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Author Topic:   5 Lies Being Told In The National Debt Debate

Posts: 10251
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 25, 2011 08:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A couple of years ago, 650 of the world's top climatologists (not economists, not botanists, not zoologists--but climatologists) met and agreed that manmade global warming is media hype and not based on fact. I posted it on the other string, but you selectively ignore what disagrees with your faith. I posted a list of scientists from Wikipedia which you mocked as not being credible, yet you post from the same source to defend your position. You have zero credibility here and have never proven a single outrageous claim you have ever made. Jwhop has handled your drivel well, and he continues to do so.

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Posts: 10251
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 25, 2011 09:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your own junk science peddlers themselves say the temperature hasn't even risen a full degree; nor is it projected to in the near future...yet the CO2 levels measurably have increased, so back what up? I'm going by the claims of the people you follow as to both of those facts.

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Posts: 10251
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 25, 2011 09:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry about hijacking this string. Back to the topic at hand. With social security recipients worried about not getting paid, let's hope a fix is forthcoming.

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 25, 2011 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's this kind of dishonest reporting...which is not reporting at all...that destroys the credibility of people like Brownstein and other agenda driven activists posing as journalists.

"Against that overwhelming demographic pressure, mandating that federal spending return to its 1966 level is like ordering the tide to reverse its course."

No one...and I mean NO ONE is attempting to reduce federal spending to 1966 levels. Nor is anyone...and I mean ANYONE attempting to reduce Medicare spending to 1966 levels.

Brownstein is simply full of crap.

If there is a default on the national debt interest secured by US Treasury Bonds...IT WILL BE BECAUSE BARACK HUSSEIN O'BOMBER DECIDED TO SEND THE UNITED STATES INTO DEFAULT...because he didn't, wouldn't or is intellectually incapable of prioritizing federal spending.

If Social Security recipients do not get their checks, it will be because Barack Hussein O'Bomber decided to not cut the checks and put them in the mail. There is more than $2 Trillion in the SS Trust Fund in the form of US Treasury Bonds. All O'Bomber needs to do is get off his dead ass, call Geithner and tell him to sell some US Treasury Bonds from the SS Trust Fund on the bond market.

O'Bomber and his lying Socialist comrades need to stop lying to the American people.

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 12:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
acoustic has been ducking, bobbing, weaving and evading issues of proof on lots of issues here for a very long time.

The real reason acoustic doesn't furnish the list of scientists I asked for dozens of times is because there's a mere handful of nuts and other discredited so called scientists who would make up that list.

There's Phil Jones who deleted the temperatures from reporting stations he used in his computer prevent real climate scientists from tracking his manipulation of input data. In addition, Jones also begged others to delete their emails where "hiding the decline"..of temperatures...was discussed.

Then, there's Michael Mann. Mann is the creator of the infamous "Hockey Stick" graph which shows flat line temperatures going back 1000 years. All Mann had to do to produce his "Hockey Stick" graph was eliminate the Medieval Warm Period when temperatures were warmer than they are now and also eliminate the Little Ice Age. This isn't science. Both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Are are historical FACT. Yet, man made global warming Kool-Aid drinkers, who also have a braincell deficiency swallowed it like mother's milk.

Then, there's James Hansen. Hansen is the guy who says doomsday warning of catastrophe must be exaggerated to scare people into accepting their religion.

Hansen is also the so called scientist who works for NASA and who attempted a fraud involving "The warmest October" on record. So, what do you think the results would be if you took a temperature report for September and relabeled it "October"? Presto, the warmest October on record.

Any real scientist would have immediately rechecked the data and found the error...if it was an error. Hansen didn't do that but rather Hansen published the September temperature report as the "October Report". Hansen's fraud got caught by real scientists.

These are the kinds of frauds and con artists acoustic would be forced to put on "His List". That's the reason acoustic has NO list of scientists who agree with him.

Randall has his stuff straight and has hit on the essence of the fraud being attempted by man made global warming religionists.

