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  The Cultural Devastation Of American Women

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Author Topic:   The Cultural Devastation Of American Women
posted January 18, 2009 03:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
An article that was followed by a Best-selling book by Nancy Levant.

Nancy Levant is a renowned writer for Constitutional governance and American culture. She is the author of The Cultural Devastation of American Women: The Strange and Frightening Decline of the American Female (and her dreadful timing). See - books section.

She is an opponent of deceptive governance and politicians, global governance by deception, political feminism, the public school system, political economics based upon manufactured wars and their corporate benefactors, and the Federal Reserve System. She is also a nationwide and lively radio personality.


Nancy Levant
December 27, 2005

I once read an article on a site that does not exist anymore entitled The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderber2005, and I pondered the amassing of power by men, and the historical results of men corrupted by power. It has been the downfall of so much, and has caused the brutal death of so many. And it seems to be one of the greatest errors of the human species and never seriously addressed. So much brutality and crime could have been avoided if mankind could or would have addressed the issue of the over-empowerment of men. And as the aforementioned article so clearly demonstrated, a handful of them now determine the fate of all human life on this planet while drinking in a hotel. Strange days.

This brought me to thinking about women who, as a gender, have had a difficult time - historically speaking. Sure, there have been a few female leaders in history, but the bulk of female experience has been unhappy in many ways. Until the 20th Century, the pleasantness of a woman’s life depended upon the decency and kindness of her husband. If she was given to a good man, she was lucky. If she was given to a cruel man, it didn’t matter. And this is true for most women of all cultures, for most women throughout history were not given the right to choose husbands until very recent history. Many, many women still do not have that right.

The 20th Century did, indeed, help some of the female gender. Mostly, it allowed for some opinions to be heard, and in many countries, for votes to be cast. This was a long time coming, and was certainly warranted as women had given birth, cleaned, cooked, planted, and toiled for these rights for centuries. However, many Westernized women took a wrong turn, and particularly so in the United States. American women allowed for the corruption of feminism – the complete and total corruption of feminism – and the results have devastated our nation.

Feminism was not born in the Suffragette Movement. The Suffragettes were women who fought, and mostly with dignity, for the right to vote and higher education. They were not culture-damaging women. They were mothers and wives. They fought for representation and fairness and nothing more. Feminism was born during the Sexual Revolution, which was born from widespread recreational drug use by American teenagers. Why no one ever made the connection is beyond me, but that is the truth of the matter.

When youths in high schools and colleges were high, widespread sexual activity was the fallout. It’s the same phenomenon as the “bar” mentality – get drunk and sleep with anybody who is willing. Once American youth were openly sleeping with all their friends, including ones of the same sex, and at the same time under the influence of a one or two decade-long marijuana, cocaine, LSD, hashish, amphetamine party, a mindset kicked in, which perverted the very essence of feminism.

The resulting politicizing of feminism all but destroyed what it means to be a natural and biological female. In fact, feminism became a movement based upon anger, demands, and a demand that women think and believe in a prescribed and documented agenda. Political feminism actually worked to recapture the free will of women. Try disagreeing with a political feminist and discover what a dumb ass your free will has become. Try disagreeing with anything a political feminist has to say about anything. You would get the same attitude and look from a radical environmentalist – no compromise, no reflection, no regard or respect for the opinion of another, no deals. They are unapproachable, arrogant, and believe themselves to be intellectual elites – much akin to their Trilateral/Bilderberg brothers.

Feminism is not brute-force politics. With bated breath, I will tell you what feminism is. Feminism is the result of women who feed and grow their spiritual and biological gifts. That is its sole definition. There is not one American woman who needs a political feminist to define her, represent her, craft her opinions, or her needs as a woman.

Women have the ability to become spiritually advanced creatures, above and beyond the ability of most men to do so. The instinctual and intuitive abilities of women, if nurtured, if paid attention to, and if understood, carry significant mental and intellectual power. Women have a higher link, for lack of a better term, to spiritual sensation.

The easiest way to demonstrate this link is in their ability to develop a mental and loving relationship with children in utero. Most women love their children before they are seen, before they are born. Women have the ability to comprehend and to know the unknown, much like faith, and if this ability is nurtured and developed, it can carry forth with great accuracy into the world.

Women sense danger. Women sense problems. Women sense safety. Women sense future needs. These are vital skills and they are biological gifts, but they are also gifts that evolve around motherhood, children, and nest. So sorry, but truth is not a political agenda. Women who become what contemporary culture refers to as “psychic” are simply women who develop their instincts and intuitions.

