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  Your personal compatibility factors/score sheet in synastry / composite (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Your personal compatibility factors/score sheet in synastry / composite

Posts: 2614
Registered: Mar 2014

posted June 01, 2014 09:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I will not post my stats with Pluto Man for your research, because the relationship is under one year, so we don't know how it will play out. But luckily for us, we have everything covered in your score sheet. I will post however our Vesta/Juno/Ceres aspects:

Vesta conjunct Moon opposite Amor square Juno and Priapus
Vesta sextile Moon opposite Alma square ASC/DSC
Composite Vesta conjunct Uranus trine Sun and Juno/Ceres sextile Priapus
Davison Vesta conjunct Pluto opposite POF square Saturn and ASC/DSC axis trine Cupido sextile Neptune and Mars

Juno opposite Moon trine Mercury and Karma, sextile NN and Alma
Juno conjunct Alma trine Moon and Saturn/DSC sextile Amor
Composite Juno conjunct Ceres opposite Priapus square Venus and ASC/DSC axis
Davison Juno/Jupiter conjunct Ceres sextile Venus/Karma and Psyche trine Mercury/Priapus and NN

Ceres opposite Moon square MC/IC trine Karma and Valentine sextile Alma
Ceres conjunct Alma opposite Venus square Mars/Eros and Neptunes

I will follow Ceri's example and provide my parents example for your research, they had a long and loving relationship. I'll list some aspects:

1) sun/moon: either direct connections or the rulers have to be involved or the sun/moon midpoint has to be "touched"

Sun Moo DW with Sun opp Moon, Sun septile Moon

2) shared aspects: you need to understand each other

My parents: just a first glance...


Her Sun opposite Uranus
Him Sun square Uranus

Her Moon conjunct Pluto
Him Moon square Pluto

Her Mars quincunx Pluto
Him Mars trine Pluto


Her Sun conjunct Jupiter
Him Moon trine Jupiter

Her Sun opposite Uranus
Him Moon opposite Uranus
I love this one! (my parents - born 9 years apart)

Her Moon sextile Neptune
Him Sun quincunx Neptune

Her Venus square Saturn
Him Mars trine Saturn


Sun conjunct Psyche (3)
Venus conjunct Eros (5)

Sun conjunct Eros exact
Venus conjunct Psyche (9) - less like a real conjunction, more like Venus Psyche in the same sign

3) Saturn has to make an aspect to an angle or personal planet; even wide squares can be count
Numerous Saturn contacts, most notable Moon trine Saturn, Moon sextile Saturn, Composite Moon square Saturn

4) angle (esp. descendant) connections: either direct or by rulers.

Reversed NN axis conjunct, NN conjunct DSC (1) Moon/Pluto conjunct MC many love asteroids on angles mutually

6) any other feelings aside sun/moon? Look if there's passion (venus/mars or venus/Pluto) and if there are "more" feelings such as sun/venus and venus/moon.

Venus/Mars DW, Moon Mercury DW, Mars Saturn DW, etc, several love asteroids DW like Moon/Cupido

7) Vesta/Ceres/Juno = those asteroids have to make strong aspects

Juno conjunct ASC (2) Juno quincunx ASC, Juno conjunct Amor, Juno trine Mars, Juno conjunct Mars etc. Juno conjunct Alma in Composite

Vesta conjunct NN (1) square Sun/Moon and angles with the other Vesta

Ceres conjunct IC (1) and otherwise all over the place

8) Vertex and or POF have to be involved in oustanding aspects.

POF conjunct Union(1), my father Sun conjunct POF receives all aspects from mother's planets

No hard aspects to Vertices in synastry, but Vertex in the 7th house in composite opposite Pholus exact.

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Posts: 12910
Registered: Jul 2011

posted June 01, 2014 11:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wanted to do the checklist for Mr Sag and me (even though we are "impossible").


his Moon conjunct my Sun
(his Sun septile my Moon)
my Sun conjuncts his Sun/Moon-mp
his Pluto squares my Sun/Moon-mp

