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posted June 27, 2003 06:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I guess from the perspective of those who are left behind, a 'death chart' might be of some solice, may somehow put it all in perspective and make it less painful.

I might be inclined to take a look if I suddenly lost someone near and dear to me. I just don't want to know BEFORE it happens, either for myself, or anyone else.

MAGUS, that's a freaky story. So, he's still a Scorpio, hey? I wonder if because they're still earth-bound, so they still fall under the influence of the stars. Or, maybe it's just habit at that point. Can't teach an old dog, etc...?

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posted June 27, 2003 08:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Harpyr: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I've known a couple of people that have lost a spouse or child. I honestly don't know how well I'd handle it.

I lost a close friend a few years back and that was hard enough. Still think of him often.

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posted June 28, 2003 03:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


Many of the more popular astrology magazines have published articles on transits at the "time of death". I've read articles on Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin.

heck, im totally interested in it too. i dont think its anything to do with being morbid. morbids when you drink cow blood out of a dogs skull to steal its power, to me anyway. death is totally natural, i have never understood why its uncouth or forbidden to ask questions about it, as i have often done. i have always had many questions about death. i have a strong detective ability in my chart, and i love solving mysteries, especially those of the unknown. thanks for the link

harpyr... im so sorry for your loss. thats quite a bundle of coincidences. i have had a few unexpected deaths in my life too, and i feel for you.

ive also almost died myself. overdose. many years ago, i did it purposefully, and saved myself. its quite a remarkable story, what i did, but ill save it for another time.

personally i dont see anything wrong with doing death charts, i just dont think any responsible astrologer should inform anyone of impending doom... its all about free will, and if you tell someone in the general public that they are going to die, well, chaos ensues. if a person was ABSOLUTELY certain that a specific transit or combination of them foretold their death, and they were told so that they could put their affairs in order and die with dignity, that would be fine. in the real world though, things dont often happen as responsibly as they should. some astrologers might think they see death, when it might not be true, they might have overestimated their abilities. its happened before. people might be told of impending death, and they might just freak out about it. that isnt fair. its a very heavy responsibility.

this thread also got me thinking, because ive wondered for awhile where all these new souls come from if reincarnation is true (which i believe it is). the population of the world is expanding at a light speed rate, mostly due to medical advantages that prolong life longer than ever before (not counting biblical times, and i might not believe that but its not germane to the topic anyway).

so i started thinking, all these people, perhaps part of their soul might have moved on, while part is still in the body? or perhaps more plausibly, the body left behind has an 'echo' of the previous soul? many older people get senile... its almost like their soul has already left them. often people who are younger that have massive trauma that they wouldnt have survived were it not for modern medical science are profoundly 'different' after, especially with head injuries. i mean, i do NOT want to suggest that these people are soulless. not in the slightest. its just got me thinking... perhaps theres something in this theory. a soul echo... hmm. would be interesting to apply my formula to the concept of twin souls.

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posted June 28, 2003 12:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
anafaery, that's a very intriguing thought.

How would you apply that to the Twin Souls concept? That they're fragments of the same soul?
If so, that's a concept put forth in the 'Messages from Michael' series of books. Have you heard of them?

This group of people messing around on an Ouija (sp?) board in the 70's contact a 'spirit' who goes by the name Michael.

'He' describes himself as a higher form of spirit, a whole soul who has been re-united with all of his thousands of fractions, each of which had lived several earth lives before reaching the point of purity, which is what they have to do in order to re-unite.
So assuming thats true, we actually all have thousands of twin souls, which by definition isn't really a twin, but 1 of many, many souls (or soul FRACTIONS).

They're not all here at the same time, though. They cover the span of human existance, from the beginning of civilization to modern day. But you certainly could meet up with one of your soul-kin while here.
You're not necessarily meant to be bonded together for life, though. Maybe just for a specific purpose, then you go on with your separate missions again.

It's a very complex subject that has many many layers to it, so I'll stop here, but if you want to look further into that, check those books out.

harpyr I regret that you had to go through such a painful experience. But it sounds like you've got a great perspective of it all, and that helps.
Tell me, did you ever sense that he was stopping in to say hi since he passed?

