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Author Topic:   Help someone who is +15 years obsessed.

Posts: 19
From: South Brazil
Registered: Sep 2021

posted September 10, 2021 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe I'm not meant to be loved, there's also this possibility. I can't read charts, but I believe that one-sided love is my destiny and I need to learn that the love I will have in life must be selfless, giving without receiving anything in return and this is what has for me.

I feel more satisfaction in focusing my energy on liking, loving others than myself, I think this question you raised makes perfect sense. However, because the pandemic is raging in my country, and I have to stay at home 24/7 working, resting, etc. I had a relapse because I don't have any social contacts. So I remembered him, and he's been renting my head for free every single second.
As you said, I need to love myself more and, after the pandemic ends here in my country, I can find someone else again. For now, I still can't leave home and have a social life.

I sincerely thank you for your wise words.

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Posts: 747
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posted September 11, 2021 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosionV2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Laboutinsocial,

Yeah, I don't know what your probable future looks or doesn't look like.

With Moon ruling both your 7th and 8th Houses, in Aries and conjunct the Aries North Node in the 4th, it does seem like painful growth that touches on your deepest roots/past via themes of independence does seem to be a big part of your life path and spiritual growth scheduled for this life.

Also, you have Neptune conjunct your Asc. This often indicates that the person came to the physical earth, 3rd dimension from a pretty expanded and Light attuned dimension. In the nonphysical dimension that corresponds to Neptune symbolically, Souls are in a deep, deep state of contemplation and attunement to guidance/their Expanded self, to Source, and the Oneness.

It would be like someone in earth doing a very long and deep meditation, but times 1000. Very intense.

The reason is, to figure out if they want to stay in this system to continue to serve others here, or go to another system that is more expanded and faster vibratory than this one. It is not an easy decision to make, and so they shut out all outside distractions and interaction for a time, and go deep within themselves to listen to what the Divine within has to say. That is the consciousness state and dimension that the Planet Neptune symbolizes, and there is no stronger condition for a Planet than it being conjunct one's Asc i.e. you are extremely Neptunian.

This is the real reason for Neptune and Neptunian's deep and acute psychic sensitivity that they often have in this physical life, because they just came from a state, a consciousness of very deep and internal attunement. It's an "internal expansion" if that makes any sense?

Anyways, a percentage of Neptunians stay pretty fast vibratory in this life (not all, some go off the path big time and get warped by the harshness and distortion of this dimension or via negative entity influencing). That can also make it hard to connect more deeply with others, because there are not a lot of people out there that resonate with/match their unusually fast vibratory wavelengths.

People want to get most close to those who are on a similar wavelength on a Soul level. That whole, "birds of a feather tend to flock together" kind of pattern and reaction.

So yes, there are probably not a lot of people out there that well match your inner vibratory levels, and thus they will tend to not want to get close to you. I suspect this may be even stronger in Brazil, as Brazil seems to have somewhat of a collective spirit of a more carnal and slower vibratory attunement all in all. Brazil and many Brazilians seem to be more focused in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chakras (the more material, ego, and slower vibratory energies) than in their 4th, 5th, 6th, and/or 7th (the spiritual Love, nonphysical, and faster vibratory oriented energies).

One way you could change things for yourself, is to find and move to a faster vibratory place. There are pockets of these around the world (probably also some in Brazil as well), where the town, city, or what not has a faster vibratory energy that tends to attract faster vibratory Souls. You will have a higher chance to meet someone that can better match and resonate with you, and such people will be both more attracted to you and you to them.

But for now, focusing on loving/accepting yourself more, and attuning more spiritually, might be helpful. When you feel that you've made progress in these areas, and when world conditions allow for it, maybe think about what I said in the above.

At the same time, also consider that sometimes guidance sends faster vibratory people to slower vibratory areas to try to uplift the energies around them some. Its the whole "Those who already whole, don't need a physician" thing that Yeshua ("Jesus") said when he got flack for hanging out so much with the sinners and so called undesirables of his society (the tax collectors, prostitutes, and criminals).

