  Where is ruler of your 7th house? (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   Where is ruler of your 7th house?

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From: the city so nice they named it twice!
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posted September 06, 2007 02:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for libraschoice7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh yuck...that would be 3rd house then(my Saturn is not quite conjunction my Venus). I have never been proud of this placement...

Sun in Libra
Moon in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Cancer
Ascendant in Cancer

I "FEEL" therefor I am

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posted September 06, 2007 02:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralFrequency     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 7th ruler is Jupiter in Pisces - 10th..
Pisces + me = nice feelings going back and worth - most of the time.

I prefer Piscean men as friends, because they are a bit disturbed when young (or a lot, either way).. they DO get better with age.. *sips on her wine* ..So one day, far far far away.. when I actually want to be with a person forever - I have a feeling it might just be a Piscean (with some fire and earth in his chart).. and he'll be at least 7 years older - imo.. just a hunch I have.

If LL is still on, I'll find this thread and post it - if it does happen lol - unless I'm senile by then hehe

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posted September 06, 2007 05:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Alia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ruler of my 7th is Saturn - yikes!-
in 8th house conjunct to the sun....
i always had broke boyfriends lol
i wonder where that comes from..
also i am always attracted/attract younger men , and i can t stand saturnine traits in a man ... i dont think i ever dated a capricorn ...and one aquarius bf i had was a total disaster, worst mistake of my life

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posted September 06, 2007 06:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
darkdreamer - Oh, I see now. Sometimes I'm so distracted by my own sexiness that my reading comprehension suffers.
You're talented at applying house rulers in analysis. I want your opinion on so many things, but I don't want to bombard you with questions. Would you recommend any books or websites that give good information on this subject?

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posted September 06, 2007 08:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

if you can turn your head away from the image of your mirror for just a second, you can ask whatever you want.
Your questions push me to think really hard, and I like that. It`s not that I really know these things, I`m just trying and learning. That is all.

But regarding books:

Well, I relate much to a German school called "Transpersonal astrology", they work extensively with house-rulers, and they have a very clear concept of houserulers, which I like. Unfortunately the books are only available in German.

I also loved the books of Stephen Arroyo. His interpretation of the houses make very much sense to me, too.

And then there`s a Dutch astrologer, Karin Hamaker - Zondag, who has written many books on astrology (my quote on the quinkunx comes from her book about the Yod-figure). My most favourite of her books is the one about houserulers. It has been translated to German, so maybe you`re lucky and can find a translation to English, too.
She sais if she was asked to say something about someone`s communication`s skill, she would never dare to base her analysis on Mercury alone. She always combines it with the ruler of the 3rd house.
Of course you get a lot of constellations this way, since you had to look at:

Mercury in sign and house
the houseposition of ruler of 3rd house
planets in 3rd house
houserulers in 3rd house
aspects from ruler of 3rd house to planets
aspects from ruler of 3rd house to houserulers.

For example: If I did a list on "Communication" it would be a huge list, so I rather take something else like "emotions": Moon / 4th house

Moon in Aquarius in 2nd house
Moon quinkunx Saturn

b)IC in Aries, and ruler of 4th house in 12th / 1st house

c) no Planets in 4th house

d) no houserulers in 4th house

e)ruler of 4th house square Jupiter, conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto, conjunct ASC, trine IC

f) ruler of 4th house square ruler of 1st house, conjunct ruler of 3rd house, sextile ruler of 11th and 12th house

g) IC square Venus, trine Mars, trine Neptune, opposite Pluto

h) IC square ruler of 5th, 6th, 10th house, trine ruler of 4th house, trine ruler of 3rd house, opposite ruler of 11th and 12th house

As you can see, you can have many connections; actually it can get rather confusing (my MOon is a very "lonesome" planet, but if I had to do the list on Mercury / 3rd house it would get a bit overwhelming); but you can also see "multiple whammies", which show which traits are emphasised.