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posted June 29, 2003 01:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi leo

personally i dont believe in ouija, and i wouldnt use one, because its too easy to have 'tricks' happen. that said, i have never read that author and his beliefs, but i think id have a hard time believing that theres so many fragmented souls... hmm...

but then again (i am a libra after all) perhaps hes right, and thats why so many people dont take spirituality seriously, because they dont have enough of a soul left in them to respond to it with any inspiration. many people go to church, just because its 'the right thing to do', some even have ulterior motives to go to church, usually because they will benefit financially or otherwise from the association.

it would go a long way to explaining this overwhelming greed and need for material things that is so prevalent in western society, because perhaps these poor souls (who just dont have the tools at their disposal to do otherwise) can only respond to strictly material things, with instant gratification involved? that would also explain the popularity of and escapism factor of pop culture, tv, movies, videogames, novels, etc. wow... the implications are immense. we live in a culture of instant gratification, and i for one know that anything worth having is worth waiting for. its hard because i do have an aries moon. but thats a tangent i wont go off on right now

then theres movies like 'the matrix' which appeal to all these soul-deficient people because its pure fantasy... and an entertaining story given to them on a platter. perhaps thats why many people are disatisfied with the matrix reloaded, i havent seen it but ive heard that you have to think a lot more when you watch it, the first put everything in a nice package. apparently the second makes you 'think', and ive heard as many varying opinions on it than there are prayers on sunday.

yet then theres people like me who feel its a deep message, and see things in it far beyond entertainment. to me it isnt really entertainment. its has a very strong message. or it could be that im just absolutely nuts and seeing ghosts in fog, but if thats the case, im not alone.

perhaps people like me and others here and elsewhere are more concerned with those issues and have a lot of activity in the 12th house etc... perhaps our former incarnations have either died when they should have, or suddenly, and our souls never had a chance to splinter, or at least not as much as the status quo?

if a soul had many splinters, the more the soul separated the more 'twins' it would connect with on earth. this could explain how there are so many people who... for lack of a more pc term, sleep around a lot. they perhaps sense and crave the connection with another on a primordial level yet they dont have enough of that original soul to make it committed, to really understand the spiritual implications, and they quickly move onto someone else. beings with more of their original soul intact would have the strength from the soul to enter into such a covenant with the seriousness that such a relationship deserves. do you get where im going? its so clear to me, yet to translate it into english in my head is so painful!!!

the people without the strength of the soul, well the physical is all that they really eventually *do* or could connect with. they feel a spark from their deep being, initially, yet lack the energy on that level to carry it through. they are susceptible to others who might be a twin (perhaps its more fitting to call it a distant cousin at this point, the effect is so diluted), and move on, thus creating a pattern throughout their lives, and they lack the resources to create something spiritual and long lasting. does this make sense so far? im afraid im posting this off the top of my head verbatim, so i am aware that there are logistical errors however i am confident that if i sat and spent time with it, i could iron the theory out. im just giving some food for thought, i have to go soon so i hope this is ok in its amoebic form.

How would you apply that to the Twin Souls concept? That they're fragments of the same soul?

well, isnt part of leos message within astrology to 'love yourself'? dont we hear this often as a recurring theme in all the self help literature out there? didnt jesus say something about loving thy neighbour, and thyself? (im not a bible scholar) its a strong recurrent message through life that to love another we must love ourself. opposites attract, but how often does that sort of attraction last before it fizzles out? i really dont have empirical data on that one...

look at it this way too. i have often wondered why people who had a good relationship would cheat. i mean why??? it seems like they choose and then commit to a person in good faith, and all of a sudden they meet someone who just pulls them away with such force that they are compelled to pursue this connection with them. perhaps its as simple as that person has a little of that ole primordial draw going on... what else would be SO compelling for a man or woman to rend a whole family apart for the sake of an affair??? are our base animalistic urges so strong, that we are powerless against them? i dont believe this is so. i guess that part of a soul perhaps picks up on its twin... and nature takes its course, no matter who it hurts. its just so sad, in any case.

perhaps the idea of soulmates *is* a legitimate theory, but not in the way we have known. since i became an adult and had a few hard knocks, i have stopped believing in soulmates. it was just a sweet maudlin little fantasy. but now, perhaps there is something to it... it certainly would make more sense if looked at the way i have here. heck i thought my first bf that i lived with was my soulmate. maybe he was, but not forever. maybe we got what we needed from each other, perhaps assimilated the information from eachs fragment of the other, and no longer needed each other. the relationship became abusive after a time, and i left.

wow. thanks for provoking my thought into this subject. you have started something very beneficial to me! (and i have to say relevant personally at this time) thank you

ugh... so much more to think about, its tedious because its a deep subject but you know what? theres nothing my libra sag self likes better than this.

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posted June 29, 2003 03:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
anafaery, I don't think that the message was saying each soul fraction is a comprimised portion of a human soul. It's as complete as need be for each earth life.

The whole entire soul is comprised of many of these fragments, each of which is assigned a specific task of either gaining a quintessential truth or purging a detrimental aspect. Each one is like an agent for the mother organization. Although they have a personal and specific mission, it's really for the good of the whole. Whatever is good for each fraction is good for the whole.

They are not less than complete in themselves, but they ARE part of a bigger whole, with which they're are all driven to reunite with. It's what compells each of us to push on in this life.

