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Author Topic:   a question
posted October 21, 2003 07:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmmm ...

First, the two posts (or threads) are not in THIS forum part - not in the astrology - but somewhere else and I would not like to name them both. Pixelpixie, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with you and, although ashamed for being superficial, I must admit that I usually read only one or two threads here. So I did not read that thread and I do not know what is going on in your life. If it were you, I would have told you my opinion in that post and not beat around the bushes here. And you asked about your chart in another thread here, so THAT is the place I will answer your question. I really did not have the time to look at your chart, so I can not comment anything.

This topic has made my e-mail crazy! First, I got a dozen e-mails from people who were asking about themselves and their future trying to convince me that they are not to blame for their mistakes and asking if they were the one I was referring to. I was not. This whole thread has a deeper meaning above the fact that a person is having an affair or has done one or two stupid things in her/his life. Those were just examples I chose to name.

My question was, truly, about something else and I am sorry not a single person guessed that I have problems outside the world of astrology and doing charts here. It is about a boy in the neighborhood and his mother, who is mentally abusing him in a most horrible way. There are no physical sings, 'just' mental: he cries, is aggressive, shakes, does not want to play with other children etc. And none of the people around him react. My problem is that I have seen the conditions in the orphanages here (they are the worse ever) and I can not bring myself to call a social institution, or the police, as there are other people involved and I have to think about those people as well (although they are not thinking about the boy!). There is no social program he and his mother would go through, as she is still in search for her "true love" and this quest does not include that boy, so there is a 99% of certainty he would end up in a home, until he is 18.

This was the actual question I asked. I looked at his chart and the 'second' home is not too good either. I am doing all his solar returns and progressions and directions in order to find a clue, but nothing points out that it will get better for him. The child is slowly approaching emotional and mental death in that house and my hands are tied. I am sitting and doing nothing to help the kid and this drives me crazy! The thing that makes it worse is the fact that every time they are at my place, he pulls me into a corner and starts to cry: "Please be my new mother! Please let me stay! I will be a good boy! I promise!" Maybe I am just too sensitive ...Should I confront the mother and tell her the truth about her behavior and my intentions about the police and force her, by threats and constant watching what she does, to be a better mother (I doubt she would react better, but there is always a slim chance)? Can a woman improve her own motherhood? Will I make things worse for the boy? Or should I just call the authorities and pray he has more luck than brains and that he ends up in a better family? My comfort is that he spends some time without the mother, but I see it is not getting better for him and that the symptoms he has are getting worse. How will I look the mother and the whole family in the eyes if I do? How will I look at myself if I don't?

I do not have "savior" complex. I have a problem I can not solve alone and I needed your help. Thank you all.


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posted October 21, 2003 07:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
zoka -
I cannot even begin to have an answer to your question; that seems to me one of the most difficult situations in the world that one could be faced with, short of deciding between the deaths of people.
All I can do is wish you strength for whatever you decide must be done.

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posted October 21, 2003 09:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cristiname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course you DON"T confront the mother!

Grown-ups don't accept in front of straingers to their flaws and dark-sides! You'd only make her really angry, and she could take it out on the kid (since she can't do anything to you)..,something like "look what you did - made me look bad in front of people".

If you do want to get involved, you must be very diplomatic... Turning to authorities could only make things worst for the kid. Kids are always best at their parents' side. Throwing him into an impersonal and very busy system won't solve his problems.

It's very tricky, this situation. Best course of action could be that you become closer to the woman, learn a bit about the whole situation. Maybe she has certain problems herself, and could use some help to get over them. You could be that friend. maybe she could use some counselling or even therapy, but most definetly couldn't hurt a friend.

Very tricky. you should learn more and than make decisions....

Sorry about that savior thing....I didn't mean it in a mean way...It only says about people who don't live only for themselves and give a little to others. It's sort of an active way of being altruistic and not staying aside when things happen to other people.


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posted October 21, 2003 09:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's the action not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action.


The capacity to care is the thing that gives life its deepest meaning and significance.

-Pablo Casals

I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

-Edward Everett Hale

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posted October 21, 2003 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Zoka, your original post was so cryptic, guessing was our only option! It mentioned nothing of a child being abused. Rather, it hinted of a sexual relationship of an adult with a child, and spoke of your problems reading charts for those committing adultery.

However, what you speak of now is very serious and heart breaking. I think if you do nothing, you will always regret it.

Perhaps begin by speaking to the authorities anonymously, with queries about the options for an abused child. I have reported people for abusing animals, I would not stop at a child.

The systems designed to help abused children are flawed, and may not be the best option. You said the orphanages are a far worse choice for him...which makes your choices slim.

Yes, I believe a mother can improve her abilities to mother...if she wants to. There may be a tactful way to speak to her that will not jeopardize the child. I pray you find the strength and guidance you need.

This child's soul has chosen a difficult path...and your soul has chosen to cross that path. You will answer to yourself one day, and I appreciate that you are looking at everything available to you for the answers.

Please keep us posted on the child's plight, and I will think more on this situation. If I have anything to offer, I'll let you know.

Best to you, Zoka...

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posted October 21, 2003 02:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is the problem!

