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  9Th Harmonic Charts and Soulmates (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   9Th Harmonic Charts and Soulmates

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posted August 11, 2009 04:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 07, 2009 08:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bUMP for the interested ones

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posted September 07, 2009 08:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What do you think are the most important 9th aspects, that you have found please?

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posted September 07, 2009 08:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

well i dont really know yet too much about the 9H,just the things i posted,and DD as always explained it very well.

for me and JOhn i fount that usually the love asteroids were associaded with some karmic asteroid or node/planet.

and also i looked at the usual marriage asteroids cause the 9H stands for the committed relationship between Souls.

i think that this is really important cause now i see everyday an Indian Soap Opera and they are always talking about this kindof charts-they are the ones they do before presenting the bride and groom onto another and their families.

i didnt knew this before,but seems that India is one of the places where least divorce happens.maybe this is due to the accuracy of the Vedic charts,that they really indicate the better match.and as they also study Reincarnation,i believe that is even more accurate and im safe to say that these charts really do show meaningful conections with ones we already met in other Lifes

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posted September 07, 2009 09:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm, Diandra, I somewhat disagree.

The fact that some country has the least rate of divorces, doesn`t say it has the happiest marriages.

Also, what we compare is the 9th harmonics in Western zodiac; this is completely different from the way a Vedic astrologer looks at it. That is caused by the different zodiac they use as well as a different perspective on aspect, and even differring interpretations of sign, houses and aspects.

Yet, it is still interesting to have a look at the 9th harmonic chart; it does highlight the aspects, created by the 9th aspects series, the noviles.

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posted September 07, 2009 11:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi DD

i remember that VenusDeIndia talked about this too onetime.she said that now in India most of the marriages arent forced like in the Past,and that she believed that there were a lot of marriages happy ones,and due to the way they studied the charts of the partners.

i forgot that detail:that the Vedic interpretation is are so right.i used to go to a vedic site where they explained natal aspects,but they were very negative,very directed onto karmic things and very "doomed!"...

but still....i think that the 9th can very well be interesting

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posted September 07, 2009 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I don`t want to resurrect that subject of arranged marriages again.

I think it is a different thought behind it; more relating to the sharing of responsibilities and partnership than romantic love.
I believe that of course arranged marriages can work; but not every arranged marriage does, and not every romantic marriage does.

But I agree with you the indian astrology is too much "gloom and doom" for my taste, at least what I have seen.

Yet, I also think the 9th harmoic is an interesting chart to look at.

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posted September 07, 2009 02:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I THINK it too!

here again the theme of committed relationship asteroids seem to fit!Remenber that IQ didnt used the asteroids of Boda/groom/briede?but then when we made our studies,He admitted that indeed they were significant?

i used them this time too cause the 9H relates to marriage through a Union of Souls/Inner Spirit.

9H JOhn - 9H Anna

- Sun cj A´s ASC
- Sun cj A´S BODA
- Venus cj A´S MC and opose A´s Sun
- Jup cj A´s BLESS
- Saturn cj A´S jup and opose kIRON
- NN opose A´S Ventura/Adorea
- NN cj A´s GROOM!
- Juno cj A´s Venus
- Valentine cj A+s Juno
- Adorea cj A´S ASC
- Aura cj A´S VAlentine/Saturn
- GRoom opose A´S DNA
- DNA cj A´s Mora/Groom - DW
- CHILD opose A´s BODA/neptune
- Casals(couple) opose A´S Valent/Sat/Mars
- Bried cj A´S BRIEDE/moon/CHILD!/Felicitas!
- IC cj A´s Juno
- ASC opose A´s Mora(live together)

John 9TH - Anna NATAL

- Sun opose Moon / Unitas
- Moon cj Mora/Amor / opose Sun DW
- Venus cj Venus
- Mars cj Moon
- Saturn opose DNA/Casals
- NN cj my BRIEDE / opose NN
- Kiron cj SUN
- Valentine opose mars/Valentine
- FELICITAS opose Amor
- Hanna cj SPIRIT 0º / opose SIva
- DNA opose Briede
- Casals cj my IC / opos Child/JphnPaul
- Mora cj Cupid
- Child/Briede cj my Union/Destinn
- Groom cj Kaali / opose Juno
- BODA cj my BODA
- ASC opose Amor
- IC cj Spirit

Anna 9TH - John Natal

- Sun cj Union
- Moon cj ASC
- Venus cj VX
- mARS cj NN/Briede - DW
- Mean Node cj CHILD
- True Node cj Destinn
- Kiron cj CUpid
- VX cj vesta
- Valentine cj Mean Node
- Valentine cj Briede
- Valentine opose ISIS/OSiris/John/JohnPaul
- Felicitas cj ASC
- HANNA cj jup/opose karma
- DNA opose osiris and JohnPaul
- mora cj his PF
- Briede cj his ASC DW
- Groom cj his ASC 5ºwide
- BODA cj his Mora/Siva
- CHILD cj his ASC!
- ASC cj his MORA
- DSC cj his BODA....