Women who are working 70 hours a week, spending time in board meetings knocking out deals, running to gyms, hair, and nail salons, and shopping while their children are in daycare centers 12 hours a day are simply incapable of real feminism. Feminism happens when you develop your female strengths. High-powered careers, gyms, hair and nail salons, and shopping while the kids are sorrow-filled in daycare all work to create anger and resentments in women. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Most self-inflected wounds do.

Political feminism has taken motherhood, nest, the womanly arts of cooking, gardening, and nurturing away from women.

Political feminism has also helped to mandate the two-income family by insisting that American women work outside of the home or be looked down upon by contemporary culture.

Political feminism helped to build the deplorable daycare industry, which is literally filled with minimum wage female employees – thanks a lot.

Political feminism helped to build the illegal immigrant nanny and handyman industry – thanks a lot.

And political feminism helped to build the drive-through junk food industry since working women don’t want to cook, and therefore, don’t know how to cook – thanks a lot.

Political feminism helped to build and grow the mental health/big pharma industry, which now specifically targets women and children as in New Freedom Initiative on Mental Health. Thanks one hell of a lot.

AND political feminism helped to destroy, literally destroy, the public education system in the United States of America, which is now a full-blown dictatorship.

How dare you, and how dare you claim to represent freedom for women.

Many, many contemporary American women are emotional messes. They are pathologically vain, materialistic as clearly demonstrated in their overly decorated, sterile home, and landscaped yards; are grossly self-involved, horrible and mean-spirited mothers and wives, and they are constantly, incessantly, angry and neurotic. American women are shallow. They openly accept television, Hollywood, and magazines as role models for their daughters and themselves. They abuse money and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars annually for beauty regimens, diet supplements, day spas, trinkets, and gym memberships. Many are addicted to a whole array of over-the-counter drugs and beauty aids. This is liberation?

American women wouldn’t understand feminism or liberation if it smacked them in the head. They are so far removed from their spiritual and biological natures that mirrors have become their solace and definition. And the results? Take a look at the condition of American children, marriages, and home lives, and then ask what role political feminism has played to make American women a global laughing stock while their children die spiritual and emotional deaths. American women are so off track they don’t even realize that 90% of televised commercials and programming are insulting, objectifying, or making light of their gender. Then add the death of the Constitution to this heap, which political feminism has been instrumentally shredding for decades and voila! Liberation and freedom of all kinds - gone – poof – just like that!

Can we at least agree that too much power corrupts men, which is historically provable and factual? Can we at least agree that American women have been absurdly vulnerable to cultural BS? We are all in want of truth, and our children suffer deplorably due to its lacking. We must try to restore as many foundations for our children as we can, but we have to begin with ourselves and go from there. If we don’t or won’t recognize basic, and I mean the really basic and core truths, complex Bilderberg-style lies, and those of their feminist sisters, rule the day.

I mean, seriously, you want to purposefully destroy a perfectly good culture? Give dictatorial powers to a small group of rich men and destroy the female psyche. Then sit back and watch that culture go up in flames.

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posted January 18, 2009 03:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Nancy Levant
August 22, 2006

You may have read the article by the same title, which was the forerunner to the book, and that is now in print and available via Many thanks to my readers who waited patiently for the book’s release. But, onward we must go with the subject of American women and the damage caused to our gender by the global culture in the making. The institution of marriage, children, and the condition our public school system and churches demands that we consider very carefully the freedom and rights given to women in this nation. Have we abused or mishandled this freedom?

American women are perhaps the luckiest women in the world. We have, however, taken for granted the fact that we were given rights in a world where rights for women is still curtailed, limited, and at times, non-existent. Many women on the planet are not free in any sense of the word. Many women are still owned entities. So, the question begs - why are American women, whose culture and males allowed them to have freedom from gender bondage, so incredibly stupid with their freedom?

Let us consider a small list of shallow stupidities:

We are free to take vanity to bizarre standards and measures – those created by the beauty, health, and media industries – that mandate skeletal thinness, life-long photo-youth looks, tanning bed skin color, Botox shots in the face, fake breasts, fake fingernails, waxing, manicured eyebrows, plastic surgery of every make and measure, bleached teeth, and unending and life-long diets.

We are free to fall into the trap of the mandatory mental health industry – supporting big pharma and the New Freedom Initiative on Mental Health – by our addictions to anti-depressants to the tune of millions and millions of American women now zoning out on a daily basis with mood-altering drugs.