It is the lack of Light that most needs the presence of Light. If faster vibratory Souls only ever hung out with other faster vibratory Souls, things would get very, very stagnant and unbalanced here.

One can strike a balance between these though. One could have a safe haven (like living in a faster vibratory place), but then do service work with those that need the presence of Light.

Btw, when one does have more attunement to Light than the usual or norm, be wary of those of the darkness (rather, lack of Light) that try to bring you down to their level. Particularly for women that are higher empathy and more loving, they tend to attract and/or be attracted to men that are VERY different and that can range from the narcissistic to psychopathic in attunement. I've seen it happen far too often. Be conscious of that possibility.

Astrologically, there is usually a very strong emphasis on the Planets Saturn, Mars, Pluto, and/or Mercury with a lack of focus on Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, and/or Sun in the charts of these types. Or in other words, very strong focus in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chakras with little to no focus in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and/or 7th Chakras.

Other ways to tell besides astrologically, are things like "love bombing", running hot and cold, being hyper sexual, being mean or callous to like waiters/waitresses or other service folks, caring a lot about things like cars, money, status, etc, over focus on their appearance, being unusually charming and/or magnetic, and/or they gaslight you. When a man has two or more of these going on at a time, it is time to more deeply question them. You can't go by obvious empathy levels towards you or those close to you, because they are often very good at faking that until you are hooked enough that the mask drops and they feel like you are a fly caught in their spiderweb (and then they will act however they want to with you, and that's when the abuse and/or neglect starts [depending on how much they do lack empathy, conscience, and connection to Love internally]).

I repeat, I have seen this in real life multiple times. There are entire online groups devoted to mostly women who have gone through being fooled by such men and then ending up deeply regretting it. I saw it with my own mother in relation to my step father.

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Posts: 2127
From: Rome, Italy
Registered: Mar 2019

posted September 11, 2021 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Laboutinsocial,

I am looking at the Composite and it looks clear to me that this relationship is only platonic and it will always be so.
First off, Vertex is conjunct to DSC and opposite Mercury/Sun. This looks very karmic and signals that there is a soul connection, it is very hard to break such soulmate bond because Vertex conjunct to DSC shows that your connection comes from an otherworldly dimension and the energy is so overwhelming that it is impossible to be applied on an earthly level. At the same time, this energy is so powerful that it seems impossible to let go of this connection. What you feel so intensely about this person is not going to be materialized in the reality.
Moreover, the North Node/Jupiter midpoint is square to the axis, and South Node is conjunct Neptune. The first aspect to the axis gives you such a strong unreplaceble soulmate feeling, as if he's the one and only to you and that your meeting is fated. But South Node conjunct to Neptune is a separation aspect and it usually suggests that there is the need to detach and let go, cause this whole situation is too idealized while it doesn't happen in reality, cause the two are physically separated.
Uranus/Sun in the twelve house signal the long distance connection, which is unusual but karmic. Saturn conjunct Pluto is also a very difficult aspect which usually brings challenges for a realistic relationship based on common grounds.
The Juno/Jupiter midpoint is square Moon and Juno is square to Mars and Chiron... so there's affection but there's an abandonement issue, this may show he married someone else, not you.

Natally you have Chiron/DSC square South Node/Mars and Neptune square North Node/Moon in the 2nd house... This is a very idealistic configuration since you're looking for an ideal partner but underlying to this there's fear of the male figure, fear of being hurt, fear of abandonment, fear of not deserving to be loved, a block on sexual matters, a core self-assertiveness issue in relationship matters. Since in the Composite chart Chiron is opposite Mars and square to Juno, you're a projecting all of these fears to the connection with this person in a way that you feel protected. But the more you're stuck to this connection, the more you're unable to resolve your Chiron block. I believe that the karmic connection between you and this person is about your Chiron issues. His Moon is conjunct your Pluto, which is a very intense aspect emotionally and it is very hard to let go... But his Chiron is opposite to this and square to your Lilith, therefore this emotional bond can block you completely at unconscious level and triggers an obsessive pattern. Your MC/IC axis are conjunct and his North Node/Saturn is attached to this, but unfortunately it is square to your Saturn and his Venus/Neptune conjunction... this is such an heavy "unfinished business" between you two but also within yourself. Your Saturn is square to your IC/MC axis, which is conjunct to his axis... it's like if he had replaced all you have missed in your childhood and that keeps blocking you emotionally and in other areas. Your Saturn is in your 12ve house so it's a very unconscious dynamic.

