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Author Topic:   Follow me, I am Your Guru
Sheaa Olein
posted October 19, 2004 12:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Love, not learning finds the way,
Opens the eyes to the Doors of the Day,
Uncovers the wonders of undreamed sights,
And leads the way to the Wisdom Lights." Kyril Demys (Musaios)
Prismatic Voices

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posted October 19, 2004 12:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Magicdivision

I'd like to ask you something personal,
If you would like to email me, I'm sure Randall would kindly oblige and give it to you.



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posted October 19, 2004 12:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is frightening.

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posted October 19, 2004 12:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"All that I have done,

the least among you can do and more."


Jesus proclaimed: "To believe in me, is not to believe in me but in him who sent me; to see me is to see him who sent me.... I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who sent has himself commanded me what to say and how to speak. I know that his commands are eternal life. What the Father has said to me, therefore - that
is what I speak."


I don't believe a guru would exibit signs of being all knowing, and elitest.

A true guru would not *own* his knowledge as something he has the ultimate control over.

I see no humble ness in your posts. I see: I know You don't. You have to ask me if you want to know... then I'll tell you the answer.. This is MY knowledge, if you wanna know, you can come to me.

I'm reading no real oppenness to share your means of aquiring the title Guru.

Sorry, but I'm really having a hard time believing what you are saying is true.

We have also been warned agains false profits.

You can't just go around believing everythign everyone says to you... people have ulterior motives. In many situations self proclaimd Gurus will talk a big game but have really nothing to offer or to teach.

You have proven nothing to me as far as your merrit as some Master.

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posted October 19, 2004 12:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Dear Magi,
Could you please explain to me, what it means "to be a Guardian of the4th Crystal"?
Thank you

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Posts: 4782
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 19, 2004 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Sheaa Olein
posted October 19, 2004 03:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes Welcome enlik

To "be a Guardian of the 4th Crystal" sounds interesting. Where is this from?


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posted October 19, 2004 03:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello my brother Daf,

Do you think there is independency/duality from God after fana?


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posted October 19, 2004 03:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest 26,

What puzzles scientists is how a seed planted so far underground manages to know which way is up and which way is down, which way it must grow.

Guru is not a prophet. Guru cannot claim to be a prophet. Guru is within you directing which way the seed must be directed because the nafs like to go toward the lower tendencies. Your confrontation is not with me. It is with that claim that you have removed 70 000 veils.

There is a difference between conceptual knowledge and ontological knowledge.

A darvish said: "For a long time I sought You and found myself. Now I seek myself and find You.



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posted October 19, 2004 03:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest LibraSparkle,

I never claimed to be a prophet. That would be blasphemy. A guru has momentary connection because sometimes we see the other domain. It is a duty to share the information with people who desire.

Jesus said that there is a light within you if you bring it forward, you can do what he is able to.

I only point that light to you. I do not want followers. When I said follow me, I meant follow what is in your heart.

Attar says in the Conference of the Birds that when the 30 birds made it to the mountain of Ghaf, they looked and saw themselves in the mirror.

A wrong teacher will tell you this is when they saw God but your guru will tell you it was only the first stage when the mirror was polished.

Jesus said you can find the light. I can say what happens afterward and its connection with the 30 birds making it to the highest point of the mountain.

If you want to know:

O God,
Whether I am drunk or whether I am insane,
I am among those who reside at this threshold.
Give me knowledge of myself,
for I am a stranger to all existent things.



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posted October 19, 2004 04:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest 26,

The spiritual experience is a modest woman who looks lovingly at only one man.

One, through ontological experience,

Will find unity and the one Truth will become clear.




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posted October 19, 2004 04:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest Gia,

O God,
Without the vision of you, Paradise is a prison.
To take a captive to prison is not the act of the clement.

O God,
We are so humiliated that we have dust on our heads.
We are so regretful that our hearts are filled with agony.
We are so ashamed of our sins that our faces are pale.