Moon in Aquarius, ruler of 4th house sextile ruler of 11th house; IC opposite ruler of 11th house
(3 times Moon - Uranus)

Moon in 2nd house; IC square Venus
(2 times Moon - Venus)

Moon quinkunx SAturn; IC square ruler of 10th house
(2 times Moon - Saturn)

IC in ARies; ruler of 4th house at the cusp of 1st house; ruler of 4th house conjunct ASC; ruler of 4th house square ruler of 1st house; IC trine Mars;
(5 times Moon - Mars!)

ruler of 4 in 12; ruler of 4 conjunct Neptune; ruler of 4 sextile ruler of 12; IC trine Neptune; IC opposite ruler of 12
(5 times Moon - Neptune!)

ruler of 4 square Jupiter;
(1 time Moon - Jupiter)

ruler of 4 sextile Pluto; IC opposite Pluto
(2 times Moon -Pluto)

ruler of 4 conjunct ruler of 3; IC trine ruler of 3; IC square ruler of 6
(3 times Moon - Mercury)
and so on.

As you can see, there`s a strong emphasis on Moon-Mars and Moon-Neptune, or the connection of the 4th to the 1st and 12th house, which I wouldn`t have been able to spot just fromt he Moon-position alone.

However, I think some connections are more important than others.
REgarding houseruler connections, I mainly look to:
1. ruler of one house-cusp in the other house (of course the sign comes into play here, too)
2. aspects between houserulers
3. planets in the house (for communication, planets in the 3rd house)

Regarding the aspects, I think conjunctions, oppositions, solstice points and squares are the strongest, while trines, sextiles and quinkunxes come second in strength.

So, I`d say the conjunction of my 3rd houseruler and 4th houseruler is definitely felt more strongly than the sextile of my 3rd house ruler to my 10th house ruler.

Houseruler-aspects are really fun to analyze, because they give some depth into the interpretation, especially in regard to relationships.


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posted September 07, 2007 05:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
darkdreamer - It was a challenge, but I've managed to put down the mirror long enough to type. But if I ask you questions about my own chart, am I not just asking you to be another mirror for me? "Tell me all about ME!"

I looked it up & Hamaker's books are available in English, and they're reasonably priced. My Cappy Venus is pleased.

You may regret giving me permission to ask away. But here goes...
How would you interpret the following:
Ruler of 8th house in 1st house.
Ruler of 1st house in 8th house.

I'm going to get Hamaker's book on the houses, but I read some reviews & they mentioned that one thing she doesn't get into is how a particular planet as the house ruler would impact the interpretation. So since I definitely won't be learning that from her, I was hoping you could share your ideas on it. Take me, for example. Since you've already dazzled me with your reading for ruler of 5th in 2nd, let's build on that one. How would Neptune as the 5th house ruler influence things? Carrying the 2nd-5th link further, is that I have the Sun in the 2nd house & it's conjunct the 5th house ruler. (Feel free to give the negative side of all interpretations too. I'm interested primarily in the process of doing the interpretation.)

Also, how would you interpret ruler of the 5th house (Moon) in the 11th house?
Ruler of the 4th house (Uranus) in the 1st house?

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posted September 07, 2007 05:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think the connections you signaled out as more important make sense. I will focus my analysis on those at first, since the information can become overwhelming otherwise.

I'm glad you mentioned Solstice points, b/c that's something I've been wondering about. How do we interpret solstice-natal conjunctions? I have a very tight solstice-natal Sun-Venus conjunction. Should I interpret that the same as a natal Sun-Venus conjunction, or is it different?

Do you think the Moon-Mars & Moon-Neptune emphasis you have gives you the characteristics of Moon in Aries & Moon in Pisces? I've recently started thinking that our Moon is very much affected by planets it aspects, taking on their characteristics more than other planets do when aspected. I've always felt, in a lot of ways, like an aquarius. Contributing to that is having aqua on my IC (4th house having the Moon feel), & also I have Uranus tightly squaring my Moon. I feel so comfortable with aqua moons, always have. Do you feel the same with the planets aspecting your moon?

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posted September 07, 2007 09:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Jane,

I`m glad I could distract your attention from your mirror for a moment. Wait, does that mean I have to leave my mirror, too?

ut if I ask you questions about my own chart, am I not just asking you to be another mirror for me? "Tell me all about ME!"

Jup, I often thought that, too. Us astrologers are a quite some egocentric folk, aren´t we?
Always try to see our own reflection in the sky.
In my case it may be even more obvious, since I have ruler of 7th house in 1st house - in a relationship I actually seek myself (or to understand myself); relationships act as a mirror for me, and how do I recognize myself in relationships?
Since Mercury is the connecting planet (ruler of DCS), I do it in a Mercurian way, through thinking and talking about me - a lot.
God, I am such a narcistic (sp?) ***** ! lol

How would you interpret the following:
Ruler of 8th house in 1st house.
Ruler of 1st house in 8th house.

