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Author Topic:   Situation with Scorpio Mom
posted October 07, 2004 05:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello there, I have a situation and I am looking for some serious kick in the butt advice from YOU,

Okay here it goes,
My mother is a Scorpio/6th house Sun, Pisces/10th house Moon, and Scorpio/6th house Venus, Gemini Ascendant conjunct Uranus. Her Mars is Capricorn/7th house, Mercury Sag/6th house.

Major aspects
Pluto Leo/3rd opposite Jupiter in Aquarius/10th
Uranus Cancer/1st opposite Mars Cap/7th
Venus and Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter
Venus Square Pluto
Mars Square Neptune and Saturn in Libra
Neptune and Saturn in the 5th
Saturn Square Uranus

The only aspects that are not squares or oppositions are
North node in Pisces/10th trine Venus and Sun,
Uranus trine Moon

Her Venus/Pluto aspect especially makes her sabotage relationships that are running smoothly, so anything that's not an argument is boring.

I don't know how to add an image but if you want to see the chart I can post it here.

We are having a number of problems due to my Sun and Saturn in Taurus, and Neptune in Scorpio. She doesn't have anything in her water houses, and acts very un-waterlike for a Scorpio with Pisces moon. Her empathy is lacking.

One of my issues right now has been a constant money drain since Jan, due to one thing or another. As of now I am at the end of my rope, as to cut her off I have to take serious action, as in removing her things from my home without her knowledge.

What would you do?
I have spoken to my ex, a Libra who is well informed about her, he thinks she is vindictive and trying to sabotage her daughter's lives because she is jealous. Is he right? I have to look at this with a clear head as she has never helped me financially, from the start I was raised by my Grandmother, another Scorpio/Aries moon.

Thank you,
I am happy to answer any questions, it's painful but I want this to end finally. I would do anything to end this relationship.

Cancer Moon/8th
Gemini Mercury/7th
Scorpio/12th conjunct Neptune

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Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 07, 2004 05:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natasha, I have no idea how I can help astrologically, but my heart goes out to you.
I didn't understand - is she the one responsible for your financial crisis?

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posted October 07, 2004 05:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Natasha,
I'm sorry for your troubles I just wanted to share that my mom is a Sun Scorp/Gemini Rising/ Aries moon. Her Sun& Neptune is in the 6th house as well. In the past she was very cold/distant & emotionally manipulative towards me, it was necessary that I stay away from her for a while. I think you would benefit from distancing yourself, for now. I don't know much else about this astrologically. I hope you can find resolution Natasha!

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posted October 07, 2004 05:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am an not as good as some here, but the things that stuck out in my mind was the Uranus Mars aspect. Everyone I know who have this aspect can be something else. Mean. Manipulative and tries to confuse issues on purpose just to argue.
Kick her but out.
She wasn't there for you growing up and you don't owe her a thing.
There are so many things that make her "chilly" in her chart I don't know where to start.
The jealousy issue is pretty obvious as well.
Also violence with mars Uranus aspects so it is probably better if someone else gets her out and just act indifferent. Not that you will be able to get away with it.
I bet she is argumentative.
I hope this helps a little. I am sorry for your pain. It is so hard accept a lousy relationship with Mother, but you need to protect yourself. Good Luck

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posted October 07, 2004 05:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes Yin, my sister asked her to leave her house when she had another baby and my mother was very angry at both her daughters. She moved in with me and in two years racked up 10K in debts and I spent around $15K supporting her.It turns out she is very expensive, she has a boyfriend who can't work due to a heart problem, and several pets. After I sold my house I was out $20K immediately for bills- I am still resentful for that.

Financially she is not good with her own money, but she feels others do owe her a better life.

Specifically her daughters, My sister, a Sag and myself make her very angry. Her boyfriend told me that I should show her more respect and that she is always complaining about the way we treat her. I thinks he confuses me with my sister.

At this point I really can't just distance myself from her, because her items are in my house. I have to physically move them out, and she will be without furniture or clothing. It's that drastic, unless I can figure out another way.