Those that seem to lack "soul", or have a hard time seeing beyond physical/material gratification, are in their infant stage of purification, and just have a longer way to go before they reach the point of purity.
They cause themselves a great deal of pain, and in the process, learn quintessential truths. Pain = growth.

Now, back to the subject of twin souls. I agree that too many are seeking a hokey maudlin day dream when they hold their breath for the magical "someone" to walk into the room and give their life some meaning. It already HAS meaning, just by the fact that they're here! If two people can carry out their life tasks in tandem, then wonderful! Sometimes, they require one another to do that, sometimes they don't.

Look at it this way. Anytime in your life that you overwhelmingly felt something because of someone else, or you stumbled upon a life TRUTH that you hadn't seen before, you've just done business with one of your soul-kin.

I'm thinking that even the 'whole' soul, may actually also be a fragment of an even LARGER soul, and the heirarchy could be infinate. It's a profoundly simple, yet complicated concept. Don't ya think?

I'm glad you can grasp this stuff, girl. I've found very few who can.

Most people say "Whoa that's too heavy for me, man"

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posted June 29, 2003 03:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 29, 2003 04:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It exits throught the 8th house? Interesting. So does the sign on the cusp of the 8th characterize the exit somewhat? Like someone with Aries on the 8th house cusp may exit due to a head injury, for example?

What does soujourne mean?

What planet would be mine?

Shaun, are you a male?

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posted June 29, 2003 05:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 29, 2003 11:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi again...
Yeah, I suspected that you were male, but you rarely veer from the subject at hand, and you don't talk much about yourself, nor do you contribute to our more light hearted threads about love & sex & romance and stuff. So you come across kind of a-sexual. I guess you're just very focussed, and there's not a darn thing wrong with that. I'm sure it's a quality that has served you well in your life, and always will.
I hope you don't mind me asking you that. I just had to know! Not that I would hold back anything when talking to you, one way or the other, I was just very curious. (being a cat and all)
You have Venus conjunct your ascendant, hey? Doesn't that usually make people very attractive? Ok, I'm probably embarrassing you now...sorry !

So, what do you think? Does a spirit retain it's astrological makeup after it passes to the other side? I guess this would only apply to ghosts, as those who don't linger have access to eternal truths, and are no longer bound by those laws. (or are they??) This is the kind of stuff I wonder about when falling asleep at night...8th house stuff. Does that mean my last soujourn was on Pluto?

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posted June 29, 2003 11:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm glad you can grasp this stuff, girl. I've found very few who can.

ohhh you dont know the half i love this stuff. nothing i love better than to ponder mysteries and i certainly have the brains to follow along. its one of my passions, deep thinking. i am always questioning things too. its just so much a part of my psychological makeup. i never run from anything deep or complex really. i see it as a challenge.

im glad you could follow along with my useless meanderings tee hee

i love to create new theories and test them to see if they might be accurate. i honestly should have been a scientist of some sort. alas, life didnt give me that option. its ok though. im happy

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posted June 30, 2003 12:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
speaking of sex, lioneye, what persuasion would you be? hehe i just wonder, and i cant tell, nor have i seen any posts of yours where you might have mentioned it. i hate having to guess cause im usually wrong

doesnt matter, just curious. ive got an 11th house ruled by scorpio, so i always wanna know as much as i can about everyone lol!

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posted June 30, 2003 04:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 30, 2003 11:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

There are many ways to discern if a person has/is lived/living on several dimensions:

Deja Vu
Astrology Chart
Daily habitual inclinations
Third Eye Excerises
Auric Fields

Hope this helps.


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posted June 30, 2003 12:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey, Shaun
No, buddy, you take your sweet time with my chart. Heck, you don't even HAVE to finish it if you've got other things you need to get to. I appreciate all you've done for me so far, honestly - I think you're the greatest!
I also wanted to say that I'm a big Edgar Cayce fan, and I've read two books about him. One was a detailed account of many of his psychic/medical diagnosis and remedies, the other was his look into the future. (big changes coming to the continent of North America, the geographic face of it anyway)
I got his birth date as March 18, 1877, 3:03...but it wasn't clear whether that was a.m. or p.m. (do you know?)
I always pay close attention to any information that's said to have originated from him. The man had an open pipeline to Universal Truth! How amazing is THAT... well it's beyond comprehension! (sometimes I think you have that pipeline going on too ...either that or you never forget a single thing that you read, probably the latter, but regardless, it's impressive)