Intersting placement!
Well, my sm-actor has this one, too. Uranus, as ruler of ascendant in 8th house, and Venus as ruler of 8th house in 1st house.
And my Venus-square pluto loves this placement!
But you didn`t ask for what I love, did you?

However, there is a rather gruesome example of this placement, which fits the symbolism, but of course it is an extreme example and it will not hold true for each and everyone with that placement.
M. Monroe had Neptune, as ruler of 8th house in the 1st house - one of the darker interpretation could be:
death (8th house) by her own hand (1st house) through drugs or narcotics (Neptune).
But as I said, it is an extreme example, and most people express this placement in more positive ways.

There seems to be a tight connection between house-8 issues and house 1-issues. A personality (1st house) that bears many Plutonic / Scorpionic traits, with a keen interest in looking behind the veil so to speak.
The ruler of the 1st house shows what you are instinctively drawn to, what you need to have to feel most like YOURSELF, and if the ruler of the 1st house is in the 8th house, then you are instinctively drawn to 8th house issues.
For example, the 8th house shows your commitments, your deep bonds. In the 7th house you may celebrate your wedding, but once you`re married, you`re in the 8th house.
So someone with ruler 1 in 8th house has an instinctive urge to have a lasting, deep relationship.
Also, there can be quite some psychological transformations (8th house) of the Self (1st house).#
The 8th house is one of the deepest most emotional houses, so there is also a need for depth, intensity, passion.
NOt exclusively towards a partner, you can also be passionate about a hobby or your job. Mmh, the connection of 1st house and 8th house could also indicate some strong physical passions, I guess.
And such people are fighters. Not in the Arian-I`m exploding like a bomb- way, but they don`t give up easily, whenever they have set their mind on something.
Don`t forget the 8th house is a succedent, a fixed, house, and it shows. Those 1-8-people can be rather stubborn, but it depends on the connecting planet.
The ruler of the 8th house shows, where you seek depth and what or whom you are committing to; if it`s the 1st house, you`re very much committed to yourself. I think it may give some pride and firm principles. You have to be able to look into your own eyes in the mirror, and so you can`t risk to do something "low", because you would betray your own high moral standards.
That is when the aspect is not "perverted". IN a perverted way, you can also adapt your moral standards to your own instinctual wants. Like saying: "What I want, is right."
But however it is expressed, there is an identification with your ideals, principles and moral standards.

This placement also can mean that sex and deep commited relationships (8th house) somehow crawl under your skin (1st house); they are so close to you, that it is sometimes hard to detach from your feelings around a partner. There can be a high identification with the relationship or the partner.
Again, it all depends on the connecting planet.


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posted September 07, 2007 01:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I'm going to get Hamaker's book on the houses, but I read some reviews & they mentioned that one thing she doesn't get into is how a particular planet as the house ruler would impact the interpretation.

Yes, that is unfortunately true.
I do analyze the connection of houseruler in houses like this:

1. the houseruler sais something about a certain URGE of a person;
2. the house, the houseruler falls in, sais something about, WHERE this urge is expressed
3. the planet, which is the houseruler, sais something about HOW the urge is expressed

example: Jupiter, as ruler of the 1st house falls into 3rd house
The instinctive urge of the person (ruler of ASC) is to express themselves, to communicate, to write and talk (ASC - ruler falls into 3rd house)
And she does this, communicating in this example, in a broad, rather unlimited, expansive (Jupiter) way; needing much time and space for herself, and sometimes coming across as non-stop (Jupiter knows no limits and tends to exaggerate) talking (3rd house).
This way to talk endlessly is just a very integral part of her nature (1st house-ruler).

Now, if Saturn had been the ruler of the 1st house, the person would still have an instinctual need to express herself and to communicate, but she would do it in a more dry, controlled, analytic, maybe even sarcastic way.
Probably a person with Jupiter as ruler of 1 in 3 would write LOONG essays to get their point across (and because once started they can`t stop the writing process, because it is soo much fun), whereas a person with Saturn as ruler of 1 in 3 would use a lot less words, but those words would be pointedly, boy, I can tell you.
My best friend and me have a similiar interaction. I have Jupiter in 3rd house, she has Saturn in 3rd house.
I am more like a novelist and she is the one who can write the most ironic, biting columns.

