  Osama Bin Laden is a..... (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Osama Bin Laden is a.....
posted September 10, 2005 12:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Perhaps this may be of interest

aka Neptune’s Mermaid, NM, WN, Nurse Neptune, Waternixie, Nepsnympe, Waternyphy and deputy #6

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posted September 10, 2005 01:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know the president of America is a Cancer, right?

Yeah, i knew that and was going to type that but i felt inclusion of his name might create a confusion .
to add to it, now see his reaction ,i think his reaction has been primarily a emotional cancer's one .
see , the way he is going after him is also a tyopical cancer way , one step ahead , two back, then one to the left and so on ( iraq war was unnecessary at this point of time ) but i am sure he is after him with all his might , no doubts there.
war of waters, isn't it ag?

It does not make the "thing" itself twisted, but twisted he/she who TWISTS it for their own twisted benefit!

Thats the truth !

President Bush is also a Cancer, who is devoutly religious. I say this because he talks about religious influence on his politics openly in a society where supposedly religion and politics are dissociated.

I do it myself , though religion is a private for me , not even regular temple vistor , never ever read'BHAGVAD GITA' but i am undoubtly influneced by the concept that is hinduism and i usually speak about irespective of the surroundings .

btw, i have never met any blood thirsty pisces or even scorp , pisces that i have met have been more of what fb described.

wasn't hitler a cap-taurus?

We influence our parents as much as they influence us, coz the love is mutual. I dont think parents can be used as scapegoats.

Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!! never thought it that way . good point.
btw, sg , would like to be spokeperson of my company (whenever i start it ) remember u always have the job offer .

I wonder what would happen to Cancer Sun and Cancer moon.

Would simply die of depression ! lady osama

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Mystic Gemini
posted September 10, 2005 01:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
George Bush is a disgrace to cancers.

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sue g
posted September 10, 2005 01:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And Charles Manson was just a typical Scorpio, dont you think guys........

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posted September 10, 2005 01:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Look at all that water. The man has no impluse control.

He simply does what he "feels" without bothering to think.

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posted September 10, 2005 02:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
George Bush is a disgrace to cancers

In what sense?

btw, who was charles mason, sue?

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posted September 10, 2005 02:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 4416
From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted September 10, 2005 08:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
war of waters, isn't it ag?

Indeed. Water is just causing havoc all over the world right now. Cancers and Pisces, tsunamis and hurricanes. What's up with that?

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posted September 10, 2005 11:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I of all people have experienced the wrath of 9-11. Yes it was beyond terrible. However, I don't think any of us are at liberty to judge what exactly happened and why it did. There are many things we do not know

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Mystic Gemini
posted September 12, 2005 12:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It still hasn't hit me yet. I don't think it ever will. Thank god the person I know made it out. It's sad many people couldn't.

Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra

"You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes. I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream."

- Talib Kweli

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posted September 12, 2005 04:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Did u know that during 9/11 Bush was in a pre-school class readin " my pet goat" to the children there. He just sat ther continuing to read even though he was informed of what was happenin...
I agree with u mystic gemini, Bush is a disgrace to all cancers.

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posted September 12, 2005 05:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
stop water bashing!
Don’t make me take down air, earth & fire poeple

Seriously tho guys, don’t turn this into an ugly thread. So unnecessary ya know?

You make it sound like, he wouldn’t be this way if he wasn’t a Piscean!!!!!!! or had a lot of water in his chart!!!!
“Oh what he did was not his fault - he had a lot of water in his chart - poor fellow” COME ON!! you can NOT be serious.

Lets all show some sage like wisdom and realise a chart can’t make you deranged or psychotic or whatever.
I would have said “The stars incline, they do not compel.” but I can’t…unless someone can tell me which part of a chart inclines you to be crazy

*places back of hand on forehead in diva like fashion* this is all too much for me, I’m off.

aka Neptune’s Mermaid, NM, WN, Nurse Neptune, Waternixie, Nepsnympe, Waternyphy and deputy #6

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posted September 12, 2005 07:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AG: I dont exactly remember but , waters are going through a bad phase since '96(according to some predictions in indian astrology) . i dont if thats the clue.

and yeah, stop this water bashing !