I know the woman for over 10 years and we were very close during a time in our lives. We split up and we ended the friendship (well, not ending it ... putting it on ice) when I started to notice that she had a few affairs with married men (those were the affairs I was talking about) and was rude to the kids from the previous bond etc. while neglecting her own. And thinking now of it, she dated married men only ... I remember the scene she preformed for the wife of one of her 'boyfriends' describing the bond much closer as it was and telling to that poor woman she will spill acid on her face. The husband got a heart-attack and she left him, as this resulted with less work and less money. She: "You do not think I am doing this for nothing, do you?" The friendship got worse after her last abortion during the II trimester (she was in her 20th week) and her comment: "Why do you interfere? Those kids are all little ******** anyway and it is my body". Maybe I would have reacted in a different way, but I did remember her last abortion that did not go well and her telephone call and the screaming she was sick and me taking her to the doctor because of heavy bleeding she could not stop etc. I got upset and we do not see each other very often although I care deeply for the kid (I was there when his first tooth came and when he made his first step and he still has the story book I gave him). This is the mother who almost starved her child to death because she needed the 50th pair of shoes.

She is the 'worse scenario mother' and I do not know what to do. While I was sitting with the boy one evening he asked me if I would like to know what his mother does with "her friends". Let me tell you one thing: I was shocked! Horrible things I heard from the mouth of a child - a mother who is literally fu**ing with strangers in front of her own kid! Making him watch! I went to the kindergarten and his teacher told me there was nothing I could do to help him - if he would end up in an orphanage, his chances for adoption would be slim, as people mostly adopt babies and toddlers. She asked me could I risk it to put him into an even worse situation. I could not. And the conditions are surely worse in a home, than in his house. I have the choice between two wrongs and I can not make up my mind. To make things worse, last night I was watching a report on TV about adopted children, the new conditions and their new lives. Instead of telling good stories the lady told two recent events: one about a baby of 2 who got raped by his new father and the second about 2 girls who have been sexually abused for 5 years and NOT A SINGLE PERSON noticed. Great! This made me feel even worse.

Confronting the mother is the last thing I though of, as a person who even thinks about doing those things to her child can not be normal and my words would be of no use. I took the kid to a psychologist, who said his skills are excellent but undeveloped and asked me why I neglect the child. I said that I was not the mother and there was just a loud "hmmmm". I do spend as much time as possible with the child and I see that he enjoys it, but that the effect of the mother (the father is unknown) is not fading. The other great person in his life is his grandfather who is getting older and slower. They sleep in a bed together and there he has some comfort, but this is not enough and it is not a normal and healthy domestic situation for a child, any child to be in.

The vast majority of the people here have evolved beyond the stage of selfish primitivism and have figured out that everything is not about them all the time and that other people have needs too. And that life is just a great compromise, some things you will get, others you will not. And you all have a head you use for other things besides make-up and hair. That is why I wanted your opinion and I will read all the answers with great care and decide what to do and what the best for the child is. I think that we got to the point where all of you can not help - I need professional help now and this is going to be very painful and ugly - for the child and nobody else.

The Universe has a great sense of humor and it is our fault, as humans, that we find it too sarcastic, cynic, ironic or dry at some point and that we do not understand everything that is going on with. There is a plan for all of us and we all have to follow our path. And we have to learn during our journey towards spiritual freedom and bliss. I fear that the higher intelligence wants to show me that I can not cure all the bad things that are going on in this world and that there will be situations where I will have to watch. I think that, regarding this problem, the cosmic judge pointed out a seat and said: "Sit down and enjoy the show" and that I will have to endure ALL the scenes.

Why I mentioned those two threads? The choice of words, the whole manner, the tone and the attitude of the person asking the question reminded me of my friend and all her evil doings and this just triggered my anger and all frustration. Is there no way to stop those idiots from doing more harm? They are not hurting themselves, but others, innocent people who are not to blame for anything!


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posted October 21, 2003 04:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think it was very telling, about the fragile state of people's emotions, when you said that you'd received so many emails, plus my broadcast about what you'd written. We draw our own conclusions and insights about what we read and how it relates to our own fears/conception of self. I am truly sorry about the situation that you are involved in...... The poor child has few bright lights in the world, and it's sad when you are one of those lights, but can't burn brightly enough to get past the shadows. It would be a heartwrenching experience for anyone to go through, but when someone such as yourself chooses to live a path based on helping others, which is obviously your theme, in studying and applying astrology, it is ever more challenging when you cannot help, only pray that in the end, it will all be for a higher purpose. Maybe that child will grow up with an impression of suffering so imprinted on his soul that he helps others to never feel like he did. Maybe he is meant to go through this in order to instill goodness in the world, frustrating as it is now, maybe if you cannot help, you have to let go and let God/dess.
I know this would be hard to do. Trust that it is in the grand sight, knowing perspective as you do, and find peace with that. Stay in the picture, but don't try to choreograph as you will only succeed in butting against walls, unless of course, you see a clear way to action, in which case, you know what you must do.

I can't leave this without a comment about my preconceptions, maybe even misconceptions. It was definately very cryptic, and I am sorry if I offended, when DEfending myself. I went on instinct, and felt personally violated, while I stand behind my rationale, I Know it was misdirected. Once again, we make our way here with what we see, what is clear to us. That is the only truth which we know. I enjoy learning and redirecting what makes me passionate. Thank you for posting something which made me question, and ultimately reaffirm my beliefs. Go in peace.

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posted October 21, 2003 06:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
double post...sorry

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posted October 21, 2003 06:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Zoka.
Ok, I went and re-read your initial post, and you didn't even remotely hint at this particular scenario. Not that I could gather anyway. So how you could hope that we would be able to offer any useful feedback is beyond me. If you just say what you mean, and mean what you say, it'll save you alot of time and headaches.

I have a few questions about this boy's situation. How old is he? You said kindergarden, so he must be around 5. If so, he still has a chance of turning out normal
but there's not much time left before he'll be permanantly damaged if he is to remain in his current circumstances for much longer.