LOOKS like...even in Vedic we are "meant" to be reunited as wife/husband hihihi

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posted September 07, 2009 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Even in Greek or Roman myths you can see clearly that Venus has a very selfish, superficial, yet sensual and lovely streak.
But she isn`t really the most faithful one, now is she?

I've had similar doubts about Venus. Sometimes I wonder is Venus is a feminine principle at all. The Mayans are said to view Venus transits to indicate periods of war. To the Egyptians, "she" was Set, ruler of darkness, the evil brother of the Sun. In the morning, Venus the morning star would do battle with the Sun and lose. At night, as the evening star, they'd fight again and Venus/Set would win. The 7th house is the house of confrontation.


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posted September 07, 2009 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I couldn`t resist but looking at the 9th harmonic synastry myself:

9th - 9th

His Sun exactly conjunct my Groom
His Venus exactly opposite my Mars
His Venus conjunct my Mercury and MC
His Mars conjunct my Destinn
His Jupiter opposite my Briede
His Saturn exactly conjunct my Chrion
His Neptune exactly conjunct my pluto
his Pluto conjunct my Neptune
his SN conjunct my Psyche
his Juno opposite my Destinn and Boda
his Destinn opposite my Destinn and Boda
his Eros opposite my Eros
his Eros conjunct my Uranus and Groom
his Psyche opposite my Groon
his Isis conjunct my Groom
his GRoom and Briede opposite my Psyche
his Boda conjunct my Eros
his Boda conjunct my SN

his 9th - my natal

his Sun conjunct my Saturn
his Uranus opposite my Sun
his Pluto exactly opposite my Sun
his Chiron conjunct my Mars, ASC, Neptune and NN
his Karma conjunct my DNA
his Karma opposite my Chiron
his Valentine conjunct my Saturn, Vertex and Eros
his Psyche opposite my Saturn
his Isis conjunct my Saturn
his Boda conjunct my Venus, Isis, Osiris and Boda

his tropical - my 9th
his Venus exactly opposite my Venus and Karma
his Mars exactly conjunct my Sun
his Jupiter conjunct my SN
his Neptune conjunct my SN
his NN conjunct my ASC
his SN conjunct my Juno and Saturn
his Karma conjunct my Chiron
his Psyche opposite my Briede
his Osiris opposite my Destinn and Boda
his Groom exactly conjunct my Groom
his Briede conjunct my Pluto
his Boda opposite my Moon

And like always the "reference synastry" of mine:

9th - 9th

his Sun conjunct my Moon, Valentine and Osiris
his Venus opposite my Destinn
his Jupiter conjunct my ASC
his Jupiter opposite my Juno and Saturn
hsi Neptune opposite my Sun
his Pluto opposite my Psyche
his NN conjunct my ASC
his SN Conjunct my Juno and Saturn
his Karma conjunct my Chiron
his Destinn opposite my Sun
his Valentine opposite my Venus and Karma
his Eros opposite my Neptune
his Eros conjunct my SN
his Groom conjunct my Neptune and NN
his Briede opposite my Pluto
his Boda conjunct my Briede
his DESC Conjunct my Pluto

9th - tropical
his Sun conjunct my Ceres and Jupiter
his Moon conjunct my SN and Kaali
his Moon opposite my Neptune
his Moon opposite my Groom
hs Jupiter conjunct my DESC
his Jupiter oppoiste my Mars
his Saturn conjunct my Moon
his Neptune opposite my Valentine
his SN conjunct my Amor
his Juno conjunct my Chiron
his Juno opposite my DNA
his Destinn opposite my Valentine
his Eros conjunct my Vesta
his Eros conjunct my Boda
his Psyche conjunct my Pluto and MC
his Psyche opposite my Briede
his Groom opposite my Boda
his DESC conjunct my Sun
his IC conjunct my Karma

natal - 9th
his Sun conjunct my Eros
his Mars conjunct my Saturn and Juno
his Mars conjunct my DESC
his Jupiter opposite my Groom
his SN conjunct my Groom
his Juno exactly conjunct my Juno, Saturn and DESC
his Karma conjunct my Pluto
his Destinn opposite my Groom
his Valentine conjunct my SN
his Valentine opposite my Eros
his Osiris conjunct my SN

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posted September 07, 2009 06:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok i have the 'itch' to check out my new man and i... i think i'm starting to get a handle on these 9th harmonics :S