I hope this helps.

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Posts: 19
From: South Brazil
Registered: Sep 2021

posted September 12, 2021 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Galactic,

wonderful observations regarding all these objections I have had in my love life. So I'm a Neptunian person, interesting. Great to know about the chakras as well; I really feel 'foreigner' in my own country. I don't identify with almost anything in the culture, it seems that I wasn't born here and the times I traveled abroad, no one could guess that I was from Brazil.

''So yes, there are probably not a lot of people out there that well match your inner vibratory levels, and thus they will tend to not want to get close to you. I suspect this may be even stronger in Brazil, as Brazil seems to have somewhat of a collective spirit of a more carnal and slower vibratory attunement all in all. Brazil and many Brazilians seem to be more focused in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chakras (the more material, ego, and slower vibratory energies) than in their 4th, 5th, 6th, and/or 7th (the spiritual Love, nonphysical, and faster vibratory oriented energies). ''

''One way you could change things for yourself, is to find and move to a faster vibratory place. There are pockets of these around the world (probably also some in Brazil as well), where the town, city, or what does not have a faster vibratory energy that tends to attract faster vibratory souls. You will have a higher chance to meet someone who can better match and resonate with you, and such people will be both more requested to you and you to them. ''

Not wanting to be bothersome but, how do I manage to do this study of places, vibrating pockets? Is there any site where I can do this analysis? Once this whole situation is over, I would like to study places to live, where I can feel better.

''Btw, when one does have more attunement to Light than the usual or norm, be wary of those of the darkness (rather, lack of Light) that try to bring you down to their level. Particularly for women who are higher empathy and more loving, they tend to attract and/or be attracted to men who are VERY different and that can range from the narcissistic to psychopathic in attunement. I've seen it happen far too often. Be aware of that possibility. ''

I'm a little apprehensive about this issue because I'm too scared to get involved, and I know that part of my obsession with this German man must be the fact that because he's far away, there's no way he can hurt me. I have many blocks in relation to the emotional, due to hurting myself, abandonment, etc. So, I believe that these issues of abusive men who might get to me, i'm like very too aware of it. That's why I love so much the illusion of what I have with the german man, because of those issues.

''Other ways to tell besides astrologically, are things like "love bombing", running hot and cold, being hyper sexual, being mean or callous to like waiters/waitresses or other service folks, caring a lot about things like cars, money, status, etc, over focus on their appearance, being unusually charming and/or magnetic, and/or they gaslight you. When a man has two or more of these going on at a time, it is time to more deeply question them. You can't go by obvious empathy levels towards you or those close to you, because they are often very good at faking that until you are hooked enough that the mask drops and they feel like you are a fly caught in their spiderweb (and then they will act however they want to with you, and that's when abuse and/or neglect starts [depending on how much they do lack empathy, conscience, and connection to Love internally]).

I repeat, I have seen this in real life multiple times. There are entire online groups devoted to mostly women who have gone through being fooled by such men and then ending up deeply regretting it. I saw it with my own mother in relation to my step father.''

Thank you very much for the tips, I will be very attentive to whoever approaches me. And I'm very attentive to people who mistreat others, it's a no-go. I pay a lot of attention to rude people, and I run away from them quickly.
Unfortunately, in this world it's very easy to be fooled and that's why I keep my doors closed, I'll have to find a way to balance this.

Thank you so so much for the great insights, I'll even print them out. I needed those lights. Thanks for the generosity of writing so much good information for someone unknown on the internet!

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Posts: 19
From: South Brazil
Registered: Sep 2021

posted September 12, 2021 05:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Stoika7,

I am looking at the Composite and it looks clear to me that this relationship is only platonic and it will always be so.