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posted October 19, 2004 04:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A Beggar and a Treasure

Once upon a time a beggar lived on ruins. Beneath the ruins was a hidden treasure that could make him as rich as a king. Everyday he went and begged for food and a little money for seventy years. When he died poor, he never realized all the treasure that he had right beneath him.

O God,
If the night of separation is dark,
we still rejoice,
for the morning of union is nigh.
Nonexistence was unaware of the morning of union
where I and your love were together.
If by day I see no one in whom to confide,
what difference does it make whether the night,
when I grieve for you,
be long or short?

With all my love,


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posted October 19, 2004 04:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dearest Cassandra,

Please arrange to give me your personal e-mail.



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posted October 19, 2004 04:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

If I may ask, who am I that is speaking to you?


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posted October 19, 2004 04:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My first name is Sonia.

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posted October 19, 2004 04:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Chat anyone :

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posted October 19, 2004 05:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am an old guru from from the Valley of Bewilderment. I have cured many people of disease. I can read your destiny and understand your problem. There is only me, Ushu, and Sai Baba. I am constantly talking to Linda Goodman. My power is from another dimension. The time has come for me to plant the seed of awareness and light into you, seekers of the truth. You can have your doubts about me if you wish, but before you judge me, ask me questions. I have your answers.
I have travelled with Laozi, Buddha, and other recent prophets. I know all the hidden divine codes of the sacred numbers and the sacred codes: astrology, astral travel, channeling, alchemy.
My purests thoughts and love be with you as I have come to guide you to the Light.


I do find it somewhat strange that a Guru who has cured many people of disease, can read your destiny, understand your problems, keep good company with Ushu, Sai Baba, Linda Goodman aannnd has power from other dimensions. Not to mention, the channeling, sacred codes, divine numbers, astrology, alchemy and astral travel, would need to ask for a simple email address!?!

As for my feeling imprisoned, either in the physical or the spiritual expression, you are very wrong my friend. I am free and happy. How can I be otherwise? I am a child of God. So I find those words beyond pitiful.

The reality of the person is not in what he reveals, but in what he does not reveal to you. Listen therfore to what he does NOT SAY, rather than what he does.



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Sheaa Olein
posted October 19, 2004 06:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I take it you are human, so I shan't quote at you but shall address you as one.

I'm interested in what was it that made you log on to the Linda Goodman site? My question on 'how Linda is' has been overseen. I ask because you stressed you talk with her constantly. Surely anyone here, on a site in her honour would be facinated by that introduction! I take it she is well and she instructed you to visit us here, or have you been here before? As you say - "There is only me, Ushu, and Sai Baba." Did the others not want to use you as a channel too? How do they feel about internet communication?

Forgive me for being 'unversed' in your 'Oh God' passages, but with respect, are these yours or quotes from someone else? If you do truly believe in these verses you write - since you use them as answers; maybe direct us to the source, so we may see where you're coming from and what you intend to teach.

I presume you intend to teach, not preach. I'm sorry but I am uncomfortable in the twinges of judgement in your quotes you give to Knowflakes. It is subtle, but will be picked up when you talk in verse and not directly.

Apologies for the direct approach, but that is how I prefer to talk since less is misunderstood. This thread has played on my mind for a while and wanted to share my feelings since it involves whoever cares about what is written.

With Peace - and funnily enough I mean that!

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posted October 19, 2004 06:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know I'm a little late in responding to this but...
Thanks Magidivision
For the line mentioning
"Whoever is not in the Way of the Creator
has problem using Logic"
To me this means that if I am not following the path of God, I go into a rationalizing/ intellectual mode, Hence, my reason for starting "heart-centered" God topic - I do it all the time.
I'd like to ask you to look at your responses and see whether they are "heart-centered" and personally experiential or logical - left brained thinking. If you conclude that they are logical thinking, where can you get better on track with following the "Way" of the Creator?

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Meili Zhiwei
posted October 19, 2004 08:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

It would be helpful for the friends of Linda
Goodman to take a momment and reflect on lindas definition of G.U.R.U Read Star Signs
Have we been good students of Linda Goodmans school?