You did say you spend as much time with him as you can, but you didn't say anything about taking him in to your home. Is that because you don't want to offend his mother? Well, yes it's important not to offend his mother, above all else. Maybe you don't want the burdon. Who ever wants ANY burdon? But we don't reap rewards from a life free of burdons, do we.

I sense that you're concerned about this boy, but are you concerned enough to be willing to put yourself out? You know, when my daughter was 3 I encountered a simular situation, and ended up taking in a 6 year old girl for about a year. That's all it took. Her mother took her back after a year, and was a much better mom at that point. She still saw her every 2nd weekend, which still allowed her to have alternate weekends to herself. I don't know your situation, whethor you have children or a source of income, a husband to negotiate with, (I didn't)or whatever obsticles you may encounter in making this happen, but I think you know what you need to do. You're just dreading it. I was too, but it turned out to be fine. This little girl had some emotional issues as well, a Pisces who could never seem to get enough love and affection, no matter how much she got. I have an Aqua moon, not exactly oozing with sappy sentiment, but hey, I adjusted, knowing that THAT is what SHE needed. (good thing I know my astrology)
Thing is, we cannot control everything in our environments, but we can control how we respond to it. It's all about making the world a better place isn't it? And we can only do that one starfish at a time. Maybe he's your starfish.


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posted October 22, 2003 08:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Zoka,
I'm replying w/o reading the whole thread because I just now discovered this thread and it's very interesting.

You said

What to say to the girl/boy? How to tell the young and innocent heart that the older person is just using him/her, that in 99% this bond has no future? How can a bond be based upon the connection of a physically, emotionally and mentally developed person and a human who just enters and discovers life? What should I think about a person who looks for his/hers mate in the primary school or kindergarten (call me a cynic!)? Should he/she be ashamed of it? Should I react? Shouldn't we all react?

I totally agree with you. It's DISGUSTING and it's a crime. Also, I think you should tell them (boy or girl) even if they don't listen or act upon it. It's your moral obligation to tell them. A man in his 30's that goes with a 14-15 (or even 18-9) yr old girl is not only a rapist but basically a person that has no self confidence to be with someone closer to his age.

As for the other cases you mention, I understand your point perfectly but I really can't decide what stand you should make. I don't think ppl go to an astrologer to get a moral judgement. Maybe you should just stress the damage or grief such a person causes to themselves. I don't know.

One more thing - One thing in my opinion, you should never predict is DEATH. Death of a person or any of their loved ones. THAT, IMO, is too much of a responsibility or playing god. Just my opinion.

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posted October 22, 2003 03:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Trillian,

You're such a caring woman. Bless your good heart I still remember the kind offer you extended to Corri.



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posted October 22, 2003 08:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Zoka.

Such a sad story. What a difficult situation.

Certainly seems as though you have some karmic ties with these two. It's been my experience that the best thing to do with a karmic debt is to pay it. I would embrace the woman. Pull her into your cicle again. Without judgement. Hide your distaste and repulsion (easier said than done, I know)Teach by example. Sounds like the mom needs as much help as the son. From a practical standpoint this would allow you more time with the child. More opportunities to keep an eye on him. More chances to show him a good example.

As an astrologer, what of value do you see in her chart? What do you see worth cultivating, worth nurturing?

You seem to feel a strong repulsion towards the woman. Who wouldn't? But maybe that's what you are meant to overcome.

Remember the story of the Wolf of Gubbio that St Francis befriended. With a little love and understanding the "monster" that had hurt children became their protector.

"You can not rise higher then the highest that is in each of you. You can not sink lower than the lowest that is in EACH of you."

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posted October 22, 2003 08:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Oh, but there is that *other* side of me!

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posted October 24, 2003 09:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have read every post here VERY carefully, a few times, in order to get some insight and clue and they all have been very helpful, indeed. I followed those advises that applied to this situation: I did not speak to the mother and spoke to the authorities anonymously. They gave me professional help and directed me to another important person - the grandfather, as he is the head of the house. This was my last option and I did a good thing. He is not old (50) and although working much always has an ear for what is going on around him. I think that his prolonged work during the last few years made him unaware of the things that were happening around him. As I was explaining the whole situation from my point of view, he was listening with eyes wide open - this was something new for him! I guess, he did not pay much attention before and looked at the boy with great care. I told him everything I knew, showed him the report from the psychologist and his teachers and explained my feelings ... and he got really upset. He said I should leave and stop interfering with other people's business.
The same night he kicked his daughter out of the house and threatened to knock her teeth out if she would ever return. The next morning the kindergarten teacher of the boy stopped me (a neighbor of mine) and asked what had happened to the child, as he was more calm, playing with other children and obeying every little command. The change was so dramatical within so little time, that everyone noticed.
Can you believe it? The problem was the mother solemnly and the solution was so simple! I have seen the boy yesterday and he is great! He said to me that he would like to live with his grandparents now, as his mom is gone, but that he could sleep at my house every time I feel lonely or miss him! Great! You can not imagine my joy and happiness (although the grandfather is not too happy, but ...)!