Thanks! I really already understand that this will be the reality for me. Difficult, but I will have to understand this situation. It is a pity.

irst off, Vertex is conjunct to DSC and opposite Mercury/Sun. This looks very karmic and signals that there is a soul connection, it is very hard to break such soulmate bond because Vertex conjunct to DSC shows that your connection comes from an otherworldly dimension and the energy is so overwhelming that it is impossible to be applied on an earthly level. At the same time, this energy is so powerful that it seems impossible to let go of this connection. What you feel so intensely about this person is not going to be materialized in the reality.

I really feel what you described, it's something out of this world, it's an unforgettable attraction, it hurts. Lately, it's been consuming me in an unhealthy way.It's a super bittersweet feeling that this isn't going to happen. For me, when I'm feeling lonely, it's a bitter taste in my mouth that I'll have to swallow.

Moreover, the North Node/Jupiter midpoint is square to the axis, and South Node is conjunct Neptune. The first aspect to the axis gives you such a strong unreplaceble soulmate feeling, as if he's the one and only to you and that your meeting is fated. But South Node conjunct to Neptune is a separation aspect and it usually suggests that there is the need to detach and let go, cause this whole situation is too idealized while it doesn't happen in reality, cause the two are physically separated.

Wow, your words touched the bottom of my heart. I've tried in so many ways to meet him again in these 15 years, and I've never been able to. I've been so close to him, and we couldn't. I hope that one day, everything I feel for him will be rewarded in some way, with someone, with something that I can generously give my love to.

Uranus/Sun in the twelve house signal the long distance connection, which is unusual but karmic. Saturn conjunct Pluto is also a very difficult aspect which usually brings challenges for a realistic relationship based on common grounds.
The Juno/Jupiter midpoint is square Moon and Juno is square to Mars and Chiron... so there's affection but there's an abandonement issue, this may show he married someone else, not you.

True, someone on this thread said he has commitment issues, however, this lucky woman has managed to erase all the relationship issues he has. Ah wish it were with me...

This is a very idealistic configuration since you're looking for an ideal partner but underlying to this there's fear of the male figure, fear of being hurt, fear of abandonment, fear of not deserving to be loved, a block on sexual matters, a core self-assertiveness issue in relationship matters. Since in the Composite chart Chiron is opposite Mars and square to Juno, you're a projecting all of these fears to the connection with this person in a way that you feel protected. But the more you're stuck to this connection, the more you're unable to resolve your Chiron block.

I'm extremely emotionally blocked, and somehow he was the only one who unlocked it, but nevertheless, he's been keeping me incarcerated for all these years. Looks like he has the key to it, and no other man does. You are absolutely correct.

Since in the Composite chart Chiron is opposite Mars and square to Juno, you're a projecting all of these fears to the connection with this person in a way that you feel protected. But the more you're stuck to this connection, the more you're unable to resolve your Chiron block. I believe that the karmic connection between you and this person is about your Chiron issues. His Moon is conjunct your Pluto, which is a very intense aspect emotionally and it is very hard to let go... But his Chiron is opposite to this and square to your Lilith, therefore this emotional bond can block you completely at unconscious level and triggers an obsessive pattern. Your MC/IC axis are conjunct and his North Node/Saturn is attached to this, but unfortunately it is square to your Saturn and his Venus/Neptune conjunction... this is such an heavy "unfinished business" between you two but also within yourself. Your Saturn is square to your IC/MC axis, which is conjunct to his axis... it's like if he had replaced all you have missed in your childhood and that keeps blocking you emotionally and in other areas. Your Saturn is in your 12ve house so it's a very unconscious dynamic.

You said it all here, indeeed.

It sure helped me a lot Stoika, it shed me a light. I sincerely appreciate the effort, generosity, because I am amazed at how you all manage to read these charts. I can't interpret the least, it seems so hard!
I greatly appreciate it, with this information, I will try to overcome all these obsession issues I have with him. You've wrote everything I feel for him in these 15 years.
Thank you very much.