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sue g
posted September 12, 2005 08:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mystic Gemini,

So sorry for what all ye guys went thro and still are...... suffering the aftermath of a horrible and sickening trauma.....I cannot for a minute imagine how that would feel. Am so lucky to be tucked away in such a safe corner of the globe!

Just to say I was very affected by your words.....and even four years on......the shock of this atrocity doesnt lessen does it?

God bless us all


Sue G xxx

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posted September 12, 2005 09:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Indeed. Water is just causing havoc all over the world right now. Cancers and Pisces, tsunamis and hurricanes. What's up with that?

Well, obviously ya'll have done something to p*ss us off.
I'd do something about it if I were you.

Look at all that water. The man has no impluse control.

He simply does what he "feels" without bothering to think.

A person who acted in that manner would be more likely to be one of the suicide bomber drones than a charismatic front man.

Astrodatabank quotes several possible dates/sources:

Somehow the July 30th possibility seems to fit in with the psychological profile compiled by the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics and presented at Twenty-Fifth Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology:

The personality profile yielded by the MIDC was analyzed on the basis of interpretive guidelines provided in the MIDC and Millon Index of Personality Styles manuals. Bin Laden’s primary personality patterns were found to be Ambitious/exploitative and Dauntless/dissenting, with a secondary Distrusting/suspicious orientation, and subsidiary Dominant/controlling and Conscientious/dutiful features.

Ambitious individuals are bold, competitive, and self-assured; they easily assume leadership roles, expect others to recognize their special qualities, and often act as though entitled. Dauntless individuals are bold, courageous, and tough; minimally constrained by the norms of society; routinely engage in high-risk activities; not overly concerned about the welfare of others; skilled in the art of social influence; and adept at surviving on the strength of their talents, ingenuity, and wits.

Bin Laden’s blend of Ambitious and Dauntless personality patterns suggests the presence of Millon’s “unprincipled narcissist” syndrome. This composite character complex combines the narcissist’s arrogant sense of self-worth, exploitative indifference to the welfare of others, and grandiose expectation of special recognition with the antisocial personality’s self-aggrandizement, deficient social conscience, and disregard for the rights of others.

The first thing that I thought when I read that was, "Wow - sounds like Leo/Scorp gone baaaaad."
Not to Leo bash or anything

Though it would be interesting if he's a Cancer with a few Leo and Gem placements.
I will admit that his eyes seem more "watery" than not - a Pisces Asc. wouldn't surprise me.

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posted September 12, 2005 09:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Very intersting topic!

In reply to another reply in this topic...

Isn't Jesus a Cap? How can he be Pisces?

Also anyone know the signs of other Prophets?
Or any ideas where i could get that info? Want to see if there are any interesting patterns..

SGA - any idea on Prophet Mohammeds sign?

or Moses anyone?

Which signs are most noted to encourage huge followings like religion or nazism? I mean Hitler was Aries or Taurus right? Are these signs known to mass-rouse people like he did? If not Aries or Taurus any other signs that could influence people like that?


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posted September 12, 2005 09:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Which signs are most noted to encourage huge followings like religion or nazism? I mean Hitler was Aries or Taurus right? Are these signs known to mass-rouse people like he did? If not Aries or Taurus any other signs that could influence people like that?

I'm nothing more than a novice, but I'll have to take a stab and say that the charts of the influencer in relation to those being influenced/the time at which it's happening probably has as much to do with it as anything else.

re: Prophets: There's a school of thinking that says that a highly spiritual person transcends the boundries of his/her chart - that is, they in effect have no chart.
I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's a thought.

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posted September 12, 2005 10:04 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Osama being a Pisces really shows the world that rules will be broken. America CAN be upset. Can be shaken. Can be warned. A Pisces can and will be responsible.

50 year wars have been happening around the world, so much so that nobody gives a flying f.u.c.k. I am a warchild, yes, went through 5 years of the war in Bosnia. Every day was like September 11. Panic, death, shock, disbelief, fear, terror. You can't imagine it, and you DON'T get used to it. The only thing you get used to is the dialogue you have in your head that forces you to accept that today could be your last.

The human is capable of it all. No matter what month they are born. We are shaped not only astrologically.