We are also free to become useless in our homes. We now hire maid services, landscapers, pool cleaners, painters, interior decorators, cooks, nannies, teachers and tutors, caterers, therapists, party planners, massage therapists, laundry services, etc., while losing every intuitive instinct of our female natures.

We are free to have extra-marital affairs, multiple lovers, to abort children, to disrespect and ignore the traditions of our families and religions, to use men like ATMs, to back-stab our friends and family members, and to take thousands upon thousands of family dollars for personal use in our missions to look like (and act like) teenagers.

We are free to have children with as many men as we choose, and to bankrupt multiple men with mandatory child support payments. We are then free to ignore children by paying far more attention to maid-cleaned, spotless, and magazine-cover homes, where no cooking is achieved, no family memories are created, and no shoes are allowed to be worn on the white carpets of the “new” American home. We are free to give our children computer software to keep them addictively occupied for YEARS, and then complain about their lack of social skills.

We are free to completely ignore the FACT that our children are SUFFERING with mean-spirited and incompetent mothers – children who are hungry, starved for attention, and mistreated by non-stop extracurricular sports regimens, drive-thru bags of dangerous food, teachers and public school indoctrination camps, completely ignored spiritual needs, and disrespect and contempt of their children’s fathers.

Sadly, this list has become the typical “home” scenario for America’s children and husbands. “Home” has become sterile because the women in American homes have lost their senses under the highly political guise of “liberation.”

So, another question begs – what does liberation mean to American women? Does it mean the freedom to vote?

Freedom from historical gender bondage?

Freedom from ownership?

I don’t think so. Today’s American female is free to be an idiot – a shallow, self-involved, pathologically vain, completely incompetent, and angry person – angry to the tune of making the anti-depressant industry the largest profit maker, bar none, for big pharma. Stupid is what stupid does.

American children do not have happy homes. They are television and computer addicts thanks, primarily, to mothers. So sorry, but facts are facts. American children have so many video games, movies, and “equipment,” that we now have to have “media rooms” to contain the sheer numbers of purchases made to very purposefully ignore our children. Then add to the mix that American women can’t and don’t cook. They don’t know how, and furthermore, between jobs, beauty and “health” regimens, and chronic diets, today’s mothers feel like crap most of the time, which translates into anger in the home. Just ask dad (or boyfriend).

My fear? I look at the history of women in other countries – nations without freedom – and our rapid march toward and beneath a new form of government – one in which freedoms are being incrementally dismantled and removed from the people. I observe state governors who are implementing reproductive legislation, as we speak, to curtail the rights of procreation, which, as we know, means the unalienable, primordial, and biological rights of women. I see men who are becoming more and more disenchanted with marriage – who fear what will happen should divorces ensue. I see the slutting up of American women in dress, demeanor, and attitude, and I see young American girls following suit. And I think of women in other nations, who have never had rights, and their treatment under nations and laws that label them as chattel, property, and for the most part, primarily vaginas and wombs. I worry about the mass, or shall we say “global” disenchantment of men with women. This history could (and has) set women back thousands and thousands of years.

Therefore, let us think candidly about freedom. Let us not continue to be foolish, cruel, stupid, lazy, shallow, and mean-spirited when it comes to the freedoms that America and her male gender allowed to transpire on our shores. We are very lucky women in this nation. To mishandle that freedom is dangerous specifically to women and children. And in today’s world, we are desperately needed to be intelligent handlers of our homes and children. We need to educate our children in the home. We need to eliminate family debt and to stock and store our home pantries and family supplies. We need to reconnect to our biological and intuitive natures, and with that said, we must reconnect to our spiritual natures and needs as women. We must be ultimately careful that we do not become what we loathe.

Anger has become a base point for many American women, and I suspect that anger stems from self-loathing, guilt, and boredom. If you’re running around shopping, spa-ing, working out, visiting therapists, tanning, bleaching, manicuring, and paying servants to perform all standards tasks in your homes, you are not operating as a woman and certainly not as a mother to your children.

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Posts: 625
Registered: May 2009

posted January 18, 2009 08:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dervish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I really don't understand your obsession here at copying and pasting the most ridiculous articles you can find.

Since you don't bother to share much in the way of your thoughts, I'm only going to touch a little on a FEW major problems on why these articles are full of FAIL.

First, there are many, many kinds of feminists. One sect of feminists may be hostile to another sect, like those who believe guns are patriarchal signs of death that everyone is better off without while other feminists embrace arming themselves in order to be able to stand up to the few men that predate on them (Mount Holyoke College, well known for its feminism, opened an undergraduate chapter of the Second Amendment Sisters a few years ago, something other feminists feel uncomfortable about or even outraged by).