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Posts: 747
Registered: Jul 2021

posted September 12, 2021 06:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosionV2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not wanting to be bothersome but, how do I manage to do this study of places, vibrating pockets? Is there any site where I can do this analysis? Once this whole situation is over, I would like to study places to live, where I can feel better.

Hi again L.S., it's not bothersome at all. Look for places that are more progressive, spiritual, communal, and/or nature oriented. Some tell tale signs and indications are things like a higher percentage of people who eat vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian. Very active community life where people get together not just for fun and partying, but also service to the larger community or society. A very active arts and/or music scene is pretty common.

Progressive treatment of drug addicts and/or criminals is often more common. A lot of small, local farms and/or gardens is common. If it is a city area, they will have plenty of parks and natural areas also.

But ultimately, use your deeper, intuitive-feeling sense. I live in the US and there are a few places that I've been to that had a lighter and faster vibratory energy. For a few examples, Asheville--North Carolina, Austin--Texas, and the 5 college area in Massachusetts (i.e. Amherst, NorthHampton, Hadley, etc).

In other countries, I don't know as much, but the Findhorn Community in Scotland is kind of like that.

But avoid cults and spiritual Guru/teacher type communities. On the surface they may share some similarities, but if it is centered around a particular "leader" or "spiritual teacher" these are often much more risky. In my experience with tuning into such groups, the leaders/spiritual teachers are often not nearly as positive as they try to make people think they are. Often they are narcissistic to psychopathic in attunement.

There are some "Intentional Communities" though that are decent to good. Findhorn would be an example of an intentional community. The good ones are those that the people share power and say in a community and more egalitarian sense, and it doesn't revolve around a "charismatic" leader who makes the rules, decisions, or that people worship, etc.

Again, whatever you do look at, go within and use your deeper intuitive sense to feel the level of Light involved. Places with greater Light are going to feel more positive and uplifting in nature on a deeper level. There are some Guru/spiritual teacher and cults that have that on the surface because the common people or average person involved are more positive and trying to build a more Love attuned community and life, but then if the teacher is corrupt (which of course the people usually aren't aware of), will affect the community in more hidden toxic ways.

Regarding some of the other stuff I had mentioned and the type of men to avoid that I had mentioned, it is just something to be aware of, not to be actively fearful of. Fear is a very slow vibratory energy and being in a state of fear attracts what you don't want to you.

Ask your Expanded/Spirit self and the Universe/Higher Power/God or whatever you may believe in, to send you a more Love attuned and faster vibratory person when you are ready. Have faith that such a request will be answered when it is most helpful for you. That positive faith will help that process. It is the opposite of fear energy. Where fear is very slow vibratory and limiting and distorting in nature, positive faith and optimism is fast vibratory, uplifting, expanding, and freeing in nature.

And really, appreciate your own inner beauty, value, and positive traits. I can tell by tuning into you a bit, that you have many positive and lovely traits and are a good person. You don't need to be so hard or down on yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Any man would be lucky to call you a partner.

It's good to recognize that you seem to have a block with being most attracted to unavailable people. Accept that, try to change it, but don't beat yourself up about it meanwhile. As you have already noted, it is a self protection mechanism. But if you find a person that is more Love attuned and fast vibratory, you won't have any need to protect yourself from them. They will cherish and nurture you, as long as you don't mistreat them (not that you would, but some women do find such men and do mistreat them. I know, because I've been there/experienced it).

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Posts: 19
From: South Brazil
Registered: Sep 2021

posted September 13, 2021 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Galactic,

I'm speechless, thank you for the kind words.
I am trying to resolve these issues of emotional blockages in a more assertive way. I know I have very long steps to go, and it won't be all of a sudden that all these feelings for him will magically disappear.

I will be more attentive to issues of places where I can meet people of my energy, so that I can be more emotionally open. For now, I will work with my inner self in a non-passive way, trying not to put others before me, and not trying to hide my feelings behind an one-sided passion from decades ago.
I will work more on balance and read more about the chakras. Something I hadn't paid attention to since then.

You are a very nice, kind and generous person, I appreciate you opening my mind on these issues, and giving me insight into so many things that are still very obscure to me.