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posted September 12, 2005 10:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There are no pat answers to what points to evil in a chart. But to blame it all on one person, a bin Laden or a Hitler is to take personal responsibility away from those who follow. No matter how charismatic or "powerful" someone is, he is only as powerful as others allow him to be(come). What about all those who let themselves be manipulated, the ultimate manipulation being willing to blow themselves up? There would be no bin Laden without the handmaids who do the dirty work for him. He would just be some lunatic f.u.c.k.e.r. sitting in a dusty tent dreaming his lunatic ugly dreams.

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posted September 12, 2005 11:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"re: Prophets: There's a school of thinking that says that a highly spiritual person transcends the boundries of his/her chart - that is, they in effect have no chart."
Very, very good for thought

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posted September 12, 2005 04:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
histronix im sorry to hear that, but can relate as Ive grown up in Kashmir (and call myself Pakistani) but nonetheless I am Kashmiri. One of my uncles and brothers has died in the gruesome violence nonetheless I stop myself from getting emotional about it. Its not an emotional issue for me anymore...more political and logical to be worked out (How many tears can you shed? How many years can you live in depression?)

What I dont get is why people in general wont stop being so hysterical about the issue and think about it logically. Nothing will come of emotional wars and trying to slash back (this includes the actual 9/11 attack itself of course).

If you really think about what some of the world's great people preached, to me it is logical, not emotional--Mother Teresa with her humanity and Gandhi with his calm serene peace, because they are thought through, and things that are thought through can stand the test of ages, while emotions are feeting, come and go, later you regret.

Zohe, to address your question, generally if you convert the Islamic calendar in that year to the Western calender (Prophet Mohammad--peace be upon him--was born 12 Rabbi al awal), he is believed to be an Aries.

Yet he was recorded to never get angry, even when a woman spit in his face and there were several assassination attempts on his life, also if you recall when Hind ate the liver of his uncle Hamza in front of him, he was very upset, but did not get angry.

I agree with the theory of transcending your chart, if you are really that evolved. Because one comes to integrate a little part of every good (every sign), and lessen the bad equally (of your own sign and of others). In the end you have a distinct personality but still a holistic view on behavior which as a whole follows the universal moral code. Moses and Jesus had distinct personalities also but followed a very similar moral code, same can be said for Mohammad (their enemies and friends alike described the three men in similar ways).

proxieme, I think suicide bombers are *usually* more a preponderance of fire signs not to say that all fire signs are like that (I am so tired of typing that phrase out, but for any concerns yall can see my first post which quite explains my view on evil and astrology's relationship). I believe there was a headcount of the men who committed suicide bombings and their sun signs. I dont know about moon signs etc. but will try to find and post the study.

Also, Zohe: it is probable that Jesus is not a Cap and was not even born in winter. Most historians agree that if the Bible's description of Marys life and pregnancy is accurate, then Jesus was a spring/summer birth. The date of December 25 was set kind of as a compromise between the Christian preachers and the pagans as an attempt to convert them (which succeeded). In Bethlehem, Israel (the birthplace of Jesus), there are three different 'birthdays' or 'Christmases' that are celebrated by three different Christian denominations--Dec 25, Jan 14 and Jan 18 (I believe the denominations are Protestants, Greek orthodox, and the third does not come to mind but can be verified).


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posted September 12, 2005 04:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
proxieme, I think suicide bombers are *usually* more a preponderance of fire signs not to say that all fire signs are like that (I am so tired of typing that phrase out, but for any concerns yall can see my first post which quite explains my view on evil and astrology's relationship). I believe there was a headcount of the men who committed suicide bombings and their sun signs. I dont know about moon signs etc. but will try to find and post the study.

I'd be really interested inseeing that - thank you

Yeah, I'm not sure if I really got out what I had been trying to say - let me phrase it another way:
Someone with all of that Pisces probably wouldn't be the most proactive person in the world (and it does seem that bin Laden does have that going for him).

Rethinking a little, I could see a bit of a Pisces influence with him (though I still don't think that that March b-day's right - the Leo/Scorp dominant chart feels better to me...but this is coming from a Fish ), if for no other reason that the man who had been in charge of the CIA drive against him (Mike Scheuer) described him as “a pious, charismatic, gentle, generous, talented and personally courageous Muslim who is blessed with sound strategic and tactical judgment”.

Hm. Reading that and thinking about it some more, I guess which chart one would wish to accept depends on your view of the man.
Looking at the disparate points, I could see either as viable, depending.