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posted September 07, 2009 06:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
his vertex cj my Chiron
his groom/aphrodite cj my union/mars/isis
his cupid cj my IC/soulie
his briede cj my lara/utopia/Aphrodite
his Saturn cj my briede
his AC cj my valentine
his eros/persephone cj my lust
his juno cj my Pluto
his destinn cj my ceres
his angel cj my atlantis/Lucifer
his sun cj my AC
his mars/atlantis cj my aura
his NN/psyche cj my groom
his venus cj my DNA
his Chiron cj my spirit

my lust/aphrodite opp his venus
my destinn cj his briede/moon
my union/briede opp his tyche
my Osiris cj his AC/karma
my Osiris opp his osiris
my juno/Proserpina cj his angel/juno
my karma opp his isis
my Saturn cj his atlantis
my Saturn opp his union
my NN/moon cj his Pluto
my NN/moon opp his zeus/amor
my venus opp his Saturn/eros
my cupid cj his mars
my eros opp his NN/briede
my amor opp his Aphrodite
my AC cj his Neptune
my psyche opp his valentine/lust
my sun opp his juno/angel
my vertex cj his zeus/amor
my vertex opp his Lucifer/Pluto

his vertex cj my lust/Aphrodite
his moon opp my venus
his groom/aphrodite opp my AC
his Pluto opp my psyche
his Saturn cj my Pluto/groom
his karma/AC opp my valentine
his juno cj my NN/moon
his juno opp my vertex
his union cj my cupid
his Osiris cj my psyche
his angel opp my isis/mars
his sun opp my Osiris
his mars/atlantis cj my sun
his NN/psyche opp my karma
his venus cj my vertex
his venus opp my NN/moon

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posted September 08, 2009 02:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh something I just noticed:

In the 9th harmonic my name is exactly conjunct my ASC in the 9th.
And his name in the 9th chart falls EXACTLY on my name and ASC in my 9th harmonic and opposes my 9th Juno and Saturn.
And his name, my name and ASC are on his natal True Node.

My name in his 9th chart also falls around the stellium of his Sun, Juno, Vesta, Isis, Aphrodite in his natal chart.
His name in my 9th conjuncts my Juno, too. So we have a DW of name-Juno from 9th to natal.

His name in my natal falls EXACT on my Isis-Osiris-conjunction, and is also conjunct Venus and Spirit and exact conjunct Eros in the 9th chart.

my name in his chart conjuncts Eros in his natal chart and opposes my own Karma. lol
Oh and my name in his chart trines his Isis, I thought that might be significant, as his name conjuncts my Isis and Osiris, too.

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posted September 08, 2009 04:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

As neat as those lists are we are posting here, I think it`s time we start interpreting them, or´they are of no practical use at all.

Let`s see it as an exercise.

I can confirm what he sais about transits to the 9th harmonic.

The recent Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction has been falling exactly on my Venus-Karma conjunction in the 9th harmonic (and Psyche in the natal)

just stumpled across a link. Could be interesting.

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posted September 08, 2009 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let me begin:

I have used a slightly different set of asteroids, including Isis, Aphrodite, Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Kaali, Lilith, True Black Moon Lilith, Vesta and so on.

As you can see a strong emphasis on the feminine principle. I did that for several reasons:

Ever since I can remember I have, well, not dreamed, but kind of "remembered" a Sacred Marriage, even long before I knew what that was. I placed it in two places and timelines actually, Stonehenge and Babylon.
It has always popped up now and then, with an eery intensity.

Also, it has been very strongly "popping back up" the moment I saw that actor on TV. I didn´t really saw the connection at first, it seemed like a strange coinciding of seemingly separate events: seeing him and remembering that ritual.

Anyway, no matter, if this is linked to one or more past life experiences, or if this is just something that is important for me NOW, whatever it is that I shall learn or experience or rmember or re-integrate, it seems to have to do with the "sacred feminine".
And for some reason he has become some kind of trigger for it (probably not him alone though).

Anyway, if this is right, it should show in the astrology; in the natals individual harmonics as well as in the synastry.

Looking at my individual charts, following is popping up:


° [KAALI conjunct INANNA conjunct ASTARTE conjunct SN] trine APHRODITE trine PALLAS
- what got my attention was the fact that there are 5 Goddesses aligned (the degrees are from 10 - 13 Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, so it is even pretty tightorbed).
INANNA, ASTARTE and APHRODITE are actually expressions of the same goddess in different countries / timelines.
They are connected to sensuality and fertility rites (yes, like the Sacred Marriage; actually Inanna/Astarte/Ishtar was the female part of the Sacred Marriage ritual, played by a priestess of noble blood).
KAALI, well, we all know what Kaali stands for.
There is again that theme of sex, this time tantric sex, yet a shade darker (or many degrees darker) than the other ones, even though INANNA comes close to KAALI, as she is also connected to the underworld. Love and Death, you can`t separate those in the myths, and probably in my own soul, seeing they are all conjunct in Gemini on my SN in 7th house. lol
Pallas would contribute something more rational and planned to all of that, the ability to analyze, but also a certain female independence (just like Vesta).

° [ISHTAR conjunct CERES conjunct JUPITER conjunct PHOLUS]
- Jupiter as the chief of Gods definitely has some relation to religion and cults; Ishtar being the sacred prostitute aligned with the nurturing qualities of Ceres, and all of that conjunct Pholus, who is pushing you from one state of mind or being into the other, forcing you to not just bridge gaps, but to leap over them, or fall into the gorge.
Pholus always an important one in my life.