About the whole thread. My question was not connected with cheating, stealing or lying, but the truth in general. And not the truth you can say here, as not a single person knows who I am, we are not close and I can chose never to visit this Forum again and let things be. And you can say whatever you want without hesitation. If someone dislikes your post - his/her problem. It is very problematical to give an advise, if you don't know the person and are only aware of the problem from one side and, therefor, lack perspective. But I am talking about the people around you with whom you are close. It was about whether to tell the truth, when to tell it and how. I will give you an example: I have like 10 friends in the world and we have been together and are very close for more than 10 years, with two of them more than 20. One of my friends is a Libra girl, who had that bad luck to fall in love with a bad guy at the age of 13. They both were. Nothing happened and they stayed friends during high school and college. He is a wicked and mean thing and there were times when I confronted him in a most open way, but without any results. I will explain: He knew and knows about her feelings and plays with them in a most disgusting way. And although 'liking' her as a friend, he finds her unattractive and ugly as a woman and never fails to put her down with comments like: "If you would lose 10 pounds I could learn to love you" or "Why don't you fix your nose then I could kiss you". During their youth, he had a long relationship and was with another girl for 4 years. But he did something else too. My guess would be that it is nice for the Ego or pride to know, that there always will be someone, who will adore and love you no matter what. So every time my friend would meet a new guy, he would pop up and explain, in a double-minded way, that he has some feelings for her and that the time when they would be together, was coming. She would dump the guy and spend her days waiting for him. This had a powerful effect on her life in the most negative way (of course). First, during those insane starvation, in order to appeal to his taste, she always ended up as the victim of yo-yo diets and gained more and more weight. That made her depressed, moody and those feelings got worse by his constant rejection and her anticipation. The waiting made her feel isolated. She stopped participating at sports and following her hobbies, saw less and less of her friends and eventually started to neglect herself in every aspect. She dropped out of college, did not finish any education for that matter and has no wish to find a job. 15 years have passed. She is 28 now and very unhappy, as she still is, and will be, alone. It is of no importance now, if he will ever call or not, if she meets a new man. She got herself in such an emotional, physical and mental state that, I am afraid of it, she never will be able to lead a normal life. This was not an instant happening and I do not want to ask her closer friends and her parents why they did not stop it. After a few years of that ordeal I spoke up and told her what I thought. We did not speak for 2 years and she really was upset by my comments, although they were in order. We are friends now, nothing too close, and she leads the same life she will always lead, still in love with that idiot and waiting for him to come - which he won't, as I found out that he was going to get married within a couple of weeks with his current girlfriend and that they are expecting their first child. I tip-toed around this fact just to find out that he called her, explained he had to marry the other girl because she got pregnant (yeah! This is the 19th century ...) and that he would leave his wife after the childbirth. I don't know how a woman can love a man who is doing this to another woman and how you can have such a low sense of self-worth and no dignity at all. One of the posts said that people sometimes end up in an emotional fog and that another person has to blow the fog horn. How true! Unfortunately, my friend decided not to listen and to go her own way. I am sorry my telling her the truth upset her and ended our relationship without any effects. If she had made the vital step towards a new and happier life, I could have lived with my sacrifice, knowing it was not for nothing. Now I know she does not trust me anymore and I have lost a dear friend.

Don't get me wrong. I have an unique relationship with all of my friends and we all know that we can count on each other no matter what. During the NATO bombing of '99, 5 of my friends, who don't live in my country, sent a Visum and a transportation the next day for me to leave the country. I have been sending some herbal medications to my friend in Germany, I can order whatever I want from abroad and my friends can ask for any favor they like etc. We all share our problems and I am proud to be a member of such a great group of women. The closest bond I have is with the friends here, in my country; during my last examination my best friend stormed into my house telling me she could not finish a paper (it was too much for her), which was due tomorrow. The two of us were typing like mad for 24 hours and she finished it within time and the best grade in her class. As I was not able to work that evening or pass my exam, after being 48 hours awake, a third friend filled in for me, another one contacted my professor calling me sick and asking for another day for my exam. Or last year. During a stressful time I have gained a 'few' pounds and was ready to loose them ... after my Scorpio friend (God bless their tongues!) told me I looked like a mini-van. She offered herself as the supervisor and joined the gym with me - although she has a few pounds to gain, not to lose. During our meetings they ALL would order low-calorie food and drinks and would always support my efforts. I knew I had lost all my pounds after that same Scorpio lady saw me in my new dress and said that I looked great and that my bu*t looked like human now! My mother always says I am investing myself in my friends too much, but is always pleasantly surprised when they help me. This is nothing unusual for me and I am always shocked, when people state that they envy me because of the close and intimate bonds I have with the people around me, but refuse to be open and helpful at the same time.

Judging is the last thing on my mind and believe me, most of the people here are not going to gain anything by giving bad comments or lousy advise. I am always trying to give a comment and advise that suits the person in question, her/his needs, age and cultural background. I can not advise a young women to leave her husband if she is somewhere in the Middle East, as this would result with stoning her to death. And I am sorry, I can not endorse marital affairs, as the person having them is not cheating the other party, but only her/himself. Sure, during our marriage we will see that other sexy guy or feel sometimes less, sometimes more in love ... but if you discover that those feelings for another man or woman are deeper than just a fling you should be open about it and leave your partner. You started, subconsciously, looking for another mate as the first was not fulfilling your needs. A marriage is not a definite thing, it requires work in order to sustain. And I mean hard work.
It must feel horrible to look at your spouse and your kids, remembering all the lovely and happy times, knowing that you can interrupt their peaceful lives and bring trouble by leaving or choosing a new partner. Believe me, you won't. My parents have been married for 12 years, of which the last 8 were a horror. They never were made for each other and tried to keep the marriage alive more than required. My brother and I were the victims of horrible fights, heavy arguments and accusations ("I will tell you who your father is ..." or "your mother is ...") and, at last, the shield in front of one parent, then the other during fights. The whole situation exploded and they separated, after giving us the performance of our lives. Their feelings were bottled up so many years that, now that I think of it as an adult, it was no surprise the outcome was that way. They both were unhappy. My father found a new wife and is married for 15 years, has never cheated and is always the kind of husband this woman wanted him to be. He can be himself and is appreciated that way. Because of that, he is happy and content and my little brother is growing up as the happiest kid in his school. His wife is a good woman, not according to my taste, but making him happy and I respect her for that. My mother is a different story, but this has nothing to do with the thread here. My point is that I did not suffer from the divorce, but from the horrible marriage my parents were leading and that the actual divorce was a bliss. There is no point in judging people for having affairs. The deeper and responsible ones know, somewhere deep down, that this is something wrong and usually punish themselves enough for their behavior, with the feeling of guilt, blaming themselves etc. Talking to the superficial ones would be a pure waste of words. On some level I condemn the cheating, as I have been the 'cheated' one. On another I understand it, as a marriage takes two and that the endurance of a rotten marriage is the worse punishment ever. It takes two to make a marriage and it takes two to break it. Neglecting problems is just one method to destroy a bond. Just try to make the divorce, if absolutely necessary, as clean and human as possible, as one party is always going to suffer more. And remember, if the patient is dead, there is nothing you can do to save him. Barry him and let him rest in peace.