How would Neptune as the 5th house ruler influence things?

Just think about what Neptune is about. It could add some dreamy, magical atmhosphere to it. Or confusion, so that you don`t see the interaction very clearly; sometimes idolizing your lover, and then becoming a bit sad, when he decides to fall down the pedestal you put him on.
Neptune also brings a certain openness to everything it touches.
As I said the ruler of the 5th in 2nd house could mean that you seek a lover (5th house), who is very physical present, touching you, making you feel secure (2nd house). Now, with Neptune as the connecting planet, I may think, that this is not enough for you, you need that grounded quality of the 2nd house but at the same time this certain "magic" feeling of soulmates coming together on earth.

Also, how would you interpret ruler of the 5th house (Moon) in the 11th house?
Ruler of the 4th house (Uranus) in the 1st house?

Ruler of the 5th house in the 11th house:
I see there is a connection between the house of love affairs and friend, so maybe a lover has to be a friend? Or friends become lovers?
Also, the urge to express themselves (5th house) points into the area that is out of the norm (11th house); there seems to be something "extraordinary" about the way this person acts and expresses themselves. Something that makes them different from others. A special hobby, maybe? Like astrology, space-ships, computer, paragliding? (All very Uranian hobbies).
If this placement is projected, then the person may seek for a lover, who does that, who is different, who is a humitarian maybe? (Uranus is interested in the wellbeing of the whole world after all) Who is a Greenpeace-activist? An astrologer? Who can fly a plane? Who is working as a doctor?
Usually, the ruler of the 5th house in the 11th house indicates some detachment, some distance to other people, but in this case the connecting planet is the Moon, so I guess, this interpretation is overruled here.
The person with this placement still seeks that special person, who is not like all the other, still seeks friendship and freedom in their love-affairs.

(cont. )

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posted September 08, 2007 07:54 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Hey Jane,

I wanna continue this now.
Well, what I wanted to say is that the Moon as connecting planet of the ruler of 5 in 11 gives a more caring, emotional and nurturing nuance thatn the ruler of 5 in 11 usually has.

Ruler of the 4th house in 1st house (I have that, too) would mean that your (physical) self and your emotional core are very tightly connected.
In my case it means for example that my emotional state influences my physical being very clearly. And the opposite is also true.
Apart from that it is a very emotional placement; the self, the way you appear to be, is very much influenced by your emotions (is that your placement=? or his?).
With Uranus as connecting planet, there is a slight contradiction here, because there is a sense of detachment and attachment present at the same time. Maybe your emotions are swinging back and forth.
But as emotional as this placement actually may be, I think it is not always obvious to the people around you, unless they are really close. Both, the 1st as well as the 4th house, are under the horizon, and therefore not easily seen (1st house may be a bit different in this regard though). I think if there was a connection to the 10th or 7th house, the emotions would be very clearly on display, for all world to see, but in this case, there is also a need to protect one`s emotions, and the loved ones, and what I almost forgot to mention, a tight family-connection, or at least the inner urge to have a home. That is just part of the self. But that "home" can be quite different from a "conventional" home, with Uranus playing a part here.

I'm glad you mentioned Solstice points, b/c that's something I've been wondering about. How do we interpret solstice-natal conjunctions? I have a very tight solstice-natal Sun-Venus conjunction. Should I interpret that the same as a natal Sun-Venus conjunction, or is it different?

Yes, I`ve always wondered about that, too. Interestingly, I also have a Sun-Venus-solstice conjunction.
Well, the author and founder of the "Transpersonal astrology" sais solstice-points are like "weak conjunction", VERY important. He includes the solstice conjunction and opposition and also square. I don`t know why the square, but even though it seems rather illogical to me, it works. Damn it! These solstice squares do work, I have seen them too often at work to really push them aside.
HOwever, I think the solstice points act as some kind of "veiled conjunctions" - they can be very binding and draw people together, who you normally wouldn`t imagine of being together.
It`s like you have a Sagittarius and a Cancer; usually those two signs are very different from each other, but now there is one point, where there is a solstice opposition between them. Let`s say 5° Sagittarius and 25° Cancer. Those degrees "mirror" each other. It`s like the Sagittarius say: "You know I just don`t like Cancers. They are so soft and clingy and emotional and they are choking me! And you are a CAncer and you are all that, too. Soft, clingy, emotional, and yet, there`s something about you, I just can`t get you off my mind. I feel like we`Re caught in a magnetic field."
That`s how I imagine solstice points to work. It`s a good explanation for the fascination that is sometimes going on between Sagittarius and Capricorn, they do mirror each other, but not because they are the same; they mirror some kind of "shadow-points" in each other.
To return to the first example: Sagittarius would never ever admit it, but deep inside he is emotional him- or herself, and he has a need for a home, he can return to.
And maybe, in that "shadow-mirror"-degree (s)he senses that.

