passed between you. so the relationship has to faces ,one passionate emotional ,mental and sexual attraction. the other face seemingly messages from other worlds or dimensions.

as I mentioned ,it can be very confusing to separate these somewhat different realities
when both are going thru you at the same time.

the moon/sun midpoint is conjunct to venus, with shows love is the strongest binding emotion beteen you. your relationship is based on love no matter what else happens.

yet inspite of the incredible oneness of the chart, the moon is square to Saturn. this aspect is almost exactly opposite to the Uranus attraction. it shows that sometimes real emotional intimacy is missing. sometimes you can't express the love or accept the love. when there are such polar opposite, the relationship can rarely survive.

here the struggle is between the need of personal emotional freedom and the need to be a free spirit to experience the world.

a corollary dynamic is shown by the Pluto square to Jupiter. this in a composite shows that there is a selfish need of advancement in professional life. here ambition more important that devoted love.
one partner does not want to be weighed down.
this can work to a degree if both partners have advancing in similar vocations, but it is always individuals moving on parallel lines but separately.
this aspect is rare found in committed relationships as the selfish motive is so strong.

a last significant dynamicc is the square of venus to chiron. on one hand this adds a very quirky,eccentirc air to the emotional connection. it can add a exciting and innovative sexual asopects. btu it's strongest affect is to lead to complete understanding of each other. chiron here whats to know what the other thinks feels about everything. th egol is to be some completely imesred ineach others identiy that you can anticipate very though and action and response. this can bring a incredible intimacy, but the square also means that a some [point difficulties will arise. when argument do come about they can be devastating because you both know the others strongest and weakest points. criticism can strike to the quick, and emotional wounds are very difficult to forget. so this aspect can shows sudden breakups over what began as minor differences.

this composite is very supernatural


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posted September 29, 2019 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
hi roseblue

the connection might be soul mate of twin flame, those are rather variable philosophical images.
but it is clear to see why you have these feelings.
the composite has the node and Uranus/Neptune conjunct the ascendant and mercury square this stellium.
in addition the sun is conjunct to venus and these are square to Neptune

first of Uranus by itself is a indication of a astral connection. this means that you see and communicate in your dreams. this can bring amazing awareness and with Neptune with node/Uranus/Asc then you can have visionary experiences with him. dream states can continue in to waking consciousness.
then mercury square to the node also give psychic connection. here telepathy and reading each others thoughts are strong. With mercury square to Uranus the astral plane can bring higher knowledge to you.
the problem here is that this is extremely intense and can be confusing if one does not know what is happening.
it has been a while since I have seen a composite with these aspects so ..concentrated .
so how would be called the lower mind is connected between you to your higher minds,this can easily make one wonder if you are soul mates etc. as the ethereal world seems to unite you in everyway you can think off.

now another complicating factor is the conjunction of venus and the sun. actually mercury is part of this stellium so all these planets are square all the planets on the ascendant.

but I have described them separately because when one adds human love,sun/venus, to paranormal awareness , then the individuals physical desire have much to do with interpreting what is happening or why things are happening.

the major obstacle here is that the sun/venus/mercury stellium is square to Uranus. this is very unstable. the energies that pass between the individuals are extremely encompassing and intense, but the normal human desire is for a continuing relationship.

Uranus relationships are marked by an intensity that can not be sustained. a normal relationship can not always be amazingly intense. when the intensity wanes, then the mundane routines of human existence can not keep the individuals together.
you can't but magic in a bottle.

as a consequence Uranus is notorious for intense relationships that do not last. the image of a comet, quickly brightening the celestial sphere and suddenly disappearing again ,is a good image for Uranus relationships.

again the difference here is that that there is so much astral/psychic awareness/ knowledge being passed between you. so the relationship has to faces ,one passionate emotional ,mental and sexual attraction. the other face seemingly messages from other worlds or dimensions.

as I mentioned ,it can be very confusing to separate these somewhat different realities
when both are going thru you at the same time.

the moon/sun midpoint is conjunct to venus, with shows love is the strongest binding emotion beteen you. your relationship is based on love no matter what else happens.