Pixelpixie. As you felt attacked, I took the time to read your post in the thread "Libra/Scorpio attraction" in order to recognize where you have found yourself in my 'accusations'. And I only read the first reply. This was quite enough for me. Your tone was not superficial and light-hearted and I will never figure out how on earth you came (or anyone else for that matter) to the conclusion I was talking about you!
I have looked at your chart in order to answer some of your questions. It is a mystery how you got married in the first place, as your VIIth house cusp is in Aquarius and both Uranus and Neptune were marching through that house, making your bonds with other men rather unrealistic and they were hiding something from you (Neptune) or the bonds were made too fast and broke op even faster (Uranus). I purely doubt that this marriage is your first 'serious' relationship and your kids (girls?) should have different fathers and were not conceived inside the marriage (Neptune in Vth). And I doubt that you are happy. I am sorry to say this, but you will have to resolve some deep issues that started in your family home, with your father probably, before being able to have a new and better relationship and therefore a happier life. Your IVth house is the worse house ever and I do not know what was going on in your home, but you took it quite hard. The IVth house has 3 signs, Pluto no ruler, and this brings major trouble in the childhood. As Jupiter hits your IVth, there will be some major secrets revealing and most of the hidden stuff will emerge to the surface. As this house is in Scorpio those secrets are deep and evil. The ruler of your XIIth (last reincarnation is in Cappy). You have a strong Saturn and a stronger Scorpio. Those are all the signs of a strong karma and bills you have to pay. Mercury in the IVth shows a lot of children in your house, but the male planets are horrible. This shows an aggressive father (Mars/Sun/Uranus in Scorpio) who had a major problem controlling his temper, which was hot. The square with Saturn shows he was a brutal man. There is something funny about your chart: Saturn is in your Ist in Leo, your Cappy Moon is in the VIth. This shows weak women in your house. The male planets are too strong and I doubt that your father ever attacked a brother of yours, or another male member of the family, but old people (Saturn) and your mother and yourself. Saturn in the Ist shows someone who can endure and bare all the pain, the injustice and the humiliation without a single sound (Mercury on the last degree - speaking up when it is too late), the Leo shows you have pride. And this must have pis*sed your father of even more, as your mother is a kind, gentle and lost person who says nothing and does what she is told to (Cappy Moon in the VIth) The Sun (Asc ruler) in Scorpio means that you can tolerate quite enough, even physical discomfort and pain. And as there is a wider Saturn/Sun square you are the perfect ground for mocking, as your self-worth is not much (Cappy Moon - the suffering soul). Saturn in the Ist has not the tendency to give pretty women, and the Scorpio stellium can make you magnetic, the Venus/Neptune conjunction romantically looking - but not beautiful. But I guess you take good care about the way you look and that you try to enhance your beauty as good as possible. And Saturn this positioned shows a person who literally attracts bad things and negative thoughts. So there you have someone who thinks from the start she is not good enough and the family who nurtures those bad feelings. A mother that is of no help, as she is not able to help herself.
You are 27 and have 2 children? The worse punishment for a woman with a Cappy Moon is being pushed into something she FEELS she is not ready for. The Cappy Moon wants a nice home and a solid partner, good financing and educational options for a family and children and demands time. The best time to conceive children is during the 30-ties and I am afraid you were too young. There are some major flaws connected to the Cappy Moon which can cost the woman's future: society. This is a woman who will NEVER have her children out of wedlock, but then it happens and although every other female in your neighborhood has such an child, this is the woman where people will whisper "sl*tt" behind her back. If you got pregnant and then got married - worse choice ever! But what is your problem? Well, to be honest, I would like to be the object of your love or affection, as your Venus has nothing to do with earthly things and common sense. It conjuncts Neptune and is in your Vth, the house of love. When you are in love, you are in love and you are so romantic that you are ready to do some very silly stuff for your beloved one. The partner is seen through pink glasses, making him appear more beautiful, sexier, smarter and, and, and, than he really is. As this is the aspect of heavenly love and the man is a god in your eyes. But reality bites and when the 'falling in love' time is over you tend to be quite disappointed. This aspect is called "the fall from the pedestal" and tends to bring some major tears in a woman's life. And you are easily seduced. The Venus in the Vth house position means you love to love, especially if it is mysterious, romantic and - forbidden. But, as this is the house of theater and fleshy love I do think that you are going to cheat in an actual way, if the mood is right! If you do, it will be the result of deep disappointment and sorrow or alcohol, as any misty and foggy situation weakens you. Just add roses, candlelight and soft music ... and the barriers have fallen. And another problem: the ruler of the Vth is in the XIth in Taurus on the 29th degree. This is the degree of the "3 crying sisters" (I do not know the actual name of the fixed star here) and it does not bring joy.
I do not know what to say to you or what kind of advise would appeal. This chart is though and painful and there is NO WAY you have had a happy and cheerful life. The problem is your energy: there is a lot of it, it is warm and electric. Sometimes too warm and too electric. And too much of it. The easiest thing to do is to find a man and spread your legs engaging yourself in vigorous sexual activity with men you do not care for. This is a total WASTE of it and if you are doing such a thing I beg you to stop. There will be a time when there won't be any man and the energy needs to be spent as it could affect your entire thinking process and lower you down a step on the evolutionary ladder. The Vth house is strong and it has the two greatest artistic planets ever and Mercury is in Libra. Try to design something (lingerie), listen to a lot of music and paint and dance (modern dance or jazz). The Moon is not good positioned, but all the greatest sculptors have it here. It shows work with cold material (granite, stone, marble), but the 'hot' planets show fire and harsh chemicals - so you could even chose metal. Astrology, numerology, tarot cards and long and deep researches are your area. Maybe finding hidden water or working as an detective.
The fact that you have met a new man in your life does not surprise me. Uranus started to make a prominent square with your Vth house and all the planets in it. This means that you won't be seeking for a stable partner during the next couple of years, but for fun and something that will not hold you down too much. As the ruler of the Vth (Jupiter) is attacked too, maybe you will start to change your plans, leave some old and useless friends and change the way you want to receive love (gifts, cuddling, stability) and try something new. By the way, Jupiter is connected to law and justice and you won't care much about the rules of society, but what you want. Transit Pluto is in the Vth house, Neptune in the VIIth, Uranus in the VIIIth. Will you be divorced? 100% sure of it and YOU will initiate it. Your Asc ruler is in conjunction with Uranus/Mars and this screams divorce. And it won't be a pleasant one. But if I can comfort you, the outcome is going to be good. As soon as you stop projecting your own energy, fears and strength on the men in your life and stand on your own feet claiming your independence and start to be the beautiful, creative and strong woman you are - things are going to get better for you. You are going to be yourself. As soon as Jupiter hits your Vth house (with Venus and Neptune) you are going to meet a new man in your life and this is - finally! - going to be it. Venus is the ruler of your IVth (domestic situation) and Neptune the ruler of your IXth (second marriage) and Jupiter the ruler of the Vth (love and children). Unlike those previous relationships that were based upon attraction and hot sex and your illusion about being in love; this will be the thing you always dreamed of. The most gentle, kind and everlasting love which will make you blossom. This will give you stability in your life, a new sense of direction and perhaps a baby.
Things will get better during the year 2005/06, when you will decide to take your life in control and solve all your problems, fears and insecurities. You will snap out of your self-pity and you will realize how people have been using you and where you problems are. You could decide to join a therapy group or get individual psychological help. If you meet a man during this time, especially if he is a widower or 'getting divorced', let him pass, because during the winter of 2007 you will meet a new man in your life who will be a dream come true. By that time you will be 31. Directional Uranus will touch your Venus, making the love start a little bit hectic and there will be times you won't see each other very long. You will feel great. This is the time when the ruler of your natal Vth is going to leave the sign Gemini (sign of it's fall) and enter Cancer (sign of it's exaltation). All the worries in your love life will vanish as they never even existed. By the time you are 34 directional Venus is going to conjunct the natal Moon, the directional Sun your natal Venus. By that time the transit Jupiter is going to hit the VIIth house cusp and you will legalize the bond. This will be the beginning of a total bliss in your life and after that all the major ups and downs of you life (and there has been quite a lot of them!) will be something you will laugh about when you are older. Things are getting better for you.