One interesting thing is that often the solstice conjuncts are also parallel each other.
For example: Sun solstice conjunct Venus and Sun parallel Venus. It happens quite often. The other possibility is that there is a real Sun-Venus-conjunction and parallel. So, there seems to be a connection between solstice points and conjunctions and parallels.

o you think the Moon-Mars & Moon-Neptune emphasis you have gives you the characteristics of Moon in Aries & Moon in Pisces?

Yes, I think so.
Of course my Moon still is in Aquarius, and that is a main trait. But the Moon-Mars and Moon-Neptune-connection figure in.

I've recently started thinking that our Moon is very much affected by planets it aspects, taking on their characteristics more than other planets do when aspected.
Yes, after all she is the most receptive planet of all, even though I must say, even the others will be modified by strong aspects.

Contributing to that is having aqua on my IC (4th house having the Moon feel), & also I have Uranus tightly squaring my Moon. I feel so comfortable with aqua moons, always have.

Then you should feel comfortable with me.
But yes, I think that is a lot of Aquarius-influence on your lunar connections.

Do you feel the same with the planets aspecting your moon?

Unfortunately there are no planets aspecting my moon. lol
Seriously, there is only this absolute exact quinkunx to Saturn, but I guess, I do feel it. All those Capricorns....


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posted September 08, 2007 11:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alma_pisces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My ruler of my 7th is Uranus in the 5th house in Sag.

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posted September 10, 2007 02:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Darkdreamer,

You are pretty good with the rulers.
I have more German books, but only one with the positions of the rulers.
I would like to know, what book do you have?

As you see, I am not far away from German language Country.


Sun sign Taurus, AC Libra, Moon in Pisces

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posted September 10, 2007 03:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for writesomething     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the ruler of my 7th is in my idea

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posted September 10, 2007 03:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The ruler of my 7th is Uranus, which is in my 2nd house almost in conjunct with my Sun (both in Virgo).

My current relationship is with an Aqua man(Sun and ASC in Aqua). I can't see what he has to do with my 2nd house, though...

The ruler of my 7th being a 2nd house Uranus makes me need a partner who gives me lots of freedom and change and a steady relationship... Talk about conradiction. There has to be total TRUST for it to succeed at all... An Aqua Sun seems to need the same thing per se.

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posted September 10, 2007 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for comica23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My DC is Pisces, and Neptune is in the 5th house (Capricorn). I didn't have any luck with Capricorns (not even friendships.. we just irritate each other lool), but I do appreciate Capri's earthy qualities in a guy (good work ethics, seriousness and security). I also appreciate people that are expressive, spirited and creative (5th house/Leo traits). ^_^
My bf's 7th house ruler is in the 9th house, and I did come from another country lol..

My Venus is in the 8th house (Aries) as well, and I do attract Scorpio people lol (my bf is one of them XD ).. I love just love this sign..

It's funny that my Moon is in the 8th house and he's a Scorpio, and his Moon is in the 1st house and I'm an Aries.. ^.^

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posted September 10, 2007 11:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I have several books by Michael Roscher, Christopher Weidner and Brigitte Hamman.
They are the "leading" astrologers of the "Transpersonal school of astrology", founded by Michael Roscher.
They actually base their astrological work mainly on the houseruler-ships, because they say the houses are the most individual things in a chart. I agree with them on that.
They don`t really include the sign of the planets (except for ASC and Moon and sometimes Sun), because they are not as individual as the houses. HOwever, I do think signs play a role, too. At least the signs of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. I don`t really look at the other planets for signs, unless they are the chartruler.

So, I`m having a lot of books written by them. lol
For example:
"Das Buch der Häuserherrscher" by Michael Roscher / Werner Völkel

"Venus und Mars" by M. Roscher (this was the first one I ever had, and it made me stick with astrology at a time when I almost had given up on it).