I cannot communicate with her at all, and she constantly puts me in the position of losing financially when she is involved with me so as to stay in my life.

I need real answers,
Thanks Scorpbaby I appreciate that you have been through the same thing,

DeenSam, Thanks you are right she is chilly,
the challenge is I have to everything myself, nobody wants to get involved with her since she has temper tantrums. I do not look forward to being yelled at by both her and her boyfriend-who is also a lawyer. What would you do excactly? Would you hire someone else?


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posted October 07, 2004 06:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are a much better person than I. To go into debt like that for someone like that.
Throw her stuff out on the lawn at her boyfriends house. The mars in capr. in 7th makes me believe that she goes after men with money. And I don't understand why she thinks you owe her when she wasn't there for you. Maybe Saturn and Neptune in 5th demonstrates her attitude about that.
You can distance yourself from her. You owe it to yourself to do it.
Lots of love vibe coming from Me.
I can be pretty cut and dry when wounded.
Take Care,

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astro junkie
posted October 07, 2004 06:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natasha -

I'll tell it like it is (according to me), without mincing words.

For whatever reason, I had the cojones to emotionally divorce myself from my mother when I was 10 years old. I thought of her as a distant friend for the next 8 years, until she kicked me out of the house.

At 10, I would have have run away completely if your mom was my mom. But I see how you constantly try to help people, even when they just end up becoming lazier around you. I'm not sure if you have issues with assertion. Practice asserting yourself to a poster or a pillow. Needless to say, I would not hesitate getting every single thing of hers out of my home.

As for her, she attracts shady types and has always had problems in relationships. At first she seems like a fine catch, but then all her assets sort of rot in front of the guy. Think of her as someone who used to be your mom, who tried to be a good mom, but then you grew up and became your own caring and gentle mother.

Her main problem is poor relations with other women. She'll make good shark bait. Handcuff her to like a bridge-playing table, and let the women bridge players have a bite at her. She'll either sink or swim, with no one to blame but herself.

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posted October 07, 2004 06:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I don't have a scorp mom but I had a woman scorp boss once and she was beyond mean.
All her employers quit in tears or with angry words. She was verbally abusive to them. I got up out of my chair one day and told her &^%$#* you, <well you get the idea> and I walked out. Her own children cut her off from their lives. She alienated everyone.
I don't know what her chart was like, but she was a worker and wanted to be the business woman of the 90's. Just saying that she was sooooooooo mean that her own family disowned her.
I know your feeling torn because she is your mom, but sometimes we just have to cut the toxic people out from our lives for our own welfare no matter who they are.
Good Luck and I hope you find peace with this soon.

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posted October 07, 2004 07:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That would have worked a year ago, but you are both right and I didn't assert myself...but I can't runaway from my own house, so do I just distance myself from her? She isn't going anywhere but right back to my front door.

Maybe I need legal advice at this point,
Yes Mars in Cap/7th is very different than me with men, her values are different than mine although I am not judging, I think that is only a bad aspect when combined with her tantrums and laziness. Her boyfriend is very threatening towards me and to be honest I don't like being near him.

The weird thing about mars in the 7th is the empathy towards the opposite sex, but very little towards those of the same sex. My ex has Libra Mars/7th house and he has no empathy for other men but will do anything for a woman.

I will have to get my ex involved and that means emotionally he will be stuck on me for a while, which I don't like.

By this time next year I hope she is out of my life forever, and doesn't call me again, but I said that last year.

I am giving this situation two weeks, after that if things don't work out, I will end all association, currently she is borrowing my car so there's not much I can do. She knows she has to bring it back by the 23rd and that's D-Day.

Yes I know, don't let her borrow your car, she didn't say she wouldn't bring it back right away, she means well but she is evasive until pinned down. I just thought I could trust my own mother, but I guess I was totally wrong. I've already threatened to call the police if she doesn't bring it back by the 23rd. (See at least I got assertive finally) Her own car's engine blew when she put too much oil into it.