Yeah, that idea that we hang out on other planets in our solar system, I've heard of that before. I read a book called (I *think) 'Saved by the Light', by a gentleman named Damon Brinkley, who was electrocuted while talking on the phone during an electrical storm, and he actually clinically died for a few minutes. Well, the things he saw and learned while he was "dead" were just amazing, and one of the things he did see (also, Betty Edie saw some simular things when she had a near death experience, written about in her book 'Embrased by the Light') was Beings coming and going to distant planets to study and learn amazing stuff, and everyone was just so filled with joy over it all! Like a bunch of kids going back to school after the summer, only none of the bummed out feelings, just the excitement of it all! He also met with a panel of twelve beings who's main purpose was to assess his progress so far, and to help him decide if he wanted to go back to earth or not. Shaun, the way he decribed them... each one was the embodiment of one of the astrological signs, or possibly one of the planets! One was brave and valient and seem to be a leader, one was jovial and philosphical, one was filled with energy and action force, and so on. They obviously convinced him that he really needed to return to earth. They took away his knowledge of 'why' he should come back, though. (probably to write that book! lol)
So, where did you read or hear about the 'planetary universities'? Edgar Cayce? Interesting stuff, isn't it? I don't know why some people are intimidated by it. Not ready for that level of truth yet, I guess. Not ready to swim in the deep end of the pool yet! lol

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Lost Leo
posted June 30, 2003 12:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"My grandfather died on my 1st B-day" (1Scorp)

Proves Linda's point she made in Love Signs... that within months before/after a Scorpio's birth, there usually is a death of a related family member...

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posted June 30, 2003 12:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know what I just realized? There's not a single Scorpio in my whole family. Not a one. Not even a second cousin. How weird.
We are devoid of Scorpio. Actually, we're predominately Fire and Air in my family.
I guess no Scorpio soul would be crazy enough to pick our family.

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posted June 30, 2003 01:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Are you serious LionEye?

You can have my Scorpio family members. And Pisces, Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Taurus, Aquarius. You can have them all.

Just kidding. They make life interesting. Heck, they are interesting

They would say the same about me

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posted June 30, 2003 01:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, it's true. It wasn't anything that was expected. (He was a Pisces)

Lion, I'm stuck with fire and air every where I go! I'm just like... yeah... well... I need to go off be alone for a while now.

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posted June 30, 2003 01:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I bet! No wonder you're so easy going! You're exhausted, man!

Aphrodite, I don't think you should give me you're WHOLE family...just the cuties and the nice people. You can keep the trouble makers...I have enough of those in my family. Sheesh, my younger sister, older sister and my dad are ALL Geminis! Believe me, we have no shortage of trouble makers in my family. Ah, but if not for them, I wouldn't be the diplomat that I am today. (or the nut case that I am for that matter)

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posted June 30, 2003 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Harpyr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the sympathy, kind knowflakes..

Have I felt like J has stopped in for a visit since his departure from the flesh?
Yes. It was comforting and upsetting at the same time...if that makes any sense.

Some really interesting conversation going on about the soul fragments..I've enjoyed reading it.

I wish I had the energy to respond..abit tired at this particular moment from a quite late night with the amazing Scorp Eagle fellow who has stepped into my heart recently. A feat I had been quite cynical about ever happening to me like this. It's been quite wonderful, comforting. Strangely this Eagle has a Gemini moon that is only one degree away from where J's was. Plus, J was a Pisces and the Eagle has his moon in the 12th I think that may have something to do with how comforting I find his presence to be.

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posted June 30, 2003 03:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 30, 2003 08:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't really have the time to read this whole thread right now, but wanted to add some thoughts on the very deep topic of soul fragments. I have written a book ( ) which explains a few "new" concepts concerning infinite dimensions and the like. It could be possible that we have souls on many dimensions - what if our overall soul was a fragment of a higher dimensional soul, and likewise, lower dimensional versions of ourselves could be obtaining the "missions" of us in our present form and dimension. (the book would help explain this) I love thinking of this stuff... I loved Linda's explaination that we have certain moments in life that "allow us to die" or perhaps this can extend to "pass soul fragments", but we CHOOSE to do so in both cases. I can't really add to much more here, but will read the rest of the thread before adding further notes here If anyone could provide some *constructive* criticism of my "book", I would be greatly appreciated.

Love and Light to aLL
My numerology program according to "Star Signs" by LG.

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posted July 01, 2003 04:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bauschd ...

I would love to read your book, but the link doesn't work. It says the page is missing or the URL is wrong.

Can you try again?


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posted July 01, 2003 01:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Scorpio buddy's grandfather died when she was only 4. I know this doesn't fall into what Linda said about the death/birth thing with Scorps, but I just wanted to say that one week after her grandpa died, she started seeing him in their house. He would just sit there and gaze at her. She would say "Grandpa's here!" and her parents would shush her. She got angry at him because he was scaring her! He would just stare, with a blank expression. So, she told him to go away and not come back, and he didn't! Even at four, she was a spit fire, bossing ghosts around!

I once read that Scorps attract ghosts. My freind who had the Gemini ghost in her house, her Scorpio neice had just started living with them when Mr. Spooky Gemini moved it. Weird.

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