"Grundmuster der Liebe" by Brigitte Hamman

And as I mentioned I also have the one by Karen Hamaker-Zondag about the houserulers, but I think there is not that much written about it.
But then again, if you know what the houses mean it shouldn`t be more difficult to interprete houserulers in houses as planets in houses.

What books do you have?


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posted September 13, 2007 02:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
darkdreamer - Wow! I'm in astrology heaven!

Us astrologers are a quite some egocentric folk, aren´t we? Always try to see our own reflection in the sky.

Yeah, but we also see the sky's reflection in us. Studying astrology isn't quite so egocentric when I think of it like that.

I have the ruler of my 8th in my 1st, so using the formula you used with MMonroe, I have death (8th house) by my own hand (1st house) through communication (Mercury). I'm going to talk myself to death!

My fiance has his 1st house ruler in his 8th house, & what you said about that placement fits him so well. We both have our 8th house ruler in our 1st house, & your description on that certainly fits the both of us.

1. the houseruler sais something about a certain URGE of a person;
2. the house, the houseruler falls in, sais something about, WHERE this urge is expressed
3. the planet, which is the houseruler, sais something about HOW the urge is expressed

The above & the examples you gave of you & your friend have helped me so much in understanding this. Many, many thanks!

Neptune also brings a certain openness to everything it touches.

You calling me easy?
Really, your analysis re:Neptune as 5th house ruler was so accurate for me. Spiritual, magical, compassionate love + physical lust = my bliss.
Your entire analysis for 5th in the 11th was very true too.

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posted September 13, 2007 02:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm the one with 4th in the 1st. That one is harder for me to tell how it applies to me. One thing that comes to mind though is that I have a very expressive face. When I'm relaxed with someone & have already consciously chosen not to put up any facade, every emotion I experience shows on my face. I get comments about this all the time. (Adding to this is that I have my moon in the 10th house.) But, strangely, I've also always been very good at revealing nothing, as long as I've decided deliberately not to reveal anything. One superficial but enjoyable benefit of this is that I usually win poker games. (I smile like that when I win too, & turn that color.)

So we can add a Sun-Venus solstice conjunction to our growing list of shared aspects. Since you have it too, I'm thinking this must be a truly wonderful aspect. My sun & venus are close to being parallel, but not quite...1º30".
Does that author consider all solstice points as "weak conjunctions"--the square & opposition too? Is it similar to midpoints, where these "hard" aspects, rather than being disharmonious, allow the planets to impact one another?

Yes, I do feel very comfortable with your Aqua Moon self. I've enjoyed reading your posts very much from the time I first started visiting here. One time you made a self-deprecating joke about not being interesting & I wanted to chime in that I found you very interesting. But I had never "spoken" with you yet, so I thought that may come across as creepy for me to say that to you. Unlike saying it now! I'm sure bringing up something you said months & months ago isn't creepy at all!

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posted September 13, 2007 04:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Darkdreamer,

I have many books in German, but like only three of them.

Here is my list:

1. Alexander von Pronay:
a) Helfen Horoskope hoffen
b) Das grosse Buck von Horoskop
c) Die Liebe in Zeichen der Sterne
d) Die Prognose nach dem Geburtshoroskop – very good

2. Michael Roscher:
a) Mars und Venus
b) Praxis der Horoskop Interpretation

3. Marion March & Joan Mc Evers:
Lehrbuch der astrologischen Prognose – very good

4. Walter Koch: Gesammelte Aufsaetze Gestalt Horoskopie

5. Joelle de Gravelaine: Tierkreis Zeichen Aszendent und Charakter

6. Alan Leo: Direktionen

7. Ingrid Vallieres: Astrologie und Reinkarnation

8. Irene Andreas: Karma im Horoskop

9. Stephen Arroyo: Astrologie und Partnerschaft – very good

10. Bernd Mertz: Grundlagen der klassischen Astrologie

11. Bill Tirney: Dynamik der Aspektanalyse

12. Louis Archer: Das grosse Buch der Astrologie

13. Harbe von der Velde: Das Astrologie Praxisbuch

Other books are in English and my language.


Sun sign Taurus, AC Libra, Moon in Pisces

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posted September 13, 2007 04:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Melinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
7th house rulership, gemini... mercury in 8th house cancer, conjuct mars in gemini

i strongly feel the 8th house effect, deep karmic relationships, full of transformation, people often seem to want to look after me, even strangers (thank you!), so theres the connection to other peoples money....

not sure the significance of the conj though.