Thanks for the support but I think I need legal help at this point,

Any lawyers?
I am totally serious about the D-Day, but I am afraid I may blow it before then and she may take off and wreck my car.

This wasn't easy for me, to talk about, so if I am serious enough to ask for help, then I am serious about ending my relationship with her..but it's a very stressful time for me.

I don't know what's happening astrologically, but all the planets in Libra do not mean a love fest for me, just the opposite, I've never been angrier.
This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.


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posted October 07, 2004 07:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There are lots of lawyers who will give you a free consultation. Why not see what they have to say. They may have a solution. The fact that her boyfriend is a lawyer and you feel a bit threatened by him would make me seek legal advice.

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astro junkie
posted October 07, 2004 08:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natasha -

You and I are SO opposite when it comes to stuff like this. Why are you bringing your ex into it? Why make this thing even bigger? I don't get you when it comes to stuff like this.

You continually volunteer to be someone's doormat! It makes me crazy!! Why?

And then turning it into a legal thing, more money down the drain, and dragging her boyfriend into it ... it's becoming much too much emotional drama. Don't you know how to just solve the problem in a simple way? If a genie granted you a wish and solved all your problems, would you be going out finding more because you need the chaos?

I don't get it.

It's not HER fault, OR your boyfriend's fault, OR her boyfriend's fault. It's YOUR fault for letting her in your house. So why don't you just quit while you're ahead?

Tell her to leave! If she doesn't, move out to your own studio apartment, put your stuff in storage, and stick a FOR SALE sign on the front lawn. F@ck it!

You make me insane with this ...

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posted October 07, 2004 08:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My heart goes out to you Natasha...My mother is a meanie scorp mom too. VERY distant mothering warm and fuzzies with her. Brrrrr.....always HER first...ALWAYS. (I have never known different).

Best thing I ever did was take time off from her...yes, it was quite a few years...eventually there was peace-but boy, did I LOVE that peace and quiet in my life during that sabbatical....just accepting that I did not win the lottery with the Mom ticket was hard...I always have felt cheated...and eventually realized that there were lessons my soul chose to learn...(Who's dumb idea was that anyway?? Did I actually chose this cold-hearted lady to be my mom?? LOL)

Basically, when you are a child, you have no choice. Now, You are a grown woman and you must make your own choices.

Stick with your boundaries...forget the guilt associated with making these hard is worth feeling guilty for 1 day vs feeling like a door mat for another year!!!!!!

There is a book called Toxic Parents (I think)...might be good to read it.

At this point,(sorry this is so direct) you are an Enabler. The cycle continues as long as you continue doing the same ol' same ol'. Break the cycle and don't look back.

There IS a line that can be crossed where unconditional love becomes too costly for you. Costly in too many, involving others, you are not really doing any good for your mother...(who by the way will probably NEVER be happy no matter what you do for will never be enough). Take, take and more take. She will never take responsibility for her life as long as she can dump it on you. You have your own life to live...LET GO OF HERS...RELEASE...

OK-What do you think of the idea to contact a Womens' Crisis Center...they may be able to give you guidance as to attorneys, solutions for the interim...think about it.

Or, just pack her stuff up, get your keys and anything else that is yours, change your for one night at a nearby hotel and tell her to figure it out from there.

THERE...solved in one day.

*****Actually, you are taking on liability if your mom gets into an accident with your vehicle and someone sues...more trouble you don't need.

AND...what is the deal with the loser boyfriend...??? What a crappy scenario. Yuck.

So sorry again...but I have faith that you have had your fill and are ready to do the necessary...gather your strength, take a deep breath, stay in control and start walking through the flames...YOU MUST do one else can do it for you.
Only do not need anyone else to help you...just do it.

Good Luck...and Much Peace Natasha...
Remember...Honor Your Spirit..