Thank you so much!

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posted September 13, 2021 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosionV2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're very welcome Laboutinsocial.

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Posts: 237
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posted September 14, 2021 11:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AlmaRegulus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stoika7:

I am looking at the Composite and it looks clear to me that this relationship is only platonic and it will always be so.
First off, Vertex is conjunct to DSC and opposite Mercury/Sun. This looks very karmic and signals that there is a soul connection, it is very hard to break such soulmate bond because Vertex conjunct to DSC shows that your connection comes from an otherworldly dimension and the energy is so overwhelming that it is impossible to be applied on an earthly level. At the same time, this energy is so powerful that it seems impossible to let go of this connection. What you feel so intensely about this person is not going to be materialized in the reality.

Stoika, may I ask you about this Vertex-Dsc conjunction? Do you consider it as an impossible relationship in general?

I thought that Vertex is simply another angle (partnership angle) and that it's actually beneficial to have it conjunct Dsc or be otherwise accentuated in a synastry or a composite.

Can you please elaborate more on that?

I also consider it as a soulmate marker. But soulmates can have a relationship, right?

I had Vertex-Dsc conjunction with 2 people. In one case we had only an EXACT Vertex-Dsc conjunction in a composite, plus opposite Vertexes in a Draco synastry, and my Draco Asc conjunct his tropical Asc with 3* orb. There was a deep relationship without sex, this person brought most life-changing things into my life, we are still in contact. Definitely a soulmate.

In another case we had also EXACT Vertex-Dsc conjunction in a composite, Vertex-Asc DW in a synastry, and my Draco Asc conjunct his tropical Asc with 6* orb. A relationship never took off, I remember a tragic life with that guy where he was my brother. I think he was also my soulmate but didn't realize it.

In my current synastry it's even more weird: RELOCATED Draco Vertexes are conjunct Draco Suns DW, my RELOCATED Draco Vertex is 5* conjunct his regular tropical Dsc, his RELOCATED Draco Asc is 6* conjunct my regular Draco Vertex. Besides, his regular (non-relocated) Draco Dsc is exactly conjunct my regular (non-relocated) tropical Asc, and in the Tropical our Asc-Dsc are in a quindecile 165* aspect but in the opposite signs. Oh yeah, and my regular (non-relocated) Draco IC is 5* conjunct his tropical Sun and Vertex.

PS guys, thank you for your kind words!

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Posts: 19
From: South Brazil
Registered: Sep 2021

posted September 14, 2021 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nice AlmaRegulus!

I would like to get this information as much as you do.
Interesting to know about these aspects, especially in the case of being a soul mate, the possibility of having a relationship is amplified, isn't it? In our case, as you said, our relationship of any kind (even a friendship) is difficult to materialize...

I already thank you in advance for any kind of information provided!

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Posts: 2127
From: Rome, Italy
Registered: Mar 2019

posted September 14, 2021 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by AlmaRegulus:
Stoika, may I ask you about this Vertex-Dsc conjunction? Do you consider it as an impossible relationship in general?

I thought that Vertex is simply another angle (partnership angle) and that it's actually beneficial to have it conjunct Dsc or be otherwise accentuated in a synastry or a composite.

Can you please elaborate more on that?

I also consider it as a soulmate marker. But soulmates can have a relationship, right?

I had Vertex-Dsc conjunction with 2 people. In one case we had only an EXACT Vertex-Dsc conjunction in a composite, plus opposite Vertexes in a Draco synastry, and my Draco Asc conjunct his tropical Asc with 3* orb. There was a deep relationship without sex, this person brought most life-changing things into my life, we are still in contact. Definitely a soulmate.

In another case we had also EXACT Vertex-Dsc conjunction in a composite, Vertex-Asc DW in a synastry, and my Draco Asc conjunct his tropical Asc with 6* orb. A relationship never took off, I remember a tragic life with that guy where he was my brother. I think he was also my soulmate but didn't realize it.