° [BODA conjunct VESTA conjunct STONEHENGE conjunct CHALDAEA]

- do you remember how I said I always saw this Sacred Marriage ritual in Stonehenge or in Babylonian times; well those two asteroids are the astrological expression of this.
VESTA the sacred prostitute (yes, I know you have all heard of the Vestal Virgins, but I am talking about the origin of the Vestal cult, before the Romans "domesticated" her) aligned with BODA the symbol of a marriage cerenomy, isn´t that right, Diandra?
It seems to depict clearly what I have always remembered.
Oh and I am certain it is just a coincidence that Transit Pluto currently is hovering over that stellium from 1-3 Capricorn.

° [LILITH conjunct HEKATE]trine [ISIS conjunct OSIRIS conjunct VENUS] trine LUCIFER
- this is a Grand trine in Earth, the degrees varying from 6 - 8.
On the 6th degree there are Lucifer, Venus and Lilith.
On the 8th degree there are Isis and Hekate.
This one gives a slightly darker tone I guess.

Actually this Grand Trine is a Kite, as Hekate and Lilith are opposing Pholus (6), Ceres (9) and Ishtar (8) in Pisces.
This is a pretty close alignment of feminine archetypes, including the dark ones, too.

Actually this is connected to the STellium of my ASC (7th degree), Atlantis (8th degree) and Angel (7th degree) and even True Node (10th degree), too. So the connection to ASC probably signifies that this is something that is a part of my personality and has to manifest in some way, even thought it is not easily integrated (Hekate, Lilith, Ishtar, Ceres, Pholus squaring my ASC).

° JUNO trine SATURN trine MOIRA
I only mention this one, because Juno trine Saturn is the closest aspect in my chart. It is a Grand trine in Water, with Draco Valentine sitting exactly on tropical Juno.

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posted September 08, 2009 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DD     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The 9th harmonic definitely confirms the importantce of these asteroids in my chart:

°[JUNO conjunct SATURN conjunct DESC] on my natal Amor
- It is clear that JunoSAturn would pop up as conjunction, cause all aspects of the 9th harmonic (trine is one of them) will appear as conjunctions in the 9th harmonic, if they are exact or close to exactness

° [APHRODITE conjunct DESTINN conjunct KAALI] on my DR Pluto and natal Anubis
- the natal trine between Aphrodite and Kaali is very exact, but I thought it was interesting that Destinn falls in the middle of these two, as in natal it falls on a different place; so it seems to be destined on a soullevel (9th harmonic) that I need to relate to the feminine in me (Kaali and Aphrodite) and that will have deeply seated (Draco) transformative effects (Pluto)

° [ADONIS conjunct ANGEL conjunct ASC] on natal DESC and DR Moon
- well, of course Adonis is a male archetype, but it is placed so prominently, I couldn`t ignore that

° [ISHTAR conjunct ISIS] exactly on natal Juno and Draco Valentine
- Babylon meets Egypt meets Rome

° [ASTARTE conjunct EROS] on natal Venus, Isis, Osiris and Boda

° [LILITH conjunct LUCIFER] on natal Black Moon Lilith *gulps* This one looks extra intense

° [BLACK MOON LILITH conjunct ATLANTIS] on natal Karma
- does all of that reach back to Atlantean times?

°[VESTA conjunct EROS] opposite Groom on natal Saturn

So, in my natal the feminine asteroids seem to definitely play a role (I used a 3 degree orb btw, but most of them were under 2 degrees)

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posted September 20, 2009 01:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pire     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bumping the 9th harmonic chart

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posted December 06, 2010 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for joyrjw     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Harmonics can tell us a few things.....


Harmonic 9
Sun Sco 11°44'
Moon Sco 29°37'
Mercury Leo 04°19'
Venus Ari 10°29'
Mars Sag 17°56'
Jupiter Pis 01°24'
Saturn Ari 22°47'
Uranus Pis 14°31'
Neptune Leo 15°38'
Pluto Sag 29°47'
Ascendant Pis 22°43'
Midheaven Sco 13°07'