2) shared aspects:

just from the top of my head

our Venus-positions mimick each other,

both Venus in Capricorn
both Venus square Pluto
both Venus sextile Uranus
both Venus aspecting Jupiter (sesisquare and sextile)

my Moon quinkunx Saturn
his Sun and Moon square Saturn

both 5th house ruler square 11th house ruler

his 2nd house rulr squares 8th house ruler/ my 2nd house ruler in 8th house, my 8th house ruler in 2nd house, 2nd and 8th house ruler quinkunx

of course we both have Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius,

his Mars conjuncts Jupiter / my Mars squares Jupiter
his Venus sesisquares Jupiter/ my Venus sextiles Jupiter

his Venus squares Pluto / my Mars sextiles Pluto (and Venus squares Pluto)

his ASC-ruler in Sagittarius, my ASC in Sagittarius
my ASC-ruler in Pisces, his ASc in Pisces


his Saturn squares my Sun-Mercury-conjunction
my Saturn semisquares his NN exact

4) angle:
his ASC on the exact antiscion of my IC

his ASC-ruler conjunct my DESC-ruler
his DESC-ruler conjunct my ASC-NN
his DESC-ruler conjunct my IC-ruler
his DESC-ruler squares my ASC-ruler
his ASC-co-ruler opposes my ASC-ruler
his ASC-co-ruler trines my MC-ruler widely
his DESC-co-ruler semisquares my ASC-ruler exactly

his IC-ruler conjunct my ASC-NN
his IC-ruler conjunct my IC-ruler
his IC-ruler squares my ASC-ruler
his MC-ruler trine my MC ruler
his MC-ruler opposes my ASC-ruler
his MC-ruler and trad. ASC-ruler square my nodal axis with 0.00 orb (skipped step)

Summarizing my ASC-ruler triggers all his angle-rulers:
squares his DESC and IC-ruler
opposes his ASC-co-ruler
opposes his MC-ruler

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Posts: 12910
Registered: Jul 2011

posted June 01, 2014 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

my Mars is in Sagittarius conj. Neptune and square Jupiter =

his Mars conjuncts Jupiter; his ASC is in Pisces; his Neptune widely conjuncts Sun (6°30)

my DESC is in Gemini, with DESC-ruler in Sagittarius conjunct Sun=

he has a mutual reception of Mercury and Jupiter plus the square between them; he has Sun-Moon-MC-conjunction in Sagittarius; Sun is on his MC so part of his public persona;
intercepted ASC-ruler is conjunct Jupiter, and of course Mars conjunct Jupiter.

my 5th house is in Taurus with ruler in Capricorn square Pluto; plus Uranus on the 5th-11th house axis.

It is not as strong as the DESC-image, but still there:
he has Earth Mars (not in Taurus though); ruler of his 2nd house (part of his identity-profile) is in Capricorn, sextile Uranus and square Pluto though; Saturn squares his Sun-Moon-MC, too.


from his perspective:

Venus in Capricorn in 11th house, trine Saturn, square Pluto, sextile Uranus =

my Venus in Capricorn sextile Uranus; Moon in Aquarius; Uranus peregrine (too much Uranus for most men ); Venus square Pluto; Pluto on MC; also ruler of 2nd house in 8th house quinkunx 8th house ruler

his DESC in Virgo; Libra intercepted; ruler of 7th house (Mercury) in Sagittarius, squaring Mars-Jupiter-conjunction; intercepted ruler of 7th house (Venus) I already mentioned above; Saturn RIGHT on DESC, Pluto in 7th house=
So he is searching for Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Pluto in terms of a serious partner (talk about wanting much )=

my Mercury is conjunct Sun in 1st house; however I donīt really have that much Virgo-quality (I am more like the oposite pole. lol)

I have Venus in 1st house, and MC in Libra.

I have Sun, Mercury, Mars, ASC, NN in Sagittarius; actually my Mars, ASC, NN are conjunct his DESC-ruler Mercury

Mars conjunct ASC; packed 1st house

Venus in Capricorn; Saturn quinkunx Moon; ASC-ruler trine Saturn; Saturn being the handle of my bucket formation (it is what I channel all the Jupiter-energy through).

