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  Am I just obsessed with this person or is he my Plutonic Karma/7th house lesson? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Am I just obsessed with this person or is he my Plutonic Karma/7th house lesson?

Posts: 273
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posted September 27, 2020 05:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just wanted to say something about Saturn in the 7th house in the composite. I had it with a guy and it is an on/off relationship until you learn how to be with one another. It is kinda binding in some way, but another way it is not.

Sure there can be other factors to consider.

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posted September 27, 2020 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for efaki94     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
Just wanted to say something about Saturn in the 7th house in the composite. I had it with a guy and it is an on/off relationship until you learn how to be with one another. It is kinda binding in some way, but another way it is not.

Sure there can be other factors to consider.

Chryssa I have the Saturn in 7th in composite
Could you share your experience?
Did you live together?

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posted September 27, 2020 06:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for walkingcontradiction     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@mee_chryssa interesting. thanks for sharing...did you have any other planets in the 7th on composite as well?

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posted September 27, 2020 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for walkingcontradiction     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Stoika7: thank you for that! i always feel a little self-conscious rambling on even though i know we're all interested in hearing how astrology actually impacts us/those around us....

i've definitely been thinking about it. and i really don't want to give up on the concept of a relationship with him. you're right, the draw is there for a reason; i feel like he's an important person in my life and could be really good in it.. and i'm really drawn to the concept of healing that's possible here. its a connection i've really never had before!

i do worry though that it'll just flounder along for awhile since he has such a hard time making the first move, but also is so skittish about me coming to him first. to be fair, he makes forward moves, he just seems to be very mars in cancer in how many sideways moves he makes we'll see what happens! i'll report back on if anything happens!

does you or anyone else know much about progressed composites? maybe there are transits i could watch out for just for interests sake lol.

my only other worry is that he's meant to be a Plutonic lesson during this 7th house transit i'm approaching with pluto. I'm at i think 4 degrees with Pluto opposing ascendnat right now.

he is very plutonic right? i worry that this intense draw is supposed to be some karmic lesson about not attaching to someone else lol. i'm probably just letting my fear talk tho- i know pluto doesn't bring pain just to bring pain. hopefully the universe thinks i've had enough relationship pain for now lol

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posted September 27, 2020 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I only looked at his chart. A Gemini-Saggitarius axis (north node - south node) makes for one who needs a lot of freedom in his life. Even if he wants a partner, he requires space. Saturn in Libra could make him have some fear of relationships. Coupled with Pluto it is a karmic and intense facet of his personality on which he has to gain control. Developing the ability to commit would serve his life purpose, and is harmonious with it. He is able to transform through commitment and close relationships. His emotional nature is at odds with his needs to expand, is rather picky and celibate in nature. There is some purity to his emotional composure which cries for him not to spread himself too thin. His Venus, besides being opposite to his ascendant, has three more aspects: conjunct Mercury, square Uranus and square Chiron. There is a T-square here. On one hand he may intellectualise love. On the other, he is wounded in a way that may lead him to suddenly disconnect in order not to feel the pain he may sense through love. Both his Venus, moon and Chiron have only challenging aspects, not withstanding Venus conjunct Mercury and the moon conjunct Mercury. So I may deduct love and emotions are not the easiest lesson for him to learn and utilize. He is a gentle, generous soul and an ardent and sensitive lover. It seems his lesson and acquired asset, the ability and willingness to take responsibility, is something he both dreads and needs for his own good. Yet it has no apparent relationship with his emotions and/or affections. The later are, for him, a continuous struggle.

It is interesting to note that Lilith supports his life purpose and past lives experience. The architype of dark, independent, sexual and liberated woman, not to be submitted by rules or custom.

These are some points I've gathered from first glance in his chart. I didn't took Neptune into account, since I've tried to focus on his love nature. Whether what I saw is close to the truth or not you may determine.

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posted September 27, 2020 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for walkingcontradiction     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Ayelet: wow...i'm actually a little shocked at how spot on this sounds...

in a lot of ways, he and i are very similar so i can definitely vouch for some of this: i have venus/uranus and venus/saturn conjunctions which i think correlate to his need for space/inherent fear of commitment. (although i thought for him the latter was due to the 7th house Saturn and/or being born in a Venus retrograde) other parts of what you said are making some puzzle pieces fit...

If you had a second- although like I said earlier to someone else- I know it takes far more than a second! Lol. But is there anything in his chart that indicates seemingly psychic/hyper vigiliance/hyper-intuitiveness? I ask because I'm trying to separate his and my seemingly psychic connection from just two very intuitive people coming together.

Or any indications of an obsessive/possessive streak? He has given me some worry about this...but I also feel very fixated on him (not possessive though) so I wonder if it can just be attributed to our Plutonic connections. (I will cop to being susceptible to obsession/fixation though- in relationships, on projects, work etc- but never have I been so fixated on a human being before..if that makes sense lol)

Also, if I told you he and I have already experienced instability in the form of him making assumptions about my actions, but never confronting me about them and instead it manifesting as lashing out randomly would that line up with what you're reading about his relationship hang ups? I worry that behavior can also signify a general inability to deal with upset/rejection or even something resembling rejection without falling apart.

You are spot on that he is a very gentle person who cares deeply, but he often hides behind a wall of "bravado." Its unfortunately very familiar to me as I'm guilty of some of his bad habits too...There are key differences though. I would say we're both starved for affection in some way (aw sad) but he is a little too easy to manipulate bc of his . In the above mentioned instance where he was upset with me, we made up bc he was charmed by very simple *although very genuine* compliments.