Definatly not attracted to scorpios (sorry scorp) or gemini... the only gemini relationship was full of psychic connections, meeting in dreams etc but was a pain in the arse on the earth plain...

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posted September 14, 2007 07:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taurus Des., so Venus (Scorpio) is the ruler of 7th in the 12th conjunct ruler of the 5th, Neptune and Asc. Savior, martyr, boundary issues, putting people on a pedestal...everything you can think of that a Ve/Ne conjunction entails. Except personal drug/alcohol abuse. Did spend 8 years with a recovering/recovered drug user though. Idealist...looking for my everything. Learned to (learning) to take up for self and enforcing boundaries. Also, learning to ask for what I want as only I know what I want and need. Trying to embody the "princess" attitude. Or maybe the "Goddess" attitude. That is my next lesson. Abhor Neptunian weaknesses. I live my life as an example of strength and want someone like me. Learned to help only those who are helping themselves. I do feel that I am meant to be of assistance to others. Patience is getting real limited...and I have the patience of a saint.

Fixed energy...I am very steadfast.

Best and healthiest relationships have been with Leo's. Mars in Leo conjunct MC involved in GT. Progressed Venus and progressed Moon coming to a conjunction with natal Sun by spring 2008. Where is my man?

I do appreciate winners. Taurian types. Stable, tactile, and solid types. And "Say what you mean and mean what you say" types. I adore men who can hold their own. My son is a Taurus rising with his Mars conjunct the Ascendent in the first. Maybe he is the love of my life. He is an Aries and conjuncts my Aries Moon. His Moon is Cancer. Love that boy!

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posted September 14, 2007 11:15 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I'm the one with 4th in the 1st. That one is harder for me to tell how it applies to me. One thing that comes to mind though is that I have a very expressive face.

I have this connection, too. Well, technically the ruler of my 4th house is 2 degrees before the ascendant, but this is so damned close, I do feel it in both houseses, I`m sure. But then again it is conjunct to ASC (Mars-point) and Neptune; so even more emphasis on those two (Neptune and Mars).

But I`ve also been told that I have a very expressive face. It`s as you said it, whenever I feel secure and relaxed or at least unobserved, my face reflects all my feelings, sometimes even the feelings of the person I am with.
But I fear I wouldn`t be good at playing poker; I tend to grin too much.
I have noticed that I tend to smile a lot, even in moments I don`t feel like smiling. It is a habit, that stems from my childhood I guess. Whenever someone hit me or hurt me, I started laughing and grinning and smiling (which earned me sometimes another blow in some cases). I even drove my mother insane with it. When she scolded me (she almost never slapped me; I think I can recall only 2 well deserved times), I would stand before her and start laughing, even when I was only 3 or 4.
I guess it was my way of protecting my pride, of showing to the outside world: "You may hit me, until I bleed, but you will not defeat me, and I will not let you see how much you hurt me."
I think, in my case it is connected to Mars, as ruler of the 4th house in 12th house conjuncting ASC and Neptune.
But maybe it is also connected to my rather strong Pluto, because this "You hurt me - and I will just laugh at you"- thing is also an attempt of seizing power in a very unlikely situation, I guess. It was partly a sign of arrogance and an attitude of saying: "You are nothing. And if you hit me, you just show, that you are even less than nothing."
Well, what remained from my childhood, was the habit of smiling too much, even if I don`t feel like it. Must be the involvement of Neptune in my case; I sort of make myself "invisible" or at least "difficult to read", and evoke the impression that I am "harmless", so noone needs to feel threatened by me and thus doesn`t need to pull me into a conflict.
(Neptune in 1st house conjunct ASC I guess).

So we can add a Sun-Venus solstice conjunction to our growing list of shared aspects.

Yes, and it seems we are a golden example of two people with shared aspects.
Sun in Sagittarius
Venus in Capricorn
MErcury in 1st house
Did I forget something?

[quote] Since you have it too, I'm thinking this must be a truly wonderful aspect. My sun & venus are close to being parallel, but not quite...1º30".[quote]
Thank you, but I`m not so sure about it being wonderful. It probably makes my love life even more complicated than it would be without it.
I don`t know if I mentioned it, but my Sun is actually parallel my Venus, too.