Others can believe all pornography is violence against women (or at least a cause) while others are against censorship as they believe that censorship eventually silences women's voices (and sometimes that porn isn't necessarily bad). Example would be the feminists that fight over the Vagina Monologues. Originally made by a sex-positive feminist, it was warped into a morbid display of male bashing victimhood. Here, the feminists that oppose the feminists behind the VM (and this leaves a lot out regarding what feminists have done in protests against the feminists that spread this):

(Speaking of which, it was a feminist, one with a son having trouble, that brought attention to the war on boys--note, she mentions "MISGUIDED feminism" as opposed to "feminism" as a whole).

As for playing the victim, that's POLITICS, not just feminism. And it's not just minorities, but even white males do it. The Christian Right has made huge profits by capitalizing on pretending to be victims. Conservatives are as guilty of it as liberals. (Btw, some feminists are pretty conservative, such as Wendy McElroy, sometimes speaking on FOX news, and lesbian author Tammy Bruce. Others disdain liberals AND conservatives both, such as Diamanda Galás.) Even Nazis pretended to be victims who were merely defending themselves.

And "[feminism] was born during the Sexual Revolution, which was born from widespread recreational drug use by American teenagers. Why no one ever made the connection is beyond me, but that is the truth of the matter." The reason many don't get that connection is because they're not that stupid or arbitrary.

Furthermore, the specific kind of feminism she discusses (if she can be said to discuss any, since she describes a mere caricature--and many of these kinds never got wealthy enough to fit the caricature of being super wealthy today as this author does in her silly caricature of feminists) was born in the 70s, and they came about in large part IN REACTION TO the hippie drug culture. (My granny can share her own experiences on this.) Essentially, guys were dropping out at the time to drop acid and write manifestos, start utopias, and the like, but left it to the women to actually maintain the men and the places they established themselves. Women got so sick of this that they finally rejected even the "enlightened" and "liberated" and instead became very, very angry, particularly at hippies and drop outs and druggies.

They also became angry at the fashion industry, and even the mainstream feminists today generally don't like how the fashion industry seems to encourage anorexia and in stoking feminine insecurities in order to sell them cosmetics & new fashions so that they can feel better (like snake oil salesmen who tried to make others feel sick so they could sell their latest junk to make them feel better). Thus another major fail of the articles you posted, exposing Nancy Levant's ignorance (as well as logical fallacies).

Just another example of how she gets it wrong is that the majority of women don't have their homes cleaned by maids (in my family, that job was delegated to CHILDREN, as has been the case for generations). Again with the caricature and unrealistic stereotypes. In addition to the straw man arguments, non sequitur, and other logical errors that anyone who has taken even an intro class into philosophy could point out), she contradicts herself about women buying up the latest fashions & obsessed with showing themselves off and yet can't even show off the shoes--a very important accessory as any woman (save the type of feminists that disdain fashion) knows very well. And overlooks that fathers would create their own disdain since the children also disdain their "cruel" mothers as described (therefore if their mom said their dad was a ******* , they'd likely LIKE Dad because they dislike Mom, unless Dad was just as bad in his own way).

A lot of the problems blamed on feminism actually come from a culture of consumerism, as well as paranoia over child safety, which was partially pushed by Republicans and the Christian Right. But since VI isn't gonna take the time to share her thoughts (but rather paste the most extreme and idiotic stuff she can find that is just as angry and claiming victimhood as her untrustworthy sources claim feminists are--can you say psychological projection?), I'm not going to go to the trouble of explaining HOW this is the case. I will be satisfied in just pointing out just a few of the many holes in this latest thread.

Now, can you please say why you're so obsessed with copying and pasting this drivel over and over again?

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 18, 2009 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Dervish, for a balanced, insightful and truly logical response
I find your writing *very* thoughtful and articulate.
Now, can you please say why you're so obsessed with copying and pasting this drivel over and over again?
And since venusdeindia doesn’t get enough attention or reaction here at GU, she’s starting to bring it over to LLC. Lovely

Oh btw, I found your rejoinder hilarious
And "[feminism] was born during the Sexual Revolution, which was born from widespread recreational drug use by American teenagers. Why no one ever made the connection is beyond me, but that is the truth of the matter."
The reason many don't get that connection is because they're not that stupid or arbitrary.

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posted January 18, 2009 07:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
dv - excellent post!

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