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posted October 07, 2004 10:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, but everyone is telling me the same thing, you let her into your life, you let it happen, so you deserve what's happening to you now, if you had done things I have to face it on my own..I already am facing it on my own, but it is harder than anyone knows. I have my ex, and entire family calling me now telling me what a terrible person I am, when I needed help.

When I asked my uncles for help with her six months ago, they told me it was my fault, now they are telling me the same thing. It's very hard to believe that person who is your mother would purposely hurt me, she must dislike me very much, and that means she is a very fake person.

The idea that she has been faking being my friend all this time, just to get what she could from me is terrible. I can't image it. She is manipulative, she has no boundaries or emotions where I am concerned at all, it's as if she really hates me.

Feeling that much hate from someone, especially a Scorpio is very intense. I feel very negative whenever I have to deal with her.

The only reason I did anything for her was for my little brother, He is a real sweetie but my mother uses him to gain sympathy from me since she knows how much I worry about him. That was the one and only reason.

Right now, I just want someone I know to help me get my car back, and right now everyone I know is saying you need to suffer right now to learn your lesson. I have been learning for two years, but I can't get anyone to help me move her things, trust me when I say as soon as I set things up if I'm not there she talks and charms her way out of everything. I can't compete with her in anyway, she always wins in every situation, because she will fight to the death.

This woman will fight me on every petty issue until I am a wreck, nobody I know will get involved.

I talked to a friend tonight, he said he would never get involved with this because of my mother's temper, he didn't even want to talk to me about it, or see me again until she was gone.

That's not hugely supportive, how can I fight a woman who has so much energy? As for taking back my car, I have to take a bus 7 hours and hope my car is where it usually is and take it. Then I have to change the locks and hope she doesn't cause a fuss. Right.

Then try and go about my life as she hounds me non stop. My ex would like to help and I do want his help, because I can't confront my mother when she rages and screams, by myself. BUT he can't get involved.

So, all I can say is that if you are looking for support when confronting a Scorpio, you won't get it, everyone who hears about her hates her, but Gloria, if you met her, you'd be charmed right off the batt, she is looks like an angel-Until she has few drinks, that's a problem for her. She had stopped drinking, but now the sag boyfriend is encouraging her in that direction again.

So I am doing my best, I will let you know how everything turns out, it can only turn out one way eventually, but I hope I survive in the meantime.

Thanks ,
until then I have to take a sabbatical

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posted October 07, 2004 11:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Find YOUR power...dig deep. Deeper. And deeper still...

Try not to feel overwhelmed by the whole situation...take one step at a steps and one plus one begins to add up in the right direction...

Look no further for the already know and so does everyone else...

No one gives your power away but you...No one knows how deep you can dig but you...and now you will find out...

PS-(One hint-try to disengage your emotions...the disappointment, disbelief, pain, sadness, frustration etc...I think you are a Pisces so search for the part of you that has Scorp (all 12 signs being a part of Pisces) strength...and find your black and've done your part...Remember, Giving up does not necessarily mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are Strong enough to Let Go...

Dig in deep Natasha..we KNOW you can do it.
(Emphasis on YOU.)

Everything will be OK...

Just Believe...
Just do it...
Because You Can!

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posted October 08, 2004 12:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I can't speak for those in your life, but as for what I'm reading here, I don't think anyone is telling you, "oh well, you signed up for it, you deserve it". What I'm hearing is, "you signed up for it, it is entirely within your control to stop it - just do it".

I would keep it in the back of your head that you may require the services of an attorney, for the mere fact that her bf is one, and can decide to be a real prick - they can cause a lot of trouble, even if it's baseless. They know how to use the system to harass people. But don't let that scare you, because it's also a risk to him to conduct himself that way too, so...

What I would do is this: I would pick a day, pack her things when she's not there, and advise her that she needs to move out when she returned. I would demand the car keys from her at that time (it's up to you whether you want to do this immediately or stick w/ the original "D Day" and risk damage to your car), with a cordless phone in my hand, ready to dial the cops if I had to. If she took off with the car, I would warn her as she left that I was going to call it in stolen, and if she left anyway, I would do just that. It's time for tough love.