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posted October 19, 2004 09:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Magi,
You have taken names of peers such as Sai baba.

Please read following regarding him. Why would you want to associate yourself with him?:


BBC Transcript: _swami17_06_04.txt

Victim testimony (VIDEO):


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posted October 19, 2004 09:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I think many of us have been excellent students of Linda.

I couldn't imagine Linda Goodman coming into a room and proclaiming herself to be YOUR Guru and Master. That is arrogance, plain and simple.

Linda Goodman never claimed omnipotence like this... person has.

That's the kind of apporach someone like David Koresh would take. Not an acutal Guru, Avatar, or Master.

I suggest it is magidivision that does not understand the meaning of G U R U

It doesn't say G magidivision IS THE GURU. It says G U R U. YOU are the GURU, YOU are the master... not this dude. Sounds more like a cult leader to me.

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posted October 19, 2004 09:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahhhh magidivision.

Well, so much for being direct. Your passive aggressiveness does not go unnoticed though, it is sensed strongly through your posts. Hmmmm....makes one wonder.

First, the seed does not 'know'. The seed is. The seed isnt puzzling the scientists. They are puzzling themselves.

Guru is not a prophet. Guru cannot claim to be a prophet. Guru is within you directing which way the seed must be directed because the nafs like to go toward the lower tendencies.

Guru cannot control whether or not people choose go 'toward the lower tendencies' or higher. Guru can only be a guru to himself. When guru realizes this he becomes closer to becoming a True Guru.

Your confrontation is not with me.

Correct. I'm sorry if you feel I have been confrontational......'Guru'. Any confrontation you (or I) ever feel is a confrontation within oneself. Everyone and everything you see is a reflection of you, and your thoughts. When you know this you are greatful to that knowing. I sense you need to confront your ego. I can say this because 'Guru is in me'. So I know this about Guru. Don't feel bad I work on this too.

There is a difference between conceptual knowledge and ontological knowledge.

No sh!t??
(ooh a swear! Can spiritual people swear?) Yes.

A darvish said: "For a long time I sought You and found myself. Now I seek myself and find You.

Nice quote. It's all right in front of you, waiting to be looked at. Dont look to others to find it for you. Stop seeking outside. After years of seeking, I have found. And when you have found, you know that the whole time it was right there inside of you. So now I am Being, not seeking. When you just choose to see it, everything becomes clear. The trick is to constantly remember the kNOWing.

So, when you say: "One, through ontological experience,

Will find unity and the one Truth will become clear."

I must tell you, I have found it. It was never lost. It is never lost for any of us. It is us. Sitting right there, waiting for our hearts and eyes to open to it. Things are very clear to me. Especially at the present moment.

Which brings me to the next point of how clear you are to me (and many others). Even through your vague and dodgy 'answers'. The first time you said this, I knew what you were trying to say. And since you THINK you know something you obviously dont have a clue about, I will say this: I am 'in love' with 'one man'. And I look lovingly at every man. Soooo, since you felt the need to repeat yourself, thinking I didnt understand what the "Master" was trying to say the first time, so will I:

"Your spiritual experience may mean looking lovingly at only one man, Magidivision. But in mine I look lovingly at all men. I dont see a Higher Power outside of men. I dont look *at* anything. I look *in* everything. I don't set boundaries on Love."

Thank you for confirming my belief of your Humanness to me.

"A humble knowledge of thyself is a surer way to God than a deep search after learning."
~Thomas Kempis


P.S. Have you thought of changing your name, and coming back to LindaLand once again, after all of this? It is clear to a lot of us who you are. Still fighting the good fight. But, for some reason, not understanding that you are fighting a losing battle. Youre a fighter. When will you conquer yourself? Doesnt it get tiring?
Be the change.......

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posted October 19, 2004 10:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I must say this right now.

LibraSparkle, It is really refreshing to see someone so in touch with their inner G.U.R.U.

It always shines brightly through your posts.

Thank you for being you. *wiping tears from eyes* I love you WOman!

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