Major and Minor Aspects
Sun (Sco 11°44') - Ven (Ari 10°29') inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°15'
Sun (Sco 11°44') - Ura (Pis 14°31') trine (120°00') orb: 2°47'
Sun (Sco 11°44') - Nep (Leo 15°38') square (90°00') orb: 3°54'
Sun (Sco 11°44') - MC (Sco 13°07') conjunction (0°00') orb: 1°23'
Moo (Sco 29°37') - Mer (Leo 04°19') trine (120°00') orb: 4°42'
Moo (Sco 29°37') - Jup (Pis 01°24') square (90°00') orb: 1°47'
Moo (Sco 29°37') - Sat (Ari 22°47') biquintile (144°00') orb: 0°50'
Moo (Sco 29°37') - Asc (Pis 22°43') trine (120°00') orb: 6°54'
Mer (Leo 04°19') - Ven (Ari 10°29') trine (120°00') orb: 6°10'
Mer (Leo 04°19') - Mar (Sag 17°56') sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 1°24'
Mer (Leo 04°19') - Jup (Pis 01°24') inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°56'
Mer (Leo 04°19') - Plu (Sag 29°47') biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°27'
Mer (Leo 04°19') - Asc (Pis 22°43') sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 3°24'
Ven (Ari 10°29') - Mar (Sag 17°56') trine (120°00') orb: 7°27'
Ven (Ari 10°29') - Nep (Leo 15°38') trine (120°00') orb: 5°09'
Ven (Ari 10°29') - MC (Sco 13°07') inconjunction (150°00') orb: 2°38'
Mar (Sag 17°56') - Jup (Pis 01°24') quintile (72°00') orb: 1°28'
Mar (Sag 17°56') - Sat (Ari 22°47') trine (120°00') orb: 4°51'
Mar (Sag 17°56') - Ura (Pis 14°31') square (90°00') orb: 3°25'
Mar (Sag 17°56') - Nep (Leo 15°38') trine (120°00') orb: 2°18'
Mar (Sag 17°56') - Asc (Pis 22°43') square (90°00') orb: 4°47'
Jup (Pis 01°24') - Plu (Sag 29°47') sextile (60°00') orb: 1°37'
Sat (Ari 22°47') - Nep (Leo 15°38') trine (120°00') orb: 7°09'
Sat (Ari 22°47') - Plu (Sag 29°47') trine (120°00') orb: 7°00'
Ura (Pis 14°31') - Nep (Leo 15°38') inconjunction (150°00') orb: 1°07'
Ura (Pis 14°31') - Plu (Sag 29°47') quintile (72°00') orb: 2°44'
Ura (Pis 14°31') - Asc (Pis 22°43') conjunction (0°00') orb: 8°12'
Ura (Pis 14°31') - MC (Sco 13°07') trine (120°00') orb: 1°24'
Nep (Leo 15°38') - Plu (Sag 29°47') sesquisquare (135°00') orb: 0°51'
Nep (Leo 15°38') - Asc (Pis 22°43') biquintile (144°00') orb: 1°05'
Nep (Leo 15°38') - MC (Sco 13°07') square (90°00') orb: 2°31'


Harmonic 9
Sun Can 03°08’
Moon Leo 15°37’
Mercury Leo 18°45’
Venus Gem 16°23’
Mars Can 26°57’
Jupiter Cap 26°01’
Saturn Cap 28°56’
Uranus Aqu 14°38’
Neptune Sag 24°48’
Pluto Gem 26°30’
Ascendant Sco 19°52’
Midheaven Pis 10°17’

Major and Minor Aspects
Sun (Can 03°08’) - Ura (Aqu 14°38’) sesquisquare (135°00’) orb: 3°30’
Sun (Can 03°08’) - Nep (Sag 24°48’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 8°20’
Sun (Can 03°08’) - Plu (Gem 26°30’) conjunction (0°00’) orb: 6°38’
Sun (Can 03°08’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) sesquisquare (135°00’) orb: 1°44’
Sun (Can 03°08’) - MC (Pis 10°17’) trine (120°00’) orb: 7°10’
Moo (Leo 15°37’) - Mer (Leo 18°45’) conjunction (0°00’) orb: 3°08’
Moo (Leo 15°37’) - Ven (Gem 16°23’) sextile (60°00’) orb: 0°46’
Moo (Leo 15°37’) - Ura (Aqu 14°38’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 0°59’
Moo (Leo 15°37’) - Nep (Sag 24°48’) trine (120°00’) orb: 9°11’
Moo (Leo 15°37’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) square (90°00’) orb: 4°14’
Mer (Leo 18°45’) - Ven (Gem 16°23’) sextile (60°00’) orb: 2°22’
Mer (Leo 18°45’) - Ura (Aqu 14°38’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 4°07’
Mer (Leo 18°45’) - Nep (Sag 24°48’) trine (120°00’) orb: 6°03’
Mer (Leo 18°45’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) square (90°00’) orb: 1°07’
Ven (Gem 16°23’) - Sat (Cap 28°56’) sesquisquare (135°00’) orb: 2°28’
Ven (Gem 16°23’) - Ura (Aqu 14°38’) trine (120°00’) orb: 1°45’
Ven (Gem 16°23’) - Nep (Sag 24°48’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 8°25’
Ven (Gem 16°23’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) inconjunction (150°00’) orb: 3°28’
Ven (Gem 16°23’) - MC (Pis 10°17’) square (90°00’) orb: 6°06’
Mar (Can 26°57’) - Jup (Cap 26°01’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 0°56’
Mar (Can 26°57’) - Sat (Cap 28°56’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 1°58’
Mar (Can 26°57’) - Nep (Sag 24°48’) inconjunction (150°00’) orb: 2°09’
Mar (Can 26°57’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) trine (120°00’) orb: 7°06’
Mar (Can 26°57’) - MC (Pis 10°17’) sesquisquare (135°00’) orb: 1°40’
Jup (Cap 26°01’) - Sat (Cap 28°56’) conjunction (0°00’) orb: 2°55’
Jup (Cap 26°01’) - Plu (Gem 26°30’) inconjunction (150°00’) orb: 0°29’
Sat (Cap 28°56’) - Plu (Gem 26°30’) inconjunction (150°00’) orb: 2°26’
Sat (Cap 28°56’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) quintile (72°00’) orb: 2°56’
Ura (Aqu 14°38’) - Plu (Gem 26°30’) sesquisquare (135°00’) orb: 3°09’
Ura (Aqu 14°38’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) square (90°00’) orb: 5°13’
Nep (Sag 24°48’) - Plu (Gem 26°30’) opposition (180°00’) orb: 1°41’
Nep (Sag 24°48’) - MC (Pis 10°17’) quintile (72°00’) orb: 3°29’
Plu (Gem 26°30’) - Asc (Sco 19°52’) biquintile (144°00’) orb: 0°38’