I would also change the locks, in case she or her bf have made any copies.

If her bf harasses you legally, see an attorney. If you mother or her bf harasses you verbally or physically, call the police. You don't have to run away from your own home to do this, you just have to be strong. Draw on your anger, disappointment, etc, when the time comes. Sometimes that's what it's for - to motivate you to do tough things that your softer emotions irrationally don't want you to do.

And know that you deserve better than this.

Get your best friend or a good male friend to come over when you do the deed, for moral support, as a witness, and for protection if necessary. It's your home, your car, you just need to reassert your power over your life, and realize that your mother is never going to be the mother you'd like. Maybe she will be, but she certainly won't get there while being enabled by you or others. Finally, get to counselling to help you work through it all.

P.S.- I'm reading all these horror stories about Scorpio Moms, and I just have to say, my Mom is a Scorp/Gemini ASC/Libra, and she is the most wonderful person in the world that I know. She can also be a big doormat. But she's definitely 180 degrees from all these negative things I'm hearing. It makes me thankful that I have such a wonderful mother, and I wanted to say that while I've heard many a horror story about unstable selfish Scorp mothers, they're not all like that (as I'm sure many Scorp women here with children can attest )

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posted October 08, 2004 12:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, I'm so sorry sthenri.
I don't think it matters so much that it was your "fault" that things got so bad. If she was your husband instead of your mother, you'd be hearing a lot less of that and more encouragement to reach out for a support group or legal counsel. I guess the mother/daughter relationship is considered untouchable ground by many, and that is understandable. Lord knows there isn't a majority of people who have mothers like yours ... meanies and nasties and cold-hearts sure, but not downright cruel and abusive hags.
I'm really sorry that there aren't people in your life for you to turn to for help right now. Really, you'll learn your lessons like it or not, but what ever happened to compassion and mercy? It sounds to me like your other relatives are just scared of her and playing a guilt trip on you to avoid getting involved themselves, you know, as relatives should ... family sticking together to deal with a very difficult situation. You seem like a very kind and caring person, perhaps not the most assertive, ok, fine. You're still good, and I notice that it was you and nobody else who gave your mother a chance, many chances, out of Love. That is not weakness, and although you may be learning some harsh lessons now, you are also sowing some good seeds for tomorrow. Eventually you'll be able to forgive her ... when you are ready to ... it'll happen naturally if you don't hold bitterness and resentment in your heart, and you don't strike me as the kind of person who would anyway.
It seems kind of tactless to me for people to ask you to stand and fight your mother alone when you have clearly given many reasons why that's not possible for you. Yes, you are afraid, yes, she is a manipulative and explosive woman ... I don't blame you for not wanting to go it alone with her because I wouldn't exactly be thrilled about it either. It would be nice if you could overcome your fears and doubts overnight and face her anyway, but this is an abusive relationship that has been on-going for many years. Don't feel guilty that you've "let" it go on so long ... she's your mother, she created this situation. You were simply innocent enough to believe that your mother was a good person who really loved you and cared about you. That's no crime. Yes, you're an adult now, yada yada, ok ... but few people ever have as great an influence on us as our parents. You were meant to realize your relationship with her for what it is now ... when you chose, on a higher level, to deal with it. It's not too late, Now is always the best time.
So, if you can't count on your friends and family to help you ... who can you turn to? Well, I think your options are fairly limited. Yes, you can kick her out and throw her things out if you feel like it but you know that isn't going to solve the problem ... you've said so already and you know her better than any of us do. So, why not file a police report about your mother? She doesn't have to know about it, but it will express your concerns for your safety and well-being around her, and there will be a paper trail that shows you tried to go about this in a responsible way. Next, I suggest you find someone to be with you when you confront her. It's isn't cowardice, it's security and caution, and also a witness. Let her know that you intend for her to leave your house immediately and that where she goes or what she does is not your responsibility. Take back your car. If she gets violent, call the police. If she refuses and pitches a fit, well, I think the best thing for you to do is to stand your ground (with a friend or someone you can trust by your side, even if it is your ex, geez, it's not like you know him by accident and perhaps it's more than a coincidence that he's the only one willing to help) and ask her to leave on the spot even if she can't take all her things with her. Tell her to give you her keys to the house if she has any. If she "disrupts the peace" and a neighbor calls the police, fine. For one, you'll have the report and for two, you'll have a witness.
I'm afraid I can't really think of a way to deal with this situation without a direct confrontation because of the kind of person you say she is.
If you feel safer or more secure consulting a lawyer about this beforehand then go ahead. Find out if there are any laws in your area about kicking people out of your home; you'd be surprised but some places have them. Perhaps this kind of meeting/consultation will help to boost your confidence.
Also, I don't think it's a bad idea to speak to a counselor at a center for abused women at all. Sure, it may not be a common kind of abuse that help is sought for, but your need is real and I'm sure someone will help you.
You are a very strong person and you deserve to be happy and in control of your life.
Love and Light.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi

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posted October 08, 2004 05:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Natasha,

Sending you light and love so that you may find a way out of this gut-wrenching predicament.

I don't want to be seen as just another person giving you advice, yet, I felt compelled to reply to your thread because I AM a Scorpio mum (Libra Asc, Aries Moon).

Right now, I want to jump on a plane and come to help you. Nothing better than getting a Scorp to help you face another Scorp. But geographically and financially, that is not possible. Though Natasha, I am there (as I expect so are a lot of others on this thread) in spirit to help you.

I don't know anything about your mom (apart from what you've said here). Yes we can be manipulative people in general, but we are also usually very protective of our offspring. Obviously your mom's wheels have fallen off somewhere and I have to say I cringed when you mentioned her Sag boyfriend. They are very clever with words (and if he's a lawyer to boot), you can bet that he's feeding her a load of crap too.

I'm not so much concerned as to why it happened or what lessons you are or are not learning from it. My concern is what we can do to help you.

So, where can you go for free help?

I agree, the Police is a good start. Even if it's just for advice.

And how about a local church? Though I feel odd suggesting this, because I am by no means religious myself.

Or what about a Government department (here we would call it the Department of Human Services).

A neighbour? A friend's father?

I am sorry and disappointed for you that no family are stepping up to the plate to assist you.

Actually, perhaps the best person to assist you is your sister (and your brother for that matter). You sound as if you almost need an intervention with her. Imagine the strength in getting the siblings to unite against her.

I know you have come to your wit's end about this but I don't think throwing her stuff on the pavement is the answer. Though I agree, it's time to get her out of your house.

Natasha, I wish you a happy ending with this, even though I know you will need to go through some more pain first.

If you need anything from cyberspace....I would love to help.


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posted October 08, 2004 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What Isis, Eleanore, and Purple_Scorpio said.

Natasha, I can't begin to imagine what it is like to have such a terrible relationship with your own mother.
All I know is that you have to save yourself from this situation either by kicking her out of the house of getting someone to do it for you. I imagine if she is an abusive parent there must be some laws against her living in your house. Call an association for abused women, they will be able to help you as in to guide you where to get legal advice from. Where do you live? Do you want me to look for associations in your area? You can email me at If I can help you with any research or anything just let me know.

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astro junkie
posted October 08, 2004 05:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 08, 2004 11:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Hi Sthenri,

When I read your first message about your mother's chart positions I wrote a page of interpretation in answer to your question.

However, I then read down the thread and decided not to post it. It was a neutral and fair interpretation but I feel there is little to be gained at this point from further analysing your mother's motives and needs. YOUR needs are the ones that have not been sufficiently addressed by your relatives so far. This is more likely a time for practical advice - as some very kind and thoughtful people on this thread have recognised and addressed.

I agree with what has been said - especially the advice from Eleanore and Purple-Scorp. I thought the advice about approaching your local church was particularly clever. Again, I do not subscribe to an organised religion but the church can be a strong source of support and can prove a surprisingly powerful trump card in more ways than one.