Rising levels of CO2 do not cause global warming. Rising temperatures cause rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere...about 800 years later..on average. All anyone need do is count back 800 years. When you do, you'll find yourself in the Medieval Warm Period..when temperatures were about 2 degrees warmer than they are now...when we are experiencing rising levels of CO2, but not rising temperatures. It takes a hell of a long time to warm the oceans of planet earth sufficiently for oceans to release their stored Carbon Dioxide.

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posted July 26, 2011 12:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i thought this was a "debt debate" thread or was i just woolgathering? ten-global-economy-imf-warns-disastrous-consequences

"Global markets are slumping, and the dollar is rapidly losing ground in international trading (hitting a record low against the Swiss franc Monday) amid fears that the determination of John Boehner, Paul Ryan and their henchmen to hold the US economy hostage for political purposes could create an international crisis.

Concerns about the Republican refusal to allow the debt ceiling to rise are now being voiced far from Washington. And some of the loudest objections are coming from long-time US allies and governments that led by conservatives.

Britian’s Secretary of State for Business Vince Cable, an economist who serves as a member of Conservative Party Prime Minister David Cameron’s coalition government, has been particularly blunt in his criticism of the economic madness that is being imposed on the United States—and now the world—by a band of career politicians whose only knowledge of how finance works comes from collecting campaign-contribution checks.

“The irony of the situation at the moment, with markets opening tomorrow morning, is that the biggest threat to the world financial system comes from a few right-wing nutters in the American Congress rather than the eurozone,” Cable, a former chief economists for the Royal Dutch Shell Oil company who currently serves as president of Britain’s Board of Trade, told the BBC..."

exactly ... a few rightwing nutters whose only knowledge of how finance works is collecting campaign contributions.

and straight out of the mouth of someone who is not only conservative but certainly DOES know something about how finance works, GLOBALLY. hope obama is listening.

in the early 60s when kennedy DROPPED the top tax rate, he brought it all the way down to 70%, i don't remember anyone screaming that they couldn't do business then. when bush brought the top tax rate down in the 00s, i don't remember anyone running out to create more jobs.

so i have to wonder what anyone thinks will be gained by bringing them down even more? HOW ON EARTH DID AMERICA DO SO WELL IN THE last 100 years when taxes were so DIABOLICALLY HIGH?

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posted July 26, 2011 01:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
answer! the working and middle classes SPEND a great deal MORE of their money than the rich do. so keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table may seem "entitlement" oriented to some, but it actually GREASES the wheels of american business.

while the rich SIT on their money, put it in trust funds and hedge funds and swiss (etc) accounts and PROPORTIONATELY spend very little.

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Posts: 1437
From: 1,981 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2011 07:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If only a Republican had endorsed / co-written an inconvenient truth.
I'm no Gore lover but....
Take one man out of the picture and it might have had a better chance.

There is a Denial Wiki page about it now:

Climate change denial is a term used to describe organized attempts to downplay, deny or dismiss the scientific consensus on the extent of global warming, its significance, and its connection to human behavior, especially for commercial or ideological reasons.[1] Typically, these attempts take the rhetorical form of legitimate scientific debate, while not adhering to the actual principles of that debate. Climate change denial has been associated with the energy lobby, industry advocates and free market think tanks, often in the United States. Some commentators describe climate change denial as a particular form of denial.

Peter Christoff, writing in The Age in 2007, said that climate change denial differs from skepticism, which is essential for good science. He went to say that "almost two decades after the issue became one of global concern, the 'big' debate over climate change is over. There are now no credible scientific sceptics challenging the underlying scientific theory, or the broad projections, of climate change." The relationships between industry-funded denial and public climate change skepticism have at times been compared to earlier efforts by the tobacco industry to undermine what is now widely accepted scientific evidence relating to the dangers of secondhand smoke, or even linked as a direct continuation of these earlier financial relationships. Aside from private industry groups, climate change denial has also been alleged regarding the statements of elected officials.

Scientists (notably climatologists) have reached scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and is mainly due to human activity. However, political and public debate continues regarding the reality and extent of global warming and what actions (including economic ones), to take in response. Numerous authors, including several scholars, have asserted that some conservative think tanks, corporations and business groups have engaged in deliberate denial of the science of climate change since the 1990s. On the other hand, some commentators have criticized the phrase as an attempt to delegitimize skeptical views and portray them as immoral.