yet inspite of the incredible oneness of the chart, the moon is square to Saturn. this aspect is almost exactly opposite to the Uranus attraction. it shows that sometimes real emotional intimacy is missing. sometimes you can't express the love or accept the love. when there are such polar opposite, the relationship can rarely survive.

here the struggle is between the need of personal emotional freedom and the need to be a free spirit to experience the world.

a corollary dynamic is shown by the Pluto square to Jupiter. this in a composite shows that there is a selfish need of advancement in professional life. here ambition more important that devoted love.
one partner does not want to be weighed down.
this can work to a degree if both partners have advancing in similar vocations, but it is always individuals moving on parallel lines but separately.
this aspect is rare found in committed relationships as the selfish motive is so strong.

a last significant dynamicc is the square of venus to chiron. on one hand this adds a very quirky,eccentirc air to the emotional connection. it can add a exciting and innovative sexual asopects. btu it's strongest affect is to lead to complete understanding of each other. chiron here whats to know what the other thinks feels about everything. th egol is to be some completely imesred ineach others identiy that you can anticipate very though and action and response. this can bring a incredible intimacy, but the square also means that a some [point difficulties will arise. when argument do come about they can be devastating because you both know the others strongest and weakest points. criticism can strike to the quick, and emotional wounds are very difficult to forget. so this aspect can shows sudden breakups over what began as minor differences.

this composite is very supernatural


Todd, I want to thank you for this beautiful and powerful insight. I have to admit I feel a visceral feeling to what you have said. The hairs stood up on my arm even.

This connection does feel "otherwordly", like we are on another level together. But we have a very on-off relationship.

In fact just today we have fought and broken up once again. The odd thing is that these break ups always feel loving. Its as if the love isnt the problem, its like somthing else is at play pulling us apart. But as you say it is often over small things.

He also can be selfish at times and so selfless at others. The duality of pisces I guess. Its like he is pulled towards a life with me and also pulled away at the same time.

We often share emotions - In that when I'm having a terrible day I find out he is too. Its almost like we are living parallel emotional lives at times.

Perhaps it is all too intense to last long term. But Todd I am so afarid that I will never be able to stop comparing all future loves to this - this intensity . When we touch its like my whole body feels alive, on fire and yet utterly calm.

He is the only man so far I have ever felt I would marry, yet the reality seems to suggest otherwise.

I wonder how I can channel this supernatural aspect you speak of for good.

Funnily enough Todd, we have plans to go to a supernatural event around halloween. We are both keenly intrested in other worlds.

Also Todd I am greatly intrested in past lives. I have always felt that me and this man have been together in previous lives at some point. But when I tried to cast I couldnt see any south node connections. Its all north node.

Do we have any south node aspects? If so how do you find them within a chart?

Hope you dont mind all the questions, I like how you write

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posted October 06, 2019 07:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 12, 2019 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 15, 2019 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The South Node is always exactly opposite the North Node. For example, in the blue person's case, it would be 20 degrees Cancer.

I've found Nodal connections to be rather deep, intense, and yes, often quite linked to other life patterns and dynamics.

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posted October 15, 2019 11:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for intheknow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:

first of Uranus by itself is a indication of a astral connection. this means that you see and communicate in your dreams. this can bring amazing awareness and with Neptune with node/Uranus/Asc then you can have visionary experiences with him. dream states can continue in to waking consciousness.

why is that Todd?

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posted October 20, 2019 03:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
The South Node is always exactly opposite the North Node. For example, in the blue person's case, it would be 20 degrees Cancer.

I've found Nodal connections to be rather deep, intense, and yes, often quite linked to other life patterns and dynamics.

This is very intresting. What do you mean by other life patterns etc?


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posted October 20, 2019 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by intheknow:
why is that Todd?

Neptune gives visions both waking and asleep and Uranus provides the pathway for access to astral knowledge etc.

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posted October 20, 2019 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by roseblue:
Also Todd I am greatly intrested in past lives. I have always felt that me and this man have been together in previous lives at some point. But when I tried to cast I couldnt see any south node connections. Its all north node.

Do we have any south node aspects? If so how do you find them within a chart?

Hope you dont mind all the questions, I like how you write

hi again roseblue.

the node is actually an axis of energy that whose endpoints are the north and south points/nodes. so they are no separate points but are a continuum of energy. past life interactions can be shown by either south or north node conjunctions.
with the node on the ascendant ,by itself, this can show past life connections.
in addition the vertex can also show past life interactions but this indice can be difficult to integrate into one's chart.