I am truly humbled by your patience and endurance and I think that if you make use of these tremendous qualities to steadily and rigourously carry out the advice given in these two womens' posts then you will be successful.

IP: Logged

posted October 09, 2004 11:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you everyone, yes I believe the church idea is a good one, however, my church cannot reach her, she is not speaking to me and my mother is not religious. As for practical advice, I think selling the house would be the best option, and that is the advice, the only advice, I have received, to help me now.
I cannot wait for a solution, but to let you know I have asked many people for help.

When you are dealing with a mother, most are reluctant to say anything negative.

I will most likely end up changing the locks, and calling the police, to be honest I dont' feel safe any other way. It's the only thing that my Scorpio mother respects-threats. She doesn't respond to anything rational. My sister called me to tell me she has cut her off, and won't let her near her children, and in return my mother threatened her. That tells me I can't trust anyone to intervene for me as they will alert her to my state of mind. Better to act quickly.

I will let everyone know how it turns out, but I do have the house up for sale, by owner. It's very difficult selling a home under these circumstances, but I did it with ex when he refused to move when I sold our home. I just have to be patient and remember that it will be sold regardless of anything else.

My sister's support meant a lot to me, because I believe we have to be united on this.

thank you,

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posted October 09, 2004 06:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Regardless of her sign (though my mother had Venus and Mars in Scorpio and exhibited a number of the darker Scorpio traits), I would advise DEFINITELY taking legal advice so that you are exactly sure of where you stand in this. Give her an ultimatum for moving out. Reinforce this legally if possible. Refuse to listen to any excuses. Establish firmly and clearly what is hers and what is yours. Has she done anything that would be cause for eviction, the evidence for which would stand up in court?
Take care, and good luck,

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posted October 09, 2004 06:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Furthermore, Natasha - do you like your house?
Why, in the name of glory, should you sell it because of your mother? It's YOUR house!!!

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posted October 09, 2004 08:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks ariestiger, she doesn't listen, and doesn't care about my boundaries, I feel that's the only option I have to eliminate her from my life. Maybe things will turn out differently but her boyfriend is the worst news you can imagine, he is an alcoholic and addicted to pot, he says he is coming into money from his relatives any day now, and of course she believes in him totally. (he is Sag/Scorpio Moon, Mars, Venus, Ascendant)

I don't trust him, I don't like to be around drugs ever, and I have to run a business, I can't deal with her and him together right now. I told her she couldn't live anywhere near me, but she insisted she had no place to go and used my little brother to plead her case.

I hope he sees the light soon, and she will be alone, because she truly doesn't deserve anyone who is loving or real, she is too toxic. I really find that some Scorpio women are wonderful to their children, but some hate them, she's the latter. Her children were always parasites to her, robbing her of her youth, looks, and opportunities. She really hates me more than I can describe. And being a Taurus I can't stand being hated personally.

I am just praying to sell the house quickly, and then I will sue her. The good news is that this has brought my sister, a Sag/Taurus moon, and I closer together. I am glad she has decided not to let my mother visit her and her children anymore. I am totally convinced my mother is an addict, either to drinking again or something else.

I can't express how much stressed I get around drugs, and those who use them around me. I could lose everything if anyone thought I was involved with drugs as well, I can't take that chance. I don't want the association.

Thanks again,
Nothing can happen until next weekend, and then after that, I will have news, I will get through this, and afterwards I will visit my sister and we will have a long talk and visit.


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astro junkie
posted October 09, 2004 10:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good for you Natasha -

I for one think your emotional health, and your physical welfare is WAY more important than bricks & mortar, which CAN be replaced. And one is DEFINITELY more expensive than the other.

We cannot replace Natasha. We need you to be strong for us, your babies, (at least me)... hee hee ... heart & mind over matter all the way!!

Your time, your money, and your health are more important now. Haggling with idiots gets you nothing but a cardiac arrest.

Keep it simple Natasha.

... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness

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