And actually now it is eleven years not ten
Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years

Politicize it all you want. Conspiracy theory it till the cows come home.

Facts are facts.

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Posts: 1437
From: 1,981 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
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posted July 26, 2011 07:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Excellent article AG.

I have heard some of the criticism from other govt's as to how we are handling this Kat.

You know it all boils down to one thing....get obama out of the WH. At any cost, and if the Street and the banks are left alone all the better.

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Posts: 10251
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2011 10:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Facts are facts? It doesn't matter who was involved in that movie; it was filled with so many lies that it should have been a crime to have the word truth in the title.

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some words of advice.

Do not attempt to use Britain..or anyone there connected with the government side of the British economy as an authority on economics or economies.

Btw, about 28 Million jobs were created during the Reagan administration. Cuting taxes works every time it's used.

We always get the same old tired Marxist arguments from those who want the government to "take care of them".

But, that's not the reason for the existence of least not the US Government.

I've posted this before but it's clear some either cannot read or do not understand what they read.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed""

This is particularly relevant given that THE ONE, THE MESSIAH O'Bomber likes to quote Thomas Jefferson. The US government was not instituted to give citizens goodies from the public treasury at other citizens expense. the United States...was not intended to "Redistribute Wealth" but rather to run the legitimate functions of the federal government. It's Karl Marx and his disciples who believe government exists to steal from the productive people in society and give the fruits of their labor to others who never earned it. Grow the hell up! Marx is dead and when Marx was alive, he was, at best, a 5th rate thinker.

If the Declaration of Independence isn't damning enough to the Marxist cause, then, there's the words of James Madison...Father of the United States Constitution.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."

It's as certain as the sun rising in the morning that the first thing Socialists do when they gain control of government is to destroy the economy. O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades in Congress couldn't have done a better job of destroying the US economy if that had been their main goal.

GDP figures mean Britain will miss its economic growth targets
UK economic growth forecasts of 1.7% now look unrealistic, economists warn

A GDP growth rate of 1.7% would have been best. They aren't going to even hit 1.7%.

So, save the economic advice and posturing from the British for the tourists. The home boys aren't buying it.

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2011 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Btw, I don't know any Conservative Republicans who are stupid enough to have written..."An Inconvenient Truth".

Conservatives deal in facts, not fairy tales.

Algore's fantasy was so error plagued and full of propaganda a British judge ruled it could only be shown to British students IF...“serious scientific inaccuracies, political propaganda and sentimental mush” were explained at screenings"...

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Posts: 10251
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2011 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Haha! It should have been required to be billed as fiction...or at least have a disclaimer that it is an embellishment.

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Posts: 5510
From: Pleasanton, CA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 26, 2011 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nope, actually Jwhop has already shown this is not the hottest decade on record

That's patently false. It's impossible to prove something that isn't true.

A couple of years ago, 650 of the world's top climatologists (not economists, not botanists, not zoologists--but climatologists) met and agreed that manmade global warming is media hype and not based on fact.

Like the OISM list, the accuracy of touting them as climatologists or scientists is questionable. That can be found via a simple google search.

You did post a list from Wikipedia. I remember that. I don't post from the same source to defend my position. I've posted from RealClimate, which is a blog created by real climate scientists. I can quote from Pew, the NAS, NASA, the NOAA, etc. (any place the world over where one would reasonably look for climate information will concur with the reality of global warming) however, which are all 100% more credible than anything you or JWhop have ever come up with. You guys can't find a single legitimate scientific source to fully back your positions. This has always been the case, which is why I can legitimately claim that science backs my position. Science emphatically doesn't back your position.

Your own junk science peddlers themselves say the temperature hasn't even risen a full degree; nor is it projected to in the near future...yet the CO2 levels measurably have increased, so back what up?

Back EVERYTHING up. What's the problem, Randall? You have the minority, conspiracy position. Convince me that you're right. Why is that so difficult?

The real reason acoustic doesn't furnish the list of scientists I asked for dozens of times is because there's a mere handful of nuts and other discredited so called scientists who would make up that list.

Also untrue and unprovable.