Our aspects from his to mine.

Major Aspects (Sidereal Zodiac, true ayanamsa)
Chart 1 - Chart 2
Sun (Pis 14°38') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 6°09'
Sun (Pis 14°38') - Nep (Sco 19°25'): trine (120°00') orb: 4°47'
Sun (Pis 14°38') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): opposition (180°00') orb: 4°58'
Moo (Can 16°37') - Sat (Can 23°13'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 6°35'
Moo (Can 16°37') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): square (90°00') orb: 1°40'
Moo (Can 16°37') - Nep (Sco 19°25'): trine (120°00') orb: 2°48'
Moo (Can 16°37') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): sextile (60°00') orb: 2°59'
Moo (Can 16°37') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): square (90°00') orb: 6°46'
Moo (Can 16°37') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): square (90°00') orb: 6°46'
Moo (Can 16°37') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): square (90°00') orb: 2°12'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): trine (120°00') orb: 3°28'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°36'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 4°40'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): trine (120°00') orb: 0°49'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): sextile (60°00') orb: 0°55'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): opposition (180°00') orb: 5°32'
Mer (Pis 03°49') - Ves (Can 02°45'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°04'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): trine (120°00') orb: 7°19'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Sat (Can 23°13'): trine (120°00') orb: 7°57'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): opposition (180°00') orb: 8°41'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 8°41'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 3°47'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Pal (Can 29°41'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°29'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): opposition (180°00') orb: 8°18'
Ven (Ari 01°10') - Ves (Can 02°45'): square (90°00') orb: 1°35'
Mar (Sco 18°40') - Moo (Leo 15°04'): square (90°00') orb: 3°35'
Mar (Sco 18°40') - Sat (Can 23°13'): trine (120°00') orb: 4°33'
Mar (Sco 18°40') - Nep (Sco 19°25'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 0°46'
Mar (Sco 18°40') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): sextile (60°00') orb: 0°57'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): sextile (60°00') orb: 1°24'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 1°40'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°50'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): trine (120°00') orb: 3°56'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 8°33'
Jup (Vir 06°49') - Ves (Can 02°45'): sextile (60°00') orb: 4°05'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): trine (120°00') orb: 5°57'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): opposition (180°00') orb: 7°19'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 7°19'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 2°25'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - Pal (Can 29°41'): trine (120°00') orb: 2°51'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): opposition (180°00') orb: 6°56'
Sat (Ari 02°32') - Ves (Can 02°45'): square (90°00') orb: 0°13'
Ura (Vir 08°17') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): sextile (60°00') orb: 2°52'
Ura (Vir 08°17') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 0°13'
Ura (Vir 08°17') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sextile (60°00') orb: 5°17'
Ura (Vir 08°17') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): trine (120°00') orb: 5°23'
Ura (Vir 08°17') - Ves (Can 02°45'): sextile (60°00') orb: 5°32'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 4°43'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 0°21'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 2°05'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): opposition (180°00') orb: 2°11'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Pal (Can 29°41'): square (90°00') orb: 5°24'
Nep (Sco 05°04') - Ves (Can 02°45'): trine (120°00') orb: 2°20'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): sextile (60°00') orb: 0°22'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): sextile (60°00') orb: 5°26'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°01'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): trine (120°00') orb: 2°55'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 1°42'
Plu (Leo 29°59') - Ves (Can 02°45'): sextile (60°00') orb: 2°46'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): trine (120°00') orb: 6°29'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°25'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 1°40'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): trine (120°00') orb: 3°50'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°56'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): opposition (180°00') orb: 8°33'
NNd (Pis 06°50') - Ves (Can 02°45'): trine (120°00') orb: 4°05'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): sextile (60°00') orb: 1°25'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 1°40'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°50'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): trine (120°00') orb: 3°56'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 8°33'
SNd (Vir 06°50') - Ves (Can 02°45'): sextile (60°00') orb: 4°05'
Chi (Pis 09°41') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): trine (120°00') orb: 4°16'
Chi (Pis 09°41') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): square (90°00') orb: 1°11'
Chi (Pis 09°41') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): trine (120°00') orb: 6°41'
Chi (Pis 09°41') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): opposition (180°00') orb: 9°56'
Chi (Pis 09°41') - Ves (Can 02°45'): trine (120°00') orb: 6°56'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): sextile (60°00') orb: 1°31'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°57'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): trine (120°00') orb: 4°03'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): square (90°00') orb: 2°55'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): square (90°00') orb: 2°55'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): square (90°00') orb: 1°59'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): square (90°00') orb: 2°31'
Cer (Cap 06°56') - Ves (Can 02°45'): opposition (180°00') orb: 4°12'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - Moo (Leo 15°04'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°03'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 7°38'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): sextile (60°00') orb: 1°10'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): square (90°00') orb: 3°30'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): trine (120°00') orb: 6°16'
Pal (Sag 16°07') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): trine (120°00') orb: 2°42'
Jun (Sag 18°52') - Moo (Leo 15°04'): trine (120°00') orb: 3°48'
Jun (Sag 18°52') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°55'
Jun (Sag 18°52') - Plu (Vir 19°37'): square (90°00') orb: 0°44'
Jun (Sag 18°52') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): trine (120°00') orb: 0°03'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Sun (Sco 00°21'): opposition (180°00') orb: 4°02'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Mer (Sco 05°25'): opposition (180°00') orb: 9°07'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Mar (Sco 03°00'): opposition (180°00') orb: 6°41'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Jup (Tau 02°53'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 6°35'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Sat (Can 23°13'): square (90°00') orb: 3°06'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Cer (Leo 28°17'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°58'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - Pal (Can 29°41'): square (90°00') orb: 3°22'
Ves (Ari 26°18') - BMo (Ari 18°49'): conjunction (0°00') orb: 7°29'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - Ven (Sag 08°29'): opposition (180°00') orb: 0°14'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - Ura (Lib 14°58'): trine (120°00') orb: 6°43'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - NNd (Lib 09°51'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°36'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - SNd (Ari 09°51'): sextile (60°00') orb: 1°36'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - Chi (Ari 04°57'): sextile (60°00') orb: 3°18'
BMo (Gem 08°15') - Jun (Lib 09°27'): trine (120°00') orb: 1°12'