As I wrote this, I'm starting to think I'm maybe just attracted to him bc we're both the same kind of wounded lol.. Perhaps we're just two people with different versions of the same (sad) story ...I will say though, even as our relationship stands, he's already been very "healing" in some ways for me, and I believe I have for him as well...I attached my natal chart below just in case you were curious. Also, its the only chart that hasn't been posted by me yet, so why not

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Posts: 273
From: Romania
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posted September 27, 2020 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
efaki94, I met the guy during the transiting Uranus conjuncting my Venus and his South Node.

We talked for 8 months and had several dates, but when transiting Mars was entering Aries, he blocked me on facebook and contacted me back a few days ago and I told him to not call me anymore.

It was an on/off relationship. Some days we were like we are together and enjoy each other, other days we were apart. But we didnt have some other binding aspects in composite or synastry, and we had a Saturn - Mars square which I couldnt go through. I had it before and it awful.

walkingcontradiction, no other planets in the 7th house. But there was a stellium in composite with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus at the cusp of Pisces with Aries 8th/9th house.

Very organized composite.

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posted September 27, 2020 11:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The thing with the Saturn in the 7th house in the composite it is that makes the couple to take it slow so they can build the relationship they want to have, but it is an on/off relationship because the couple doesnt know how to treat each other, how to be with one another.

If there are other binding aspects, maybe it is a good placement, but for a couple that is unstable, this will lead to separation. It is hard to do it and I would prefer to go with someone with which it is more easy to be with.

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From: Romania
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posted September 27, 2020 11:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Forgot to say that we both have it in the natal chart. I guess this is important ))

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posted September 28, 2020 08:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by walkingcontradiction:

If you had a second- although like I said earlier to someone else- I know it takes far more than a second! Lol. But is there anything in his chart that indicates seemingly psychic/hyper vigiliance/hyper-intuitiveness? I ask because I'm trying to separate his and my seemingly psychic connection from just two very intuitive people coming together.

Or any indications of an obsessive/possessive streak? He has given me some worry about this...but I also feel very fixated on him (not possessive though) so I wonder if it can just be attributed to our Plutonic connections. (I will cop to being susceptible to obsession/fixation though- in relationships, on projects, work etc- but never have I been so fixated on a human being before..if that makes sense lol)

Also, if I told you he and I have already experienced instability in the form of him making assumptions about my actions, but never confronting me about them and instead it manifesting as lashing out randomly would that line up with what you're reading about his relationship hang ups? I worry that behavior can also signify a general inability to deal with upset/rejection or even something resembling rejection without falling apart.

As I wrote this, I'm starting to think I'm maybe just attracted to him bc we're both the same kind of wounded lol.. Perhaps we're just two people with different versions of the same (sad) story ...I will say though, even as our relationship stands, he's already been very "healing" in some ways for me, and I believe I have for him as well...I attached my natal chart below just in case you were curious. Also, its the only chart that hasn't been posted by me yet, so why not

He is very intuitive. Pisces ascendant, sun trines Neptune, not to mention his Neptune conjunct the south node, which shows a spiritual, mystical or artistic inheritance from past lives. He is quite psychic. Your Venus is, as you already noticed, conjunct his south node AND his Neptune. This is a past connection, and Neptune adds an unearthy aura to it. So it's both you being psychic seperately and in relation to one another. In order to see not only past experience but also future potential for your souls to develop together, I look at the north node, and I see your Chiron conjunct his north node. So I think it is no wonder you were writing about a HEALING affect you two have upon each other, as this might be exactly your mutual purpose for having this relationship.

I think that his way of lashing out at you concerning your actions without confronting you first has much to do with his Pluto (and Saturn) conjunct your mars. In a way some of the things you do stimulate his fears and perhaps triggering this possesiveness you've mentioned. In his chart his Saturn and Pluto conjunction squares his Mars, so he had to battle through life with authority figures and his own fate. In a manner, it could be some of your actions and behaviour remind him, even if unconsciously, this both inner and outer struggle, and so he withdraws inward only to later have a similar struggle with you. In a way it is not altogether negative. Aspects with Saturn are important for commitment. Paradoxically he is both drawn to you and fight with you, which makes him more commited, if that makes sense.

Your chart has actually no challenging aspects besides conjunctions, though having scorpio placements is intense by itself, no additional aspects needed. His chart, on the contrary, is full of struggle.

His nodal axis square yours. His moon conjuncts your south node. You may have had more than one life together.
This seems to me like a karmic relationship. I myself have a connection of Venus-south node. My Venus conjuncts my mom's south node and her Uranus. And we share a deep bond. I don't know if your relationship would last a life-time, but I would suggest to listen to your intuition in regards to what you need to receive/take from this connection, and to your heart as to the giving and sharing. This is no random acquaintance, as truly there is no such thing. Only you two know if you wish to keep together and to what measure, if you can really "measure" your emotions and love.

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posted September 29, 2020 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for walkingcontradiction     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you for taking the time to walk me through this! it makes so much sense. do you think its fair to say he's more plutonic than i am? i know i have a lot of scorpio, but you're right, very few squares/oppositions...

i've been looking for more information about karmic relationships but google seems to be failing me. do you or does anyone else have good resources for learning about karmic relationships?

i'm only finding information about relationships that are "the most painful" you've ever been in. i've known him for almost a year now, and while very fixated, i wouldn't say he's caused me any pain. a little annoyance when he was making assumptions, but that was short lived and minor so that aspect hasn't rang true.

is it possible this is a karmic relationship only for him? and that unbeknownst to me, he's been in a lot of pain due to it??

on my part, its been quite the opposite, absolute warmth when i'm with him and that very rare feeling of knowing you're with someone who just really likes you, and assumes the best of you...

if anyone has a good resource to learn abotu the different types of karmic realtionships, i would love to read up!!

thank you again for your help this has been so illuminating

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posted October 04, 2020 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for walkingcontradiction     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 13, 2020 11:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 22, 2020 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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