There's Phil Jones who deleted the temperatures from reporting stations he used in his computer prevent real climate scientists from tracking his manipulation of input data. In addition, Jones also begged others to delete their emails where "hiding the decline"..of temperatures...was discussed.


Then, there's Michael Mann. Mann is the creator of the infamous "Hockey Stick" graph which shows flat line temperatures going back 1000 years. All Mann had to do to produce his "Hockey Stick" graph was eliminate the Medieval Warm Period when temperatures were warmer than they are now and also eliminate the Little Ice Age. This isn't science. Both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Are are historical FACT. Yet, man made global warming Kool-Aid drinkers, who also have a braincell deficiency swallowed it like mother's milk.

Also false. Mann's work has been corroborated by scientists around the world who measured the same temperature increases. The Medieval warm period was a localized weather event, not a global climate event as we've discussed SEVERAL times before. Don't be quoting nonsense as FACT. It's total utter BS.

Hansen has had some inaccuracy, but NASA's not the only people taking satellite weather temps, which do in fact corroborate global warming (as well as prove the last decade as the warmest on record).

You two are a couple self-congratulating conspiracy theorists at best.

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posted July 26, 2011 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well, jwhop, that particular brit was the head of royal dutch shell for years, and is part of the new CONSERVATIVE government you crowed was the result of years of labour...funny how under labour (tony blair's labour anyway) britain boomed just like the US, then tanked when the "bubble" burst...

as to the government spending OTHER people's money helping out the poorest and those down on their luck, we ALL put into SS - and the richer do not have to contribute a penny after their first 100 grand so they really are reaping the benefits from the lower income not having to deal with beggars, thieves and sick people all over the streets, THEIR lives are also improved.

the so called "entitlement" programs are PAID INTO by the people who earn the least in much GREATER PROPORTION than by the "rich". nothing marxist about it!

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posted July 26, 2011 01:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as for the debt debate, the nominal topic of this thread!, it is more theatre than anything else. we all know they are going to raise the fricking debt limit, the only question is whether obama is going to cave and give away ALL the social programs we have paid into or not...

and whether the upshot of this "debate" is going to be a politburo ruling congress - an idea husbanded by dems and repubs together.

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posted July 26, 2011 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Washington Post: The U.S. Capitol switchboard was on the verge of being overloaded with calls from around the country Tuesday morning after President Obama called on Americans in his address to the nation Monday evening to contact their members of Congress about the high-stakes debt battle playing out in Washington.

such a marxist! egads. inviting the public to communicate with the WH, whatEVER next???

seems a few people are tuning in to his addresses, eh?

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This really shouldn't be this easy but some people never learn that they can't just make unsupported statements and have them taken as fact. Right acoustic?

What I said:

"There's Phil Jones who deleted the temperatures from reporting stations he used in his computer prevent real climate scientists from tracking his manipulation of input data. In addition, Jones also begged others to delete their emails where "hiding the decline"..of temperatures...was discussed."

What acoustic said:


Well, Phil Jones admits his temperature data that he plugged into his manipulated computer model went missing. Which means...that other scientists, real climate scientists cannot backtrack the data. First because they don't know what temperature reporting stations Jones used in his model and they also don't know what temperatures Jones plugged into his computer model to get the results he claimes. That's not the way real scientists operate. Hiding data so it can't be examined is the opposite of scientific method.

Hacked climate emails: Phil Jones admits loss of weather data was 'not acceptable'Head of the Climate Research Unit at the University East Anglia says he would consider correcting his paper on the degree of warming in China

Professor Phil Jones, the director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. Hacked emails suggest he helped to cover up flaws in temperature data from China that underpinned his research on the strength of recent global warming

"The climate expert at the centre of a media storm over the release of emails onto the internet has admitted that he did not follow correct procedures over a key scientific paper.

In an interview with the science journal Nature, Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University East Anglia, admitted it was "not acceptable" that records underpinning a 1990 global warming study have been lost. **what the hell else could he say once he'd been caught?**

The missing records make it impossible to verify claims that rural weather stations in developing China were not significantly moved, as it states in the 1990 paper, which was published in Nature. "It's not acceptable ... [it's] not best practice," Jones said."

then, Jones goes on to deny that temperature recordings from sites that may have been moved in the meantime...affect the results.