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woah cakes

Posts: 985
Registered: Oct 2010

posted December 07, 2010 02:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for woah cakes     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
kinda trippy!

first a dislaimer: i'm afraid of the word 'soulmate', and i'm even afraid of the word 'Relationship'. on that note, i checked 9th harmonics with the man i am seeing now and it is pretty startling!

9th to 9th:

my venus conj his neptune exact
my neptune conj his jupiter (1)
my uranus conj his chiron exact
his saturn conj my AC (1)
my mars conj his pluto (3)
my DC conj his pluto

i only looked at conjunctions an i'm hesitant to use wider orbs but there are a few more conjunctions. also i don't know his exact birthtime for angles and moon.

9th to natal:

his NN conj my mars/merc (exact) and sun (4)
his venus conj my ceres exact
his mars conj my SN (2)
his pluto conj my chiron exact
his moon probably conj my saturn
his neptune conj my neptune (2)
his neptune conj my AC (2)
my pluto conj his chiron (2)
my NN conj his NN (2)

i also notice tonnes of draconic action as well. dunno if this is 'enough' to inicate significance, but we sure do feel good together.

oh and his isis opposes my osiris within 0'03. heheh.

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Posts: 522
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Registered: Jan 2010

posted December 07, 2010 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for soulful122     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
9th to 9th (conj & opps only)

(Chiron, Juno, Vertex also used)

Mines - His

• Sun opp Moon
• Mercury conj Neptune
• Mars conj Neptune
• Pluto conj NN
• IC conj Sun
• Saturn conj AC
• Juno conj Jupiter

9th to Natal

Mines - His

• DC conj Sun
• MC conj Neptune
• IC conj Vertex
• Mercury conj DC
• Mercury conj Chiron
• Mars conj DC
• Mars conj Chiron
• Jupiter conj IC
• Jupiter conj NN
• Saturn opp Uranus
• Saturn conj Chiron
• Saturn opp Juno
• Neptune conj IC
• Neptune conj NN
• Pluto conj Mercury
• NN conj Moon
• Vertex opp Mercury
• Vertex opp Mars
• Juno opp Venus
• Juno conj Jupiter

His - Mines

• AC conj DC
• Sun opp Mercury
• Sun opp Saturn
• Moon conj Neptune
• Mercury conj AC
• Venus opp Juno
• Uranus conj Jupiter
• Neptune opp Mars

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Posts: 1001
From: England
Registered: Sep 2010

posted December 07, 2010 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I look into the 9th harmonic charts a few weeks ago, orbs need to be kept very tight ( within 1 degree) something to do with the maths involved and degree of accuracy.

Transits will activate it but it tends to be jupiter and beyond that you need to keep an eye on, the outer planet transits to the 9th seem to be more noticable.