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posted September 14, 2007 11:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Does that author consider all solstice points as "weak conjunctions"--the square & opposition too? Is it similar to midpoints, where these "hard" aspects, rather than being disharmonious, allow the planets to impact one another?

Yes, exactly like that. I definitely buy into the conjunct and opposition. I don`t see the logic of the square, but if it works, it works. And it does work.
Even more than in natal astrology I have observed a lot of solstice points in synastry, especially the conjunction and opposition.

I've enjoyed reading your posts very much from the time I first started visiting here.

Thank you.
And I can return the compliment. I`ve always loved the humour of your posts. Always got me grinning.

Unlike saying it now! I'm sure bringing up something you said months & months ago isn't creepy at all!

Not at all! You are always welcome to tell me how great I am. What do you think I am doing myself during those long hours I spend in front of my mirror?
Well, THAT was creepy now, wasn`t it?

Oh, I wanted to tell you something. I just noticed a very constant pattern in the men I found appealing / attractive, even celebrities.
I checked all my major crushes and the more serious attractions, and I found out several things:

in the men`s natal

1. the men had all Mercury in 1st house, mostly in Sagittarius
2. Sagittarius-Ascendant
3. Venus in 1st house (not all, but many)
4. sometimes: a Venus-Neptune-aspect
5. always: a Venus-Pluto or Mars-Pluto-aspect, Mars in Scorpio or Pluto in 1st house
6. Moon in Scorpio, or at the end of Libra (it`s amazing how many of those men have their Moon on 1° - 5° Scorpio; it`s like I am a seismograph for this!)
7. ASC, DSC, MC, or IC in Sagittarius

in the synastry:
1. Venus-Pluto or Mars-Pluto-aspect (mostly the challenging ones)
2. one challenging aspect from Saturn to Sun, Moon or Venus
3. Moon- Uranus-conjunction (my Uranus is on 1° Scorpio)
4. Sometimes Venus and Moon in Taurus, often opposite my Uranus
5. the Venus sign must suit my own Venus sign (so, no fiery Venus-signs for me, please)
6. some Mercury-aspects to personal planets
7. speaking of asteroids: my Juno on 17° Pisces tends to have aspects to personal planets, okay, mainly to Venus and Mars of the men
8. aspects of my Karma to personal planets
9. conjunctions (hard aspects) to my Venus-Mars-mp, mostly by mercury, Karma or a main axis.

Mmh, maybe now I can calculate astrologically a man for me.


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posted September 14, 2007 11:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I liked the book of Arroyo, too. This one about relationships is actually one of my absolute favourites!

I also liked "Venus and Mars" by Roscher, but it`s not easy to get through it. At least it wasn`t when I started reading it. But it definitely grew on me.
Some things he wrote are a tad gloomy and melodramatic, but on the other hand I found some interpretations so fitting, that it actually pained me to see them black on white. Not the truth I wanted to read.
But all in all, the description of the constellations is too dark and too depressing for my taste.
But I really loved the few pages on relationships in the ending of the book. Where he writes that you need to be receptive for an aspect, or you will not feel much, and how people react differently to the same interaspects.


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posted September 14, 2007 01:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Darkdreamer,

By Synastry are most important conjunctions. I have seen it by many people and by my good friend. They have double conjunctions:

a) his JUPITER conjunct her MOON
b) her SATURN conjunct his MOON

There is important SN in conjunction with some personal planet (karmic relationship). I have other experiences that their personal planet was in conjunction with my NN.

His AC is in her DC and other way around (my friend is AC Capricorn, he is AC Cancer).

Her MOON (my sister, happy married) has conjunction with his SUN. More important, than sextile or trine SUN.

There is very often JUPITER or SATURN trine or conjunction with VENUS. Good aspects with SATURN are karmic as well.

To be in love is good to have JUPITER (here you feel immediately some connection with that person), MOON or VENUS in the 1st from other person.

For serious partnership is good to have good planets in 7th house from other person. That partnership lasts for long time, ruler of her 7th should be in good aspect with ruler of his 7th.

Of course, VENUS and MARS in conjunction, sextile or trine (sex life)!

Somebody, who was in Past life her or his partner, has planets in 12th from other person.
And much more (I should draw ideal Synastry Chart).


Sun sign Taurus, AC Libra, Moon in Pisces

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