Sorry for such a long post, I had to get some things of my chest.


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posted October 24, 2003 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Zoka...Thank you for the time and effort, and clarifications. I do appreciate your knowledgeable take on things, and especially the effort that goes into your personalized readings. I have to digest these things, and will comment more later. I will say though, that Yes, I always wondered why I was so easily persuaded into marriage, as it was never an ideal for me. I am romantic about love, and quite disillusioned 'afterward'. I am an artist who is looking into sculpture more, possibly even enamelling ( metal/glass) and I have worked with stained glass. I am going to hate mysef for saying this, but I do have pride issues, I need outward verification that indeed, I am attractive. I do have unique looks, but honestly? I am pretty. Men adore me, women envy me. I understand I am not the most incredible supermodel in the world, and don't you dare look at me when I first wake up, but many think I am a beauty. Thats all!!!! I don't want to sound vain, so I may edit, if I think on this for a while.
My father left when I was two. I saw him sporadically after a while...there were issues when I was a teenager, about him not being there. We are now friends, and talk quite regularily. No anger issues with him. My father is a Sun sign Scorpio, my mother a Capricorn, they had a 'soulmate' relationship, conceiving my brother and I from love. But, as I am well aware, life changes. I have issues with my mother 'taking it' from people. She is not someone I see necessarily as weak, yet she does so much for people, they walk all over her. I do for people too, don't get me wrong.... but not at the expense of my self. She will literally give $75.00 to a stranger, and bounce a cheque because of it. In a way, that is kind hearted and rewarding, but it is also too much! Almost Naively so. God doesn't want you to suffer for that person to be better, he wants it equal, you know? Oh well, that's her. I love her for it, and I guess I watched her making the same mistakes over and over, therefore don't have to do the same ones myself...I can focus on my own personal mistakes! So, you do see an affair, huh? I haven't yet. The fact that I put a YET tells you how much changing I have done regarding what I thought my morals were. I have them, but I am defining them differenty. Pretty bad. I have always enjoyed being different, but wow, it's a very uncomfortable place to be. My husband is truly a great man. It isn't that at all. I doubt I would be completely happy with anyone, for whatever reason. I tell him, he chose the wrong person, as I can't be good enough for him. I know it sounds like I am putting myself down, but it's how I feel. Anyone who knows him understands what a stellar person he is, and people would think I was insane to leave him. Ultimately, I do what I find comfort in, not what other's think....although they do have influence. Oh! I guess I commented now!!!! WOW, can I ever go on........sorry for the long winded reply, I am still digesting this.