I added some symbols, and your venus is opposed to the vertex. this aspects will also add to the other worldly emotional and physical sensations you have with him.

I also notice that true Lilith is conjunct to Uranus exactly and conjunct to the node. this will just intensify all the paranormal feelings you have with him. Lilith shows that these feeling seem to arise spontaneous from deep inside you and feel as if you have known him forever.

pluto and orcus are also past life symbols. here you have pluto square to Jupiter which tends to be more matrial and not some much a indicator of a past life buy itself. but with your strong karmic energies of the node and the vertex, pluto here could imply a past life connection that was not harmonious.

the moon is square to orcus which could imply emotinalisseu from a past life, but again thisshows there were tensions in a past life.

you must keep in mind that as I said this chart is very supernatural and as such the etheric energies in the chart arte often very difficult to use in a "human" experience/relationship.
the point am trying to make is that these energies can obsess one, especially if the potential intimacy you feel does not grow stronger. one must realize that higher planes of energy are involved here and that the normal emotional feeling may not develop as one would hope or think.
you might look at this thread:

to get an idea of how one can be overwhelmed by the infusion of nodal and vertex energies.


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posted October 21, 2019 04:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
hi again roseblue.

the node is actually an axis of energy that whose endpoints are the north and south points/nodes. so they are no separate points but are a continuum of energy. past life interactions can be shown by either south or north node conjunctions.
with the node on the ascendant ,by itself, this can show past life connections.
in addition the vertex can also show past life interactions but this indice can be difficult to integrate into one's chart.

I added some symbols, and your venus is opposed to the vertex. this aspects will also add to the other worldly emotional and physical sensations you have with him.

I also notice that true Lilith is conjunct to Uranus exactly and conjunct to the node. this will just intensify all the paranormal feelings you have with him. Lilith shows that these feeling seem to arise spontaneous from deep inside you and feel as if you have known him forever.

pluto and orcus are also past life symbols. here you have pluto square to Jupiter which tends to be more matrial and not some much a indicator of a past life buy itself. but with your strong karmic energies of the node and the vertex, pluto here could imply a past life connection that was not harmonious.

the moon is square to orcus which could imply emotinalisseu from a past life, but again thisshows there were tensions in a past life.

you must keep in mind that as I said this chart is very supernatural and as such the etheric energies in the chart arte often very difficult to use in a "human" experience/relationship.
the point am trying to make is that these energies can obsess one, especially if the potential intimacy you feel does not grow stronger. one must realize that higher planes of energy are involved here and that the normal emotional feeling may not develop as one would hope or think.
you might look at this thread:

to get an idea of how one can be overwhelmed by the infusion of nodal and vertex energies.


Thank you Todd for all this amazing information. Its truly eye opening.

I am trying my best not to get overwelmed and keep a level head with this intensity. I've been so close with this person for ten years so it feels impossible to disconnect from it(coupled with the intensity of it) but alas it seems that it just will not be the stable relationship I want it to be despite there being great potential.

I can see now the Uranus influence you talked about. We we were best friends for years before we dated but even then we were more "intense" than I think is standard for close friends. Heightened emotions. Stronger highs but stronger lows. Perhaps that is the Venus / Mars as well. Our friends compare us to "Ross and Rachel" from friends but I think deep down I want something more "Monica and chandler" haha

It's just so hard to totally move on, all that Pluto feels like an obsession like you say. Even now we cant go more than a few days without contacting each other.

This connection feels deeply healing and norishing despite the instability and anxiety it can bring but I just cant seem to find the right box to put it in within my life : friend, lover, partner

It always feels unfinished if that makes sense.

Thank you for your help Todd, I will check out that thread you mentioned

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Posts: 17
From: UK
Registered: Sep 2019

posted October 26, 2019 03:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for roseblue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’ve just noticed that we have only have one soft aspect to Chiron in our Synastry which looks healing but three hard (squares) from me to his Chiron in our composite . Venus Square his Chiron, Mars Square his Chiron.

Chiron means pain right?

Does the personal planet person feel it more?

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