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Author Topic:   Ignored, + Dealing with Jealous People

Posts: 139
Registered: Oct 2010

posted February 18, 2011 08:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for nordicsoul     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lucia23:
It sounds like you might just be in the wrong milieu--like maybe it's not something inherent in you, but like you're working a job that's too boring, with people who just don't "fit" with you socially.

As an Aries Sun, you need thrills. Your work needs to seem noble, brave, pure, and risky to you. You have so much fiery energy that needs to be directed toward heroism...if you try to live a humdrum life, you'll just get all tetchy and pricky and b*tchy and resentful and unpleasant.

Also 1st house Pluto can be intense and come on too strong--it can make you charismatic to people who like intense energy. My 1st house Pluto friend (who is an actor) had terrible problems with this before he was successful...people at the mediocre jobs he took to pay the bills would just HATE him and feel really threatened by him. But now working with other people in theater who are following their dreams and not "settling" in their lives and careers, he is very valued.

As soon as I stopped "settling" in my career, I stopped running into as many people who live in this lame way.

If you have a boring office job, you meet a lot of boring office workers who think it's okay to do boring office work. If you're a professional actor, you meet a lot of people who love theater. If you're a race car driver, you meet lots of other race car drivers.

You just haven't moved into a setting where you love, admire, respect, are thrilled by and are excited by your coworkers, where you can look up to them. If you start doing what you are most passionate about, and doing it in a very Aries way, the social parts will take care of themselves.

I coud not agree more.. thanks lucia for this insighful comments. it works for me as well.

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Posts: 139
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posted February 18, 2011 08:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for nordicsoul     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lyra:
I do ask LOTS of questions of other people, I am generally the one to get conversations rolling and get them out of their shell - all they wanna talk about is their kids and what they bought and sport, and I prefer to move the conversation onto deeper stuff, you dig? I wanna find out who THEY really are underneath all that surface stuff. I DO take an interest so no, that is not a problem.

Lyra, i can see where you are coming from with this. I have mercury square pluto and I enjoy digging in peoples personalities. i want to know them well. however, i have learned that not everybody wants to be "analyzed" in a sort of "therapy" all the time. sometimes they just want to have "casual" conversation and may feel threatened by the intensity of your approach.

and i would say that in conversation is a two way. it is not only about what you want to talk about (deeper things) but what they want to talk about. what really interest them as well.

probably, you are just hanging with the people who are not soul-like. people different from you that has nothing to offer to your life.

is there any person among your friends who you admire? if so, that may be the person you want to discover. if not, search somewhere else. probably you need some inspiration. some people you may look up who can inspire you just by their example.


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From: London, UK
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posted February 18, 2011 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lyra     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Firstly - the guys at my office are quite flexible, I don't mesh too badly with their personalities, I feel quite affectionate towards them (although they drink too much) and generally don't have a complaint about THEM, but about the type of work I have to do. We have fixed things so I can at least work flexi-hours and from home for part of the week, as I was getting very stressed towards the end of last year.

I don't have the money or opportunity to do something highly interesting right now. I have tried all my life to apply for creative/ interesting jobs, but have NEVER been accepted for a position within a company doing a job of any complexity, the only creative work or work which requires any skill I have ever been able to get is freelance and there is not enough of it to cover my bills. I do need a job which pays more soon as I don't know how long I am going to be able to live at my current address which is good value, but evenso money is tight and I just about manage to make ends meet. I had to make the decision not to do anything art-based unless I am paid for it, because it uses up a lot of time, energy and materials and if it gets no reaction at the end of the day, it will not have been worth it. I am currently devoting my time to music and writing, as this costs me next to nothing (I have all the instruments/ materials already) and if I want to perform it I only need to pay my travel costs.
There have been complaints made that there is "too much" on my CV, that I am "overqualified", that I have done too much of a variety of things, and that I would possibly be bored in the job - my attitude to this is "stuff you"!!! which I must agree doesn't help matters, but I sort of refuse to bend to this one. I have a lot of capability at a lot of different things and people say they don't know where to pigeonhole me - as if I should be pigeonholed!!! So I don't know whether independent work and freelance stuff is the answer, and I have to be content to do the boring stuff for part of the time.