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posted October 24, 2003 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can't believe I left this out! I had my first child out of wedlock, yes....he is a boy. I was eighteen when I had him, and his father and I did live together, but weren't married. We dissolved after years of trying. My husband and I had our daughter a year and a half after we were married. He loves my son as his own, and my son's father is in his life a bit more now. He lives closer, and has settled with a good woman, so that helps. I did have to finally take him to court, to solve some of those issues though, he is a very selfish man. Another Aries. My hubby is an Aries, but a very evolved one....He's only selfish if he's tired, hungry or you know, horny! I do feel unsettled and like I am living a lie lately.... Like I am not fully present, am just going through the motions, waiting for my true calling to finally stop hinting at me, and just come out to the surface already. It is definately a trying time. Hearing that I will probably be divorced actually doesn't surprise me, even though by all accounts, I have a good marriage. It is the feeling of unsettledness provoking it in me....I can't have this kind of deep feeling of change tiding in me without something coming of it. Maybe that is the 'warm and electric energy' appearing. But who in their right mind gets divorced, not because her marriage is bad, but because she is unsettled...I'd have to be crazy........ ( ? ) Hopefully it will all reveal itself in time. I am a pretty joyful person all and all. I have moments of utter sadness, but they are personal moments, and everyone sees me as a happy person. I am an optimist, as I understand good things happen from bad, but I definately know I bring alot of the bad on tyhrough self-destructive tendancies. I feel as if I know myself incredibly well, but also that I don't. That probably doesn't make much sense. Anyway, that's all for now. If I don't limit myself, I will keep going forever. Thanks again for taking the time to do this. I do appreciate it.
I thought you were talking about me, partly because I do make lighthearted, fun posts alot of the time, though not in that particular thread that I was referring to.

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posted October 24, 2003 11:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is the problem with Aries and Scorpios, especially women. Either they have a too good opinion of themselves, believing they are better than everybody else, or they put themselves down - to the lowest level ever. It is never the middle path and they do not know the meaning of the word compromise. I must say I dislike both signs and I have truly met only a small number of people in those signs, who did not think that they are the center of the Universe. Those are the people who can walk over corps to get to something they want and think they have the right to take everything they wish. The Scorpio/Aries energy is the one that is most difficult to control and it takes a lot of learning and patience in order to handle it.

And women will dislike Scorpio and Aries ladies until the end of time, as a couple of representatives of this two signs do not know when to stop and have the worse taste ever. This is either a great lady or a total sl*tt. And they make enemies easily by neglecting the rules of society and doing whatever they want. Don't get me wrong; I know when a Scorpio lady flirts with the husband of her friend, she does not mean it seriously and knows the man is taken ... but the friend does not get that and can be very upset. And the Scorpio lady has charisma and charm - not beauty! - and will be getting attention at the age of 80. This is how things work with them.

But above all, the Scorpio and the Aries women are good sports and respect a worthy opponent, if you explain the rules of the game to them they will follow it. You did not fight for your man? Too bad for you! But if you show them you are capable to fight with equal strength - you will have a good match. Other signs can be very shifty in this area. I took a man from a Scorpio lady and she came to my house to congratulate me on my victory and left, with dignity and grace, the battle-field. We never heard from her again. The same happened with an Aries woman (who punched me in the face, after I knocked one of her teeth out) and left the scene looking like an Amazon warrior. What odd creatures you are!

Pixelpixie, I would not say men adore you, you adore men! And women DO like you, but younger ones, and you could be quite a support and help for them, even teaching art!

Good luck with your art - Neptune is in the Vth and represents glass, just like the Moon in Cappy. By the way: do you work in a cosmetic studio? Are you an electrologist? Your working place has a lot of women with skin problem ...


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posted October 24, 2003 11:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A cheerful and happy Scorpio, who sees the brighter side of everything? With Saturn in the Ist and the Moon in Capricorn? I will live to see that! Ask a Scorpio for his/hers opinion and you will get the brutal truth without the pink ribbon!

Your husband is an Aries? NEVER seen a combination of those two sign that works, unless both of them have some 'softer' planets in their charts. This is a good combination if you want the bed to rock, but nothing more. Aries man are the easiest to please, the Scorpio lady the most difficult. He will be satisfied with the basics, you will demand more - on the spiritual level. That is why Scorpio ladies do not have lasting bonds. After the initial attraction has faded, the Scorpio lady is bored to death, but will try to save the marriage. Big mistake! Either find a weaker or a stronger mate, the whole thing about equality between men and women does not apply to your sign. And this marriage has obviously brought up your Scorpio planets, which are useless and have horrible aspects. The next marriage will reveal a new you, a soft, kind a gentle you. Someone you didn't even know lived inside of you. Then you will relax and focus on other stuff and people will like and appreciate you. The real you. Not adore, nor hate, nor envy. You will not be seen as the femme fatal or the rival. You will be a content lady and will laugh reading your older posts and remembering who you were. The better you is going to come and I hope we will meat each other again during that time ... as there will be a entirely new person in front of me.