Venus square Pluto; ASC sextile Pluto; MC conjunct Pluto; Moon-dispositor in scorpio


his 5th house in Cancer with ruler in Sagittarius in 10th house conjunct Sun and square Saturn=

my 2nd house ruler (identity profile) in Cancer; peregrine Moon

Sun, Mercury, Mars, ASC, NN in Sagittarius, ASC square Jupiter.
actually my Sun-Mercury-conjunction is conjunct his 5th house ruler

Venus in Capricorn, Moon quinkunx Saturn, Saturn singleton, trine ASC-ruler


It`s actually pretty amazing. lol

However, I would say that for me the 7th house is triggered more strongly (ruler conjun ct his Sun-Moon-MC), while for him his 5th house is strongly triggered (ruler conjunct my Sun-Mercury).

though, well, his 7th house ruler is conjunct my ASC-NN

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Posts: 12910
Registered: Jul 2011

posted June 01, 2014 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(his Venus septile my Mars exact; his Venus also on the antiscion of my Mars)
his Venus semisquare my Jupiter exact
his Venus semisquare my Neptune exact
his Venus semisquare my NN exact
(midpoint activation)

his Mars trine my Venus wide (4.58)
his Mars opposite my Jupiter exact
his Mars square my NN exact
his Mars squrae my Neptune
his Mars square my ASC
his Mars opposite my Ceres
(his Mars septile my Uranus)

my Venus very very widely conjunct his Moon (7°28 - not even sure this still counts. lol)
my Venus trine his Mars
my Venus trine his Jupiter
my Venus widely semisquare his Uranus (2.16)
my Venus trine his Chiron
my Venus trine his Vesta
my Venus square his Ceres
my Venus trine his NN

my Mars conjunct his Mercury
my Mars septile his Venus
my Mars square his Jupiter
my Mars semisquare his Pluto
my Mars trine his Ceres
my Mars square his NN

his Vesta trine my Venus
his Vesta opposite my Uranus
hisVesta trine my Vesta
his Vesta biquintile my Neptune exact
his Vesta biquintile my NN

my Vesta conjunct his Moon
my Vesta conjunct his Sun wide (4-5)
my Vesta sextile his NN (0.00)
my Vesta conjunct his MC

his Juno sesisquare my Jupiter
his Juno quintile my Pluto
my Juno septile his Venus
my Juno biquintile his Pluto
my Juno septile his Chiron

his Ceres square my Venus exact
his Ceres trine my Mars
his Ceres trine my Neptune
his Ceres oppospite my pluto
his Ceres trine my NN
his Ceres trine my ASC exact
his Ceres conjunct my IC

my Ceres quintile his Sun-Moon-MC exact
my Ceres semisquare his Venus
my Ceres opposite his Mars
my Ceres opposite his Jupiter exact
my Ceres sextile his Chiron (0.01)
(my Ceres conjunct his Eros. lol)

his Vertex square my Sun-Mercury
his Vertex quintile my Saturn exact
his Vertex quintile my Neptune exact
his Vertex quintile my NN exact
his Vertex square my Vesta

my Antivertex widely conj. his Venus (4.21)
my Vertex trine his Uraus
my Vertex square his Pluto exact
my Vertex quintile his Chiron (0.01)

his PoF square my Sun-MErcury
my PoF quintile his Sun-Moon-MC exact
my PoF semisquare his NN exact

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Posts: 1380
Registered: May 2009

posted June 01, 2014 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
About 2);

For the strongest 'shared aspects' I would also advice to look at the Composite alignments (conjunctions & oppositions) as the underlying geometry will Always be a shared SAME-aspect AND synastrically a DW (not necessarily a 'legitime' aspect)
Also: don't forget the composite midpoint constructions.

A midpoint example;

Because of a clear midpoint construction in our Composite I once discovered an interesting 'shared aspect' of which I had no idea;

- My Saturn/Mars midpoint semi-square my Jupiter exact.
- His Saturn/Mars midpoint semi-square his Jupiter exact.

- My Saturn/Mars midpoint sextile his Jupiter exact.
- My Saturn/Mars midpoint sextile his Jupiter

Composite (ofcourse) Saturn/Mars midpoint opposite Jupiter exact.

I suspect this ^^ generates a much stronger resonance than this;

- his Venus conjunct his Neptune exact
- My Venus trine my Neptune exact

Hm.. I think this is worth a topic on its own haha.

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next to neptune

Posts: 1543
From: The Moon
Registered: Aug 2013

posted June 02, 2014 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for next to neptune     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Enneline:
POF = Part of Fortune

How would you describe your relationship?

Very loving, accepting and free We both have a need for being on our own from time to time, but I haven't really got the slightest mistrust in him ever… I like everything about him, even how messy he is, I always look up to him and he feels like the most wonderful, caring and lovable person I have been with ever

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