Charts should be kept within the same harmonic, can't remember which astrologer...but someone said comparing charts of a different harmonic was like comparing apples and oranges?

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Posts: 2827
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 12:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Originally posted by DD:
The idea that the 9th harmonic relates to marriage and / or soulmates, stems from Vedic astrology.

Vedic astrologers believe the birth chart to be an emanation of the physical existence, and the Navamsa - the 9th harmonic- is seen as a "soul-chart" and interpreted extensively.

Why the 9th?
Well, the 9th is associated with jupiter, and associated with happiness and all good things, spirituality and marriage in Vedic astroly (correct me if I amw rong).

The 7th would be associated with Venus - Shukra.
But she is not seen as purely positive, as she is associated foremost with sensuality.

Actually it is interesting that in WEstern astrology Venus became associated with marriage; personally I think that is a misinterpretation of her symbolism, coming from the equalizing of marriage with relationship / love in our age.

Even in Greek or Roman myths you can see clearly that Venus has a very selfish, superficial, yet sensual and lovely streak.
But she isn`t really the most faithful one, now is she?

I think that is the reason that Vedic astrologers use the 9th chart.

Also, the 9th chart is a chart where all noviles are highlighted, including the trine (3x40), which is seen also in Western astrology as harmonious, and it relates to the trinity, which equals completion in a spiritual context.
Actually novile-series is said to signify all these things: bliss, karmic completion and so on.

The 7th harmonic would highlight the septile series, a rather mysterious aspect, an irrational number.

There is also an article I once found on the 9th harmonic in synastry: and "Soulmate"

I'll be back to share but thought many of us might like to study our 9th charts to see what's hidden there. Especially after learning how it may be the less 'selfish' side of spiritually/ and of course L.O.V.E

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Posts: 2827
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 19, 2020 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
pls note Randall or Kannon,
this thread nay need to go in the Interpersonal forum - I'll leave it to you to decide!

I took my first loves chart and mine and compared both 9th harmonics/natals - yet to do 9th Harmonics with each other.
Next my last great love (hubby)
*There are going go be others too*
. . . . ♡ . . . .

First Love - we were close to married.
His 9th D with my natal

in  ♒  (Venus decan)   >Fixed energy
His Moon/My Karma cnj by 13 minutes
in ♈  (Mars decan)
Mars  2°25'38"/Destinn 6583 -  2°59'16"

in  ♈ (Jupiter  decan)
Neptune  / Lilith 1181 Exact

in ♋  (Neptune decan)
Jupiter 28°51'21" /Dezso  3892-  28°47'43" 

in ♏ (Mercury  decan)  > Fixed
Prisma 1192 - 2°17'53"/ Dasha  3321 -  2° 9'10"
      Sanskrit  ' thread '

in  ♎ (mercury decan)
name-  29° 1'56"/Bridges   4029  -  29°15'26"

in ♐ (Mars decan)
Karma  3811  - 16°25'33"/ Telephus  5264 -   17° 5' 5"
in ♎  (Mercury decan)
Destinn 6583 - 20°35'52"/
Whiteknight 17612 -   20°43'34" 

in ♍  (Saturn decan)   >karmic
Angel 11911 - 10°53'44"
/*Tseen Ke   - 11°13'14"
   Heaven's record

in ♏  (Pluto decan)  > Fixed
Devine 3561 6° 5'27"/Kendra  33898 - 6° 2'19"      
      "Heart   center" (Sanskrit)

in ♏   (Pluto decan)  > Fixed
Venus  7°43'52"/OUR Zipcode when we met -  7°27'55"
in ♈  (Sun decan) the world noticed us
Grandprism 8039 /Gerbs 19494    "Fireworks, 
     sparks"   (0)  cnj

.. trines ..
♈ Sun / Seeley 65241    'soul to soul' (0)
♒ Moon /Arabic Part of Happiness  (0)
♏ Jupiter /Valentine 447  Exact
♈  Saturn/ Cupido 763  (0)
♊ NN   /  Ishtar  7088   (0)
   NN  /  Karma  Near Exact Air trine.

.. .. .. ♡ .. .. ..

  ~ his 9th/my natal
(Uranus decan)
♎  Moon/Jupiter   (0) cnj by 5minutes

(Mercury  decan)
♑  Venus/Sun  (0)  cnj

(Moon decan)
♋ Karma 3811 / Post  89903 cnj (0) "pillar"

(Venus decan)
♑  Sphinx  896 - 18°18'37"/name  asteroid  near Exact @ 3m 4s "Akashic recds"

(Saturn decan)   Karmic
♑ Destinn 6583 / Mors-Somnu  341520 "soul msgs" (0)

(Mercury  decan)
♉ Devine  3561/my  Desc  (0)

I feel FIXED nergy is where we hitch our wagons. In my studies any way .. here's hubby's fixed 9th Harmonic
> Fixed
Sun, Mercury, NN,  Pluto, Jupiter, Devine,  my name, Angel

.. bbs with sextiles

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