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posted September 12, 2005 05:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i thought this was interesting - enjoy!!

Pisces and Cancer
When Cancer and Pisces form a friendship, it's usually a positive meeting of the minds and spirits. Cancer is a self-starter, and Pisces is easily energized by Cancer's ideas. Both Signs are basically tolerant and sympathetic. Pisces can teach Cancer to appreciate and instill creativity and spirituality into their choices. In turn, Cancer can help Pisces put their utopian theories into practice. This friendship can enjoy an amazingly strong and multifaceted bond.

Cancer admires and appreciates. Cancer is interested in material comforts and a rich home, and at times cannot understand the simplistic, spartan attitude of Pisces. Their goals can be very different when it comes to their life's aspirations. Once they can understand and overcome this difference, theirs will be a very warm friendship.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. When the Moon and Neptune come together, an almost spiritual connection can be made. Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Together, they represent an idealistic friendship that borders on the divine. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This adds a masculine energy to the combination and represents philosophy, expansion and excesses. The nature of this planetary combination offers a utopian connection, one that is heavy with emotion. However, Cancer must be careful not to cramp the floating Fish, as Pisces will suffocate under too many demands on their time and attentions.


Cancer is ruled by the Moon. It's symbol is represented by the Crab.
Cancer is a Water sign, and is emotional and supportive.

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.

A very harmonious relationship, one of the best. Your differences are easily absorbed, one by the other, for you are both willing to compromise and sympathize. One of these differences is that Cancer needs to save for that rainy day while Pisces gives it away to anyone who needs it. Both are moody. Pisces reflects and Cancer absorbs so hopefully these moods will be few and far between because each brings the other into their moods. This can be wonderful or devastating, depending on the mood. Pisces listens and Cancer cares - what a grand combination. Cancer wants to be pampered and Pisces will be more than accommodating. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.


These two signs are related to feelings, emotions, and intuition, which always have priority over logic, reason and analysis. Some practical necessities can become muddled or confused.They both feel things deeply, so each can evoke a sympathetic response in the other even without a word spoken. Both are very romantic and need to love and be loved. It'll be a very rich relationship indeed. Both these folk feel very deeply and there'll be so many sensitive surges of sentiment that they'll have their own tidal waves of passion and pleasure, that will sweep over both of them in a beautiful bath of bliss.

One minute they'll be gazing at each other in adoration and the next they'll be floating off on to cloud nine and they might never come down. So, if it's not to be a case of the blind leading the blind into who knows what strange and silent seas, one of these partners has got to be practical, otherwise life could pass them by, as they spend their entire existence in a watery wonderland of their own and never come up for air at all.

The fantasy factor of the fish is fantastically high and those captivating crabs can come up with a few daydreams of their own, too.When these two go out and about together, they can give the impression that theirs is a marriage made in heaven, when actually it's hell on earth for both of them. Instead of admitting it they'll delude and deceive themselves.The Pisces will pretend that there's nothing wrong, but will conduct clandestine affairs and the Cancerian will cling on like grim death, hoping that suddenly everything will return to the way it once was. They'll both inhabit a fool's paradise.Another of the pitfalls of this partnership is that if things go wrong, they could both drown their sorrows in drinks and even drugs.



It would seem that Pisces and Cancer being water signs in the emotional, design, group, as well as Pisces being the mutable sign and Cancer being the cardinal sign, might make good business partners. Actually these two are too much alike, emotionally, to work well together to run a business as they are both as changeable as the wind; not having the closeness that is in a marital, or physical relationship they would not be able to bouy each other up. No, this would not be a good partnership in business.

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Posts: 4416
From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted September 12, 2005 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A Sag friend of mine was reading a book on Al Qaeda, and he was relating to me that he learned that Osama Bin Laden acts more like a venture capitalist than one who actually makes and carries out plans. He said that terrorists bring Bin Laden plans and schemes for terrorist attacks, and if the plan is good he finances it. He'll fund the weapons and training and so forth. Then when it's all said and done, if he liked the act he'll take credit for it.

Pisces seem to be fairly well-known for creative entrepreneurship. I think of Steve Jobs at Apple.

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Pop Producer
posted September 12, 2005 09:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I read that George W Bush is a Cancer w/ Moon in Libra. Isn't that a diplomatic moon that hates violence?

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