It seems that one's face needs to fit in order for one to be employed - wherever. I am a weird mix of very creative and very "realistic" and when just one side is required, the opposite side will stick out like a sore thumb. There are those who have siad "why don't you go back to uni?" and I am like NO NO NO!!! I figure I know enough already and this whole university scam is just something to get us into more and more debt, and I REFUSE point-blank to do this, because I have tried to do a Masters' twice in the last 2 years, once I gave up because I just didn't have the funding and the second time was because it was a load of b*llocks - the lecturers never turned up. I thought it was a joke, and got a refund. Sometimes I wonder if I am on some blacklist somewhere. It wouldn't surprise me.

You would think that people would appreciate someone who was clever and came along with lots of ideas. Not so. They want people they can mould. I can never for the life of me understand why this is, as I don't have the desire to control people in this way, never have.

In one of the social groups I am in there may be potential for creative development in liaison with some of the group leaders - however I have to watch the jealousy as, since I have come to know the people there, I have realized that some of them are extremely sycophantic to the group leaders and extremely jealous and cliquey, not very keen on letting new people in. I am currently trying to shrug it all off and aiming to keep the communication channels clear and open, even though theirs are closed, as I figure, why should I let MYSELF be affected? I figure they are jealous BECAUSE I am creative and carefree and not scared to express unpopular opinions and do my own thing.
I am consistently seeking to expand my social network so that I do not become fixated on one group or person. Right now I feel this is very important. One guy (Gem, with Moon in Aries) I do stuff with has let on that he wants more from me than just friendship, and I have gently had to tell him no. I do feel bad about it but I cannot cope with romance right now and privately I don't have a good feeling about being romantically involved with him since he has told me he has a temper.

I do really, really admire a Sadgi with Moon in Aries within my social group, but he is always surrounded by sycophants with whom he talks a lot of rubbish, and I try not to go down that route. He is very intelligent and cerebral, but he has a sort of multiple personality which is very complex, I need to dig deeper with him but I think it will take some time, he has Venus in Scorpio and I think the onion layers need to be unravelled very gently and gradually. For example, I try to hook him in with intellectual conversation, but it turns out all he wants to talk about is home-based stuff and my cooking!! (the homeliness of Venus in Scorpio perhaps - is this one reason why he gets on so well with a Scorpio woman in our group who is one of the PREMIER sycophants?) There is a sort of understanding between us which can be communicated by just looks - we don't need to say anything and I think others feel this too, which is why they are jealous - I am by far the best-looking person in the group. When I joined people were all asking me WHY I joined and WHAT DID I THINK OF THIS GUY and DID I GET ON WITH HIM, as if there were some ulterior motive, and I thought, well, what do you expect me to say, and gave a non-committal answers, because I figured they were just being nosy.
I figure that somehow I already know a lot about him, but I want to have the opportunity to engage with him more. I aim to make the process slow and natural, not forced, because things never work when they are forced. I aim to "go Zen".

I also admire my father and my boss for their buoyant personalities. I don't admire the way they womanise or spend too much money, but I like their optimism and open-mindedness and willingness to take risks(they both have Moon in Sadgi).

I understand what you mean about "casual conversation" but the thing is it doesn't move me emotionally - it goes right over my head. I used to get very impatient about this when I was much younger, because I had no idea what to say. Now when I have to strike up a conversation, I just walk into a room and start talking about myself Or, if I get bored, I introduce a really controversial topic or swear word - all big no-nos, I realize, but I just get sooo BORED sometimes! I was reading a page about small talk the other day, and what to do and what not to do, and really it is all b*llocks!! I feel sometimes some of these people need a rocket up the backside LOL!

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From: U.S.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 18, 2011 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
They can probably sense your energy and don't want to be a part of it. People can read you better than you think. You're not gonna change them anymore than they're gonna change you, just go with a different crowd.

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