That's a damned lie and that lie is at the heart of the manipulated data used by the man made global warming nuts.

In any geographic area, there are numerous temperature reporting stations. The way to manipulate results to 'come out your way' is to eliminate the reporting stations located in cooler locations and use those in hotter locations. Remove the cool temperature stations, leaving only the warmer temperatures and...Presto, man made global warming...which was the intent.

This is all I needed to prove acoustic's "False" False...which calls into doubt the rest of acoustic's nonsense about man made global warming...and the so called scientists acoustic relies upon.

You never learn, do you acoustic!

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Nope, actually Jwhop has already shown this is not the hottest decade on record"..Randall

That's patently false. It's impossible to prove something that isn't true."...acoustic

Patently false acoustic? Is there anything at all about which you've been right? All I see is an unbroken record of you being wrong.

The hottest decade was not the 80's, not the 90's and not the first decade of this century.

The hottest decade since the earth kicked out of the Little Ice Age was the decade of the 1930's.

Notice that red line spike of temperature in the 1930's and also look at the CO2 levels.

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Posts: 5510
From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted July 26, 2011 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It doesn't call anything into doubt, Jwhop. That is perhaps the most illogical thing you've ever said.

As I've said before, anywhere anyone would rationally look for information about the climate will find that the premier research facilities are host to people that share the same opinion regarding global warming. No one has to take my word at it. It's all quite easily researchable by anyone desiring to know.

You said Phil Jones "deleted" data. That isn't reported even in your attempt to disprove me. Further, real scientists affirmed Phil Jones' findings making your point moot. If anyone wishes to see Phil Jones in his own words, here's an interview:

Regarding "no statistical warming":

I notice that you didn't reference a website for your rebuttal.

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Posts: 3921
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Phil Jones deleted temperature data to protect and hide his manipulation of input data. He's a con artist and fraud. He's not a credible scientist.

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From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted July 26, 2011 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
IT's weird that your graph cites NOAA.

NOAA: Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries

Now what?

You can't prove anything about Phil Jones character other than he's disorderly by witness accounts. Stop trying.

And, by the way, the ease in which I am able to prove you wrong about the last decade should indicate something to you. It would appear that YOUR source, not mine, is in question.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 26, 2011 04:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, what now acoustic. I just posted a NOAA chart of absolute global temperature change.

Where's yours?

And where's your list of at least 31,000 credible scientists who buy into the man made global warming scam?

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Posts: 5510
From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted July 26, 2011 04:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just posted a NOAA chart of absolute global temperature change.

Obviously you didn't. How can you be this foolish?

And where's your list of at least 31,000 credible scientists who buy into the man made global warming scam?

There is a scam for which a non-scientific petition was created, but it wasn't a scam that I believe in. You're never going to get anywhere with calls for an imaginary list to match your imaginary list. No one's ever going to go looking for a list when trying to figure out whether or not global warming is real. They're going to look at the places I keep citing.

Citing a list as your sole means of argument is akin to holding your breathe as far as I'm concerned, and I will continue to treat it as such. Reality doesn't change just because someone stubbornly doesn't want to agree with it.

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Posts: 1437
From: 1,981 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
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posted July 26, 2011 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think I did mention that I am no Gore lover, and yes there were problems with his data, which is why as a spokesperson for awareness of Climate change he needed to get his message across better. But in the end the goal was accomplished, that goal? awareness.

Gore shone a [green bulb] flashlight on issues, which was all that was needed for people to do some research on their own.

There really is no debate, the science is in and all foreword looking nations have globally agreed to take steps in the right direction.

The U.S. is woefully behind because of the incessant politicization [and to use an AG word] retarded notion that climate change is a hoax.

But then again the nations that take it seriously are all collectively deluded! Right? Right.

this chart is too old for my liking it is from '07
however 19 Nations do take it very serious.

when I said facts are facts I was not referring to the movie BTW, I was referring to the consensus that most of the civilized world agrees on. Not a bunch of fossils--pun intended--. With funding from Big oil, coal, and natural gas frakers. But scientific facts.

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