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posted October 24, 2003 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Right. I am a cosmetician. Therefore I do help men/women/children to find the best products/combos that work for their skin. I also help them to beautify themselves. I have gone to school for aesthetics-aromatherapy, waxing, facials, massage, hand/foot care, cosmetics, and am constantly upgrading. I am pleasant and well liked. It is true that I adore men, but honestly, and you said it yourself, I am honest to a fault.....They do adore me too. I have admirers, shocking as that may be. Whether they want to 'do' me, or love me, is another story entirely. Thats okay though. Sorry also, that you don't particularily like Scorpios. I definately am self centred, but more in a preservationalist sense. I won't step on anyone who gets in my way, I will tell them straight out, my intentions. Like it or not.
In case you are curious, my husbands birth data is- April 13 1974 11:50 pm, Hamilton Ontario, Canada
We have our moments, but I'm not all that shallow. (Quite deep as far as water signs go!) It's true that my first 'serious' relationship with an Aries was tumultuous, and we only got along in bed. But with my husband it is different. I don't think he truly sees me as a person though, I'm like a fantasy to him at times, and we don't have common interests. Other than talking about our day, or the bills or the kids, we don't connect much anymore..........I guess that happens though.
I wonder why you don't think I am attractive......My pride takes real issue with that! I almost want to post a good picture!!!!!
The worst taste ever?????? I don't think so!

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posted October 24, 2003 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
THIS Aries woman (triple Aries) with moon in Cappy conjunct Jupiter in Cappy...and Saturn in pretty darn well centered, playful, and classy as well! I know another Aries with Cappy moon here at LL who is damn classy and smart and all-around groovy, too! (Take a bow, Aphrodite!)

There are many things in one's chart that contribute to one's make up! We are not "just an Aries," or "just a Scorpio," all those things have colors and shadings based on placement, aspects, etc. There are no singularities in Astrology!!

Linda Goodman herself was an Aries!!! What's not to like about us?

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posted October 24, 2003 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Funny, that both Trillian and Aphrodite are two souls I watch out for and vibrate to. I ALWAYS appreciate the solid, sound, fun, wise advice I get from them and reading their posts is usually a hoot!
I don't know why we are supposed to 'not get along' as I always seem to, and I married one! ( Had a baby with two!!! Ha ha) There's something about Aries. Wasn't that a movie?
Actually though, I don't find, relationship-wise they are 'easy to please'. It takes effort, definately. I know I am pretty easy going too, but yes, I require effort. I Must be Left Alone occassionally to just Be. Then I am good. Mostly.

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posted October 24, 2003 02:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
All I've got to say in the voice of the character Smokey from the movie, Friday is, "Dang!"

'xcuse my ghetto speak, but ain't no man worth beating up another woman for!

This thread is getting creepy and weirder by the post.

Hasta la vista, Chicas!

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posted October 24, 2003 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
totally....totally weird....but I am thinking...Whew...thank goodness I am a Sag LOL...Just kidding peeps.

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posted October 24, 2003 03:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Zoka~ I know, we all have our preferences based on personal encounters, etc. with different signs. But I wonder, how objective can you be when reading a chart of a sun sign you said you don't like? It would totally colour the way you say things. Have you ever mentioned your Sun sign? I can't recall. I am just curious. You touched on a few issues that spoke to me, most definately. But I feel your generalizations are too well, general. I am certainly not pinned down. I absolutely appreciate the effort and time you took in preparing it. My father is not violent. My mother is not weak. All and all, I AM happy, though you insist I am not. Happiness is what you make, not what you 'are', and yes, I have moments of cloudiness and sadness. Yes I feel deeply and may have tendancies to be downtrodden and re evaluate everything. But who doesn't? I am emotional but I am also a happy person. I choose to be. Women like me. Old women, young women, and no matter how much you insist, they DO! Beauty is objective. I am beautiful,no matter what you say, in the words of Christina Aguillera. I do not spread my legs for whatever man. I am not an insecure teenager. I have value and self worth. ( Besides, sometimes it feels better to keep your legs closed, and squeeze) Sorry, I didn't claim to be too mature. I appreciate your reading, truly! But that doesn't make it bang on. It actually gave me pause to think, as a few things were accurate. It is in the negative description that I found fault, not in the interpreted aspects at all. Then your post about how you 'don't like Scorpio's or Aries'. How general can you be? I'm sorry that you have had bad run ins with 'us' but, I am not them. Also, I don't appreciate the insinuation that I am going to look back at my posts in a few years and laugh. I think I can hold my own, even Now. We all go through things. I think I will look back, and mentally hold my hand, and say- "You go, girl!" But then, I guess that makes me a self centred sign, huh?

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posted October 24, 2003 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pixelpixie, I don't think you have to defend yourself. NO future is predetermined, you will write is as you go on, and I for one, think you are off to a great start. There may be some indications in a person's chart, but you will be what you create.

zoka, you seem to take such a negative view of people, life, and seem to practice what my teacher called 'old school astrology,'because you see things as either 'good' or 'bad.' I'm not an astrologer, just a woman who took some lessons for a few years, but I know that a chart is only potential.

In my estimation, a gifted astrologer would do her best to approach others with as little judgement as possible. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

And pixelpixie is right, if you are already predisposed to disliking Scorpios and Aries, you can't possibly be objective when reading a chart. But I'm also offended that you feel that way towards any sign, that you can view any sign with such singularity.

Please do share with us some of your own chart make up.

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