In my current synastry it's even more weird: RELOCATED Draco Vertexes are conjunct Draco Suns DW, my RELOCATED Draco Vertex is 5* conjunct his regular tropical Dsc, his RELOCATED Draco Asc is 6* conjunct my regular Draco Vertex. Besides, his regular (non-relocated) Draco Dsc is exactly conjunct my regular (non-relocated) tropical Asc, and in the Tropical our Asc-Dsc are in a quindecile 165* aspect but in the opposite signs. Oh yeah, and my regular (non-relocated) Draco IC is 5* conjunct his tropical Sun and Vertex.

PS guys, thank you for your kind words!

Hi AlmaRegulus!

Vertex on DSC or in hard aspect to other Composite planets or axis usually shows a soul connection or a very fated meeting. In my experience, when Vertex is so strong in the chart, the relationship has an intense otherworldly energy. It's not always an impossible relationship, depending on other Composite aspects, but most of this otherworldly energy is usually difficult to manifest in the reality. So for instance, there may be intense overwehelming feeling of a fated meeting, or of a soulmate meeting, even so something usually doesn't properly work out. It may be unrequitted love, or it may be with someone whose life situation is not compatible with our life situation... or, there may be a strong unfullfilled side to the relationship, something just doesn't match most of the time with our desires, how we would wish things to be. There may be "unfinished business", in any case, even if the two have a longtime relationship or even marriage, something keeps feeling unresolved or never taking off.

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posted September 14, 2021 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosionV2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Vertex is around 28 degrees Sagittarius. Have been doing this astrology thing for a long time and have not noticed the Vertex strongly showing up in important and/or close synastries.

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Posts: 237
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posted September 15, 2021 05:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AlmaRegulus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Galactic, my Vertex is 29* Gemini, opposite to yours!

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Posts: 237
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posted September 15, 2021 05:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AlmaRegulus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Stoika, thank you so much for the explanations!

I completely agree about the otherworldly fated feeling I had with these people.

I also have a close female friend, we also share a lot of placements, but on top of that, her Moon is on my Vertex. We met randomly in a kinda absurd chaotic situation (evacuation from a museum) on my Birthday.

Also, my current date has his natal Sun exactly conjunct his Vertex, I wonder what it means? He often gets acquainted with random people chaotically. He is like a vertex sucking in strangers.))

My Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are 4* away from his Sun & Vertex.

And in our composite my name asteroid is exactly on the Antivertex.

As for our Vertex connections with relocated charts, it totally makes sense, since I don't think our relationship would survive if we were not staying in the same city (and with our instability situation in life it is rather miraculous that we do stay here).

Stoika, do you have any experience in what happens when in a progressed composite Vertex approaches Dsc?

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posted September 15, 2021 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by AlmaRegulus:
Stoika, do you have any experience in what happens when in a progressed composite Vertex approaches Dsc?

I'm not sure Vertex has any significance in the Prog chart. It may still suggest a fated event, but as far as I know the transiting nodes to the prog chart is what would activate the prog aspects.

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posted September 15, 2021 03:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Another feeling I feel towards him is a kind of 'competition', is it something visible on the chart?

Since I've met him, I feel like I'm ''losing'' to him. He's already married, he already has kids, and I don't. Despite the age difference, I wish I had been married before him and had children before he had. It's as if I've lost in the game of life, because I don't even have a glimpse of a marriage and children in my future (compared to him, although he never mentioned it to me and I don't know why - that he's already started a family).

I feel sad that I didn't achieve some things before I was 30, and some of that empty feeling comes from thinking about him, that I couldn't marry him, or have kids with him. And someone else did what I wanted. I still can't see myself having a relationship with another man, despite everything being platonic between us.

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posted September 15, 2021 06:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosionV2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by AlmaRegulus:
Galactic, my Vertex is 29* Gemini, opposite to yours!

Kool beans AlmaRegulus.

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posted September 15, 2021 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Laboutinsocial:
Another feeling I feel towards him is a kind of 'competition', is it something visible on the chart?

I think the "competition" feeling comes from Composite Saturn conjunct Pluto.

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posted September 16, 2021 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laboutinsocial     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much!

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